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Suntuity AirWorks Offering FREE Assistance in Drone Acquisition...

The drones and programs will be fully paid for by the DOJ as part of the $850 million funding that has been allocated to help public safety departments fight the spread of COVID-19. This includes...

(PRWeb April 30, 2020)

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Quantile regression under memory constraint

Xi Chen, Weidong Liu, Yichen Zhang.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 6, 3244--3273.

This paper studies the inference problem in quantile regression (QR) for a large sample size $n$ but under a limited memory constraint, where the memory can only store a small batch of data of size $m$. A natural method is the naive divide-and-conquer approach, which splits data into batches of size $m$, computes the local QR estimator for each batch and then aggregates the estimators via averaging. However, this method only works when $n=o(m^{2})$ and is computationally expensive. This paper proposes a computationally efficient method, which only requires an initial QR estimator on a small batch of data and then successively refines the estimator via multiple rounds of aggregations. Theoretically, as long as $n$ grows polynomially in $m$, we establish the asymptotic normality for the obtained estimator and show that our estimator with only a few rounds of aggregations achieves the same efficiency as the QR estimator computed on all the data. Moreover, our result allows the case that the dimensionality $p$ goes to infinity. The proposed method can also be applied to address the QR problem under distributed computing environment (e.g., in a large-scale sensor network) or for real-time streaming data.


Active ranking from pairwise comparisons and when parametric assumptions do not help

Reinhard Heckel, Nihar B. Shah, Kannan Ramchandran, Martin J. Wainwright.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 6, 3099--3126.

We consider sequential or active ranking of a set of $n$ items based on noisy pairwise comparisons. Items are ranked according to the probability that a given item beats a randomly chosen item, and ranking refers to partitioning the items into sets of prespecified sizes according to their scores. This notion of ranking includes as special cases the identification of the top-$k$ items and the total ordering of the items. We first analyze a sequential ranking algorithm that counts the number of comparisons won, and uses these counts to decide whether to stop, or to compare another pair of items, chosen based on confidence intervals specified by the data collected up to that point. We prove that this algorithm succeeds in recovering the ranking using a number of comparisons that is optimal up to logarithmic factors. This guarantee does depend on whether or not the underlying pairwise probability matrix, satisfies a particular structural property, unlike a significant body of past work on pairwise ranking based on parametric models such as the Thurstone or Bradley–Terry–Luce models. It has been a long-standing open question as to whether or not imposing these parametric assumptions allows for improved ranking algorithms. For stochastic comparison models, in which the pairwise probabilities are bounded away from zero, our second contribution is to resolve this issue by proving a lower bound for parametric models. This shows, perhaps surprisingly, that these popular parametric modeling choices offer at most logarithmic gains for stochastic comparisons.


Convergence rates of least squares regression estimators with heavy-tailed errors

Qiyang Han, Jon A. Wellner.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 4, 2286--2319.

We study the performance of the least squares estimator (LSE) in a general nonparametric regression model, when the errors are independent of the covariates but may only have a $p$th moment ($pgeq1$). In such a heavy-tailed regression setting, we show that if the model satisfies a standard “entropy condition” with exponent $alphain(0,2)$, then the $L_{2}$ loss of the LSE converges at a rate [mathcal{O}_{mathbf{P}}igl(n^{-frac{1}{2+alpha}}vee n^{-frac{1}{2}+frac{1}{2p}}igr).] Such a rate cannot be improved under the entropy condition alone. This rate quantifies both some positive and negative aspects of the LSE in a heavy-tailed regression setting. On the positive side, as long as the errors have $pgeq1+2/alpha$ moments, the $L_{2}$ loss of the LSE converges at the same rate as if the errors are Gaussian. On the negative side, if $p<1+2/alpha$, there are (many) hard models at any entropy level $alpha$ for which the $L_{2}$ loss of the LSE converges at a strictly slower rate than other robust estimators. The validity of the above rate relies crucially on the independence of the covariates and the errors. In fact, the $L_{2}$ loss of the LSE can converge arbitrarily slowly when the independence fails. The key technical ingredient is a new multiplier inequality that gives sharp bounds for the “multiplier empirical process” associated with the LSE. We further give an application to the sparse linear regression model with heavy-tailed covariates and errors to demonstrate the scope of this new inequality.


