ike Innate-like CD27+CD45RBhigh {gamma}{delta} T Cells Require TCR Signaling for Homeostasis in Peripheral Lymphoid Organs [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT] By www.jimmunol.org Published On :: 2020-05-04T13:00:27-07:00 Key Points E4 is an enhancer element that regulates transcriptions of TCR genes. E4–/– mice have fewer CD27+CD45RBhigh V2+ T cells in peripheral organs. Attenuation of TCR signal impairs homeostasis of T cells in peripheral organs. Full Article
ike Complement Deficiencies Result in Surrogate Pathways of Complement Activation in Novel Polygenic Lupus-like Models of Kidney Injury [AUTOIMMUNITY] By www.jimmunol.org Published On :: 2020-05-04T13:00:27-07:00 Key Points Novel TM lupus mouse strains develop spontaneous nephritis. In C1q deficiency, kidney complement activation likely occurred via the LP. In C3 deficiency, coagulation cascade contributed to kidney complement activation. Full Article
ike Priming of Antiviral CD8 T Cells without Effector Function by a Persistently Replicating Hepatitis C-Like Virus [Pathogenesis and Immunity] By jvi.asm.org Published On :: 2020-05-04T08:00:46-07:00 Immune-competent animal models for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) are nonexistent, impeding studies of host-virus interactions and vaccine development. Experimental infection of laboratory rats with a rodent hepacivirus isolated from Rattus norvegicus (RHV) is a promising surrogate model due to its recapitulation of HCV-like chronicity. However, several aspects of rat RHV infection remain unclear, for instance, how RHV evades host adaptive immunity to establish persistent infection. Here, we analyzed the induction, differentiation, and functionality of RHV-specific CD8 T cell responses that are essential for protection against viral persistence. Virus-specific CD8 T cells targeting dominant and subdominant major histocompatibility complex class I epitopes proliferated considerably in liver after RHV infection. These populations endured long term yet never acquired antiviral effector functions or selected for viral escape mutations. This was accompanied by the persistent upregulation of programmed cell death-1 and absent memory cell formation, consistent with a dysfunctional phenotype. Remarkably, transient suppression of RHV viremia with a direct-acting antiviral led to the priming of CD8 T cells with partial effector function, driving the selection of a viral escape variant. These data demonstrate an intrinsic abnormality within CD8 T cells primed by rat RHV infection, an effect that is governed at least partially by the magnitude of early virus replication. Thus, this model could be useful in investigating mechanisms of CD8 T cell subversion, leading to the persistence of hepatotropic pathogens such as HCV. IMPORTANCE Development of vaccines against hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major cause of cirrhosis and cancer, has been stymied by a lack of animal models. The recent discovery of an HCV-like rodent hepacivirus (RHV) enabled the development of such a model in rats. This platform recapitulates HCV hepatotropism and viral chronicity necessary for vaccine testing. Currently, there are few descriptions of RHV-specific responses and why they fail to prevent persistent infection in this model. Here, we show that RHV-specific CD8 T cells, while induced early at high magnitude, do not develop into functional effectors capable of controlling virus. This defect was partially alleviated by short-term treatment with an HCV antiviral. Thus, like HCV, RHV triggers dysfunction of virus-specific CD8 T cells that are vital for infection resolution. Additional study of this evasion strategy and how to mitigate it could enhance our understanding of hepatotropic viral infections and lead to improved vaccines and therapeutics. Full Article
ike Mimicry of a biophysical pathway leads to diverse pollen-like surface patterns [Applied Physical Sciences] By www.pnas.org Published On :: 2020-05-05T10:31:24-07:00 A ubiquitous structural feature in biological systems is texture in extracellular matrix that gains functions when hardened, for example, cell walls, insect scales, and diatom tests. Here, we develop patterned liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) particles by recapitulating the biophysical patterning mechanism that forms pollen grain surfaces. In pollen grains, a... Full Article
