
Quick notes

1) Because the quarantine is less hard on me than it is on others, I sometimes forget to give myself a break for the ways in which it is hard. Privilege doesn't mean nothing ever hurts. I'm gonna try to be kinder to myself about all this.

2) I'm now getting two weekly farm boxes. I'm not sorry at all.

3) We've killed off 18.5% of our consumer debt since January. We rock.

4) Plant diary for May 7 with a pic )

5) ETA: Oh, and my heart? Is not being nice to me this week. But I love it anyway.



First Look: Disney+ Honors the Star Wars Legacy of Concept Art

Starting on Star Wars Day, for one week you can enjoy artistic renditions of your favorite films and series.

  • Disney+
  • Star Wars Day
  • disney
  • may the 4th
  • May the 4th Be With You
  • star wars day


Academy Award Winner Taika Waititi to Direct and Co-Write new Star Wars Feature Film for Theatrical Release; Oscar Nominee Krysty Wilson-Cairns to Co-Write Screenplay with Waititi 

Emmy Nominee Leslye Headland to write, produce, and serve as showrunner for new untitled Star Wars series for Disney+.


Board Game Review: Disney Villainous

My husband Chris and I played another game of Disney Villainous last night.

It’s another mass market game release from Ravensburger.

Refresher: mass market games are those that are typically published by a major toy company (vs a dedicated board gaming publisher),  have a lower price point, cheaper components, uncredited or corporate designers and artists, weak narrative, and are light to medium weight in complexity.

In Villainous, players take on the role of Disney Villains who are competing against each other to be the first to complete their character specific objectives. These objectives align neatly with the narratives of the Disney movies from which the characters have been borrowed. For example, Ursula must find the Trident and the Crown and place them in her lair. And she gets rid of her enemies by using binding contracts! There are six villains included in the base game (more are available through the expansions) and turn sequence for each villain is pretty simple. There are 4 actions spaces on every villains board, and a character token is used to move between them. On your turn, you move your token to a new action space, take as many of the actions visible in the space that you wish, and then draw back up to your hand size limit. Actions include:

  • gaining power tokens (the game’s currency);
  • playing a card from your hand as a one time effect or to your villain tableau (the 4 columns below your actions spaces);
  • activating a card in your tableau;
  • moving a card in your tableau to another column;
  • playing a card from another player’s fate deck as a one time effect or to their fate tableau (the 4 columns above their action spaces; when you play a card here it covers up some of the actions on the action space below, hampering their success);
  • moving a card previously played to your fate tableau;
  • vanquishing (discarding) a card previously played to your fate tableau by matching/beating the strength value of the card with eligible card(s) in your villain tableau (cards used to match/beat must be discarded).

The game ends as soon as a player has met their objective.

Since The Little Mermaid  is one of my favorite Disney movies, I played Ursula the first time we got Disney Villainous  on the table.

I really thought I had a great strategy to bring home the victory. That was a six player game that took hours and hours and I lost, as did everyone else, to the Queen of Hearts. But that first game was all it took for me to get hooked; I really enjoy playing this game. Which is odd, because I was worried it wouldn’t click with me after my last foray into mass market gaming (see my review for Horrified, also from Ravensburger, here). So how is it that a gamer girl who thought she was done with mass market games fell for a new one? I think it’s the connection I have with the Disney IP. The iconic artwork. The characters and their backstories provided in all the Disney movies I’ve watched. Their cast of allies and foes. I also feel like every player is immersed in their own narrative when playing Disney Villainous and the narratives are good. We’re all playing simultaneously but each of us is wholly encapsulated in our own storyline that makes sense, based on the movies. Horrified  presented differently; in that game all the IP was mashed up together in one setting and it didn’t make any sense. I also love the component quality in Villainous, especially the artsy character tokens, cast in jewel toned acrylic. Lovely! 

Even though Ravensburger sent me the game to play a few months ago and we’ve played with the kids and our friends before, last night was the first time Chris and I played 1 on 1 against each other. Chris played Jafar and I played Prince John.

His character’s goal was to find and arrange some specific cards in his villain tableau while mine was to accumulate power tokens. I needed to attack him repeatedly with fate cards to stop him but for several turns I was limited in doing so because of a rule we unfortunately misapplied. We didn’t permit consecutive fate attacks against the same player. This is a rule designed to protect players from being attacked repeatedly by multiple opponents but it applies only at higher player counts. Because we learned how to play the game at 6 players, we internalized the rule and forgot to drop it when playing with just 2 players. We didn’t realize and correct our error until halfway through the game and I’m convinced that is at least part of the reason Prince John (and I) lost. I also think that my character is better suited for higher player counts as it’s easier to use the cards in both my villain and fate decks to grab power tokens when there are multiple players gathering tokens themselves (one of my cards lets me get 3 tokens anytime another player has 6 or more) and when there are several players laying fate down against me (one of my cards lets me gain 1 token for every hero fate card laid down against my tableau.  By the way, you’ll be happy to know the two player games takes less than an hour. Four players is probably the sweet spot when it comes to player count for Disney Villainous  - large enough to provide more opportunities to make the most of villain and fate decks, but not small enough to allow for a reasonable length of game.

