mi From Pride to Humility By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 26 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT 'God continues to change lives today. No matter how proud or sinful people may be, in God there is mercy and power to turn rebellious sinners into children of the God of Heaven.' Full Article Daniel 2020
mi From Contamination to Purification By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT 'What should this study tell us about how precious and important the knowledge of biblical truth really is in contrast to human traditions?' Full Article Daniel 2020
mi silver linings of the pandemic By metatalk.metafilter.com Published On :: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 07:02:52 GMT There's a venting thread, but maybe you want to share a surprising good thing that has happened despite the terrible situation in the world right now.Let's create a space to recognise the small good things that are happening. It's OK to acknowledge the negative here too- this thread is designed to be a space to share the good stuff that is happening despite the negative. (I felt that posting positives in the Fucking Fuck thread was not fair to that thread.) Full Article
mi By phunniemee in "Intimidated by guy I'm dating" on Ask MeFi By ask.metafilter.com Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 12:08:51 GMT Do you actually like this guy? You've written an essay here and the only positives you list about this person are qualities you assumed about him during the period you had no personal contact. Of course he makes himself look interesting in his own blog.Stop worrying if he likes you or not, or likes you enough or more than your friend maybe. For the next few weeks, your sole focus should be "do I actually like this guy, really?"If it's your anxiety telling you you're not good enough that's one thing, but I don't get the impression from what you've written that you've spent a lot of time looking at this dude with a critical eye. HE needs to be right for YOU before you start concerning yourself with whether you're good enough for him. Full Article
mi By mochapickle in "What do you do while waiting for a potentially terminal diagnosis?" on Ask MeFi By ask.metafilter.com Published On :: Mon, 04 May 2020 11:09:12 GMT I have a health condition with a high mortality rate, where about one quarter of us die within the first year, and two-thirds of us don't last five years. I'm on Year 4 now and I'm doing okay, and I'm thankful to be receiving excellent care, and I'm generally optimistic that I'll get to stick around for a while.Ramping up to my diagnosis, I thought my life was over. And that was both utterly untrue and completely true at the same time. You can't really know what it's like until you have the actual diagnosis, and even then it's been a world of surprises. You may or may not be able to do some of the things you would like to do.For me to deal with it in a healthy way, I kind of had to create a hard line in the sand. I had to take time to grieve the person I'd been before falling ill, take stock of my accomplishments, and most importantly, I had to REALIZE MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS WERE ENOUGH for my lifetime. If I'd been hit by a bus, my life would have been over in a snap, and whatever I'd accomplished by that point would have had to be enough. Taking that pressure off myself was the kindest thing I could do for myself.I found I had to let a lot of things go and not compare Previous Me to Sick Me. Previous Me was active, enjoyed travel, able to hold down complex and interesting work. Sick Me can't do much of that, but Sick Me does pretty okay for a sick person, and Sick Me does so much more than Dead Me could possibly do! Seriously, compared to Dead Me, Sick Me is a total winner. Sick Me can do a little modest gardening, enough to keep the weeds away. Sick Me can care for my dog and handle the occasional load of laundry. Sick Me finds a lot of joy in my friends and family and internet communities, and has transferred my social life to text, email, and the occasional dining out when the stars align and energy allows. (Metafilter is a lifesaver because I can pick it up whenever my energy level allows and people are so welcoming and understanding.)As you're waiting for news, it's easy to fall to worry. Please be kind to yourself and don't suffer those fears and losses before you need to. Right now, you are there for your children. Don't put yourself through the punishment of losing them multiple times unnecessarily. And don't say you won't ever get to do a painting class -- I took my first painting class last fall and it was a boon to my soul and it renewed my capacity for beauty.In the meantime, take as much control of the situation as you need to. Write down a list of questions to review with your doctors. (I've actually typed them out and distributed copies for them to follow along.) You can google, and it's hard not to, but please never tell a doctor that your questions or concerns are coming from google. Also, do not call yourself a hypochondriac -- what you are feeling is what you are feeling, and your concerns are valid and deserving of respect.Waiting is hard. Please be extra kind to yourself. Full Article
