
A Java Developer's Review of Fedora 8

The latest version of the Fedora Linux Distribution includes a completely open source Java compiler and JVM called IcedTea, in addition to several Java tools and libraries. We took Fedora 8's tools for a spin and reported our findings in this article.


Adding "Maven-Like" Dependency Management To NetBeans Projects with Ivy

When working with Maven projects from NetBeans, some very nice NetBeans features are lost, such as the ability to use the Matisse GUI Builder, developing JSF web applications visually and automatically generating JPA entities from existing database schemas. In this article we explain how to keep all the benefits of Maven without losing NetBeans functionality by integrating Ivy into NetBeans projeccts.


New Release - Land for Sale in Ilkeston, Derbyshire

The land forms an excellent block of highly productive arable land totalling over 15 acres. It is perfectly placed between Derby and Nottingham, with excellent transport links and just 3 miles from Ilkeston town centre.


In welke provincie wonen de beste fietsers?

De Nederlandse man rijdt gemiddeld 50,9 kilometer per keer als hij op zijn racefiets klimt. De Zeeuwen fietsen het snelst ...... Lees verder: In welke provincie wonen de beste fietsers?


De Airworx Plus 10.0: Robuust en luxueus

SKS Germany´s Airworx Plus 10.0 review Tot op de PSI luchtdruk reguleren Met de robuuste, extra hoge Airworx Plus 10.0 is elke ...... Lees verder: De Airworx Plus 10.0: Robuust en luxueus


Bitemojo self-guided foodtours: een review

BARCELONA – Het is goed uitkijken in het drukke Barcelona. Bitemojo heeft een self-guided food tour aangeboden die wij ...... Lees verder: Bitemojo self-guided foodtours: een review


Performance Counters in Delphi, sample project and article

Implementing performance monitors in your app is very helpful for profiling, debugging and general satisfaction of the more qualified endusers. It's also a non-trivial excercise, to put it mildly. Microsoft have done their part in making it obscure and hard to use, so naturally, we can't leave it alone, can we? This particular implementation only implements raw and delta counters, but that covers almost anything you'll ever need. The basis is there for other types of counters, though, such as instance based counters and high-precision. Both precompiled and full project source is available.


RFE - source code now available

On request, I've posted the source code to the RSS Feed Editor.


Are older releases of the database really unsupported?


I see posts on Oracle related forums about various releases (anything that isn't 11.x or 12.x) being "unsupported". This is wrong. Of course you should upgrade any 9i or 10g databases, but you don't have to.

Oracle Corporation's lifetime support policy is documented here,
Lifetime Support Policy
take a look, and you'll see that release 10.2 was in premier support until end July 2010 when it went into extended support. At end July 2013, it goes into sustaining support. Sustaining support will continue indefinitely. Even release 8.1.7 will have sustaining support indefinitely.
So what is sustaining support? That is documented here,
Lifetime support benefits
To summarize, extended support gives you everything you are likely to need. What you do not get is certification against new Oracle products or new third party products (principally, operating systems). But does that matter? I don't think so. For example, release (still in premier support) is not certified against Windows 8, but it works fine.
Sustaining support has a more significant problem: no more patches. Not even patches for security holes, or changes in regulatory requirements. The security patch issue may of course be serious, but regulatory issues are unlikely to matter (this is a database, not a tax management system.) Think about it: 10g has been around for many years. It is pretty well de-bugged by now. If you hit a problem with no work around, you are pretty unlucky. Sustaining support gives you access to technical support, available patches, software, and documentation. That is all most sites will ever need.
Right now, I am working on a database. It cannot be upgraded because the application software is written by a company that does not permit a database upgrade. Why not? Well, the reason may be commercial: they have a replacement product that is supported on newer databases. But that is nothing to do with me. The database works, the software works. Making it work better is a challenge - but that is what a DBA is paid to do. Don't just write it off as "unsupported".
Of course I am not suggesting that users should not upgrade to current releases - but upgrades are a huge project, and can have major implications. Running out dated software is silly, unless you have an irrefutable reason for so doing. The lack of security patches make you vulnerable to data loss. The lack of regulatory patches may make it illegal. The lack of newer facilities will be restricting the utility of the system. You may be losing money by not taking of advantage of changes of newer technology that can better exploit your hardware.
If anyone is looking for consulting support to upgrade their database - my boss will be happy to give you a quote. But I won't refuse to support you in the meantime.
John Watson
Oracle Certified Master DBA


Three impossibilities with partitioned indexes


There are three restrictions on indexing and partitioning: a unique index cannot be local non-prefixed; a global non-prefixed index is not possible; a bitmap index cannot be global. Why these limitations? I suspect that they are there to prevent us from doing something idiotic.

