ale Earth Alerts 2024.1.172 (Freeware) By Published On :: Earth Alerts allows you to monitor natural hazard events from around the globe, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, wildfires and lands.... Full Article
ale Globalcaja Destina 250.000 Euros a Familias de Letur y Mira Afectadas por la DANA a través de Servicios Sociales By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 21:21:14 +0000 En un esfuerzo conjunto para mitigar los efectos devastadores de la reciente DANA que golpeó las localidades de Letur en Albacete y Mira en Cuenca, Globalcaja ha destinado un fondo de 250.000 euros que será gestionado por los Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria de Castilla-La Mancha. Esta ayuda económica será repartida equitativamente entre ambas localidades […] Artículo publicado en : Globalcaja Destina 250.000 Euros a Familias de Letur y Mira Afectadas por la DANA a través de Servicios Sociales Full Article Nuestra Región actualidad afectadas DANA destina euros familias Globalcaja Letur Mira por servicios sociales través
ale Atender a Familias Vulnerables y Recuperar Servicios Esenciales: Prioridades en Mira Tras la DANA By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:21:30 +0000 La alcaldesa de Mira, Miriam Lava, ha tomado cartas en el asunto tras la devastación causada por la reciente DANA que afectó gravemente a su municipio. En un esfuerzo por mitigar el impacto sufrido por las familias vulnerables, muchas de ellas de nacionalidad rumana, Lava ha firmado un Protocolo de Colaboración en Emergencia con la […] Artículo publicado en : Atender a Familias Vulnerables y Recuperar Servicios Esenciales: Prioridades en Mira Tras la DANA Full Article Nuestra Región actualidad atender DANA esenciales familias Mira Prioridades Recuperar servicios tras vulnerables
ale Izquierda Unida C-LM Establece Abril de 2026 Como Fecha Límite para Definir su Estrategia Electoral para los Comicios Autonómicos y Municipales By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 06:51:30 +0000 Izquierda Unida de Castilla-La Mancha ha fijado abril de 2026 como la fecha límite para presentar sus candidaturas para las elecciones autonómicas y regionales de mayo de 2027. Así lo ha anunciado Pedro Mellado, el coordinador general de la formación, en una reciente entrevista. Mellado destacó el compromiso de IU de informar con un año […] Artículo publicado en : Izquierda Unida C-LM Establece Abril de 2026 Como Fecha Límite para Definir su Estrategia Electoral para los Comicios Autonómicos y Municipales Full Article Nuestra Región abril actualidad autonómicos clm Comicios como Definir Electoral Establece estrategia Fecha Izquierda Límite los municipales para Unida
ale Alexa echoes through our home (Thanks Amazon) By Published On :: Sat, 30 May 2015 16:24:00 +0000 When Amazon announced the Echo, I immediately requested access to purchase one. I read some skeptical blog posts about it, but had high hopes. We received ours back in December and since then it has become increasingly useful. I will not list out everything we love about "Alexa", but I wanted to highlight one thing we do that has proven helpful. We have one iPad to share among the entire family and that can be problematic with 7 children. My wife came up with the idea of having the kids set a 20 minute timer on Alexa each time they begin using the ipad. It is simple and has changed our lives. The constant questions, "Mommy, can I have the ipad now," stopped immediately. And the amount of time on the iPad for each child was reduced without parental intervention. Children are happier when they know their boundaries. This makes parents happier too. Alexa was just the tool we needed to reduce the amount of time kids were spending on the ipad and to ensure everyone has a turn. The kids have also had their eyes opened to how easy it is to stay on the ipad for a really long time without noticing. It's a win all across the board. Thanks to Amazon and "Alexa". And thanks to my wife for the ingenious idea. Full Article
ale Deux cents Français sont concernés par la fraude fiscale au Liechtenstein By Published On :: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 18:13:00 +0100 La vaste enquête de fraude fiscale lancée mi-février en Allemagne contre environ 700 contribuables qui auraient placé leur argent dans le petit paradis fiscal du Liechtenstein a pris, mardi 26 février, une dimension internationale. Une dizaine de pays... Full Article
ale Un rapport d'un groupe de r�flexion chinois "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" d�voil� au Br�sil By Published On :: 2024-11-13T03:14:04+01:00 Le Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global s'est tenu lundi et mardi � Sao Paulo, et un rapport intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� diffus� � cette occasion. Il fournit une... Full Article Sud global
