
How Coca-Cola shaped obesity science and policy in China

Susan Greenhalg is a research professor of chinese society in Harvard’s department of anthropology - not a natural fit for a medical journal you may think, but recently she has been looking at the influence of Coca Cola on obesity policy in China. She has written up her investigation in an article published on bmj.com this week, and joins us in...


Ebola - Stepping up in Sierre Leone

In 2014, Oliver Johnson was a 28 year old British doctor, working on health policy in Sierre Leone after finishing medical school. Also working in Freetown was Sinead Walsh, then the Irish Ambassador to the country. Then the biggest outbreak of Ebola on record happened in West Africa, starting in Guinea and quickly spreading to Liberia, Sierre...


Method for the Isolation of Intact Islets of Langerhans from the Rat Pancreas

Paul E Lacy
Jan 1, 1967; 16:35-39
Original Contribution


Isolation of INS-1-derived cell lines with robust ATP-sensitive K+ channel-dependent and -independent glucose-stimulated insulin secretion

HE Hohmeier
Mar 1, 2000; 49:424-430


Creatividad Dentro de la Crisis: Opciones Legales para Inmigrantes Venezolanos en América Latina

Convocamos un seminario en línea (webinar) en español en la ocasión del lanzamiento del informe, Creatividad dentro de la crisis: opciones legales para inmigrantes venezolanos en América Latina, que describe donde se han radicado los migrantes venezolanos; las medidas que han utilizado los gobiernos latinoamericanos para regularizar el estatus legal de los migrantes venezolanos; y los esfuerzos por integrar a los recién llegados en sus nuevas comunidades de residencia.


Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Isolated or Combined Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State: A Retrospective, Hospital-Based Cohort Study


Many patients with hyperglycemic crises present with combined features of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS). The implications of concomitant acidosis and hyperosmolality are not well known. We investigated hospital outcomes in patients with isolated or combined hyperglycemic crises.


We analyzed admissions data listing DKA or HHS at two academic hospitals. We determined 1) the frequency distributions of HHS, DKA, and combined DKA-HHS (DKA criteria plus elevated effective osmolality); 2) the relationship of markers of severity of illness and clinical comorbidities with 30-day all-cause mortality; and 3) the relationship of hospital complications associated with insulin therapy (hypoglycemia and hypokalemia) with mortality.


There were 1,211 patients who had a first admission with confirmed hyperglycemic crises criteria, 465 (38%) who had isolated DKA, 421 (35%) who had isolated HHS, and 325 (27%) who had combined features of DKA-HHS. After adjustment for age, sex, BMI, race, and Charlson Comorbidity Index score, subjects with combined DKA-HHS had higher in-hospital mortality compared with subjects with isolated hyperglycemic crises (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.7; 95% CI 1.4, 4.9; P = 0.0019). In all groups, hypoglycemia (<40 mg/dL) during treatment was associated with a 4.8-fold increase in mortality (aOR 4.8; 95% CI 1.4, 16.8). Hypokalemia ≤3.5 mEq/L was frequent (55%). Severe hypokalemia (≤2.5 mEq/L) was associated with increased inpatient mortality (aOR 4.9; 95% CI 1.3, 18.8; P = 0.02).


Combined DKA-HHS is associated with higher mortality compared with isolated DKA or HHS. Severe hypokalemia and severe hypoglycemia are associated with higher hospital mortality in patients with hyperglycemic crises.


Scholarship applicants sought for 2020 Institute for Teaching and Learning

This year’s Institute for Teaching Learning program is scheduled for Aug. 23-26 in Atlanta. Now in its 14th year, with over 700 alumni, the program combines presentations, discussions, small group activities and peer-to-peer learnings to give participants new teaching skills. The onsite program is followed by a six-month distance learning experience that include online activities and interactive webinars.


CDC reminds clinicians to use standard precautions, recommends isolating patients with coronavirus symptoms

In light of the “emerging, rapidly evolving” outbreak of the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reminding clinicians to use standard precautions consistently and advising they isolate patients who show signs and symptoms of the virus.