There isn’t too much analysis paralysis in the game, but players can stretch out turns from time to time when they’re grasping for a winning strategy.

Replayability might be the one weakness in Villainous. No matter which of the six characters are selected for a given session, it’s likely players will run through their entire villain deck by game’s end, leaving nothing new to discover in future games. As soon as you’ve played the game a few times, you start to understand the strength and weaknesses of each villain and fate deck and things feel less exciting. This is definitely a game where you’ll want to pick up one or more of the expansions to reinvigorate gameplay.

My kids love this game. They enjoy playing with the adults and also with each other. It’s very kid friendly. It’s easy to learn and I like that it’s a pretty gentle introduction to the take-that mechanism (as compared to say, Broom Service, which is marketed to kids but is SO BRUTAL in its take-that actions that my kids end up in tears every single time they play).

Components include plastic coated cards, paper player pamphlets, cardboard player boards and power tokens, and the aforementioned acrylic character tokens. Everything is bright and colorful and the raised lettering and fancy font on the box and other components lends an upscale feeling to the game. The rulebook is well written with detailed explanations and setup instructions.

Disney Villainous  is equally challenging and fun for all ages.


Publisher: Ravensburger
Players: 2-6
Actual Playing Time (vs the guideline on the box): varies widely depending on player count, 45 minutes to 3 hours per game
Game type: take that, hand management, mass market

Rating scale:
OUI: I would play this game again; this game is ok. I probably would not buy this game myself but I would play it with those who own it and if someone gave it to me I would keep it.
OUI OUI: I would play this game again; this game is good. I would buy this game.
NON: I would not play this game again. I would return this game or give it away if it was given to me.

  • board game reviews
  • hand management games
  • mass market games
  • Ravensburger
  • take that games


STARFIGHTER PANTIES are now available for pre-order!

These panties are super soft and comfortable American Apparel hot shorts! They come in white with the STARFIGHTER logo on the derriere and stars on the front! Perfect for the sexy ladies to flaunt their fandom! They're limited in quantity, so get them while they're available!


The panties ship on September 7th! More merchandise is on the way! -HamletMachine


RSS is now live!

We've gotten some requests to provide an RSS feed for the website, and I'm happy to say it's now ready to go! You can subscribe to the feed with your favorite reader and get updated whenever we post a new comic page or news post.

Also, HamletMachine's been cranking away on the extra material for the print version of the first chapter of Starfighter, and we're getting close to having everything together. Hopefully soon we'll have an estimate of when it will be available. Thanks to everyone for your support! -Thisbe


NEWS: Starfighter Prints Now Available

Starfighter prints are now up for sale at the online shop! These have previously only been available at conventions, but now you can have a print of your very own! There are five different illustrations to choose from; each print is 8 1/2" x 11" on matte paper, wrapped with a backboard.

Enjoy! -HamletMachine


NEWS: The Starfighter Visual Novel Kickstarter!

This is the big surprise project I've been working on! The Starfighter visual novel is going to be awesome-- but I need your help to make it happen!

Check out the Kickstarter page here! There's lots of rewards, new art, and a description of the important stuff: how the game will work, what it'll be about, MY HOPES AND DREAMS, etc! (You can even play a little mini demo to give you an idea of what it will be like!) There is even a really sweet video Thisbe made with slick logo animation and you can hear my tiny wraith voice!

It's going to be really rad and I'm so excited about this--!

LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN TOGETHER- visit the Kickstarter here! -Hamlet


NEWS: The Shop is back! Chapter 3 now on sale!



We also have new prints and Chp 2 back in stock, if you have been meaning to pick it up!


I hope you all enjoy!


I just wanted to add; we've got a bunch of new merchandise in production, but a lot of it isn't quite ready yet, so keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of months, because we'll be adding a bunch of new exciting items to our inventory!

*cough* body pillows *cough* *cough*



Česká ekonomika se letos propadne o více než 6 procent, věští Brusel

Podle odhadu Evropské komise se česká ekonomika letos propadne o rekordní 6,2 procenta. To je více než za finanční krize v roce 2009. Se špatnými výsledky počítá odhad, který Brusel zveřejnil ve středu. Oproti evropskému průměru bude dopad koronaviru na HDP v Česku menší.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


KOMENTÁŘ: Pomoc ano, odškodnění ne. Podnikání bez rizik není možné

Kam až má sahat pomoc státu podnikatelům, živnostníkům a firmám? Očekávání jsou rozsáhlá, bude to velká zkouška odolnosti vlády. Protože podnikání je dobrovolná aktivita spojená nejen s profitem, ale i s rizikem.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Českem se znovu cestuje, veřejná doprava se začíná vzpamatovávat

Dopravní podniky i soukromí dopravci obnovují běžné jízdní řády. Přestože stále hromadnou dopravu využívá zlomek lidí než před zahájením karanténních opaření, poklesy o 80 nebo 90 procent proti běžnému stavu už jsou minulostí.

