iss Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois By Published On :: 2024-11-13T20:47:04+01:00 La Chine a continu� � accro�tre ses investissements dans la construction ferroviaire depuis le d�but de cette ann�e, d'apr�s des donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'op�rateur ferroviaire du pays. Durant la p�riode janvier-octobre, les investissements... Full Article Chine
iss te koop visstation van matrix By Published On :: maa, 19 jan 2015 20:40:45 GMT te koop..een zeer mooi feeder visstation van het merk matrix.het is 1 klein jaartje oud maar in super mooie zitten heel veel extra bij.mocht je interesse hebben stuur ik graag wat foto s naar smeets Full Article
iss Panne an Flugzeug verzögert Rückkehr von Habeck aus Lissabon By Published On :: 2024-11-13T10:51:22Z Bislang ist Wirtschaftsminister Habeck von Pannen in Regierungsflugzeugen verschont geblieben. Doch bei der Rückreise von einer Tech-Konferenz hat es den Vizekanzler nun erwischt. Dabei hätte er Termine im Bundestag gehabt. Full Article
iss CO2-Emissionen steigen laut Global Carbon Budget weiter By Published On :: 2024-11-13T01:30:57Z Wie können die CO2-Emissionen weltweit sinken? Darüber diskutiert gerade die UN-Klimakonferenz. Doch aktuelle Zahlen von Wissenschaftlern zeigen: Eine Trendwende bei den fossilen Emissionen ist gar nicht in Sicht. Von Simon Plentinger. Full Article
iss cluster out abs issue By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 03:11:17 GMT been on this for as issues for about 5 months abs light has been intermittently n and off for last year and a half then cluster went out truck runs fine gauges on edge screen all read fine... Full Article 24 Valve Engine and Drivetrain
iss Tulsa TV issue of 'This Land' this week By Published On :: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:01:00 CDT The webmaster wrote one of the articles in the fifth issue of This Land magazine, coming out this Friday. Preview of the cover and list of stories at a link in GroupBlog 320. Full Article
iss 1964 photo: Bob Gregory attacked by Kissing Burglar By Published On :: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:12:00 CDT Mike Miller sent a clipping from the Tulsa Tribune. It includes a photo he shot of KTUL photog Bob Gregory under attack by Carol Jean Baker, one of the parking meter-emptying 'Kissing Burglars'. Mike tells the story. Full Article
iss Personal - I Miss Blogging By Published On :: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 11:22:00 +0800 This is what happen which i had been busy working at weekend and by monday i need to score some wifey points. And i had not play Battlefield 2 since last week and i need to fix & tune a friend's latop.I was piss during tune the Laptop due to the ram is on 256MB and Windows XP need 512 to 1GB to run, exculde the applacions. WTF Windows SUX anyway. Lunix better but due to work and game you have to love and hate them.Now all i have to wait for my new ipod buddies arrival like skin, protecter and pouch and as i said before the estore sux anyway. with poor customer service.I help my work mate to buy a Ipod Nano 2GB after he saw me having one Ipod Video.So are you going to buy any Ipod for christmas? Full Article
iss I miss my exgf By Published On :: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 01:19:00 +0800 Well gmail server is down for me.I had not bloged since my exgf broke up and only saw her 1/2 year ago and last few weeks.She told me she had breach the ttsh contract which left 1 year and i know been a nurse is not a easy job.Maybe she just like OL job after all...I woke up on 20 June 2006 gone to work and very tired and do not feel like to go to work and hack i miss my exgf....Until now at 21 June 2006, I cannot sleep and give me headache and i still thinking of YanLi and no reply from her sms.I guess she is busy after all and i guess today is her last day of been a staff nurse at TTSH.How i really wish i can listen to her voice and everything seem to be so claim right now... Full Article
iss LXer: Mission Center (Linux System Monitor) Now Reports Fan Info By Published On :: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 20:40:34 GMT Published at LXer: A major new release of Mission Center, a modern system monitor app for Linux desktops, has been released. Read More...... Full Article Syndicated Linux News
iss Sexueller Missbrauch durch den Stiefvater By Published On :: Jessy* strahlt über das ganze Gesicht, als sie ihren einjährigen Sohn in den Armen hält. Erst vor kurzem ist sie zu ihrem Freund nach London gezogen, damit die kleine Familie endlich zusammen ist. Deutschland weint die 23-Jährige nicht nach, denn mit dem Umzug in ein neues Land lässt sie eine schreckliche Vergangenheit hinter sich. Jessy wurde zehn Jahre lang von ihrem Stiefvater Ralf* missbraucht. Full Article
