iss Maharashtra Election 2024: Election Commission Officials Frisk CM Eknath Shinde’s Bag In Palghar| Watch Video By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:21:49 +0530 The Election Commission (EC) officials on Wednesday inspected bag of Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde during his Palghar visit. A couple of days ago, EC officials frisked Uddhav Thackeray's helicopter, after which, Shiv Sena UBT chief accused the EC of being Full Article
iss பெங்களூர்-க்கு ஜாக்பாட்.. ஜெர்மனி Zeiss நிறுவனத்தின் புதிய ஜிசிசி.. தமிழ்நாடு மிஸ் செய்துவிட்டதா..? By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:40:26 +0530 பெங்களூரு: புகழ்பெற்ற ஆப்டிகல் நிறுவனமான ஜெர்மனியை சேர்ந்த Zeiss தன்னுடைய முதல் பன்னாட்டு கிளையை பெங்களூருவில் நிறுவி இருக்கிறது. இதன் மூலம் இந்தியாவில் தங்களுடைய ஆய்வு மற்றும் மேம்பாட்டு நடவடிக்கைகளை மேம்படுத்த திட்டமிட்டு இருப்பதாக Zeiss நிறுவனம் கூறியுள்ளது. ஜெர்மனியை தலைமை இடமாக கொண்டு Zeiss நிறுவனம் செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. இந்த நிறுவனம் கண் கண்ணாடி சம்பந்தப்பட்ட Full Article
iss Weather Warnings for Victoria - land areas. Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology By Published On :: Full Article
iss Global outlook on transmission and distribution networks By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:47:01 +0530 Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDE) have been driving the growth in electricity grid length with rapid expansion from 2001, on increasing electrification. China leads the incremental transmission network put up in the last decade while India leads on the distribution side. India leads in Technical grid losses in T&D when compared with other countries. High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission lines, thus, emerge as the most preferred transmission lines considering their lower losses and their suitability for long-distance power transfer Full Article Statistalk
iss India Tests New Cruise Missile By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:43:32 +0530 DRDO conducted the maiden flight test of the Long Range Land Attack Cruise Missile from a mobile articulated launcher. Full Article
iss Christian and Missionary Alliance: TOZER DEVOTIONAL, THOUGHTS ON COMMUNION - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 - What a sweet comfort to us that our Lord Jesus Christ was once known in the breaking of the bread - In earlier Christian times, believers called the C By Published On :: THOUGHTS ON COMMUNION: What a sweet comfort to us that our Lord Jesus Christ was once known in the breaking of the bread. In earlier Christian times, believers called the Communion "the medicine of immortality," and God gave them the desire to pray: Be known to us in breaking bread, But do not then depart; Savior, abide with us and spread Thy table **in our heart [not just in our mind]. Some churches have a teaching that you will find God only at their table-and that you leave God there when you leave. I am so glad that God has given us light. We may take the Presence of the table with us. We may take the Bread of life with us as we go. Then sup with us in love divine, Thy body and Thy blood; That living bread and heavenly wine Be our immortal food! In approaching the table of our Lord, we dare not forget the cost to our elder Brother, the Man who was from heaven. He is our Savior; He is our Passover! Full Article Christian Study Christian Church History Study 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities
iss Wikipedia: Jonathan Edwards (1703-1778) -- An American preacher, theologian, and missionary to Native Americans. Edwards "is widely acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical theologian," and one of America's By Published On :: Great Awakening: On July 7, 1731, Edwards preached in Boston the "Public Lecture" afterwards published under the title "God Glorified - in Man's Dependence," which was his first public attack on Arminianism. The emphasis of the lecture was on God's absolute sovereignty in the work of salvation: that while it behooved God to create man pure and without sin, it was of his "good pleasure" and "mere and arbitrary grace" for him to grant any person the faith necessary to incline him or her toward holiness; and that God might deny this grace without any disparagement to any of his character. -- In 1733, a religious revival began in Northampton and reached such intensity in the winter of 1734 and the following spring as to threaten the business of the town. In six months, nearly three hundred were admitted to the church. The revival gave Edwards an opportunity for studying the process of conversion in all its phases and varieties, and he recorded his observations with psychological minuteness and discrimination in A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton (1737). A year later, he published Discourses on Various Important Subjects, the five sermons which had proved most effective in the revival, and of these, none, he tells us, was so immediately effective as that on the Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners, from the text, "That every mouth may be stopped." Another sermon, published in 1734, A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God set forth what he regarded as the inner, moving principle of the revival, the doctrine of a special grace in the immediate, and supernatural divine illumination of the soul. -- By 1735, the revival had spread-and popped up independently-across the Connecticut River Valley, and perhaps as far as New Jersey. However, criticism of the revival began, and many New Englanders feared that Edwards had led his flock into fanaticism. Over the summer of 1735, religious fervor took a dark turn. A number of New Englanders were shaken by the revivals but not converted, and became convinced of their inexorable damnation. Edwards wrote that "multitudes" felt urged-presumably by Satan-to take their own lives. At least two people committed suicide in the depths of their spiritual duress, one from Edwards's own congregation-his uncle, Joseph Hawley II. It is not known if any others took their own lives, but the suicide craze effectively ended the first wave of revival, except in some parts of Connecticut. -- However, despite these setbacks and the cooling of religious fervor, word of the Northampton revival and Edwards's leadership role had spread as far as England and Scotland. It was at this time that Edwards was acquainted with George Whitefield, who was traveling the Thirteen Colonies on a revival tour in 1739-1740. The two men may not have seen eye to eye on every detail-Whitefield was far more comfortable with the strongly emotional elements of revival than Edwards was-but they were both passionate about preaching the Gospel.They worked together to orchestrate Whitefield's trip, first through Boston, and then to Northampton. When Whitefield preached at Edwards's church in Northampton, he reminded them of the revival they had experienced just a few years before. This deeply touched Edwards, who wept throughout the entire service, and much of the congregation