ike Muscleblind-like 2 controls the hypoxia response of cancer cells [ARTICLE] By rnajournal.cshlp.org Published On :: 2020-04-16T06:30:22-07:00 Hypoxia is a hallmark of solid cancers, supporting proliferation, angiogenesis, and escape from apoptosis. There is still limited understanding of how cancer cells adapt to hypoxic conditions and survive. We analyzed transcriptome changes of human lung and breast cancer cells under chronic hypoxia. Hypoxia induced highly concordant changes in transcript abundance, but divergent splicing responses, underlining the cell type-specificity of alternative splicing programs. While RNA-binding proteins were predominantly reduced, hypoxia specifically induced muscleblind-like protein 2 (MBNL2). Strikingly, MBNL2 induction was critical for hypoxia adaptation by controlling the transcript abundance of hypoxia response genes, such as vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA). MBNL2 depletion reduced the proliferation and migration of cancer cells, demonstrating an important role of MBNL2 as cancer driver. Hypoxia control is specific for MBNL2 and not shared by its paralog MBNL1. Thus, our study revealed MBNL2 as central mediator of cancer cell responses to hypoxia, regulating the expression and alternative splicing of hypoxia-induced genes. Full Article
ike Pro-515 of the dynamin-like GTPase MxB contributes to HIV-1 inhibition by regulating MxB oligomerization and binding to HIV-1 capsid [Microbiology] By www.jbc.org Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Interferon-regulated myxovirus resistance protein B (MxB) is an interferon-induced GTPase belonging to the dynamin superfamily. It inhibits infection with a wide range of different viruses, including HIV-1, by impairing viral DNA entry into the nucleus. Unlike the related antiviral GTPase MxA, MxB possesses an N-terminal region that contains a nuclear localization signal and is crucial for inhibiting HIV-1. Because MxB previously has been shown to reside in both the nuclear envelope and the cytoplasm, here we used bioinformatics and biochemical approaches to identify a nuclear export signal (NES) responsible for MxB's cytoplasmic location. Using the online computational tool LocNES (Locating Nuclear Export Signals or NESs), we identified five putative NES candidates in MxB and investigated whether their deletion caused nuclear localization of MxB. Our results revealed that none of the five deletion variants relocates to the nucleus, suggesting that these five predicted NES sequences do not confer NES activity. Interestingly, deletion of one sequence, encompassing amino acids 505–527, abrogated the anti-HIV-1 activity of MxB. Further mutation experiments disclosed that amino acids 515–519, and Pro-515 in particular, regulate MxB oligomerization and its binding to HIV-1 capsid, thereby playing an important role in MxB-mediated restriction of HIV-1 infection. In summary, our results indicate that none of the five predicted NES sequences in MxB appears to be required for its nuclear export. Our findings also reveal several residues in MxB, including Pro-515, critical for its oligomerization and anti-HIV-1 function. Full Article
ike A Single Intramuscular Dose of a Plant-Made Virus-Like Particle Vaccine Elicits a Balanced Humoral and Cellular Response and Protects Young and Aged Mice from Influenza H1N1 Virus Challenge despite a Modest/Absent Humoral Response [Vaccines] By cvi.asm.org Published On :: 2017-12-05T08:00:30-08:00 Virus-like-particle (VLP) influenza vaccines can be given intramuscularly (i.m.) or intranasally (i.n.) and may have advantages over split-virion formulations in the elderly. We tested a plant-made VLP vaccine candidate bearing the viral hemagglutinin (HA) delivered either i.m. or i.n. in young and aged mice. Young adult (5- to 8-week-old) and aged (16- to 20-month-old) female BALB/c mice received a single 3-μg dose based on the HA (A/California/07/2009 H1N1) content of a plant-made H1-VLP (i.m. or i.n.) split-virion vaccine (i.m.) or were left naive. After vaccination, humoral and splenocyte responses were assessed, and some mice were challenged. Both VLP and split vaccines given i.m. protected 100% of the young animals, but the VLP group lost the least weight and had stronger humoral and cellular responses. Compared to split-vaccine recipients, aged animals vaccinated i.m. with VLP were more likely to survive challenge (80% versus 60%). The lung viral load postchallenge was lowest in the VLP i.m. groups. Mice vaccinated with VLP i.n. had little detectable immune response, but survival was significantly increased. In both age groups, i.m. administration of the H1-VLP vaccine elicited more balanced humoral and cellular responses and provided better protection from homologous challenge than the split-virion vaccine. Full Article