  • Ekonomika - Doprava


Ve Škodě Auto pracovali nakažení koronavirem, obnovený provoz se nezastaví

U dvou zaměstnanců mladoboleslavské automobilky Škoda Auto byla zjištěna nákaza covid-19. Podle zjištění Práva to však nebude mít vliv na nedávno obnovený provoz závodu.

  • Praha - Praha - zprávy


V karlovarské sklárně Moser se v pondělí znovu rozjede výroba

Procesem takzvaného vzorkování začne od pondělí znovu výroba v karlovarské sklárně Moser. Mistři sklářského oboru po přestávce vynucené koronavirovou pandemií začnou připravovat kolekce na druhou polovinu letoška a na rok 2021. Skláře čekají přísné hygienické podmínky, výroba bude najíždět postupně.

  • Karlovy Vary - Vary - zprávy


Úroky národní banky jsou téměř na nule. ČNB chce pomoci ekonomice

Bankovní rada České národní banky ve čtvrtek snížila základní úrokovou sazbu o 0,75 procentního bodu na 0,25 procenta. Cílem snižování sazeb je zmírnit dopady šíření koronaviru na ekonomiku. Centrální banka to uvedla v tiskovém prohlášení.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


ČSA obnoví lety z Prahy 18. května, nejprve do Paříže či Frankfurtu

České aerolinie obnoví v pondělí 18. května provoz na čtyřech svých linkách. A to do Amsterdamu, Frankfurtu, Paříže a Stockholmu. O týden později začnou letadla létat do dalších tří destinací.

  • Ekonomika - Doprava


Kinosálům začaly konkurovat premiéry z gauče. Pozice kin je však silná

Studio Universal na znovuotevření kin nečeká. Premiéru animovaného hitu Trollové: Světové turné pustilo na placených digitálních kanálech. Strategie se vyplatila a hollywoodský gigant zvažuje, že by kinům v budoucnu odepřel jejich exkluzivní právo promítat filmy měsíce před uvedením na jiných platformách.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Nebula progress and non-progress

The last data has been sent out, but our work on Nebula - the final phase of data analysis - is picking up steam. However, not all ideas are good ideas. Read about Multiplet scoring: back to the drawing board.


The Solutions to the Climate Crisis No One is Talking AboutBoth...

The Solutions to the Climate Crisis No One is Talking About

Both our economy and the environment are in crisis. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few while the majority of Americans struggle to get by. The climate crisis is worsening inequality, as those who are most economically vulnerable bear the brunt of flooding, fires, and disruptions of supplies of food, water, and power.

At the same time, environmental degradation and climate change are themselves byproducts of widening inequality. The political power of wealthy fossil fuel corporations has stymied action on climate change for decades. Focused only on maximizing their short-term interests, those corporations are becoming even richer and more powerful — while sidelining workers, limiting green innovation, preventing sustainable development, and blocking direct action on our dire climate crisis.

Make no mistake: the simultaneous crisis of inequality and climate is no fluke. Both are the result of decades of deliberate choices made, and policies enacted, by ultra-wealthy and powerful corporations.

We can address both crises by doing four things:

First, create green jobs. Investing in renewable energy could create millions of family sustaining, union jobs and build the infrastructure we need for marginalized communities to access clean water and air. The transition to a renewable energy-powered economy can add 550,000 jobs each year while saving the US economy $78 billion through 2050. In other words, a Green New Deal could turn the climate crisis into an opportunity - one that both addresses the climate emergency and creates a fairer and more equitable society.

Second, stop dirty energy. A massive investment in renewable energy jobs isn’t enough to combat the climate crisis. If we are going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must tackle the problem at its source: Stop digging up and burning more oil, gas, and coal.

The potential carbon emissions from these fossil fuels in the world’s currently developed fields and mines would take us well beyond the 1.5°C increased warming that Nobel Prize winning global scientists tell us the planet can afford. Given this, it’s absurd to allow fossil fuel corporations to start new dirty energy projects.

Even as fossil fuel companies claim to be pivoting toward clean energy, they are planning to invest trillions of dollars in new oil and gas projects that are inconsistent with global commitments to limit climate change. And over half of the industry’s expansion is projected to happen in the United States. Allowing these projects means locking ourselves into carbon emissions we can’t afford now, let alone in the decades to come.

Even if the U.S. were to transition to 100 percent renewable energy today, continuing to dig fossil fuels out of the ground will lead us further into climate crisis. If the U.S. doesn’t stop now, whatever we extract will simply be exported and burned overseas. We will all be affected, but the poorest and most vulnerable among us will bear the brunt of the devastating impacts of climate change.

Third, kick fossil fuel companies out of our politics. For decades, companies like Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and BP have been polluting our democracy by pouring billions of dollars into our politics and bankrolling elected officials to enact policies that protect their profits. The oil and gas industry spent over $103 million on the 2016 federal elections alone. And that’s just what they were required to report: that number doesn’t include the untold amounts of “dark money” they’ve been using to buy-off politicians and corrupt our democracy. The most conservative estimates still put their spending at 10 times that of environmental groups and the renewable energy industry.

