pin CBD News: Biodiversity underpins ecosystem functioning and the provisioning of ecosystem services essential for human well-being. By Published On :: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
pin CBD News: In the "Beijing Call for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change", French President Emmanuel Macron and Chinese President Xi Jinping on 6 November reaffirmed their commitments to enhance international cooperation on climate change By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
pin CBD Notification SCBD/SSSF/AS/ML/GD/88414 (2019-114): Tracking Economic Instruments and Finance for Biodiversity: Invitation to contribute data on positive incentives relevant to Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 to the OECD PINE database By Published On :: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
pin High order explicit local time stepping methods for hyperbolic conservation laws By Published On :: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 14:09 EDT Thi-Thao-Phuong Hoang, Lili Ju, Wei Leng and Zhu Wang Math. Comp. 89 (2020), 1807-1842. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
pin How are UK tech startups helping fight coronavirus? By Published On :: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:00:00 GMT Health startups are being corralled by the NHS and the government to point their talents at the COVID-19 pandemic, while others are volunteering services to help stymie the spread of the infectious new disease Full Article
pin FCA delays two-factor online shopping authentication by 6 months By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 07:50:00 GMT The new rule, which will force payments platforms and online retailers to strongly authenticate purchases of £28 or more has been delayed by another six months amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Full Article
pin Detecting mapping spaces By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 13:59 EDT Alyson Bittner Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 2683-2693. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
pin 1st eigenvalue pinching for convex hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 13:59 EDT Yingxiang Hu and Shicheng Xu Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 2609-2615. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
pin The Ricci pinching functional on solvmanifolds II By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 13:59 EDT Jorge Lauret and Cynthia E. Will Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 2601-2607. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
pin Basic Law underpins HK’s success By Published On :: Sat, 04 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0800 On April 4, 1990, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China was adopted by the Seventh National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Basic Law enshrines the basic policies of the PRC regarding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and provides a solid constitutional basis for the implementation of “one country, two systems”. Looking back, we must not forget the purpose and mission of the Basic Law. The Basic Law clearly states that Hong Kong has been part of the territory of China since ancient times and is an inalienable part of the PRC. It is a Special Administrative Region enjoying a high degree of autonomy under the Central People’s Government. Upholding national unity and territorial integrity, maintaining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, and taking account of history and realities, the “one country, two systems” principle was put forth by Mr Deng Xiaoping as a way to preserve the characteristics and strengths of Hong Kong as much as possible and to enable Hong Kong citizens to maintain their way of life. In the 22 years since her return to the motherland, Hong Kong has weathered different challenges and, on the whole, the implementation of “one country, two systems” has been successful. Leveraging on our strengths in free market economy, rule of law, independent judiciary and the free flow of information and with our country’s strong support, Hong Kong has developed into an international financial, trade and transportation centre and attracted more than 9,000 overseas and Mainland companies to establish offices here, with many of them making Hong Kong as their regional headquarters in Asia-Pacific. International financial centreArticle 109 of the Basic Law confirms Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre and stipulates that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall provide an appropriate economic and legal environment for the maintenance of such status. Specifically, under the Basic Law: - The Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender of the HKSAR and the linked exchange rate system has been maintained. With the strong support of the Central Government, Hong Kong has been able to maintain financial stability even during turbulent times. Riding on our country’s reform and opening up, Hong Kong has also developed into the world’s largest offshore renminbi centre. - The free flow of capital is protected and has attracted a large number of foreign direct investment and companies using Hong Kong as an ideal platform for initial public offerings and fundraising. Over the past 10 years, Hong Kong has topped the annual global IPO rankings six times. - Hong Kong maintains a simple and low tax system, which is key to Hong Kong’s success as an international financial, trading and business centre. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is free to implement tax measures according to policy needs under its independent tax system. Since I took office, I have put in place initiatives such as the two-tier profits tax system and tax deduction for research and development expenditure to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness. Rule of law and independent judiciaryThe Basic Law preserves and guarantees Hong Kong’s long-established and trusted common law system and allows the HKSAR to enjoy independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. The rule of law and an independent judiciary, which are held dearly by Hong Kong people, are constitutionally protected. The Basic Law stipulates that judges shall be appointed by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of an independent commission; for the appointment of judges of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) and the Chief Judge of the High Court, the Chief Executive shall obtain the endorsement of the Legislative Council and report such appointment to the Standing Committee of the NPC for the record. Last month, I accepted the recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission to appoint the Honourable Justice Andrew Cheung, Permanent Judge of the CFA, to succeed The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma who will retire next year. The Basic Law also allows the CFA to draw on the experience of judges from other common law jurisdictions. Currently, 15 eminent judges from the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada are sitting on the CFA as non-permanent judges. Their participation shows that our rule of law and independent judiciary are well recognised. Rights and freedoms of residentsThe fundamental rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents are fully protected by the Basic Law. Under Chapter 3, Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of speech, of the press and of publication; freedom