
Circuits of victory / by A. Lincoln Lavine

Archives, Room Use Only - D639.T4 L38 1921


Catalogue & price list of Post & Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: manufacturers of railway car trimmings, head-lights, lamps, etc., telegraph & telephone instruments & supplies, dealers in all kinds of railway supplies, metals, machinery, brass

Archives, Room Use Only - TK455.P67 1880


The papers of Joseph Henry / Editor: Nathan Reingold. Assistant editors: Stuart Pierson and Arthur P. Molella with the assistance of James M. Hobbins and John R. Kerwood

Archives, Room Use Only - Q143.H6.A2 1972


Oliver Lodge and the invention of radio / edited by Peter Rowlands and J. Patrick Wilson

Archives, Room Use Only - QC16.L63 O45 1994


Wireless explained: the book for officers of the mercantile marine / by Frederick Cross, Lieut. R.N.R., headmaster and operator on the training ship "Mersey"

Archives, Room Use Only - VM480.5.G7 C76 1918


Atlantic sentinel: Newfoundland's role in transatlantic cable communications / by D.R. Tarrant

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.T37 1999


Telephone construction, installation, wiring, operation and maintenance: a treatise describing and illustrating up-to-date methods of telephone practice, including the principles of construction and operation of telephone instruments ... / by W.H. Radclif

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6162.R33 1917


Elementary treatise on electric batteries / from the French of Alfred Niaudet ; translated by L.M. Fishback

Archives, Room Use Only - TK2941.N52313 1880


Délassements instructifs: les télégraphes, les feux de guerre / par M. Arthur Mangin

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.M36 1858


The story of the Atlantic telegraph / by Henry M. Field

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5625.F45 1892


The last grand adventure / William Bronson, with Richard Reinhardt

Archives, Room Use Only - F1095.K5 B76 1977


40 years on the Yukon telegraph / Guy Lawrence

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7818.Y8 L39 1965


Electricity in its application to telegraphy: a practical handbook covering the syllabus of the new technical examination (adopted by the Post Office Telegraph Department) / by T.E. Herbert

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5266.H47 1897


Telegraphic tales and telegraphic history: a popular account of the electric telegraph--its uses, extent and outgrowths / by W.J. Johnson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.J64 1880


The relation of the government to the telegraph, or, A review of the two propositions now pending before Congress for changing the telegraphic service of the country / by David A. Wells ; with appendices

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7781.W44 1873


The Phillips code: a thoroughly tested method of shorthand, arranged for telegraphic purposes, and contemplating the rapid transmission of press reports: also intended to be used as an easily acquired method for general newspaper and court reporting / by

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.P55 1914


Wireless telegraphy popularly explained / by Richard Kerr

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.K47 1903


La télégraphie electrique / par Victor Bois

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.B65 1853


Marvels of invention and scientific puzzles: being a popular account of many useful and interesting inventions and discoveries / by Gaston Tissandier and Henry Frith ; with many illustrations

Archives, Room Use Only - Q164.T5713 1890


Délassements instructifs: les télégraphes, les feux de guerre / Arthur Mangin

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.M36 1890


How to signal by many methods / by J. Gibson, late signalling instructor, R.A.M.C.(T.) ..

Archives, Room Use Only - HE9723.G53 1915


Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and telegraph stations, U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier General George P. Scriven

Archives, Room Use Only - UG603.A76 1915


The settlement of the Alabama question: the banquet given at New York to Her Britannic Majesty's High Commissioners, by Cyrus W. Field: a report edited, with a short introduction / by Justin McCarthy

Archives, Room Use Only - JX238.A7 M33 1871


Postal telegraph: letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a report of G.G. Hubbard, esq. of Boston, relative to the establishment of a cheap system of postal telegraph.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7781.U556 1869


Return to an address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 5 May 1868, for: copy of correspondence and papers relating to the establishment of telegraphic communication between India, Singapore, China and Australia, since the 21st day of February

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8374.G74 1868


The telephone systems of the continent of Europe / A.R. Bennett. The development of the telephone in Europe / Herbert Laws Webb