As a result, American taxpayers are shelling out $20 billion a year to bankroll oil and gas projects – a huge transfer of wealth to the top. And that doesn’t even include hundreds of billions of dollars of indirect subsidies that cost every United States citizen roughly $2,000 a year. This has to stop.

And we’ve got to stop giving away public lands for oil and gas drilling. In 2018, under Trump, the Interior Department made $1.1 billion selling public land leases to oil and gas companies, an all-time record – triple the previous 2008 record, totaling more than 1.5 million acres for drilling alone, threatening multiple cultural sites and countless wildlife. As recently as last September, the Trump administration opened 1.56 million acres of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, threatening Indigenous cultural heritage and hundreds of species that call it home.

That’s not all. The ban on exporting crude oil should be reintroduced and extended to other fossil fuels. The ban, in place for 40 years, was lifted in 2015, just days after the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement. After years of campaigning by oil executives, industry heads, and their army of lobbyists, the fossil fuel industry finally got its way.

We can’t wait for these changes to be introduced in 5 or 10 years time — we need them now.

Fourth, require the fossil fuel companies that have profited from environmental injustice compensate the communities they’ve harmed.

As if buying-off our democracy wasn’t enough, these corporations have also deliberately misled the public for years on the amount of damage their products have been causing. 

For instance, as early as 1977, Exxon’s own scientists were warning managers that fossil fuel use would warm the planet and cause irreparable damage. In the 1980s, Exxon shut down its internal climate research program and shifted to funding a network of advocacy groups, lobbying arms, and think tanks whose sole purpose was to cloud public discourse and block action on the climate crisis. The five largest oil companies now spend about $197 million a year on ad campaigns claiming they care about the climate — all the while massively increasing their spending on oil and gas extraction.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans, especially poor, Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities, already have to fight to drink clean water and breathe clean air as their communities are devastated by climate-fueled hurricanes, floods, and fires. As of 2015, nearly 21 million people relied on community water systems that violated health-based quality standards. 

Going by population, that’s essentially 200 Flint, Michigans, happening all at once. If we continue on our current path, many more communities run the risk of becoming “sacrifice zones,” where citizens are left to survive the toxic aftermath of industrial activity with little, if any, help from the entities responsible for creating it.

Climate denial and rampant pollution are not victimless crimes. Fossil fuel corporations must be held accountable, and be forced to pay for the damage they’ve wrought.

If these solutions sound drastic to you, it’s because they are. They have to be if we have any hope of keeping our planet habitable. The climate crisis is not a far-off apocalyptic nightmare — it is our present day.

Australia’s bushfires wiped out a billion animals, California’s fire season wreaks more havoc every year, and record-setting storms are tearing through our communities like never before. 

Scientists tell us we have 10 years left to dramatically reduce emissions. We have no room for meek half-measures wrapped up inside giant handouts to the fossil fuel industry. 

We deserve a world without fossil fuels. A world in which workers and communities thrive and our shared climate comes before industry profits. Working together, I know we can make it happen. We have no time to waste.


Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social...

Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social Responsibility

Last August, the Business Roundtable – an association of CEOs of America’s biggest corporations – announced with great fanfare a “fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders” and not just their shareholders. 

They said “investing in employees, delivering value to customers, and supporting outside communities“ is now at the forefront of their business goals — not maximizing profits.

Baloney. Corporate social responsibility is a sham.

One Business Roundtable director is Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors. Just weeks after making the Roundtable commitment, and despite GM’s hefty profits and large tax breaks, Barra rejected workers’ demands that GM raise their wages and stop outsourcing their jobs. Earlier in the year GM shut its giant assembly plant in Lordstown, Ohio.

Nearly 50,000 GM workers then staged the longest auto strike in 50 years. They won a few wage gains but didn’t save any jobs. Barra was paid $22 million last year. How’s that for corporate social responsibility?

Another prominent CEO who made the phony Business Roundtable commitment was AT&T’s Randall Stephenson, who promised to use the billions in savings from the Trump tax cut to invest in the company’s broadband network and create at least 7,000 new jobs. 

Instead, even before the coronavirus pandemic, AT&T cut more than 23,000 jobs and demanded that employees train lower-wage foreign workers to replace them.

Let’s not forget Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and its Whole Foods subsidiary. Just weeks after Bezos made the Business Roundtable commitment, Whole Foods announced it would be cutting medical benefits for its entire part-time workforce.

The annual saving to Amazon from this cost-cutting move is roughly what Bezos – whose net worth is $117 billion – makes in a few hours. Bezos’ wealth grows so quickly, this number has gone up since you started watching this video.

GE’s CEO Larry Culp is also a member of the Business Roundtable. Two months after he made the commitment to all his stakeholders, General Electric froze the pensions of 20,000 workers in order to cut costs. So much for investing in employees.  

Dennis Muilenburg, the former CEO of Boeing, also committed to the phony Business Roundtable pledge. Shortly after making the commitment to “deliver value to customers,” Muilenburg was fired for failing to act to address the safety problems that caused the 737 Max crashes that killed 346 people.  After the crashes, he didn’t issue a meaningful apology or even express remorse to the victims’ families and downplayed the severity of the fallout to investors, regulators, airlines, and the public. He was rewarded with a $62 million farewell gift from Boeing on his way out.

