iss Missing woman found dead inside AIIMS By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 02:31:14 +0530 A 23-year-old woman who was reported missing on Wednesday was found dead inside All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Saturday morning, the polic Full Article Delhi
iss Morning Digest: Migrant workers lug crashed hopes en route their homes; ICMR to test for community transmission in 75 districts, and more By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 08:27:05 +0530 A select list of stories to read before you start your day Full Article National
iss Watch | All about Vande Bharat Mission By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:27:25 +0530 A video on India's massive repatriation operation to bring back stranded Indians from different parts of the world in the wake of the coronavirus crisis Full Article National
iss Emission of vapours has been contained, says DGP By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 09:30:18 +0530 ‘But people will be allowed to return only after a few more days’ Full Article Andhra Pradesh
iss Super Moms! After Sushmita Sen's Miss India episode, Debina Bonnerjee's mom turns TV actor to Kajol from 'Baazigar' By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 02:34:00 GMT Sushmita Sen won Miss India with a dress selected by a mother, and similarly, Debina played an important role resembling Kajol from Baazigar thanks to her mom Full Article Entertainment Television
iss NDMA issues guidelines to safely open industries By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:03:40 +0530 In a communication to all states and union territories, the NDMA said due to several weeks of lockdown and the closure of industrial units, it is possible that some of the operators might not have followed the established standard operating procedures. Full Article
iss Transmission measurement at the Bernina branch of the Aramis Beamline of SwissFEL By Published On :: 2019-10-23 The transmission of the optical components of the Bernina branch of the Aramis beamline at SwissFEL has been measured with an X-ray gas monitor from DESY and compared with a PSI gas detector upstream of the optical components. The transmission efficiencies of the Mo, Si and SiC mirror coatings of the Aramis beamline and the various other in-beam components were evaluated and compared with theoretical calculations, showing an agreement of 6% or better in all cases. The experiment has also shown the efficacy of the high-harmonic rejection mirrors at the Bernina branch of the Aramis beamline at SwissFEL, and characterized the transmission efficiency of the on-line spectrometer in the Aramis beamline. The theoretical transmission of the mirror coatings match the experimental data to within 7%. The accuracy of these measurements was checked against a radiative bolometer from a Japanese collaboration and found to agree to a level of 4% or better. Further comparisons with a diamond detector from a US-based inter-institute collaboration demonstrated a good agreement for the attenuator settings of the beamline. Full Article text
iss Limited angle tomography for transmission X-ray microscopy using deep learning By Published On :: 2020-02-13 In transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) systems, the rotation of a scanned sample might be restricted to a limited angular range to avoid collision with other system parts or high attenuation at certain tilting angles. Image reconstruction from such limited angle data suffers from artifacts because of missing data. In this work, deep learning is applied to limited angle reconstruction in TXMs for the first time. With the challenge to obtain sufficient real data for training, training a deep neural network from synthetic data is investigated. In particular, U-Net, the state-of-the-art neural network in biomedical imaging, is trained from synthetic ellipsoid data and multi-category data to reduce artifacts in filtered back-projection (FBP) reconstruction images. The proposed method is evaluated on synthetic data and real scanned chlorella data in 100° limited angle tomography. For synthetic test data, U-Net significantly reduces the root-mean-square error (RMSE) from 2.55 × 10−3 µm−1 in the FBP reconstruction to 1.21 × 10−3 µm−1 in the U-Net reconstruction and also improves the structural similarity (SSIM) index from 0.625 to 0.920. With penalized weighted least-square denoising of measured projections, the RMSE and SSIM are further improved to 1.16 × 10−3 µm−1 and 0.932, respectively. For real test data, the proposed method remarkably improves the 3D visualization of the subcellular structures in the chlorella cell, which indicates its important value for nanoscale imaging in biology, nanoscience and materials science. Full Article text
iss Foreword to the special virtual issue dedicated to the proceedings of the PhotonDiag2018 workshop on FEL Photon Diagnostics, Instrumentation, and Beamlines Design By Published On :: 2020-03-01 Full Article text