of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration; freedom of the person; freedom of communication; freedom of religious belief; freedom of choice of occupation; freedom to engage in academic research, literary and artistic creation, and other cultural activities; freedom of marriage and so forth. However, as pointed out by our courts in their judgments, freedom is not absolute; one should respect the rights and freedoms of other people and be subject to law when exercising such freedoms. Developing external affairsHong Kong has always been a bridge between the East and the West. The Basic Law allows the HKSAR to maintain and develop relations with foreign states and regions and relevant international organisations in the appropriate fields, including economic, trade, financial and monetary, shipping, communications, tourism, cultural and sports fields on its own, using the name Hong Kong, China. The HKSAR has participated in the World Trade Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and many others in the name Hong Kong, China and has entered into hundreds of bilateral agreements with other countries, including Free Trade Agreements, Investment Promotion & Protection Agreements and Comprehensive Double Taxation Agreements. Hong Kong athletes can also represent Hong Kong in international competitions. The implementation of “one country, two systems” fully demonstrates that it is the best institutional arrangement to maintain Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability. As a pioneering initiative, its application entails an evolving process and we have to effectively and fully apply this principle in order to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, to meet the aspirations of our citizens and to meet the fundamental interests of our country. I encourage all Hong Kong citizens to learn more about the Basic Law, including the institutional safeguards, and the rights and duties of Hong Kong residents. In so doing, we should consider how best we can continue to leverage on Hong Kong’s advantages, allowing Hong Kong to advance with the country and enabling every Hong Kong resident to realise their goal. Chief Executive Carrie Lam wrote this op-ed entitled The Basic Law - Best Safeguard for the Prosperity & Stability of Hong Kong on April 4. Full Article
pin The focal adhesion protein kindlin-2 controls mitotic spindle assembly by inhibiting histone deacetylase 6 and maintaining {alpha}-tubulin acetylation [Signal Transduction] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 Kindlins are focal adhesion proteins that regulate integrin activation and outside-in signaling. The kindlin family consists of three members, kindlin-1, -2, and -3. Kindlin-2 is widely expressed in multiple cell types, except those from the hematopoietic lineage. A previous study has reported that the Drosophila Fit1 protein (an ortholog of kindlin-2) prevents abnormal spindle assembly; however, the mechanism remains unknown. Here, we show that kindlin-2 maintains spindle integrity in mitotic human cells. The human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line expresses only kindlin-2, and we found that when SH-SY5Y cells are depleted of kindlin-2, they exhibit pronounced spindle abnormalities and delayed mitosis. Of note, acetylation of α-tubulin, which maintains microtubule flexibility and stability, was diminished in the kindlin-2–depleted cells. Mechanistically, we found that kindlin-2 maintains α-tubulin acetylation by inhibiting the microtubule-associated deacetylase histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) via a signaling pathway involving AKT Ser/Thr kinase (AKT)/glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) or paxillin. We also provide evidence that prolonged hypoxia down-regulates kindlin-2 expression, leading to spindle abnormalities not only in the SH-SY5Y cell line, but also cell lines derived from colon and breast tissues. The findings of our study highlight that kindlin-2 regulates mitotic spindle assembly and that this process is perturbed in cancer cells in a hypoxic environment. Full Article
pin Study shows need for new focus in anti-vaping efforts for older teens and young adults By Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 00:00:00 EDT (Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan) They know it's addictive. They know it's linked to dangerous lung diseases. And they know it delivers more nicotine than the cigarettes it's supposed to replace. But the social aspects of vaping drives young people to use Juul and other e-cigarettes, according to nearly two-thirds of teens and young adults in a new study. Less than 5% say the availability of fruity flavors drives use of e-cigarettes by members of their generation, and only 10% say addiction does. Full Article
pin 3D mapping unlocks a new world By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Residents may have seen a distinctive white car, fitted with advanced imaging and sensory gadgetry, on its journey to create the next generation of Hong Kong maps. As it travels up and down the city’s streets, it records the three-dimensional shapes of buildings ranging from the iconic Convention & Exhibition Centre to the Customs Headquarters Building, and even primary school campuses. The vehicle, dubbed the Mobile Mapping System, is one of the latest technologies used by the Lands Department to survey the city. Five pieces of equipment work in concert to collect detailed information for the 3D City Map - a core component of the digital infrastructure underpinning Hong Kong’s smart city development. A high-resolution camera on top of the vehicle captures 360-degree images and a 3D laser scanner collects spatial measurements. An inertial navigation system and a global navigation satellite system receiver provide precise positioning. Lands Department Assistant Land Surveyor Charlie Hung said one of the biggest advantages of this system is its ability to quickly and efficiently acquire data, which can be used to enrich 3D models and enhance existing maps. “We can enhance the attributed information of our basic map. For example, the lamppost number, the building name or the street number.” Drones are also used to map the city, she added. However, air surveying may not be suitable for collecting data from ground level. This is where the Mobile Mapping System vehicle comes into play. Better dataThe 3D City Map is part of the 3D Digital Map Development, which aims to contribute to an innovative, sustainable and smart Hong Kong. Compared with traditional maps, the 3D City Map can provide more accurate and abundantly better spatial data. The map will cover the entire city by 2023, serving as a handy tool for analysis and planning, according to Lands Department Land Surveyor Ben Fan. He said: “Based on the 3D digital map, we can develop various kinds of applications such as land administration, environmental assessment, town planning and also transport and engineering studies.” The latest transport infrastructures such as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Heung Yuen Wai Highway have also been scanned. In the next stage of the 3D Digital Map Development, the department will create the 3D Indoor Map. As a start, data from 150 buildings in Kowloon East will be collected first before extending to other buildings in the city. The last stage 3D models of objects such as trees and lampposts for city modelling will be produced. Full Article