Estimating causal effects in studies of human brain function: New models, methods and estimands

Michael E. Sobel, Martin A. Lindquist.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 452--472.

Neuroscientists often use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to infer effects of treatments on neural activity in brain regions. In a typical fMRI experiment, each subject is observed at several hundred time points. At each point, the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) response is measured at 100,000 or more locations (voxels). Typically, these responses are modeled treating each voxel separately, and no rationale for interpreting associations as effects is given. Building on Sobel and Lindquist ( J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 109 (2014) 967–976), who used potential outcomes to define unit and average effects at each voxel and time point, we define and estimate both “point” and “cumulated” effects for brain regions. Second, we construct a multisubject, multivoxel, multirun whole brain causal model with explicit parameters for regions. We justify estimation using BOLD responses averaged over voxels within regions, making feasible estimation for all regions simultaneously, thereby also facilitating inferences about association between effects in different regions. We apply the model to a study of pain, finding effects in standard pain regions. We also observe more cerebellar activity than observed in previous studies using prevailing methods.


Regression for copula-linked compound distributions with applications in modeling aggregate insurance claims

Peng Shi, Zifeng Zhao.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 357--380.

In actuarial research a task of particular interest and importance is to predict the loss cost for individual risks so that informative decisions are made in various insurance operations such as underwriting, ratemaking and capital management. The loss cost is typically viewed to follow a compound distribution where the summation of the severity variables is stopped by the frequency variable. A challenging issue in modeling such outcomes is to accommodate the potential dependence between the number of claims and the size of each individual claim. In this article we introduce a novel regression framework for compound distributions that uses a copula to accommodate the association between the frequency and the severity variables and, thus, allows for arbitrary dependence between the two components. We further show that the new model is very flexible and is easily modified to account for incomplete data due to censoring or truncation. The flexibility of the proposed model is illustrated using both simulated and real data sets. In the analysis of granular claims data from property insurance, we find substantive negative relationship between the number and the size of insurance claims. In addition, we demonstrate that ignoring the frequency-severity association could lead to biased decision-making in insurance operations.


Integrative survival analysis with uncertain event times in application to a suicide risk study

Wenjie Wang, Robert Aseltine, Kun Chen, Jun Yan.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 51--73.

The concept of integrating data from disparate sources to accelerate scientific discovery has generated tremendous excitement in many fields. The potential benefits from data integration, however, may be compromised by the uncertainty due to incomplete/imperfect record linkage. Motivated by a suicide risk study, we propose an approach for analyzing survival data with uncertain event times arising from data integration. Specifically, in our problem deaths identified from the hospital discharge records together with reported suicidal deaths determined by the Office of Medical Examiner may still not include all the death events of patients, and the missing deaths can be recovered from a complete database of death records. Since the hospital discharge data can only be linked to the death record data by matching basic patient characteristics, a patient with a censored death time from the first dataset could be linked to multiple potential event records in the second dataset. We develop an integrative Cox proportional hazards regression in which the uncertainty in the matched event times is modeled probabilistically. The estimation procedure combines the ideas of profile likelihood and the expectation conditional maximization algorithm (ECM). Simulation studies demonstrate that under realistic settings of imperfect data linkage the proposed method outperforms several competing approaches including multiple imputation. A marginal screening analysis using the proposed integrative Cox model is performed to identify risk factors associated with death following suicide-related hospitalization in Connecticut. The identified diagnostics codes are consistent with existing literature and provide several new insights on suicide risk, prediction and prevention.


Joint model of accelerated failure time and mechanistic nonlinear model for censored covariates, with application in HIV/AIDS

Hongbin Zhang, Lang Wu.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2140--2157.