iss Leading scientists set out resource challenge of meeting net zero emissions in the UK by 2050 - The Natural History Museum By Published On :: Wed, 05 Jun 2019 07:00:00 GMT Leading scientists set out resource challenge of meeting net zero emissions in the UK by 2050 The Natural History Museum Full Article
iss Riddle of 'bang' in Birmingham intensifies as British Geological Survey issue statement - Birmingham Live By Published On :: Tue, 19 Nov 2019 21:52:31 GMT Riddle of 'bang' in Birmingham intensifies as British Geological Survey issue statement Birmingham Live Full Article
iss Ligand pathways in neuroglobin revealed by low-temperature photodissociation and docking experiments By Published On :: 2019-07-10 A combined biophysical approach was applied to map gas-docking sites within murine neuroglobin (Ngb), revealing snapshots of events that might govern activity and dynamics in this unique hexacoordinate globin, which is most likely to be involved in gas-sensing in the central nervous system and for which a precise mechanism of action remains to be elucidated. The application of UV–visible microspectroscopy in crystallo, solution X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction experiments at 15–40 K provided the structural characterization of an Ngb photolytic intermediate by cryo-trapping and allowed direct observation of the relocation of carbon monoxide within the distal heme pocket after photodissociation. Moreover, X-ray diffraction at 100 K under a high pressure of dioxygen, a physiological ligand of Ngb, unravelled the existence of a storage site for O2 in Ngb which coincides with Xe-III, a previously described docking site for xenon or krypton. Notably, no other secondary sites were observed under our experimental conditions. Full Article text
iss The active form of quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase from Neisseria meningitidis is a dimer By Published On :: 2020-03-21 Neisseria meningitidis is carried by nearly a billion humans, causing developmental impairment and over 100 000 deaths a year. A quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase (qNOR) plays a critical role in the survival of the bacterium in the human host. X-ray crystallographic analyses of qNOR, including that from N. meningitidis (NmqNOR) reported here at 3.15 Å resolution, show monomeric assemblies, despite the more active dimeric sample being used for crystallization. Cryo-electron microscopic analysis of the same chromatographic fraction of NmqNOR, however, revealed a dimeric assembly at 3.06 Å resolution. It is shown that zinc (which is used in crystallization) binding near the dimer-stabilizing TMII region contributes to the disruption of the dimer. A similar destabilization is observed in the monomeric (∼85 kDa) cryo-EM structure of a mutant (Glu494Ala) qNOR from the opportunistic pathogen Alcaligenes (Achromobacter) xylosoxidans, which primarily migrates as a monomer. The monomer–dimer transition of qNORs seen in the cryo-EM and crystallographic structures has wider implications for structural studies of multimeric membrane proteins. X-ray crystallographic and cryo-EM structural analyses have been performed on the same chromatographic fraction of NmqNOR to high resolution. This represents one of the first examples in which the two approaches have been used to reveal a monomeric assembly in crystallo and a dimeric assembly in vitrified cryo-EM grids. A number of factors have been identified that may trigger the destabilization of helices that are necessary to preserve the integrity of the dimer. These include zinc binding near the entry of the putative proton-transfer channel and the preservation of the conformational integrity of the active site. The mutation near the active site results in disruption of the active site, causing an additional destabilization of helices (TMIX and TMX) that flank the proton-transfer channel helices, creating an inert monomeric enzyme. Full Article text
iss TEXS: in-vacuum tender X-ray emission spectrometer with 11 Johansson crystal analyzers By Published On :: 2020-04-07 The design and first results of a large-solid-angle X-ray emission spectrometer that is optimized for energies between 1.5 keV and 5.5 keV are presented. The spectrometer is based on an array of 11 cylindrically bent Johansson crystal analyzers arranged in a non-dispersive Rowland circle geometry. The smallest achievable energy bandwidth is smaller than the core hole lifetime broadening of the absorption edges in this energy range. Energy scanning is achieved using an innovative design, maintaining the Rowland circle conditions for all crystals with only four motor motions. The entire spectrometer is encased in a high-vacuum chamber that allocates a liquid helium cryostat and provides sufficient space for in situ cells and operando catalysis reactors. Full Article text