pin University of Houston researcher developing device to treat babies with blood disorders By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 00:00:00 EDT (University of Houston) A University of Houston biomedical researcher is developing a new device to treat babies with blood disorders, because current technology is designed for adults. The ability to perform lifesaving leukapheresis safely and effectively in these most vulnerable pediatric patients will significantly increase their access to highly effective cell-based therapies. Full Article
pin Researcher developing cutting-edge solution for wind energy By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 EDT (University of Massachusetts Lowell) A UMass Lowell researcher investigating how to identify damage in wind turbines before they fail has received $1.4 million to develop a solution. Full Article
pin Carbon footprint hotspots: Mapping China's export-driven emissions By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 00:00:00 EDT (University of Michigan) The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted just how reliant the United States and other countries are on Chinese manufacturing, with widespread shortages of protective medical gear produced there. Full Article
pin From DSME to DSMS: Developing Empowerment-Based Diabetes Self-Management Support By Published On :: 2007-10-01 Martha Mitchell FunnellOct 1, 2007; 20:221-226Articles Full Article
pin Interview-Based Customer Insights in Developing Countries By Published On :: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 17:00:28 +0000 What are the opportunities and challenges of collecting consumer insights in developing countries—and how can the challenges be overcome? Full Article
pin The testis-specific LINC component SUN3 is essential for sperm head shaping during mouse spermiogenesis [Cell Biology] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Sperm head shaping is a key event in spermiogenesis and is tightly controlled via the acrosome–manchette network. Linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complexes consist of Sad1 and UNC84 domain–containing (SUN) and Klarsicht/ANC-1/Syne-1 homology (KASH) domain proteins and form conserved nuclear envelope bridges implicated in transducing mechanical forces from the manchette to sculpt sperm nuclei into a hook-like shape. However, the role of LINC complexes in sperm head shaping is still poorly understood. Here we assessed the role of SUN3, a testis-specific LINC component harboring a conserved SUN domain, in spermiogenesis. We show that CRISPR/Cas9-generated Sun3 knockout male mice are infertile, displaying drastically reduced sperm counts and a globozoospermia-like phenotype, including a missing, mislocalized, or fragmented acrosome, as well as multiple defects in sperm flagella. Further examination revealed that the sperm head abnormalities are apparent at step 9 and that the sperm nuclei fail to elongate because of the absence of manchette microtubules and perinuclear rings. These observations indicate that Sun3 deletion likely impairs the ability of the LINC complex to transduce the cytoskeletal force to the nuclear envelope, required for sperm head elongation. We also found that SUN3 interacts with SUN4 in mouse testes and that the level of SUN4 proteins is drastically reduced in Sun3-null mice. Altogether, our results indicate that SUN3 is essential for sperm head shaping and male fertility, providing molecular clues regarding the underlying pathology of the globozoospermia-like phenotype. Full Article
pin Mapping prostate cancer lesions pre/post unsuccessful salvage lymph node dissection using repeat PSMA-PET By Published On :: 2019-12-05T10:37:41-08:00 Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze patterns of persistent versus recurrent or new PET lesions in a selected patient cohort with PSA persistence following salvage lymph node dissection (SLND) and pre/post procedure prostate-specific membrane antigen ligand positron emission tomography (PSMA-PET). Material and Methods: 16 patients were included in this multicenter study. Inclusion criteria were: a) PSMA-PET performed for biochemical recurrence before SLND (pre-SLND PET) and b) repeat PSMA-PET performed for persistently elevated PSA level (≥0.1 ng/mL) ≥6 weeks after SLND (post-SLND PET). Image analysis was performed by three independent nuclear medicine physicians applying the molecular imaging TNM system PROMISE. Lesions were confirmed by histopathology, presence on correlative CT/MRI/bone scan or PSA response after focal therapy. Results: post-SLND PET identified PCa-lesions in 88% (14/16) of patients with PSA persistence after SLND. Median PSA was 1.2 ng/mL (IQR, 0.6-2.8 ng/mL). Disease was confined to the pelvis in 56% of patients (9/16) and most of these men had common iliac (6/16, 38%) and internal iliac lymph node metastases (6/16, 38%). Extrapelvic disease was detected in 31% of patients (5/16). In pre- and post-SLND PET comparison, 10/16 had at least one lesion already detected at baseline (63% PET persistence); 4/16 had new lesions only (25% PET recurrence); 2 had no disease on post-SLND PET. All validated regions (11 regions in 9 patients) were true positive. 9/14 (64%) patients underwent repeat local therapies after SLND (7/14 radiotherapy, 2/14 surgery). Conclusion: SLND of pelvic nodal metastases was often not complete according to PSMA-PET. About two thirds of patients had PET positive nodal disease after SLND already seen on pre-SLND PSMA-PET. Notably, about one quarter of patients had new lesions, not detected by pre-surgical PSMA-PET. Full Article
pin Positron lymphography via intracervical 18F-FDG injection for pre-surgical lymphatic mapping in cervical and endometrial malignancies By Published On :: 2020-01-10T04:59:09-08:00 Rationale: The presence of metastasis in local lymph nodes (LNs) is a key factor influencing choice of therapy and prognosis in cervical and endometrial cancers; therefore, the exploration of sentinel LNs (SLNs) is highly important. Currently, however, SLN mapping requires LN biopsy for pathologic evaluation, since there are no clinical imaging approaches that can identify tumor-positive LNs in early stages. Staging lymphadenectomy poses risks, such as leg lymphedema or lymphocyst formation. Furthermore, in 80% to 90% of patients, the explored LNs are ultimately tumor free, meaning the vast majority of patients are unnecessarily subjected to lymphadenectomy. Methods: Current lymphoscintigraphy methods only identify the anatomic location of the SLNs but do not provide information on their tumor status. There are no non-invasive methods to reliably identify metastases in LNs before surgery. We have developed positron lymphography (PLG), a method to detect tumor-positive LNs, where 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) is injected interstitially into the uterine cervix the day of surgery, and its rapid transport through the lymphatic vessels to the SLN is then visualized with dynamic positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). We previously showed that PLG was able to identify metastatic LNs in animal models. Here, we present the first results from our pilot clinical trial (clinical trials identifier NCT02285192) in 23 patients with uterine or cervical cancer. On the morning of surgery, 18F-FDG was injected into the cervix, followed by an immediate dynamic PET/CT scan of the pelvis and a delayed 1-h whole body scan. Results: There were 3 (15%) node-positive cases on final pathologic analysis, and all LNs (including one with a focus of only 80 tumor cells) were identified by PLG except one node with an 11-mm micrometastasis. There were 2 (10%) false-positive cases with PLG, in