
13 Reasons Why season three will be yet another disappointment

The trailer has left people feeling confused, somewhat surprised and also overjoyed. For me, it's disappointment.


CJP Isa slams bureaucrats' job quota for children, calls for merit-based hiring

Supreme Court reviews a case concerning government jobs allocated through a statutory regulatory order (SRO)


KP pushes for entering PIA privatisation bid

An representational image of a PIA airplane. — AFP/FileKP’s offer would exceed Rs10 billion bid from Blue World Consortium.Province highlights commitment to preserving PIA as a national asset.KP government pledges strong backing for PIA’s revival and national interests.


India denies visas to most Pakistan players for Scrabble competitions

Affan Salman holding up Pakistani flag while celebrating his victory in the World Youth Scrabble Championship 2024. — Geo Super/File

The Indian High Commission has refused to issue visas to most Pakistani players, preventing the defending champions from participating in the...


'$1 billion disaster': What went wrong for Harris' campaign

Vice President Kamala Harris' luring of celebrities out of their mansions to perform songs for middle-class voters struggling to afford groceries and rent was symbolic of an attitude that ultimately doomed her presidential campaign.


Trump, Harris disagree on what protecting the environment means

Solving difficult environmental questions is at the top of the agenda for Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.


Trump, Harris disagree about U.S. role in overseas affairs

Fans of the status quo will be comfortable with the foreign policy stance of the Democratic candidate.


Trump, Harris disagree on school choice as a civil rights issue

About half of Americans believe the public education system is headed in the wrong direction.


Maryland's opportunity to salvage disappointing season begins with Rutgers

Now back at home for the first time in nearly a month and with three games remaining, the chance for Maryland to salvage a disappointing season with a potential bowl appearance begins with Rutgers.


Japan's nuclear watchdog disqualifies a reactor for the first time since Fukushima disaster

Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday formally disqualified a reactor in the country's north-central region from restarting, the first rejection under safety standards that were reinforced after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The decision is a setback for Japan as it seeks to accelerate reactor restarts to maximize nuclear power.


La Germania divisa tra etica e diritto

È giusto considerare Puigdemont alla stregua di un terrorista o di un ladro, perché di questo si tratta, consegnandolo nelle braccia di un sistema che potrebbe condannarlo a 30 anni di carcere?

È una classica contraddizione weberiana, tra etica dei valori e etica della responsabilità, quella che si trova a fronteggiare la Germania, con l’arresto del leader catalano Puigdemont, in esecuzione di un mandato di cattura europeo emesso dalle autorità spagnole. La Repubblica federale, come tutti i Paesi della Ue, ha sottoscritto un meccanismo basato sulla reciproca fiducia, in grado di rendere più semplici le procedure di estradizione all’interno dello spazio comunitario. Come spiega oggi nell’intervista al Corriere il professor Martin Heger, il mandato di cattura europeo implica che ogni Paese si fidi dello Stato di diritto di un altro e viceversa. Per questo, quando viene emesso per una delle 32 categorie di reati gravi previste, comporta una procedura squisitamente giuridica, priva cioè di influenze politiche.

Responsabilità dei giudici dello Schleswig-Hollstein, il Land dove il leader secessionista è stato intercettato su segnalazione dei servizi spagnoli e fermato, è dunque di verificare che i reati contestati dai colleghi madrileni a Puigdemont siano compatibili con quelli previsti dal codice penale tedesco e se del caso concedere l’estradizione. È poco probabile però, secondo gli esperti, che questa venga decisa sulla base dell’accusa di ribellione, visto che il reato analogo in Germania, quello di «alto tradimento», è legato indissolubilmente alla violenza o all’incitazione alla violenza. Puigdemont non ha mai lanciato alcun appello alle armi, a meno di non considerare tale l’appello al voto. È invece più verosimile, ancorché ugualmente controverso, che l’accusa buona per estradarlo si riveli alla fine quella di appropriazione indebita di denaro pubblico, usato dall’ex presidente catalano per organizzare una consultazione considerata illegale e in violazione dell’ordine costituzionale spagnolo.
Fin qui l’etica della responsabilità, appunto, cui difficilmente la Germania potrà sottrarsi nel rispetto delle regole europee liberamente sottoscritte e della fiducia dovuta ai partner. «La Spagna è uno Stato di diritto», ha ribadito ieri il portavoce del governo tedesco, Steffen Seibert. I valori sono un’altra cosa, specialmente per un Paese ad altissima sensibilità democratica e garantista come in ragione della sua storia è la Repubblica Federale. Forse con una punta di esagerazione, la Sueddeutsche Zeitung ha toccato il nervo scoperto di questa vicenda, definendo Puigdemont il «primo prigioniero politico» della Germania.

