
Ontario's Doug Ford's proposed natural gas expansion is like putting 42,560 cars on the road

Just what we needed in what was a decarbonizing planet.


Ontario's Doug Ford bans bans on clothesline bans

No green energy issue is too small for the rampaging Premier.


Ontario government cancels program to plant 50 million trees

Who needs trees when you can have beer in corner stores?


The Ontario Beer Store is a model for the circular economy

It's being killed the name of "convenience."


Mysterious Animal Deaths Prompt Peru to Issue Health Alert

Hundreds of dolphins and pelicans have been found dead on beaches in Peru since February, prompting the government to issue a public health warning.


Ontario might get a 400MW pumped storage station five times the height of Niagara Falls

While grid-scale liquid metal batteries might be a more exciting technology, good old pumped hydro storage is one of the ways we can store power from intermittent sources (like solar & wind) or shift supply around (from the night to peak use).


It’s time to treat illegal wildlife trade like a serious crime

A new report calls for international collaboration to fight the crime organizations behind the illegal trade in wood and wildlife.


London Exhibit Explores the Mysterious Human Brain, With Samples From Geniuses and Body Snatchers (Photos)

"Brains: The Mind as Matter" at the Wellcome Collection features 150 objects including real brains, anatomical models and artworks, and more.


The best and worst of the Interior Design Show 2015

Green and sustainable used to be buzzwords here. They don't appear to even exist anymore.


Photo: Pretty bee with flower reveals curious relationship

A giant resin bee is drawn to purple loosestrife, can you guess the connection?


"Vegan Richa's Indian Kitchen" is a serious Indian cookbook for vegans

Vegans will love this cookbook that has grown out of a popular Indian food blog. Now it's possible to enjoy classics like tofu-paneer in spinach and chicken-free balti.


Curious? Rent this mini-earthship in a permaculture community (Video)

Interested in trying out a night or two in a hand-built earthship? Here's one you can rent, located in an "eco-preneur" and permaculture community in Quebec.


Sakura is a luxurious modern tiny house for cold climates (Video)

Built on a gooseneck trailer, this big tiny home features a lot of clever small-space design ideas.


The River Thames From its Source to London in Glorious Colour (Photos)

From its tiny source to the Houses of Parliament, here are glorious photos of the River Thames.


Master Plan for new community in Bergen is seriously low carbon

It's got all three: low transportation energy, low embodied carbon, low operating energy.


A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment

"A Jewish ecology is 'not


Producers could finally be responsible for packaging waste in Ontario

The Canadian province is overhauling its recycling program, which would include holding producers accountable for their wasteful packaging designs.


Wake up with Leonardo DiCaprio’s fair trade organic coffee

Now you can get your morning coffee fix celebrity-style, thanks to an alliance between Leonardo DiCaprio and LaColumbe coffee -- plus, all proceeds support sustainable initiatives.


Most Popular Articles of June: City of Tulsa Destroys Woman's Edible Garden, Hilarious Prank on Shell, and More

How can a city destroy an edible garden on private property without legal permission? We also have the viral party-gone-wrong prank on Shell, the 12 most toxic fruits and vegetables, and more.


The UN's Rio+20 Conference Matters

Here's why the United Nations' Rio+20 Conference matters to everyone.


Reproductive Rights Scrubbed From Rio+20 Text - Why That's Bad News for the Planet

Opposition from the G77 Nations and the Vatican led to the removal of the words 'reproductive rights' from the Rio+20 text, leaving in 'acceptable modern methods of family planning'.


"Eco-Luxurious" domes blend harmoniously with Quebec landscape

Bourgeois / Lechasseur architects figure out how to square the circle.


Ontario Reacts to Live Asian Carp Spilled in River

This was an actual test. But only a test. Like those emergency tones you hear on your TV when a storm is approaching. Officials in Ontario, Canada, think the possibility of a live Asian carp invasion via truck is real. People


Triodos Bank Annual Meeting Tackles Food Security

Whenever we've discussed Triodos Bank, the European sustainability-oriented savings bank with branches in the UK, Spain, The Netherlands and Belgium, we've always been impressed at the number of customers who attend


Slow Food Pop-Tarts, Made with Serious Love (A Foodie Gift Find!)