mi By mittens in "Really, 2020? I mean, really?" on MeFi By www.metafilter.com Published On :: Sun, 03 May 2020 23:58:07 GMT So like, nobody else finds the timing of this story kinda culturally suspicious? We had years of warnings of Africanized bees, and now we've got deadly Asian hornets, at a moment when anti-China rhetoric has reached a fevered pitch? Literally two of these bugs have been spotted in the US, and the guy who is the focal point of the NYT story isn't sure these were even involved, but now the Paper of Record and the entire American internet is talking about Asian Murder Hornets? Gaaaaaaaah I'm just going back inside for a while. Full Article
mi Steve Martin On His Years As A Comic — And Walking Away From Stand-Up By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 17:52:00 +0000 DAVID BIANCULLI, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. I'm David Bianculli, editor of the website TV Worth Watching, sitting in for Terry Gross. Today on FRESH AIR, one of our favorite interviews from our archive - Terry's conversation with comedian, actor and writer Steve Martin. He's also an accomplished bluegrass musician and has been posting occasional videos on social media playing banjo in the woods. Last month he visited CBS's "The Late Show" with Stephen Colbert in a special socially distanced comedy bit with Colbert sequestered inside his house and Martin with his guitar, strolling in a forest, determined to sing a song that Colbert is just as determined not to hear. (SOUNDBITE OF TV SHOW, "THE LATE SHOW") STEPHEN COLBERT: So we go now live to Steve Martin in the middle of the woods. Hi, Steve. STEVE MARTIN: Hey, Stephen. Thanks for having me on. COLBERT: Well, Steve, you're certainly welcome. MARTIN: You know, Stephen, I was thinking that something we as people need to remember right now Full Article
mi Judith Warner's New Book On Middle School Suggests It Doesn't Have To Be All Bad By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 20:01:00 +0000 Middle school spans those tween and early teenage years when, for many, puberty hits. Bullies seem to reign supreme. And we begin to grow into ourselves. Like most, writer and reporter Judith Warner was once a middle schooler. She's also the mother of two former middle schoolers. In her new book, And Then They Stopped Talking To Me , she investigates why the middle-school years can be so awful — and what we can do to help make them a little bit better. Interview Highlights On asking people what words come to their mind when thinking of middle school Soul crushing. Shattering. A rush of nausea. Any variation on the word misery that you can come up with. By and large, the answers were so powerful. And yet then there were a couple of people who had good memories too. And that was something that was important for me to hold on to and listen to in more detail. On deciding to write the book It really grew out of a kind of random thought one day when my daughter was in middle school and I Full Article
mi How The Nature Of The Music Industry Has Changed During The Pandemic By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 00:12:00 +0000 Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Full Article
mi COMIC: Hospitals Turn To Alicia Keys, U2 And The Beatles To Sing Patients Home By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000 Dr. Grace Farris is chief of hospital medicine at Mount Sinai West in Manhattan. She also writes a monthly comics column in the Annals of Internal Medicine called "Dr Mom." You can find her on Instagram @coupdegracefarris . Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Full Article
mi Writer Caitlin Flanagan On Having Stage IV Cancer During The Pandemic By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 11:59:00 +0000 Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Full Article
