
The 2016 Rio Olympics: Will Brazil’s emergence get a second wind?

In these days when Brazil’s politics are in turmoil and its economy is in the doldrums, it is all too easy for Brazilians to dismiss their country’s decision to host the Summer 2016 Olympics as part and parcel of the same package of bad policy decisions that landed them in their present predicament. The steady […]



Top Priorities for Africa in 2015

The year 2015 will be an eventful one for the more than one billion people living in Africa. China, Africa’s largest trading partner, will hold the Sixth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation; the Post-2015 Development Agenda will chart a new course for global responses to poverty; West Africa will begin its recovery from the devastating Ebola…



Retirement Security a Priority in the 2015 State of the Union

In the 2015 State of the Union Address, President Obama made retirement security a priority for his Administration by promoting the Automatic IRA, a retirement savings plan that originated at the Retirement Security Project. The proposals would increase the ability of part-time workers to join their employer’s plan and improve tax incentives for businesses that either start an Automatic IRA or other type of retirement plan or add automatic enrollment to an existing plan.  

Only about half of all American workers have access to a payroll deduction retirement savings plan at work. For part-time workers, fewer than four in ten have the opportunity to save at work. And while these individuals could in theory save on their own in an IRA, the best estimate is that only about one in twenty eligible to contribute to an IRA actually do so on a regular basis.

Last year, the President announced the creation of My Retirement Account, or “MyRA.” Similar to the R-Bond discussed in a recent AARP Public Policy Institute paper written by William Gale, David John and Spencer Smith, MyRA would allow individuals to save up to $15,000 in a government bond account similar to the one offered as an option to federal employees through the Thrift Savings Plan.

Now, the White House proposes to build on the MyRA.  Because the Automatic IRA would require employers with more than 10 employees to offer retirement accounts, about 30 million more workers would have the opportunity to save for retirement via payroll deduction. Using automatic enrollment, a mechanism that both works and that employees strongly support, the Automatic IRA would serve as a permanent retirement savings plan, rather than a starter account like MyRA.

To further increase the number of retirement savers, the Obama Administration also proposes to allow part-time employees who have worked for the employer for at least 500 hours a year for the past three years to make voluntary contributions to the employer’s plan.  Currently, employers are allowed to exclude any employee who works less than 1,000 hours per year. 

And to encourage employers to offer retirement plans, the existing tax credits for small employers who start a new retirement plan or pension would be greatly expanded.  Small employers who create an Automatic IRA would be eligible for a $3,000 tax credit, while those who open another type of retirement plan would be eligible for a $4,500 tax credit.  And just adding automatic enrollment to an existing plan would earn a small employer a tax credit of $1,500.

While these proposals would all need the approval of congress, they may well be able to rise above the usual political maneuvering.  For instance, both left and right have made positive comments about the Automatic IRA, and businesses should support the call for expanded tax credits to cover their costs in implementing the plans.

Most important, the president continues to make retirement security a priority with practical solutions that would allow many more Americans to build retirement security through their own efforts.  His proposals promote the kind of values and self-reliance that both sides of the political spectrum find attractive.

Image Source: © Brian Snyder / Reuters


Women warriors: The ongoing story of integrating and diversifying the American armed forces

How have the experiences, representation, and recognition of women in the military transformed, a century after the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? As Brookings President and retired Marine Corps General John Allen has pointed out, at times, the U.S. military has been one of America’s most progressive institutions, as with racial…



The rapidly deteriorating quality of democracy in Latin America

Democracy is facing deep challenges across Latin America today. On February 16, for instance, municipal elections in the Dominican Republic were suspended due to the failure of electoral ballot machines in more than 80% of polling stations that used them. The failure sparked large protests around the country, where thousands took to the streets to…



Overview of the EMF 32 study on U.S. carbon tax scenarios



Health care priorities for a COVID-19 stimulus bill: Recommendations to the administration, congress, and other federal, state, and local leaders from public health, medical, policy, and legal experts



Early Childhood Development: A Chinese National Priority and Global Concern for 2015

The Chinese government has recently made early childhood development a national priority, recognizing the social and economic dividends that quality early learning opportunities reap for its human capital in the long term. As the country with the largest population in the world, 100 million children under the age of six in China stand to benefit from increased access to high quality early childhood education.

The quality of education in a country is indicative of its overall development prospects. Over the past two decades – building on the momentum generated by the Education for All and Millennium Development Goals – there have been significant increases in the number of children enrolled in school. Now, with discussions heating up around what the next set of development goals will look like in 2015, it is critical that learning across the education spectrum – from early childhood through adolescence and beyond – is included as a global priority. Starting early helps children enter primary school prepared to learn. High-quality early childhood development opportunities can have long-term impacts on a child’s later success in school.

