
Bach Prelude in C, but shifted by a sixteenth-note by mpark

A very silly rendition of this well-known piece with the beat on the wrong note. It kinda works!? Also available on youtube if you want to see the score.


07 - nothing on the wind - vampire deer by pyramid termite

hoping that some of the things we like, which seem to be shallow comforts until we're deprived of them, will manage to come back sometime soon time to go walking - time to go singing time to go loving - that's what i want to just wander supermarkets of desire and see what's mine there - that's what i want there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved maybe be wiser - maybe be foolish maybe there is room where we can be both maybe live a little sweeter knowing we can win or lose maybe there is room where we can do both there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved there is nothing on the wind that doesn't blow away something will be saved


Adelaide – das hippste Großstadtdorf der Welt

Vor zehn Jahren galt Adelaide noch als langweilig. Doch längst herrscht Aufbruchsstimmung in Südaustraliens größter Stadt. Eine wachsende Kreativszene, coole Läden und günstige Mieten ziehen viele junge Menschen an.


Die Tour durch das Geisterschiff lässt schaudern

Seit fast 40 Jahren liegt das Wrack der „Dimitrios“ in der griechischen Bucht Valtaki. Wer will, kann das Geisterschiff erkunden. Eine waghalsige Angelegenheit ist das aber, denn der Auflösungsprozess ist in vollem Gange.


Hier blieb ein Stück altes Portugal erhalten

Einsame Wanderpfade, Schäfertradition und archaisch anmutende Feste: In der Serra da Estrela erleben Reisende ein Portugal, das woanders längst verschwunden ist. Man sollte sich das für die Zeit nach den Reisebeschränkungen merken.


Das alte China lebt – in Taiwan

Taiwan hat sich nicht nur bei der Corona-Bekämpfung bestens geschlagen, das Land hat auch alles, was ein Reiseziel braucht. Auf der Insel findet man noch traditionelle chinesische Kultur und eine atemberaubende Natur.


NI Maschine 2.6 Software Update

Native Instruments releases Maschine 2.6 update packed with some impressive new functions and improvements loyal users will appreciate.


The post NI Maschine 2.6 Software Update appeared first on Dubspot Blog.


Worshiping the Lord

'Excellence must always be a goal in worship. Praises must come from the heart and be expressed in the best way so that people will be spiritually uplifted. Striving to achieve a balance between joy and reverence is crucial for adoring, praising, and worshiping our Creator.'

  • Ezra and Nehemiah


MST Club: Joel's chatriff thing

As foretold in prophecy, at 6 PM Eastern time tonight Joel Hodgson will be hosting a special "social distancing" MST3K show, with the cast of the live tour riffing, in a chatroom setting, the season one episode Moon Zero Two, which is a kind of "space western." We watch MST frequently in our own chat room, keeping each other distantly social long before it was cool or necessary. We're going to be trying to watch and riffing them watching and riffing their old riffshow, in a pleasantly recursive showing, assuming we can set it up correctly. You all are all invented to watch and riff along if you like!

Thanks to Fizz for suggesting mentioning it here. After their show we'll be watching our own scheduled episode, 203 JUNGLE GODDESS.


By rikschell in "Third quarter phenomenon: the bacon wars" on MeFi

I've found that about two-thirds of the way through any large knitting or crochet project, most stitchers get bored and antsy and often start a new project instead of finishing, so I'm familiar with this type of thing in another context. But I think anyone who thinks we're in the third quarter of this situation now has another think coming.


By mochapickle in "What do you do while waiting for a potentially terminal diagnosis?" on Ask MeFi

I have a health condition with a high mortality rate, where about one quarter of us die within the first year, and two-thirds of us don't last five years. I'm on Year 4 now and I'm doing okay, and I'm thankful to be receiving excellent care, and I'm generally optimistic that I'll get to stick around for a while.

Ramping up to my diagnosis, I thought my life was over. And that was both utterly untrue and completely true at the same time. You can't really know what it's like until you have the actual diagnosis, and even then it's been a world of surprises. You may or may not be able to do some of the things you would like to do.

