
A Prospective, Comparative Study of Planar and Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography Ventilation/Perfusion Imaging for Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

Objectives: The study compared the diagnostic performance of Planar Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) and V/Q Single-photon computed tomography (SPECT), and determined whether combining perfusion scanning with low-dose computed tomography (Q-LDCT) may be equally effective in a prospective study of patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) patients. Background: V/Q scanning is recommended for excluding CTEPH during the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension (PH). However, Planar V/Q and V/Q SPECT techniques have yet to be compared in patients with CTEPH. Methods: Patients with suspected PH were eligible for the study. PH attributable to left heart disease or lung disease was excluded, and patients whose PH was confirmed by right heart catheterization and who completed Planar V/Q, V/Q-SPECT, Q-LDCT, and pulmonary angiography were included. V/Q images were interpreted and patients were diagnosed as instructed by the 2009 EANM guidelines, and pulmonary angiography analyses were used as a reference standard. Results: A total of 208 patients completed the study, including 69 with CTEPH confirmed by pulmonary angiography. Planar V/Q, V/Q-SPECT, and Q-LDCT were all highly effective for diagnosing CTEPH, with no significant differences in sensitivity or specificity observed among the three techniques (Planar V/Q [sensitivity/specificity]: 94.20%/92.81%; V/Q-SPECT: 97.10%/91.37%, Q-LCDT: 95.65%/90.65%). However, V/Q-SPECT was significantly more sensitive (V/Q-SPECT: 79.21%; Planar V/Q: 75.84%, P = 0.012; Q-LDCT: 74.91%, p<0.001), and Planar V/Q was significantly more specific (Planar V/Q: 54.14%; V/Q-SPECT 46.05%, p<0.001; Q-LDCT: 46.05%, P = 0.001) than the other two techniques for identifying perfusion defects in individual lung segments. Conclusion: Both Planar V/Q and V/Q-SPECT were highly effective for diagnosing CTEPH, and Q-LDCT may be a reliable alternative method for patients who are unsuitable for ventilation imaging.


Receptor-targeted photodynamic therapy of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor positive lesions

Treatment of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is challenging. Surgical treatment of insulinomas and focal lesions in congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is invasive and carries major risks of morbidity. Medication to treat nesidioblastosis and diffuse CHI has varying efficacy and causes significant side effects. Here, we describe a novel method for therapy of hyperinsulinemic hyperglycemia, highly selectively killing beta cells by targeted photodynamic therapy (tPDT) with exendin-4-IRDye700DX, targeting the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R). A competitive binding assay was performed using Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells transfected with the GLP-1R. The efficacy and specificity of tPDT with exendin-4-IRDye700DX was examined in vitro in cells with different levels of GLP-1R expression. Tracer biodistribution was determined in BALB/c nude mice bearing subcutaneous CHL-GLP-1R xenografts. Induction of cellular damage and the effect on tumor growth were analyzed to determine treatment efficacy. Exendin-4-IRDye700DX has a high affinity for the GLP-1R with an IC50 value of 6.3 nM. TPDT caused significant specific phototoxicity in GLP-1R positive cells (2.3 ± 0.8 % and 2.7 ± 0.3 % remaining cell viability in CHL-GLP-1R and INS-1 cells resp.). The tracer accumulates dose-dependently in GLP-1R positive tumors. In vivo tPDT induces cellular damage in tumors, shown by strong expression of cleaved-caspase-3 and leads to a prolonged median survival of the mice (36.5 vs. 22.5 days resp. p<0.05). These data show in vitro as well as in vivo evidence for the potency of tPDT using exendin-4-IRDye700DX. This could in the future provide a new, minimally invasive and highly specific treatment method for hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.


