
Hindsight is 2020: Reimagining Women’s History – Pocket Opera’s 2020 Season

This week on Open Air, KALW’s radio magazine for the Bay Area performing arts in times of Coronavirus , host David Latulippe talks with AJ Baker, founder and executive artistic director of 3Girls Theatre Company , about their 8th New Works Festival, titled Hindsight is 2020: Reimagining Women’s History . The festival runs from runs from March 20-29 at Z Below (470 Florida St.) in San Francisco.


This Song: Pocket Sounds

Austin's Pocket Sounds is the solo project of singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and arranger Mike St Clair. Listen as he describes how hearing Dionne Warwick's version of the Burt Bacharach/Hal David classic "Do You Know the Way to San Jose"  at a kiddie pool party inspired him to meld the classical, jazz, pop and rock parts of himself, and influenced his new song "Radio Song."


‘Senioritis meets the apocalypse’? Virtual AP classes are hard during coronavirus closures, but students, teachers are figuring it out

Students and teachers alike are getting creative about how to prep for this year's modified Advanced Placement exams at a time when classes are being taught remotely across the state.


How the shack folk of Naval Base defied a huge industrial development to preserve their pocket of paradise

The heavy industrial area of Kwinana is home to Perth's only remaining beach shack community, but there are fears a new container port could destroy the simple lifestyle the locals have worked so hard to preserve.


Last unburnt pocket of bushland near NSW national park set to be cleared

The only unburnt area of bushland around the Conjola National Park, on the South Coast, is set to be cleared this week for a new housing development.


Devonport's pocket rocket tall ship, Julie Burgess, is a rare survivor of working sail era

This 83-year-old ketch, Julie Burgess, is the last survivor of more than 100 built by the Burgess family and all were named after Burgess women.


Pair allegedly threaten woman with pocket knife and steal her car before leading police on chase

A man and woman are arrested after allegedly threatening a woman with a pocket knife and stealing her car before leading police on a chase in the Mid North of South Australia.


The Australian shearer who torched Al Aqsa Mosque in a bid to bring on the apocalypse

In 1969 a young Australian shearer travelled to Israel to orchestrate an arson attack he believed would prompt the return of Jesus and usher in the end of the world. The consequences still ring today.

  • ABC Central West NSW
  • centralwest
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:History:All
  • Community and Society:Religion and Beliefs:All
  • Community and Society:Religion and Beliefs:Christianity
  • Community and Society:Religion and Beliefs:Fundamentalism
  • Community and Society:Religion and Beliefs:Islam
  • Government and Politics:World Politics:All
  • Law
  • Crime and Justice:All:All
  • Unrest
  • Conflict and War:All:All
  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:NSW:All
  • Australia:NSW:Grenfell 2810
  • Israel:All:All


Olivia Munn Says Bryan Singer Went Missing for a ‘Thyroid Issue’ While Shooting ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (EXCLUSIVE)

For a long time, Olivia Munn didn’t fully grasp a question that she got asked all the time in interviews: Journalists would want to know about the difference between being a man and woman in Hollywood. “I got it for years before it clicked with me one day when I answered it,” Munn said. “I […]


Robbie Keane Q&A: Life in India, tips from Pochettino, coaching in MLS


Puscifer Release 'Apocalyptical' Single and Video

Puscifer have been teasing fans via social media and they have now delivered with a brand new song and music video






Hippocampus l'hippocampe.

Contes de fées aux enfants - Hippocampus l'hippocampe.


Обзор ридера-великана PocketBook X

Самый распространенный размер экрана обычного электронного ридера - 6 дюймов. Такой размер позволяет достаточно комфортно читать художественную литературу, да и носить с собой ридер подобного размера удобно, он много места не занимает. Однако если у человека не слишком хорошее зрение, то подобный экран для него будет маловат: конечно, никто не мешает увеличить шрифт, но на небольшом экране крупным шрифтом будет мало что помещаться, замучаешься странички листать. 


Ep 12 - Karl’s hypocrisy

Karl Stefanovic gets cosy with the Daily Mail despite years of scorn, ridicule and criticism.


Bez práce je víc než čtvrt milionu lidí. Jejich počet vzroste

V dubnu bylo bez práce 254 tisíc lidí, nejvíce od března 2018. Nezaměstnanost vzrostla na 3,4 procenta, potvrdil ve čtvrtek Úřad práce. V evidenci přibývá lidí z oboru služeb. O dubnových číslech hovořila již v pondělí ministryně práce Jana Maláčová (ČSSD). Podle ní jsou data stále příznivá.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí



We are in the middle of a THUNDERSNOW here in Chicago and it is windy and snowy as all get out. I am about to take the dogs out for their final potty of the night and hope that none of us blow away. Earlier, about 40 minutes into our blizzard watch, we went outside and I took these photos. It now sounds much worse outside than it was when these were taken!