For me to deal with it in a healthy way, I kind of had to create a hard line in the sand. I had to take time to grieve the person I'd been before falling ill, take stock of my accomplishments, and most importantly, I had to REALIZE MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS WERE ENOUGH for my lifetime. If I'd been hit by a bus, my life would have been over in a snap, and whatever I'd accomplished by that point would have had to be enough. Taking that pressure off myself was the kindest thing I could do for myself.

I found I had to let a lot of things go and not compare Previous Me to Sick Me. Previous Me was active, enjoyed travel, able to hold down complex and interesting work. Sick Me can't do much of that, but Sick Me does pretty okay for a sick person, and Sick Me does so much more than Dead Me could possibly do! Seriously, compared to Dead Me, Sick Me is a total winner. Sick Me can do a little modest gardening, enough to keep the weeds away. Sick Me can care for my dog and handle the occasional load of laundry. Sick Me finds a lot of joy in my friends and family and internet communities, and has transferred my social life to text, email, and the occasional dining out when the stars align and energy allows. (Metafilter is a lifesaver because I can pick it up whenever my energy level allows and people are so welcoming and understanding.)

As you're waiting for news, it's easy to fall to worry. Please be kind to yourself and don't suffer those fears and losses before you need to. Right now, you are there for your children. Don't put yourself through the punishment of losing them multiple times unnecessarily. And don't say you won't ever get to do a painting class -- I took my first painting class last fall and it was a boon to my soul and it renewed my capacity for beauty.

In the meantime, take as much control of the situation as you need to. Write down a list of questions to review with your doctors. (I've actually typed them out and distributed copies for them to follow along.) You can google, and it's hard not to, but please never tell a doctor that your questions or concerns are coming from google. Also, do not call yourself a hypochondriac -- what you are feeling is what you are feeling, and your concerns are valid and deserving of respect.

Waiting is hard. Please be extra kind to yourself.


By nebulawindphone in "Third quarter phenomenon: the bacon wars" on MeFi

Oh for fuck's sake. There's some really interesting stuff in these links, most of it has nothing to do with the three-quarter point of anything, and none of it is making any kind of claim about when this will end.

It's a bunch of interesting stories about how people fail under isolation, and fail harder when relief still feels out of reach. Sure, one thing that can make it feel out of reach is knowing you've still got a quarter of your mission left. Another thing is having no clue how long things will last, which hopefully we can all agree is relevant?

Can we take a deep breath, pretend that Athanassiel chose a pull quote that wasn't total pedant-bait, and start over?


Steve Martin On His Years As A Comic — And Walking Away From Stand-Up

DAVID BIANCULLI, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. I'm David Bianculli, editor of the website TV Worth Watching, sitting in for Terry Gross. Today on FRESH AIR, one of our favorite interviews from our archive - Terry's conversation with comedian, actor and writer Steve Martin. He's also an accomplished bluegrass musician and has been posting occasional videos on social media playing banjo in the woods. Last month he visited CBS's "The Late Show" with Stephen Colbert in a special socially distanced comedy bit with Colbert sequestered inside his house and Martin with his guitar, strolling in a forest, determined to sing a song that Colbert is just as determined not to hear. (SOUNDBITE OF TV SHOW, "THE LATE SHOW") STEPHEN COLBERT: So we go now live to Steve Martin in the middle of the woods. Hi, Steve. STEVE MARTIN: Hey, Stephen. Thanks for having me on. COLBERT: Well, Steve, you're certainly welcome. MARTIN: You know, Stephen, I was thinking that something we as people need to remember right now


Author Amy Jo Burns On Her Debut Novel 'Shiner'

NPR's Scott Simon speaks with author Amy Jo Burns about her debut novel, "Shiner," set in the West Virginia mountains.


Das könnte hinter Russlands erstaunlichen Corona-Zahlen stecken

Die Sterberate Corona-Infizierter in Russland ist extrem niedrig. Die Regierung verweist bei der Frage nach den Gründen auf den Erfolg der russischen Strategie – einige Bürger dagegen trauen der Zählweise der Toten nicht.