mi Pandemic Gardens Satisfy A Hunger For More Than Just Good Tomatoes By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 11:59:00 +0000 In this time of fear and uncertainty, people are going back to the land — more or less. Gardening might just be overtaking sourdough baking, TV binging and playing Animal Crossing as our favorite pandemic coping mechanism So here I am in my back yard, where I've got this lovely four foot by eight food raised garden bed — brand new this year, because yes, I'm one of those people who are trying their hand at gardening. I've got tomatoes, I've got cucumbers, I've got radishes, I've got beets sprouting up, I've got what I think might be a zucchini and a spaghetti squash, but the markers washed away in a storm. And I had some watermelon seedlings, but they died in the last cold snap. So that's why I'm out here today — driving in stakes and draping plastic wrap for the next cold snap. I have to be extra careful now, because I couldn't actually replace my watermelon seedlings — garden centers and hardware stores have been picked clean. Jennifer Atkinson is a senior lecturer in environmental Full Article
mi Brüssel will Einreisestopp in die EU bis Mitte Juni verlängern By www.welt.de Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:04:00 GMT Die EU-Kommission hat wegen der Corona-Pandemie eine Verlängerung des Einreisestopps nach Europa um einen weiteren Monat empfohlen. Zuletzt gab es immer mehr Forderungen, Deutschland solle die Kontrollen an den Grenzen zu seinen Nachbarländern aufheben. Full Article Ausland
mi EU-Kommission fordert Verlängerung des Einreisestopps By www.welt.de Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:04:33 GMT Die EU-Kommission will eine Verlängerung des Einreisestopps nach Europa bis zum 15. Juni. Die Lage in Europa und weltweit bleibe wegen der Corona-Pandemie instabil. Entscheiden muss aber letztendlich jedes Land für sich. Full Article Ausland
mi Wo Deutschland in der Epidemie wirklich steht By www.welt.de Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 20:38:00 GMT Viele Länder planen in der Corona-Krise ihre Rückkehr zum normalen Leben. Doch wer lockert, riskiert auch steigende Infektionszahlen. Der WELT-Überblick zeigt, wo sich die Entspannung rächt – und wo es Hoffnung gibt. Full Article Ausland
mi UN-Sicherheitsrat steht in der Pandemie vor einer „Schande“ By www.welt.de Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 01:40:57 GMT Der UN-Sicherheitsrat findet angesichts der größten Bedrohung der Gegenwart keine gemeinsame Haltung. Ein ausgehandelter Kompromiss droht am Streit zwischen den USA und China zu scheitern. Die USA stoßen sich im Entwurf der Corona-Resolution an einer Erwähnung. Full Article Ausland
mi Frontex rechnet mit Migranten-Zustrom By www.welt.de Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:00:00 GMT Nach einem internen Bericht der Europäischen Grenzschutzagentur Frontex ist mit einem Zustrom von Migranten an der Grenze zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland zu rechnen. Der Bericht liegt WELT vor. Full Article Ausland
mi Kurz nach hochrangigem Treffen – Sprecherin von Mike Pence positiv getestet By www.welt.de Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:35:55 GMT Die Corona-Erkrankungen im Umfeld des Weißen Hauses häufen sich: Die Sprecherin von Vizepräsident Mike Pence hat sich mit dem Coronavirus infiziert, ebenso ein Assistent von Trumps Tochter Ivanka. Der Präsident gibt sich unbeeindruckt. Full Article Ausland
mi „Er zeigte mit dem Finger auf mich und sagte: ‚Du bist nichts für mich‘“ By www.welt.de Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 09:33:27 GMT Erstmals hat sich Tara Reade vor laufender Kamera zu ihren Vorwürfen gegen den demokratischen US-Präsidentschaftsbewerber geäußert. Joe Biden habe sie vor 27 Jahren bedrängt und beschimpft, so die Ex-Mitarbeiterin, die auch einen Lügentest anbot. Full Article Ausland
mi Diese Risiken gehen Sie mit einem falschen Attest ein By www.welt.de Published On :: Mon, 09 Mar 2020 06:54:53 GMT Wer eine Reise nicht antreten will, hofft, dass sein Geld von der Rücktrittsversicherung zurückerstattet wird. Doch die zahlt nur bei nachgewiesener Krankheit – und nicht bei Pandemien wie dem Coronavirus. Vor allem ein Vorgehen ist riskant. Full Article Verbraucher
mi Noch immer misstrauen viele Deutsche dem Onlinebanking By www.welt.de Published On :: Sat, 14 Mar 2020 23:04:21 GMT In vielen Staaten vor allem Skandinaviens nutzt fast die gesamte Bevölkerung eine digitale Bankverbindung. In Deutschland sind es 86 Prozent. Vor allem Jüngere aber nutzen lieber das Smartphone als den Bankschalter Full Article Verbraucher
mi Probleme mit dem Kredit? Das sollten Sie jetzt tun By www.welt.de Published On :: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 07:44:59 GMT In den kommenden Monaten könnten viele Kreditnehmer in Zahlungsschwierigkeiten kommen. Schon nach kurzer Zeit können Banken dann das Darlehen kündigen. Doch es gibt Hoffnung. Das sollten Verbraucher jetzt wissen. Full Article Verbraucher
mi In der Krise ist Streaming Disneys große Hoffnung By www.welt.de Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 11:44:00 GMT Im März startete der Unterhaltungsgigant sein Streaming-Angebot in Deutschland. Kunden können dann Disney-Klassiker, „Star Wars“ und die Marvel-Helden anschauen. Doch der Erfolg ist noch ungewiss – und es wird einige Verlierer geben. Full Article Verbraucher