Sarà possibile per il governo tedesco ignorare questa semplice verità e trincerarsi dietro la procedura tecnica? È giusto considerare Puigdemont alla stregua di un terrorista o di un ladro, perché di questo si tratta, consegnandolo nelle braccia di un sistema che potrebbe condannarlo a 30 anni di carcere? «Il mandato di cattura europeo non è uno strumento per regolare questioni di politica interna con l’aiuto di pubblici ministeri stranieri», commenta Wolfgang Janisch sul giornale bavarese. Né la fiducia reciproca su cui si fonda l’intero costrutto può essere cieca, ignorando il sospetto di persecuzione politica che accompagna l’azione delle autorità centrali spagnole contro i leader del movimento catalano. Perché se è vero che la secessione catalana non è legale, né costituzionale, è difficile per la Germania come per ogni altro Paese accettare che Madrid tenti di sconfiggere un movimento di massa democratico solo con la forza o il codice penale esteso all’intero territorio comunitario grazie al mandato di cattura europeo. Quanto sia sanabile la contraddizione weberiana tra responsabilità e principi è impossibile dire. Forse non lo è. E questo pone il nuovo governo tedesco in una posizione molto complicata, tanto più alla luce degli ottimi rapporti da sempre intercorsi tra Angela Merkel e Mariano Rajoy. Il caso è già politico. I Verdi suggeriscono che Berlino promuova un negoziato tra il governo di Madrid e i leader catalani, affidando la mediazione alla Commissione europea.

Una cosa certa. Nella sua improbabilità, Puigdemont ha internazionalizzato la vicenda catalana, confermando che nella Ue non esistono più crisi locali, che ogni battito d’ali provoca ripercussioni profonde e che farebbe bene l’Europa a prenderne atto.


3rd EU BON stakeholder roundtable: Workflow from data mobilisation to practice

The 3rd EU BON stakeholder roundtable took place from 10 to 11 December 2015 in Granada, Spain. The meeting brought together participants from global, European and regional projects, institutions, governmental organizations and universities to discuss biodiversity data workflows across different scales. Other important issues to discuss were current limitations of workflows but also tools and products from EU BON and other projects that may help to improve data collection, analysis and use in policy and practice.

Images from the workshop showing participants and group discussions; Credit: Dirk Schmeller/Florian Wetzel

The roundtable focused on EU BON test sites, workflows of data/information and the further usage for policy reporting and political processes. These issues were discussed with partners from EU BON and related biodiversity projects (LTER, GEO BON, Life Watch, Ecoscope) and stakeholders of biodiversity data (regional biodiversity networks: the environmental information network of Andalusia (Rediam), the Center for Monitoring and Assessment of Global Change (CAESCG), the Life project ADAPTAMED as well as local scientists).

On the first day, the different approaches from global (GEO BON) and European projects (EU BON, LTER, Life Watch, Ecoscope) were presented with a special emphasis on data collection, integration and analysis tools from EU BON. Furthermore, regional stakeholders pointed out their demands with regards to data mobilizations issues.

During the second day, discussions focused on the workflow of biodiversity data and the current barriers was discussed and current barriers and possible solutions to overcome the problems. Currently particularly socio-economic data is lacking as well as funding schemes to support interdisciplinary work as well as lacking capacities to address these questions.

In the World Café session, smaller groups discussed details of the workflow, particularly on (1) data mobilization, (2) data and tools, (3) implementation, and (4) upscaling.

As outcomes of the discussions at the round table, several recommendations were drafted, for example, to prioritise developed EU BON tools for further usage in the project and through the portal, to better address the user groups on different levels and provide a detailed and specific description for the tools. There are several biodiversity data workflows existing at the test sites, that could be improved by additional / existing tools, guidelines and standards from projects such as EU BON and by an enhanced communication between local sites, regional networks (as "middle-ware") and European networks.

Overall, it was agreed that a showcase for the workflow of biodiversity data from collection up to visualization (e.g. maps and using user such as the Andalusian Rediam network or/and IPBES as an example) is needed to showcase better the benefits of a European biodiversity network and enhance current functionalities by analyzing barriers and limitations in such an example of an "EU BON storyline".


