
¿Cómo es estilo de vida puede ayudar a mejorar o cronificar la migraña?

¿Cómo es estilo de vida puede ayudar a mejorar o cronificar la migraña?


Día Mundial de la Migraña: conciencia ante una enfermedad estigmatizada


Atención integral en la migración infantil


Migrantes Aeropuerto, Presupuesto, Novenas.

Escuche el programa de este miércoles 20 de diciembre. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña por más de 30 años a sus oyentes en el regreso a casa.


En el camino hay ladrones, te roban todo, hasta comida: Migrante haitiano


Migraña: cómo curarla y qué sirve para prevenirla


Abusos y hurtos: Caracol Radio acompaña la travesía de migrantes Haitianos (Parte 1)


Abusos y hurtos: Caracol Radio acompaña la travesía de migrantes Haitianos (Parte 2)


Cabas y Martina La Peligrosa: dos soñadores que estrenan su tema 'Solos'


Periodista de Cuba en El Dorado denuncia que Migración no la deja salir


EE.UU. quiere inmigrantes, pero no quiere ilegales: Inmigración al Día


Manatí, Atlántico, el drama de migrar a EE.UU por la frontera en México


Día Mundial de la Acción contra la Migraña: las claves para tratar el dolor


“Buscamos países que hicieran un trabajo excepcional con los migrantes”: Peter Laugharn

En 10AM Hoy por Hoy estuvo Peter Laugharn, presidente y CEO de la Fundación Contad N. Hilton, hablando sobre cómo impulsan el empleo formal y el desarrollo de la población migrante en Colombia.


Los Tigres del Norte: “Colombia ha sido nuestra casa, el público nos recibe de manera maravillosa”


Las dos localidades más peligrosas de Bogotá están ubicadas en el centro

Jorge Wilson Blanco Rincón, personero delegado para Seguridad, Convivencia y Justicia explica el informe en el que se evidencian cuales son las zonas donde más hay hurtos y homicidios.


“La vida de Armando Benedetti está en peligro”: analista político sobre filtración de audios


Policía alerta sobre juegos peligrosos en plataformas como TikTok


¿Cómo está la situación de los migrantes venezolanos en Colombia?

En 10AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Ronal Rodríguez, investigador y vocero del Observatorio de Venezuela de la Universidad del Rosario, hablando sobre a situación de los migrantes venezolanos en Colombia.


Día Internacional de la Acción contra la Migraña: algunas formas para combatir la enfermedad

El doctor Leonardo Bello, especialista en neurología, habló sobre las causas, consecuencias y  alternativas para combatir el padecimiento de la migraña


Candidato a la Alcaldía de Necoclí transporta a migrantes hacia la frontera con Panamá

El candidato Fredy Marín habló en 10AM HOY por HOY sobre esta particular labor, con la que dice estar ayudando al municipio y a las personas que buscan atravesar el Tapón del Darién.


Plan de contigencia para migración luego de elecciones en Venezuela: Gdor Norte Santander

En 10 AM de Caracol Radio estuvo William Villamizar, gobernador de Norte de Santander, quien habló cómo está el departamento en materia migratoria, tras el éxodo de personas venezolanas.


Los peligros del uso de “vapeadores” y cigarrillos electrónicos en adolescentes

En Familia, le contamos cuál es la importancia de que Colombia cuente con una ley que regule el uso y venta de vapeadores y cigarrillos electrónicos.


Se lleva a cabo el 'Migraña Fest' 2021, el espacio para conocer sobre esta enfermedad


Wamaris, el taller y la joyería de artesanía filigrana en Mompox


Jorge Hernández, de Los Tigres del Norte, habló sobre el fallecimiento de Vicente Fernández


Yuligrafía, la instagrammer que enseña redacción, ortografía y las maneras correctas del idioma


Murciélagos en peligro de extinción en el país por pérdida de hábitat


Rosa Montero presenta el libro 'El peligro de estar cuerda'


Cata López, la colombiana que se convirtió en un apoyo para los emigrantes emprendedores en EE.UU


Xenofobia y maltrato: Vanessa Ortega denuncia abuso por autoridades migratorias en México

En 10AM Hoy por Hoy, Vanessa Ortega, una colombiana naturalizada mexicana, compartió su experiencia, donde denunció abusos por parte de las autoridades migratorias en México.


Seguridad y Migración, dos focos de Asocapitales para enfrentar en las ciudades

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, Luz María Zapata, directora de Asocapitales, comparte estrategias para abordar los desafíos urbanos prioritarios en Colombia, incluyendo movilidad, gestión de residuos y acceso a servicios básicos.