Check out Probert's new JAFCO flexible vinyl "hat." We've only had it two days, so we'll keep using it before reporting back on it's functionality.


Ošetřovné se zvyšuje. Spočítejte si na kalkulačce, kolik nově dostanete

Ze 60 na 80 procent denního vyměřovacího základu vzroste ošetřovné pro rodiče, kteří zůstali doma s potomky v souvislosti s uzavřením škol a školek kvůli koronavirové krizi. Senát novelu schválil v úterý 28. dubna 2020. Předlohu nyní dostane k podpisu prezident Miloš Zeman. Spočítejte si orientačně na kalkulačce iDNES.cz, kolik dostanete.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Pocket-Sized #1005: “Creepiness”

Creepiness In this Pocket-Sized episode #1005, Marc Abrahams shows an unfamiliar research study to Jean Berko Gleason. Dramatic readings and reactions ensue. The research mentioned in this episode is featured in the special Psychology issue (vol. 26, #1) of the Annals of Improbable Research magazine. Remember, our Patreon donors, on most levels, get access to each podcast episode before it is made public. 1. […]


Pocket-Sized #1006: “Hot Sauce Aggression”

Hot Sauce Aggression In this Pocket-Sized episode #1006, Marc Abrahams shows an unfamiliar research study to Dany Adams. Dramatic readings and reactions ensue. The research mentioned in this episode is featured in the special Ig: the Triumph of Miss Sweetie Poo issue (Vol. 7, #1) of the Annals of Improbable Research Magazine. Remember, our Patreon donors, on most levels, get […]


Pocket-Sized #1007: “Bereitschaftspotential”

Bereitschaftspotential In this Pocket-Sized episode #1007, Marc Abrahams shows an unfamiliar research study to Jean Berko Gleason. Dramatic readings and reactions ensue. The research mentioned in this episode is featured in the special Psychology issue (vol. 26, #1) of the Annals of Improbable Research magazine. Remember, our Patreon donors, on most levels, get access to each podcast episode before it is made public. 1. […]


How To Handle a Personal Finance Apocalypse

Many Americans — and people all across the world — are facing a personal finance apocalypse right now. A lot of people are dealing with a sudden job loss or a major cut in hours. Some people are riding out unemployment insurance, while others may not even have that. Many people are facing unexpected and sudden medical expenses. If you add that to the fact that almost four in five Americans were living paycheck to paycheck before coronavirus arrived on […]

The post How To Handle a Personal Finance Apocalypse appeared first on The Simple Dollar.


Pochers Attacken, Mausgezeichnete Einschaltquoten, Lisa Eckhart

1. Täter hatten vor Übergriff wohl Streit mit „heute-show“-Team (tagesspiegel.de, Alexander Fröhlich) Der genaue Hintergrund des Angriffs auf ein Team der „heute-show“ (ZDF) ist nach wie vor unklar. Laut „Tagesspiegel“-Informationen soll es jedoch vor der Attacke Streit zwischen dem TV-Team und den Angreifern gegeben haben. Für die Staatsanwaltschaft seien alle Verdächtigen „dem linken Spektrum zuzurechnen“. […]

  • 6 vor 9


Coronavirus Proves Only Structural Changes Can Avert Climate Apocalypse


Column: The Supreme Court played partisan politics in Wisconsin. It could unleash a political apocalypse in November

The court's slapdash intervention didn't serve the Constitution, just the GOP's chances in one election. Sound familiar?


L.A. Affairs: Being single is bad enough. Will I spend this apocalypse alone?

There was only one way to avoid my coronavirus spiral, which had me thinking again and again about the end of "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World," about waiting for an asteroid to destroy the planet.


Apocalypse, you say? Writer Mark O'Connell has been there, done that

Author Mark O'Connell visited preppers, paranoiacs and prophets worldwide for "Notes From an Apocalypse." Now he says "the world will go on."


Letters to the Editor: The Democratic Party's #MeToo hypocrisy on Joe Biden is stunning

Democrats who expect all voters sick of President Trump to vote for Joe Biden are insulting people who care more about the issues than the party.