mi Welche Spiegelreflexkamera für Einsteiger passt zu mir? By www.welt.de Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 09:53:00 GMT Endlich Fotos schießen wie die Profis. Mit Spiegelreflexkameras ist das möglich. Doch Sie kennen sich mit den angesagten Kameras noch nicht gut aus? Wir stellen Ihnen die beliebtesten Einsteigermodelle vor. Full Article Technik-Ratgeber
mi Mit diesem Trick gelingt Ihnen die Flucht aus der PKV By www.welt.de Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:05:00 GMT Brückenteilzeit heißt das neue Schlupfloch, das Privatversicherten den Wechsel in die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung ermöglicht. Die Flucht aus dem teuren PKV-Tarif funktioniert unter ganz bestimmten Bedingungen. Full Article Verbraucher
mi Welcher Rasenmäher passt zu mir? So finden Sie den Richtigen! By www.welt.de Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 09:00:00 GMT Spaß macht es nicht unbedingt, aber wer einen Garten hat, muss regelmäßig den Rasen mähen. Vom Rasentraktor bis hin zum Mähroboter – hier erfahren Sie, welcher Rasenmäher zu Ihnen passt und welches das beste Modell ist! Full Article garten
mi Short on Cash? Here's Some Advice For Families Stretching Their Budgets By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Apr 2020 18:11:00 +0000 Updated on April 13 at 5:06 p.m. ET Forget living paycheck to paycheck. Many families have lost work during the pandemic and are running out of cash as they wait for unemployment checks and government rescue money to arrive. These are highly unusual times, and family budgeting recommendations are also unconventional. Kathy Hauer, a financial planner based in Aiken, S.C., says she's telling people to do things she has never recommended before: "Defer as many payments as possible and worry about it later." But, she says, don't just ignore all the bills. Make sure to call all the companies and ask for forbearance — either a delayed payment or a new payment plan. This is an especially hard time for lower-income families who don't have a lot of wiggle room in their budgets, Hauer says. They may not be able to borrow money from other family members. If they have bad credit, they can't qualify for personal loans from banks. Many also don't have credit cards or are close to maxing those out. Full Article
mi Unemployment Money Not Reaching Millions Of People Who Applied By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 22:18:00 +0000 About 17 million people have applied for unemployment benefits in the U.S. in recent weeks. It's an astonishing number that's nearly 10 times what the system has ever handled so quickly. But, by one estimate , that money is still not flowing to about half of those people who desperately need it. And others are only getting a trickle of what they should be receiving. Many people have been out of a job for a month now. That's a long time to be without your income in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. "It's really intense and it's really frightening," says Nicolena Loshonkohl, a hair stylist NPR has been checking in with in Roanoke, Va. She's a single mom with a 2-year-old daughter. As a regular employee at a local salon, she says it was pretty easy to file for unemployment online. And she's now started to get payments. Loshonkohl feels fortunate about that. But so far, she's only receiving $340 a week. And that doesn't cover her rent, health insurance, food and other basic costs of Full Article
mi Deluge Continues: 26 Million Jobs Lost In Just 5 Weeks By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 12:35:00 +0000 Updated at 8:46 a.m. ET The number of people forced out of work during the coronavirus lockdown continues to soar to historic highs. Another 4.4 million people claimed unemployment benefits last week around the country, the Labor Department said . That brings the total of jobless claims in just five weeks to more than 26 million people. That's more than all the jobs added in the past 10 years since the Great Recession. Still, the pace of job losses is slowing. About 5.2 million filed during the week that ended April 11 and last week was the third consecutive week of declines. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The coronavirus crisis has suddenly ended a decade of remarkable job growth. The unemployment rate, which sank to nearly 50-year lows, is expected to soar into double digits. The pace of job losses has the broader population worried. A Gallup poll found that a quarter of working Americans believe they will lose their jobs in the next 12 months. That's a record high. The Full Article