too was moved. Revival began to spring up again, and it was at this time that Edwards preached his most famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" in Enfield, Connecticut in 1741. This sermon has been widely reprinted as an example of "fire and brimstone" preaching in the colonial revivals, though the majority of Edwards's sermons were not this dramatic. Indeed, he used this style deliberately. As historian George Marsden put it, "Edwards could take for granted...that a New England audience knew well the Gospel remedy. The problem was getting them to seek it." -- **Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God, A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8, 1741, by Rev. Jonathan Edwards. Published at Boston, 1741 -- The movement met with opposition from conservative Congregationalist ministers. In 1741, Edwards published in its defense The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, dealing particularly with the phenomena most criticized: the swoonings, outcries and convulsions. These "bodily effects," he insisted, were not distinguishing marks of the work of the Spirit of God one way or another; but so bitter was the feeling against the revival in the more strictly Puritan churches that, in 1742, he was forced to write a second apology, Thoughts on the Revival in New England, his main argument being the great moral improvement of the country. In the same pamphlet, he defends an appeal to the emotions, and advocates preaching terror when necessary, even to children, who in God's sight "are young vipers if not Christ's." He considers "bodily effects" incidental to the real work of God, but his own mystic devotion and the experiences of his wife during the Awakening (which he gives in detail) make him think that the divine visitation usually overpowers the body, a view in support of which he quotes Scripture. In reply to Edwards, Charles Chauncy wrote Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England in 1743 and anonymously penned The Late Religious Commotions in New England Considered in the same year. In these works he urged conduct as the sole test of conversion; and the general convention of Congregational ministers in the Province of Massachusetts Bay protested "against disorders in practice which have of late obtained in various parts of the land." -- In spite of Edwards's able pamphlet, the impression had become widespread that "bodily effects" were recognized by the promoters of the Great Awakening as the true tests of conversion. To offset this feeling, Edwards preached at Northampton, during the years 1742 and 1743, a series of sermons published under the title of Religious Affections (1746), a restatement in a more philosophical and general tone of his ideas as to "distinguishing marks." In 1747, he joined the movement started in Scotland called the "concert in prayer," and in the same year published An Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God's People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom on Earth. In 1749, he published a memoir of David Brainerd who had lived with his family for several months and had died at Northampton in 1747. Brainerd had been constantly attended by Edwards's daughter Jerusha, to whom he was rumored to have been engaged to be married, though there is no surviving evidence for this. In the course of elaborating his theories of conversion Edwards used Brainerd and his ministry as a case study, making extensive notes of his conversions and confessions. Full Article Christian Church History Study 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities
iss Pagan Christianity (by Frank Viola and George Barna) Reviewed - Like most reformers, Viola manages to express some valid issues that need attention - He well states the clergy-laity distinction - He is clear about the disastrous domination of clergymen, t By Published On :: I understand the "excessive and pathological dependence on the clergy," but I'm not willing to classify all preaching within that condemnation. (This is the same old stuff - human abuse is cited as the reason to cast out something legitimate when used properly.) When we tell people what the Word of God says and challenge the right response, there is no excess or pathology in that! Let's expose and condemn the real problem, without throwing out the legitimate. -- And I'm wondering about something. Frank Viola has written a book. What is it that lifts his book out of the condemned category? What if someone read his book to a group of people (he does affirm his book to be needed truth)? Would the reading of his book stifle spiritual health and create a pathological dependence on his writings or books in general? Nonsense. -- Don't overlook, Viola is a high school teacher. When he speaks to a class in a building with attention focused on him, does he consider that to be an exercise that is passive, tradition bound and pagan? Likewise, he "speaks at church-life conferences!" Apparently the kind of speaking he does he values in some way. Yet he reacts with outrage when someone stands before an audience and directs their attention to the text of Scripture in an orderly form without interruption. This is the excess and decoration of a militant reformer, who is in bondage to his system while attacking another. It is gimmickry and passion born in the contention of a reformers narrow mentality, not based on the content of Scripture. -- Behind the charm and sophistry of these reformers there is an arrogant spirit. Mr. Viola wants us to know that "the NT is not a manual for church practice." Yet, he wants us to be led by "the light that is within you!" When all of that has been said, the footnote on the last page of the book is truly the bottom line. He says in this small print entry: "If you plan to leave the institutional church, I strongly recommend that you read the next volume in this series: So You Want To Start A House Church? First-Century Styled Church Planting For Today. It will give you the next step." -- Unbelievable! He steers us away from the New Testament, then recommends his next book as our next step. Now here is my recommendation. Don't let any man dictate "the next step." Not Viola, Berkley or any man. Open the Bible. Read what it says, and let God direct your steps (Psa. 37:23; 119:133). --- Good Recently Published Resources To Study The House Church Movement: "The House Church Movement," Harry Osborne; in The Renewing Of Your Mind, 2004 Truth Magazine Lectures, GOT Foundation, 2004. "The House Church Movement," Jim Deason; True Worship, 2205 FC Lectures. By Warren E. Berkley The Front Page From Expository Files 13.1 January 2006. Full Article Christian Church History Study 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities
iss Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) -- (Occult) philosopher and statesman, was the youngest son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, by his second wife - In 1596 he was made a Queen's Counsel, but missed the appointment of Master of the Rolls, and in the nex By Published On :: Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, and Viscount St. Alban's, philosopher and statesman, was the youngest son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, by his second wife, a daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, whose sister married William Cecil, Lord Burghley, the great minister of Queen Elizabeth. He was born at York House in the Strand on Jan. 22, 1561, and in his 13th year was sent with his elder brother Anthony to Trinity College, Cambridge. Here he first met the Queen, who was impressed by his precocious intellect, and was accustomed to call him "the young Lord Keeper." Here also he became dissatisfied with the Aristotelian philosophy as being unfruitful and leading only to resultless disputation. -- In 1576 he entered Gray's Inn, and in the same year joined the embassy of Sir Amyas Paulet to France, where he remained until 1579. The death of his father in that year, before he had completed an intended provision for him, gave an adverse turn to his fortunes, and rendered it necessary that he should decide upon a profession. He accordingly returned to Gray's Inn, and, after an unsuccessful attempt to induce Burghley to give him a post at court, and thus enable him to devote himself to a life of learning, he gave himself seriously to the study of law, and was called to the Bar in 1582. He did not, however, desert philosophy, and published a Latin tract, Temporis Partus Maximus (the Greatest Birth of Time), the first rough draft of his own system. -- Two years later, in 1584, he entered the House of Commons as member for Melcombe, sitting subsequently for Taunton (1586), Liverpool (1589), Middlesex (1593), and Southampton (1597). In the Parliament of 1586 he took a prominent part in urging the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. About this time he seems again to have approached his powerful uncle, the result of which may possibly be traced in his rapid progress at the Bar, and in his receiving, in 1589, the reversion to the Clerkship of the Star Chamber, a valuable appointment, into the enjoyment of which, however, he did not enter until 1608. -- About 1591 he formed a friendship with the Earl of Essex, from whom he received many tokens of kindness ill requited. In 1593 the offices of Attorney-general, and subsequently of Solicitor-general became vacant, and Essex used his influence on Bacon's behalf, but unsuccessfully, the former being given to Coke, the famous lawyer. These disappointments may have been owing to a speech made by Bacon on a question of subsidies. To console him for them Essex presented him with a property at Twickenham, which he subsequently sold for £1800, equivalent to a much larger sum now. -- In 1596 he was made a Queen's Counsel, but missed the appointment of Master of the Rolls, and in the next year (1597), he published the first edition of his Essays, ten in number, combined with Sarced Meditations and the Coulours of Good and Evil. By 1601 Essex had lost the Queen's favour, and had raised his rebellion, and Bacon was one of those appointed to investigate the charges against him, and examine witnesess, in connection with which he showed an ungrateful and indecent eagerness in pressing the case against his former friend and benefactor, who was executed on Feb. 25, 1601. This act Bacon endeavoured to justify in A Declaration of the Practices and Treasons, etc., of...the Earl of Essex, etc. His circumstances had for some time been bad, and he had been arrested for debt: he had, however, received a gift of a fine of £1200 on one of Essex's accomplices. -- The accession of James VI in 1603 gave a favourable turn to his fortunes: he was knighted, and endeavoured to set himself right with the new powers by writing his Apologie (defence) of his proceedings in the case of Essex, who had favoured the succession of James. In the first Parliament of the new king he sat for St. Alban's, and was appointed a Commissioner for Union with Scotland. In 1605 he published The Advancement of Learning, dedicated, with fulsome flattery, to the king. The following year he married Alice Barnham, the daughter of a London merchant, and in 1607 he was made Solicitor-General, and wrote Cogita et Visa, a first sketch of the Novum Organum, followed in 1609 by The Wisdom of the Ancients. -- Meanwhile (in 1608), he had entered upon the Clerkship of the Star Chamber, and was in the enjoyment of a large income; but old debts and present extravagance kept him embarrassed, and he endeavoured to obtain further promotion and wealth by supporting the king in his arbitrary policy. In 1613 he became Attorney-General, and in this capacity prosecuted Somerset in 1616. The year 1618 saw him Lord Keeper, and the next Lord Chancellor and Baron Verulam, a title which, in 1621, he exchanged for that of Viscount St. Albans. Meanwhile he had written the New Atlantis, a political romance, and in 1620 he presented to the king the Novum Organum, on which he had been engaged for 30 years, and which ultimately formed the main part of the Instauratio Magna. -- In his great office Bacon showed a failure of character in striking contrast with the majesty of his intellect. He was corrupt alike politically and judicially, and now the hour of retribution arrived. In 1621 a Parliamentary Committee on the administration of the law charged him with corruption under 23 counts; and so clear was the evidence that he made no attempt at defence. To the lords, who sent a committee to inquire whether the confession was really his, he replied, "My lords, it is my act, my hand, and my heart; I beseech your lordships to be merciful to a broken reed." He was sentenced to a fine of £40,000, remitted by the king, to be committed to the Tower during the king's pleasure (which was that he should be released in a few days), and to be incapable of holding office or sitting in parliament. He narrowly escaped being deprived of his titles. -- Thenceforth he devoted himself to study and writing. In 1622 appeared his History of Henry VII, and the 3rd part of the Instauratio; in 1623, History of Life and Death, the De Augmentis Scientarum, a Latin translation of the Advancement, and in 1625 the 3rd edition of the Essays, now 58 in number. He also published Apophthegms, and a translation of some of the Psalms. -- His life was now approaching its close. In March, 1626, he came to London, and shortly after, when driving on a snowy day, the idea struck him of making an experiment as to the antiseptic properties of snow, in consequence of which he caught a chill, which ended in his death on 9th April 1626. He left debts to the amount of £22,000. At the time of his death he was engaged upon Sylva Sylvarum. -- The intellect of Bacon was one of the most powerful and searching ever possessed by man, and his developments of the inductive philosophy revolutionised the future thought of the human race. Full Article Christian Church History Study 3. 1522 A.D. to 1880 A.D. - Indigenous Bible translations and Church Doctrines era - The Reformation
