
Kommentar zum Wahltermin: Zeichen der Stabilität in unruhigen Zeiten

Deutschland steckt in einer Regierungskrise, die schnell beendet werden sollte, meint Mario Kubina. Der parteiübergreifend gefundene Termin sorgt nun für Klarheit und bevorteilt weder SPD noch Union.


Neuwahl am 23. Februar geplant: Termine, mit denen alle leben können

Eine Woche nach dem Ampel-Aus gibt es einen Fahrplan, wie es weitergehen soll: Die Union und die Rest-Ampel verständigten sich auf einen Neuwahltermin am 23. Februar. Auch Bundespräsident Steinmeier signalisierte seine Zustimmung.


Trumps Wahlsieg: Demokraten im US-Senat wollen Richter im Eiltempo bestätigen

Die Zeit sitzt den US-Demokraten im Nacken. Noch vor Trumps Amtsantritt wollen sie so viele Bundesrichter im US-Senat bestätigen wie möglich. Denn auch in der Parlamentskammer übernehmen bald die Republikaner die Kontrolle.


Scholz gibt Regierungserklärung ab - Söder mit Premiere im Bundestag

Scholz' Regierungserklärung am Mittag dürfte den Wahlkampf eröffnen. Dabei kommt es nicht nur zum Rededuell mit CDU-Chef Merz. Auch Bayerns Regierungschef Söder will sich bei seiner Premiere im Bundestag den Kanzler "vorknöpfen". Von S. Henkel.


Nach US-Wahl: Wie Trump den Einzug ins Weiße Haus vorbereitet

Heute empfängt US-Präsident Biden seinen Nachfolger Trump im Weißen Haus, um die Übergabe der Regierungsgeschäfte zu besprechen. Schon jetzt arbeitet Trump daran, schnellstmöglich völlig loyale Mitarbeiter zu installieren. Von C. Sarre.


Wird die Erde immer schneller immer heißer?

Der Klimawandel beschleunigt sich - das zeigen aktuelle Daten. Auch wenn es kurios klingt: Experten zufolge liegt das auch an sinkenden Schadstoffen in der Luft. Das ist aber nicht der einzige Grund. Von Jan Kerckhoff.


Was der Flamingo-Test über die Gesundheit verrät

Wer lange auf einem Bein stehen kann, lebt Studien zufolge länger. Der sogenannte Flamingo-Test gilt als gutes Maß für den Alterungsprozess. Aber wie lange muss man es aushalten? Von A. Braun und E. Burkhart.


TV-Moderator Hegseth soll Trumps Verteidigungsminister werden

Tag für Tag werden neue Namen der künftigen Trump-Regierung bekannt: Für Aufsehen sorgt jetzt, dass der rechte TV-Moderator Pete Hegseth das Verteidigungsministerium übernehmen soll. Auch Tech-Milliardär Musk bekommt einen Posten.


Es "grummelt" in der SPD wegen K-Frage

Die Union hat Merz, die Grünen Habeck, die SPD Scholz - doch spätestens mit dem Ampel-Aus fragt sich mancher in der Partei, ob man wirklich mit dem Kanzler wieder antreten sollte. Fraktionschef Mützenich bestätigt ein "Grummeln" in der SPD.


Volkswagen startet neue Allianz mit dem Tesla-Rivalen Rivian

Nun ist es offiziell: Volkswagen holt sich für Auto-Software der nächsten Generation Hilfe vom US-Elektroautobauer Rivian. Dafür stockt der Konzern seine Investition in ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen noch einmal auf.


Zuspruch zu rechtsextremen Einstellungen in Westdeutschland steigt

Ausländerfeindliche Einstellungen sind in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern weiterhin verbreiteter als im Westen - doch die Unterschiede werden kleiner. Zugleich sinkt die Zustimmung zur Demokratie, wie eine neue Studie zeigt.


Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Merz fordert grundlegende Politikwende ++

CDU-Chef Merz hat die Regierungserklärung des Bundeskanzlers scharf kritisiert und sich für ein Umsteuern in der deutschen Politik ausgesprochen. Scholz bestätigte den Zeitplan für die Vertrauensfrage. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Bundestag soll über AfD-Verbotsantrag abstimmen

Eine Gruppe von Bundestagsabgeordneten hat Bundestagspräsidentin Bas einen Antrag auf ein Verbotsverfahren gegen die AfD übergeben. Angesichts der vorgezogenen Wahl unterstreicht Mitinitiator Wanderwitz die Dringlichkeit eines Verbots.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ cheidende US-Regierung will Ukrainehilfe verstärken ++

Die scheidende US-Regierung will laut Außenminister Blinken die Ukraine noch im vollen Umfang unterstützen. Kiew wird erstmals seit August von den russischen Streitkräften mit Raketen beschossen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Haldenwang tritt von Stelle als Verfassungsschutzpräsident zurück

Da er beabsichtigt, für die CDU für den Bundestag zu kandidieren, ist für Thomas Haldenwang an der Spitze des Verfassungsschutzes Schluss. Ob noch vor der Bundestagswahl ein Nachfolger bestimmt wird, ist offen.


Commercial Fundraisers Companies: California Releases Report Detailing Use of Funds of Commercial Fundraisers

The annual report on commercial fundraisers released today found commercial fundraisers in California raised $391.5 million in 2009 but charitable organizations received less than 43% of those funds Commercial Fundraisers Companies: California Releases Report Detailing Use of Funds of Commercial Fundraisers


Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees

An overdraft can occur when you try to spend more money than you have available in your checking account. For example, let's assume you have $40 in your account. You ask the phone company to electronically deduct $35 from your checking account to pay the bill. You now have $5 available. Next, you use your debit card to make a $10 purchase. Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees


FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign

In recent years, the number of websites offering  "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to block communications and create a "quiet zone" in vehicles, schools, theaters, restaurants, and other places has increased substantially. FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign


IRS Identifies Organizations that Have Lost Tax-Exempt Status

The Internal Revenue Service today announced that approximately 275,000 organizations under the law have automatically lost their tax-exempt status because they did not file legally required annual reports for three consecutive years. IRS Identifies Organizations that Have Lost Tax-Exempt Status


Bank Closure:Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois

Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois, was closed today by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation - Division of Banking, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver.Bank Closure:Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois


U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+


Correction: U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+ 


Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014.

This exciting session of Grand Rounds focused on rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases. As our world increases in interconnectivity of both technology and people, the rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases becomes more important for disease treatment, control, and prevention.Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014. 


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Gary Chew reviews "Made in Dagenham"

Rita O'Grady and husband Eddie work at Ford Motor in 1960s London. She's a good mother, wife, housekeeper, friend... and a totally uncompromising shop steward for a band of rogue unionist females who work for much lower pay than their male counterparts. With Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, and Miranda Richardson. Now in limited release.


Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede

All TV channels worldwide suddenly begin to show a nonstop, noninterruptible live performance by Buddy Holly originating from a Jovian moon. Oliver Vale is the apparent object of the broadcasts. Story elements relevant to TTM include TV, a drive-in theater, 60s/70s/80s pop music and culture, and the Kansas/Oklahoma setting. Free ebook. More in GB 321.


KMOD: The Adventures of Ganymede Jones

Sci-fi radio serial which aired on Tulsa station KMOD for one season in 1977. More in GB 321.


Update on Buddy Holly/Ganymede movie

The author of the original book, Bradley Denton, has an update on the status of the movie with a link to the movie's Facebook page in GB 321.


Gary Chew reviews "Source Code"

Jake Gyllenhaal "Quantum Leaps" multiple times into an explosive trainwreck of the very recent past. Will he foil the mad bomber and find true love? The answer will become available to you on April Fool's Day.