mi A Staggering Toll: 30 Million Have Filed For Unemployment By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:36:35 +0000 Updated at 8:38 a.m. ET The telephone lines are still jammed at the nation's unemployment offices. Another 3.8 million people filed claims for jobless benefits last week, according to the Labor Department . While that's down from the previous week's 4.4 million, a staggering 30.3 million have applied for unemployment in the six weeks since the coronavirus began taking a wrecking ball to the U.S. job market. That's roughly one out of five people who had a job in February. The pandemic has cut a wide swath of destruction through the economy, as restaurants, retailers and businesses of all kinds closed their doors in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found half the people surveyed had either lost a job or had their hours reduced because of the pandemic and the aggressive public health measures to contain it. The sudden job losses are all the more striking after a long period of record low unemployment, in Full Article
mi Optimizing Your Pandemic Charity By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 10:58:00 +0000 Full Article
mi 20.2 Million Private-Sector Jobs Are Gone By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 14:46:00 +0000 The private sector slashed a record 20.2 million jobs between March and April — a somber preview of Friday's monthly jobs report. That's up from the 149,000 private jobs cut a month earlier. The ADP National Employment Report released Wednesday was not surprising, given that more than 30 million people have filed for unemployment benefits as the coronavirus pandemic shut down much of the economy. But the latest numbers are stunning nonetheless. "Job losses of this scale are unprecedented," said Ahu Yildirmaz, co-head of the ADP Research Institute. "The total number of job losses for the month of April alone was more than double the total jobs lost during the Great Recession." Small businesses cut 6 million jobs, medium businesses 5.3 million and large businesses nearly 9 million, ADP said. The service sector cut 16 million jobs — including 8.6 million in leisure and hospitality. Manufacturing jobs fell by 4.3 million. The Labor Department's official report for April, which also Full Article
mi 3.2 Million More Are Out Of Work As Jobless Claims Keep Piling Up By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 12:41:38 +0000 Updated at 8:43 a.m. ET Another 3.2 million people filed for unemployment for the first time last week, bringing the total number of jobs lost during the coronavirus crisis in the last seven weeks to at least 33.5 million. Last week's number was down from the nearly 3.9 million initial claims filed the week ending April 25, and filings have fallen for five weeks in a row. The claims numbers come one day before the release of the April jobs report, which is expected to show a staggering jump in unemployment to around 16%. The Congressional Budget Office has projected that unemployment, which hit 4.4% in March, will average nearly 14% during April, May and June. Moody's Investors Service predicts it will rise to 15% during the quarter. The real unemployment rate is probably higher, says Elise Gould, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute. "I think we are not near the peak yet," she says. "I think we are still going to see additional job losses show up in the data for May, Full Article
mi One For The History Books: 14.7% Unemployment, 20.5 Million Jobs Wiped Away By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 12:35:00 +0000 Updated at 11:43 a.m. ET The Labor Department delivered a historically bad employment report Friday, showing 20.5 million jobs lost last month as the nation locked down against the coronavirus. The jobless rate soared to 14.7% — the highest level since the Great Depression. The highest monthly job loss before this was 2 million in 1945, as the nation began to demobilize after World War II. The worst monthly job loss during the Great Recession was 800,000 in March 2009. Loading... Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Unemployment was 4.4% in March as the coronavirus began to take hold in the U.S. It approached 25% during the Great Depression and remained elevated until World War II. Loading... Don't see the graphic above? Click here. The carnage was felt across industries in April. With most travel shut down, leisure and hospitality jobs fell by 7.6 million. The retail and health care sectors each dropped by 2.1 million. Manufacturing lost 1.3 million and government jobs fell by 980 Full Article
mi „Theoretisch hätte uns die Aids-Pandemie erspart bleiben können“ By www.welt.de Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 10:50:24 GMT Den Ursprung einer Epidemie zu finden ist nicht leicht, sagt Fabian Leendertz. Er jagt seit Jahrzehnten Erreger – und hat die Quelle für Ebola in Westafrika gefunden. Der Forscher erklärt, warum die Suche so schwierig ist und welche Rolle Affen dabei spielen. Full Article Wissenschaft