which final pathology of the corresponding SLNs was negative for tumor. Methods: Current lymphoscintigraphy methods only identify the anatomic location of the SLNs but do not provide information on their tumor status. There are no non-invasive methods to reliably identify metastases in LNs before surgery. We have developed positron lymphography (PLG), a method to detect tumor-positive LNs, where 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) is injected interstitially into the uterine cervix the day of surgery, and its rapid transport through the lymphatic vessels to the SLN is then visualized with dynamic positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). We previously showed that PLG was able to identify metastatic LNs in animal models. Here, we present the first results from our pilot clinical trial (clinical trials identifier NCT02285192) in 23 patients with uterine or cervical cancer. On the morning of surgery, 18F-FDG was injected into the cervix, followed by an immediate dynamic PET/CT scan of the pelvis and a delayed 1-h whole body scan. Results: There were 3 (15%) node-positive cases on final pathologic analysis, and all LNs (including one with a focus of only 80 tumor cells) were identified by PLG, except for one node with an 11-mm micrometastasis. There were 2 (10%) false-positive cases with PLG, in which final pathology of the corresponding SLNs was negative for tumor. Conclusion: This first-in-human study of PLG in women with uterine and cervical cancer demonstrates its feasibility and its ability to identify patients with nodal metastases, and warrants further evaluation in additional studies. Full Article
pin Light-induced radiosynthesis of 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab for imaging the hepatocyte growth factor receptor By Published On :: 2020-01-10T04:59:09-08:00 Methods that provide rapid access to radiolabeled antibodies are vital in the development of diagnostic and radiotherapeutic agents for positron emission tomography (PET) or radioimmunotherapy. The human hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-MET) signaling pathway is dysregulated in a number of malignancies including gastric cancer, and is an important biomarker in drug discovery. Here, we used a photoradiochemical approach to produce 89Zr-radiolabeled onartuzumab (a monovalent, anti-human c-MET antibody), starting directly from the fully formulated drug (MetMAb). Methods: Simultaneous 89Zr-radiolabeling and protein conjugation was performed in one-pot reactions containing 89Zr-oxalate, the photoactive chelate DFO-aryl azide (DFO-ArN3) and MetMAb to give 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab. As a control, 89ZrDFO-Bn-NCS-onartuzumab was prepared via a conventional two-step process using pre-purified onartuzumab and DFO-Bn-NCS. Radiotracers were purified by using size-exclusion methods and evaluated by radiochromatography. Radiochemical stability was studied in human serum and immunoreactivity was determined by cellular binding assays using MKN-45 gastric carcinoma cells. PET imaging at multiple time points (0–72 h) was performed in female athymic nude mice bearing subcutaneous MKN-45 xenografts. Biodistribution experiments were performed after the final image. Tumor specificity of 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab was assessed by competitive inhibition (blocking) studies. Results: Initial photoradiosynthesis experiments produced 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab in <15 min. with an isolated decay-corrected radiochemical yield (RCY) of 24.8%, a radiochemical purity (RCP) ~90% and a molar activity (Am) of ~1.5 MBq nmol-1. Reaction optimization improved the radiochemical conversion (RCC) of 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab to 56.9±4.1% (n = 3), with isolated RCYs of 41.2±10.6% (n = 3), and RCPs >90%. Conventional methods produced 89ZrDFO-Bn-NCS-onartuzumab with isolated RCY >97%, RCP >97% and Am ~14.0 MBq nmol-1. Both radiotracers were immunoreactive and stable in human serum. PET imaging and biodistribution studies showed high tumor uptake for both radiotracers. By 72 h, tumor and liver uptake reached 15.37±5.21 %ID g-1, 6.56±4.03 %ID g-1, respectively for 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab (n = 4), and 21.38±11.57 %ID g-1 and 18.84±6.03 %ID g-1 for 89ZrDFO-Bn-NCS-onartuzumab (n = 4). Blocking experiments gave a statistically significant reduction in tumor uptake (6.34±0.47 %ID g-1) of 89ZrDFO-azepin-onartuzumab (n = 4). Conclusion: Experiments demonstrate that photoradiosynthesis is a viable alternative approach for producing 89Zr-radiolabeled antibodies direct in protein formulation buffer which reduces protein aggregation and liver uptake. Full Article
pin 11C-(+)-PHNO Trapping Reversibility for Quantitative PET Imaging of Beta-Cell-Mass in Patients with Type-1 Diabetes By Published On :: 2020-01-10T04:59:09-08:00 Full Article
pin Individual mapping of innate immune cell activation is a candidate marker of patient-specific trajectories of disability worsening in Multiple Sclerosis By Published On :: 2020-01-31T13:36:41-08:00 Objective: To develop a novel approach to generate individual maps of white matter (WM) innate immune cell activation using 18F-DPA-714 translocator protein (TSPO) positron emission tomography (PET), and to explore the relationship between these maps and individual trajectories of disability worsening in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: Patients with MS (n = 37), whose trajectories of disability worsening over the 2 years preceding study entry were calculated, and healthy controls (n = 19) underwent magnetic resonance magnetic and 18F-DPA-714 PET. A threshold of significant activation of 18F-DPA-714 binding was calculated with a voxel-wise randomized permutation-based comparison between patients and controls, and used to classify each WM voxel in patients as characterized by a significant activation of innate immune cells (DPA+) or not. Individual maps of innate immune cell activation in the WM were employed to calculate the extent of activation in WM regions-of-interests and to classify each WM lesion as "DPA-active", "DPA-inactive" or "unclassified". Results: Compared with the WM of healthy controls, patients with MS had a significantly higher percentage of DPA+ voxels in the normal-appearing WM, (NAWM in patients=24.9±9.7%; WM in controls=14.0±7.8%, p<0.001). In patients with MS, the percentage of DPA+ voxels showed a significant increase from NAWM, to perilesional areas, T2 hyperintense lesions and T1 hypointense lesions (38.1±13.5%, 45.0±17.9%, and 51.9±22.9%, respectively, p<0.001). Among the 1379 T2 lesions identified, 512 were defined as DPA-active and 258 as DPA-inactive. A higher number of lesions classified as DPA-active (OR=1.13, P = 0.009), a higher percentage of DPA+ voxels in the NAWM (OR=1.16, P = 0.009) and in T1-spin-echo lesions (OR=1.06, P = 0.036), were significantly associated with a retrospective more severe clinical trajectory in patients with MS. Conclusion: A more severe trajectory of disability worsening in MS is associated with an innate immune cells activation inside and around WM lesions. 18F-DPA-714 PET may provide a promising biomarker to identify patients at risk of severe clinical trajectory. Full Article