Coesfeld verschiebt Lockerungen um eine Woche

Nach dem Ausbruch des Coronavirus in einer Fleischfabrik in Coesfeld werden die Lockerungen teilweise verschoben. Mit mehr als 50 Infizierten pro 100.000 Einwohner gilt der Kreis als Risikogebiet.


So werden Sie die Schimmelplage in Ihrer Wohnung los

Egal ob in Fugen, an Wänden oder an Fenstern: Schimmel in der Wohnung sieht nicht nur alles andere als schön aus, sondern ist auch gesundheitsschädlich. Wir erklären Ihnen, was Sie gegen Schimmelbefall tun können. 


So verhilft Ihnen Ihr Chef zu einem E-Bike oder Rennrad

Wer in Corona-Zeiten lieber zur Arbeit radelt, sollte seinen Arbeitgeber ruhig nach einem Dienstfahrrad fragen. Weil sich das für beide Seiten lohnt, haben Sie gute Argumente, um Ihren Chef zu überzeugen. Diese Regeln sollten Sie kennen.


Short on Cash? Here's Some Advice For Families Stretching Their Budgets

Updated on April 13 at 5:06 p.m. ET Forget living paycheck to paycheck. Many families have lost work during the pandemic and are running out of cash as they wait for unemployment checks and government rescue money to arrive. These are highly unusual times, and family budgeting recommendations are also unconventional. Kathy Hauer, a financial planner based in Aiken, S.C., says she's telling people to do things she has never recommended before: "Defer as many payments as possible and worry about it later." But, she says, don't just ignore all the bills. Make sure to call all the companies and ask for forbearance — either a delayed payment or a new payment plan. This is an especially hard time for lower-income families who don't have a lot of wiggle room in their budgets, Hauer says. They may not be able to borrow money from other family members. If they have bad credit, they can't qualify for personal loans from banks. Many also don't have credit cards or are close to maxing those out.


Unemployment Money Not Reaching Millions Of People Who Applied

About 17 million people have applied for unemployment benefits in the U.S. in recent weeks. It's an astonishing number that's nearly 10 times what the system has ever handled so quickly. But, by one estimate , that money is still not flowing to about half of those people who desperately need it. And others are only getting a trickle of what they should be receiving. Many people have been out of a job for a month now. That's a long time to be without your income in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. "It's really intense and it's really frightening," says Nicolena Loshonkohl, a hair stylist NPR has been checking in with in Roanoke, Va. She's a single mom with a 2-year-old daughter. As a regular employee at a local salon, she says it was pretty easy to file for unemployment online. And she's now started to get payments. Loshonkohl feels fortunate about that. But so far, she's only receiving $340 a week. And that doesn't cover her rent, health insurance, food and other basic costs of


Europe's Economy Was Hit Hard Too, But Jobs Didn't Disappear Like In The U.S.

When the British economy ground to a halt a few weeks ago, Reda Maher suddenly found himself among the ranks of the unemployed, alongside untold millions of other people around the world. But unlike many others, Maher can rest easy, knowing that money will keep flowing into his bank account until he's called back to work. "I woke up a couple of hours later than I normally would. I won't lie," Maher said one afternoon earlier this month. "I took a nice long masked and gloved walk. I've got a remote personal training like fitness session in about 20 minutes." The United Kingdom recently began paying 80% of the salaries of workers laid off because of the coronavirus pandemic. The government caps the pay at about $3,000 a month, but many employers, including the London-based video streaming service where Maher works, add to what the government hands out. Maher also doesn't need to worry about being left without health care coverage, thanks to Britain's National Health Service. Across


One For The History Books: 14.7% Unemployment, 20.5 Million Jobs Wiped Away

Updated at 11:43 a.m. ET The Labor Department delivered a historically bad employment report Friday, showing 20.5 million jobs lost last month as the nation locked down against the coronavirus. The jobless rate soared to 14.7% — the highest level since the Great Depression. The highest monthly job loss before this was 2 million in 1945, as the nation began to demobilize after World War II. The worst monthly job loss during the Great Recession was 800,000 in March 2009. Loading... Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Unemployment was 4.4% in March as the coronavirus began to take hold in the U.S. It approached 25% during the Great Depression and remained elevated until World War II. Loading... Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The carnage was felt across industries in April. With most travel shut down, leisure and hospitality jobs fell by 7.6 million. The retail and health care sectors each dropped by 2.1 million. Manufacturing lost 1.3 million and government jobs fell by 980


Ärzte sind beunruhigt über Fälle „extrem kranker“ Kinder

Die vermehrten Meldungen schwer kranker Kinder, die auf der Intensivstation betreut werden müssen, beunruhigt Ärzte in ganz Europa. Unklar ist, ob es einen Zusammenhang mit dem neuartigen Coronavirus gibt.