Last month, the Chinese Ministry of Education, in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund, launched its first national early childhood advocacy month to promote early learning for all children. The campaign, which includes national television public service announcements on the benefits of investing early in education, builds on a commitment made by the government in 2010 to increase funding for early childhood education over the next decade. The Chinese government pledged to build new preschool facilities, enhance and scale up teacher training, provide subsidies for rural families for access to early learning opportunities, and increase support for private early childhood education centers.

A new policy guide by the Center for Universal Education outlines recommendations that education stakeholders, including national governments, can take to ensure that all children are in school and learning. These steps include establishing equity-based learning targets for all children, systematically collecting data for tracking progress against these targets, and allocating sufficient resources to education beginning in early childhood. The policy guide, based on a report calling for a Global Compact on Learning, is available in Mandarin, as well as Spanish, PortugueseFrench and, soon, Arabic.

The success of China’s productivity and growth over the last few decades is attributable in part to its commitment to building a robust education system. As international attention mounts around the post-2015 education and development agendas, the priorities of national governments must be a central organizing principle. When national governments take bold steps to prioritize early childhood development, the global community should take its cue and integrate early childhood development into the broader push toward access plus learning. There is an opportunity for the global education community to push toward reaching the Education for All and Millennium Development Goals while ensuring that the post-2015 agendas include a focus on the quality of education, learning and skills development, beginning with the youngest citizens.


Image Source: Jason Lee / Reuters


4 priorities in the race to build a sustainable food system



Is the new Patriot Act making us safer?



Policy insights from comparing carbon pricing modeling scenarios

Carbon pricing is an important policy tool for reducing greenhouse gas pollution. The Stanford Energy Modeling Forum exercise 32 convened eleven modeling teams to project emissions, energy, and economic outcomes of an illustrative range of economy-wide carbon price policies. The study compared a coordinated reference scenario involving no new policies with policy scenarios that impose…



Venezuela: mais mercenários presos, incluindo dois veteranos das forças especiais dos EUA

Vários mercenários foram mortos e outros presos em La Guaira, em 3 de maio, enquanto tentavam desembarcar na Venezuela como parte de uma conspiração contra o governo Maduro. Em 4 de maio, outros oito mercenários foram presos na cidade costeira de Chuao, no estado de Aragua, entre eles dois ex-veteranos das forças especiais dos EUA.


Tomorrow: 1945 movie shows the glorious future of prefab

We have seen this movie before.


The world's 11 certified Dark Sky Reserves, where the stars run riot

Idaho is working hard to create an official dark sky reserve, which would make it the first in the US and the 12th in the world.


After the big Northridge earthquake, a mysterious cloud appeared above LA – here's what it was

Calls came into emergency centers and even the Griffith Observatory from LA residents who described seeing a “giant silvery cloud.”


236 sq. ft. micro-apartment stacks & maximizes its interior up in Taipei

To make this small space more livable, there is an emphasis on filling out the vertical space. Plus, a great tatami-inspired seating area.


Hamilton, Ontario, gets "urban pumper" right-sized for urban streets

The city is getting bike lanes and light rail transit, and their new apparatuses are chosen to better fit the streetscape.


Luxurious Alpha tiny house opens wide on both sides to let the outdoors in

This ingenious design features a roll-up garage door and a drop-down deck on either side, allowing the home to feel even more spacious.


The Orchid is a luxurious Scandinavian-inspired tiny home

This modern take on the gabled farmhouse includes lots of clever space-saving ideas.


Photographer Discovers Mysterious "Bearded" Antelope

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Kids suffer deeply when playtime is not prioritized

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Designing Out Waste in Industry Becomes a Priority for Big UK Businesses

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General Mills now makes GMO-free Cheerios

An anti-GMO campaign declares victory.


China Bans Rare Earth Sales To Japan; Japan Starts Serious Recycling

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Endangered Species List on the Periodic Table?

It sounds ridiculous: how could an element on the periodic table be an endangered species? The scientist, James Elser of Arizona State University, who is asking if we need a 'Red List' for phosphorous uses the


Laundry detergent pods pose serious health hazard for kids

Consumer Reports strongly urges houses with children under 6 to avoid them altogether.


California gets serious in the fight against plastic microfibers

New legislation would require polyester clothing to have a label warning about shedding in the wash.


Video: Leonardo Dicaprio's 11th Hour Trailer

Via MySpace, here's the trailer for 11th Hour with a spoken intro by Leonardo. According to IMDB, the film will be released in the USA on August 17th. Check out the official 11th Hour website.