mi „Die Normalgewichtigen sind in der Minderheit“ By www.welt.de Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 11:38:11 GMT Vorerkrankungen können zu einem schweren Verlauf von Covid-19 führen. Jetzt liegen eindeutige Belege vor, dass vor allem Übergewicht sich problematisch bei einer Infektion auswirkt. Besonders Männer haben eine Schwachstelle. Full Article Gesundheit
mi Warum in Familien nicht alle erkranken By www.welt.de Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 12:17:41 GMT Es scheint Menschen zu geben, die trotz wochenlangem, sehr engem Kontakt mit an Covid-19 erkrankten Patienten nicht infiziert sind. Die Virologen rätseln, wie das möglich ist. Und es stellt sich die Frage, ob die Tests ausreichende Ergebnisse liefern. Full Article Gesundheit
mi SangMister Music Looking for Acts for Development, Management and Production Opportunities By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 19 May 2017 04:14:34 +0000 SangMister is looking for bands and artists for development, management and production opportunities. (in genres- rock, indie, alternative, pop, electronica, acoustic, classical) SangMister Music was formed in May 2017 by James Sanger and Paul Inder Kilmister as an artist development, management and music production company. The new company will be looking for international bands and artists both established and emerging to manage, develop and produce. SangMister Music benefits from the experience of two 25 year plus veterans of the music industry, James and Paul have between them worked on more than a hundred million records sold and know a large percentage of the past and current music industry. Paul Inder Kilmister has been a pop, rock and roll enigma, from birth. The son of John Lennon's first girlfriend, Patricia Inder and Lemmy Kilmister from legendary British rock band Motörhead. Paul has been with music all his life... So far in his career Paul has vibed with a vast and wide collection of established music luminaries including: Paul Rodgers (Free, Bad Company, Queen), Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), John Bonham (Led Zeppelin), Peter Grant (Led Zeppelin), Mutt Lange (AC/DC, The Cars, Def Leppard, Shania Twain, Billy Ocean), Sophie Barker (Zero 7, Sia), Julian Lennon, Nigel Kennedy, Chris Difford (Squeeze), Marti Pellow (WetWetWet), Marcella Detroit (Shakespeare’s Sister), Joey Tempest (Europe), Phill Brown (Traffic, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Cat Stevens, Bob Marley, Talk Talk), Zak Starkey (The Who, Oasis, Johnny Marr), Wayne Hussey (The Mission), Youth (Killing Joke, The Orb, The Verve), Zoe, Banararama, Alex Patterson (The Orb, KLF), William Henshall (Londonbeat), Tim Bran (Dreadzone, London Grammar), Pete Waterman (Stock, Aitken & Waterman, Kylie Minogue, Rick Astley, Steps, Jason Donovan), Chuck Zwicky (Prince, Andy Summers), Billy Steinberg (Madonna, Whitney Houston, Cyndi Lauper, The Bangles, The Divinyls, Belinda Carlysle, The Pretenders, Chaka Khan, Celine Dion, Atomic Kitten, Roy Orbison, Mel C, The Veronicas, Tina Turner, Girls Aloud), David Kershenbaum (Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, Duran Duran, Joe Jackson, Bryan Adams, Supertramp, Cat Stevens, Elkie Brooks, Tori Amos), Matt Sorum (Guns’n’Roses, Velvet Revolver), Steve Vai (Frank Zappa, Whitesnake, David Lee Roth, Mary J. Blige, Ozzy Osbourne), Bob Kulick (KISS, W.A.S.P., Meatloaf, Michael Bolton, Motörhead, Diana Ross), Slash (Guns’n’Roses, Velvet Revolver), Zakk Wylde (Ozzy Osbourne, Black Label Society), Billy Idol, Steve Jones (Sex Pistols) and Billy Duffy (The Cult)…and many more. James Sanger is credited with over 67 million record sales worldwide as an artist, an artist developer, song-writer, producer, programmer, engineer, instrumentalist or mixer. His work has won 4 Brit awards, 18 Grammys ,2 Ivor Novello, 17 Top 10 Albums, 11 Top 5 Albums and 5 Top 5 singles so far… James' client list includes: U2, Madonna, Dido, Phil Collins, Manic Street Preachers, Kylie Minogue, Mel C, Brian Eno, Keane, Sinead O'Connor, The Cardigans, Roxy Music, Bryan Ferry, Alex James (Blur), The Pet Shop Boys, Joe Satriani, Siobhan Donaghy, Bryan Adams, KD Lang, Annie Lennox, The Cure, Faithless, Jimmy Somerville, Mummy Troll, Suede, Lorien, S Club 7, Mytown, Sheena Easton, The Appletons, Liam Howlett (Prodigy), Liam Gallagher (Oasis), The Cooper Temple Clause, A1, Ultra, Lene Marlin, Kym Marsh (Hear’say), Joey Tempest (Europe), Chris Difford (Squeeze), Billy Steinberg, Rick Knowels, Squeezebox, Noa, Boy George (Culture Club), Rob Dougan …and many more. - James Sanger & Paul Inder Kilmister / SangMister Deal Type: Development, Management and Production Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker Deal Structure: Exclusive Compensation: Negotiable Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready Genres: Rock, indie, alternative, pop, electronica, acoustic, classical Full Article