ADA Foundation offers scholarships to dental students

The ADA Foundation will award up to three scholarships worth at least $11,000 each to dental students in 2020.


Private practice pays $100,000 settlement for potential HIPAA violation

Ogden, Utah — The Office for Civil Rights announced March 3 that it had reached a settlement with Dr. Steven A. Porter’s medical practice to settle a potential violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act security rule.


Scholarship due date for dental education program for directors pushed to April 15

The extension comes after it was announced the program will now be held Oct. 22-23 in Atlanta due to concerns over COVID-19. LEAP was originally set for May 7-8.


Poland postpones its presidential election

Poland announced a delay of its Sunday presidential election, Europe's first planned vote during the coronavirus pandemic.


New Jersey nursing home with overwhelmed morgue fined for violations

Federal health officials fined a New Jersey nursing home where last month authorities discovered 17 bodies piled in a small morgue.


Spending More for a Little Solace

As big Labor Day sales roll around, computer stores will tell you about laptops that now come with biometric fingerprint readers. Car companies will talk about "variable air suspension" features that allow you to change the ride of a car, depending on terrain. And video game manufacturers will ha...


Las puertas abiertas para los migrantes venezolanos y nicaragüenses en América Latina y el Caribe se cierran un poco a medida que aumenta la escala de los flujos y la presión en los servicios públicos

WASHINGTON – A pesar de que los gobiernos de América Latina y el Caribe han tomado medidas generosas e innovadoras para lidiar con el desplazamiento forzado desde Venezuela y más recientemente desde Nicaragua, la cálida bienvenida se ha enfriado en algunos lugares a medida que el número de entradas, la presión sobre los servicios públicos y la preocupación del público aumenta.


Beyond Work: Reducing Social Isolation for Refugee Women and Other Marginalized Newcomers

As migrant- and refugee-receiving countries in Europe, North America, and beyond prioritize services that are focused on employment, language instruction, and civic integration, newcomers who are not in the workplace are at high risk for social isolation. As a result, societies should reconsider what successful integration looks like for vulnerable newcomers who will never find traditional employment or who need a longer-than-average timeline to get there.


Salted caramel popcorn chocolate and rum cheesecake

Cheesecake: 1/4 cups chocolate or coconut biscuit crumbs 80g butter, melted 500g cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup caster sugar 2 teaspoons gelatine dissolved in 1/4 cup boiling water 200g dark chocolate melted and cooled slightly 2 splashes of rum 1 cup Baffle Creek Cream, softly whipped Salted Caramel Popcorn: 1 1/2 cup caster sugar 1/2 cup water 2/3 cup brown sugar 300ml thickened cream 1/2 - 1 tablespoon sea salt flakes 200g popcorn, popped


Muscavado pavlova with chocolate and hazelnut mousse and Christmas cherries

I love Christmas my all time favourite time of year. It's also a great time for awesome summer sweet produce. Muscovado brown sugar is a treacle like flavour and makes a welcome texture to a traditional pavlova.


White Chocolate and fresh peach cheesecake

This is a glorious match! Free stone yellow and white peaches are perfect at the moment but wont last much longer so enjoy them while you can


Burnt Fig and Bresaola Salad

This recipe features on Foodie Tuesday, a weekly segment on 774 Drive with Raf Epstein, 3.30PM, courtesy of Alice Zaslavsky aka Alice in Frames. Alice's latest book is "Alice's Food A-Z: Edible Adventures".


Chocolate brownies with crystallised ginger and macadamia nuts

140g unsalted butter 200g dark chocolate 100g light brown sugar 100g caster sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 85g plain flour 55g macadamia nuts, lightly toasted, chopped 30g crystallised ginger, chopped Sifted cocoa powder, to dust


Flourless Chocolate Cake (almond meal)

This recipe features on Foodie Tuesday, a weekly segment on 774 Drive with Raf Epstein, 3.30PM, courtesy of Tad Lombardo Director & Head Chocolatier at Cioccolato Lombardo.


