
Lending volumes and credit conditions are improving for SMEs, but many firms continue to struggle to obtain financing that meets their needs

Lending volumes and credit conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have gradually improved, according to a new report from the OECD, but demand-side obstacles such as a lack of financial knowledge are contributing to holding back a stronger recovery.


OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises National Contact Point Peer Reviews: Germany

Governments adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are required to set up a National Contact Point (NCP) that functions in a visible, accessible, transparent and accountable manner. This report contains a peer review of the German NCP, mapping its strengths and accomplishments and also identifying opportunities for improvement.


Low productivity jobs driving employment growth in many OECD countries

Weak labour productivity growth continues to mark the world’s advanced economies and risks compromising improvements in living standards, says a new OECD report.


Magyarország csatlakozott az OECD Fejlesztési Segítségnyújtási Bizottságához (DAC)

Magyarország lett az OECD Fejlesztési Segítségnyújtási Bizottságának (DAC) 30. tagja. A Bizottság a kétoldalú fejlesztési együttműködést szolgáltató államok vezető nemzetközi fóruma.


OECD very concerned that active bribery is no longer a felony in Greece

The OECD Working Group on Bribery has serious concerns that recent steps taken by Greece may leave the country in breach of the OECD’s Anti-Bribery Convention. On 11 June 2019, Greece amended the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes. As a result, the main active bribery offence was converted from felony to a misdemeanour, which is a less serious offence.


OECD financial literacy study finds many adults struggle with money matters

12/10/2016 – Adults in many countries around the world display low levels of financial knowledge, fail to engage in financial behaviours that could improve their financial security and have financial attitudes oriented towards the short-term, as shown in the OECD/INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies released today.


SOPEMI 2011EbookFragments_with_friendlyGermany_engl

SOPEMI 2011EbookFragments_with_friendlyGermany_engl


Labour migration: Germany is open to graduates but immigration is difficult for medium-skilled workers

Germany is one of the OECD countries with the lowest barriers to immigration for high-skilled workers. However, long-term labour migration is low in comparison with other countries.


Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries

Working together: Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany and other OECD Countries


Environment: Germany, a laboratory for green growth

Germany is successfully limiting the amount of carbon, energy and resources required to grow its economy. Though the public is generally satisfied with the level of environmental quality, the OECD’s Environmental Performance Review of Germany warns that ch


Mekorot, the National Water Company of Israel

Today, management of water resources is one of the major challenges confronting Israel. Accelerated population growth - along with economic growth - has placed additional pressure on Israel's limited water resources but the country is at the forefront of green innovations for water management.&l


Environmental Innovation in Germany - Environment Working Paper No. 53

This paper reviews the recent experience of Germany in encouraging innovation to reduce negative environmental impacts of economic activity. The essence of the German approach to policy-induced environmental innovation is discussed in the context of changing policy objectives, and illustrated with selected examples from waste management, renewable energy and transportation.


If the tortoise can do it, anyone can: greening household behaviour - Insights Blog

Please join me in an ode to the giant tortoise, recently confirmed to be back from near extinction on the Galapagos Espanola Island after conservation work that began forty years ago. Whoever thought this waddly wild wonk would be a model for humans to improve environment through adept household behaviour?


Equator Prize 2017 Award Ceremony

Fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy mix, with both OECD economies and the BRIICS still relying on fossil fuels for more than 80% of their energy supply.


Blog: What is the environmental footprint of Christmas? by Anthony Cox, Deputy Director, OECD Environment Directorate

Type “Christmas and environment” into Google and you will get page after page of tips on how to have a sustainable festive and holiday season. Topics from the Christmas tree to sustainable gift-giving to eco-friendly Christmas food to holiday cards to gift wrapping, there is no shortage of news articles, websites and blogs providing useful advice on how to reduce the environmental footprint of the holiday period.


Mekorot, the National Water Company of Israel

Today, management of water resources is one of the major challenges confronting Israel. Accelerated population growth - along with economic growth - has placed additional pressure on Israel's limited water resources but the country is at the forefront of green innovations for water management.&l


Workshop: Indicators of local transition to low-carbon economy (Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz, Germany)

The Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau in partnership with the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme (LEED) are working on defining and collecting measurable indicators at the regional/ local level that can inform over time of transition to low-carbon economic and industrial activities.


Society at a Glance 2011 - OECD Social Indicators: Key findings for Germany

This one-pager note presents key findings for Germany from Society at a Glance 2011 - OECD Social indicators. This 2011 publication also provides a special chapter on unpaid work across the OECD.


Doing Better for Families country note - Germany

This note highlights the most pressing issues on families and children in Germany, as discussed in the OECD publication Doing Better for Families.


Long-Term Care in Germany

An overview of the long-term care situation in Germany is available here.


Education at a Glance 2011: Country note – Germany

The 2011 edition of Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators enables countries to see themselves in the light of other countries’ performance.


Health at a Glance 2011 Country note: Germany

The OECD’s latest edition of Health at a Glance shows that medical care is improving in OECD countries, but better prevention and management of chronic diseases is required to reduce costs.


Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising- Country Note: Germany

This country note provides information on latest trends in income inequalities as well as key findings from the 2011 OECD report "Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising".


Germany is leading the charts on employment and green growth - Transition to a knowledge based economy will require further reform and investment, OECD says

Germany recovered rapidly from the 2008-09 recession, with GDP topping pre-crisis rates during 2011 and unemployment falling significantly. Public finances are sound, but further reforms are needed to transform its growth model to thrive as a knowledge-based economy.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Germany Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Briefing note for the OECD Employment Outlook 2012: Germany

The German labour market recovered very quickly from the 2008-09 economic crisis and unemployment continued its long-run structural decline in 2010 and 2011.