pin Reshaping the amyloid buildup curve in Alzheimer's disease? - Partial volume effect correction of longitudinal amyloid PET data By Published On :: 2020-05-01T11:16:57-07:00 It was hypothesized that the brain β-amyloid buildup curve plateaus at an early symptomatic Alzheimer's disease (AD) stage. Atrophy-related partial volume effects (PVEs) degrade signal in hot-spot imaging techniques, such as amyloid positron emission tomography (PET). This longitudinal analysis of amyloid-sensitive PET data investigated the shape of the β-amyloid curve in AD applying PVE correction (PVEC). We analyzed baseline and 2-year follow-up data of 216 symptomatic individuals on the AD continuum (positive amyloid status) enrolled in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (17 AD dementia, 199 mild cognitive impairment), including 18F-florbetapir PET, magnetic resonance imaging and mini mental state examination (MMSE) scores. For PVEC, the modified Müller-Gärtner method was performed. Compared to non-PVE-corrected data, PVE-corrected data yielded significantly higher regional and composite standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) changes over time (P=0.0002 for composite SUVRs). Longitudinal SUVR changes in relation to MMSE decreases showed a significantly higher slope of the regression line in the PVE-corrected as compared to the non-PVE-corrected PET data (F=7.1, P=0.008). These PVEC results indicate that the β-amyloid buildup curve does not plateau at an early symptomatic disease stage. A further evaluation of the impact of PVEC on the in-vivo characterization of time-dependent AD pathology, including the reliable assessment and comparison of other amyloid tracers, is warranted. Full Article
pin POSTPONED: UN Peacekeeping in Africa: Insights from Successes and Failures of the Past By Published On :: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 14:30:01 +0000 Research Event 10 March 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Alan Doss, President, Kofi Annan Foundation With Africa hosting half of the UN peacekeeping missions currently in operation and more than 80 per cent of the UN’s peacekeepers, it is clear that crisis management and conflict resolution on the continent remain key priorities. However, traditional international supporters, notably Canada and the United States, have reduced their financial support for peacekeeping in recent years. Together with frequent reports on peacekeeping abuse, declining support is proving disruptive for the maintenance and predictability of UN missions.At this event, which will launch the book A Peacekeeper in Africa: Learning from UN Interventions in Other People’s Wars, Alan Doss will reflect on past UN peacekeeping missions in Africa and will consider how lessons learned might help to improve future UN peace operations.PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Department/project Africa Programme, African Peace and Security, Foreign Relations and Africa’s Agency in the International System Sahar Eljack Programme Administrator, Africa Programme + 44 (0) 20 7314 3660 Email Full Article
pin Discovery of Species-unique Peptide Biomarkers of Bacterial Pathogens by Tandem Mass Spectrometry-based Proteotyping [Research] By Published On :: 2020-03-01T00:05:26-08:00 Mass spectrometry (MS) and proteomics offer comprehensive characterization and identification of microorganisms and discovery of protein biomarkers that are applicable for diagnostics of infectious diseases. The use of biomarkers for diagnostics is widely applied in the clinic and the use of peptide biomarkers is increasingly being investigated for applications in the clinical laboratory. Respiratory-tract infections are a predominant cause for medical treatment, although, clinical assessments and standard clinical laboratory protocols are time-consuming and often inadequate for reliable diagnoses. Novel methods, preferably applied directly to clinical samples, excluding cultivation steps, are needed to improve diagnostics of infectious diseases, provide adequate treatment and reduce the use of antibiotics and associated development of antibiotic resistance. This study applied nano-liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with tandem MS, with a bioinformatics pipeline and an in-house database of curated high-quality reference genome sequences to identify species-unique peptides as potential biomarkers for four bacterial pathogens commonly found in respiratory tract infections (RTIs): Staphylococcus aureus; Moraxella catarrhalis; Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The species-unique peptides were initially identified in pure cultures of bacterial reference strains, reflecting the genomic variation in the four species and, furthermore, in clinical respiratory tract samples, without prior cultivation, elucidating proteins expressed in clinical conditions of infection. For each of the four bacterial pathogens, the peptide biomarker candidates most predominantly found in clinical samples, are presented. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD014522. As proof-of-principle, the most promising species-unique peptides were applied in targeted tandem MS-analyses of clinical samples and their relevance for identifications of the pathogens, i.e. proteotyping, was validated, thus demonstrating their potential as peptide biomarker candidates for diagnostics of infectious diseases. Full Article
pin Public service to ban paper in boxes: New digital policy to make sweeping reforms across APS By Published On :: Sat, 31 Oct 2015 10:34:24 GMT One powerful agency head warns against "tyranny of small person" as sweeping reforms released for public service. Full Article
pin Brexit identities and British public opinion on China By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 09:17:46 +0000 6 November 2019 , Volume 95, Number 6 Read online Wilfred M. Chow, Enze Han and Xiaojun Li Many studies have explored the importance of public opinion in British foreign policy decision-making, especially when it comes to the UK's relations with the United States and the European Union. Despite its importance, there is a dearth of research on public opinion about British foreign policy towards other major players in the international system, such as emerging powers like China. We have addressed this knowledge gap by conducting a public opinion survey in the UK after the Brexit referendum. Our research findings indicate that the British public at large finds China's rise disconcerting, but is also pragmatic in its understanding of how the ensuing bilateral relations should be managed. More importantly, our results show that views on China are clearly split between the two opposing Brexit identities. Those who subscribe strongly to the Leave identity, measured by their aversion to the EU and antipathy towards immigration, are also more likely to hold negative perceptions of Chinese global leadership and be more suspicious of China as a military threat. In contrast, those who espouse a Remain identity—that is, believe that Britain would be better served within the EU and with more immigrants—are more likely to prefer closer engagement with China and to have a more positive outlook overall on China's place within the global community. Full Article
pin Episode 81 - The Internet of Cashierless Shopping (IoCS) Open banking, Qualcomm fines and Amazon Go By Published On :: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 16:00:00 GMT This week host Charlotte Jee breaks down open banking with Computerworld UK editor Scott Carey: what is it and why should we care? Then audience development editor Christina Mercer explains why chip-maker Qualcomm has been fined nearly €1 billion and the EU's sustained attack on big tech (12:00)Last up is senior staff writer at Tech Advisor Dom Preston to talk about Amazon's revolutionary concept Go store opening in Seattle and if this is really the future of shopping (20:00). See for privacy and opt-out information. Full Article