With science pointing to all the pitfalls of sugar on human health and longevity, I have ever more reason to curb desserts and hidden sugars. Sadly, "reason" lacks in my vocabulary during the holidays. On


Turkmenistan Starts Building New Desert Sea: Glorious Deed or Disaster Waiting to Happen?

The Aral Sea, Central Asia's most (in)famous body of water, has become a global symbol of environmental mismanagement. But at least one government in the region doesn't seem to have


Photo: Glorious great egret displays its prize

Our photo of the day comes from Hampton, New Hampshire.


5 reasons to take clutter seriously

You don't want it in your life. Do everything to avoid it.


This algae-powered exterior cladding turns polluted air into fresh oxygen

This modular curtain could help existing buildings photosynthesize oxygen and get rid of pollution in cities.


Mysterious 4-mile long river in Peru is so hot it actually boils

Now confirmed, the legendary boiling river deep in the Amazon was long considered an impossibility due to its distance from active volcanoes.


The Midcentury Kitchen is a riot of color, from avocado green to harvest gold (book review)

Sarah Archer shows how the kitchen became the colorful nerve center of the modern house.


This February 2 is a most-glorious, super rare palindrome day

Not only is it Groundhog Day and Super Bowl Sunday, but it's also an extra-special 8-digit palindrome day.


Barns are being lost and stolen in search of "rustic chic" interior design

A lot of our history is being lost so that people can get that popular look.


Not seen at the Interior Design Show 2020: A whole lot of sustainable, green design

Every year we go look for the latest in sustainable design. Every year the post gets shorter.


Celebrate Earth Day with Leonardo DiCaprio via eBay

Photo by squarehippies If you've ever tried to figure out how to support important projects like green schools while combating climate change AND meet a movie star all while shopping online, wonder no more. eBay and Global Green USA is holding an


Artist's earth-inspired rugs feature luxurious landscapes

These textile works of art are bursting with soft corals, algae and more.


Flame retardant pollution in Great Lakes is a serious matter, commission says

The International Joint Commission has developed a strategy for how U.S. and Canadian governments can address this toxic problem.


Yes, that's Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio on the subway

It remains to be seen how green (or not) new Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio will be, but this photo of him riding the subway in Buenos Aires, Argentina, certainly makes a good ad for public transportation.


US Department Of Interior Secretary Calls Atlanta Drought "No Longer A Theory"

US Department of Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne has reported on a compromise between three Southern US Governors who had been struggling over diminished access to shared surface waters. The language used to report this progress indicates a small


Seriously Living With Less: Your Life On A Hard Drive

Chris Yurista lives out of his backpack. He tells the BBC that "It's always nice to have a personal sense of home, but that aside - the internet has replaced my need for an address." He's got a job and moonlights as a DJ, couch-surfing in friends'


First 6 storey wood building in Ontario wins Wood Works! Award

The Templar Block in Hamilton Ontario pushes a lot of buttons.


Rio de Janeiro is beautiful, yet rotten with pollution

A new book called "Dancing with the Devil in the City of God" shines the spotlight on the widespread environmental degradation occurring in one of the world's most geographically stunning cities.


Hundreds of mysterious ancient earthworks found in the Amazon

Deforestation has revealed the large geometrical geoglyphs built over 2000 years ago – their discovery holds valuable lessons for today.


Wildlife Bridge Being Built Over Ontario Highway

Last year the ARC wildlife crossing competition got a lot of pixels; it was won by Michael Van Valkenburgh & Associates and there is talk of building it, although it was more of an ideas competition. But they are


For National Waffle Day, a look at the inherent structural superiority of waffles

We do a little destructive testing and have a good breakfast.


Rio+20 Final Draft Text Recognizes Our Problem, Proposes Scant Few Concrete Solutions

There's plenty of "recognizing," "acknowledging," and "noting" going on in the final draft of the Rio+20 text. Lot's of UN-ese. And that's about it.


Mysterious moss-covered figures are inspired by forest folklore (Video)

Photographed in various natural settings, these life-sized, child-like works of art invoke a sense of wonder and delight.


Marriott removing plastic straws from its 6,500 hotels

The largest hotel chain in the world joins the move against straws.


Ontario Power Generation commits to 100% electric vehicle fleet

All 400 vehicles will be emission-free by 2030.


6 curiosities about the rare Friday the 13th harvest moon

Here's everything to know about this year's unique September full moon.