Spanish Chocolate and Hazelnut Figs

This simple recipe is bursting with sweetness from the figs, combined with a hearty crunch of hazlenuts.


Chocolate Lamingtons

This recipe features on Foodie Tuesday, a weekly segment on 774 Drive with Raf Epstein, 3.30PM, courtesy of Kirsten Tibbals


Bush food macadamia, white chocolate and pepperleaf cookies

125g butter, softened 1 cup caster sugar 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 and 1/2 cups plain flour, sifted 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp. pepper leaf spice, ground 1 cup white chocolate chips 1/3 cup raw macadamia nuts, chopped


chocolate mousse with honeycomb and espresso sauce

honeycomb 40 g (11/2 oz) honey 70 g (21/2 oz) glucose syrup 200 g (7 oz) caster (superfine) sugar 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), sifted mousse 200 g (7 oz/11/3 cups) chopped good-quality dark chocolate, such as couverture (see note, page 235) 40 g (11/2 oz) unsalted butter, chopped 4 eggs, separated 150 g (51/2 oz/2/3 heaped cup) sugar espresso sauce 250 ml (9 fl oz/1 cup) espresso coffee 100 g (31/2 oz/1/2 cup) sugar 2 tablespoons kahlua


Gateway Chocolate Mud Cake

This recipe features on Foodie Tuesday, a weekly segment on 774 Drive at 3.30PM. It was shared by Monique Bowley, director of Podcasts at Mamamia Womens Network, and one-time Great Australian Bake Off contestant.


Chocolate and almond torte with amaretto cream and fresh market raspberries

This is the biscuit base to sprinkle in top of the cake Make enough to accomodate 22 cm round tin 50 g Unsalted Butter 50 g Raw Sugar 50 g Almond Meal 8 g of Coco Powder Pinch of Salt 40 g plain Flour Beat all ingredients together in machine with k beater Roll into oblong wrap in glad and freeze Cake mix 250 g eggs or 5 x large eggs 75 g of local honey 125 g castor sugar beat all ingredients together 75 g Almond Meal 120 g plain Flour 25 g coco powder 8 g Baking powder sieve ingredients Add to egg mix then add 120 ml of double Cream Melt together 70 g 70% best quality chocolate 75 g unsalted butter


Pan con Chocolate - Chocolate Pate

Shannon Martinez & Mo Wyse, authors of 'Smith & Daughters A Cookbook (that happens to be vegan)', shared this recipe on Foodie Tuesday, a weekly segment on ABC Radio Melbourne's Drive program at 3.30pm.


Lady finger parfait with warm chocolate sauce and crushed Honey Macadamias

The local lady finger bananas are so sweet and moorish!


Mini Sneakers Chocolates

Pana Barbounis, author of 'Pana Chocolate, The Recipes', shared this recipe on Foodie Tuesday, a weekly segment on ABC Radio Melbourne's Drive program at 3.30pm.


Chocolate and Hazelnut Cake

There is nothing more indulgent than a piece of chocolate cake, beautiful with fresh raspberries and a dollop of cream on the side. My partner in crime made this cake last week, its fudgy texture is both delicious and surprisingly not too rich in flavour like chocolate cakes can be.


Respuestas latinoamericanas a las crisis migratorias venezolanas y nicaragüenses

Responsables de políticos principales y partes interesadas de América Latina, así como representantes de instituciones internacionales claves, ofrecen sus puntos de vista sobre los desafíos futuros mientras gobiernos latinoamericanos buscan establecer las estrategias para responder a flujos migratorios forzados a gran escala, como los de Venezuela y Nicaragua.