Había una imagen de una Colombia en conflicto, un país peligroso: Embajador de Dinamarca

En Caracol Radio estuvo Erik Høeg, embajador de Dinamarca en Colombia


Es difícil la crisis migratoria y situación en Venezuela lo duplicará: gobernador Aguilar

En el programa 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio, el gobernador Aguilar, se mostró preocupado por este tema


La aprobación de la reforma tributaria es peligrosa y causaría recesión: Bruce Mac Master

El presidente de la ANDI, estuvo en los micrófonos de 6AM Hoy por Hoy, para discutir las implicaciones de una nueva reforma tributaria.


SENA abrió cupos gratuitos para migrantes que quieran certificar competencias laborales

El SENA anunció esta convocatoria llamada ‘Certificatón: Oportunidades sin Fronteras’. Le contamos todo lo que debe saber.


“Proceso con ELN estaba en peligro, pero ya se le dio cristiana sepultura”: Ariel Ávila

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo el senador Ariel Ávila, para hablar sobre qué viene para Colombia tras el cierre del proceso de paz con el ELN.


Si hay un peligro real contra la vida del presidente Petro: Embajador de EE.UU en Colombia

Durante el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, habló Francisco Palmieri, embajador de EE.UU. en Colombia, sobre cuál es la posición de Estados Unidos sobre el proceso de paz en Colombia y qué piensan de la posición del gobierno Petro frente a la situación de Venezuela


Si hay un peligro real contra la vida del presidente Petro: Embajador de EE.UU en Colombia

Durante el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, habló Francisco Palmieri, embajador de EE.UU. en Colombia, sobre cuál es la posición de Estados Unidos sobre el proceso de paz en Colombia y qué piensan de la posición del gobierno Petro frente a la situación de Venezuela


Estamos tranquilos por Huracán Miltón, pero el peligro es inminente:colombiano en Florida

Alberto Caicedo. Colombiano en Tampa, habló en 6AM sobre las medidas que implementarán para mitigar consecuencias del paso del Huracán.


La política migratoria favorece más a hispanos que pagaron sus derechos: portavoz de Trump

En 6 AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Jaime Flórez, portavoz de la campaña de Donald Trump y del Partido Republicano, quien habló sobre cómo reciben el triunfo de Trump a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.


Amitava Kumar on India, the U.S. and the indelible imprint of the immigrant experience

The academic and author spoke with Eleanor Wachtel about his provocative new novel, Immigrant, Montana.

  • Radio/Writers & Company


Danielle Smith and disinformation; scented candle reviews as COVID indicator; a surgeon in Tigray and more

What Danielle Smith posted on her subscribers-only social media; how litter boxes in schools became a Republican talking point; Yankee scented candle reviews as COVID indicator; a surgeon struggles to care for patients through Ethiopia's civil war; Brent Bambury returns and more.

  • Radio/Day 6


Children's hospital crisis, migration to Mastodon, Crown Lands, Herb Carnegie's daughter, and more

How parents of sick kids are coping with the children's hospital crisis; what Mastodon could teach Twitter users about 'netizenship'; Bernice Carnegie's call to action for hockey; Lindsay Lohan's Falling for Christmas; and more.

  • Radio/Day 6


Is Canada ready to accept over 1 million new immigrants in the next 3 years?

Canada intends to significantly boost immigration over the next three years to secure its economic prosperity as industries stare down a large labour shortage. The plan also calls for more immigrants to be accepted based on their works skills.

  • Radio/Cross Country Checkup


Trump's Cruel and Racist Attack on All Immigrants: Operation Wetback II

No campaign promise will impose more mass oppression than the zero due process mass round-ups that Donald Trump touts at every rally. 

Former President Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance continually promise an almost unimaginable assault on American (legally here or otherwise) workers if elected. They want to bring back Operation Wetback from the 1950s but at a much greater magnitude. These promises play a leading role in their campaign for the White House and make an appearance in each and every campaign rally. In fact, at one recent rally Trump promised a "bloody" round-up and removal operation. These round-ups also feature prominently in the GOP platform so the entire party supports mass round-ups.

The original Operation Wetback rounded-up American workers with no due process and summarily dropped them across the border into Mexico. Undocumented as well as legal workers suffered a militarized round-up across the nation. The operation even ensnared unknown numbers of US Citizens and broke-up families consisting of US Citizens and legal workers along with undocumented workers. It amounted to a terror campaign to get immigrants to self-deport. This brazenly racist effort serves as Trump's model.

Trump and Vance promise to round-up as many as 20 million American workers a million at a time. Vance would round-up legal and illegal immigrants alike. Like Eisenhower's approach, legality does not matter, only skin color, which explains the utter cruelty of its implementation.