This is the table used for all examples that follow:

       ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
       JOB VARCHAR2(9),
       MGR NUMBER(4),
       SAL NUMBER(7,2),
       COMM NUMBER(7,2),
       DEPTNO NUMBER(2) )

the usual EMP table, with a partitioning clause appended. It is of course a contrived example. Perhaps I am recruiting so many employees concurrently that a non-partitioned table has problems with buffer contention that can be solved only with hash partitioning.

Why can't I have a local non-prefixed unique index?
A local non-unique index is no problem, but unique is not possible:

orclz> create index enamei on emp(ename) local;

Index created.

orclz> drop index enamei;

Index dropped.

orclz> create unique index enamei on emp(ename) local;
create unique index enamei on emp(ename) local
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14039: partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index

You cannot get a around the problem by separating the index from the constraint (which is always good practice):

orclz> create index enamei on emp(ename) local;

Index created.

orclz> alter table emp add constraint euk unique (ename);
alter table emp add constraint euk unique (ename)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01408: such column list already indexed


So what is the issue? Clearly it is not a technical limitation. But if it were possible, consder the implications for performance. When inserting a row, a unique index (or a non-unique index enforcing a unique constraint) must be searched to see if the key value already exists. For my little four partition table, that would mean four index searches: one of each local index partition. Well, OK. But what if the table were range partitioned into a thousand partitions? Then every insert would have to make a thousand index lookups. This would be unbelievably slow. By restricting unique indexes to global or local prefixed, Uncle Oracle is ensuring that we cannot create such an awful situation.

Why can't I have a global non-prefixed index?
Well, why would you want one? In my example, perhaps you want a global index on deptno, partitioned by mgr. But you can't do it:

orclz> create index deptnoi on emp(deptno) global partition by hash(mgr) partitions 4;
create index deptnoi on emp(deptno) global partition by hash(mgr) partitions 4
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14038: GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed

This index, if it were possible, might assist a query with an equality predicate on mgr and a range predicate on deptno: prune off all the non-relevant mgr partitions, then a range scan. But exactly the same effect would be achieved by using global nonpartitioned concatenated index on mgr and deptno. If the query had only deptno in the predicate, it woud have to search each partition of the putative global partitioned index, a process which would be just about identical to a skip scan of the nonpartitioned index. And of course the concatenated index could be globally partitioned - on mgr. So there you have it: a global non-prefixed index would give you nothing that is not available in other ways.

Why can't I have a global partitioned bitmap index?
This came up on the Oracle forums recently,
Global indexes must be prefixed. Bearing that in mind, the question needs to be re-phrased: why would anyone ever want a prefixed partitioned bitmap index? Something like this:

orclz> create bitmap index bmi on emp(deptno) global partition by hash(deptno) partitions 4;
create bitmap index bmi on emp(deptno) global partition by hash(deptno) partitions 4
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-25113: GLOBAL may not be used with a bitmap index


If this were possible, what would it give you? Nothing. You would not get the usual benefit of reducing contention for concurrent inserts, because of the need to lock entire blocks of a bitmap index (and therefore ranges of rows) when doing DML. Range partitioning a bitmap index would be ludicrous, because of the need to use equality predicates to get real value from bitmaps. Even with hash partitions, you would not get any benefit from partition pruning, because using equality predicates on a bitmap index in effect prunes the index already: that is what a bitmap index is for. So it seems to me that a globally partitioned bitmap index would deliver no benefit, while adding complexity and problems of index maintenance. So I suspect that, once again, Uncle Oracle is protecting us from ourselves.