Oh, and the chairman of the Business Roundtable is Jamie Dimon, CEO of Wall Street’s largest bank, JPMorgan Chase. Dimon lobbied Congress personally and intensively for the biggest corporate tax cut in history, and got the Business Roundtable to join him. JPMorgan raked in $3.7 billion from the tax cut. Dimon alone made $31 million in 2018.

That tax cut increased the federal debt by almost $2 trillion. This was before Congress spent almost $3 trillion fighting the pandemic – and delivering a hefty portion as bailouts to the biggest corporations, many of whom signed the Business Roundtable pledge. 

As usual, almost nothing has trickled down to America’s working class and poor. 

The truth is, American corporations are sacrificing workers and communities as never before in order to further boost runaway profits and unprecedented CEO pay. And not even a tragic pandemic is changing that. 

Americans know this. A record 76 percent of U.S. adults believe major corporations have too much power. 

The only way to make corporations socially responsible is through laws requiring them to be – for example, giving workers a bigger voice in corporate decision making, requiring that corporations pay severance to communities they abandon, raising corporate taxes, busting up monopolies, and preventing dangerous products (including faulty airplanes) from ever reaching the light of day.  

If the CEOs of the Business Roundtable and other corporations were truly socially responsible, they’d support such laws, not make phony promises they clearly have no intention of keeping. Don’t hold your breath.  

The only way to get such laws enacted is by reducing corporate power and getting big money out of our politics.

The first step is to see corporate social responsibility for the sham it is. The next step is to emerge from this pandemic and economic crisis more resolved than ever to rein in corporate power, and make the economy work for all. 


Trump’s 4-Step Plan for Reopening the Economy Will Be Lethal

Donald Trump is getting nervous. Internal polls show him losing in November unless the economy comes...



We are in the middle of a THUNDERSNOW here in Chicago and it is windy and snowy as all get out. I am about to take the dogs out for their final potty of the night and hope that none of us blow away. Earlier, about 40 minutes into our blizzard watch, we went outside and I took these photos. It now sounds much worse outside than it was when these were taken!

Check out Probert's new JAFCO flexible vinyl "hat." We've only had it two days, so we'll keep using it before reporting back on it's functionality.



We woke up this morning to a drift of snow taller than all three browns, including Maizy, which is really something! Fortunately, Wrigley was there to plow ahead and lead the other dogs in a single line around the yard until they found a place where the snow was low enough to do their business.

Later in the day, we went out again to try to shovel our way to the garage. It was no easy feat as most of the snow had drifted to that side of the yard, but I finally got the walkway shoveled out.

Maizy and Wrigley helped by eating what snow they could. Probert helped by getting a ton of snow stuck inside his new hat (which may not be the answer for snowy weather).

Judging by the huge pile of snow at the end of our alley, which has been either plowed from the street or deposited by those neighbors digging out their cars, I will not be getting out of here anytime soon. We'll see what tomorrow holds!


24 Things, No Doubt About That, Oh No. Thing 7.

'...So, basically a tube?'


24 Things, more or less. Although definitely not more. Thing 9.

After Ken Anderson


24 things, or not, but maybe. Thing 13.

Apologies if this is baffling to non-Brits. But count yourselves lucky.


24 Things, or so the legend goes. Probably nonsense. Thing 14.

Also drawn for the tour show. And also animated, though that was done by the excellent Chris Lincé, not by me.

And indeed not in Salford. Because in Salford, the computer that we run the show on froze at the start of the Kirates sketch, and Simon and I had to stick our heads round the back cloth and do it live. Whilst in the middle of changing into our red trousers...


24 Things still seem unlikely to me, but who knows. Thing 16.

Sure, you can't stop progress, and it's not as if the old way ever worked in any case, but... still, he kind of misses it.


24 Things, though surely not. Thing 17.


24 Things are no longer out of the question. Thing 19.


24 Things, though it would be quite funny to drop out now. Thing 20.

These are the practice sketches for yesterday's, but I think I like some of them better than the way it turned out. Especially the cheerful chap in the bottom right corner.


24 Things, probably, but taking nothing for granted. Thing 22.


Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Not Quite Doctor Cowboy

In the latest episode of their pageant-like podcast, Ken and Robin talk where to start with Earth, your conspiracy bookshelf, Moina and Samuel Mathers, and The Rise of Skywalker.

  • Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff


Wynonna Earp Season 4 finally gets green light

Yes, my dear Earpers…it’s finally happening! Season 4 has finally gotten the green light! The show was originally renewed by SYFY and Space for the US and Canada market, but production was delayed due to apparent financial issues at IDW Entertainment without an international distributor – but now they have one. IDW Entertainment, SEVEN24 Films, […]


Home workouts 101: Creative ways these innovators are staying fit

As the coronavirus pandemic has forced us to break out of our normal sports and fitness routines, these innovators -- and professional athletes -- are making the most of their time at home with creative takes on the games and workouts we know and love.