„Eingestehen, dass wir psychisch strapaziert sind“

Dies sind harte Zeiten für alle Menschen. Wer aber ohnehin psychisch angeschlagen ist, für den sind sie noch schwerer. Psychiater Mazda Adli erklärt, was psychisch kranken Menschen jetzt hilft – und allen anderen auch.


„Jedem hier ist klar, wie das die Patienten zerstört“

Wer gegen seinen Willen in die Psychiatrie kommt, könnte ein Trauma davon tragen: Unter bestimmten Umständen dürfen Patienten fixiert oder in videoüberwachte Räume gesperrt werden. Doch wann sind Zwangsbehandlungen nötig – und wann Freiheitsentziehung?


„Druck auf der Brust und Nebel im Hirn“

Oft wird eine Covid-19-Erkrankung ohne Klinikaufenthalt durchgestanden. Drei Betroffene erzählen von ihren Symptomen, wie gesund sie sich fühlen und vom Leben nach dem Virus.


Artistry Worldwide Seeking Writers & Producers for Publishing

Artistry Worldwide is looking to sign writers and producers to publishing deals. We are looking for writers with catchy melodies, and really great lyrical content. For producers we are looking for uniqueness, originality, and out of the box thinking. We specialize in Pop, Hip-Hop, and R&B, but are open to all genres of writers and producers if you have an original sound that we have to hear. Please submit your best track(s) for consideration. We look forward to hearing your submissions.

Artistry Worldwide is a new media company headed by Max Gousse based out of Los Angeles with a hub in emerging markets such as Toronto, Dubai, London, and Seoul. The mission for Artistry Worldwide is quite simple: to become the number one brand in developing new talent in media worldwide.

- Artistry Worldwide

Deal Type: Publishing Deal
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Exclusive
Song Quality: Fully mastered, Broadcast ready, Rough Mixes Writers Only


Movement Music Seeking Artists for Management, Publishing/Licensing, Label Signing

Movement Music is seeking artists for management, publishing/licensing, and label roster consideration.

All submissions will be reviewed by our A&R team for release opportunities with us or our partners and publishing/licensing opportunities for commercial sync. Available artist projects will be also be considered by our management team. Movement Music is a record label, publishing, and management company founded in 2016 and based in Los Angeles.

- Zael E. - CEO - Movement Music

Deal Type: Management, Publishing/Licensing, Label Signing
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Negotiable
Compensation: $1,500 - $2,000
Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: Blackbear, Cashmere Cat, Louis The Child, Major Lazer, Calvin Harris, Marian Hill


Seeking Rock/Hip Hop for TV & Film Placements

We are seeking Rock/Hip Hop songs with clean lyrics and no uncleared samples. High quality productions please. Think along the lines of Beastie Boys - Sabotage.

This opportunity is for a non-exclusive contract - all submissions must be 100% owned by the writer/writers. We look forward to your submissions.

Pop-Up Music is a PRS registered music library and publisher located in London. We pride ourselves in providing undiscovered music and bespoke music for advertising, film, TV, gaming and corporate.

- Mark Garfield / Pop-Up Music Uk Limited

Deal Type: Catalog Inclusion
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: Negotiable
Song Quality: Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: Beastie Boys - Sabotage


Seeking Producers With High Quality, Energetic, Trap, Pop, & R&B Instrumentals To Be Considered For Placement!

Our Clients are independent and multi platinum artist(s) Seeking high quality, energetic trap, pop, & R&B style beats for production placement on upcoming releases. We are looking for industry quality production to shop throughout our network, as well as to consider signing new talent for production management opportunity. We will provide you with feedback & rate your submissions!