For a time-to-event outcome with censored time-varying covariates, a joint Cox model with a linear mixed effects model is the standard modeling approach. In some applications such as AIDS studies, mechanistic nonlinear models are available for some covariate process such as viral load during anti-HIV treatments, derived from the underlying data-generation mechanisms and disease progression. Such a mechanistic nonlinear covariate model may provide better-predicted values when the covariates are left censored or mismeasured. When the focus is on the impact of the time-varying covariate process on the survival outcome, an accelerated failure time (AFT) model provides an excellent alternative to the Cox proportional hazard model since an AFT model is formulated to allow the influence of the outcome by the entire covariate process. In this article, we consider a nonlinear mixed effects model for the censored covariates in an AFT model, implemented using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm, under the framework of a joint model for simultaneous inference. We apply the joint model to an HIV/AIDS data to gain insights for assessing the association between viral load and immunological restoration during antiretroviral therapy. Simulation is conducted to compare model performance when the covariate model and the survival model are misspecified.


Network classification with applications to brain connectomics

Jesús D. Arroyo Relión, Daniel Kessler, Elizaveta Levina, Stephan F. Taylor.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1648--1677.

While statistical analysis of a single network has received a lot of attention in recent years, with a focus on social networks, analysis of a sample of networks presents its own challenges which require a different set of analytic tools. Here we study the problem of classification of networks with labeled nodes, motivated by applications in neuroimaging. Brain networks are constructed from imaging data to represent functional connectivity between regions of the brain, and previous work has shown the potential of such networks to distinguish between various brain disorders, giving rise to a network classification problem. Existing approaches tend to either treat all edge weights as a long vector, ignoring the network structure, or focus on graph topology as represented by summary measures while ignoring the edge weights. Our goal is to design a classification method that uses both the individual edge information and the network structure of the data in a computationally efficient way, and that can produce a parsimonious and interpretable representation of differences in brain connectivity patterns between classes. We propose a graph classification method that uses edge weights as predictors but incorporates the network nature of the data via penalties that promote sparsity in the number of nodes, in addition to the usual sparsity penalties that encourage selection of edges. We implement the method via efficient convex optimization and provide a detailed analysis of data from two fMRI studies of schizophrenia.


Distributional regression forests for probabilistic precipitation forecasting in complex terrain

Lisa Schlosser, Torsten Hothorn, Reto Stauffer, Achim Zeileis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1564--1589.

To obtain a probabilistic model for a dependent variable based on some set of explanatory variables, a distributional approach is often adopted where the parameters of the distribution are linked to regressors. In many classical models this only captures the location of the distribution but over the last decade there has been increasing interest in distributional regression approaches modeling all parameters including location, scale and shape. Notably, so-called nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) models both mean and variance of a Gaussian response and is particularly popular in weather forecasting. Moreover, generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) provide a framework where each distribution parameter is modeled separately capturing smooth linear or nonlinear effects. However, when variable selection is required and/or there are nonsmooth dependencies or interactions (especially unknown or of high-order), it is challenging to establish a good GAMLSS. A natural alternative in these situations would be the application of regression trees or random forests but, so far, no general distributional framework is available for these. Therefore, a framework for distributional regression trees and forests is proposed that blends regression trees and random forests with classical distributions from the GAMLSS framework as well as their censored or truncated counterparts. To illustrate these novel approaches in practice, they are employed to obtain probabilistic precipitation forecasts at numerous sites in a mountainous region (Tyrol, Austria) based on a large number of numerical weather prediction quantities. It is shown that the novel distributional regression forests automatically select variables and interactions, performing on par or often even better than GAMLSS specified either through prior meteorological knowledge or a computationally more demanding boosting approach.


Network modelling of topological domains using Hi-C data

Y. X. Rachel Wang, Purnamrita Sarkar, Oana Ursu, Anshul Kundaje, Peter J. Bickel.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1511--1536.

Chromosome conformation capture experiments such as Hi-C are used to map the three-dimensional spatial organization of genomes. One specific feature of the 3D organization is known as topologically associating domains (TADs), which are densely interacting, contiguous chromatin regions playing important roles in regulating gene expression. A few algorithms have been proposed to detect TADs. In particular, the structure of Hi-C data naturally inspires application of community detection methods. However, one of the drawbacks of community detection is that most methods take exchangeability of the nodes in the network for granted; whereas the nodes in this case, that is, the positions on the chromosomes, are not exchangeable. We propose a network model for detecting TADs using Hi-C data that takes into account this nonexchangeability. In addition, our model explicitly makes use of cell-type specific CTCF binding sites as biological covariates and can be used to identify conserved TADs across multiple cell types. The model leads to a likelihood objective that can be efficiently optimized via relaxation. We also prove that when suitably initialized, this model finds the underlying TAD structure with high probability. Using simulated data, we show the advantages of our method and the caveats of popular community detection methods, such as spectral clustering, in this application. Applying our method to real Hi-C data, we demonstrate the domains identified have desirable epigenetic features and compare them across different cell types.