pin The Hurdles to Developing a COVID-19 Vaccine: Why International Cooperation is Needed By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 09:26:36 +0000 23 April 2020 Professor David Salisbury CB Associate Fellow, Global Health Programme LinkedIn Dr Champa Patel Director, Asia-Pacific Programme @patel_champa While the world pins its hopes on vaccines to prevent COVID-19, there are scientific, regulatory and market hurdles to overcome. Furthermore, with geopolitical tensions and nationalistic approaches, there is a high risk that the most vulnerable will not get the life-saving interventions they need. 2020-04-23-Covid-Vaccine.jpg A biologist works on the virus inactivation process in Belo Horizonte, Brazil on 24 March 2020. The Brazilian Ministry of Health convened The Technological Vaccine Center to conduct research on COVID-19 in order to diagnose, test and develop a vaccine. Photo: Getty Images. On 10 January 2020, Chinese scientists released the sequence of the COVID-19 genome on the internet. This provided the starting gun for scientists around the world to start developing vaccines or therapies. With at least 80 different vaccines in development, many governments are pinning their hopes on a quick solution. However, there are many hurdles to overcome. Vaccine developmentFirstly, vaccine development is normally a very long process to ensure vaccines are safe and effective before they are used. Safety is not a given: a recent dengue vaccine caused heightened disease in vaccinated children when they later were exposed to dengue, while Respiratory Syncytial Virus vaccine caused the same problem. Nor is effectiveness a given. Candidate vaccines that use novel techniques where minute fragments of the viruses’ genetic code are either injected directly into humans or incorporated into a vaccine (as is being pursued, or could be pursued for COVID-19) have higher risks of failure simply because they haven’t worked before. For some vaccines, we know what levels of immunity post-vaccination are likely to be protective. This is not the case for coronavirus. Clinical trials will have to be done for efficacy. This is not optional – regulators will need to know extensive testing has taken place before licencing any vaccine. Even if animal tests are done in parallel with early human tests, the remainder of the process is still lengthy. There is also great interest in the use of passive immunization, whereby antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (collected from people who have recovered from infection or laboratory-created) are given to people who are currently ill. Antivirals may prove to be a quicker route than vaccine development, as the testing requirements would be shorter, manufacturing may be easier and only ill people would need to be treated, as opposed to all at-risk individuals being vaccinated.Vaccine manufacturingDevelopers, especially small biotechs, will have to make partnerships with large vaccine manufacturers in order to bring products to market. One notorious bottleneck in vaccine development is getting from proof-of-principle to commercial development: about 95 per cent of vaccines fail at this step. Another bottleneck is at the end of production. The final stages of vaccine production involve detailed testing to ensure that the vaccine meets the necessary criteria and there are always constraints on access to the technologies necessary to finalize the product. Only large vaccine manufacturers have these capacities. There is a graveyard of failed vaccine candidates that have not managed to pass through this development and manufacturing process.Another consideration is adverse or unintended consequences. Highly specialized scientists may have to defer their work on other new vaccines to work on COVID-19 products and production of existing products may have to be set aside, raising the possibility of shortages of other essential vaccines. Cost is another challenge. Vaccines for industrialized markets can be very lucrative for pharmaceutical companies, but many countries have price caps on vaccines. Important lessons have been learned from the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic when industrialized countries took all the vaccines first. Supplies were made available to lower-income countries at a lower price but this was much later in the evolution of the pandemic. For the recent Ebola outbreaks, vaccines were made available at low or no cost. Geopolitics may also play a role. Should countries that manufacture a vaccine share it widely with other countries or prioritize their own populations first? It has been reported that President Trump attempted to purchase CureVac, a German company with a candidate vaccine. There are certainly precedents for countries prioritizing their own populations. With H1N1 flu in 2009, the Australian Government required a vaccine company to meet the needs of the Australian population first. Vaccine distributionGlobal leadership and a coordinated and coherent response will be needed to ensure that any vaccine is distributed equitably. There have been recent calls for a G20 on health, but existing global bodies such as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and GAVI are working on vaccines and worldwide access to them. Any new bodies should seek to boost funding for these entities so they can ensure products reach the most disadvantaged. While countries that cannot afford vaccines may be priced out of markets, access for poor, vulnerable or marginalized peoples, whether in developed or developing countries, is of concern. Developing countries are at particular risk from the impacts of COVID-19. People living in conflict-affected and fragile states – whether they are refugees or asylum seekers, internally displaced or stateless, or in detention facilities – are at especially high risk of devastating impacts. Mature economies will also face challenges. Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccine will be challenging where inequalities and unequal access to essential services have been compromised within some political systems. The need for global leadership There is an urgent need for international coordination on COVID-19 vaccines. While the WHO provides technical support and UNICEF acts as a procurement agency, responding to coronavirus needs clarity of global leadership that arches over national interests and is capable of mobilizing resources at a time when economies are facing painful recessions. We see vaccines as a salvation but remain ill-equipped to accelerate their development.While everyone hopes for rapid availability of safe, effective and affordable vaccines that will be produced in sufficient quantities to meet everyone’s needs, realistically, we face huge hurdles. Full Article
pin Problem Notes for SAS®9 - 65031: Grid options set mappings are returned based on which option set is the first in the metadata search chain By Published On :: Tue, 5 May 2020 15:04:46 EST When users are defined in multiple groups associated with grid options set mappings, the first grid option set that is returned by the metadata search chain takes precedence. Only one grid options set mapping is used Full Article GRIDMGR+SAS+Grid+Manager