Thorough Performance Evaluation of 213 nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation for Top-down Proteomics [Technological Innovation and Resources]

Top-down proteomics studies intact proteoform mixtures and offers important advantages over more common bottom-up proteomics technologies, as it avoids the protein inference problem. However, achieving complete molecular characterization of investigated proteoforms using existing technologies remains a fundamental challenge for top-down proteomics. Here, we benchmark the performance of ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) using 213 nm photons generated by a solid-state laser applied to the study of intact proteoforms from three organisms. Notably, the described UVPD setup applies multiple laser pulses to induce ion dissociation, and this feature can be used to optimize the fragmentation outcome based on the molecular weight of the analyzed biomolecule. When applied to complex proteoform mixtures in high-throughput top-down proteomics, 213 nm UVPD demonstrated a high degree of complementarity with the most employed fragmentation method in proteomics studies, higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD). UVPD at 213 nm offered higher average proteoform sequence coverage and degree of proteoform characterization (including localization of post-translational modifications) than HCD. However, previous studies have shown limitations in applying database search strategies developed for HCD fragmentation to UVPD spectra which contains up to nine fragment ion types. We therefore performed an analysis of the different UVPD product ion type frequencies. From these data, we developed an ad hoc fragment matching strategy and determined the influence of each possible ion type on search outcomes. By paring down the number of ion types considered in high-throughput UVPD searches from all types down to the four most abundant, we were ultimately able to achieve deeper proteome characterization with UVPD. Lastly, our detailed product ion analysis also revealed UVPD cleavage propensities and determined the presence of a product ion produced specifically by 213 nm photons. All together, these observations could be used to better elucidate UVPD dissociation mechanisms and improve the utility of the technique for proteomic applications.


Phosphotyrosine-based Phosphoproteomics for Target Identification and Drug Response Prediction in AML Cell Lines [Research]

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a clonal disorder arising from hematopoietic myeloid progenitors. Aberrantly activated tyrosine kinases (TK) are involved in leukemogenesis and are associated with poor treatment outcome. Kinase inhibitor (KI) treatment has shown promise in improving patient outcome in AML. However, inhibitor selection for patients is suboptimal.

In a preclinical effort to address KI selection, we analyzed a panel of 16 AML cell lines using phosphotyrosine (pY) enrichment-based, label-free phosphoproteomics. The Integrative Inferred Kinase Activity (INKA) algorithm was used to identify hyperphosphorylated, active kinases as candidates for KI treatment, and efficacy of selected KIs was tested.

Heterogeneous signaling was observed with between 241 and 2764 phosphopeptides detected per cell line. Of 4853 identified phosphopeptides with 4229 phosphosites, 4459 phosphopeptides (4430 pY) were linked to 3605 class I sites (3525 pY). INKA analysis in single cell lines successfully pinpointed driver kinases (PDGFRA, JAK2, KIT and FLT3) corresponding with activating mutations present in these cell lines. Furthermore, potential receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) drivers, undetected by standard molecular analyses, were identified in four cell lines (FGFR1 in KG-1 and KG-1a, PDGFRA in Kasumi-3, and FLT3 in MM6). These cell lines proved highly sensitive to specific KIs. Six AML cell lines without a clear RTK driver showed evidence of MAPK1/3 activation, indicative of the presence of activating upstream RAS mutations. Importantly, FLT3 phosphorylation was demonstrated in two clinical AML samples with a FLT3 internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutation.

Our data show the potential of pY-phosphoproteomics and INKA analysis to provide insight in AML TK signaling and identify hyperactive kinases as potential targets for treatment in AML cell lines. These results warrant future investigation of clinical samples to further our understanding of TK phosphorylation in relation to clinical response in the individual patient.


Fatty acid oxidation and photoreceptor metabolic needs [Thematic Reviews]

Photoreceptors have high energy-demands and a high density of mitochondria that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) of fuel substrates. Although glucose is the major fuel for central nervous system (CNS) brain neurons, in photoreceptors (also CNS), most glucose is not metabolized through OXPHOS but is instead metabolized into lactate by aerobic glycolysis. The major fuel sources for photoreceptor mitochondria remained unclear for almost six decades. Similar to other tissues (like heart and skeletal muscle) with high metabolic rates, photoreceptors were recently found to metabolize fatty acids (palmitate) through OXPHOS. Disruption of lipid entry into photoreceptors leads to extracellular lipid accumulation, suppressed glucose transporter expression, and a duel lipid/glucose fuel shortage. Modulation of lipid metabolism helps restore photoreceptor function. However, further elucidation of the types of lipids used as retinal energy sources, the metabolic interaction with other fuel pathways, as well as the crosstalk among retinal cells to provide energy to photoreceptors is not yet known. In this review, we will focus on the current understanding of photoreceptor energy demand and sources, and potential future investigations of photoreceptor metabolism.