ike Arabidopsis retrotransposon virus-like particles and their regulation by epigenetically activated small RNA [RESEARCH] By genome.cshlp.org Published On :: 2020-04-27T12:09:24-07:00 In Arabidopsis, LTR retrotransposons are activated by mutations in the chromatin gene DECREASE in DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1), giving rise to 21- to 22-nt epigenetically activated siRNA (easiRNA) that depend on RNA DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 6 (RDR6). We purified virus-like particles (VLPs) from ddm1 and ddm1rdr6 mutants in which genomic RNA is reverse transcribed into complementary DNA. High-throughput short-read and long-read sequencing of VLP DNA (VLP DNA-seq) revealed a comprehensive catalog of active LTR retrotransposons without the need for mapping transposition, as well as independent of genomic copy number. Linear replication intermediates of the functionally intact COPIA element EVADE revealed multiple central polypurine tracts (cPPTs), a feature shared with HIV in which cPPTs promote nuclear localization. For one member of the ATCOPIA52 subfamily (SISYPHUS), cPPT intermediates were not observed, but abundant circular DNA indicated transposon "suicide" by auto-integration within the VLP. easiRNA targeted EVADE genomic RNA, polysome association of GYPSY (ATHILA) subgenomic RNA, and transcription via histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylation. VLP DNA-seq provides a comprehensive landscape of LTR retrotransposons and their control at transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and reverse transcriptional levels. Full Article
ike Pharmacological Characterization of Apraglutide, a Novel Long-Acting Peptidic Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 Agonist, for the Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome [Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine] By jpet.aspetjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-13T13:53:50-07:00 Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) agonists have therapeutic potential in clinical indications in which the integrity or absorptive function of the intestinal mucosa is compromised, such as in short bowel syndrome (SBS). Native hGLP-2, a 33–amino acid peptide secreted from the small intestine, contributes to nutritional absorption but has a very short half-life because of enzymatic cleavage and renal clearance and thus is of limited therapeutic value. The GLP-2 analog teduglutide (Revestive/Gattex; Shire Inc.) has been approved for use in SBS since 2012 but has a once-daily injection regimen. Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic studies confirm that apraglutide, a novel GLP-2 analog, has very low clearance, long elimination half-life, and high plasma protein binding compared with GLP-2 analogs teduglutide and glepaglutide. Apraglutide and teduglutide retain potency and selectivity at the GLP-2 receptor comparable to native hGLP-2, whereas glepaglutide was less potent and less selective. In rat intravenous PK studies, hGLP-2, teduglutide, glepaglutide, and apraglutide had clearances of 25, 9.9, 2.8, and 0.27 ml/kg per minute, respectively, and elimination half-lives of 6.4, 19, 16, and 159 minutes, respectively. The unique PK profile of apraglutide administered via intravenous and subcutaneous routes was confirmed in monkey and minipig and translated into significantly greater in vivo pharmacodynamic activity, measured as small intestinal growth in rats. Apraglutide showed greater intestinotrophic activity than the other peptides when administered at less-frequent dosing intervals because of its prolonged half-life. We postulate that apraglutide offers several advantages over existing GLP-2 analogs and is an excellent candidate for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, such as SBS. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Apraglutide is a potent and selective GLP-2 agonist with an extremely low clearance and prolonged elimination half-life, which differentiates it from teduglutide (the only approved GLP-2 agonist). The enhanced pharmacokinetics of apraglutide will benefit patients by enabling a reduced dosing frequency and removing the need for daily injections. Full Article
ike Metabolic Acidosis and Hypoglycemia in a Child with Leigh-Like Phenotype By academic.oup.com Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