iss Versatile compact heater design for in situ nano-tomography by transmission X-ray microscopy By Published On :: 2020-04-16 A versatile, compact heater designed at National Synchrotron Light Source-II for in situ X-ray nano-imaging in a full-field transmission X-ray microscope is presented. Heater design for nano-imaging is challenging, combining tight spatial constraints with stringent design requirements for the temperature range and stability. Finite-element modeling and analytical calculations were used to determine the heater design parameters. Performance tests demonstrated reliable and stable performance, including maintaining the exterior casing close to room temperature while the heater is operating at above 1100°C, a homogenous heating zone and small temperature fluctuations. Two scientific experiments are presented to demonstrate the heater capabilities: (i) in situ 3D nano-tomography including a study of metal dealloying in a liquid molten salt extreme environment, and (ii) a study of pore formation in icosahedral quasicrystals. The progression of structural changes in both studies were clearly resolved in 3D, showing that the new heater enables powerful capabilities to directly visualize and quantify 3D morphological evolution of materials under real conditions by X-ray nano-imaging at elevated temperature during synthesis, fabrication and operation processes. This heater design concept can be applied to other applications where a precise, compact heater design is required. Full Article text
iss Identification of Ca-rich dense granules in human platelets using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy By Published On :: 2020-03-16 Whole-mount (WM) platelet preparation followed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation is the standard method currently used to assess dense granule (DG) deficiency (DGD). However, due to the electron-density-based contrast mechanism in TEM, other granules such as α-granules might cause false DG detection. Here, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) was used to identify DGs and minimize false DG detection of human platelets. STXM image stacks of human platelets were collected at the calcium (Ca) L2,3 absorption edge and then converted to optical density maps. Ca distribution maps, obtained by subtracting the optical density maps at the pre-edge region from those at the post-edge region, were used to identify DGs based on the Ca richness. DGs were successfully detected using this STXM method without false detection, based on Ca maps for four human platelets. Spectral analysis of granules in human platelets confirmed that DGs contain a richer Ca content than other granules. The Ca distribution maps facilitated more effective DG identification than TEM which might falsely detect DGs. Correct identification of DGs would be important to assess the status of platelets and DG-related diseases. Therefore, this STXM method is proposed as a promising approach for better DG identification and diagnosis, as a complementary tool to the current WM TEM approach. Full Article text
iss High-dynamic-range transmission-mode detection of synchrotron radiation using X-ray excited optical luminescence in diamond By Published On :: 2020-03-13 Enhancement of X-ray excited optical luminescence in a 100 µm-thick diamond plate by introduction of defect states via electron beam irradiation and subsequent high-temperature annealing is demonstrated. The resulting X-ray transmission-mode scintillator features a linear response to incident photon flux in the range 7.6 × 108 to 1.26 × 1012 photons s−1 mm−2 for hard X-rays (15.9 keV) using exposure times from 0.01 to 5 s. These characteristics enable a real-time transmission-mode imaging of X-ray photon flux density without disruption of X-ray instrument operation. Full Article text
iss Comparative study of the around-Fermi electronic structure of 5d metals and metal-oxides by means of high-resolution X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopies By Published On :: 2020-04-14 The composition of occupied and unoccupied electronic states in the vicinity of Fermi energies is vital for all materials and relates to their physical, chemical and mechanical properties. This work demonstrates how the combination of resonant and non-resonant X-ray emission spectroscopies supplemented with theoretical modelling allows for quantitative analysis of electronic states in 5d transition metal and metal-oxide materials. Application of X-rays provides element selectivity that, in combination with the penetrating properties of hard X-rays, allows determination of the composition of electronic states under working conditions, i.e. non-vacuum environment. Tungsten metal and tungsten oxide are evaluated to show the capability to simultaneously assess composition of around-band-gap electronic states as well as the character and magnitude of the crystal field splitting. Full Article text
iss Foreword to the special virtual issue on X-ray free-electron lasers By Published On :: 2020-05-01 Full Article text
