
Vocabulary.com: uno de mis últimos descubrimientos

No seré Indiana Jones, pero explorando Internet me siento como tal cuando encuentro algo que me fascina, como es el caso de este diccionario monolingüe inglés-inglés. Ciertamente, la función de autocompletar similar a la de Google lo hace veloz al momento de generar resultados. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, no es esa su característica más valiosa. Si para nosotros los traductores de profesión el contexto siempre es importante para encontrar el equivalente más adecuado, seguramente sabrán valorar el corpus lingüístico contextual que este diccionario genera en la columna derecha, y además ¡por áreas! So, enjoy!



Comparto con ustedes el curso que organiza el Colegio de Traductores de la Provincia de Santa Fe, 1.ª C.

Estimados colegas y estudiantes:

El CTPSF —Primera Circunscripción— tiene el agrado de invitarlos a participar del CURSO TRADOS STUDIO Y MULTITERM 2011 que hemos organizado en conjunto con TRANSeconomy para el sábado 20 de octubre de 2012 de 10:00 a 13:00 y de 14:30 a 19:30 hs. en la sala de informática de ATE, sita en el edificio de calle San Luis 2858, Santa Fe. El curso estará a cargo de la Trad. Graciela Atencio, cuya biodata adjuntamos con el programa.

Consultas e inscripción:

CTPSF - Primera Circunscripción - San Martín 2819, Piso 2 - Oficina 6

Tel.: 4565922

E-mail: coletradusafe@gmail.com

Fecha límite de inscripción: Martes 16 de octubre de 2012. CUPOS LIMITADOS


Matriculados en Colegios miembros de FAT y estudiantes: $ 180.

No matriculados: $ 230.

Los saludamos cordialmente.

Comisión de Perfeccionamiento
CTPSF - Primera Circuscripción


Five things your translator should know when translating legislation into English

Translating the legislation or regulations of a country, company or university into English requires certain skills and know-how. This post lists five things your translator should know when translating legislation into English. 1. How to apply English drafting conventions Conventions on headings, numbering, referencing and capitalisation differ from one legal language to another. For instance, […]


La détention de Paul Watson prolongée jusqu’en décembre

Le patron de l'ONG de defense des oceans Sea Shepherd avait fait une demande d'asile politique a Emmanuel Macron, au mois d'octobre.


Omar Youssef Souleimane : « Ce que j’ai entendu dans des classes de banlieue »

L'ecrivain d'origine syrienne a anime dans des colleges franciliens des ateliers organises pour lutter contre la radicalisation et promouvoir la laicite. Il temoigne.


Thibault de Montaigu, lauréat du prix Interallié pour « Cœur »

Un arriere-grand-pere heroique, un pere fantasque... Avec << Coeur >>, l'ecrivain raconte le destin flamboyant de ses aieux dans un livre aussi intime que romanesque et recompense par le jury de l'Interallie.


The Architectural Design of a System for Interpreting Multilingual Web Documents in E-speranto

E-speranto is a formal language for generating multilingual texts on the World Wide Web. It is currently still under development. The vocabulary and grammar rules of E-speranto are based on Esperanto; the syntax of E-speranto, however, is based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language). The latter enables the integration of documents generated in E-speranto into web pages. When a user accesses a web page generated in E-speranto, the interpreter interprets the document into a chosen natural language, which enables the user to read the document in any arbitrary language supported by the interpreter.

The basic parts of the E-speranto interpreting system are the interpreters and information resources, which complies with the principle of separating the interpretation process from the data itself. The architecture of the E-speranto interpreter takes advantage of the resemblance between the languages belonging to the same linguistic group, which consequently results in a lower production cost of the interpreters for the same linguistic group.

We designed a proof-of-concept implementation for interpreting E-speranto in three Slavic languages: Slovenian, Serbian and Russian. These languages share many common features in addition to having a similar syntax and vocabulary. The content of the information resources (vocabulary, lexicon) was limited to the extent that was needed to interpret the test documents. The testing confirmed the applicability of our concept and also indicated the guidelines for future development of both the interpreters and E-speranto itself.