ike Novel Endochin-Like Quinolones Exhibit Potent In Vitro Activity against Plasmodium knowlesi but Do Not Synergize with Proguanil [Susceptibility] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-21T08:01:10-07:00 Quinolones, such as the antimalarial atovaquone, are inhibitors of the malarial mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex, a target critical to the survival of both liver- and blood-stage parasites, making these drugs useful as both prophylaxis and treatment. Recently, several derivatives of endochin have been optimized to produce novel quinolones that are active in vitro and in animal models. While these quinolones exhibit potent ex vivo activity against Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, their activity against the zoonotic agent Plasmodium knowlesi is unknown. We screened several of these novel endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) for their activity against P. knowlesi in vitro and compared this with their activity against P. falciparum tested under identical conditions. We demonstrated that ELQs are potent against P. knowlesi (50% effective concentration, <117 nM) and equally effective against P. falciparum. We then screened selected quinolones and partner drugs using a longer exposure (2.5 life cycles) and found that proguanil is 10-fold less potent against P. knowlesi than P. falciparum, while the quinolones demonstrate similar potency. Finally, we used isobologram analysis to compare combinations of the ELQs with either proguanil or atovaquone. We show that all quinolone combinations with proguanil are synergistic against P. falciparum. However, against P. knowlesi, no evidence of synergy between proguanil and the quinolones was found. Importantly, the combination of the novel quinolone ELQ-300 with atovaquone was synergistic against both species. Our data identify potentially important species differences in proguanil susceptibility and in the interaction of proguanil with quinolones and support the ongoing development of novel quinolones as potent antimalarials that target multiple species. Full Article
ike Predominant Distribution of OXA-48-Like Carbapenemase in Fecal Colonization [Letters] By aac.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-21T08:01:09-07:00 Full Article
ike Retraction: Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Suppresses Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling in Prostate Cancer Cells by Activating mTOR Signaling By cancerres.aacrjournals.org Published On :: 2020-05-04T05:35:17-07:00 Full Article
ike Mẫu thiết kế nhà 2,5 tầng mang hơi hướng Hội An hút nghìn "like" trên Facebook By batdongsan.com.vn Published On :: 11:55 26/03/2020 Ngôi nhà 2,5 tầng sử dụng màu sắc và vật liệu đặc trưng của Hội An kết hợp cùng lối thiết kế hiện đại mang lại cho gia chủ cảm giác vừa mới mẻ, vừa gần gũi. Những hình ảnh về thiết kế nhà được chia sẻ trên mạng xã hội và nhận được nghìn lượt "like" chỉ sau vài giờ. Full Article
ike Tips to negotiate asking price like a pro By batdongsan.com.vn Published On :: 12:12 30/07/2019 Negotiating isn’t that dissimilar from playing a game – it involves reading your opponent, strategizing, and then striking. Full Article
ike Feel Like Investing? Think Real Estate! By batdongsan.com.vn Published On :: 09:05 02/10/2013 Buying a house is like long-term savings. As an owner, you make mortgage payments every month that finance your assets and allow you to build capital that you can recover at a later date when you sell your property. Full Article
ike Strikers 1945 II Launches May 29 on Steam By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 15:11:39 GMT City Connection announced it will release the 1997 shoot ’em up, Strikers 1945 II, for Windows PC via Steam on May 29. It will support English and Japanese language options. Full Article Analysis Charts Industry
ike Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a Launch Title for Xbox Series X By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 17:42:52 GMT SEGA announced Yakuza: Like a Dragon will be a launch title for the Xbox Series X, and it will also be coming to the Xbox One and Windows PC via Steam. The game has previously been confirmed to launch in the west for the PlayStation 4. The Xbox Series X and Xbox One version of the game will support Smart Delivery and cross-save functionality. View the Yakuza: Like a Dragon Xbox Series X cinematic trailer below: Here is an overview of the game: The Story Begins… Yakuza: Like a Dragon is, at its core, an underdog story about fighting for what you believe in, even when you’re at rock bottom. Our new main protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking grunt of a low-ranking yakuza family, takes the fall for a crime he didn’t commit in order to protect his patriarch and father-figure, Masumi Arakawa. After serving an 18-year prison sentence, he returns to society to discover that the clan he once belonged to has been destroyed, its few remaining members are being hunted in