iss Amazon: Empires Collection - The Dynasties - Egypt's Golden Empire / **The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance / Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire / The Roman Empire in the First Century / The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization) - Empires Collection: By Published On :: Egypt's Golden Empire: In 1570 B.C., when Rome was still a marsh and the Acropolis was an empty rock, Egypt was already 1000 years old. Although the period of the pyramid-builders was long over, Egypt lay on the threshold of its greatest age. The New Kingdom would be an empire forged by conquest, maintained by intimidation and diplomacy, and remembered long after its demise. Led by a dynasty of rich personalities, whose dramatic lives changed the course of civilization, Egypt's Golden Empire presents the most extraordinary period in Egyptian history: from 1570 B.C. to 1070 B.C., when the Egyptian Empire reached its zenith. -- The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - From a small Italian community in 15th century Florence, the Medici family would rise to rule Europe in many ways. Using charm, patronage, skill, duplicity and ruthlessness, they would amass unparalleled wealth and unprecedented power. They would also ignite the most important cultural and artistic revolution in Western history- the European Renaissance. But the forces of change the Medici helped unleash would one day topple their ordered world. An epic drama played out in the courts, cathedrals and palaces of Europe, this series is both the tale of one family's powerful ambition and of Europe's tortured struggle to emerge from the ravages of the Dark Ages. -- Japan: Memoirs Of A Secret Empire - Commanding shoguns and samurai warriors, exotic geisha and exquisite artisans -- all were part of the Japanese "renaissance" -- a period between the 16th and 19th centuries when Japan went from chaos and violence to a land of ritual refinement and peace. But stability came at a price: for nearly 250 years, Japan was a land closed to the Western world, ruled by the Shogun under his absolute power and control. Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire brings to life the unknown story of a mysterious empire, its relationship to the West, and the forging of a nation that would emerge as one of the most important countries in the world. -- The Roman Empire in the First Century: Two thousand years ago, at the dawn of the first century, the ancient world was ruled by Rome. Through the experiences, memories and writings of the people who lived it, this series tells the story of that time - the emperors and slaves, poets and plebeians, who wrested order from chaos, built the most cosmopolitan society the world had ever seen and shaped the Roman empire in the first century A.D. -- The Greeks: Crucible [melting pot] of Civilization - The Greeks - Classical Greece of the 4th and 5th centuries, B.C. was a magnificent civilization that laid the foundations for modern science, politics, warfare, and philosophy, and produced some of the most breathtaking art and architecture the world has ever known. Through the eyes and words of the great heroes of ancient Greece, this dazzling production charts the rise, triumph, and eventual decline of the world's first democracy. Now, through dramatic storytelling and state-of-the-art computer animation, you witness history, art, and government with giants like Pericles, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Full Article Christian Church History Study 2. 313 A.D. to 1521 A.D. - Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire Christian Videos
iss Ulrich Zwingli (1484 - 1531 A.D.) -- A Swiss Protestant leader in the Reformation - Ulrich Zwingli is not as famous as the likes as Martin Luther or John Calvin but he did play his part in the 'Protestant' break with the Roman Catholic Church - Zw By Published On :: Ulrich Zwingli was a Swiss Protestant leader in the Reformation. Ulrich Zwingli is not as famous as the likes as Martin Luther or John Calvin but he did play his part in the break with the Roman Catholic Church. Ulrich (sometimes spelt Huldreich) Zwingli was born in 1484. He attended universities at Basle and Vienna and served as a parish priest in Glarus, Switzerland. Zwingli went with soldiers from Glarus to fight in the Habsburg-Valois Wars and between 1516 and 1518 he started to question the whole issue of Catholicism as Humanism started to make an impression on him. It is possible that Zwingli did not read any Lutheran literature until he moved in 1518 to Zurich as a Common Preacher (Leutpriester) at the Great Minster. It was at the Great Minster that Zwingli stated what is called the Zurich Reformation with sermons that were based on the Bible. Zwingli soon converted the city's council to his points of view. The council pushed the city into becoming a stronghold of Protestantism and Zurich's lead was followed by Berne and Basle. -- Zwingli's '67 Articles' (1523 A.D.) were adopted by Zurich as the city's official doctrine and the city experienced rapid reform. Preaching and Bible readings - known as prophesyings - were made more frequent; images and relics were frowned on, clerical marriage was allowed, monks and nuns were encouraged to come out of their isolated existence, monasteries were dissolved and their wealth was used to fund education and poor relief. In 1525, Zurich broke with Rome and the Mass became a very simple ceremony using both bread and blood which merely represented the body and blood of Christ. The church of Zwingli attempted to control moral behaviour and strict supervision became common in Zurich. -- As with Martin Luther and John Calvin, the problem Zwingli faced was that some people were concerned that he had gone too far too soon while others, especially the Anabaptists, felt that he had not gone far enough. The Anabaptists were dealt with when Zwingli fell in with the city's magistrates and supported the move to exile the Anabaptists or if they refused to leave the city, deal with them in another way - drowning. -- Zwingli and Luther met at Marburg in 1529 in an attempt to unite the Protestant faiths. This meeting failed to do this. Both men could not reach an agreement on what Christ said at the Last Supper. Luther believed that 'this is my body' meant just that whereas Zwingli believed that 'my' meant signifies. Such disunity among the Protestant faiths only served to encourage the Catholic Church that the Counter-Reformation was having an impact. -- Though Zurich became a stronghold of Protestantism, the areas surrounding the city remained wary of a resurgent Catholic Church. They also feared that Zurich might become too powerful and assert its city powers within these regions. Also the area around Zurich was famed for the mercenaries it provided and such a 'profession' was frowned on by Zwingli. In 1529, these areas around Zurich formed the Christian Union and joined with the catholic Austrian monarchy. Zwingli preached a religious war against them and two campaigns were launched in 1529 and 1531. Zwingli was killed at the Battle of Keppel in October 1531. His work was continued by his son-in-law, Heinrich Bullinger. Full Article Christian Church History Study 2. 313 A.D. to 1521 A.D. - Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire
iss {Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman Empire - 'Occult' power: the politics of witchcraft and superstition in Renaissance Florence - In Florence, how did one family--the Medici--secure their power after over a centur By Published On :: Lawrence's interpretation, however narrow and flawed, does highlight an indisputable element of Grazzini's tale of Dr. Manente: its cruelty and "monstrosity," traits that, I will argue, provide insight into the social structures of the mid-sixteenth century, particularly those that rely upon coersion and force. In Florence, how did one family--the Medici--secure their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they come to construct a myth of their own legitimacy? ... It is important to remember that, from 1494--when the friar himself gained widespread support and offered a major threat to the rule of the Medici family--until long after his execution in 1498, Savonarola bequeathed a powerful religious and political vision that was not dependent on his leadership for survival--a fact that fascinated the political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli. Savonarola's followers--called the Piagnoni first by their enemies and later, proudly, by themselves--remained politically active after his execution, through the Republic that lasted until 1513, when the first Medici pope, Leo X, used the considerable influence of this position to help his family and their allies to return to Florence, and again after the sack of Rome in 1527, which occurred during the pontificate of another Medici, Clement VII. The Piagnoni continued to be active even after the Medici, first Alessandro and then Cosimo I, openly turned Florence onto the path of absolutism [unlimited, centralized authority and absolute sovereignty] by accepting the [nobility] title of Duke. ... Lorenzo's manipulation of the Church comes into play in the next phase of the beffa. ... At this point, Grazzini emphasizes not only that many friars and priests were ignorant, but, more importantly, that the kind of people Lorenzo elevated to positions of power in the Florentine church hierarchy were either superstitious [occult] or corrupt, criticisms that Savonarola also often made of the Medici. Full Article Christian Church History Study 2. 313 A.D. to 1521 A.D. - Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire
iss Domesday Book - Important Facts about the Domesday Book of 1086 A.D. - What is the Domesday book? It was a survey, or census, commissioned by the Norman Conqueror King William I, of his newly conquered lands and possessions in England - It was intended to By Published On :: The census and assessment proved of the highest importance to William the Conqueror and his successors. The people indeed said bitterly that the King kept the Doomsday, or Domesday book constantly by him, in order "that he might be able to see at any time of how much more wool the English flock would bear fleecing." The object of the Doomsday, or Domesday book, however, was not to extort money, but to present a full and exact report of the financial and military resources of the kingdom which might be directly available for revenue and defence. Full Article Christian Church History Study 2. 313 A.D. to 1521 A.D. - Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire
iss The Muratorian Canon Fragment (about A.D. 155) - It is called a fragment because the beginning of it is missing - The Muratorian Fragment is [among] the oldest known list of New Testament books - the list itself is dated to about 170 A.D. because its auth By Published On :: The Muratorian Fragment is the oldest known list of New Testament books. It was discovered by Ludovico Antonio Muratori in a manuscript in the Ambrosian Library in Milan, and published by him in 1740. It is called a fragment because the beginning of it is missing. Although the manuscript in which it appears was copied during the seventh century, the list itself is dated to about 170 because its author refers to the episcopate of Pius I of Rome (died 157) as recent. He mentions only two epistles of John, without describing them. The Apocalypse of Peter is mentioned as a book which "some of us will not allow to be read in church." A very helpful and detailed discussion of this document is to be found in Bruce Metzger's The Canon of the New Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987), pp. 191-201. Full Article Christian Church History Study 1. 0 A.D. to 312 A.D. - Birth of Jesus and the early Church Age
iss Contending for Truth: Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta &a By Published On :: Welcome to the new Contending for Truth website! We are excited to have an opportunity to streamline the site, focusing more on the content and delivering the teachings to you. God Bless you, Dr. Scott Johnson. Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
iss Contending for Truth: Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta &a By Published On :: Welcome to the new Contending for Truth website! We are excited to have an opportunity to streamline the site, focusing more on the content and delivering the teachings to you. God Bless you, Dr. Scott Johnson. Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
iss Contending for Truth: Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta &a By Published On :: Welcome to the new Contending for Truth website! We are excited to have an opportunity to streamline the site, focusing more on the content and delivering the teachings to you. God Bless you, Dr. Scott Johnson. Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
iss Contending for Truth: Exposed: Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Benny Hinn, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul Crouch, Chuck Smith, Hal Lindsey, Rick Joyner, The Pope, TBN, Calvary Chapel, CNP, Knights of Malta &a By Published On :: Welcome to the new Contending for Truth website! We are excited to have an opportunity to streamline the site, focusing more on the content and delivering the teachings to you. God Bless you, Dr. Scott Johnson. Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