Early Results of Experiments with Responsive Open Learning Environments

Responsive open learning environments (ROLEs) are the next generation of personal learning environments (PLEs). While PLEs rely on the simple aggregation of existing content and services mainly using Web 2.0 technologies, ROLEs are transforming lifelong learning by introducing a new infrastructure on a global scale while dealing with existing learning management systems, institutions, and technologies. The requirements engineering process in highly populated test-beds is as important as the technology development. In this paper, we will describe first experiences deploying ROLEs at two higher learning institutions in very different cultural settings. The Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China and at the “Center for Learning and Knowledge Management and Department of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering” (ZLW/IMA) at RWTH Aachen University have exposed ROLEs to theirs students in already established courses. The results demonstrated to readiness of the technology for large-scale trials and the benefits for the students leading to new insights in the design of ROLEs also for more informal learning situations.


Rule of Law on the Go: New Developments of Mobile Governance

This paper offers an overview of the emerging domain of mobile governance as an offspring of the broader landscape of e-governance. Mobile governance initiatives have been deployed everywhere in parallel to the development of crowdsourced, open source software applications that facilitate the collection, aggregation, and dissemination of both information and data coming from different sources: citizens, organizations, public bodies, etc. Ultimately, mobile governance can be seen as a tool to promote the rule of law from a decentralized, distributed, and bottom-up perspective.


Bio-Inspired Mechanisms for Coordinating Multiple Instances of a Service Feature in Dynamic Software Product Lines

One of the challenges in Dynamic Software Product Line (DSPL) is how to support the coordination of multiple instances of a service feature. In particular, there is a need for a decentralized decision-making capability that will be able to seamlessly integrate new instances of a service feature without an omniscient central controller. Because of the need for decentralization, we are investigating principles from self-organization in biological organisms. As an initial proof of concept, we have applied three bio-inspired techniques to a simple smart home scenario: quorum sensing based service activation, a firefly algorithm for synchronization, and a gossiping (epidemic) protocol for information dissemination. In this paper, we first explain why we selected those techniques using a set of motivating scenarios of a smart home and then describe our experiences in adopting them.


Least Slack Time Rate first: an Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Pervasive Computing Environment

Real-time systems like pervasive computing have to complete executing a task within the predetermined time while ensuring that the execution results are logically correct. Such systems require intelligent scheduling methods that can adequately promptly distribute the given tasks to a processor(s). In this paper, we propose LSTR (Least Slack Time Rate first), a new and simple scheduling algorithm, for a multi-processor environment, and demonstrate its efficient performance through various tests.


Service Oriented Multimedia Delivery System in Pervasive Environments

Service composition is an effective approach for large-scale multimedia delivery. In previous works, user requirement is represented as one fixed functional path which is composed of several functional components in a certain order. Actually, there may be several functional paths (deliver different quality level multimedia data, e.g., image pixel, frame rate) that can meet one request. And due to the diversity of devices and connections in pervasive environment, system should choose a suitable media quality delivery path in accordance with context, instead of one fixed functional path. This paper presents a deep study of multimedia delivery problem and proposes an on-line algorithm LDPath and an off-line centralized algorithm LD/RPath respectively. LDPath aims at delivering multimedia data to end user with lowest delay by choosing services to build delivery paths hop-by-hop, which is adapted to the unstable open environment. And LD/RPath is developed for a relatively stable environment, which generates delivery paths according to the trade-off between delay and reliability metrics, because the service reliability is also an important fact in such scenario. Experimental results show that both algorithms have good performance with low overhead to the system.


Abstentionniste, dois tu fermer ta gueule ?

Non, Fred, t’es pas tout seul… toi et tes copains abstentionnistes, vous êtes 27.125.535… soit 57,36% des français en âge de voter pour les législatives. Une paille quoi. Ce chiffre affolant permet à certains de dire que, les nouveaux députés ne sont...


On reparle des classes populaires, des péri-urbains, partis politiques... (billet de Mai 2011 )

L'actualité aidant, une personne sur twitter a exhumé un vieux billet que j'avais écrit en Mai 2011. A l'époque, je parlais du Parti Socialiste... sans fausse modestie, j'avais vu plutôt juste... Aujourd'hui, on peut déjà parler d'un autre "parti" mais...


De la Société pulsionnelle à la société de l’algorithme

Le court XXème siècle que le monde aura connu, est qualifié par certains historiens comme l’âge des extrêmes. Avec en point d’orgue, des guerres et des gouvernements qui auront décimés plusieurs dizaines de millions d’individus et dans le même temps,...