    La Bienvenida Se Agota para Colombianos en Ecuador Mientras Venezolanos Se Hacen Más Visibles

    Aunque colombianos encontraron un refugio cálido en Ecuador después de ser desplazados de su país por una guerra civil que duro décadas, la vida se ha vuelto más difícil para ellos en los últimos años, en parte como resultado del flujo de venezolanos que buscan seguridad. Este artículo se basa en encuestas de migrantes en Quito, comparando y contrastando las experiencias de colombianos y venezolanos, y evaluando sus percepciones de discriminación, victimización y esperanzas para el futuro.


    ¿Se Están Cerrando las Puertas? Respuestas a la Migración Venezolana en América Latina y el Caribe

    MPI llevó a cabo un seminario en línea para marcar el lanzamiento de: Un portal sobre Migración en América Latina y el Caribe; y un informe que examina los efectos de las políticas migratorias y de integración en 11 países en América Latina y el Caribe ante el aumento de la migración venezolana y nicaragüense.


    Bienvenidas asimétricas: Respuestas de América Latina y el Caribe a la migración venezolana y nicaragüense

    El gran desplazamiento forzado de personas en Venezuela y Nicaragua está transformando el panorama migratorio en gran parte de América Latina y el Caribe. Este informe examina las respuestas de las políticas de inmigración e integración de once países, incluyendo vías de regularización y medidas para integrar a los recién llegados en las escuelas y mercados laborales. Este informe acompaña el lanzamiento de un Portal Sobre Migración que ofrece investigación y análisis actualizados sobre tendencias y políticas de inmigración en la región.


    Respuestas latinoamericanas a las crisis migratorias venezolanas y nicaragüenses

    Responsables de políticos principales y partes interesadas de América Latina, así como representantes de instituciones internacionales claves, ofrecen sus puntos de vista sobre los desafíos futuros mientras gobiernos latinoamericanos buscan establecer las estrategias para responder a flujos migratorios forzados a gran escala, como los de Venezuela y Nicaragua.


    ¿Se Están Cerrando las Puertas? Respuestas a la Migración Venezolana en América Latina y el Caribe

    MPI llevó a cabo un seminario en línea para marcar el lanzamiento de: Un portal sobre Migración en América Latina y el Caribe; y un informe que examina los efectos de las políticas migratorias y de integración en 11 países en América Latina y el Caribe ante el aumento de la migración venezolana y nicaragüense.


    Intimacy vs Isolation: Why Do Some People Struggle to Form Intimate Relationships?

    Loneliness is a surprisingly common phenomenon in the 21st century. In 2018, a survey conducted by The Economist and the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that 22% of adults in the United States and 23% of adults in the United Kingdom often or always feel lonely or left out. Interestingly, many people who describe themselves as […]


    The dangers of a noisy ocean -- and how we can quiet it down | Nicola Jones

    The ocean is a naturally noisy place full of singing whales, grunting fish, snapping shrimp, cracking ice, wind and rain. But human-made sounds -- from ship engines to oil drilling -- have become an acute threat to marine life, says science journalist Nicola Jones. Watch (and listen) as she discusses the strange things that happen to underwater creatures in the face of ocean noise pollution -- and shares straightforward ways we can dial down the sound to see almost immediate impacts.


    Raimondo tells schoolkids: I'll help you cope with isolation


    Audit slams Española Public Schools’ finances


    Texas Directed to Take Additional Actions to Remedy Special Education Violations

    Thousands of Texas children are believed to have been kept from special education services because of a now-prohibited special education enrollment target of 8.5 percent, which is well below the national average.


    A Once Homeless Teen Earned $3 Million in Scholarship Offers. Here's What Made His Story Possible

    Tupac Mosley overcame homelessness to graduate as valedictorian, writes Jonathan E. Collins, but there’s an overlooked part of his inspirational story: policy.


    John Hickenlooper, Who Helped Start a Scholarship Program For Needy High School Students, Announces Presidential Run

    Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who helped initiate a shakeup of Denver Public Schools, has announced that he's running for president as a Democrat in 2020.


    Raimondo tells schoolkids: I'll help you cope with isolation


    Audit slams Española Public Schools’ finances


    Utah to reconsider bill funding special needs scholarships