iss Jesus Walk 2011 -- Betrayal Tuesday: Why is a Saddleback pastor teaching on the Kingdom Circles - In "The Mission" workshop, which was part of an International Ecumenical Fellowship, Saddleback Pastor Abraham Meulenberg and his wife Marieke spok By Published On :: If you'll notice the diagram behind him, the Kingdom Circles are part of the session. Basically, it's a simple but highly questionable [completely wrong] evangelical tool that people are being taught to draw (sometimes called the "napkin drawing") to demonstrate how those of other faiths can enter the Kingdom of God without converting to Christianity. If you've not heard of this, you need to. The video from the Common Path Alliance as well as this article from the Jesus in the Qur'an organization explains it: -- {Note: In the misleading demonstration three circles are drawn first a lager Kingdom of God (KoG) circle and then two small identical circles supposedly representing Christians and Muslims outside the larger KoG circle, yes in the completely misleading diagram Christians are placed outside of the Kingdom with all the other unsaved Gentiles. Apparently the already saved Christians are still attempting to enter the Kingdom of God and in the demonstration Jesus is not mentioned so their kingdom is not the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Interestingly though not explicitly explained it seems that entrance into their KoG is not directly through the cross of Jesus Christ but apparently through special knowledge (Gnosticism), enlightenment (Occult), and works (i.e. Service and Tithes) it sound very familiar, is sounds like the New Age gospel.} -- Colossians 1:12-23 "Giving thanks unto the Father [God], which hath made us [Christians] meet [assembled] to be partakers of the inheritance **of the Saints in Light: Who [God] hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us **into the Kingdom [of God] of His dear Son [Jesus]: **In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins: [Jesus] Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn [inheritor] of every creature: For by Him [Jesus] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him: And He is [Eternal] before all things, and by Him all things consist. And He is the head [Authority] of the body, the Church: who is the beginning, the firstborn [Resurrection] from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father [God] that in Him [Jesus] should all fulness [Godhead] dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, **by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you [Gentiles], that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled In the body of His flesh through death, **to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight: If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the [True] Gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I [Apostle] Paul am made a minister ..." Full Article Christian Study End Times Summit 2012 Christian Videos
iss Holiness Legacy E-Newsletter March 2012: Welcome to this March issue of the Holiness Legacy eNewsletter - I hope you are enjoying this monthly publication - If you are finding it to be a blessing [to] you please find the "Forward email" link at By Published On :: Today there is much confusion about preaching holiness. In many churches where I preach holiness, people will come and say, "Wow, that was a great sermon. We have not had a holiness sermon preached here for a long time." Then when I talk to the pastor, he or she will say, "I preach holiness every Sunday." One pastor said, "I can't believe it, I preach holiness every Sunday, they just don't recognize it." -- Well, what could be the problem? Could it be that there has been such a reaction against the legalistic [i.e. 7th Kingdom (wordly, self focus) of this world] approach of preaching holiness that we have moved into another one-sided fad? I remember a sermon against cowboy boots because wearing them would make the person proud. There was a time when two trips to the altar was the norm with little focus on a relationship with Christ or a life to be disciplined. There was more of a focus on legalistic rules to follow, most of them in the negative. -- Today we hear life sermons. They emphasize how to live first, but there is not much emphasis on the divine work of grace to empower and enable one to live a holy life. Could it be that the time is right for us to bring the two approaches together? We need the message of living a holy life, but we need to receive the divine experience and be filled with the Holy Spirit who gives us the grace to live out God's plan for holy living. -- We can't live a holy life alone in our own power. Yes, we can discipline ourselves, but it is always with an inner struggle. God put in place a plan for us to to be set free from the bent toward sin. We need the kind of doctrinal preaching that will lead people to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit so they can have a holy relationship with a holy God. Let's use the Biblical terms like Sanctification [8th Kingdom - The Eternal Kingdom of Jeus Christ] so people will understand them when they read about them in the Word. There has never been a greater need for the church to preach the wonderful message of [8th Kingdom] holiness. Let's proclaim it! ~ Dr. Louie E. Bustle - President, Holiness Legacy - -- {Note: The Holiness movement has a history of men and women being Servant Leaders and in that capacity both men and women have pastored as servants representing Holiness pulpits to the congregation. But especially in this day and age it is not wise to let another person male or female have authority over you and sincerely a diverse and capable group of elders, leaders and mentors can and should have an equally or even a more significant impact on Christian and spiritual matters both for the group and for individuals.} Full Article Christian Study - Basic Christian
iss Niederlande versuchen Cannabisschwenk By Published On :: 2023-04-18T18:56:00Z Die Legalisierung von Cannabis stellt einige EU-Staaten auf die Probe: Deutschland musste seine Pläne jüngst etwa abschwächen. Lernen könnte Berlin von einem Experiment, das in den Niederlanden in den Startlöchern steht. Mehrere Städte werden dort den legalen Anbau und Großhandel mit Cannabis testen – wohl auch, um der florierenden Drogenkriminalität etwas entgegenzusetzen. sprach mit Regierung und Betroffenen über Chancen, Fehler und den Wunsch nach einer europäischen Linie. Full Article
iss Einkäufer für Werbemittel / Druckerzeugnisse (m/w/d) By Published On :: 2024-11-13T12:20:30+01:00 Unser Geschäft ist die Freude unserer Kunden. Mit mehr als 140 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern und mehr als 10.000 Artikel im Sortiment sind wir einer der führenden Anbieter für Sammler im Bereich Münzen, Briefmarken und Zubehör. Die Primus GmbH widmet sich hauptsächlich dem Handel mit Münzen, Produkten aus Gold und Silber, Briefmarken, Zubehör und betreibt seit 2020 ein eigenes Auktionshaus. Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n: Einkäufer für Werbemittel / Druckerzeugnisse (m/w/d) Ihre… | Primus GmbH – Konstanz Full Article
iss The Assyrian Spotlight: A Misstep That Amplified Voices By Published On :: 10/18/2024 Donald Trump's mispronunciation of 'Assyrians' at a rally inadvertently spotlighted the Assyrian community in America. Despite their small numbers, Assyrians are influential in swing states like Michigan and Arizona. Full Article
iss The 1968 Travis Pike's Tea Party "If I Didn't Love You Girl" single reissued, news from Otherworld Cottage and Harvey Kubernik By Published On :: Wed, 14 Aug 2019 00:00:00 PDT Otherworld Cottage Industries owner Travis Edward Pike, and music and pop culture author Harvey Kubernik are kranking out the latest news as fast as tomorrow's headlines. Full Article