No Comment : l'Antarctica Ice Ultra ou la course de l'extrême 

No Comment : l'Antarctica Ice Ultra ou la course de l'extrême 


Premiers résultats de la grande enquête nationale « Contexte des sexualités en France 2023 - Inserm (salle de presse)

  1. Premiers résultats de la grande enquête nationale « Contexte des sexualités en France 2023  Inserm (salle de presse)
  2. La sexualité des Français a connu de gros changements en dix ans  L'Union
  3. Plus de partenaires, pratiques variées, numérique... Une grande étude dévoile les dessous de la sexualité...  BFMTV
  4. La vie sexuelle des Français, une journée spéciale sur France Inter, jeudi 14 novembre 2024  France Inter


Lego Horizon Adventures is a delightful, kid-friendly twist on Horizon Zero Dawn - Polygon

  1. Lego Horizon Adventures is a delightful, kid-friendly twist on Horizon Zero Dawn  Polygon
  2. Lego Horizon Adventures Review  IGN
  3. How LEGO Horizon Adventures was built with real LEGO bricks, out Nov 14  PlayStation
  4. Lego Horizon Adventures: The Kotaku Review  Yahoo Entertainment
  5. Lego Horizon Adventures Sylens voice actor revealed following Lance Reddick’s passing  Video Games Chronicle


Des découvertes archéologiques de l'époque romaine et du Moyen-Âge à Roulers

(Belga) Les archéologues ont fait plusieurs découvertes archéologiques datant de la période romaine et du Moyen Âge à Roulers, communique la province de Flandre occidentale ce lundi. Les excavations se sont déroulées dans le cadre de travaux liées à l'aménagement d'un bassin tampon. Celui-ci sera construit au bout de la Wagenweg dans le quartier De Ruiter à Roulers dans le courant du printemps.

C'est pourquoi une étude archéologique est en cours. Elle a mis au jour des vestiges de l'époque romaine et du Moyen Âge. Un certain nombre de traces de fondations, un fossé, un four à charbon de bois et un tombeau contenant des restes brûlés avec des jarres en céramique ont été retrouvés. Ils prouvent l'existence d'activités et d'habitations qui remontent à l'époque romaine. Plusieurs fossés et fosses peuvent aussi être associés au Moyen Âge, entre le Xe et le XIIe siècle. "Ensemble, ils nous donnent un meilleur aperçu de l'histoire des habitations et de l'implantation paysagère des activités qui ont eu lieu sur le hameau de De Ruiter dans le passé. Dans une perspective plus large, ils contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution de la vallée du Mandel vers ce qu'elle est devenue aujourd'hui", affirment les archéologues. Mercredi prochain, les personnes intéressées auront l'occasion de voir les fouilles de plus près et de participer à une visite guidée. L'archéologue Willem Hantson, du service du patrimoine archéologique et architectural RADAR, emmènera les visiteurs pour une visite de 40 minutes. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur www.midwest.be/opgraving-roeselare-collievijverbeek. La province de Flandre occidentale prévoit de commencer au printemps la construction de la zone d'inondation contrôlée (ZIC) et du bassin de rétention d'eau pour l'agriculture. (Belga)


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: culpabilité pour l'homme photographié dans le bureau de Nancy Pelosi

(Belga) Un Américain, qui avait été immortalisé les pieds sur une table dans le bureau de la cheffe démocrate Nancy Pelosi lors de l'assaut sur le Capitole, a été reconnu coupable lundi de plusieurs délits.

Après une courte délibération, les jurés ont déclaré Richard Barnett, 62 ans, coupable, entre autres, d'entrave à une procédure officielle, vol et intrusion dans un bâtiment officiel avec une arme dangereuse (un bâton de marche capable d'envoyer des décharges électriques). Le 6 janvier 2021, il avait envahi, comme des centaines de partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump, le siège du Congrès au moment où les élus certifiaient la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden à la présidentielle. Il avait été photographié par l'AFP dans le bureau de la cheffe de la chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, les pieds sur un meuble. Le cliché avait fait le tour du monde et permis à la police de l'interpeller rapidement. Selon le dossier d'accusation, ce partisan de la mouvance complotiste Qanon avait laissé un message insultant à la démocrate et volé une enveloppe qu'elle avait signée. Pendant son procès, il s'était montré défiant, assurant avoir été "poussé à l'intérieur" du Capitole par la foule. Sa peine sera prononcée en mai. En attendant, il reste assigné à résidence avec un bracelet électronique. En deux ans d'enquête, plus de 950 participants à cette attaque ont été arrêtés, et près de 200 condamnés à des peines de prison. (Belga)


Un moindre taux de cellules commerciales vides dans le centre-ville carolo selon la Ville

(Belga) Le taux de cellules commerciales vides dans le centre-ville carolo est tendanciellement à la baisse, a indiqué lundi soir lors du conseil communal de la Ville de Charleroi Babette Jandrain, l'échevine carolo du Commerce en réponse à une question qui lui était adressée.