iss Manual measurement of angles in backscattered and transmission Kikuchi diffraction patterns By Published On :: 2020-03-25 A historical tool for crystallographic analysis is provided by the Hilton net, which can be used for manually surveying the crystal lattice as it is manifested by the Kikuchi bands in a gnomonic projection. For a quantitative analysis using the Hilton net, the projection centre as the relative position of the signal source with respect to the detector plane needs to be known. Interplanar angles are accessible with a precision and accuracy which is estimated to be ≤0.3°. Angles between any directions, e.g. zone axes, are directly readable. Finally, for the rare case of an unknown projection-centre position, its determination is demonstrated by adapting an old approach developed for photogrammetric applications. It requires the indexing of four zone axes [uvw]i in a backscattered Kikuchi diffraction pattern of a known phase collected under comparable geometric conditions. Full Article text
iss Bragg Edge Analysis for Transmission Imaging Experiments software tool: BEATRIX By Published On :: BEATRIX, is a new tool for performing data analysis of energy-resolved neutron-imaging experiments involving intense fitting procedures of multi-channel spectra. The use of BEATRIX is illustrated for a test specimen, providing spatially resolved 2D maps for residual strains and Bragg edge heights. Full Article text
iss Center for Astrophysics will play major role in mission to “touch” the Sun By Published On :: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:58:51 +0000 When NASA’s Solar Probe Plus launches before the end of the decade, it will carry a suite of cutting-edge scientific instruments. Only one–the Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons Investigation (SWEAP)–will directly sample the Sun’s outer atmosphere. The post Center for Astrophysics will play major role in mission to “touch” the Sun appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Research News Science & Nature Space astronomy astrophysics Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Sun
iss Scientists issue call to action for archaeological sites threatened by rising seas, urban development By Published On :: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:41:25 +0000 Should global warming cause sea levels to rise as predicted in coming decades, thousands of archaeological sites in coastal areas around the world will be lost to erosion. With no hope of saving all of these sites, three archaeologists—Leslie Reeder of Southern Methodist University, Jon Erlandson of the University of Oregon and Torben Rick from the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History—have issued a call to action for scientists to assess the sites most at risk around the world. The post Scientists issue call to action for archaeological sites threatened by rising seas, urban development appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Anthropology Marine Science Research News Science & Nature archaeology climate change National Museum of Natural History
iss Mississippi State borrows grasshopper collection from Smithsonian By Published On :: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:34:12 +0000 JoVonn Hill, a research associate with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station at Mississippi State University, recently borrowed 32,000 grasshoppers from the Smithsonian’s National […] The post Mississippi State borrows grasshopper collection from Smithsonian appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Research News Science & Nature Spotlight conservation biology
iss Smithsonian scientist confirms missing link in big cat evolution By Published On :: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 04:37:26 +0000 After years of sleuthing for clues about where and when pantherine felids (“big cats”) originated, a Smithsonian scientist and an international team of researchers are […] The post Smithsonian scientist confirms missing link in big cat evolution appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Dinosaurs & Fossils Research News Science & Nature conservation biology endangered species evolution fossils mammals National Museum of Natural History osteology prehistoric
iss Windows 98 SE Installation Issues By Published On :: 2019-11-11T17:47:36-05:00 Full Article
iss Kinesin-14s and microtubule dynamics define fission yeast mitotic and meiotic spindle assembly and elongation [RESEARCH ARTICLE] By Published On :: 2020-04-23T01:49:49-07:00 Ana Loncar, Sergio A. Rincon, Manuel Lera Ramirez, Anne Paoletti, and Phong T. TranTo segregate the chromosomes faithfully during cell division, cells assemble a spindle that captures the kinetochores and pulls them towards opposite poles. Proper spindle function requires correct interplay between microtubule motors and non-motor proteins. Defects in spindle assembly or changes in spindle dynamics are associated with diseases like cancer or developmental disorders. Here we compared mitotic and meiotic spindles in fission yeast. We show that even though mitotic and meiotic spindles undergo the typical three phases of spindle elongation, they have distinct features. We found that the relative concentration of kinesin-14 Pkl1 is decreased in meiosis I compared to mitosis, while the concentration of kinesin-5 Cut7 remains constant. We identified the second kinesin-14 Klp2 and microtubule dynamics as factors necessary for proper meiotic spindle assembly. This work defines differences between mitotic and meiotic spindles in fission yeast, and provides prospect for future comparative studies. Full Article