mi Commercial Hit Songs - Submit for the SE Asian Market - Taiwan, Japan, China etc By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 14:26:27 +0000 Looking for commercial hit songs for a host of pop artists in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan etc. We work closely with Universal Music in Hong Kong, giving us direct access to major artists in South East Asia and Japan searching for tracks for their next and current projects. We are looking for commercial radio tracks which have great beats, memorable hook lines and current styles. Uptempo K-Pop, ballads, R&B/Pop, Rock, Soul and MOR suitable for male, female and boy and girl-bands. Lyrics may be translated depending on the artist so send in all language demos or masters. We are looking forward to hearing some great music. - Dean Hart / Afrikan Cowboy Publishing Deal Type: Song Placement Decision Maker: Selected tracks will be pitched for final decision Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive Compensation: $1,000+ based on final placement Song Quality: Rough Demos, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready Full Article
mi Shopping Artists for Roster Inclusion for Upcoming Record Label By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:07:53 +0000 Seeking exciting new artists for roster inclusion for upcoming Parliament Records. After years of working with top industry leaders including Tony Bongiovi and his team at Power Station, as well as national recording artists and some of America's largest independent labels, Parliament Publishing is now broadening it's presence to include a record label in 2020. We are seeking exciting, upcoming recording artists in the realms of rock, pop, and dance. Country and rap acceptable if professionally-produced. - Shayne Leighton - Licensing Manager - Parliament House Publishing Deal Type: Label Signing Decision Maker: Selected artists will be pitched for final decision Deal Structure: Exclusive Compensation: $5,001 - $10,000 Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready Similar Sounding Artists: Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Mumford & Sons, Bleachers Full Article
mi Netfilx Production company looking for music for Teen SCI-FI, Police Procedural Drama and Family Comedy By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 23 Jun 2019 19:50:51 +0000 Netfilx production company looking for several styles for 3 specific genres for TV shows in development for 2020. *Sci-fi (teen drama / thriller set on earth) *Police Procedural (drama / thriller set in the North of the US) *Family Comedy (comedy / drama set in the midwest of US) The opp is for several different pieces of music in various genres that fit the featured shows. The CMI Music Group has been asked to find the music. All styles of music and genres will be considered but also lyrical substance is important but they are also looking for top quality standout attention-grabbing songs. THEY JUST NEED BE TOP SONGS!! Please submit your best work, radio ready, mastered songs. You must own 100% copyright. Only songs with cleared samples. I will accept demos as I am also a music producer / studio owner so if the song is a 'no brainer' and has enough potential to fit the opp then I would consider re-cutting it for the client. The CMI Music Group has worked closely with companies such as: Apple, Netflix, Honda, Reebok, Samsung, BBC, ABC, New Show Media, Massive Films, Rickety Shack films Payouts and rights: If selected you will keep 100% of your rights, royalties and payments dependent on the amount of times the tracks are used. Payout is $4k-$8k dependent on usage and length of use. If selected the songs will be passed to the company and they will have the final say, CMI Music Group will be on hand to help the artist all the way through the process with chosen artists (at no financial charge). All songs submitted will be considered for all the others opps we have. I am looking forward to hearing your music. PLEASE DO NOT SEND US TRACKS TO OUR SOUNDCLOUD, EMAIL, LINKEDIN OR ANY SOCIAL MEDIA....Please? - Alexander Johnston / CMI Music Group Full Article
mi 946-The Milk Carton Kids, Steve Poltz and more By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 01:00:00 -0600 Performances from renowned duo The Milk Carton Kids, Steve Poltz, Vera Sola, Griffin House and Twisted Pine. Support for our podcast is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. www.adventuresonthegorge.com Full Article Podcasts