iss Understanding the Recent NAR Commissions Lawsuit: A Realtor’s Perspective By Published On :: Tue, 21 May 2024 22:25:07 +0000 The recent lawsuit involving the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and subsequent news coverage have sparked significant discussion within the Realtor community. I’d like to take this opportunity to share my perspective on the home buying and selling process, how Realtors are compensated, and the concept of ‘Uncompensated Effort.’ Realtors earn what is known as a ‘Success Fee.’ Essentially, we provide all our services for free until the transaction is closed and funded, at which point we receive a commission. Efforts that do not result in a closing are what I call ‘Uncompensated Effort.’ Every Realtor incurs this overhead, and it’s an integral part of a system that benefits consumers. Both buyers and sellers appreciate this system because it allows them to access services at no cost, even if they never purchase a home or their property doesn’t sell. For example, a buyer might contact an Austin Realtor based on ... Read more Full Article Austin Real Estate Sales Market austin realtor NAR Lawsuit Realtor Commissions
iss NNPC’s $6bn Debt Admission: Impact on Nigeria’s Oil Industry By Published On :: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 10:20:37 +0000 The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), a state-owned entity, recently acknowledged its substantial debt of $6 billion to petrol suppliers. This admission, made in early September 2024, marks a significant development in the Nigerian oil industry, which has been grappling with various challenges. The debt revelation came after months of speculation and denials. The NNPC’s financial strain has been attributed to the gap between fixed pump prices and international fuel costs, exacerbated by the removal of fuel subsidies in 2023. This policy change led to a sharp increase in petrol prices, with motorists now paying over 45% more per litre. The financial burden has had a ripple effect on the NNPC’s operations and the broader oil industry. Suppliers have reduced the volume of petrol provided to the NNPC, resulting in a six-week-long petrol scarcity across Nigeria. This scarcity has caused significant disruptions in daily life and economic activities, highlighting the critical role of the NNPC in ensuring national energy security. Despite these challenges, the NNPC reported record crude oil sales of N14 trillion ($8.6 billion) in 2023, a substantial increase from the previous year. However, the company’s ambitious target of achieving two million barrels per day of crude oil production... Full Article Industry News
iss Missing: one husband By Published On :: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 19:33:00 -0400 Has anyone seen my hubby? He should be somewhere in the vicinity of DC. If you see him, tell him to get back home so he can start writing again!Meanwhile….I am soooo glad summer has finally drawn to a close. It has been one we will not soon forget.So, since Craig has been a bit busy, I decided to put my thought down on a subject that was brought to my attention a while back. I shall call it “Things That Annoy Instructors”.#1. Coming in late to class and missing the very important warm up – and setting up weights can be a bit distracting. I must say though that it doesn’t always bother me. I just usually say hello to the person and move on!#2. Leaving before the very important cool down. I know that some people have to leave because of jobs, etc., but the cool down is extremely important. Also distracting can be when weights are being put away as we instructing. However, on Fridays, there is a class right after ours so I will sometimes start putting our weights away while Craig teaches so we are not late getting out.#3. This is what annoys me the most. When a new person comes to class and we try to go over proper form, and they are not paying the least bit of attention. Usually they are chatting with a friend or adjusting the weights on their bar instead of listening. Personally, I find this to be pretty rude. It makes me feel like I’m wasting my time, yet it is for their own benefit that we do this!#4. When only 2 people show up to class!Well – I think that is it. But in all fairness, I will try to put down what I think is annoying to participants. #1. When the instructor is late.#2. When the instructor is too ‘chatty’.#3. When they have a sub.#4. When we foul up the choreography.#5. When I keep talking about my shoe fetish.#6. When Craig and I act like Lucy and Ricky.Did I miss anything? Hope not!BTW – Craig will get the 63 review out soon. Full Article
iss My honda fits issues seeking advice. By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 05:14:30 GMT So I have a 2015 Honda fit EX that I have been bringing from unacceptable conditions but there have been a few issues with my fit that have proven to be more challenging than what I've already dealt... Full Article 3rd Generation (2015+)
iss Transmission Vent? Missing Bolt? By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 16:13:29 GMT Hi All, total newbie to car maintenance here - just changed my oil for the first time on my 2016 Fit EX, standard transmission. No issues with the oil change, but while I was under there I noticed a... Full Article 3rd Generation GK Specific DIY: Repair & Maintenance Sub-Forum
iss GE AT Half Shaft on MT Transmission By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 16:28:40 GMT Has anyone put the GE fit auto trans half shaft on a manual tans car? Seems to be a good way to reduce torque steer. I will need to make custom driveshafts for my project anyways so thats not an... Full Article General Fit Modifications Discussion