Distance runner Ritzenhein announces retirement

Distance runner Dathan Ritzenhein announced his retirement Thursday, closing a career during which he made three Olympic appearances.


Chrononauts: Futureshock #1

Posted by: history79

Read more... )


  • creator: mark millar
  • creator: eric canete
  • publisher: image comics


Chrononauts: Futureshock #2

Posted by: history79

Read more... )


  • creator: mark millar
  • creator: eric canete
  • publisher: image comics


NoScans - It's always awkward meeting your ex

Posted by: icon_uk

As John Constantine proves in the new "Apokalips war" animated movie

Do I LOOK mad? )


  • char: john constantine
  • char: raven/rachel roth
  • ns: multimedia
  • in-joke: context is for the weak
  • char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel


Chrononauts: Futureshock #3

Posted by: history79

Read more... )


  • publisher: image comics
  • creator: eric canete
  • creator: mark millar


Živnostníky podpoří program Pětadvacítka, odpuštění záloh či odklad daní

Preventivní opatření proti nákaze covid-19 zasáhla jak firmy všech velikostí, tak živnostníky. Jenže právě osoby samostatně výdělečně činné patří podle vlády ke skupinám, které krize vyvolaná pandemií nejvíce ohrozí. Zejména pak ty, kteří mají živnost jako hlavní zdroj příjmů a nemají ji jako přivýdělek k zaměstnání. Jak je stát podpoří?

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


O podporu v nezaměstnanosti stále můžete žádat dálkovou cestou

Ještě minulý týden byly úřední hodiny kontaktních pracovišť Úřadu práce ČR velmi omezené. Pobočky sice v pondělí otevřely, ani dnes ale na úřad nemusíte osobně, většinu záležitostí vyřídíte online. Poradíme jak na to a shrneme, kdy a v jaké výši máte nárok na podporu v nezaměstnanosti.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


KVÍZ: Zatím ještě dotace, za dva roky pokuty. Víte, jak ušetřit výměnou kotle?

Od 1. září 2022 nebude možné provozovat kotle na tuhá paliva, které nevyhovují přísnějším emisním normám. Včasnou výměnou kotle můžete ušetřit. Nejenže snížíte náklady za topení, ale stihnete navíc využít státní dotaci na jeho pořízení. Víte, jak na to? Otestujte své znalosti.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Ošetřovné se zvyšuje. Spočítejte si na kalkulačce, kolik nově dostanete

Ze 60 na 80 procent denního vyměřovacího základu vzroste ošetřovné pro rodiče, kteří zůstali doma s potomky v souvislosti s uzavřením škol a školek kvůli koronavirové krizi. Senát novelu schválil v úterý 28. dubna 2020. Předlohu nyní dostane k podpisu prezident Miloš Zeman. Spočítejte si orientačně na kalkulačce, kolik dostanete.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Zaplatili jste letos dovolenou? Možná budete dotovat cestovní kancelář

Možnost cestování je silně omezená a nic zatím nenasvědčuje tomu, že by lidé v letošní letní sezoně mohli vyrazit na zahraniční dovolenou. Zároveň ale nikdo dnes ještě neví, zda se nějaká možnost přece jen neobjeví. Pokud jste si koupili dovolenkový zájezd, jste asi momentálně jako na trní. Pojedete? Vrátí vám peníze?

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Pojistit se kvůli covidu? Životní pojistky ani krytí marodění netáhnou

Mohlo by se zdát, že pojišťovny budou v koronavirové době zaznamenávat zvýšený zájem o sjednání životních pojistek. Zejména kvůli krytí rizika pracovní neschopnosti, což se vztahuje i na onemocnění infekcí covid-19. Praxe je ale zatím opačná.

  • Finance - Pojištění


Raw Food Recipe Menu: November 1, 2015

Even though we enjoyed a beautiful, warm, sunny day here today, hard core fall is coming. This menu has some heavier, more substantial meals using seasonal produce. Pears are plentiful right now and citrus is coming into its best season soon. You should be able to score some great tasting produce at reasonable prices!

Simple Fruit and Berries

serves 2 ~ $2.08 per serving

Simple, juicy, and delicious ... everything that's the best of raw plant foods ...

  • 1 peach, sliced ($.80)
  • 1 plum, sliced ($.90)
  • 1 apple, sliced ($1.25)
  • 1/2 cup blueberries ($.50)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice ($.20)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts ($.50)

  1. Slice the fruit, mix together, add a splash of lemon juice and chopped walnuts (a bit of nut milk would be good, too ... like a bowl of fruit cereal).

nutritional information: calories: 137 fat: 1 gr carbs: 33 gr protein: 2 gr

Grapefruit Pear Salad
serves 2 - $2.50 per serving

  • 1 grapefruit ($.50)
  • 2 pears, sliced ($1.40)
  • 1 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 head romaine, chopped ($1.90)
  • 1/4 cup walnuts ($.50)

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice ($.20)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil ($.30)
  • 2 tablespoons agave ($.20)
  • pinch nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