iss Asteroid Mission carries Student X-ray Experiment By Published On :: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 12:40:10 +0000 At 7:05 pm (EDT), Thursday, Sept. 8, NASA plans to launch a spacecraft to a near-Earth asteroid named Bennu. Among that spacecraft’s five instruments is […] The post Asteroid Mission carries Student X-ray Experiment appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Earth Science Research News Science & Nature Space Spotlight Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
iss Tom Crouch, Senior curator in the National Air and Space Museum’s Aeronautics Division, discusses Thaddeus Lowe and the birth of American aerial reconnaissance By Published On :: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 17:29:36 +0000 Tom Crouch, Senior curator in the National Air and Space Museum's Aeronautics Division, discusses Thaddeus Lowe and the birth of American aerial reconnaissance during the Civil War. This presentation was recorded on May 11, 2011 on the National Mall. The post Tom Crouch, Senior curator in the National Air and Space Museum’s Aeronautics Division, discusses Thaddeus Lowe and the birth of American aerial reconnaissance appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Video aeronautics National Air and Space Museum
iss NASA’s Kepler mission receives National Air and Space Museum’s highest group honor By Published On :: Wed, 01 Apr 2015 17:08:08 +0000 NASA’s Kepler mission is responsible for history’s first detection of Earth-sized planets orbiting other suns in their temperate “habitable zones.” The team in charge of […] The post NASA’s Kepler mission receives National Air and Space Museum’s highest group honor appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Research News Science & Nature Space Video
iss Missing bobcat found on zoo property By Published On :: Mon, 06 Feb 2017 15:47:32 +0000 Ollie the bobcat, who escaped from her enclosure at the Smithsonian National Zoo, was found two days after her disappearance roaming near the zoo’s bird […] The post Missing bobcat found on zoo property appeared first on Smithsonian Insider. Full Article Animals Science & Nature Video
iss Issues Copying a Compilation Album to My iPod By Published On :: 2017-11-02T09:51:05-05:00 Full Article
iss The missing crystal structure in the series of N,N',N''-tris(pyridin-2-yl)benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides: the 2-pyridinyl derivative By Published On :: In the first reported crystal structure involving the potential ligand N,N',N''-tris(2-pyridinyl)-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxamide, intermolecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the molecules via their amide groups into slanted ladder-like chains. Only two of the three amide groups in the molecule are involved in hydrogen bonding, which influences the degree of out-of-plane twisting at each amide group. Full Article text
iss System Composer - MATLAB might crash when System Composer functions have invalid or missing stereotypes as input By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 13:32:04 +0000 When creating a System Composer architecture model, if the following functions are called with an invalid or missing stereotype, it can cause the model to get corrupted and might lead to a MATLAB crash:addComponentaddPortconnectWhen the corrupted model is saved or loaded and edited, the Simulink Diagnostic Viewer might display an error that indicates the System Composer model is inconsistent, and then result in a MATLAB crash.This bug exists in the following release(s): R2020a, R2019b, R2019a Interested in Upgrading? Full Article
iss Windows 10 (1909) Firewall Issue By Published On :: 2020-01-01T17:59:33-05:00 Full Article
iss Weird issue with bandwidth By Published On :: 2020-05-01T17:54:40-05:00 Full Article
iss AOL Helpline Number 18773238313 technical issues and questions related By Published On :: 2020-05-09T06:56:29-05:00 Full Article
iss The missing crystal structure in the series of N,N',N''-tris(pyridin-2-yl)benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides: the 2-pyridinyl derivative By Published On :: 2020-05-01 In the first reported crystal structure involving the potential ligand N,N',N''-tris(pyridin-2-yl)benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide, C24H18N6O3, intermolecular N—H...O hydrogen bonds link the molecules via their amide groups into slanted ladder-like chains, in which the uprights of the ladder are formed by the hydrogen-bonding interactions and the benzene ring cores of the molecules act as the rungs of the ladder. Only two of the three amide groups in the molecule are involved in hydrogen bonding and this influences the degree of out-of-plane twisting at each amide group, with the twist being more significant for those amide groups participating in hydrogen bonds. Full Article text
iss Upgrading a PC - Possible Vram Issue. By Published On :: 2020-05-06T07:22:14-05:00 Full Article
iss Flashing ? Issue (many solutions tried) 2009 MacBook Pro By Published On :: 2020-05-06T18:36:08-05:00 Full Article