pin Repurposing Doxepin to Ameliorate Steatosis and Hyperglycemia by Activating FAM3A Signaling Pathway By Published On :: 2020-05-07T08:35:09-07:00 Mitochondrial protein FAM3A suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis. This study aimed to screen drug(s) that activates FAM3A expression and evaluate its effect(s) on hyperglycemia and steatosis. Drug-repurposing methodology predicted that antidepressive drug doxepin was among the drugs that potentially activated FAM3A expression. Doxepin was further validated to stimulate the translocation of transcription factor HNF4α from the cytoplasm into the nucleus, where it promoted FAM3A transcription to enhance ATP synthesis, suppress gluconeogenesis, and reduce lipid deposition in hepatocytes. HNF4α antagonism or FAM3A deficiency blunted doxepin-induced suppression on gluconeogenesis and lipid deposition in hepatocytes. Doxepin administration attenuated hyperglycemia, steatosis, and obesity in obese diabetic mice with upregulated FAM3A expression in liver and brown adipose tissues (BAT). Notably, doxepin failed to correct dysregulated glucose and lipid metabolism in FAM3A-deficient mice fed on high-fat diet. Doxepin’s effects on ATP production, Akt activation, gluconeogenesis, and lipogenesis repression were also blunted in FAM3A-deficient mouse livers. In conclusion, FAM3A is a therapeutic target for diabetes and steatosis. Antidepressive drug doxepin activates FAM3A signaling pathways in liver and BAT to improve hyperglycemia and steatosis of obese diabetic mice. Doxepin might be preferentially recommended as an antidepressive drug in potential treatment of patients with diabetes complicated with depression. Full Article
pin The focal adhesion protein kindlin-2 controls mitotic spindle assembly by inhibiting histone deacetylase 6 and maintaining {alpha}-tubulin acetylation [Signal Transduction] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 Kindlins are focal adhesion proteins that regulate integrin activation and outside-in signaling. The kindlin family consists of three members, kindlin-1, -2, and -3. Kindlin-2 is widely expressed in multiple cell types, except those from the hematopoietic lineage. A previous study has reported that the Drosophila Fit1 protein (an ortholog of kindlin-2) prevents abnormal spindle assembly; however, the mechanism remains unknown. Here, we show that kindlin-2 maintains spindle integrity in mitotic human cells. The human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line expresses only kindlin-2, and we found that when SH-SY5Y cells are depleted of kindlin-2, they exhibit pronounced spindle abnormalities and delayed mitosis. Of note, acetylation of α-tubulin, which maintains microtubule flexibility and stability, was diminished in the kindlin-2–depleted cells. Mechanistically, we found that kindlin-2 maintains α-tubulin acetylation by inhibiting the microtubule-associated deacetylase histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) via a signaling pathway involving AKT Ser/Thr kinase (AKT)/glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) or paxillin. We also provide evidence that prolonged hypoxia down-regulates kindlin-2 expression, leading to spindle abnormalities not only in the SH-SY5Y cell line, but also cell lines derived from colon and breast tissues. The findings of our study highlight that kindlin-2 regulates mitotic spindle assembly and that this process is perturbed in cancer cells in a hypoxic environment. Full Article
pin Genetic lineage tracing with multiple DNA recombinases: A user's guide for conducting more precise cell fate mapping studies [Methods and Resources] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Site-specific recombinases, such as Cre, are a widely used tool for genetic lineage tracing in the fields of developmental biology, neural science, stem cell biology, and regenerative medicine. However, nonspecific cell labeling by some genetic Cre tools remains a technical limitation of this recombination system, which has resulted in data misinterpretation and led to many controversies in the scientific community. In the past decade, to enhance the specificity and precision of genetic targeting, researchers have used two or more orthogonal recombinases simultaneously for labeling cell lineages. Here, we review the history of cell-tracing strategies and then elaborate on the working principle and application of a recently developed dual genetic lineage-tracing approach for cell fate studies. We place an emphasis on discussing the technical strengths and caveats of different methods, with the goal to develop more specific and efficient tracing technologies for cell fate mapping. Our review also provides several examples for how to use different types of DNA recombinase–mediated lineage-tracing strategies to improve the resolution of the cell fate mapping in order to probe and explore cell fate–related biological phenomena in the life sciences. Full Article
pin The testis-specific LINC component SUN3 is essential for sperm head shaping during mouse spermiogenesis [Cell Biology] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Sperm head shaping is a key event in spermiogenesis and is tightly controlled via the acrosome–manchette network. Linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complexes consist of Sad1 and UNC84 domain–containing (SUN) and Klarsicht/ANC-1/Syne-1 homology (KASH) domain proteins and form conserved nuclear envelope bridges implicated in transducing mechanical forces from the manchette to sculpt sperm nuclei into a hook-like shape. However, the role of LINC complexes in sperm head shaping is still poorly understood. Here we assessed the role of SUN3, a testis-specific LINC component harboring a conserved SUN domain, in spermiogenesis. We show that CRISPR/Cas9-generated Sun3 knockout male mice are infertile, displaying drastically reduced sperm counts and a globozoospermia-like phenotype, including a missing, mislocalized, or fragmented acrosome, as well as multiple defects in sperm flagella. Further examination revealed that the sperm head abnormalities are apparent at step 9 and that the sperm nuclei fail to elongate because of the absence of manchette microtubules and perinuclear rings. These observations indicate that Sun3 deletion likely impairs the ability of the LINC complex to transduce the cytoskeletal force to the nuclear envelope, required for sperm head elongation. We also found that SUN3 interacts with SUN4 in mouse testes and that the level of SUN4 proteins is drastically reduced in Sun3-null mice. Altogether, our results indicate that SUN3 is essential for sperm head shaping and male fertility, providing molecular clues regarding the underlying pathology of the globozoospermia-like phenotype. Full Article
pin Developing a vaccine against Zika By Published On :: Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 16:26 Full Article
pin The Security Council's peacekeeping trilemma By Published On :: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 13:34:10 +0000 4 March 2020 , Volume 96, Number 2 Paul D. Williams Read Online The United Nations (UN) Security Council is stuck in a peacekeeping trilemma. This is a situation where the Council's three strategic goals for peacekeeping operations—implementing broad mandates, minimizing peacekeeper casualties and maximizing cost-effectiveness—cannot be achieved simultaneously. This trilemma stems from longstanding competing pressures on how the Council designs UN peacekeeping operations as well as political divisions between peacekeeping's three key groups of stakeholders: the states that authorize peacekeeping mandates, those that provide most of the personnel and field capabilities, and those that pay the majority of the bill. Fortunately, the most negative consequences of the trilemma can be mitigated and perhaps even transcended altogether. Mitigation would require the Council to champion and implement four main reforms: improving peacekeeper performance, holding peacekeepers accountable for misdeeds, adopting prioritized and sequenced mandates, and strengthening the financial basis for UN peacekeeping. Transcending the trilemma would require a more fundamental reconfiguration of the key stakeholder groups in order to create much greater unity of effort behind a re-envisaged peacekeeping enterprise. This is highly unlikely in the current international political context. Full Article