Is there a technology limitation?
I am of course open to correction, but I cannot see a technology limitation that enforces any of these three impossibilities. I'm sure they are all technically possible. But Oracle has decided that, for our own good, they will never be implemented.
John Watson
Oracle Certified Master DBA


Half Hidden ... HNT

I know that it's "Half Nekkid Thursday", but this week about the best that I can offer is fully naked and partially hidden. I spent the entire day helping my little sister pack and get ready for her move. When I got home I was just too tired to be very creative.

My Sister bought a house in Denver proper. The entire distance of her move is about twelve miles, but I swear that it couldn't be more trouble if she was moving across the country.

I absolutely love the neighborhood she's moving to. It's called Washington Park and I'm so jealous that I half want to strangle the brat...

Click this button to learn about HNT


Forellen Station Deluxe normaal €399,00 nu voor maar €320,00

Forellen Station deluxe Merk: TFT TFT heeft wederom een kwaliteitsproduct voor de forelvisser op de markt gebracht. De TFT forellen Station Deluxe. Een tas met vele mogelijkheden. Het station bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen: - 1 draagtas , hierin passen alle onderdelen - 1x een deegtablet hierin kunt u eenvoudig uw deegpotjes plaatsen, zo heeft ze bij de hand - 1 x een assdoosjes tablet ( op de afbeelding zijn ze verschillende kleuren, maar in het echt hebben ze allemaal een rode deksel) - 1 x een tackle tas :deze kleinere tas kunt u aan de voorzijde van het station plaatsen. - 1 x het staanderwerk, waarom heen ook een tas zit. In deze grote tas zitten een tweedeling. Genoeg ruimte dus om al uw hengelsportartikelen in op te bergen, en handig mee te nemen. Wilt u een filmpje over het forellen station bekijken? ( helaas alleen nog in het duits te vinden)


12 Volt verwarmde Handschoenen van Gerbing

Gerbing biedt een breed scala aan 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen aan. Deze zijn eenvoudig aan te sluiten op een 12 volt accu van een voertuig door middel van de accu-aansluitkabel. Ook zijn ze aan te sluiten op onze 12 volt draagbare batterijen waardoor onze verwarmde handschoenen ook gebruikt kunnen worden voor willekeurige outdoor activiteiten. Wij gebruiken de beste verwarmingstechnologie die er is en daardoor kunnen wij ook een levenslange garantie geven op de verwarming. Door middel van het hoogwaardige Microwire ® verwarmingssysteem, waarop patent is aangevraagd, zijn het de warmste handschoenen die ooit ontwikkeld zijn. Alle 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen worden geleverd met een accu-aansluitkabel en een in-line junior controller om de warmte van de handschoenen te regelen. Gerbing heeft de volgende typen 12 volt handschoenen in het assortiment: T-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een leren, waterdichte motorhandschoen met bescherming en een mogelijkheid om kleine batterijen te plaatsen (B12V-1400). G-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een basic leren, waterdichte motorhandschoen met een kortere schacht die. De G-12 heeft niet de mogelijkheid om gebruikt te worden in combinatie met kleine batterijen die in de schacht geplaatst kunnen worden. XR-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een leren waterdichte handschoen met extra knokkelbescherming. Net als de T-12 is deze handschoen ook te gebruiken met kleine batterijen. L-12 verwarmde handschoen. Een dunne lycra handschoen die veel gebruikt wordt bij het ultra light vliegen. Deze kan aangesloten worden op de accu van een voertuig maar kan ook aangesloten worden op een draagbare 12 volt batterij zoals de B12V-5200 of de B12V-8000. TEX-12 vewarmde handschoen: Een iets dikkere textiele handschoenen met wat extra gripprotectie aan de binnenkant van de handschoen. Deze kan net als de L-12 aangesloten worden op de accu van een voertuig of op de B12V-5200 of de B12V-8000. De TEX-12 is niet geschikt voor op de motor maar is geweldig voor de brommer, scooter of op de fiets. Al onze 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn te combineren met met al onze andere 12 volt producten zoals de 12 volt verwarmde jas, 12 volt verwarmde broek en 12 volt verwarmde sokken


Gerbing elektrsich verwamde 7 Volt sokken.