Olivia Munn calls out Bryan Singer's mysterious absence from 'X-Men: Apocalypse' set

Speaking to Variety, Olivia Munn detailed director Bryan Singer's unprofessional behavior while filming the 2016 blockbuster "X-Men: Apocalypse."


Hymns of the apocalypse: Pearl Jam's new album was made for this pandemic moment

Pearl Jam didn't intend for their new album, "Gigaton," to be a coronavirus hymnal. Yet it rises to the occasion with glimmers of hope, resilience and even ecstasy.


This hypocritical self-indulgence has wrecked Ferguson’s credibility, says LEO McKINSTRY

HYPOCRISY is one of the aggravating sins of the progressive elite. There is nothing more sickening than the failure of prominent figures to abide by the standards they seek to impose on others. Such double standards can be found in socialists who rage against private education but send their children to fee-paying schools, or in eco warriors who wail about carbon footprints while globe-trotting in luxury jets.


This hypocritical self-indulgence has wrecked Ferguson’s credibility, says LEO McKINSTRY

HYPOCRISY is one of the aggravating sins of the progressive elite. There is nothing more sickening than the failure of prominent figures to abide by the standards they seek to impose on others. Such double standards can be found in socialists who rage against private education but send their children to fee-paying schools, or in eco warriors who wail about carbon footprints while globe-trotting in luxury jets.


Newcastle advised against Mauricio Pochettino appointment as takeover approaches

Mauricio Pochettino has been linked with Newcastle ahead of an imminent multi-million pound takeover.


70% of inmates test positive for coronavirus at Lompoc federal prison

Coronavirus infections explode at a Lompoc federal prison with 792 testing positive, making it the largest federal penitentiary outbreak in the nation.


‘Resident Evil 3’: Great graphics and good level design, but it’s still the zombie apocalypse

The true star of “Resident Evil 3” is its supurb graphics engine.


Dan Crenshaw defends Ricky Gervais’s Golden Globes monologue: ‘He’s illuminating their hypocrisy.’

The Republican congressman chastised entertainment culture for being "divisive."


Processivity of dextransucrases synthesizing very-high-molar-mass dextran is mediated by sugar-binding pockets in domain V [Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices]

The dextransucrase DSR-OK from the Gram-positive bacterium Oenococcus kitaharae DSM17330 produces a dextran of the highest molar mass reported to date (∼109 g/mol). In this study, we selected a recombinant form, DSR-OKΔ1, to identify molecular determinants involved in the sugar polymerization mechanism and that confer its ability to produce a very-high-molar-mass polymer. In domain V of DSR-OK, we identified seven putative sugar-binding pockets characteristic of glycoside hydrolase 70 (GH70) glucansucrases that are known to be involved in glucan binding. We investigated their role in polymer synthesis through several approaches, including monitoring of dextran synthesis, affinity assays, sugar binding pocket deletions, site-directed mutagenesis, and construction of chimeric enzymes. Substitution of only two stacking aromatic residues in two consecutive sugar-binding pockets (variant DSR-OKΔ1-Y1162A-F1228A) induced quasi-complete loss of very-high-molar-mass dextran synthesis, resulting in production of only 10–13 kg/mol polymers. Moreover, the double mutation completely switched the semiprocessive mode of DSR-OKΔ1 toward a distributive one, highlighting the strong influence of these pockets on enzyme processivity. Finally, the position of each pocket relative to the active site also appeared to be important for polymer elongation. We propose that sugar-binding pockets spatially closer to the catalytic domain play a major role in the control of processivity. A deep structural characterization, if possible with large-molar-mass sugar ligands, would allow confirming this hypothesis.


Review essay: Where is the Anthropocene? IR in a new geological epoch

8 January 2020 , Volume 96, Number 1

Dahlia Simangan

Several disciplines outside the natural sciences, including International Relations (IR), have engaged with the Anthropocene discourse in order to theorize their relevance and translate their practical value in this new phase of the Earth's history. Some IR scholars have called for a post-humanist IR, planet politics, a cosmopolitan view, and ecological security, among other approaches, to recalibrate the theoretical foundations of the discipline, making it more attuned to the realities of the Anthropocene. Existing discussions, however, tend to universalize human experience and gravitate towards western ontologies and epistemologies of living in the Anthropocene. Within this burgeoning scholarship, how is the IR discipline engaging with the Anthropocene discourse? Although the Anthropocene has become a new theoretical landscape for the conceptual broadening of conventional IR subjects, this review reveals the need for sustained discussion that highlights the differentiated human experiences in the Anthropocene. The existing IR publications on the Anthropocene locates the non-spatial narratives of vulnerability and historical injustice, the non-modernist understanding of nature, the agency of the vulnerable, and the amplification of security issues in the Anthropocene. It is in amplifying these narratives that the IR discipline can broaden and diversify the discourse on the Anthropocene and, therefore, affirm its relevance in this new geological age.