: Please submit your best work. Songs will go through the review process and if selected you will receive negotiated compensation. We look forward to hearing what you have to offer. 
- The Administration

Deal Type: Producer / Production Management Decision Maker: We are the final decision makers Deal Structure: Negotiable Compensation: Negotiable Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully Mastered, Broadcast Ready Similar Sounding Artist: Future, Migos, The Weeknd, Drake, Ty Dolla Sign, 2Chainz, Gucci Mane, Tory Lanez, Chris Brown, Cardi B, Lil Baby


New Hip Hop

We are after fresh new 2018 /2017 Hip Hop. Think Sage the Gemini, Tyga, 2 Chainz. Rich The Kid, etc.

All submissions must be 100% owned by the writer/writers. Samples must be cleared please. Thanks the Pop-Up Music Team! No uncleared samples please.

Pop-Up Music is a PRS registered music library and publisher located in London. We pride ourselves in providing undiscovered music and bespoke music for advertising, film, TV, gaming and corporate.

- Mark Garfield / Pop-Up Music Uk Limited

Deal Type: Sync Placement
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: Negotiable
Song Quality: Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: Sage the Gemini, Tyga, 2 Chainz. Rich The Kid


Seeking Covers of Hit Songs for Licensing Placements

The post houses and advertising agencies we work with seem to have a never ending demand for covers of popular songs. Therefor, we would like to broaden our catalog with inventive cover versions of compositions that have been big worldwide hits.

We are not looking for interpretations trying to imitate the original. We are seeking just the opposite - new takes on well known songs which transport them to new, unexpected directions. Covers are usually considered for film trailers and big ad campaigns, so it would be great to hear submissions that have space and a “cinematic” sound. However, if you have a dynamic, aggressive cover of a slow song, that could work too.

Below are some brilliant examples of what we would like to hear:
- Skylar Grey - Addicted To Love
- Vega Choir - Creep
- Lo-Fang - You’re The One That I Want
- Hannah Peel - Tainted Love
- Think Up Anger feat. Malia J - Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Lorde - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
- KI Theory - Enjoy The Silence

Please submit only professionally recorded and mastered songs.

As an added bonus, if your cover is Selected, we will offer to release your music on Filter Label. The songs by our talented artists can be heard in The OA, Exatlon, The Matrix Revisited, CSI: Las Vegas, Nikita, on ads for McDonald's, Nike, Philip Morris, Nestle Wagner, Bank Millennium, in shows on MTV, CNN, Nat Geo, NBC, Al Jazeera, Esquire, Channel 4 and almost every major TV network in the world.

- Emil Hadji Panzov Founder / CEO - Filter Label


Commercial Hit Songs - Submit for the SE Asian Market - Taiwan, Japan, China etc

Looking for commercial hit songs for a host of pop artists in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan etc. We work closely with Universal Music in Hong Kong, giving us direct access to major artists in South East Asia and Japan searching for tracks for their next and current projects.

We are looking for commercial radio tracks which have great beats, memorable hook lines and current styles. Uptempo K-Pop, ballads, R&B/Pop, Rock, Soul and MOR suitable for male, female and boy and girl-bands.

Lyrics may be translated depending on the artist so send in all language demos or masters.

We are looking forward to hearing some great music.

- Dean Hart / Afrikan Cowboy Publishing

Deal Type: Song Placement
Decision Maker: Selected tracks will be pitched for final decision
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $1,000+ based on final placement
Song Quality: Rough Demos, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready


NBA weekly Highlights Show and Play Off Show looking for music $10k-$15k

We are looking for music of all genre and styles for 4 program packages.

*NBA weekly highlights show, broadcast in US.
*NBA weekly Highlights show, broadcast in Europe and Asia and Australia.
*NBA twice weekly podcast broadcast globally on net.
*NBA play off highlights programs.

We are looking for at least 20 different either full songs or sections for both territories.

Payments are $10k - $15k on a non-exclusive basis.

Please submit radio, broadcast release material but if you have a track not finished but you think its a fit and so do we, we will record and mix it free of charge at the CMI Studio's for you.