iss Crystallization of metastable monoclinic carnallite, KCl·MgCl2·6H2O: missing structural link in the carnallite family By Published On :: 2020-04-29 During evaporation of natural and synthetic K–Mg–Cl brines, the formation of almost square plate-like crystals of potassium carnallite (potassium chloride magnesium dichloride hexahydrate) was observed. A single-crystal structure analysis revealed a monoclinic cell [a = 9.251 (2), b = 9.516 (2), c = 13.217 (4) Å, β = 90.06 (2)° and space group C2/c]. The structure is isomorphous with other carnallite-type compounds, such as NH4Cl·MgCl2·6H2O. Until now, natural and synthetic carnallite, KCl·MgCl2·6H2O, was only known in its orthorhombic form [a = 16.0780 (3), b = 22.3850 (5), c = 9.5422 (2) Å and space group Pnna]. Full Article text
iss WonderCon Anaheim 2015: 7 things you absolutely shouldn't miss By Published On :: Fri, 03 Apr 2015 05:30:29 -0700 A cosplay gathering in the Anaheim Convention Center's Grand Plaza during WonderCon Anaheim 2014.; Credit: Kevin Green/SDCC Mike RoeFor all the sad comic book and pop culture fans who weren't able to get tickets to San Diego Comic-Con, we've got good news for you: They run another convention, and it's closer to Los Angeles. Their little brother WonderCon Anaheim has been growing, with some comparing it to the Comic-Con of old — before it got way too crowded. It's this Friday through Sunday, April 3-5. They're starting to have big stars and lots of great panels, so if you want to get your geek heart sated, here are some of the events you won't want to miss. Warner Bros. Presentation: San Andreas, Mad Max: Fury Road San Andreas trailer The most highly anticipated event at this weekend's convention, Warner Brothers is putting on a special presentation with footage from these two upcoming action films. They haven't announced which stars will be on hand, but these panels often surprise with star power, so you may get a visit from stars like "San Andreas's" Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or "Mad Max: Fury Road's" Tom Hardy or Charlize Theron. At the Comic-Con panel last year for the "Mad Max" flick, the director talked in detail about the film, so you'll probably at least get his take on the franchise and its resurrection. DC Comics TV shows: The Flash, Gotham, iZombie The Flash trailer While Marvel has been dominant on the big screen, DC has put out a diverse slate of TV shows, with "The Flash" being the biggest hit among them. It's among those getting a spotlight at WonderCon, with creators and stars dishing on the programs that have captured the imaginations of TV fans and comic fans alike. All three shows are also getting special video presentations, likely showing clips of what you can expect the rest of this season. And in case you didn't already know, "iZombie" comes from "Veronica Mars" creator Rob Thomas, so come find out about his latest project. World Premiere: Batman vs. Robin Batman vs. Robin trailer It's become a tradition at both WonderCon and San Diego Comic-Con for DC Comics to debut their latest animated movie, and the new one is based on the critically acclaimed "Court of Owls" storyline by writer Scott Snyder. (Be sure to check out our previous interviews with Snyder — he's even an NPR fan.) The original story is based on how Batman thinks he knows everything there is to know about Gotham City and faces the discovery that there are deep secrets about the city that he had no idea about, and the film also emphasizes him fighting his son Damian. Sing-alongs: Dr. Horrible & Batman's The Music Meister Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Drives Us Bats People go to comic conventions to geek out, and what's geekier than a good old-fashioned singalong? In addition to one for geek god Joss Whedon's much loved Web series "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog," they're also doing one for the musical episode of animated series "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" — which, just like "Dr. Horrible," features singing by the one and only Neil Patrick Harris. In the Batman cartoon, he plays the Music Meister, a Batman villain who makes both heroes and villains sing, as he drops some tunes of his own. Superman: The Richard Donner Years Celebrity Super Reunion Superman: The flying sequence There's a reunion of stars from the first two of the classic Christopher Reeve Superman movies, including Lois Lane herself, Margot Kidder. You can also see the actors who played characters like Jimmy Olsen, several of the villains and more, as well as two of the producers. Find out what you don't know about the movie that broke ground when it came to depicting flight on-screen and, like the ads promised, made you believe a man could fly. TV writing panels Two panels will give you a peek into the world of the writers who write some of the hottest shows on TV: "TV Guide Magazine's Fan Favorites Showrunners" and "Inside The Writers' Room: Earth's Mightiest Writers Re-Assemble Redux." The first of those includes legendary TV showrunners like Dan Harmon of "Community" and the minds