The mass deportation program the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950s pursued is the closest and best historical corollary to such a proposal:

The only historical comparison to a mass deportation programme came in 1954, when as many as 1.3 million people were deported as part of Operation Wetback, named after a derogatory slur then commonly used against Mexican people. . . . The programme, under President Dwight Eisenhower, ran into considerable public opposition-partly because some US citizens were also deported - as well as a lack of funding. It was largely discontinued by 1955. Immigration experts say that the earlier operation's focus on Mexican nationals and lack of due process makes it incomparable to what a modern-day mass deportation programme would look like. 

President Trump, however, proposes a militarized and no due process round-up that likely would leave the 1950s program in the dust. In a Time magazine interview Trump said: "So if you look back into the 1950s, Dwight Eisenhower . . . was very big on illegal immigration not coming into our country. And he did a massive deportation of people." The former President assumes he can do the job with the National Guard, but Trump promises to use the military if necessary, claiming that no federal law prohibits the use of the military against non-civilians. Indeed, it appears that Trump will accord those ensnared in this military operation zero due process,, as he makes clear in this video, from his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). He states: "We will pick them up and we will throw them out of our country and there will be no questions asked."

Trump will also not rule out the use of detention camps. Trump's top immigration advisor, the notoriously racist Stephen Miller, said: "Because of the logistical challenges…you would need to build an extremely large holding area for illegal immigrants that at any given points in time . . . could hold upwards of 50, 60, 70,000 illegal aliens while you are waiting to send them . . . somewhere that would be willing to accept them.” Presumably, citizens ensnared in these round-ups would hold some means of getting released.

Make no mistake, Trump promises cruel and brutal treatment for those rounded-up, otherwise why would he work so hard to dehumanize and demonize migrants? Alfonso Aguilar, of the American Principles Project's Latino Partnership, states: "The Eisenhower mass deportation policy was tragic, human rights were violated. People were removed to distant locations without food and water. There were many deaths, unnecessary deaths. Sometimes even U.S. citizens of Hispanic origin, of Mexican origin were removed. It was a travesty. It was terrible. Immigrants were humiliated." In her book Impossible Subjects, Mae Ngai writes that many Mexicans were deported by ship. A congressional investigation, according to the book, compared the conditions on the ship to that of an "eighteenth century slave ship."

Trump and his MAGA cult consistently dehumanize migrants and propagate the most heinous lies about them--calling them animals and wrongfully accusing them of eating pets. They do this to pave the way for unspeakable evil. This evil plotting constitutes the core of their campaign and features in every rally and every campaign event. Dehumanization and demonization is the way to get many people to engage in deeply immoral and evil misconduct.

Miller himself admits that much of this will occur pursuant to a "shock and awe blitz of Executive Orders" such that the slow-moving courts will not keep pace with the Trump plan. Miller promises that the next Trump Administration will not include those counseling compliance with law; instead, officials will prepare to move quickly on Day 1.“Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” Miller led the Trump Administration's family separation policy which courts found unlawful but which still inflicted permanent cruelty upon children, many of whom remain separated from their families. As of mid-2024, Trump's policy of family separation still violates the law and about 1100 children still remain separated from their families despite a federal injunction to the contrary, and despite a Biden task force charged with repairing this manifest cruelty

Many of the barriers and guardrails that stopped Trump from pursuing unlawful conduct such as these round-ups are now weakened or simply gone. The judiciary includes many more Trump appointees compared to 2016. Trump now prepares for a second term with a greater focus on appointing compliant and obedient underlings. Indeed, he wants to eliminate the civil service. His lawyers already laid out arguments for the use of little used laws like the Alien Enemies Act

Worse yet this fast-moving mass round-up campaign will combine with Trump's promise to abolish birthright citizenship to create a perfect storm of lawless cruelty, which I will focus upon in my next post.


WATCH: Donald Trump focuses on immigration at Colorado rally, says Democrats “are ruining your state”

Live updates from former President Donald Trump's rally in Aurora today. Speakers have included U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert and state Rep. Gabe Evans, a congressional candidate.


WATCH: Donald Trump focuses on immigration at Colorado rally, says Democrats “are ruining your state”

Live updates from former President Donald Trump's rally in Aurora today. Speakers have included U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert and state Rep. Gabe Evans, a congressional candidate.


What Trump’s second term means for Colorado immigrants, public lands, abortion access and Space Command

Here's how the coming second term of President-elect Donald Trump could impact Colorado's immigrants, public lands, abortion access and hosting of the U.S. Space Command headquarters.


Trump’s deportation threats bring “so much uncertainty” to immigrant-friendly Colorado, advocates say

Trump, who has referred to immigrants “poisoning the blood” of the United States, promised to carry out mass deportations of people who are here illegally.