ale Le vice-Premier ministre chinois appelle au cours de la COP29 � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous By Published On :: 2024-11-13T05:18:08+01:00 Le repr�sentant sp�cial du pr�sident chinois Xi Jinping, Ding Xuexiang, qui est �galement vice-Premier ministre de Chine, a appel� mardi � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous et � am�liorer les capacit�s d'adaptation au changement... Full Article COP29
ale Chine : la partie continentale encourage les �changes entre les jeunes et appelle � lever les restrictions sur les voyages entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan By Published On :: 2024-11-13T17:45:15+01:00 La partie continentale de la Chine a r�affirm� son engagement � promouvoir les �changes entre les jeunes � travers le d�troit de Taiwan et a demand� aux autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de lever les restrictions sur les voyages �... Full Article Chine
ale Chine : la partie continentale d�clare que les consultations entre les deux rives du d�troit sont possibles en reconnaissant le Consensus de 1992 By Published On :: 2024-11-13T17:59:59+01:00 Les consultations entre l'Association pour les relations entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (ARATS) et la Fondation pour les �changes entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (SEF) pourraient reprendre si les autorit�s de Taiwan... Full Article Chine
ale La Chine compte la plus grande capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire dans le monde By Published On :: 2024-11-13T18:43:04+01:00 La capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire de la Chine, y compris les unit�s en fonctionnement, en construction et officiellement approuv�es, occupe la premi�re place mondiale, d'apr�s la Soci�t� de recherche �nerg�tique de Chine (China... Full Article Chine
ale Chine : la puissance de l'aviation et de la d�fense de la partie continentale est une protection solide pour les compatriotes taiwanais By Published On :: 2024-11-13T19:06:49+01:00 Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a qualifi� les r�sultats et la puissance de la partie continentale dans les domaines de l'aviation, de l'a�rospatiale et de la d�fense nationale de protection "solide et immense" pour les... Full Article China
ale La Chine adopte des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le march� de l'immobilier By Published On :: 2024-11-13T19:48:44+01:00 La Chine a promulgu� mercredi des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le d�veloppement stable et sain du march� de l'immobilier. Le minist�re des Finances a d�clar� que le pays augmenterait les incitations en termes de taxe sur les actes pour... Full Article immobilier
ale Une porte-parole de la partie continentale condamne les autorit�s du PDP pour avoir "ruin� Taiwan" By Published On :: 2024-11-13T20:35:09+01:00 Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a vivement critiqu� mercredi les autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de Taiwan pour avoir cherch� � obtenir le soutien des Etats-Unis, d�clarant que plus leur d�pendance � l'�gard... Full Article Chine
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire By Published On :: Pasture and Potential Investment land for sale. This attractive parcel of land totals over 62 acres and has the unique benefit of river frontage. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Towcester, Northamptonshire By Published On :: Around 15 acres of flat land for sale, the land is available as a whole or in lots and benefits from strong investment potential due to the proximity of nearby developments. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Ilkeston, Derbyshire By Published On :: The land forms an excellent block of highly productive arable land totalling over 15 acres. It is perfectly placed between Derby and Nottingham, with excellent transport links and just 3 miles from Ilkeston town centre. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire By Published On :: A well managed block of agricultural land for sale available freehold as a whole or in lots suitable for paddock conversion. The land benefits from extensive road frontage and superb track access. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Solihull, Birmingham By Published On :: A rare and desirable opportunity to purchase a block of strategic land just 8 miles from Birmingham City Centre. Totalling over 14 acres the land is available freehold as a whole or lots, with strong investment potential. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Stokenchurch By Published On :: An opportunity to buy land for sale in affluent Buckinghamshire with superb access next to land that has recently been reclassified and granted planning permission.The land is available freehold as a whole or in lots. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Hemel Hempstead By Published On :: Just two lots remaining at this land for sale just 24 miles from the City of London within the affluent county of Hertfordshire. This lush grazing land is available freehold and is suitable for paddock conversion. Full Article
