
Here is how to keep children from poor families in school

The conditions of slum life affect girls and boys from poor households in a similar way.


Google Classroom preferred eLearning platform for schools

Currently, platform has attracted over 100 million users.


Hong Kong lawmakers reject a HK$1.4 billion loan plan for four international schools

Hong Kong lawmakers on Friday rejected a proposal by four international schools seeking a total of HK$1.4 billion (US$180 million) in interest-free loans for campus development as they face financial pressure during the coronavirus pandemic.This came as Harrow International School Hong Kong announced this week it would offer a 20 per cent reduction of the summer term tuition fees to parents, following an earlier petition demanding a fee cut of up to 25 per cent.The proposal, which was tabled by…


Coronavirus: Schools ready for Monday (Updated)

Schools will be ready by Monday to receive final year high-school students, the chairman of secondary education headmasters said on Saturday. The rest of the schools are scheduled to open on May 21. Giorgos Iosiphides said excess desks and chairs have been removed from classrooms in line with guidelines. The...

The post Coronavirus: Schools ready for Monday (Updated) appeared first on Cyprus Mail.


Coronavirus: Summer schools plan for the best, prepare for the worst

Parents and children hoping against hope that the ease in coronavirus restrictions means that summer schools in July will go ahead as normal, may need to hold their breath a little longer. The Education Minister Prodromos Prodomou confirmed to the Sunday Mail on Friday that under present conditions, summer schools...

The post Coronavirus: Summer schools plan for the best, prepare for the worst appeared first on Cyprus Mail.


Coronavirus: Ontario allows school employees to be voluntarily redeployed to congregate care

The government said hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes, and women's shelters are in need of staff including custodial and maintenance workers. 


Lockdown learning: French school closures will have 'a catastrophic effect on an entire generation'



How does the virus infect children? And should they be in school?

PARIS: With parents and policymakers agonising over when to reopen schools as lockdowns ease, scientists are still struggling to find out how the new coronavirus affects children. While youngsters can become infected with the new coronavirus, very few have died or contracted serious symptoms. But...


Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools: A Guide for Practitioners and Policy Makers in Mongolia

This publication provides essential information on the planning, implementation, and management of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools, particularly for small and isolated rural settlements in Mongolia.


Five years after the Nepal earthquake – building back better schools for a safer future

Khadka and her family, like millions of others, were affected by the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015. ADB's Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project in Nepal financed the rebuilding of quality schools to withstand future disasters.


Five years after the Nepal earthquake – building back better schools for a safer future

Khadka and her family, like millions of others, were affected by the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015. ADB's Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project in Nepal financed the rebuilding of quality schools to withstand future disasters.


Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools: A Guide for Practitioners and Policy Makers in Mongolia

This publication provides essential information on the planning, implementation, and management of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools, particularly for small and isolated rural settlements in Mongolia.


Yankees' Aaron Judge donates headphones to New York City schools


Absence makes the heart grow fonder as China goes back to school

Temperature checks, compulsory face masks and scrupulous hygiene - it's more like going to a hospital than a school, but the Shanghai students returning to class after three months of lockdown are...


Coronavirus: What does evidence say about schools reopening?

Many studies suggest coronavirus has low transmission rates among children, but there are still risks to reopening schools that were closed due to social distancing policies


Bullies and Bullied Frequently See School Nurse

Title: Bullies and Bullied Frequently See School Nurse
Category: Health News
Created: 4/26/2011 1:54:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 4/27/2011 12:00:00 AM


School Programs Do Keep Some Kids From Smoking

Title: School Programs Do Keep Some Kids From Smoking
Category: Health News
Created: 4/30/2013 10:35:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/30/2013 12:00:00 AM


Preschoolers Getting Too Much Screen Time: Survey

Title: Preschoolers Getting Too Much Screen Time: Survey
Category: Health News
Created: 5/2/2014 12:36:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 5/2/2014 12:00:00 AM


Doctors Say Head Lice Should Not Bar Kids From School

Title: Doctors Say Head Lice Should Not Bar Kids From School
Category: Health News
Created: 4/27/2015 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/27/2015 12:00:00 AM


Curbing School Bus Pollution Might Reduce Absences

Title: Curbing School Bus Pollution Might Reduce Absences
Category: Health News
Created: 4/29/2015 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/30/2015 12:00:00 AM


Are Bullies Getting Run Out of U.S. Schools?