MaxQuant software for ion mobility enhanced shotgun proteomics [Technological Innovation and Resources]

Ion mobility can add a dimension to LC-MS based shotgun proteomics which has the potential to boost proteome coverage, quantification accuracy and dynamic range.  Required for this is suitable software that extracts the information contained in the four-dimensional (4D) data space spanned by m/z, retention time, ion mobility and signal intensity. Here we describe the ion mobility enhanced MaxQuant software, which utilizes the added data dimension. It offers an end to end computational workflow for the identification and quantification of peptides and proteins in LC-IMS-MS/MS shotgun proteomics data. We apply it to trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) coupled to a quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) analyzer. A highly parallelizable 4D feature detection algorithm extracts peaks which are assembled to isotope patterns. Masses are recalibrated with a non-linear m/z, retention time, ion mobility and signal intensity dependent model, based on peptides from the sample. A new matching between runs (MBR) algorithm that utilizes collisional cross section (CCS) values of MS1 features in the matching process significantly gains specificity from the extra dimension. Prerequisite for using CCS values in MBR is a relative alignment of the ion mobility values between the runs. The missing value problem in protein quantification over many samples is greatly reduced by CCS aware MBR.MS1 level label-free quantification is also implemented which proves to be highly precise and accurate on a benchmark dataset with known ground truth. MaxQuant for LC-IMS-MS/MS is part of the basic MaxQuant release and can be downloaded from


An arrestin-1 surface opposite of its interface with photoactivated rhodopsin engages with enolase-1 [Protein Structure and Folding]

Arrestin-1 is the arrestin family member responsible for inactivation of the G protein–coupled receptor rhodopsin in photoreceptors. Arrestin-1 is also well-known to interact with additional protein partners and to affect other signaling cascades beyond phototransduction. In this study, we investigated one of these alternative arrestin-1 binding partners, the glycolysis enzyme enolase-1, to map the molecular contact sites between these two proteins and investigate how the binding of arrestin-1 affects the catalytic activity of enolase-1. Using fluorescence quench protection of strategically placed fluorophores on the arrestin-1 surface, we observed that arrestin-1 primarily engages enolase-1 along a surface that is opposite of the side of arrestin-1 that binds photoactivated rhodopsin. Using this information, we developed a molecular model of the arrestin-1–enolase-1 complex, which was validated by targeted substitutions of charge-pair interactions. Finally, we identified the likely source of arrestin's modulation of enolase-1 catalysis, showing that selective substitution of two amino acids in arrestin-1 can completely remove its effect on enolase-1 activity while still remaining bound to enolase-1. These findings open up opportunities for examining the functional effects of arrestin-1 on enolase-1 activity in photoreceptors and their surrounding cells.


An arrestin-1 surface opposite of its interface with photoactivated rhodopsin engages with enolase-1 [Protein Structure and Folding]

Arrestin-1 is the arrestin family member responsible for inactivation of the G protein–coupled receptor rhodopsin in photoreceptors. Arrestin-1 is also well-known to interact with additional protein partners and to affect other signaling cascades beyond phototransduction. In this study, we investigated one of these alternative arrestin-1 binding partners, the glycolysis enzyme enolase-1, to map the molecular contact sites between these two proteins and investigate how the binding of arrestin-1 affects the catalytic activity of enolase-1. Using fluorescence quench protection of strategically placed fluorophores on the arrestin-1 surface, we observed that arrestin-1 primarily engages enolase-1 along a surface that is opposite of the side of arrestin-1 that binds photoactivated rhodopsin. Using this information, we developed a molecular model of the arrestin-1–enolase-1 complex, which was validated by targeted substitutions of charge-pair interactions. Finally, we identified the likely source of arrestin's modulation of enolase-1 catalysis, showing that selective substitution of two amino acids in arrestin-1 can completely remove its effect on enolase-1 activity while still remaining bound to enolase-1. These findings open up opportunities for examining the functional effects of arrestin-1 on enolase-1 activity in photoreceptors and their surrounding cells.