iss Innovative Idea Incubator Featured in Pittsburgh Magazine's "Best of the 'Burgh" 2024 Issue By Published On :: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 00:00:00 PDT The O'Hara Township facility is featured on page 42 of the magazine and used as a teaser at the beginning of the section. The spread starts with, "For this year's Best of the 'Burgh, we asked our staff and frequent contributors to tell us about things they've recently discovered in our region, whether something new to the area or a longstanding institution they've never experienced first-hand. Full Article
iss Election integrity at stake: Report highlights governance issues in the US By Published On :: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 04:45:00 PDT With less than three weeks to go until the November 5 presidential election, a new analysis warns that declining democratic accountability in the US means the power of American people's voice will be diminished. Full Article
iss After cake attack on Mona Lisa: Castello CUBE has to be hidden in a safe in the Swiss Alps! By Published On :: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 04:30:00 PDT It is the most expensive cube ever made, funded by the booming cryptocurrency Castello Coin. For now, the world-famous Castello CUBE will no longer be open to the public to protect it from damage and theft. Full Article
iss Debra Drexler, Renowned Curator & UH Art Professor, Commends Danielle Nelisse's 'Jungle Garden' at Hui No' Eau Gallery By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 PST Discover the profound artistic expression in Danielle Nelisse's "Jungle Garden," lauded by esteemed curator Debra Drexler and University of Hawaii Art Professor, embodying hope, resilience, and nature's renewal after the Maui fires. Immerse yourself in this vibrant exhibition at Hui No' Eau Art Gallery, where Nelisse's oil painting and others represent a symbol of nature's power against the backdrop of Maui's lush landscape. Full Article
iss Missouri City, TX Author Publishes Children's Book By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 01:00:00 PST Will She Find Her Way Home Or Will She Stay With Her New Family. Full Article
iss Changes to our lives are certain if PM meets bold climate target - but a key ingredient is missing for success By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 19:19:00 +0100 Keir Starmer's arrival at COP29, with a promise to drastically cut the UK's carbon emissions by 81%, will be a small ray of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy start to the climate talks. Full Article
iss Facebook Mission By Published On :: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 09:00:00 -0400 Facebook is on a mission to get Americas 25 million small businesses -- from plumbers to pizza parlors to boutiques -- to actively invest in Facebook ads. Modeling its efforts on how it is already courting big brands -- the Cokes, GEs, and Toyotas of the world -- Facebook aims to teach small businesses how to promote their products and services on its platform. However, this plan could backfire if Facebook does not do one thing first: Teach small businesses how to define and develop their brand. This is true for small businesses as well as for large businesses, and it presents both an opportunity and a risk for Facebook. complete article Full Article
iss Addressing Productivity Issues By Published On :: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:35:14 -0400 Ever look up and see one of your employees texting or chatting on his cellphone when he should be working? If the answers yes, you are certainly not alone. One in five workers admitted that during a typical workday he or she spends at least an hour on personal calls, emails or texts, according to a recent CareerBuilder survey on the top productivity killers at work. complete article Full Article
iss 10 Tax-Savings Hacks That Small Business Owners Often Miss By Published On :: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 09:09:31 -0500 Being a small business owner is expensive as it is -- every penny counts when entrepreneurs are living on razor-thin margins and fighting for market share. But owning and operating a small business is even more expensive when you pay more taxes than you owe. In a survey personal finance expert Garrett Gunderson conducted of his small business-owner clients and wrote about for Forbes, approximately 93 percent of them had overpaid over the past dozen years. Now, nobody expects owners to be tax professionals -- you do have businesses to run, after all -- but it's important to know where you can save money in order to invest that money back into your business. complete article Full Article
iss Why Small Business Owners Need to Reconnect With Their Mission By Published On :: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 18:16:47 -0500 Pivoting has become one of those hot topics in mainstream business media. When an economic crisis arises, countless think pieces are written about how to pivot your business to respond to the external environment. But pivoting is a huge gamble, requiring deep resources and the ability to fail with minimal consequences (hence why the term is often associated with venture-backed startups). And, one must ask oneself if there’s even a solid reason to pivot. As a small business owner, while you might feel pressure to look anywhere and everywhere to increase your top line, resist the urge to pivot. Instead, focus on your mission. Define your mission In the college admissions space, disruption is something we are used to. While high-profile recruiting scandals and a renewed focus on racial inequities have dominated headlines recently, a larger cultural shift was quietly occurring. Full Article
iss Is Dissociation a Form of Psychosis? By Published On :: Tue, 3 May 2022 00:00:00 PDT Title: Is Dissociation a Form of Psychosis?Category: Diseases and ConditionsCreated: 5/3/2022 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 5/3/2022 12:00:00 AM Full Article
iss Rocket and Missile Market Worth $85.22 Billion by 2029 at a CAGR of 6.4% By Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0700 (EMAILWIRE.COM, October 28, 2024 ) This report analyzes the rocket and missile market from 2020 to 2029. It discusses various industry and technology trends currently prevailing in the rocket and missile market and the factors that drive, restrain, and challenge market growth globally. The rocket... Full Article
iss ***** Prime Aviation Services : Flight Permissions | Aviation ... (rank 6) By Published On :: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:22:37 +0100 PAS is one of the leading Aviation management company. We provide one stop solution for all type of flight services globally Full Article
iss ***** Article 250 permits issued | Civil Aviation Authority (rank 10) By Published On :: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 23:30:30 +0100 Article 250 permits issued. Summary of Foreign Carrier Permits granted by the CAA in the last four weeks for charter and scheduled commercial flight operations, in pursuance of Article 250 of the Air Navigation Order 2016. Full Article