Presentations Day 1

Presentations Day 2

Picture: Main European networks, projects and regional participants; Credits: Dirk Schmeller/EU projects logos


3rd EU BON Stakeholder Round Table "Biodiversity data workflow - from data mobilisation to practice"

The 3rd EU BON Stakeholder Round Table "Biodiversity data workflow - from data mobilisation to practice" will take place on 10&11 December 2015 Granada, Spain.

One main objective of the round table is to understand how the workflow from data mobilisation to decision making functions in practice, including within the context of EU BON.

Firstly, we want to evaluate what kind of (biodiversity) data are available and what workflows and best practices already exist. Secondly, we want to assess which gaps still exist and what will be needed to improve the current situation to overcome existing barriers.

Please register here:



Voters rejected Question 4. Here’s why readers are ‘disappointed.’

“It's a real shame for sufferers of PTSD and CPTSD, who can greatly benefit from therapy with these substances,” one respondent said.

The post Voters rejected Question 4. Here’s why readers are ‘disappointed.’ appeared first on


Characterisation of false-positive observations in botanical surveys


Agree to Disagree

President Trump has backed away from his efforts to include a citizenship question on the 2020 US census. But immigrants still fear being asked that question. Also, there’s an outbreak of measles in two ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in New York City. A nurse there is trying to convince those in the community to get vaccinated; former US Defence Secretary Ash Carter offers his views on current tensions with; and a Venezuelan family divided by distance and politics, a daughter laments.


Are You Prepared for Disaster?

“How could we have prepared for this?” Operation Blessing’s Disaster Relief team hears these words all too often after a disaster destroys a family home. Nobody knows when disaster will strike, so it’s important to be prepared with a disaster emergency kit. Does your family know what do to in case of disaster? How prepared are you? These fun questions are designed to spark a family conversation about your specific preparation plan. Here are some suggested talking points. When will you stay?...


Creating a Disaster Resilient Future

Before I speak to organizations about energy-efficient and disaster-resilient construction, I update the toll that recent storms and disasters have taken.


Adeela Warley: The ‘stay or go’ social media debate must ultimately come down to organisational purpose

Centring missions, creating space for discussion and continuing to test and learn will help every charity tailor their approach to online spaces


Local authorities must improve engagement with voluntary organisations, report finds

The Care Quality Commission said addressing inequalities demanded better relationships between local authorities and the voluntary sector


Mark Dowie: ‘This organisation has lasted 200 years for a reason’

Lucinda Rouse speaks to the outgoing chief of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution about cycles, Covid-19 and the ‘one crew’ pledge


Develop a ‘culture of listening’ to reduce digital barriers for disabled volunteers, charities urged

A new report highlights factors that stop many disabled adults from giving their time to good causes


Chemical Safety Board launches interactive PSM training based on Texas City disaster

Washington — Recently released interactive training from the Chemical Safety Board incorporates agency findings from a deadly refinery explosion to form guidelines for managing hazardous chemicals and complying with OSHA’s standard on process safety management.


Partisan clash continues over what defines a ‘joint employer’

Washington — Federal lawmakers are divided down party lines over a proposed rule from the National Labor Relations Board that would restore the board’s previous definition of “joint employer.”


Overexertion tops list of disabling work injuries for third straight year: report

Hopkinton, MA – “Overexertion involving outside sources” was the leading cause of disabling injuries in the United States in 2014 for the third consecutive year, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, an annual ranking of serious, nonfatal workplace injuries based on direct workers’ compensation costs.


Doctors’ assessments for determining worker disability vary widely, study finds

Basel, Switzerland – Health care professionals’ judgment varies significantly when they conduct medical evaluations to determine whether workers should receive disability benefits for an injury or illness, and standards are needed to improve the process, according to researchers from the University of Basel.


Researchers find link between work-related disability and suicide or self-harm

Melbourne, Australia — People who are unable to work because of a disabling on-the-job injury or illness are at greater risk for suicide or self-harm, according to the results of a recent research review.


Researchers find link between disabling work injuries, other health problems

Morgantown, WV — A permanent disability caused by a work-related injury can increase the risk of other serious health disorders and even premature death, results of recent study suggest.


Biden signs bill ensuring increases to Black Lung Disability Trust Fund

Washington — A new law permanently restores a recently expired excise tax rate increase on coal production, which will help fund health care and other benefits for coal miners who have black lung disease.