Education at a Glance 2012: Country Notes - Germany

Education at a Glance 2012: Country Notes - Germany


Germany and the Euro Area: Addressing the Competitiveness Challenge - OECD report presented to German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

Restoring competitiveness is one of the key challenges to bring European economies back on a path of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Europe could improve its growth prospects by implementing a strategic reform agenda with a broad range of policy reforms to increase productivity, dynamism and employment.


Closing the Gender Gap - country note: Germany

Gains in female education attainment have contributed to a worldwide increase in women’s participation in the labour force, but considerable gaps remain in working hours, conditions of employment and earnings.  More specific data for Germany are available in this country note.


Labour migration: Germany is open to graduates but immigration is difficult for medium-skilled workers

Germany is one of the OECD countries with the lowest barriers to immigration for high-skilled workers. However, long-term labour migration is low in comparison with other countries.


Advanced vocational training in Germany provides sought-after skills but needs compulsory standards in teaching and examination

The transition from school to work in Germany is remarkably smooth. An excellent vocational education and training (VET) system ensures that young people are well-prepared when they enter the labour market and can find jobs that match their qualifications.


Managing Hospital Volumes: Germany and Experiences from OECD Countries

To help inform the Conference on Managing Hospital Volumes, co-organised by the German Federal Ministry of Health and the OECD, and held on the 11th April 2013 in Berlin, the OECD Secretariat produced a paper to provide an international perspective on Germany’s situation and the current policy debate.


Overtreatment and demographic change a challenge to Germany's health and long term care system, says OECD Health at a Glance report

Germans continue to enjoy a high level of health compared to other OECD countries but the government needs to tackle high levels of hospital treatments and address growing pressures on long-term care, according to a new OECD report.


Pensions at a Glance 2013 - Highlights for Germany

Future retirees may expect low pension replacement rates in Germany. Public transfers currently represent a large share of older people’s income in Germany despite a significant increase in employment rates at older ages work...


PISA 2012 Results - Germany

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a triennial international survey which aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students. To date, students representing more than 70 economies have participated in the assessment.


Germany - Keeping the edge: Competitiveness for inclusive growth

Despite the harsh external economic environment, Germany has managed to reduce unemployment significantly while buttressing the long-term sustainability of its public finances. Drawing on the expertise and experience of OECD member countries, this report sets out key policy priorities to boost productivity growth and social inclusion.


Society at a Glance 2014 - Key findings for Germany

This note presents key findings for Germany from Society at a Glance 2014 - OECD Social indicators. This 2014 publication also provides a special chapter on: the crisis and its aftermath: a “stress test” for societies and for social policies.


PISA 2012 problem-solving results - Germany

Note summarising the performance of German 15-year-old students in the PISA 2012 assessment of problem solving.


Germany should enact economic and social reforms to make its growth path more inclusive and sustainable, OECD says

Germany’s current economic success offers a good platform for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth, but further reforms will be necessary over the medium and long term, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Germany.


Geographic Variations in Health Care: Country note for Germany

High variations in health care use for knee replacement and cardiac procedures, suggest more effort is needed to improve the appropriateness of health care activities in Germany.


Health at a Glance: Europe 2014 - Key findings for Germany

Progress has been made to reduce smoking rates and alcohol consumption in Germany, but obesity is on the rise as in most other EU countries. As in other EU countries, spending for prevention in Germany accounts only for around 3% of current health spending.


Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Germany

Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Germany


Tackling harmful alcohol use: Germany

Levels of alcohol consumption in Germany are among the highest in the OECD, but have been declining in the past 30 years. In 2012, an average of 11 litres of pure alcohol per capita was consumed in Germany, compared with an estimate of 9.1 litres in the OECD.


In it Together: Why less inequality benefits all-Germany

This country note provides information on latest trends in income inequalities as well as key findings from the 2015 OECD report "In it Together: Why less inequality benefits all".


Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Germany on 27-28 May 2015

The Secretary-General was in Berlin to present the 2015 OECD Skills Outlook. He also attended a number of meetings including the International Transport Forum annual summit in Leipzig and the G7 finance summit in Dresden.


Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Germany

Germany has reduced the mortality due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in line with other OECD countries


Health at a Glance 2015: Key findings for Germany

Health spending in Germany has slowed in recent years with growth rates being above OECD average. Germany spends over 30% more per capita on pharmaceuticals than the OECD average and spending has increased strongly in 2014.


Germany should work to meet its aid goal and its geographic priorities

Germany’s foreign aid is at a record high and rising, but more effort will be needed to reach an internationally agreed donors’ target and fulfil Germany’s own goal to send more aid to the neediest countries, according to a new OECD Review.


Health at a Glance 2015: Key findings for Germany - In Deutsch

Der Anstieg der Ausgaben für Gesundheit hat in Deutschland in jüngster Zeit etwas nachgelassen wobei die Wachstumsraten über dem OECD-Durchschnitt lagen. Pro Kopf gibt Deutschland 30% mehr als der OECD-Durchschnitt für Arzneimittel aus und die Ausgaben sind im Jahr 2014 stark angestiegen.


Education at a Glance 2015: Germany

The 2015 edition introduces more detailed analysis of participation in early childhood and tertiary levels of education. The report also examines first generation tertiary-educated adults’ educational and social mobility, labour market outcomes for recent graduates, and participation in employer-sponsored formal and/or non-formal education.