Selon l'élue, qui a indiqué reprendre les chiffres de l'Association de Management du Centre-Ville (AMCV), le taux actuel de cellules commerciales vides dans l'intra-ring carolo est de 29% contre 33,6% en 2020. Et ce malgré le Covid et la crise énergétique qui ont mis en difficulté l'activité commerciale dans les grandes villes. Si le taux de cellules commerciales vides reste élevé à Charleroi, il n'en reste pas moins que la situation a tendance à s'améliorer, a indiqué Babette Jandrain. Les chiffres donnés par l'échevine ont été constatés par la conseillère communale du PTB Sofie Merckx, évoquant une situation de "désolation" concernant le quartier de la Ville Basse et interrogeant par ailleurs la volonté de la Ville de faire de certaines cellules vides des logements. (Belga)


Ascendancy of SNS information and age difference on intention to buy eco-friendly offerings: meaningful insights for e-tailers

Through the unparalleled espousal of theory of planned behaviour, this study intends to significantly add to the current knowledge on social networking sites (SNS) in <i>eWOM</i> information and its role in defining intentions to buy green products. In specie, this study seeks to first investigate the part played by <i>attitude towards SNS information</i> in influencing the <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> and then by <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> in effecting the <i>green purchase intention</i>. Besides this, it also aims to analyse the influence exerted by first <i>credibility of SNS information</i> on <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> and then by <i>acceptance of SNS information</i> on <i>green purchase intention</i>. In doing so, it also examines how well the age of the SNS users moderates all these four associations.


A method for selecting multiple logistics sites in cross-border e-commerce based on return uncertainty

To reduce the location cost of cross-border e-commerce logistics sites, this article proposes a multi-logistics site location method based on return uncertainty. Firstly, a site selection model is established with the objective function of minimising site construction costs, transportation costs, return costs, and operating costs, and the constraint conditions of return recovery costs and delayed pick-up time; Then, using the Monte Carlo method to simulate the number of returned items, and using an improved chicken swarm algorithm based on simulated annealing, the cross-border e-commerce multi-logistics site location model is solved to complete the location selection. Experimental results show that this method can effectively reduce the related costs of cross-border e-commerce multi-logistics site selection. After applying this method, the total cost of multi-logistics site selection is 19.4 million yuan, while the total cost of the five comparative methods exceeds 20 million yuan.


Feature-aware task offloading and scheduling mechanism in vehicle edge computing environment

With the rapid development and application of driverless technology, the number and location of vehicles, the channel and bandwidth of wireless network are time-varying, which leads to the increase of offloading delay and energy consumption of existing algorithms. To solve this problem, the vehicle terminal task offloading decision problem is modelled as a Markov decision process, and a task offloading algorithm based on DDQN is proposed. In order to guide agents to quickly select optimal strategies, this paper proposes an offloading mechanism based on task feature. In order to solve the problem that the processing delay of some edge server tasks exceeds the upper limit of their delay, a task scheduling mechanism based on buffer delay is proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed method has greater performance advantages in reducing delay and energy consumption compared with existing algorithms.


Research on multi-objective optimisation for shared bicycle dispatching

The problem of dispatching is key to management of shared bicycles. Considering the number of borrowing and returning events during the dispatching period, optimisation plans of shared bicycles dispatching are studied in this paper. Firstly, the dispatching model of shared bicycles is built, which regards the dispatching cost and lost demand as optimised objectives. Secondly, the solution algorithm is designed based on non-dominated Genetic Algorithm. Finally, a case is given to illustrate the application of the method. The research results show that the method proposed in the paper can get optimised dispatching plans, and the model considering borrowing and returning during dispatching period has better effects with a 39.3% decrease in lost demand.


Data dissemination and policy enforcement in multi-level secure multi-domain environments

Several challenges exist in disseminating multi-level secure (MLS) data in multi-domain environments. First, the security domains participating in data dissemination generally use different MLS labels and lattice structures. Second, when MLS data objects are transferred across multiple domains, there is a need for an agreed security policy that must be properly applied, and correctly enforced for the data objects. Moreover, the data sender may not be able to predetermine the data recipients located beyond its trust boundary. To address these challenges, we propose a new framework that enables secure dissemination and access of the data as intended by the owner. Our novel framework leverages simple public key infrastructure and active bundle, and allows domains to securely disseminate data without the need to repackage it for each domain.