  1. Cut the grapefruit by first slicing off about 1/4" off the top and bottom.
  2. Stand the grapefruit up on a cut side and slice along the outside curve of the fruit, cutting away the skin and pith.
  3. Use a sharp knife to cut each grapefruit section away from the membrane.
  4. Slice the pears and onions, and chop the lettuce.
  5. Toss together and sprinkle the walnuts on top.
  6. Whisk together all the dressing ingredients and drizzle over the top.

nutritional information: calories: 304 fat: 17 gr carbs: 40 gr protein: 5 gr

Pad Thai

serves 2 ~ $2.28 per serving


  • 2 medium zucchini ($1.20)
  • 1 carrot ($.15)
  • 1 bunch green onions, sliced ($.59)
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced ($.50)
  • large handful mung bean sprouts ($.75)
  • 4 tablespoons almond butter ($.80)
  • 1/2 in piece ginger, peeled
  • 1 tablespoon braggs aminos or soy sauce ($.10)
  • 1 clove garlic ($.05)
  • 1 tablespoon agave ($.10)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cashews ($.20)

  1. Noodle the zucchini and carrot using a vegetable peeler or spiral slicer. 
  2. Toss with the bell pepper, green onion, and bean sprouts.
  3. In a bullet type blender, puree all the sauce ingredients until very creamy. Because of the high fat content of the nut butter, this can get quite hot while blending. Stop and let it cool for a minute if it becomes too hot for your personal definition of raw.
  4. Pour over noodles, toss lightly, serve. 

nutritional information:        calories: 345        fat: 23 gr        carbs: 30 gr         protein: 8 gr

Chocolate Orange Mousse

serves 2 ~ $.99 per serving 

  • 1 ripe avocado, chopped ($.88)
  • 2 bananas, chopped ($.30)
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder ($.60)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tablespoons agave ($.20)
  • 1/2 dropper liquid stevia
  • 1/4 teaspoon orange extract

  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor fitted with an "S" blade and process until very smooth.
  2. Add coconut oil to room temperature or warmer ingredients only, otherwise the coconut oil will harden into little lumps before it has a chance to blend.
  3. Chill for at least a half hour before serving.
  4. Top with a few orange sections and/or pieces of fruit and a pinch of orange rind, if desired.

nutritional information: calories: 321 fat: 16 gr carbs: 41 gr protein: 5 gr

Total cost for the day: $7.58
total calories:  1,107
total fat: 57 gr
total carb: 144 gr
total protein: 20 gr


Raw Food Recipe Menu: November 15, 2015

Buckwheat Coco Puffs

4 servings ~ $.73 per serving

  • 1 cup buckwheat groats, soaked ($.75)
  • 2 ripe bananas ($.30)
  • 3 tbsp coco or cacao powder ($.15)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla ($.10)
  • 1/2 tsp salt1/2 cup almond milk ($.40)
  1. Rinse one cup buckwheat groats and then soak in about two cups water for 5-6 hours or overnight. Rinse the buckwheat groats well. There will be a gooey or gelatinous coating on the groats and and they will need to be rinsed several times. 
  2. Once rinsed, drain well and pat with a towel to remove most of the water.In a food processor with the S blade, add the banana, cocoa or cacao powder, vanilla and salt. 
  3. Process for a minute or two until very creamy. 
  4. Fold into the buckwheat groats. 
  5. Then spread the mixture in clusters about 1/4 inch thick on the teflex or plastic sheets in a dehydrator. Dehydrate for about 4 hours, then turn over and dehydrate for another 2-3 hours, until the clusters are dry but pliable. 
  6. They don't seem to get brittle dry, but stay a little bit pliable. 
  7. Break up into smaller clumps. These can then be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for 3-4 days. Serve with 1/2 cup almond milk.

nutritional information:      calories: 333       fat: 10 gr      carbs: 50 gr      protein: 7 gr

Coconut Cashew Soup
Serves 2 ~ $4.04 per serving

Oh. Yeah. Coconut butter is divine. Artisana makes organic, raw and vegan nut butters and coconut products. They provided some of their coconut butter and nuts butters for me to try, which are great straight from the jar and worked out really well in this easy and convenient soup.  

  • 4 tablespoons artisana coconut butter ($2.20)
  • 4 tablespoons artisana cashew butter ($2.35) 
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 3 dates ($.60)
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro leaves ($.10) 
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
  • juice of one lime ($.50)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cucumber, sliced into noodles ($.89)
  • 1/2 avocado, chopped ($.88)
  • 1 medium onion, minced
  • 2 stalks celery, minced ($.20)
  • small bunch cilantro leaves ($.05)
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved ($.30)
  • red pepper flakes

  1. In a blender, process the coconut butter, cashew butter (almond butter will work as well), water, dates, cilantro, garlic, red pepper flakes, cayenne, lime juice, salt and pepper. 
  2. Puree until as smooth as possible.
  3. Cut the cucumber into noodles and put in bowls with the avocado, celery, cilantro, and cherry tomatoes. 
  4. Using a wire mesh strainer, strain the coconut and nut butter soup base. This will take out any larger pieces of dates or spices. A higher powered blender may make this step unnecessary. 
  5. Add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.