Frequency domain theory for functional time series: Variance decomposition and an invariance principle

Piotr Kokoszka, Neda Mohammadi Jouzdani.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2383--2399.

This paper is concerned with frequency domain theory for functional time series, which are temporally dependent sequences of functions in a Hilbert space. We consider a variance decomposition, which is more suitable for such a data structure than the variance decomposition based on the Karhunen–Loéve expansion. The decomposition we study uses eigenvalues of spectral density operators, which are functional analogs of the spectral density of a stationary scalar time series. We propose estimators of the variance components and derive convergence rates for their mean square error as well as their asymptotic normality. The latter is derived from a frequency domain invariance principle for the estimators of the spectral density operators. This principle is established for a broad class of linear time series models. It is a main contribution of the paper.


Tail expectile process and risk assessment

Abdelaati Daouia, Stéphane Girard, Gilles Stupfler.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 531--556.

Expectiles define a least squares analogue of quantiles. They are determined by tail expectations rather than tail probabilities. For this reason and many other theoretical and practical merits, expectiles have recently received a lot of attention, especially in actuarial and financial risk management. Their estimation, however, typically requires to consider non-explicit asymmetric least squares estimates rather than the traditional order statistics used for quantile estimation. This makes the study of the tail expectile process a lot harder than that of the standard tail quantile process. Under the challenging model of heavy-tailed distributions, we derive joint weighted Gaussian approximations of the tail empirical expectile and quantile processes. We then use this powerful result to introduce and study new estimators of extreme expectiles and the standard quantile-based expected shortfall, as well as a novel expectile-based form of expected shortfall. Our estimators are built on general weighted combinations of both top order statistics and asymmetric least squares estimates. Some numerical simulations and applications to actuarial and financial data are provided.


A new method for obtaining sharp compound Poisson approximation error estimates for sums of locally dependent random variables

Michael V. Boutsikas, Eutichia Vaggelatou

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 16, Number 2, 301--330.

Let X 1 , X 2 , …, X n be a sequence of independent or locally dependent random variables taking values in ℤ + . In this paper, we derive sharp bounds, via a new probabilistic method, for the total variation distance between the distribution of the sum ∑ i =1 n X i and an appropriate Poisson or compound Poisson distribution. These bounds include a factor which depends on the smoothness of the approximating Poisson or compound Poisson distribution. This “smoothness factor” is of order O( σ −2 ), according to a heuristic argument, where σ 2 denotes the variance of the approximating distribution. In this way, we offer sharp error estimates for a large range of values of the parameters. Finally, specific examples concerning appearances of rare runs in sequences of Bernoulli trials are presented by way of illustration.


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Calif. Ed-Tech Consortium Seeks Media Repository Solutions; Saint Paul District Needs Background Check Services

Saint Paul schools are in the market for a vendor to provide background checks, while the Education Technology Joint Powers Authority is seeking media repositories. A Texas district wants quotes on technology for new campuses.

The post Calif. Ed-Tech Consortium Seeks Media Repository Solutions; Saint Paul District Needs Background Check Services appeared first on Market Brief.


Item 01: Captain Vernon Sturdee diary, 25 April, 1915 to 2 July, 1915


Item 02: Captain Vernon Sturdee diary, 3 September, 1915- 31 December, 1915


Item 03: Captain Vernon Sturdee diary, 22 September, 1915- 23 January, 1916


Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip] Carteret Commander, Commencing ye [the] 23 of July 1766 and ended [4 July 1767]


Item 08: A Logg [Log] Book of the proceedings on Board His Majesty's Ship Swallow, Captain Philip Carteret Commander Commencing from the 20th August 1766 and Ending [21st May 1768]


Item 01: Notebooks (2) containing hand written copies of 123 letters from Major William Alan Audsley to his parents, ca. 1916-ca. 1919, transcribed by his father. Also includes original letters (2) written by Major Audsley.