mi 947- Steve Earle & the Dukes, Damien Jurado, Alsarah & the Nubatones and more By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Mon, 23 Sep 2019 01:00:00 -0600 Guest host Kathy Mattea welcomes Steve Earle & the Dukes, Damien Jurado, Alsarah & the Nubatones, Erika Wennerstrom, and Vanessa Peters. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. www.adventuresonthegorge.com Full Article Podcasts
mi 957-Robert Randolph & the Family Band, Hayes Carll, Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams, Allison Moore By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Mon, 09 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0700 Guest host Kathy Mattea welcomes Robert Randolph & the Family Band, Hayes Carll, Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams, Allison Moorer, and Mick FlannerySupport provided by Adventures on the Gorge.https://adventuresonthegorge.com/ Full Article Podcasts
mi 958- Chely Wright, Andrew Combs, The Claudettes, Michaela Anne, Cave Twins By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0700 Live performances from Chely Wright, Andrew Combs, The Claudettes, Michaela Anne, and Cave Twins. Recorded 11/3/2019 in Charleston, WV. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/ Full Article Podcasts
mi 959- San Fermin, Birds of Chicago, Fruit Bats, Cataldo, Office Culture By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0700 Live performances by San Fermin, Birds of Chicago, Fruit Bats (solo), Cataldo, and Office CultureRecorded 11/24/2019 in Charleston, WV. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/ Full Article Podcasts
mi 960- Tyler Childers, Johnny Staats, Mary Gauthier, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Bil Lepp By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 01:00:00 -0600 Our 36th Anniversary with Tyler Childers, Johnny Staats & the Delivery Boys, Mary Gauthier, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Bil Lepp. Recorded in Charleston, WV on December 1, 2019.Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/ Full Article Podcasts
mi 964- Railroad Earth, Jake Shimabukuro, Joe Pug, The Mastersons, Emily Scott Robinson By tracking.feedpress.it Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0600 Live performances from Railroad Earth, Jake Shimabukuro, Joe Pug, The Mastersons, and Emily Scott RobinsonRecorded Feb. 24, 2020 in Charleston, WV. Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge. https://adventuresonthegorge.com/ Full Article Podcasts
mi For Prominent Women Discrimination Often Doesn't Stop At The Grave By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 03 May 2018 19:00:00 +0000 Today on “Two Way Street” we’re discussing The New York Times obituary project “ Overlooked ” with its co-creator Jessica Bennett . From Ida B. Wells to Emily Warren Roebling , “Overlooked” features the retroactive obituaries of prominent women whose stories initially failed to make it into the Times obit section. Jessica, the Times’ newly appointed gender editor, joins us to discuss her work on “Overlooked” with the digital editor of the obituary desk Amisha Padnani . And since no conversation about obituary writing is complete here in Georgia without including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s longtime obit editor, we asked Kay Powell to join us, too. Kay served as obituary editor of the AJC from 1996 to 2009. “Overlooked” began after an exhaustive search of the Times’ obituary archives struck Jessica and Amisha with this epiphany: white men had historically dominated the newspaper’s obituaries. The two editors responded by writing obituaries for some of the women who had been Full Article
mi The Man, The Myths And The Music Of 'Hamilton' By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 24 May 2018 19:00:00 +0000 Today we're talking about one of the biggest sensations in the history of American theatre: "Hamilton: An American Musical." Composer, lyrisict, and preformer Lin-Manuel Miranda was inspired to create "Hamilton" after reading Ron Chernow's 800-page biography of Alexander Hamilton. Fans of the mega-hit "Hamilton" have waited impatiently for a chance to see the show here in Georgia—and now that opportunity has arrived . The Tony-winning musical is now at the Fox Theatre through June 11. Our guests today are David Sehat , an Associate Professor of American History at Georgia State University, and Rick Lombardo , a seasoned theatrical director who is now the chairman of the Kennesaw State University theater department. Sehat tells us about Alexander Hamilton’s place in history and weighs the musical’s accuracy. Plus, Lombardo and Sehat discuss Miranda's decision to cast actors of color in roles as Founding Fathers. This is a music-packed coversation about the man, the myths, and the music Full Article