So send in your best work guys, good opportunity for global exposure

Very Best

- Alex / CMI Music Group

Deal Type: Sync Placement
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $10K - $15K
Song Quality: Fully mastered, Broadcast ready


NFL weekly Highlights show looking for music: $10k-$15k payout for 2020/21 regular season.

NFL weekly Highlights show looking for music with a $10k-$15k payout for the 2020/21 regular season.

We are looking for music of all genre and styles for 2 program packages.
*NFL weekly highlights show, broadcast in US
*NFL weekly Highlights show, broadcast in Europe and Asia

We are looking for at least 10 different either full songs or sections for both territories.

Payments are $10k - $15k on a non-exclusive basis. Please submit radio, broadcast release material but if you have a track not finished but you think its a fit and so do we, we will record and mix it free of charge at the CMI Studio's for you.

So send in your best work guys, good opportunity for global exposure Very Best
Alex CMI Music Group

Deal Type: Sync Placement
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $10K - $15K



Seeking Hits for Licensing Placements

We have been working tirelessly over the years to build the best catalog of great independent music from various genres. However, there is one area in which we feel we could do better. Therefor, we are seeking Pop music to represent for licensing in films, TV shows and ad campaigns. By “Pop” we are referring more to the broad appeal of the music than the genre. As long as the song has hit potential, we would like to hear it. Genre wise we are open, but indie pop and indie folk seem to work best for licensing placements.

Here are some great examples of music that we would like to have in our catalog:
- The Lumineers - Ho Hey
- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home
- Charli XCX - Break The Rules
- James Bay - Hold Back The River

We accept ONE-STOP submissions only, ie songs that you own or control 100% (writer, master and publisher). Please submit only professionally recorded and mastered songs. NO DEMOS, NO COVERS.

As an added bonus, if your song is Selected, we will offer to release your music on Filter Label. The songs by our talented artists can be heard in The OA, Exatlon, The Matrix Revisited, CSI: Las Vegas, Nikita, on ads for McDonald's, Nestle Wagner, Nike, Philip Morris, Hachette Filipacchi, in shows on MTV, CNN, Bravo, Nat Geo, NBC, Esquire, Channel 4 and almost every major TV network in the world.

- Emil Hadji -Panzov Founder / CEO - Filter Label


949- Charlie Hunter & Lucy Woodward, John Paul White, Molly Tuttle and more.

Charlie Hunter & Lucy Woodward, John Paul White, Molly Tuttle and Jeff Black perform live on Mountain Stage. Recorded in Marietta, OH with the Peoples Bank Theatre. Support provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


959- San Fermin, Birds of Chicago, Fruit Bats, Cataldo, Office Culture

Live performances by San Fermin, Birds of Chicago, Fruit Bats (solo), Cataldo, and Office Culture

Recorded 11/24/2019 in Charleston, WV.

Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


960- Tyler Childers, Johnny Staats, Mary Gauthier, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Bil Lepp

Our 36th Anniversary with Tyler Childers, Johnny Staats & the Delivery Boys, Mary Gauthier, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Bil Lepp. Recorded in Charleston, WV on December 1, 2019.Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


961- Glen Phillips, Nellie McKay, Chris Barron, Hot Club of Cowtown, Jonathan Something

Glen Phillips, Nellie McKay, Chris Barron, Hot Club of Cowtown, Jonathan Something, recorded Jan. 19, 2020 in Morgantown, WV. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


964- Railroad Earth, Jake Shimabukuro, Joe Pug, The Mastersons, Emily Scott Robinson

Live performances from Railroad Earth, Jake Shimabukuro, Joe Pug, The Mastersons, and Emily Scott RobinsonRecorded Feb. 24, 2020 in Charleston, WV. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/