Anarchy in Venezuela&#39;s jails laid bare by massacre over food

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Pence aimed to project normalcy during his trip to Iowa, but coronavirus got in the way

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Train kills 15 migrant workers walking home in India

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A person was struck and killed by a Southwest plane as it landed on the runway at Austin international airport

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A New Bayesian Approach to Robustness Against Outliers in Linear Regression

Philippe Gagnon, Alain Desgagné, Mylène Bédard.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 389--414.

Linear regression is ubiquitous in statistical analysis. It is well understood that conflicting sources of information may contaminate the inference when the classical normality of errors is assumed. The contamination caused by the light normal tails follows from an undesirable effect: the posterior concentrates in an area in between the different sources with a large enough scaling to incorporate them all. The theory of conflict resolution in Bayesian statistics (O’Hagan and Pericchi (2012)) recommends to address this problem by limiting the impact of outliers to obtain conclusions consistent with the bulk of the data. In this paper, we propose a model with super heavy-tailed errors to achieve this. We prove that it is wholly robust, meaning that the impact of outliers gradually vanishes as they move further and further away from the general trend. The super heavy-tailed density is similar to the normal outside of the tails, which gives rise to an efficient estimation procedure. In addition, estimates are easily computed. This is highlighted via a detailed user guide, where all steps are explained through a simulated case study. The performance is shown using simulation. All required code is given.


Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers with Independent Markov Chain Monte Carlo Proposals

L. F. South, A. N. Pettitt, C. C. Drovandi.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 773--796.

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods for sampling from the posterior of static Bayesian models are flexible, parallelisable and capable of handling complex targets. However, it is common practice to adopt a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) kernel with a multivariate normal random walk (RW) proposal in the move step, which can be both inefficient and detrimental for exploring challenging posterior distributions. We develop new SMC methods with independent proposals which allow recycling of all candidates generated in the SMC process and are embarrassingly parallelisable. A novel evidence estimator that is easily computed from the output of our independent SMC is proposed. Our independent proposals are constructed via flexible copula-type models calibrated with the population of SMC particles. We demonstrate through several examples that more precise estimates of posterior expectations and the marginal likelihood can be obtained using fewer likelihood evaluations than the more standard RW approach.


A Bayesian Nonparametric Multiple Testing Procedure for Comparing Several Treatments Against a Control

Luis Gutiérrez, Andrés F. Barrientos, Jorge González, Daniel Taylor-Rodríguez.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 2, 649--675.

We propose a Bayesian nonparametric strategy to test for differences between a control group and several treatment regimes. Most of the existing tests for this type of comparison are based on the differences between location parameters. In contrast, our approach identifies differences across the entire distribution, avoids strong modeling assumptions over the distributions for each treatment, and accounts for multiple testing through the prior distribution on the space of hypotheses. The proposal is compared to other commonly used hypothesis testing procedures under simulated scenarios. Two real applications are also analyzed with the proposed methodology.


Constrained Bayesian Optimization with Noisy Experiments

Benjamin Letham, Brian Karrer, Guilherme Ottoni, Eytan Bakshy.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 2, 495--519.

Randomized experiments are the gold standard for evaluating the effects of changes to real-world systems. Data in these tests may be difficult to collect and outcomes may have high variance, resulting in potentially large measurement error. Bayesian optimization is a promising technique for efficiently optimizing multiple continuous parameters, but existing approaches degrade in performance when the noise level is high, limiting its applicability to many randomized experiments. We derive an expression for expected improvement under greedy batch optimization with noisy observations and noisy constraints, and develop a quasi-Monte Carlo approximation that allows it to be efficiently optimized. Simulations with synthetic functions show that optimization performance on noisy, constrained problems outperforms existing methods. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of the method with two real-world experiments conducted at Facebook: optimizing a ranking system, and optimizing server compiler flags.