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6055.B46 1974


Illustrated catalogue and price list no. 13 of telegraph instruments, district telegraph supplies, hotel annunciators, house calls, burglar alarms, patented specialties, &c., &c. / manufactured exclusively by the National Electrical Manufacturing

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5295.N38 1895


Illustrated descriptive catalogue of telegraph instruments & supplies and electrical apparatus: consisting of Morse telegraph instruments, battery and office supplies, line supplies, printing telegraph apparatus, burglar alarms, hotel and house calls,

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5295.W47 1875


Getting the message across: the story of Western Union International, Inc. / Edward A. Gallagher

Archives, Room Use Only - H35.N541 no.896


The electric telegraph: substance of the argument of S.P. Chase before the Supreme Court of the United States, for the appellants in the case of H. O'Reilly, and others vs. S.F.B. Morse, and others, on appeal from the Circuit Court for the District of

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5118.M7 C43 1853


Canada-Australia: further correspondence relating to the proposed construction of a cable across the Pacific Ocean: (in continuation of C. 9283 May, 1899).

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5613.C36 1900


Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report of Secretary of State relative to the relations of certain telegraph and cable companies.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7713.U6 M47 1887


History of radio telegraphy and telephony / George G. Blake

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5711.B53 1974


Communication through the ages: from sign language to television / by Alfred Still

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7631.S75 1946


Kelvin the man: a biographical sketch / by his niece Agnes Gardner King ; with an introduction by Sir Douglas Macalister

Archives, Room Use Only - QC16.K3 K56 1925


Railroad telegraphy and the railroad.: the people, places, unions, events, dates / researched and compiled by Robert W. Betts, AB, NIKPR ; publishing editor Maryann D. Betts

Archives, Room Use Only - TF627.B48 1996


Modern land and submarine telegraphy: a brief up-to-date treatise on the electric telegraph, including the development of the modern methods and equipment / by George S. Macomber

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.M23 1914


The life of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs / by Silvanus P. Thompson

Archives, Room Use Only - QC16.K3 T7 1910


All by wire: a telegraphic explanation of a telepathic union of hearts / by Frank P. Sibley

Archives, Room Use Only - PZ3.S564 A45 1905


Lightning flashes and electric dashes: a volume of choice telegraphic literature, humor, fun, wit & wisdom / compiled by W.J. Johnston ; with contributions from the pens of all prominent writers in the ranks of telegraphic literature, as well as sever

Archives, Room Use Only - PN6231.T4 L54 1882


The transcendental cable: an Atlantic telegraph / by Robert Dalton Harris & Diane DeBlois

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5605.H37 1994


The Atlantic cable / Bern Dibner

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.D5 1959


A testing laboratory in practical operation / by Clayton H. Sharp, Ph.D

Archives, Room Use Only - TK411.S53 1905


Signal tactics: assimilated to the tactics of artillery, cavalry and infantry, prepared for the use of officers and enlisted men of the military and naval forces of the United States and adapted for the use of the National Guards and military academies /

Archives, Room Use Only - UG573.R44 1880


A thrilling and truthful history of the pony express, or, Blazing the westward way: and other sketches and incidents of those stirring times / by William Lightfoot Visscher

Archives, Room Use Only - F594.V57 1946


Extracts from the Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, in relation to the electro-magnetic telegraph.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5118.H5 S66 1858


The story of the first trans-atlantic short wave message: proceedings of the Radio Club of America inc.: 1BCG commemorative issue, October 1950.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6540.S86 1950


Overland explorations in Siberia, northern Asia, and the great Amoor River country: incidental notices of Manchooria, Mongolia, Kamschatka, and Japan: with map and plan of an overland telegraph around the world, via Behring's Strait and Asiatic Russia

Archives, Room Use Only - DK755.C65 1864


Biography of Thomas Davenport: the "Brandon blacksmith", inventor of the electric motor / by Walter Rice Davenport, D.D. ; with an introduction by the Hon. James Hartness

Archives, Room Use Only - TK140.D3 D38 1929


Great facts: a popular history and description of the most remarkable inventions during the present century / by Frederick C. Bakewell

Archives, Room Use Only - T19.B35 1860