Minority workers have the highest risk for injury, disability: study

Los Angeles – Latino immigrants and African-American men are most at risk for being injured on the job, according to a study from the University of Southern California.


Bipartisan bill would make VPP permanent

Washington – OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Programs would become a permanent fixture, under bipartisan legislation introduced May 21 in the House.


Senators push latest bipartisan attempt to make OSHA’s VPP permanent

Washington – Senators on both sides of the aisle are again seeking to make OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Programs a permanent fixture.


Recovering From Disaster — Faster

We’ve all seen the headlines — fearsome storms, flooding, earthquakes and more. Fortunately, these disasters don’t happen every day — at least not in most places — but hearing the news is a reminder that a severe weather event or natural disaster could happen on any given day in your town and at your facility. Do you have a disaster preparedness and recovery plan in place? 


Air transport of lithium batteries: Disaster ‘only a matter of time,’ DeFazio says

Washington – A lawmaker is predicting a grim outcome if regulators do not strengthen safety standards for air transport of lithium cells and batteries.


Bill would restore increased tax rate on coal to fund black lung disability benefits

Washington — Proposed legislation would create funding for health care and other benefits for coal miners who have black lung disease by extending, for 10 years, a recently expired excise tax rate increase on coal production.


Preparing for disasters and crises: Free online course

Lowell, MA — Keeping workers safe during a disaster – natural or human-caused – is the goal of a new online course from a NIOSH Total Worker Health Center of Excellence.


MSHA completes internal fixes spurred by Upper Big Branch disaster

Arlington, VA – The Mine Safety and Health Administration has addressed all of the 100 corrective actions recommended in its 2012 internal review following the Upper Big Branch mine explosion in April 2010, the agency announced Jan. 13.


Bipartisan group of senators to FMCSA: ‘Explore improvements’ to HOS rules

Washington — A bipartisan group of 30 senators is calling for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Administrator Raymond Martinez to “explore improvements” to hours-of-service regulations for commercial truck drivers.


Bipartisan House bills seek ELD exemptions for livestock haulers, small carriers

Washington – Bipartisan bills introduced in the House on March 12 would exempt certain segments of the commercial motor vehicle industry from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s mandate on use of electronic logging devices to record truck driver hours of service.


Design issue could allow Positive Train Control systems to be disabled, FRA warns

Washington — The Federal Railroad Administration has issued a safety advisory to railroads and rail employees regarding a recently identified interface design issue that relates to how Positive Train Control systems interface with locomotive and cab car braking systems.


Long-term disability claims related to MSDs rose over past decade: report

Chattanooga, TN — Long-term work disability claims for musculoskeletal issues have climbed 40% overall and 62% among men since 2010, and are especially prevalent among workers in occupations that require heavy lifting, repetitive motion or prolonged sitting, a recent analysis from insurance company Unum shows.


Stakeholders debate potential benefits, disadvantages of I2P2 standard

Washington – Four stakeholders recently debated the merits of an OSHA injury and illness prevention program standard.


Overexertion tops causes of disabling work injuries: report

Hopkinton, MA – “Overexertion involving outside sources” remains the leading cause of disabling injuries in the United States, according to the annual Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, which ranks serious, nonfatal workplace injuries.


How Businesses Keep Workers Safe During Natural Disasters

Because natural disasters can result in significant loss of life and property, it’s incumbent not only on individuals and homeowners to prepare to respond, but also on businesses to have response plans in place.


The Kh?rijites? Misunderstanding and Misapplication of the Verses Pertaining to Judging with All?h?s Law


A subtle change may increase disability disclosures

DeKalb, IL — Could altering the language on disability disclosure forms encourage more workers to disclose their conditions? A recent study explored this idea.


Changes to federal worker disability program under debate

Washington – The Department of Labor claims proposed changes to its Federal Employees’ Compensation Act program would create a more equitable system, but some experts at a July 10 House hearing warned that the changes could drastically affect injured federal workers.


Updated guidance details ADA requirements for workers with hearing disabilities

Washington — Although some employers may incorrectly assume otherwise, people with a hearing disability can be safe and effective workers, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says in a recently updated document.


OSHA says its new authority to issue nonimmigrant status visas will aid investigations

Washington — OSHA will soon be able to issue certifications in support of T and U nonimmigrant status visas, a move the agency contends will aid in some workplace safety investigations.


OSHA disagrees with many findings in recent DOL OIG audit report

Washington — OSHA’s Field Operations Manual needs an update so the agency can “better address complaints and referrals,” the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General says.