ale New Release - Land for Sale in Buckinghamshire, Water End By Published On :: Just one lot of lush grazing land for sale in Buckinghamshire, one of the most affluent counties in the UK. The land measures approx 2.5 acres and with superb access, would be ideal for paddock conversion. Full Article
ale Musical Valentine's Day Video Cards, Happy Valentine's Day Ecards By Published On :: Romantic Valentine's Day cards with music, Valentine's Day love ecards, Happy Valentine's Day Greetings and Video cards for mobile smartphones. Full Article
ale Volkswagen startet neue Allianz mit dem Tesla-Rivalen Rivian By Published On :: 2024-11-13T10:23:57Z Nun ist es offiziell: Volkswagen holt sich für Auto-Software der nächsten Generation Hilfe vom US-Elektroautobauer Rivian. Dafür stockt der Konzern seine Investition in ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen noch einmal auf. Full Article
ale Alexa Model By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Visit site Site devoted to the foxy ethnical top-model, Alexa. Born of Spanish and Egyptian heritage, Alexa is a spicy 18-year-old dominatress! Exclusive photographs. Inspected by: Rictor Read review » Full Article Reviews > Teens
ale A Tale Of Two Network Marketers And A Secret . . . By Published On :: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:12:00 +0000 Joe Jones joins a network marketing company and says .. ."Wow this business looks great!I can't believe how great this product is. I never knewit existed until that day I luckily happened upon itonline, but ever sense that day I've been a differentperson. The team I'm on is fantastic and I can't waitto learn what they are going to teach me next.This business is going to change my life and my sponsoris teaching me things I never knew. I set a goal tocover both my mortgage and car note with this businessand I gave my word not only to myself, but to mysponsor as well, that it's happening and as far as I'mconcerned it's as good as done.It's only a matter of time."Bill Baxter joins the same network marketing companyand says . . ."This Company looks pretty good, but the last time Igave this a shot it didn't work. I'm only going to givethis go around two months and if I'm not making atleast $1000 a month I'm out of here. I think my sponsorsaid something about a co-op. I'm gonna join and ifthat doesn't grow my business then I'll know.I think this stuff can work. I mean, I've seen it workfor so many other people, but they all get up on stageand bring prospects to those business calls, I've donethat before and I'm not doing it again.I've only got 4 hours to spare a week and if thisbusiness doesn't grow with that sort of time you won'tsee me around here in a month I can promise you that.They say anyone can make it happen, yeah right . . ."Six months later . . .Joe is making double what he set out to as his goal andBill has moved on to three more network marketingcompanies and hasn't made a dime yet.I wonder why?It's your belief system. It's a thermometer for you.Where you set it is exactly where you go.Where you go is exactly how people see you.Believe big in you and bigger things than you thoughtwould happen will, but have little belief in yourselfand little to nothing happens.It's your choice.What do you believe about your business?Are you going to make it happen or make sure itdoesn't? It all comes down to what you think.And to be honest if you believe big you'll get there,but you'll get there faster if you know a few secretsto get you there faster.Here is where you'll find them, the question is . . .will you use them?What if you could learn how to grow your networkmarketing business the 2007 way, instead of having torely on what worked 30 years ago because your sponsordoesn't know any better? Do you'd think you'd reach yougoals faster? Here's how to find out:==> Full Article Articles
ale Gary Chew reviews "Blue Valentine" By Published On :: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 20:36:00 CDT Two-track love story in which the now of it is shown alternately with its beginning six years before. Chew calls it raw, real, tender, touching, happy, goofy... and sad. A smart date movie for realists. Stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. Now in limited release. Full Article
ale Weird Al 2018 calendar and Tulsa UHF tour YouTube By Published On :: Fri, 08 Dec 2017 11:33:00 CDT Emily Spivy pointed out that TTM is credited along with Dr. Demento on the 2018 Weird Al Yankovic calendar. Watch her movie of our 2013 bus tour of UHF locations in Tulsa. Full Article