the streets, and learns that his former patriarch may be the man responsible for it all. Facing an unimaginable sense of betrayal, loss, and confusion, he sets out to discover the truth. This is where Yakuza: Like a Dragon’s story begins. A Truly Outrageous RPG Like You’ve Never Seen Before Along with the all-new cast and setting, Yakuza: Like a Dragon introduces a new dynamic RPG combat system that takes the genre somewhere it’s never been before – present-day Japan. Ichiban is a diehard RPG fan, so to help him stay focused in fights, he imagines the battlefield as if he was living in one of his favorite games. In Yakuza: Like a Dragon, players will level up 19 different ‘Jobs’ far from traditional RPG fare – not Warriors or Mages, but Bodyguards and Musicians, with completely unique strengths and skills. Get ready to step into Ichiban’s shoes and crack some skulls in style! Welcome to the Underworld Playground Even with so many changes, Yakuza: Like a Dragon still retains the core Yakuza experience, and a large part of that is the seemingly endless supply of hilarious minigames and substories spread throughout the city. Over 50 substories and a collection of never-before-seen minigames, as well as the return of fan-favorites like Karaoke and SEGA Arcades will ensure that players will enjoy their time in Yokohama to the fullest. Yakuza: Like a Dragon is everything that fans know and love about the series, with several over the top twists for the next generation. Featuring an entirely-new cast of characters and taking place in the brand new and beautifully-realized setting of Yokohama, players can jump right into the drama, action, and hilarity that Yakuza is known for. Character Introductions Ichiban Kasuga (voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya) – Of the Arakawa Family, a Tojo Clan subsidiary. A low-ranking member of a low-ranking family, Kasuga is asked by his patriarch and father-figure, Masumi Arakawa, to turn himself in for a murder committed by the family captain, Jo Sawashiro. He is released after serving 18 years in prison, only to discover that the Tojo Clan has been eradicated from Kamurocho and in its place is the Omi Alliance of Kansai—and that Masumi Arakawa may be behind all of it. Seeking the truth, he heads to meet with his former patriarch. A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at wdangelo@vgchartz.com or on Twitter @TrunksWD.Full Article - https://www.vgchartz.com/article/443429/yakuza-like-a-dragon-is-a-launch-title-for-xbox-series-x/ Full Article Analysis Charts Industry
ike Oh dear, Cannibal Cuisine looks like Overcooked but cannibals By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 19:48:18 +0000 Yell at yer friends in 1-4 player co-op while working under time pressure to serve up meals to an unforgiving god in Overc—er sorry, Cannibal Cuisine. It’s certainly got a familiar vibe to it, so if you liked the frantic food prep of that other friendship-ender perhaps you’ll like doing it with a new secret […] Full Article Free PC Games PC Game News demo Rocket Vulture
ike A robot equipped with real pigeon feathers flies like a living bird By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 19:00:39 +0000 Pigeons feathers are remarkably complex and understanding how they work has led to the first robot that flies like a pigeon, dubbed PigeonBot Full Article
ike Soft finger-like robots can sweat to cool down just like humans By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 19:00:56 +0000 Soft finger-like gripper robots have been engineered to sweat when hot and are able to cool down almost three times more efficiently than humans Full Article
ike What would our lives be like if Amazon or Tinder ran an entire city? By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Wed, 05 Feb 2020 18:00:00 +0000 A sci-fi collection explores extreme corporate futures, such as a Tinder-run city where you can swipe left or right for everything from sex to teachers Full Article
ike Robot with origami leaves can follow the sun like a real plant By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Mon, 09 Mar 2020 20:00:27 +0000 A robot can recreate the mechanism plants use to transport water to bend itself towards the sun and open its leaves like a real plant Full Article
ike Vibrating clothes could make you feel like you’re wearing clouds By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 11:00:03 +0000 Fabric with tiny vibrating motors elicits sensations associated with clouds, water and rocks on the skin and has been made into a dress that could improve emotions Full Article