iss Honeywell and Curtiss-Wright Develop Cockpit Voice Recorders to Help Boeing, Airbus Meet New 25-Hour Safety Mandate By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Phoenix AZ United States - Collaboratively developed Honeywell Connected Recorder-25 now available to meet 2024 FAA Reauthorization Act mandating longer recording capability [NASDAQ: HON] - / Full Article Electronics / Instrumentation / RFID
iss [10% Discount] $997 DAILY commissions on autopilot! By Published On :: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 04:15:06 +0000 The difference between getting rich or struggling comes down to what you’re selling. People selling BMWs make more than those selling Hyundais. People selling mansions make more than those selling mobile homes. The same is true online—when you sell HIGH TICKET offers, you make more. It’s that simple. So instead of fighting for scraps and […] Full Article Affiliate Marketing $1K Paydays copywriting
iss Copy And Paste 1 Line Of Code For Chatbot-Driven Commissions Every Day! By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:47:41 +0000 Make anywhere from $48 to $995 per day by pasting one line of code on your website to deploy an A.I. chatbot that sucks in free traffic and converts leads into sales… Without writing a single line of code, or needing any techie skills whatsoever! Say goodbye to: • Hiring an expensive programmer to code […] Full Article Website/WordPress Development Chat Bot A.I. chatbot
iss Kansas City, Missouri - Home of Great BBQ By Published On :: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 06:53:00 -0700 Wow, it's been an amazing time since I've written on this blog.Right now as I type, I'm in Kansas City, MO checking outcommercial property and visiting family.There isn't enough time to go to all the places I want to gohere, but there is one place someone may want to check out.Yesterday, I went somewhere I hadn't been since I wasaround 10 years old.My father and I stopped by the Liberty Memorial. It's a WWImemorial. It's at the top of a hill that overlooks KCMO and it'sa place you'd want to stop and see. The statues and monumentare colossal.Liberty Memorial is quite a sight to see. Take a look and see thisbeautiful place.Another place that is very popular in KCMO is Gates Barbeque.My mother grew up with the owner, who name is Ollie Gates.He's one of the leading entrepreneurs in KCMO. He owns all ofthe Gates Barbeque restaurants and they are known for theirfamous BBQ and BBQ sauce. He also owns many properties intown. He's definitely a role model to emulate.The other BBQ chain is Bryants BBQ. These are two places you'dwant to see if you travel to Kansas City. Kansas City is known fortheir BBQ nationwide.I'm here to check out the commercial property in the area. Manyhomes and apartments are boarded up. It's so sad to see. OnlineI checked the retail shopping centers that are for sale in the area.Many of those are corporate owned for unknown reasons. Notsure what has happened to the economy here, but looks like it'staken it's toll.Well today, I'm scouting a few residential properties to get a feel ofthe real estate market. If I see something interesting or withpotential, I'll be sure to submit a letter of intent. We'll see whathappens. This evening I'm going to see if I can locate a Karaokespot to hang out at.Well, until then, take care and thanks for stopping by.Johnetta MatthewsJohnetta Matthews CorporationPresidentWork For YourselfNew Search Engine VulcooCommercial Real Estate Investing Full Article
iss Hogwarts Legacy 2 : Harry Potter dans le jeu ? Warner laisse planer le doute... By Published On :: 2024-11-06T09:44:01+00:01 Sorti il y a bientôt deux ans, en février 2023, Hogwarts Legacy est un énorme succès commercial, puisqu'on vient d'apprendre que le seuil des 30 millions de copies a été franc... Full Article
iss CDC issues health alert to U.S. doctors over subtype of monkeypox spreading in Congo that kills one in ten and is more infectious By Published On :: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 22:36:56 +0000 CDC issues health alert to U.S. doctors over subtype of monkeypox spreading in Congo that kills one in ten and is more infectious –Alert warned clinicians to test patients traveling from the Congo for the virus | 7 Dec 2023 | Doctors in the US are being told to look out for a more deadly […] Full Article
iss ‘LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE' Bonus PECC By Published On :: 2007-03-17T08:39:05Z 20H45 Cinema Moliere at Pezenas Hi everyone its Pecc Bonus Time again! ‘LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE' (VO/ST)is the winner of the Best supporting Actor + BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Oscars 2007 and screens on Friday 16 Mars @20H45 for one Session Only! Come and see for yourself if the movie equals the publicity hype and if the performance is better than the outstanding nominated performances in ‘the Departed' and 'Dreamgirls'. Best Sarah (...) - Pezenas English Language Cinema Club Full Article