ale British Maltese Biker Cross Calendar Print By Published On :: British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Printed Calendar for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles. Full Article
ale Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Calendar Print By Published On :: The Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Calendar Print is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings Full Article
ale For Amusement Only Calendar Print By Published On :: With this Calendar Print you can proudly announce that you are to be used for amusement purposes only - Are you not to be taken seriously? Are you only to be used for amusement purposes only? Do you know someone that is to be used only for your or someone else's amusement? Then these are for you! Full Article
ale Bikers Have More Fun Than People Do Calendar Print By Published On :: Bikers Have More Fun Than People Do Printed Calendar - Bikers Have More Fun Than People Do Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Excellent gifts for all bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and fans of all motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Full Article
ale Bowling Therapy Calendar Print By Published On :: For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Calendar Print - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress. Full Article
ale Caffeine Molecule Calendar Print By Published On :: This Calendar Print shows that you are proud to be powered by the caffeine molecule trimethylxanthine also known by its chemical formula of C8H10N4O2. - Yes, it's true; caffeine makes the world go around. Whether it’s in coffee, soda, energy drink or whatever, it seems that caffeine keeps everything going. If you are one of those people (or knows someone that is) that gets their energy and staying power from the caffeine molecule trimethylxanthine also known by its chemical formula of C8H10N4O2 then you need this 3d design of the caffeine molecule structure. Full Article
ale Chocolate Therapy Calendar Print By Published On :: This Calendar will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate". Full Article
ale DANGER: HOT! Print Calendar By Published On :: Label yourself or someone you know with the DANGER: HOT 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Print Calendar to alert others to how hot you are or they are - Are you hot? Are you so hot, that you are dangerously hot? Maybe you are so dangerously hot that you deserve your own warning sign to alert others to how hot you are. On the other hand... Do you know someone that is hot? Do you know someone that is so extremely hot that they are dangerously hot? Maybe you know that they are so hot that you would like to give them their own danger warning sign to show them how hot you think they are. Full Article
ale Danger: Flammable Gas Calendar Print By Published On :: This DANGER: Flammable Gas Calendar Print will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - Give everyone a clear warning of impending the impending possible danger of flammable gas and get many laughs in return with these "DANGER: Flammable Gas" Industrial 3D Metal Style Danger Sign items. They also make an excellent gag gift! Full Article
ale For Rent Sign Calendar Print By Published On :: Announce that either you, your calendar print or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Baseball Jersey By Published On :: Announce that either you, your baseball jersey or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign BBQ Apron By Published On :: Announce that either you, your BBQ apron or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Beer Stein By Published On :: Announce that either you, your beer stein or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Button By Published On :: Announce that either you, your button or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Calendar Print By Published On :: Announce that either you, your calendar print or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Coffee Mug By Published On :: Announce that either you, your coffee cup or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Dog T-Shirt By Published On :: Announce that either your dog, your dog's t-shirt or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Fitted T-Shirt By Published On :: Announce that either you, your fitted t-shirt or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Golf Shirt By Published On :: Announce that either you, your golf shirt or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Hooded Sweatshirt By Published On :: Announce that either you, your hooded sweatshirt or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article
ale For Sale Sign Journal By Published On :: Announce that either you, your journal or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. Full Article