Homeless persons shot in Kingston, police probing

The police are probing the shooting of two homeless persons along Church Street in downtown Kingston. The incident, which happened about 10:10 Thursday morning, drew a large gathering. The Gleaner understands that both injured persons were rushed...


Workers blame Iberostar for failure to benefit from SET Cash COVID relief - Employees charge that hotel did not to pay over tax deductions to State

Western Bureau: Some displaced Iberostar employees in Rose Hall, St James, are angry with their employer, charging that they have been unable to benefit from the Government’s COVID-19 relief programme because of the hotel’s failure to pay over...


Calls to European Domestic Violence Hotlines Soar Amid Lockdowns


Calls to domestic violence hotlines in Europe are up by as much as three-fifths as alcohol and drug abuse combine with close confinement in coronavirus lockdowns to fuel abuse of the most vulnerable, the World Health Organization has said.


Injecting Insulin: Taking shots safely, correctly, and with little or no pain

Jan 1, 2013; 31:46-46
Patient Information


Snapshots of American Dentistry

Average educational indebtedness of graduating students from U.S. dental schools has increased an average of 3.5% annually between 2000 and 2018 after adjusting for inflation.


Send Give Kids A Smile photos

ADA News welcomes digital submissions from GKAS program participants.


Snapshots of American Dentistry

International dental school graduates in U.S. dental schools


Snapshots of American Dentistry

Advanced dental education program enrollment by gender


Snapshots of American Dentistry

Allied dental vs predoctoral dental graduates


Snapshots of American Dentistry


In photos: Celebrity moms -- with their kids -- on the red carpet

In honor of Mother's Day, May 10, 2020, here's a look at some celebrity moms who brought the kids along for a walk on the red carpet over the past few years.


Too Hot or Too Cold at Work? Best Bet Is to Chill Out

Office managers are under siege. They know that if they set the temperature to 74, they hear from the woman in human resources who says it is too cold. If they turn it up to 76, they hear from the man in marketing who wants to know why it is sweltering hot.


Hot and Cold Emotions Make Us Poor Judges

Why would David Vitter, a U.S. senator with four young children, have gotten involved with a seedy escort service? Why would Michael Vick, a gifted NFL quarterback, get mixed up with the sordid world of dog fighting? Why would Bill Clinton, a Rhodes scholar, six-time governor and president of the...


Hot smoked ocean trout with salad

200 gm flaked salt 200 gm brown sugar 1 side ocean trout, skin on, pinboned 1/2 cup smoking shavings/sawdust Salad 1 butter lettuce 1 baby endive lettuce 2 Lebanese cucumbers 200 ml creme fraiche 100 ml vinaigrette (25 ml sherry vinegar, 25 ml olive oil, 50 ml grape seed oil) Salt and pepper 2 Granny Smith apples 1 stick celery Bunch chives


T-Rex charged over high shot

Tony Williams is likely to miss Australia's Four Nations clash with Wales this weekend after being charged with a high tackle on England back rower Ben Westwood.


Charles Barkley believes in the hot hand fallacy – when it comes to poker, anyway

NBA legend and recreational gambler Charles Barkley is presented with the following hypothetical on ESPN radio: You are winning big at the poker table when a beautiful woman sits down next to you. “Do you stay with the hands or do you leave?” Barkley: “Bro, gambling is so fickle, I love to gamble, when you [...]


Lincoln Public Schools students getting free hotspot service


3 found shot dead in high school parking lot


Lincoln Public Schools students getting free hotspot service


3 found shot dead in high school parking lot


Desegregation Order Lifted on Georgia School District in Coronavirus Hotspot

Dougherty County, a largely black school district in an region heavily affected by coronavirus, is no longer subject to desegregation orders first imposed in 1963.