7V SOKKEN Gerbing staat bekend om zijn verwarmde handschoenen. Zowel de 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen als de 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn algemeen bekend. Sinds kort hebben we echter ook 7 volt verwarmde sokken. Nadat we eerder al de 12 volt verwarmde sokken hebben geïntroduceerd is het nu de beurt aan de 7 volt sokken. De 12 volt sokken moeten aangesloten worden op een accu van een voertuig met behulp van een accukabel. Hierdoor konden mensen die ook bij andere activiteiten last hadden van koude voeten geen gebruik maken van deze geweldige uitvinding. Dankzij de kleine en krachtige 7 volt batterijen met ingebouwde temperatuurregelaar (B7V-2500) is het nu ook mogelijk om bij alle activiteiten er warmpjes bij te lopen. Men kan zelf de gewenste temperatuur instellen door middel van het indrukken van één knop. Dit is de power knop warmee de batterijen ook aangezet kunnen worden. De batterijen gaan op de hoogste temperatuur ongeveer twee tot drie uur mee en op de laagste stand ongeveer zes tot acht uur. Het gepatenteerde micro wire (staaldraad) dat verwerkt is in de sokken is niet voelbaar en verwarmt de hele onderkant van de voeten. De 7 volt verwarmde sokken worden geleverd met een 7 volt batterij KIT (B7V-2500 KIT), deze bestaat uit twee batterijen en één dubbele lader. De batterijen kunnen honderden keren opgeladen worden. De batterijen worden aangesloten op de sokken en door middel van een speciaal ontworpen kuitbandje kun je de batterijen mooi wegwerken. Dankzij deze sokken zullen veel mensen weer kunnen genieten van diverse activiteiten in de buitenlucht. De tijd van koude voeten en bevroren tenen zijn voorbij dankzij de 7 volt verwarmde sokken van Gerbing.


Strike Pro Buster II Deep Crankbait

De Buster II Deep Crankbait is 12 cm lang en heeft uiteraard weer de bekende ratels. Het is het perfecte kunstaas met een multifunctionele actie. Door de 3 bevestigingsogen kunt u variëren met dieptes van 2, 4 en 6 meter. U hebt dus controle om met 1 type plug op verschillende dieptes te vissen en de vissen te vangen ongeacht de waterlaag waar ze zich bevinden. De Buster II Deep Crankbait is suspending, wat betekent dat hij langer in de “strike zone” blijft hangen!


cormoran feeder hrengel

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shakespeare feederhengel

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competition carbon insteekhengel silstar 950 cm lengte 8 delig nieuwstaatin bijbehorende originele hengelhoes 100% geen haarscheurtjes e.dverkeerd werkelijk nog in nieuwstaat helemaal compleet met doppen en ogendit is een zeer dure carbon hengelvissport hengelsport zeevissen karpervissen wit vis vereniging


houten onderlijnen dozen

te koop:2 houten onderlijnen dozen voor 15 cm onderlijnen (52 pinnen per doos)1 houten onderlijn doos voor 10 cm onderlijnen. (66 pinnen)1 houten onderlijndoos voor 15 en 25 cm onderlijnen (22 pinnen voor 25 cm en 20 pinnen voor 15 cm)1 houten onderlijnendoos voor onderlijnen van ca. 40 cm (22 pinnen)dozen zijn 3 x gelakt en zo goed als nieuw.afmeting doos: 43 x 20 cm.prijs: 20 euro per doos of 80 euro per 5.prijs is exclusief verzendkosten.


2016 Fantasy Baseball Injuries to Consider (Premium)

Dr. Roto looks at several MLB players recovering from injuries to determine whether or not you should be afraid to draft them this Fantasy Baseball season.


Fantasy Football NFL Depth Charts

These are fantasy specific depth charts and may not always match the "official" NFL team depth charts.


2015 NFL Free Agency & Trades Tracker

NFL Free Agency starts March 12th. This page will track all the player signings and trades. -Harvin to SEA, Boldin to SF, M Wallace to MIA, M Bennett to CHI,


Colbert Video Pulled from YouTube

But you can still find it here:

The videos of Stephen Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner have been pulled from YouTube. C-SPAN which owns the copyright to the videos asked YouTube to remove them. BUT you can still view the videos on iFilm and AOL's The Daily Pulse. And here's another one I found @ PeekVid.