    nutritional information:      calories: 537       fat: 44 gr       carbs: 33 gr       protein: 11 gr

    Sweet Potato Noodles
    serves 3 ~ $1.95 per serving


    • 3 sweet potatoes ($3.00)
    • 3 green onions ($.50)
    • 6 tablespoons agave or maple syrup ($.60)
    • 3 tablespoons olive or flax oil ($.30)
    • 3 tablespoons lemon juice ($.30)
    • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar ($.20)
    • 1 clove garlic, pressed
    • 1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
    • 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
    • 3 green onions, sliced
    • 1/4 cup walnuts ($1.00)
    1. Spiralize the sweet potatoes using your chosen tool and method. 
    2. Whisk together the agave, olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and pepper. 
    3. When ready to serve, toss with the sliced green onions and walnuts. 
    4. If desired, warm the noodles in a dehydrator or a warm pan before serving. 
    5. Store the noodles and dressing in separate containers.

    nutritional information:      calories: 646      fat: 36 gr      carbs: 79      protein: 13 gr

    Plum Pie
    serves 3 ~ $2.47 per serving

    • 1/2 cup walnuts ($1.00)
    • 1/2 cup raisins ($.85)
    • 3 plums, sliced thinly ($3.00)
    • 3 tablespoons coconut butter ($1.65) 
    • 2 tablespoons coconut nectar ($.40)

    • banana ice cream ($.50)
    • blackberry puree

    In a food processor fitted with an "S" blade, process the walnuts and raisins until the mixture begins sticking together. Press into a plate, pie plate, or tart pans and chill for several minutes.

    In the food processor, again with the "S" blade, process one plum, the coconut butter, and the coconut nectar. When pureed, spread over the pie crust. Place the plum slices on top. 

    This goes really well with a bit of banana ice cream and a bit of blackberry puree.

    nutritional information:       calories: 396      fat: 19 gr      carbs: 60 gr      protein: 6 gr


    Total cost for the day: $9.22
    total calories: 1,744
    total fat: 139 gr
    total carb: 222 gr
    total protein: 37 gr


    Possibly the last days of normal life

    Good things: jack and I went to see the Troy exhibition at the British Museum. With a bit of time and energy left after that, we also visited the Aztec room. And then we went out for pancakes at my favourite spot. And it was generally lovely.

    Then we had a go at some tabletop roleplaying, with OSOs and their younger two. jack had put together a cut-down system, roughly D&D based but a lot lot lot less complex and fiddly. And a delightful little one-shot story about saving a baby giant turtle from a suspicious sea captain, set in an archipelago of islands on the back of giant turtles. jack really encouraged us to develop fun characters, and we're all excited to play more in this setting.

    I have plans for an exciting date with ghoti_mhic_uait next week, and I think after that no more travel for fun. Honestly I'm not sure about this week either. Maybe it isn't morally or safety-wise sensible to visit a huge tourist spot in the capital. I'm expecting several months of somewhere between boring and terrifying, and I'm not really impatient for that to start.

    ghoti_mhic_uait bought me and jack an annual membership of the British Museum for our birthdays. And it was a really good time to visit as members; the Troy exhibition, in its last weekend, was completely sold out for non-members, plus it was lovely to be able to go to the museum semi-spontaneously rather than having to plan for a particular time and buy tickets. I probably wouldn't have made a special trip or paid lots of money to see Troy, but when it was low pressure it was worthwhile.

    Basically what they've done is presented objects that represent the myth as told in Classical literature, so lots of vases and friezes and so on, arranged to recount the story of the fall of Troy. And then they have a gallery of Renaissance responses to the Trojan myth, and then a gallery of modern (ish) responses. Nice curation, lots of ideas about how the myth was interpreted through the culture of the time. And a marvellous collection of objects, the BM has really a lot of good blackfigure vases and beautiful neo-Classical objects. There is also quite a lot of commentary about how war is actually bad rather than epic, and thoughtful stuff about attitudes to women, and it's 2020 so we're no longer doing the ridiculous 'no homo' thing about Achilles and Patroclus.

    My favourites were this gorgeous little bowl with a really sweet picture of Eris:

    And a stunning pre-Raphaelite portrait of Clytemnestra immediately post-murder, which I couldn't photograph due to the lighting, and can't find an image of online.

    Then we went to have tea in the special members' room. The main advantage is that it's quieter than the main tea-room, as it isn't in a huge echoing hall. We reckoned we had enough time and energy left to look at one more thing, and Jack was excited to see the famous double-headed turquoise snake from the meso-American gallery. I fell slightly in love with this grumpy woman who shares the room with it:

    On the way we wandered past a staircase with some cool mosaics, the Wellcome gallery with has a Moai that they're in the process of returning to the Rapa Nui peoples they stole it from, and the gallery of indigenous North American stuff, much of which is again, stolen. Also the Enlightenment room, which I'm interested to go back to with more time, partly because it contains more stuff that the British Museum actually has a right to than a lot of the galleries!

    Dinner was pancakes and mango lambic beer at My Old Dutch in Holborn, which has been a tradition since I visited the BM with my friend MK and his then two-year-old.