Title: Are Bullies Getting Run Out of U.S. Schools?
Category: Health News
Created: 5/1/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/1/2017 12:00:00 AM


Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama-Era School Lunch Rules

Title: Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama-Era School Lunch Rules
Category: Health News
Created: 5/1/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/2/2017 12:00:00 AM


Reading to Babies Translates Into More Literate Preschoolers

Title: Reading to Babies Translates Into More Literate Preschoolers
Category: Health News
Created: 5/4/2017 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/5/2017 12:00:00 AM


Health Tip: When Your Child Graduates High School

Title: Health Tip: When Your Child Graduates High School
Category: Health News
Created: 5/3/2018 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/3/2018 12:00:00 AM


Early High School Start Times May Hurt Attendance

Title: Early High School Start Times May Hurt Attendance
Category: Health News
Created: 5/1/2020 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/4/2020 12:00:00 AM


Impact of Collaborative Leadership in Dental School Team Clinics

Dental students’ ability to critique team performance in dental school team clinics is a key component of dental education. The aim of this study was to determine if students’ perceptions of their team leaders’ openness of communication, cooperative decision making, and well-defined goals were positively related to the students’ improvement-oriented voice behavior and willingness to raise concerns in the clinical environment. This study used a voluntary 12-question survey, distributed via email to all 311 students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine after completion of the spring 2017 semester. Eighty-seven students responded, for a response rate of 28%. Responses were stratified by team, class year, and gender, and the quantitative distribution of answers to each question was correlated with each other. Team leader collaborative qualities, which included openness for communication, cooperative decision making, and well-defined goals, were found to have a significant positive relationship with students’ willingness to both raise concerns and make suggestions. Additionally, when measured by class year and gender, team differences in voice behavior assessment by students across the teams were found to be independent of class year, and no significant differences were found by gender. These results suggested that, to maintain high levels of communication, proper reporting of concerns, and a high standard of care, dental schools should encourage team leaders to enhance their capacity to present active collaborative behaviors in the school’s clinic. The study also highlighted potential opportunities for further study of faculty traits and development in the dental school team model.


Development of a Dental School Strategic Plan to Inform Interprofessional Education

Changes in U.S. health care delivery systems and Commission on Dental Accreditation standards provide impetus for interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice, but roadmaps for engaging dental and dental hygiene faculty to incorporate IPE in a systematic manner are limited. The purpose of this report is to describe the process for creating a strategy and gathering a variety of baseline data to use for determining objectives and metrics and the subsequent development of an IPE strategic plan at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry (SOD). SOD IPE committee members included representation from the UNC Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Business. A three-phase framework was developed. Phase 1 (IPE assessment) was an internal environmental scan including a 2017 faculty survey, departmental mapping of IPE activities, comparison of UNC with national results on the IPE component of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) survey of dental school seniors (2016 graduating class), identification of faculty joint/adjunct appointments at other UNC schools, and a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis. Phase 2 (visioning) consisted of development of IPE mission, vision, and priorities. In Phase 3 (implementation), priorities were developed. Data-gathering led to a strategic plan with three objectives: 1) increase faculty engagement and recognition, 2) develop predoctoral dentistry and dental hygiene IPE curricula, and 3) develop an infrastructure that supports IPE. Specific initiatives and activities, supporting metrics, and estimated costs were developed for each objective. The framework guided a systematic, transparent, and organized process for collecting and monitoring the evidence and directing activities. A three-year strategic plan for IPE was developed in 2017, and implementation is ongoing.


Evaluation of Faculty Mentoring Practices in Seven U.S. Dental Schools

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the faculty mentoring practices in seven dental schools in the U.S. A 34-item survey was administered electronically to dental faculty members of all ranks, tracks, and job categories in seven dental schools using faculty listservs. Survey questions addressed current mentoring practices in which the faculty members were involved; their perceptions of those mentoring practices; their perceived characteristics of an ideal mentoring program, mentor, and mentee; perceived best practices; and respondents’ demographics. The survey was conducted from October 2017 to February 2018. A total of 154 surveys were completed (response rate 22%). Over 58% (90/154) of the respondents reported receiving no mentoring; 31.9% (49/154) said they received informal mentoring; and 9.7% (15/154) received formal mentoring. Of the 64 respondents who received mentoring, both formal and informal, 92.2% (59/64) were full-time faculty, and 7.8% (5/64) were part-time faculty (p=0.001). Approximately 39% of the respondents indicated that their mentoring program was not overseen by anyone and that participation was voluntary. The top three perceived benefits of mentoring were increased overall professional development, development of a career plan, and increased professional networks. The three most important characteristics of an ideal mentoring program for the respondents were a program based on the needs of the mentee, a mentor who has the desire to help the mentee, and a mentee who is eager to learn. The results of this study showed a very low level of formal or informal faculty mentoring programs in the dental schools surveyed. Future studies are needed to determine best practices and strategies to expand and enhance mentoring of faculty members.