iss Missing: James McMackin By Published On :: James McMackin is the roommate of a friend of mine. He once helped my friend Kristen and I get the #1 score in Erotic Photohunt at the Albatross Bar in Astoria, NY. James and I were also both standing around in Union Sq. on Election Day 2004 trying to get on a bus to go petition for John Kerry in Pennsylvania. He went missing this past Monday night in New York City. Please if you [PARTIAL POST: VISIT THE SITE TO READ THE REST AND SEE PICTURES] Posted by Frank On 03/01/06 At 04:57 PM Full Article
iss ISS, Glass Lewis urge shareholders to back bhedge fund'sb call for changes at Monro By Published On :: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 22:34:44 GMT ISS, Glass Lewis urge shareholders to back hedge fund's call for changes at Monro Full Article
iss Obesity Control Is a Social Issue By Published On :: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 16:15:56 +0600 Full Article
iss Swiss Ball Exercise Workouts and Training By Published On :: February 2, 2016 Full body exercise workouts and core workouts using a Swiss Ball to target muscles all over your body. Full Article
iss How podcasts went from unlistenable to unmissable By Published On :: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 18:54:17 -0400 Podcasts are now produced by commercial broadcasters, individuals and companies with no connection to broadcasting. In fact anyone with something to say, and a few pounds to spend on the equipment to say it, can get involved. The digital audio files are cheap to produce and, thanks to the internet, easy to distribute. complete article Full Article
iss Spotify Missed Out on Another Podcasting Acquisition By Published On :: Fri, 7 Aug 2020 10:51:03 -0400 After Spotifys recent string of podcasting deals, it is kind of weird to see a podcast acquisition where Spotify is not involved. E.W. Scripps has been shopping around its Stitcher podcast platform for a couple of weeks, and it looks like it found a buyer in SiriusXM. Sirius will pay around $300 million for the unit. That is a hefty return for Scripps. It originally bought Stitcher in 2016 for $4.5 million, combining it with its $50 million Midroll Media acquisition from the year before. Still, $300 million is a good deal for the premium podcast platform, a specialized podcast advertising network doing sales for over 300 podcasts, and the owner of two podcast content networks, Earwolf and Stitcher Podcasts. That compares to Spotifys acquisition of The Ringer earlier this year, for which it reportedly paid between $141 million to $196 million. Full Article
iss Johnny Marr: Morrissey wanted attention By Published On :: Sun, 27 Feb 2022 10:00:26 +0000 Full Article
iss Recommendation letter toolkit offering information, tips, and downloadable templates for writing all types of letters of recommendation for business, personal, and college admission purposes. By Published On :: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:19:28 PST Recommendation Letter Toolkit That Is The One-And-Only Master Information Source For Writing All Types Of Letters Of Recommendation. If You Need To Write Any Kind of Recommendation Letter, or Letter Of Reference, Whether It's For Business, Work, College Admission, or Home, This Kit Is Your One-Stop Information Source. Full Article Home & Family -- Students & School
iss 50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships - What the top 1% of marriages do differently By Published On :: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:19:28 PST Fairy tale marriages do exist. It is just that they are quite rare. We studied couples who married happily every after to discover their secrets. Full Article Home & Family -- Marriage
iss Case Dismissed: How To Fight And Beat Speeding Tickets - Tactics On Fighting And Beating Speeding Tickets From Radar, Laser And Pace Car/VASCAR. By Published On :: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 12:37:28 +0530 Speeding tickets - Proven legal strategies to fight and beat speeding tickets. Full Article Sports & Recreation -- Autos
iss Saskatchewan Agriculture Issues Final Crop Report of the Season By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 GMT Farmscape for October 31, 2024 Saskatchewan Agriculture reports the province's farmers are disappointed with this year's crops but relieved that things weren't worse. Saskatchewan Agriculture released its final crop report of the season yesterday. Tyce Masich, a Crops Extension Specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, says producers were able to get their crops off well before the heavy frosts set in. Quote-Tyce Masich-Saskatchewan Agriculture: Starting in May when producers were seeing it was very cool and wet so there were some seeding delays and also the early season cool temperatures specifically delayed crop development in the first two months of the growing season, which wasn't great for crops but the moisture did allow them to be well established for the lack of moisture in July and August that we saw. In July and August there were hot and dry conditions throughout most of Saskatchewan which really hurt the early season yield potential that producers were expecting. Early season, with all of the moisture that we had, there were more reports of early season root rot in crops which hurt crop establishment early in the season and then, as the season progressed and things got warmer and drier, that's when the grasshoppers really came out and started to feed on crops. I