ike Experiment Shows Some Life Can Survive in Exoplanet-Like Conditions By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 21:00:52 +0000 These findings suggest that scientists may need to broaden their definition of what a life-supporting planet might look like. Full Article
ike Dramatic Fossil Shows a Squid-Like Creature Crushing a Fish in Its Jaws By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 22:00:03 +0000 Scientists are speculating as to how the two creatures managed to become preserved in such an unusual way. Full Article
ike Amazon Sued for Acting Like Users Own "Purchased" Movies (Spoiler Alert: You Don't) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 10:00:10 +0000 Because Amazon movie purchases are really just long-term rentals that can disappear from your library at any time. Full Article
ike Lyft, Like Uber, Will Also Now Require Drivers and Passengers Wear Face Coverings By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 15:00:58 +0000 Up until now mask-wearing had only been an unenforced suggestion by the company. Full Article
ike Jupiter Looks Like a Fireball in This ‘Lucky’ Infrared Image By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:00:49 +0000 Only the best images are used to create a mosaic of the entire planet, resulting in a super-crisp, high-definition view. Full Article
ike Real Men Like Trump Dare the Virus to Punch Them in the Lungs By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 08:02:17 GMT Brendan Smialowski/GettyOn Tuesday the president took his first trip since the coronavirus grounded the country, to a Honeywell factory in battleground state Arizona. This particular Honeywell factory produces N95 masks. Pictures of the trip immediately surfaced on the internet, and they showed a president sporting his usual mango-tinted, ever-tan skin, his usual topiary-structured hair tinted a baffling yellowish, and a pair of clear safety goggles.But what was missing? What we did not see on the president’s face was a mask. While the rest of us cover our faces as recommended by the CDC, the president does not. In fact, we have never seen a mask on the president, despite the president’s love of masking himself when it comes to his tax returns, his sexual assault allegations, and his financial dealings. On Wednesday, when pressed on his decision not to wear a mask at a mask factory, the president responded with the very fishy, “I had a mask on for a period of time, I had it on back, backstage. But they said you didn’t need it, so, I didn’t need it. And by the way, if you noticed, nobody else had it on that was in the group.” Okay. Whatever you say. Read more at The Daily Beast. Full Article Politics
ike Figuring out what the Milky Way looks like is akin to a murder mystery By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 18:00:00 +0000 How can we get a picture of the whole Milky Way if we are inside it? Good sleuthing is needed to combine all the clues, writes Chanda Prescod-Weinstein Full Article
ike How red is a black hole? The strange reality of what space looks like By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 06:00:00 +0000 Our images of deep space are spectacular, but don’t reflect what our eyes would see. Here's what their stunning true colours reveal about the cosmos Full Article
ike An asteroid strike may have popped the surface of Mars By www.newscientist.com Published On :: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 16:40:35 +0000 An unusually round and symmetrical deposit on Mars may be the result of an impact that popped the surface of the planet, causing a volcanic eruption less than 200,000 years ago Full Article
ike Disney Research Makes Dynamic Robots Less Wiggly, More Lifelike By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 08 Aug 2019 21:58:00 GMT A new computational method allows robotic characters to perform fast motions without excessive vibrations Full Article robotics robotics/robotics-hardware
ike Doctor Sleep’s Mike Flanagan to Breathe Life Into Stephen King’s Revival By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 19:24:34 -0400 If Stephen King keeps writing ‘em, we’ll keep seeing ‘em. Full Article mike flanagan stephen king adaptations movies horror revival