iss ***** Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) verification Aviation, Airports ... (rank 21) By Published On :: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 23:30:30 +0100 Verifavia. Verifavia, part of the Normec Group, is a worldwide independent environmental accredited verification, certification and auditing body for aviation, airports and maritime transport. In particular, Verifavia performs independent emissions verification audits for ICAO's CORSIA, EU ETS , UK ETS , Swiss ETS and ACA to aircraft operators ... Full Article
iss Cornelia Schmachtenberg: Kindesmissbrauch durch entschiedenes Handeln bekämpfen! By Published On :: Full Article
iss Christopher Vogt: Für den A20-Weiterbau braucht es mehr als schwarz-grüne Formelkompromisse By Published On :: Full Article
iss Missing folate genes and AIDS - treat hypomethylation with nutrients, not toxic drugs! By Published On :: 2012-10-04T12:02:41+01:00 This is another installment of research into the biochemistry of HIV and Aids by Cal Crilly, an Australian who finds himself fascinated with the intricacies of biology. Crilly analyzes the seemingly unconnected studies that show the biochemical changes that accompany the presence of numerous retroviruses - one of them called HIV - in humans. The mechanism that makes retroviruses appear is hypomethylation, and it is the same mechanism that accompanies pregnancy and inflammation. Those retroviruses are produced in the course of normal biological activity and they are not infectious. There are many different types (ever heard of HIV 'mutating'?). As an aside, we declare pregnant mothers to be "HIV positive" as pregnancy causes the presence of retroviruses in the course of normal biological activity, and those harmless endogenous retroviruses react with what's generally called an "HIV" test. Certain basic nutrients - Selenium, Folate, B12, B6, Choline are the most important - counteract hypomethylation of the cells and thereby calm the production of human endogenous retroviruses. The toxic Aids drug AZT causes hypermethylation but it is so destructive of normal cell processes that most patients die. The 'life prolonging' effect of HAART, the drug cocktail that is prescribed to Aids patients today is due to a sharp decrease in the dosage of deadly AZT in the cocktail. Cal demonstrates those facts and more with reference to studies you can find as well, if you're interested in the details. Meanwhile we continue to treat immune compromised people with drugs that further compromise the immune system and - in many cases - kill the patient. When is medicine going to start treating those people by insisting on better eating and supplementation supplying the correct nutrients? How long will it take until the toxic drugs are phased out in favor of real prevention?... Full Article
iss Sparkommissar im Steuerparadies By Published On :: Selbst für die Pflichtausgaben reicht das Geld nicht mehr, weitere Kreditaufnahme sieht die Aufsichtsbehörde aber auch nicht gern - Szenen, wie man sie sonst aus manchen Städten im Ruhrpott kennt, spielen sich jetzt auf den Kaiman-Inseln ab. Chris Bryant heißt der Staatsminister im britischen Außenministerium, der in der britischen Kolonie die unbeliebte Rolle des Sparkommissars spielt und dem Ländchen, das mit rund 50.000 Einwohnern eher kleiner ist als die Städte im Ruhrpott, die Genehmigung zur weiteren Kreditaufnahme verweigert. Full Article
iss Card issuing banks By Published On :: 2022-07-16T04:46:26Z CITIStandard CharteredHSBCAmerican ExpressHDFCICICIAXISINDUS INDKotak MahindraIDBISBICanara BankVijaya Bank Full Article
iss Army of Shadows (Reissue) By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:27:18 PDT Highly Recommended The Movie: Written and directed by Jean-Pierre Melville and based on a novel by Josepeh Kessel, 1969's Army Of Shadows begins when a French man named Philippe Gerbier (Lino Ventura) is hauled into an internment camp in the Nazi occupied France of 1942. Here he meets a few of his bunkmates and befriends a young communist who helps him plan an escape. Before that happens, however, he's released. He winds up back in Marseille where he reconnects with members of The French Resistance whose first order of the day is to execute a member of their own group who, under pressure from German forces, essentially squealed on them. As the walls in the building as paper thin' and there's no good knife around, the young man is strangled, his body left covered on a mattress in the corner of the room.From here we get to know some of Gerbier's collaborators such as Le Masque (Claude Mann),...Read the entire review Full Article DVD Video
iss The Holy Spirit Pt2: What's Missing? By Published On :: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 13:01:02 GMT Just like the twelve 'disciples' in Ephesus, the original twelve in Jerusalem also had something missing. They had spent three years with Jesus, but still needed their Pentecost experience. Jesus warned His disciples that they needed more to accomplish His commission. Here in Part 2 of 'The Holy Spirit', we will find out 'What's Missing?', and learn of the utter necessity of living and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit. This challenging message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel ( Full Article Religion & Spirituality
iss La Chine s'appr�te � lancer le vaisseau cargo Tianzhou-8 By Published On :: 2024-11-13T12:03:10+01:00 La combinaison du vaisseau cargo Tianzhou-8 et d'une fus�e porteuse Longue Mache-7 Y9 a �t� verticalement transf�r�e mercredi vers la zone de lancement. Le vaisseau spatial sera lanc� � un moment opportun dans un proche avenir, selon l'Agence des... Full Article Chine
iss Chine : la partie continentale d�clare que les consultations entre les deux rives du d�troit sont possibles en reconnaissant le Consensus de 1992 By Published On :: 2024-11-13T17:59:59+01:00 Les consultations entre l'Association pour les relations entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (ARATS) et la Fondation pour les �changes entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (SEF) pourraient reprendre si les autorit�s de Taiwan... Full Article Chine
iss Chine : la puissance de l'aviation et de la d�fense de la partie continentale est une protection solide pour les compatriotes taiwanais By Published On :: 2024-11-13T19:06:49+01:00 Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a qualifi� les r�sultats et la puissance de la partie continentale dans les domaines de l'aviation, de l'a�rospatiale et de la d�fense nationale de protection "solide et immense" pour les... Full Article China
iss Chine : croissance vigoureuse du secteur de la livraison express en octobre By Published On :: 2024-11-13T20:14:44+01:00 Le secteur chinois de la livraison express a enregistr� une expansion rapide en octobre, avec une acc�l�ration significative du taux de croissance des affaires, selon un indice de l'industrie publi� mercredi par le Bureau national des postes. ... Full Article livraison express