Carly Tarkari Dodd : shackled excellence : 1 October - 10 December 2019 / curated by Adele Sliuzas ; photography by Morgon Sette.

Carly Dodd is a KaurnaNarungga and Ngarrindjeri artist. Carly mixes traditional and contemporary techniques, to produce works that are conceptually and culturally driven. Jack Buckskin is a Kaurna, Narungga and Wirangu man, born in the Adelaide Plains region, who has dedicated himself to learning and sharing the Kaurna language and culture.


The greatest flight : reliving the aerial triumph that changed the world / Peter McMillan ; photographs by James L. Stanfield ; historical text by Terry Gwynn-Jones ; construction text by John La Noue ; foreword by Walter J. Boyne.

McMillan, Peter -- Travel.


Architects' houses : twenty Australian homes / Stephen Crafti ; photography by Gorta Yuuki.

Architects -- Australia -- 21st century.


Bats : an illustrated guide to all species / Marianne Taylor ; Merlin D. Tuttle, science editor and photographer.



Capturing nature : early scientific photography at the Australian Museum 1857-1893 / Vanessa Finney ; foreword by Kim McKay.

Krefft, Gerard, 1830-1881.


A natural history and field guide to Australia's Top End / Penny van Osterzee, Ian Morris, Diane Lucas, Noel Preece ; photographer: Ian Morris.

Botany -- Northern Territory.


Iconic : modern Australian houses 1950-2000 / Karen McCartney ; photography by Michael Wee.

Architecture, Domestic -- Australia -- History -- 20th century.


A photographic memory : George S. Hutton, Port Adelaide and surrounds, 1924-1984 / Erina S. Hutton.

Hutton, George Stewart, 1906-1984.


The fate of food : what we'll eat in a bigger, hotter, smarter world / Amanda Little.

Sustainable agriculture.


Plunkett Street Photography Exhibition

There was a definite buzz of anticipation in the Plunkett Street Public School crowd as they made their way into the Lib


Indiana Teachers Shot With Plastic Pellets in Active-Shooter Drill, Raising Concerns

The Indiana state teachers' union is pushing to protect student and staff safety during active-shooter trainings.


Superintendents on Hot Seat in Executing School Closures

Many are whipsawed by shutdown recommendations aimed at stemming the coronavirus, and the logistical and financial consequences of those actions.


Die Eingeborenen Süd-Afrika's / ethnographisch und anatomisch Beschrieben von Gustav Fritsch ... mit zahlreichen Illustrationen, grossentheils nach Original-Photographien und Zeichnungen des Verfassers im Holzschnitt ausgeführt, zwanzig lith

Breslau : F. Hirt, 1872.


Die Kehlkopf-Knorpel : Untersuchungen ueber deren physiologische und pathologische Textur-Veraenderungen / von Max Schottelius.

Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1879.


Dietetical and medical hydrology : a treatise on baths; including cold, sea, warm, hot, vapour, gas, and mud baths, also on the watery regimen, hydropathy, and pulmonary inhalation; with a description of bathing in ancient and modern times / by John Bell.

Philadelphia : Barrington and Haswell, 1850.


Du traitement des maladies du coeur par la méthode des Drs Schott, de Nauheim / par le docteur Moeller, médecin praticien à Bruxelles, membre titulaire de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique, etc / par la methode des drs

Bruxelles : A. Manceaux, 1893.


Superintendents on Hot Seat in Executing School Closures

Many are whipsawed by shutdown recommendations aimed at stemming the coronavirus, and the logistical and financial consequences of those actions.


The empress Zenobia is brought as a prisoner before the Roman emperor Aurelian. Photograph after J. van Egmont.


The drunken Hercules. Photograph by J. Mudd after E.J. Hähnel.

[Manchester] : [James Mudd], [18--]


A young woman with a greyhound on a terrace, setting off for a rendez-vous. Photograph after H. Knöchl, ca. 1875.

[Munich?], [between 1870 and 1879?]


A young girl with a doll reading a large folio volume. Photograph by F. Hanfstaengl after H. Knöchl, ca. 1876.

München [Munich] : Fr. Hanfstaengl, [between 1870 and 1879?]