ike Yikes!: Russian Helicopter Accidentally Fires Missiles At Journalists By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 14:00:00 -0500 This is a video from Russia's Zapad-2017 military exercises where a KA-52 Alligator helicopter accidentally fired two missiles towards a group of journalists covering the event (allegedly as a result of a short-circuit in the helicopter's electric system according to the Russian military *eyebarrelroll*). Three of the journalists were injured in the incident (amazingly not critically either), including the one seen strolling along the highway to the danger zone the video. Man, those missiles come QUICK. If you think you're gonna outrun one of those things like a tarantula in Animal Crossing, think again. I mean sure The Flash could do it, but he could also pleasure himself infinitely in the time it took you to read this article. "Huh?" How his penis doesn't catch fire is beyond me, there must be other superpowers at play too. Keep going for a couple versions of the video (the second with slow-mos), as well as a news report which includes the copter's gun view. Full Article destroying things fast get to the choppah! good lord holy smokes man those things cover ground quickly! military misfire! misfire! missiles oh wow quick russia strap me to one of those things and point me at the moon video war machines weapons of war woopsie
ike #LadengeCoronaSe: फेसबुक और व्हाट्सएप के बाद MyGovIndia ने Likee पर बनाया अकाउंट By www.amarujala.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 06:14:11 +0530 शॉर्ट वीडियो एप लाईकी ज्वाइन करने का मतबल लाईकी के लाखों यूजर्स को रियल टाइम में कोरोना के संक्रमण के बारे में जानकारी देना और रोकधाम के उपाय को बताना है। Full Article
ike Fallout forensics hike radiation toll By www.nature.com Published On :: 2011-10-25T15:09:09-0400 Global data on Fukushima challenge Japanese estimates. Full Article
ike RPGCast – Episode 328: “Nobody Likes You, Especially Your Turkey” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:11:32 +0000 Chris drowns in potions. Anna Marie hits one hundred. Alice shops with e’s. And Manny plays some 360 games now that he finally has an... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 349: “We Like That Noise In Japanese” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 30 May 2015 20:11:01 +0000 Chris has to finish writing this summary so he can start building his new PC. So….the folks talk about E3 and some stuff and amiibos... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 357: “Subscribe If You Like, Download If You Don’t” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 19:04:49 +0000 Manny teaches us 20 girls Chinese. Anna Marie plays through the best games of the past decade. Chris plays more WoW, and…oh…what’s that? Clicker Heroes... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 360: “Talk Like A Pirate With The Privateers” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 19 Sep 2015 19:32:18 +0000 Alice delivers missiles and then takes a shower. Anna Marie crosses her exes and upgrades her goggles. Chris kickstarts all the games and laments over... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 375: “When A Boy Likes A Girl” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 21:08:04 +0000 While Chris and Anna practice their skinship this weekend, Robert, aka “lolwhoops”, joins to talk about his digi-obsession. Alice once again disappoints in the area... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 396: “Black Hole of Zelda-Likes” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 10 Sep 2016 22:36:45 +0000 Big show this week as we go over our PAX experience. We’ve also got our Extra Life plans, legion impressions, and Persona 5 jealousy. Now... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 464: “Just Like Snot!” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 02 Jun 2018 23:39:07 +0000 E3 is just around the corner, so everyone’s working on their backlogs before the new stuff gets announced. There are predictions, Pokémon, and vague Fallout... Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike RPGCast – Episode 467: “Cursed Like Adol On A Ship” By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 19:36:44 +0000 Anna Marie puts shirts on. Chris enters mania. Kelley needs a loot box. And you, dear listener, what are you playing? Oh yeah, that car is totally the Ghostbusters car. Full Article News Podcasts RPG Cast
ike So merch for all that: how Bernie Sanders became politics’ least likely style icon By www.theguardian.com Published On :: 2020-04-11T08:00:08Z Never has one man in inexpensive rumpled suits been so loved by the style set - but Sanders’ clothes signal an authenticity other politicians can only dream ofOf all the things we’ll miss about Bernie Sanders, now that he has dropped out of the Democratic race, his style should be the least of it. Not only because his politics are so right on – this is the man who believes in free education and Medicare for all and who has had many Americans, who until recently felt disenfranchised by mainstream politics, feeling activated by it. But also because his clothes are so seemingly unremarkable.He wears crumpled suits that look borrowed from a slightly larger man and creased shirts with straight-lace striped ties. The inconspicuousness of his geography teacher shoes are matched only by his inoffensive navy round-neck jumpers. Continue reading... Full Article Fashion Bernie Sanders Life and style US news Balenciaga Fashion industry US politics World news Men's fashion Men