Horror, apocalypse and world politics (free)

7 May 2020 , Volume 96, Number 3

Tim Aistrope and Stefanie Fishel

World politics generates a long list of anxiety-inspiring scenarios that threaten to unravel everyday life with sudden and violent destruction. From total war and the concentration camps, through nuclear firestorms, global pandemics and climate disaster, the diabolical violence of the recent past and conceivable future is the stuff of nightmares. Yet International Relations scholars and practitioners are often criticized for being disconnected from the human realities of international calamity. The challenge for both is to engage world politics in a way that foregrounds the human consequences of extreme violence and depravation. In this article, we explore these difficult experiences through popular culture representations of the apocalypse, a subject of intense interest for researchers in a discipline where global destruction is a distinct possibility. However, we take a different route by engaging the apocalypse through the horror genre, the one place where human suffering is explicitly accentuated. We argue that the horror genre is at once an access point for ethical engagement with the human consequences of extreme violence and a complex terrain where dark imaginings can be politically loaded, culturally specific and ethically ambiguous.


Perilipin is located on the surface layer of intracellular lipid droplets in adipocytes

EJ Blanchette-Mackie
Jun 1, 1995; 36:1211-1226


Thematic review series: Adipocyte Biology. The perilipin family of structural lipid droplet proteins: stabilization of lipid droplets and control of lipolysis

Dawn L. Brasaemle
Dec 1, 2007; 48:2547-2559
Thematic Reviews


Adipocyte death defines macrophage localization and function in adipose tissue of obese mice and humans

Saverio Cinti
Nov 1, 2005; 46:2347-2355
Research Articles


Horror, apocalypse and world politics (free)

7 May 2020 , Volume 96, Number 3

Tim Aistrope and Stefanie Fishel

World politics generates a long list of anxiety-inspiring scenarios that threaten to unravel everyday life with sudden and violent destruction. From total war and the concentration camps, through nuclear firestorms, global pandemics and climate disaster, the diabolical violence of the recent past and conceivable future is the stuff of nightmares. Yet International Relations scholars and practitioners are often criticized for being disconnected from the human realities of international calamity. The challenge for both is to engage world politics in a way that foregrounds the human consequences of extreme violence and depravation. In this article, we explore these difficult experiences through popular culture representations of the apocalypse, a subject of intense interest for researchers in a discipline where global destruction is a distinct possibility. However, we take a different route by engaging the apocalypse through the horror genre, the one place where human suffering is explicitly accentuated. We argue that the horror genre is at once an access point for ethical engagement with the human consequences of extreme violence and a complex terrain where dark imaginings can be politically loaded, culturally specific and ethically ambiguous.


Review essay: Where is the Anthropocene? IR in a new geological epoch

8 January 2020 , Volume 96, Number 1

Dahlia Simangan

Several disciplines outside the natural sciences, including International Relations (IR), have engaged with the Anthropocene discourse in order to theorize their relevance and translate their practical value in this new phase of the Earth's history. Some IR scholars have called for a post-humanist IR, planet politics, a cosmopolitan view, and ecological security, among other approaches, to recalibrate the theoretical foundations of the discipline, making it more attuned to the realities of the Anthropocene. Existing discussions, however, tend to universalize human experience and gravitate towards western ontologies and epistemologies of living in the Anthropocene. Within this burgeoning scholarship, how is the IR discipline engaging with the Anthropocene discourse? Although the Anthropocene has become a new theoretical landscape for the conceptual broadening of conventional IR subjects, this review reveals the need for sustained discussion that highlights the differentiated human experiences in the Anthropocene. The existing IR publications on the Anthropocene locates the non-spatial narratives of vulnerability and historical injustice, the non-modernist understanding of nature, the agency of the vulnerable, and the amplification of security issues in the Anthropocene. It is in amplifying these narratives that the IR discipline can broaden and diversify the discourse on the Anthropocene and, therefore, affirm its relevance in this new geological age.


CBD News: Today, a new report released by The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health has underlined that human health rests on a healthy environment and rich biodiversity. The report "Safeguarding Human Health in the Anthropoce