Books: Making a Medic: the Ultimate Guide to Medical School




'1619' Pulitzer Will Boost Socialist Teaching in Schools

The Pulitzer Prize Board this week awarded its commentary award to The New York Times' Nikole Hannah-Jones for her essay launching the "1619 Project." This will accelerate a trend already underway: subjecting schoolchildren to a curriculum that blames slavery on capitalism and whose creator believes socialism offers the best path to racial equity.


Sergio review – fact-based Netflix UN drama opts for old school romance

Wagner Moura and Ana de Armas give strong performances in a mostly effective retelling of the life and tragic death of a celebrated Brazilian diplomat

There’s an old school charm to Sergio, documentarian Greg Barker’s narrative portrait of UN diplomat Sérgio Vieira de Mello, a dramatic retelling of a life he already brought to the screen in a 2009 documentary of the same name. Barker’s knowledge of Sérgio’s life and accomplishments is backgrounded by a clear respect for who he was and so while the film is factually detailed, as one would expect, it’s also rooted in a desire to showcase his humanity, both in and out of work, with Barker deciding to lean into full-tilt romantic tragedy, perhaps also as a way of differentiating his two Sergios.

Related: Love Wedding Repeat review – laboured Netflix romcom farce

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Coronavirus: What does evidence say about schools reopening?

Many studies suggest coronavirus has low transmission rates among children, but there are still risks to reopening schools that were closed due to social distancing policies


Alabama High School Student Names NASA’s First Mars Helicopter

Around 28,000 names were submitted to NASA’s “Name the Rover” essay contest for K-12 students


Boy, 7, makes fitness videos for schoolmates during coronavirus lockdown

Follow our LIVE updates about the coronavirus outbreak here Coronavirus: The symptoms


Families 'afraid to let children back into classroom' as Denmark lets some return to school after coronavirus lockdown


Primary school admissions 2020: When will I find out and what can I do if my child doesn't get a place?

Parents should receive updates today on whether their child has a place


14,000 London children miss out on first choice of primary school — and 2,800 get no offers

More than 14,000 London children have been turned away from their first-choice primary school, the Evening Standard can reveal today.


Gavin Williamson says he wants 'nothing more than to re-open schools' but can't give a date until coronavirus lockdown criteria are met

No date can yet be set for re-opening schools in England, the Education Secretary has said, following reports children could be back in the classroom in just three weeks.


Come on, you can do it: Rugby stars cheer pupils at London school during coronavirus lockdown

Rugby stars have recorded inspirational messages for boys at a London school to help motivate them through the coronavirus lockdown.


June 1 is 'earliest possible opening time for schools', headteachers say

Schools are unlikely to re-open until June 1 at the earliest, the leader of the head teachers' union has said.


School closures leave poorest pupils at huge exams disadvantage, warns Grenfell head

Poorer children taking GCSEs and A-levels next year face an "impossible situation" because they have missed so much face-to-face teaching, a leading London headmaster has warned.


Dad uses fake letter from PM to convince daughters they have to go to school every day after lockdown

A dad convinced his two children that they would have to go to school on weekends to make up for lost time after the coronavirus lockdown.


'Inconceivable' that schools will reopen as normal after lockdown, Dominic Raab says

It comes after headteachers warned the earliest date they could reopen is June 1, and planning would need to begin "very soon" to achieve it.


Indian woman allegedly gang raped after getting quarantined alone in a school during coronavirus pandemic

A woman in her 40s was allegedly gang-raped after police quarantined her in a school overnight in India.


Parents told not to feel guilty if they stray from school timetable

Parents of young children should stop trying to follow a strict nursery routine during lockdown and allow them to use technology, the head of a group of London preschools said.


Plans for 'phased' reopening of schools in Wales set to be announced

Plans for the phased return to school for children in Wales are due to be announced by the Welsh Government.


'Not enough evidence' to reopen schools yet as spread of Covid-19 among children remains largely unknown, experts warn

Experts have said it is too early to reopen schools in the UK as it is still unclear how coronavirus spreads among children.


France outlines plans to ease coronavirus lockdown and reopen schools next month

Secondary school pupils in France will be required to wear masks from next month as they start returning to school under new measures set out by the country's prime minister to ease the coronavirus lockdown.


British schools will not open during summer holidays and return in phases, Gavin Williamson says

English schools will reopen after coronavirus lockdown in a "phased manner", the Education Secretary confirmed.