Related links: daily fisk, news, fun, funny humor, humour, colbert


Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is Dead Meat

At least he still has his head attached, which is more than we can say for his victims.

You live by Violence, You Die by Violence

Related links: current events, current affairs, terror, terrorism, terrorist


CyberCoder to the Rescue!

You might have noticed that the FISK's left column has been playing hide and seek for the past couple of weeks.

Well after a few sleepless nights in (almost) Seattle, I called on a friend of mine - the infamous CyberCoder who figured out the problem in quick fashion.

If you're a geek or a wannabe geek or need to know about stuff like Ajax etc., then he's the guy to read. Much thanks my friend.

Related links: blog, weblog, blogging, blogtech, webtech, web 2.0, blog resources, computing, internet, computers and internet, technology, tech


New Orleans Begins Counting Its Dead

Too Little, Too Late?

President Bush declares a state of emergency as New Orleans begins gathering up and counting the dead across a ghastly landscape awash in perhaps thousands of corpses.

As the floodwaters recede and the search for the dead begins, there are grim signs that authorities predict a "staggering death toll" from Hurricane Katrina.

"It is going to be about as ugly of a scene as I think you can imagine," the nation's homeland security chief warned. As authorities struggled to keep order, police shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge on their way to make repairs."

In New Orleans' Garden District, a woman's body lay at the corner of Jackson Avenue and Magazine Street, a business area with antique shops on the edge of blighted housing. The body had been there since at least Wednesday. As days passed, people covered the corpse with blankets or plastic.

By Sunday, a short wall of bricks had been built around the body, holding down a plastic tarpaulin. On it, someone had spray-painted a cross and the words, "Here lies Vera. God help us."


Tom Delay Indictment a Foregone Conclusion?

According to most of the comments that I've read (or at least those from the left) it seems that recent charges against Tom Delay are a foregone conclusion. So much for guilt until proven innocence. But that has never stopped the jury of public opinion before, nor will it now. It keeps the bloggers busy and sells newspapers. Here are just some of the comments:

"Now, that's what I call "Breaking News"! - Texas grand jury indicts Tom DeLay - Sep... It may be only a small first step, but it's a start. Here's the follow-up: Delay will step aside as Majority Leader. Temporarily. Let's hope it is more than temporary."

"Aww what a shame, poor Tom DeLay has been indicted. Pardon me a moment whilst I shed a tear and play a sonata on the world's smallest violin."

"Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader and probably the most powerful Republican in the country, has just been indicted on conspiracy charges. The dominos are beginning to fall."

Or could it be really be just a frivolous witch hunt as Delay has pleaded? Knowing how dirty the game of politics is played it would not surprise me.

"Kevin Madden, DeLay's spokesman, dismissed the charge as politically motivated. This indictment is nothing more than prosecutorial retribution by a partisan Democrat", said Madden citing prosecutor Ronnie Earle, a Democrat. Madden later added: "They could not get Tom DeLay at the polls. They could not get Mr. DeLay on the House floor. Now they're trying to get him into the courtroom. This is not going to detract from the Republican agenda."

We don't have enough information yet and only time will only tell. But when it comes to politics I live by one golden rule. No matter which side of the fence you may find yourself, we should remember that ALL politicians are self-serving. And most (if not ALL) politicians are first and foremost humans and therefore corruptible.

And speaking of that, I am reminded of the maxim "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". So no matter how all this turns out nothing will surprise me.

But the law also provides that everyone is entitled to be presumed innocent until otherwise found guilty. We should all remember that as we follow this story.

One more thing, even if Delay is found guilty does that automatically indict all Republicans? Hardly, otherwise Teddy Kennedy and the dems would have been banned long ago.

It will be interesting to watch how this unfolds.