Buddy Holly/Ganymede movie teaser

Jon Heder is the star of a movie now in production: "Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede". Plot recap: All TV channels worldwide show a noninterruptible live performance by Buddy Holly originating from a Jovian moon. Oliver Vale is the apparent object of the broadcasts. Story elements relevant to TTM include TV, a drive-in theater, 60s/70s/80s pop music and culture, and the Kansas/Oklahoma setting (book only). YouTube and links in GroupBlog 324.


Coon-Sanders in the National Jukebox

In 1929, the Coon-Sanders Nighthawk Orchestra did "Alone in the Rain", the first section of which became part of Mazeppa's opening theme. Hear their 1924 recording of "Night hawk blues" in GroupBlog 326. It's from "The National Jukebox", the Library of Congress' new, free audio archive online.


New Dust Bowl Lanes, 70s decor

"Bowling alley rolling in", article from the Tulsa World today. "The pins are set for Dust Bowl Lanes and Lounge, Elliot Nelson's newest Blue Dome District venture."


Bassist Moby Anderson passes

The Tulsa World reports that Moby Anderson, a bassist who played Tulsa coffee houses in the 1960s, has passed away. Link to Moby's 2005 comment on TTM in GroupBlog 327.


Jack Frank's 70s show: artifacts needed

Jack is looking for movie/video footage, old commercials, pics, anything from the 1970s for his "70s show". Watch a preview in GroupBlog 329.


Gary Chew reviews "The Debt"

In the 1990s, three former Mossad agents try to work out what went wrong during their mid-60s mission in East Berlin to kidnap and bring to justice a very evil man. With Helen Mirren, Tom Wilkinson and Jessica Chastain. Now playing.


'My first car' new blogsite from TTM reader

People tell the story of their first car on longtime TTM reader John's new blogsite.


Gary Chew reviews "The Ides of March"

Stellar cast in a drama portraying an Ohio presidential primary scheduled on what proved to be a bad hair day for Julius Caesar. With Ryan Gosling, George Clooney, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, Evan Rachel Wood, Marisa Tomei, Jeffrey Wright and Gregory Itzin. Opens today.


Gary Chew reviews "The Descendants"

George Clooney is a soon-to-be widower who is part of a multi-generational Hawaiian family. Will he and his extended family sell the virgin coastal land on Kauai they've owned for generations? Opens today.


Scott Linder at Capitol Records

Scott Linder sent this photoset from his time at Capitol Records. Sinatra and Deano smoked up the joint when they recorded there. Flickr link


Video: Chris Sloan's "UHF" camera prop

On the TTM YouTube Channel: my onscreen bit about the camera supplied by Chris Sloan to the RSUTV "UHF" telethon last Saturday.


Video production of the "UHF" locations tour

From the TTM Channel on YouTube.


Emily's list (of "UHF" videos)

All on the main page today: Emily Elliott's video of the Weird Al UHF tour we co-hosted, that video being featured on Good Day Tulsa, and a "joint" appearance by Al and Emily's arm on KTUL.


1967 aerial photos of the Riverside Drive-In

Found in a high altitude aerial photograph, courtesy of the Tulsa City-County Library.


Final Riverside Drive-In Theatre ad, 1977

The last newspaper ad before the theatre closed, courtesy of Wesley Horton.


Bob Hower's biplane: tech details

On TTM Flickr: my friend Garry Deaton tells us about his dad building Bob Hower's biplane at Harvey Young Airport in 1978.


"Time Channel" spoof creator Dave McFadden passes

Joe Winett reports that Dave McFadden, creator of "The Time Channel" spoof, passed away on Friday. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. Dave was also part of "Make Me Smile", a comedy show taped in the basement of the Tulsa Library.


FOX23 video: City makes plans to work on smelly pond

Here is the video of investigative reporter Janna Clark's FOX23 News report yesterday with my interview.