Trends and development of workplace mindfulness for two decades: a bibliometric analysis

This systematic literature study employed bibliometric analysis to identify workplace mindfulness-related methods and practices in literature published from 2000 to 2020 by leading nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords. We also assessed the impact of workplace mindfulness research papers. Scopus analysis tools provided a literature report for 638 Scopus articles used in the study. Using VOSviewer, leading nations, institutions, articles, authors, journals, and keyword co-occurrence network maps were constructed. PRISMA was used to identify 56 publications to recognise workplace mindfulness literature's significant achievements. The research's main contribution is a deep review of neurological mindfulness and psychological measuring tools as workplace mindfulness tool categories. The study is the first to use the PRISMA technique to capture the essential contributions of workplace mindfulness papers from 2000 to 2020.


Impacts of social media usage on consumers' engagement in social commerce: the roles of trust and cultural distance

The prevalence of social media transforms e-business into social commerce and facilitates consumers' engagement in cross-cultural social commerce. However, social commerce operations encounter unpredictable challenges in cross-cultural business environment. It is vital to further investigate how contextual elements affect consumers' trust and their engagement when they are exposed to the complexity of cross-cultural business environment. The stimuli-organism-response paradigm is employed to examine how the two dimensions of social media usage influence consumers' engagement in cross-cultural social commerce. The current study surveyed 2,058 samples from 135 countries, and the regression analysis results illustrate the mechanism whereby informational and socialising usage of social media positively influences consumers' engagement in social commerce through consumers' trust toward social commerce websites. Additionally, the associations between two aspects of social media usage and consumers' trust towards social commerce are negatively moderated by cultural distance. Both theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.


SVC-MST BWQLB multicast over software-defined networking

This paper presents a Scalable Video Coding (SVC) system over multicast Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which focuses on, transmission management for the sender-receiver model. Our approach reduces bandwidth usage by allowing the receiver to select various video resolutions in a multicast group, which helps avoid a video freezing issue during bandwidth congestion. Moreover, the SVC Multiple Sessions Transmission Bandwidth thresholds Quantised Level Balance (SVC-MST BWQLB) routes different layers of the SVC stream using distinct paths and reduces storage space and bandwidth congestion problems in different video resolutions. The experimental results show that the proposed model provides better display quality than the traditional Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing technique. Furthermore, it reduced transmission delays by up to 66.64% for grouped resolutions compared to SVC-Single Session Transmission (SVC-SST). Additionally, the modified Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) header and the sorting buffer for SVC-MST are proposed to deal with the defragmentation problem.


Emotion recognition method for multimedia teaching classroom based on convolutional neural network

In order to further improve the teaching quality of multimedia teaching in school daily teaching, a classroom facial expression emotion recognition model is proposed based on convolutional neural network. VGGNet and CliqueNet are used as the basic expression emotion recognition methods, and the two recognition models are fused while the attention module CBAM is added. Simulation results show that the designed classroom face expression emotion recognition model based on V-CNet has high recognition accuracy, and the recognition accuracy on the test set reaches 93.11%, which can be applied to actual teaching scenarios and improve the quality of classroom teaching.


Multi-agent Q-learning algorithm-based relay and jammer selection for physical layer security improvement

Physical Layer Security (PLS) and relay technology have emerged as viable methods for enhancing the security of wireless networks. Relay technology adoption enhances the extent of coverage and enhances dependability. Moreover, it can improve the PLS. Choosing relay and jammer nodes from the group of intermediate nodes effectively mitigates the presence of powerful eavesdroppers. Current methods for Joint Relay and Jammer Selection (JRJS) address the optimisation problem of achieving near-optimal secrecy. However, most of these techniques are not scalable for large networks due to their computational cost. Secrecy will decrease if eavesdroppers are aware of the relay and jammer intermediary nodes because beamforming can be used to counter the jammer. Consequently, this study introduces a multi-agent Q-learning-based PLS-enhanced secured joint relay and jammer in dual-hop wireless cooperative networks, considering the existence of several eavesdroppers. The performance of the suggested algorithm is evaluated in comparison to the current algorithms for secure node selection. The simulation results verified the superiority of the proposed algorithm.