Media blamed for New Orleans debacle

Hollywood meets the news; Drama + Hype = Ratings

Dan Rather was taken to task by Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times over his comments on the 'Larry King Live'' show about the Katrina news coverage. Personally I like Dan, but ever since Rathergate he does seem to be in a habit of putting his foot in it:

"They took us there to the hurricane," he told Larry. "They put the facts in front of us and, very important, they sucked up their guts and talked truth to power."
According to Steyn, the media got it all wrong:
"Er, no. The facts they put in front of us were wrong, and they didn't talk truth to power. They talked to goofs in power, like New Orleans' Mayor Nagin and Police Chief Compass, and uncritically fell for every nutso yarn they were peddled. The media swallowed more bilge than if they'd been lying down with their mouths open as the levee collapsed. Ten thousand dead! Widespread rape and murder! A 7-year-old gang-raped and then throat-slashed! It was great stuff -- and none of it happened. No gang-raped 7-year-olds. None."
Dan Rather:
"That frickin' Superdome," he raged. "Five days watching dead bodies, watching hooligans killing people, raping people."
"But nobody got killed by a hooligan in the Superdome. The problem wasn't rape and murder, but the rather more prosaic lack of bathroom facilities. As Ben Stein put it, it was the media that rioted. They grabbed every lurid rumor and took it for a wild joyride across prime time. There was a real story in there -- big hurricane, people dead -- but it wasn't enough, and certainly not for damaging President Bush."
"How appropriate that it should be Dan Rather, always late to yesterday's conventional wisdom, to bless the media's fraudulent coverage of Katrina."
He makes a good point doesn't he? CNN is the worst. It's a good thing we have bloggers to keep them in line.


Miers' Faith In Christ Made Her a Republican

According to an article in the New York Times, Supreme Court candidate Harriet Miers, born Roman Catholic, became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with Republicans than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics.

She later joined the missions committee of her church, which is against legalized abortion, and friends and colleagues say she rarely looked back at her past as a Democrat. Miers attended "two or three" anti-abortion fund-raising dinners in the early 1990's, but has otherwise been active in the anti-abortion movement. According to one of Miers' colleagues:

"You can be just as pro-life as the day is long and can decide the Constitution requires Roe to be upheld".
That's an interesting theory, but why (or how) could somebody who has such deeply held values uphold a law that she is in a moral conflict with? Or for that matter, why would she even want the job?

That's quite a conundrum for anybody, and would be the first question I would be asking if I were on the Senate Judiciary Committee.


Sorry for the delay

Political FootBall continues to have problems. What started out as a simple maintenance and upgrade has ended up to be a major headache. Aren't computers wonderful?

We expect to be back to business as usual shortly. We appreciate our loyal readers and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


Finished with the Upgrade (I think):

Ok, hopefully it will be back to business tomorrow. I'm finished with the upgrades (at least for now). At first glance you may not notice much difference but I can assure you that it was a lot of work. The site has many new embellishments that should make your browsing experience all the more enjoyable, as well as more productive. There's too much to mention so let's just say it was worth the effort.



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Happy birthday song cards for computers, free musical happy birthday video greeting cards for mobile smartphones, iPhone, Android, & Windows smartphones. Romantic love birthday cards for lovers.


Musical Valentine's Day Video Cards, Happy Valentine's Day Ecards

Romantic Valentine's Day cards with music, Valentine's Day love ecards, Happy Valentine's Day Greetings and Video cards for mobile smartphones.


Happy New Year Video Cards, Musical New Year Greeting Cards

Celebrate the New Year with style, see great fireworks cards, watch the new year countdown, and share happy new year ecards with your friends!


Feliz Navidad! Tarjetas de Navidad y Felices Fiestas

Tarjetas de Navidad, Postales de Navidad Gratis, Tarjetas de Feliz Navidad, Felicitaciones de Navidad, Tarjetas de Felices Fiestas desde Tarjetas virtuales de Navidad musicales!


Return of an SEO – Phönix aus der Asche 2.0

Eigentlich kaum zu glauben, wie lange ich hier nichts mehr geschrieben habe. Doch jetzt hat es mich wieder gepackt. Der alte Mann ist zurück an der Stelle, an der er sich früher über Seo und Gott und die Welt ausgetobt hat. Und es ist nicht so, dass ich nicht an anderer Stelle als Blogger oder ...

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Der Beitrag Return of an SEO – Phönix aus der Asche 2.0 erschien zuerst auf SOS Seo Blog.


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