ike How to wear a biker jacket | Priya Elan By www.theguardian.com Published On :: 2020-05-01T12:00:53Z Thanks to Marlon Brando, this practical garment turned into the epitome of rebel streetwear before becoming a style staplePhysically, I’m about as robust as Stick Man. I’m weak enough to have seriously considered that my five-year-old is now physically stronger than me. When I hear “core”, all I think of is Andrea and her Irish singing siblings. So the idea of wearing a very heavy jacket like this sturdy biker one, gives me pause for thought. It will, I realise, force a rethink of how I move, and how I walk.But I’m being open-minded about the style, because the biker jacket has come a long way. It was created by Irving Schott in 1928, in conjunction with Harley-Davidson, with a specific function in mind (belt buckles placed in certain places to protect you from the wind while riding; zippers for easy access). Marlon Brando’s jacket in The Wild One was from this range. Brando helped move it to the mainstream, and since then it’s been loved by wrong ’uns, rebels, greasers and Ramones. Continue reading... Full Article Fashion Life and style Men's fashion
ike Beastie Boys Story review – Spike Jonze and the boys are back in town By www.theguardian.com Published On :: 2020-04-20T16:00:39Z Ad-Rock and Mike D host a convivial trip down memory lane in this filmed record of a live show staged in tribute to third member Adam YauchThe release of this documentary coincides with #MeAt20, a heart-twisting craze on social media for posting pictures of yourself at 20 years old. Middle-aged people’s timelines are speckled with funny, sweet and sometimes unbearably sad images of themselves in unlined, unformed youth, doing goofy things in milky analogue pictures from back when you had 12 or 24 exposures on your roll-film camera and getting them developed at Boots was a pricey business. That’s what I thought of while watching this engaging, oddly moving film from Spike Jonze: a record of the live stage show he devised at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn, New York, in tribute to white hip-hop stars and tongue-in-cheek party-libertarian activists the Beastie Boys. It is presented by the two surviving members, Adam Horovitz and Michael Diamond, in tribute to the third member, Adam Yauch, who died of cancer in 2012. Jonze is reuniting with the band after having directed a string of their music videos, including the crime-TV spoof for their single Sabotage in 1994.Horovitz and Diamond amble on stage, apparently dressed head-to-toe in Gap, and appear for all the world to be about to unveil the iPhone 4S, although actually their jokey anecdotalism makes the show in some ways like the regional tours once presented by George Best and Rodney Marsh. With amiably rehearsed back-and-forth banter, they introduce the embarrassing photos and excruciating TV clips that are shown on a big screen. And the effect of seeing them juxtaposed with the plump-faced frizzy-haired imps of 1986 is startling and bizarre. In the present day, the advancing years seem to have boiled away the badass attitude, leaving behind the quirky humour. Continue reading... Full Article Documentary films Film Music documentary Spike Jonze Beastie Boys Music Culture Rap Hip-hop
ike Robert De Niro: 'I'd like to play Cuomo in pandemic movie' By www.theguardian.com Published On :: 2020-05-07T14:18:00Z In another blistering attack on Donald Trump, the actor says the New York governor is doing what a president should doRobert De Niro has said he would be keen to play New York state governor Andrew Cuomo in a future movie about the coronavirus epidemic, as the actor made another blistering attack on Donald Trump.Appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, De Niro expressed his admiration for Cuomo, saying: “He’s doing what a president should do.” He added: “I could see [a President Cuomo]. I am for Biden, and want everything to go well for Biden, but at least we have a person who is very capable, a very capable backup, if you will … he’s doing a great job, he’s doing what any president should do.” Continue reading... Full Article Robert De Niro Film Donald Trump Andrew Cuomo US news Coronavirus outbreak Culture