Access controllable multi-blockchain platform for enterprise R&D data management

In the era of big data, enterprises have accumulated a large amount of research and development data. Effective management of their precipitated data and safe sharing of data can improve the collaboration efficiency of research and development personnel, which has become the top priority of enterprise development. This paper proposes to use blockchain technology to assist the collaboration efficiency of enterprise R&D personnel. Firstly, the multi-chain blockchain platform is used to realise the data sharing of internal data of enterprise R&D data department, project internal data and enterprise data centre, and then the process of construction of multi-chain structure and data sharing is analysed. Finally, searchable encryption was introduced to achieve data retrieval and secure sharing, improving the collaboration efficiency of enterprise research and development personnel and maximising the value of data assets. Through the experimental verification, the multi-chain structure improves the collaboration efficiency of researchers and data security sharing.


Design of data mining system for sports training biochemical indicators based on artificial intelligence and association rules

Physiological indicators are an important basis for reflecting the physiological health status of the human body and play an important role in medical practice. Association rules have also been one of the important research hotspots in recent years. This study aims to create a data mining system of association rules and artificial intelligence in biochemical indicators of sports training. This article uses Markov logic for network creation and system training, and tests whether the Markov logic network can be associated with the training system. The results show that the accuracy and recall rate obtained are about 90%, which shows that it is feasible to establish biochemical indicators of sports training based on Markov logic network, and the system has universal, guiding and constructive significance, ensuring that the construction of training system indicators will not go in the wrong direction.


Uncovering the keys to well-being: calling, mindfulness, and compassion among healthcare professionals in India amidst the post-COVID crisis

This study investigates the well-being of healthcare professionals in India, with a specific focus on the detrimental effects of the pandemic on their mental and physical health, including stress, burnout, and fatigue. This research examines the roles played by calling, mindfulness, and compassionate love as essential resources in promoting the well-being of healthcare professionals. Utilising structural equation modelling (SEM), the results reveal a significant cause and effect relationship between calling, mindfulness, and compassionate love and their influence on overall well-being. Furthermore, the study identifies a noteworthy parallel mediation effect, demonstrating that mindfulness and compassionate love serve as mediators in the relationship between calling and well-being. This research offers practitioners invaluable insights into the effective utilisation of mindfulness and compassionate love practices to enhance the overall well-being of healthcare professionals.


Ebullient supervision, employee engagement and employee commitment in a higher education institution: the partial least square approach

The study investigated the influence of ebullient supervision on employee commitment in a Ghanaian public university through the mediating role of employee engagement. The simple random sampling technique was used to draw 302 administrative staff of the university to respond to the self-administered questionnaire on the constructs. Furthermore, the partial least square structural equation technique was deployed to test the research hypotheses in the study. The results showed that ebullient supervision had a significant positive relationship with employee commitment and employee engagement. The findings further revealed that employee engagement positively correlated with employee commitment. Finally, the study's findings established that employee engagement partially mediated the link between ebullient supervision and employee commitment. The study emphasised that various supervisors in a university's administration should create an environment that favours fun where subordinates can form ties with one another.


Applying a multiplex network perspective to understand performance in software development

A number of studies have applied social network analysis (SNA) to show that the patterns of social interaction between software developers explain important organisational outcomes. However, these insights are based on a single network relation (i.e., uniplex social ties) between software developers and do not consider the multiple network relations (i.e., multiplex social ties) that truly exist among project members. This study reassesses the understanding of software developer networks and what it means for performance in software development settings. A systematic review of SNA studies between 1990 and 2020 across six digital libraries within the IS and management science domain was conducted. The central contributions of this paper are an in-depth overview of SNA studies to date and the establishment of a research agenda to advance our knowledge of the concept of multiplexity on how a multiplex perspective can contribute to a software developer's coordination of tasks and performance advantages.


Survival Mode: The Stresses and Strains of Computing Curricula Review


E-portfolio Assessment System for an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum


Designing a Network and Systems Computing Curriculum: The Stakeholders and the Issues


Level of Student Effort Should Replace Contact Time in Course Design


Exploring Educational and Cultural Adaptation through Social Networking Sites


The Implementation of Hypertext-based Learning Media for a Local Cultural Based Learning


Incorporating Knowledge of Legal and Ethical Aspects into Computing Curricula of South African Universities


The Wheels on the Bot go Round and Round: Robotics Curriculum in Pre-Kindergarten


Design and Delivery of Technical Module for the Business Intelligence Course