know in the west and southwest producers were spraying for grasshoppers specifically and in areas of the province that would have gotten rainfall in the beginning July when canola was full canopy there were a lot of producers spraying for sclerotinia stem rot and there were some reports of sclerotinia stem rot in Saskatchewan but I think overall it had a pretty minimal impact on yields this year. The biggest thing was the hot conditions in July really heat blasted a lot of canola which would have resulted in most of the yield loss for canola and other crops as well. Masich says yields for most crops in Saskatchewan were slightly above average with the exceptions of crops like canola and mustard that were slightly below average but, given the dry years we've had the past couple of years, growers are happy with that. For more visit Farmscape.Ca. Bruce Cochrane. *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers Full Article
iss Flow Issues Limit Pea Starch Inclusion Levels in Swine Rations By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 00:00:00 GMT Farmscape for November 5, 2024 The Saskatchewan Research Chair in Feed Processing Technology says the biggest challenge with including high levels of pea starch in swine rations is the issue of flow. An increased use of pea protein in products such as artificial meats and protein bars has resulted in an increased availability of pea starch for use as a lower cost energy source in swine rations. However, the small particle size of pea starch raises concerns over the possibility of ulcers in pigs and it has a tendency to plug up feeding systems. Dr. Rex Newkirk, an associate professor with the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Research Chair in Feed Processing Technology responsible for the Canadian Feed Research Centre, says researchers have included pea starch in rations at up to 40 percent with no impact on performance but the flow issue is a limiting factor. Quote-Dr. Rex Newkirk-University of Saskatchewan: Pea starch, because of the process it goes through, is an exceedingly fine material. It kind of flows like water when it flows so what that means from a practical handling perspective is pea starch by itself flows like water. Put pea starch in a mash diet and it basically sets up in a way that it doesn't move as a mass. For us that's been the major handling issue is, how do you get this material to handle through the plant, what form can it be in so it can be more easily managed. From a growth perspective, we've fed up to 40 percent and didn't see any impact on growth so I'm fine with it from a growth perspective but, from a handling perspective, especially if you're feeding a mash diet, I'd probably stick to 10 percent or less. We've done 20 percent and it was OK but I think there was already signs that you could get hanging up in the bin and stuff so my recommendation would be 10 percent inclusion in a mash diet. If it's a pelleted diet, I think you have more room. You could get to 20 percent as long as it will handle through your plant and into the pellet mill well. Or you could even go higher levels, as long as the flow within your plant getting to the pellet mill is fine. That's usually where we find some issues. If we get too high levels, the conveyance systems don't work the way they should. My recommendation would be 10 percent in a mash diet and 20 percent in a pelleted diet. Dr. Newkirk says various options for addressing the flow issue are being explored including pelleting, extrusion and using canola meal as a compatible source of protein. For more visit Farmscape.Ca. Bruce Cochrane. *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Last Issue - 2005-01-15 By Published On :: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , It's hard to believe that this little E-Mag is rolling out from August 2002 and here's the first issue of 2005! Also, in 2005 this newsletter crossed the subscriber base to 25000+ ...a figure I never imagined possible when started out with little knowledge and a lot of passion. And this year, the only resolution I took is to make one of the best in it's slot. So as a valuable member, what you can you expect in the next couple of weeks?... Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Last Issue - 2005-01-31! By Published On :: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , I am happy about 2005 so far. Two great products have come out in January that over delivers the price and gives value for money. Unlike 2004, where there was dearth of original products. All we found were rehashed content. And it's a real pleasure to promote such products that gives total value to the paying subscriber. Both were expensive from an average persons stand point but still, I would prefer to market such products any time. I can do it with a clear conscience and can feel an inner glow when I receive emails complementing me on these products. This issue also features two great free gifts for you to download! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Last Issue - 2005-02-15! By Published On :: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , You too can set up a full fledged virtual office in United States if you happen to reside outside USA. (like me) at an incredibly low cost. Here is what you get in brief, A physical street address in the United States,Mail forwarded directly to your country,Money transferred from PayPal and other third party processors directly to you, A fully legal US corporation,A bank account at a US bank,A US phone number that rings in your home or office in your country! Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Last Issue - 2005-03-15! By Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , Let me share with you one of my earliest online business mistakes...and the effect continued till last week. My defunct brain did not have the foresight to shift to a professional autoresponder the moment my subscribers grew to 500. Instead, I did the Himalayan blunder of sticking on to free autoresponder services for a long time. Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Last Issue - 2005-03-31 By Published On :: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , Did you notice the recent avalanche of QuickPayPro script sales messages flooding our mailboxes from various quarters? It all appeared to be hurriedly conceived and designed to make a fast buck. Here are some questions to put things in perspective. Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Last Issue - 2005-04-15 By Published On :: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , It is trust and communication that sells products and services on the Internet. But how can you earn your website visitor's trust? By presenting...You! Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . April 30th -Last Issue By Published On :: Sat, 7 May 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , You know the popularity of eBooks. But what you have seen is only a sample fire works of the impending explosion. Major publishers world wide are pumping billions into online publishing. This will obviously work as a catalyst in changing the attitudes of people about reading a book online or from their computer... Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . May 15th -Last Issue By Published On :: Sat, 7 May 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , Refunds are on the rise when compared to 2003. Dishonest people disguise as customers, buy a digital product and then ask for the refund in less than 2 hrs without even trying the product! There is nothing much we can do to keep them away with the current payment structures and technology. But most importantly, how can we keep a customer who is honest but peeved with our product and service. Here are some strategies to keep a good customer... Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . May 31st -Last Issue By Published On :: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , What are the 3 very basic elements of a successful online business? Before I get into it, let's realize that it the ability to keep things simple, straight and uncluttered that is going to pave the way into your customers hearts and wallets. It is the little hinges that swings big doors... Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . June 30th -Last Issue By Published On :: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , What are the 3 very basic elements of a successful online business? Before I get into it, let's realize that it the ability to keep things simple, straight and uncluttered that is going to pave the way into your customers hearts and wallets. It is the little hinges that swings big doors... Also this issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . July 15th -Last Issue By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , Thanks to all the 100+ among you who bought Private Posts (by Allan Says) so far. The emails I received on this from many of you were heart warming and it's real pleasure to know that some of you really liked it. And I have a special surprise bonus for all of you who have purchased Private Posts. This will help, if you specially belong to the lazy breed who are reluctant to read through. Now you can hear it as well. The whole of Private Posts is now organized into an 27 Audio Series Course narrated by a seductive voice. Also this Latest Issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Aug 15th -Last Issue By Published On :: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , Are you someone still trying to get into the over crowded Internet Marketing business? Do you still believe that you can only sell Internet Marketing products to make money from the Internet? Then it's time to re-think your strategy to earn money from the Internet. There exists many other ways to make money from the Internet apart from Internet Marketing related stuff. Also this Latest Issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article
iss 'HomeBiz-Tips E Magazine' . Aug 31st -Last Issue By Published On :: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:38:45 PST Hi , I have a tip for you today that I adopt and practice in my business. No matter what kind of online business you are in, with some observation, you will find two broad segments emerging from your target audience. They are -Futuristic-Aspirational- on one end, and, -Realistic-Needy- on the other. Let me explain, Also this Latest Issue entitles you to 2 absolutely free gifts that you can download instantly! Full Article