behind shows including "Orphan Black," "The Goldbergs" and more. Meanwhile, at the writers room panel, you'll get writers who've worked on shows like "Lost," "Firefly," "Heroes," "The Big Bang Theory," "Agent Carter" and more. Fan culture programming track This includes a lot of different panels, but it's a sign of the way fandom is shifting — it's a lifestyle that's far more diverse than it used to be, with a lot more gender parity. This track includes panels on topics like body confidence in cosplay, fashion, fitness, race and more. See what sparks your interest and might invite you into having an identity as a fan being a bigger part of your life while not letting anyone make you feel excluded. There's so much more, like Will Forte doing a panel promoting his new show "The Last Man On Earth," the annual cosplay masquerade and so much more. Tickets are sold out for Saturday, but at press time, tickets were still available for both Friday and Sunday at WonderCon. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at Full Article
iss HDBank, Contour Network to assist with LC issuance in Vietnam By Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 14:06:00 +0200 Vietnamese-based financial institution HDBank has joined... Full Article
iss Followers of late educator Sal Castro work to keep his mission alive By Published On :: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 05:30:59 -0800 Supporters of the late educator and civil rights advocate Sal Castro are working to keep his Chicano Youth Leadership Conference alive.; Credit: Crystal Marie Lopez/Flickr Adolfo Guzman-LopezWhen he died in 2013, Sal Castro drew praise as a Southern California civil rights leader who championed educational opportunities for generations of students of Mexican descent. While a high school teacher in 1968, he helped thousands of students stage massive walkouts in Los Angeles' east side to protest high dropout rates and poor schooling that ignored their cultural background. Supporters say his most influential legacy is the Chicano Youth Leadership Conference that he founded in 1963 as a weekend camp in the Santa Monica mountains. The gathering functioned as a cultural pep rally and intensive college application session. “There was quite a large group of people that knew that this is not something that could die with him. That is when we had the idea to form a foundation to make sure that we keep his legacy alive,” said Myrna Brutti, the conference’s director. Castro struggled to raise money for the conference, which counts among its alumni such well-known leaders as former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and filmmaker Moctesuma Esparza. The Sal Castro Foundation typically spends about $60,000 to pay for the camp, including food and bus transportation. The group raises the money so that students can attend for free. Applications to the next conference on March 6 have been sent to LAUSD high school campuses, targeting low-income Latinos, with a Feb. 20 deadline. Organizers hope in years ahead to open the conference to other Southland schools. Brutti, a middle school principal, said she sees many more college application and high school to college bridge programs today. But a large group of high school students still go without college counseling, she said. “These are 4.0, 3.7, 3.9, 4.2 [grade-point average] students that graduate from high school and go directly into the workforce because no one has taken the time to really go in depth on…what is available to them,” Brutti said. The conference gives students like high school junior Savannah Pierce a broader view of their post-graduation choices. She attended the conference in October. “I never really gave much thought to getting a doctorate degree,” Pierce said. “I thought I was going to do my four years of undergraduate and maybe graduate school. I never realized how many options and opportunities there were.” When Castro talked to students of Mexican descent, he often transitioned seamlessly between English and Spanish, giving brief lessons on Mexican history and notable Mexicans. The current conference leaders are keeping that tradition alive. “I never realized how deep and important my culture is and how rich it is with knowledge, and how hard people have worked in the past to get me where I am today,” Pierce said. Other resources for students seeking help with college applications include: 1. California college and career planning 2. The College Board’s college planning helper 3. The Princeton Review’s college helper This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at Full Article
iss Required partition is missing & The drive where the windows is installed is lock By Published On :: 2020-04-07T20:35:54-05:00 Full Article
iss Submission in Waiting By Published On :: 2014-10-31T13:28:48-05:00 Full Article
iss Intermittent Internet Connectivity Issues By Published On :: 2020-05-01T23:51:51-05:00 Full Article
iss Linksys Router/VPN connectivity issues By Published On :: 2020-05-08T05:44:20-05:00 Full Article
iss Nextbook Activation Code Issues By Published On :: 2019-08-31T20:52:03-05:00 Full Article