Dicaprio's 11th Hour Features Real Environmental Superstars

Two weeks ago, fellow Treehugger George Spyros and I had the opportunity to catch a sneak preview of Leonardo Dicaprio's The 11th Hour. Organized by Project Greenhouse, the screening was appropriately held outdoors and under the stars at Marders, an


Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt: Who's the More Timely Eco-Hunk? Plus Mickey Rourke Fights Again!

Leonardo DiCaprio lost the Golden Globe, but he's always a winner on the green activist front. The eco-champ has signed on to be the celebrity face of watchmaker TAG Heuer. Replacing fellow eco-hunk Brad Pitt. But, Leo isn't pocketing a cent of his


Leonardo DiCaprio's Green Oscar, Salma Hayek's Got Milk, and More

My favorite eco-star might of gotten snubbed by Oscar, but Leo's enivormental work gets a green prize. The actor/activist was honored with the International Green Film Award by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at the


Leonardo DiCaprio Is Kids' Green Hero, Nicole Richie Taps Into Charity, and More

Photo via I Watch Stuff Leonardo DiCaprio is already a favorite with eco-minded like gals, like myself! Now the next generation are digging Leo and his big green heart. This Saturdays Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards will honor the actor/activist with


Leonardo DiCaprio's Timely Campaign, Paul McCartney's Green Family Affair, and More

Eco-hunk Leonardo DiCaprio is the new face of TAG Heuer Carrera watch. A gig formely held by fellow greenie, Brad Pitt. But, so long Brad and hello Leo! Ecorazzi posted the first shot of his soon to be released ad campaign. The green


Ecorazzi on DiCaprio + Van Jones, Worldchanging Interviews Wangari Maathai, Chevron Toxico, and More

Chevron Toxico: Chevron Produces Phony Online News Coverage to Spread Misinformation about Ecuador Disaster "To promote a misinformation campaign about its role in the oil contamination of a pristine area of the rainforest in Ecuador, Chevron recently


Leonardo DiCaprio's Big Green Heart, Beyonce's Fashion Excess, and more

Ok, so this isn't a true green item. But, kudo's to my favorite eco-celeb, Leonardo DiCaprio for his consistent give-back spirit. Leo and Kate Winslet returned to their Titanic roots to help out the ship's one remaining


7 Ways Leonardo DiCaprio Proves Green is Sexy

Yes, he's blond, blue-eyed handsome and yes, he's talented. But Academy Award-winning Leonardo DiCaprio continually proves he is more than just a pretty face jumping on the celebrity hybrid bandwagon. From resorts


Leo's most important role yet? DiCaprio pledges $7 million to ocean conservation projects

This is DiCaprio going back to his first love, in a way, as before becoming an actor, he thought about becoming a marine biologist.


Leonardo DiCaprio wants to find the world's loneliest whale, donates $50k for search

Good Guy Leo strikes again!


Luxurious small smart homes by Tiny Heirloom

High-end materials meets smart home automation in this country-styled tiny home.


Zero waste is a priority for Maori communities in New Zealand

A group called Para Kore has been working since 2009 to spread the message of waste reduction and diversion.


Tiny House Warriors building tiny homes to block construction of oil pipeline (Video)

These are tiny homes with an activist bent, taking a stand against the incursion of a pipeline that could contaminate indigenous lands.


Did Peak Oil Doomers Fixate On a False Scenario?

The problem is not too little oil, says a new IEA report, it's too much oil. And it illustrates why activists should not presume to know the future.


My foray into the mysterious world of sound healing

Sound healing is based on the idea that pure, deconstructed sound can rebalance the body's energy.


It's time to get serious about noise pollution

If you could see "aural litter" you would be shocked at how much of it there is.


It's time to get serious about dealing with cars and trucks in the city

In Toronto and New York, Vision Zero is just talk. It's time for action.


Province of Ontario introduces new penalties for careless drivers causing death

Drivers used to get away with murder; new legislation is much stronger.


Ontario Conservative politicians running from carbon taxes

Going green is going too far in the Province of Ontario


Ontario's GreenBelt could be turned into "largest condo farm this province has ever seen"

Doug Ford, now leading in the polls, wants to open up more of it for development.


It's time to stop prioritizing cars over kids

How many crushings or deaths will it take for a school to realize that large moving vehicles and small kids on foot are not meant to mingle in the same confined space?


Ontario is getting steamed over milk

One newspaper says there is no difference between organic and conventional milk; another says the test pool is far too small to make that conclusion.