Platinum-Selling Songwriter Jimmy Webb On The Stories Behind His Biggest Hits

Platinum-selling songwriter Jimmy Webb stopped by our studio last October to talk about his first memoir, " The Cake And The Rain ." Artists from Frank Sinatra to Barbara Streisand have recorded Webb's songs. Some of his hits include “Up, Up and Away,” “Wichita Lineman,” “MacArthur Park,” and “By The Time I Get to Phoenix.” Our conversation begins with a discussion of his childhood in rural Elk City, Oklahoma. He explains how his mother’s “iron will and sometimes anger” drove him to the piano. Plus, Webb talks about the time he was out plowing a field when a voice on the radio captivated him. It belonged to Glen Campbell , who became a close collaborator of Webb’s. He reveals the story behind his celebrated classic "By The Time I Get To Phoenix," for which Campbell won two Grammy awards. Webb also talks about his hit "Wichita Lineman," another song that Campbell recorded. Once, at the Songwriters Hall of Fame , Billy Joel described “Wichita Lineman” as being “emblematic of an ordinary


Astronaut Scott Kelly On His Year In Space

We’re revisiting our conversation with astronaut Scott Kelly — and other favorites — as part of Two Way Street’s birthday celebration. To mark our four years on the air, we’re listening back to the shows that have stuck with us the most. And it was an easy decision to include this one — because Kelly is one of only two people who can say they’ve spent a year in space.


Opinion: Endangered Bird Couple Returns To Chicago's Shore

Monty and Rose met last year on a beach on the north side of Chicago. Their attraction was intense, immediate, and you might say, fruitful. Somewhere between the roll of lake waves and the shimmer of skyscrapers overlooking the beach, Monty and Rose fledged two chicks. They protected their offspring through formative times. But then, in fulfillment of nature's plan, they parted ways, and left the chicks to make their own ways in the world. Monty and Rose are piping plovers, an endangered species of bird of which there may only be 6,000 or 7,000 in the world, including Monty, Rose and their chicks. They were the first piping plovers to nest in Chicago in more than 60 years. After their chicks fledged, they drifted apart. Rose went off to Florida for the winter, and Monty made his way to the Texas coast. They'd always have the North Side, but were each on their own in a huge, fraught world. And then, just a few days ago, Monty and Rose were sighted again, on the same patch of sand on


How To Dropmix Like A Pro Hip Hop DJ – Easy Beginner Tutorial

Hip hop DJing has a distinct sound when compared to other styles like house or techno. Besides the obvious scratching and turntablism techniques commonly associated with hip hop DJs, the dropmix is a signature technique that DJs should be familiar with. Even if you are not a hip hop DJ, the dropmix technique can be … Continued The post How To Dropmix Like A Pro Hip Hop DJ – Easy...



During Lockdown, Magician Turns To The Internet For His Next Performance

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. Karan Singh (ph) has performed magic tricks for famous actors, athletes and politicians. Now he'll perform for you for free. All you have to do is ask. Like many artists under lockdown, Singh has traded in-person performances for online ones. So pick a card. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) KING: Visualize your card. Did I get it? KING: He's already done shows for over 400 households from his bedroom in New Delhi - the magic of the Internet. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.


One For The History Books: 14.7% Unemployment, 20.5 Million Jobs Wiped Away

Updated at 11:43 a.m. ET The Labor Department delivered a historically bad employment report Friday, showing 20.5 million jobs lost last month as the nation locked down against the coronavirus. The jobless rate soared to 14.7% — the highest level since the Great Depression. The highest monthly job loss before this was 2 million in 1945, as the nation began to demobilize after World War II. The worst monthly job loss during the Great Recession was 800,000 in March 2009. Loading... Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Unemployment was 4.4% in March as the coronavirus began to take hold in the U.S. It approached 25% during the Great Depression and remained elevated until World War II. Loading... Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The carnage was felt across industries in April. With most travel shut down, leisure and hospitality jobs fell by 7.6 million. The retail and health care sectors each dropped by 2.1 million. Manufacturing lost 1.3 million and government jobs fell by 980


Witness, Worship and Wardrobe

What should a Christian wear? Pastor Doug shares principles from the Bible on how to choose what is appropriate.

  • Pastor Doug's Weekly Message


Staying with the Ship

Have you ever been tempted to jump from the ship because the seas were too rough? Pastor Doug Batchelor presents the reasons why staying in the boat with the body of Christ is so important in these last days.