pin The US Role in Shaping World Trade By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:45:01 +0000 Webinar Research Event 21 May 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pmAdd to CalendariCalendar Outlook Google Yahoo Clete Willems, Partner, Akin Gump; Deputy Director, US National Economic Council, 2018 - 19Chair: Marianne Schneider-Petsinger, Senior Research Fellow, US and Americas Programme, Chatham House This event is part of the Chatham House Global Trade Policy Forum and will take place virtually only.We would like to take this opportunity to thank founding partner AIG and supporting partners Clifford Chance LLP, Diageo plc, and EY for their generous support of the Chatham House Global Trade Policy Forum.Please note this event is taking place between 2pm to 3pm BST. Department/project US and the Americas Programme, Global Trade Policy Forum Full Article
pin Virtual Roundtable: As COVID-19 Hits the Developing World, Where is the American-led Global Response? By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 11:05:01 +0000 Research Event 9 June 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pmAdd to CalendariCalendar Outlook Google Yahoo Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Chairman, SGO; Former Deputy Secretary-General and Chief of Staff, United NationsDr Elizabeth Cousens, President and CEO, United Nations FoundationAmbassador Nicholas Burns, Roy and Barbara Goodman Family Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School; US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, 2005 – 2008Chair: Dr Leslie Vinjamuri, Director, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House This event is part of the US and Americas Programme Inaugural Virtual Roundtable Series on the US and the State of the World and will take place virtually only.This event will take place from 14:00 – 15:00 BST. US and Americas Programme Email Department/project US and the Americas Programme Full Article
pin Ukraine’s Reform Agenda: Shaping the Future By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 10:00:01 +0000 Members Event 21 November 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Oleksiy Honcharuk, Prime Minister, UkraineChair: Robert Brinkley, Chairman, Steering Committee, Ukraine Forum, Chatham House In 2019, Ukraine underwent another revolution five years since the previous one – this time through the ballot box. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his party, Servant of the People, won an overwhelming majority giving them a large mandate for change, especially for economic growth and anti-corruption reform.Looking beyond electoral promises, Ukraine’s prime minister, Oleksiy Honcharuk, presents the plans and vision of the new government.What are the key priorities of the new Cabinet? How will they go about delivering on the structural reforms that underpin economic growth, not least strengthening the rule of law? What is the path to steady economic growth? What are the internal and external risks en route and how can the West best assist in Ukraine’s reform agenda? Department/project Ukraine Forum Members Events Team Email Full Article
pin Happiness By Published On :: Wed, 24 May 2017 13:19:35 +0000 Microsoft, Houston, Com Check, Com Check! Challenger and Columbia, are One and the same thing, People died on the way up and on the down opening Space, So do not blame America. Be better. -picture-– -short evocative poetry- Full Article Poetry emerging nations exploration NASA poetry space
pin another chance at happiness By Published On :: Thu, 25 May 2017 19:56:56 +0000 give me goodseed and I’ll plant it by the roadside. give me water and I will tend it, goodseed, grow it give me laughter and I will turn it, and live it with goodheart, and love it in goodlight, like softlight on bone. -♦Photo – Gottfried Helnwein♦- -short, evocative poetry- Full Article Poetry poem poetry spirit
pin Implications of climate change for the UN Security Council: mapping the range of potential policy responses By Published On :: Fri, 06 Nov 2015 14:06:18 +0000 6 November 2015 , Volume 91, Number 6 Shirley V. Scott Full Article
pin Vox Pop: Coping with college and career in quarantine By Published On :: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 00:14:28 -0500 It is definitely a make-or-break season for those trying to balance career and COVID-19 at home. For some, it is the ideal time to reconnect with themselves, family members and get creative with work. While with others, the cookie crumbles and they... Full Article
pin Markakis enjoys reaping rewards of dedication By Published On :: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 16:07:38 EDT Braves manager Brian Snitker joked that he could almost detect a smile as he shared a phone conversation with Nick Markakis after the stoic outfielder re-signed with the club in January. Snitker and others actually saw that smile on Tuesday morning, when Markakis reported to Spring Training to begin his fifth season with the Braves and attempt to push the club past the rebuild he positively enriched through his leadership. Full Article
pin Christmas 2016 - Health and happiness By Published On :: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 11:59:28 +0000 Underneath all of our civilisation and science, we’re still primates - and the connection between patient and doctor can be reinforced by simply taking a hand. Robin Youngson, cofounder of hearts in healthcare, and Mitzi Blennerhassett, who has written extensively on patient engagement, have co-authored an editorial calling for the humanisation... Full Article
pin Helping patients with medically unexplained symptoms By Published On :: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 16:59:25 +0000 Persistent physical symptoms are common and include those symptoms that last at least three months and are insufficiently explained by a medical condition after adequate examination and investigation. Observational studies in primary care report that women, especially those aged 35-45 years, more commonly present with these symptoms. In this... Full Article
pin Helping patients with complex grief By Published On :: Thu, 18 May 2017 16:44:07 +0000 Each individual’s grief process is unique, when confronted with the death of a loved one, most people experience transient rather than persistent distress - however 10% of bereaved individuals, with an increased risk following the death of a partner or child and loss to unnatural or violent circumstances, experience prolonged grief disorder. In... Full Article
pin Helping Bereaved people By Published On :: Thu, 03 Aug 2017 15:11:16 +0000 Loss of a loved one can be very painful. When seeking support, some people turn to their doctor. Because of their pivotal role in the community, physicians can provide excellent support for bereaved people and can often direct them to additional resources. Katherine Shear, a physician, and Stephanie Muldberg, a bereaved mother, join us to discuss... Full Article