
Fini les vacances !

Bientôt de retour dans la grisaille pékinoise…


Un retour fracassant

A peine arrivé dans la grisaille pékinoise (brume pollution épaisse ne permettant pas de voir à plus de 500m), je me pointe dans la fille file d’attente qui n’est pas bien longue. Ce doit être mon jour de chance… et bien non !!! Voilà que la grosse valise...


Free Pascal 3.0 "Pestering Peacock" veröffentlicht: Viele neue Funktionen im größten Update seit 10 Jahren

Am 25. November 2015 wurde der verbreitete Free Pascal - Compiler (FPC) in der aktualisierten Version 3.0 (Pestering Peacock) veröffentlicht. Die Vielzahl der Neuerungen hat die Entwickler zum ersten großen Versionssprung seit 10 Jahren bewogen. Version 2.0 war 2005 eingeführt worden, die letzte Hauptversion war 2.6 aus dem Jahre 2012. Version ...


Howto block H.323 spam calls with fail2ban

When you run the GNU Gatekeeper, you can block spam calls from the well known bots ("MERA RU", "SimpleOPAL" etc.) eg. using a small LUA script in your config.

But that alone doesn't stop the load on the server, because often these bots keep on making calls.

Fail2ban to the rescue!

With this filter definition in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/gnugk.conf you can check fro rejected calls:

failregex = Dropping call CRV=[0-9]+ from <HOST>:[0-9]+ due to Setup authentication failure
ignoreregex =

And then you can add this jail definition to /etc/fail2ban/jail.local to block the IP:

enabled  = true
logpath  = /var/log/gnugk.log
filter   = gnugk
bantime  = 6000
maxretry = 2
action   = iptables[name=GnuGk, port=1720, protocol=tcp]



Moving the Root Partition to a New Disk in Ubuntu 18.10 (General GRUB Chicanery)

I had a Ubuntu 18.10 install setup perfectly on a disk shared with a Windows 10 install. I originally setup Windows 10 and then reduced the size of the Windows 10 partition to make room for a Ubuntu 18.10 install. After the install of Windows 10 and the Ubuntu 18.10 install I had these partitions: […]

The post Moving the Root Partition to a New Disk in Ubuntu 18.10 (General GRUB Chicanery) first appeared on robotthoughts.


Penalizaciones de los Buscadores al mal trabajo de Posicionamiento

El trabajo SEO en los primeros años de su desarrollo se caracterizó por el uso de diversas técnicas dirigidas a "engañar" a los robots de búsqueda. Esas técnicas fueron dejando de funcionar a partir del desarrollo de los robots de búsquedas que cada día son mas sofisticados y son capaces de detectar desde textos invisibles para el usuario hasta la existencia de textos no legibles por personas ...


Registro en Buscadores - ¿Manual o Automático?

El registro en los principales buscadores debe ser manual, de forma tal que se puedan cumplir todos los requisitos de la forma más óptima, lo cual con una herramienta automática seria difícil de lograr. Además ya en varios no es posible la inclusión automática pues uno de los pasos del formulario a llenar solicita la escritura de una cadena alfanumérica que se muestra en forma de imagen ruidosa la cual ...


Densidad e identificación de las palabras claves por parte de los buscadores

Un abuso de frecuencia en la palabra a menudo es interpretado como spam y es penalizado. Debemos mantener siempre el contenido de las Webs legible para las personas, pues además del tema de las penalizaciones de contenidos hechos solo para buscadores debemos tener en cuenta que el objetivo final de nuestras Webs e llegar a los usuarios y ofrecerles contenidos de calidad que ...


El manejo de los errores 404 ante los buscadores

Como realizar el manejo de los pedidos a páginas inexistentes en nuestra Web ¿? Esos pedidos usualmente responderían con un error 404 con lo que se pierde una visita al sitio, e igualmente en el caso de un robot de búsqueda, lo cual podría ser síntoma incluso de una pagina que existía anteriormente que eliminamos y esta estaba indexada por un buscador. ¿Perder una visita al sitio? De ninguna manera...


RSS y los buscadores, importancia para el posicionamiento

Desde el punto de vista del posicionamiento Web los canales RSS nos ofrecen varias ventajas. Una es que cuando es incluida la información del canal RSS en una Web remota esto proporciona un enlace a la Web original con la correspondiente ganancia de...


Importancia de las Estadísticas Web para el Posicionamiento en buscadores

Como usar las estadísticas para el posicionamiento Web? La evaluación de los resultados del posicionamiento Web es un paso requerido en dicho trabajo. A través de la evaluación se detectan que estrategias están dando resultados, cuales no, y se redirige el trabajo de posicionamiento según las necesidades. El estudio de las palabras claves y frases de entradas, y llegar a conocer con cuales hemos aparecido en las primeras posiciones de los buscadores, así como ...


Aplicaciones y Servicios de Estadísticas para el Posicionamiento en buscadores

Las herramientas mencionadas de análisis de registros no siempre logran diferenciar bien cuando un acceso fue generado por un robot de búsqueda, otro tipo de software, visita de usuario y otros tipos de accesos, puesto que la variedad de estos es muy grande. De ahi surge la necesidad de poder separar eficientemente las estadísticas del acceso de usuarios del resto de los tipos de acceso, pues para el análisis con miras al posicionamiento Web resulta de interés manejar estos datos por separado, ya que cada uno representa...


Descargar Toolbar para Posicionamiento Web

Queda a disposicion una actualización de D4WSeoToolbar, una herramienta para el posicionamiento web integrada a los navegadores, con facilidades para marcar enlaces NOFOLLOW, realizar analsis de densidad de palabras claves, cambiar el UserAgent, mostrar PageRank, AlexaRank, Whois, busquedas de texto y enlaces, y algunas otras opciones. Las nuevas funcionalidades a desarrollar...


ReviewMe: Escribir posts a cambio de dinero

ReviewMe: Un servicio para localizar blogs que escriben a cambio de renumeración económica y su influencia en el posicionamiento Web.


npm: Cannot read property ‘resolve’ of undefined

When developing software for Node.js, I use the n package manager to manage and switch between Node versions. Recently, I needed to update my installed Node version (9.2.1) to something more recent. I ran $ sudo n latest to install 13.1.0. But after the upgrade, npm installations stopped working. Any use of npm i would […]


Some Perspective on Rental Property Cash Flow Disruption

About a year ago, Sept 2014, during a violent Austin thunder storm, a rental property I personally own in SW Austin was struck by lightening and caught fire in the attic. As the thunderous flash of light, noise and immediate smoke jolted the tenant out of bed at 2:30AM, he quickly realized that he was standing in water. The home was flooding, and also on fire, simultaneously. Wow! Wake up!! His elderly mother was visiting and he was able to get her and his son out quickly as the house filled with smoke. Then he called 911. Then me. I showed up around 3:15AM, sloshed through about 18 inches of water at my driveway, as about 6 firetrucks were on the scene. It was an apocalyptic scene, like out of a movie. But everyone was ok, and the fire was contained to mostly the attic and three bedrooms. But the ... Read more


Be Cautious in Picking your Austin Realtor

New York Times columnist Paul Sullivan recently wrote about this DJ posing as a financial advisor. It was one of those setups like you see on TV. They removed his dreadlocks and body piercings, put him in a suit, taught him some basic scripts like “a 401K is the way to go“, and had him meet with actual financial clients to discuss their financial needs and how he can help. When he went for the “close”, all but 1 client said they would work with him. He had zero experience, no qualifications (though I’ll bet his conversational skills helped). But since he looked the part and knew some buzz phrases, and the prospective clients didn’t know the right questions to ask, he was able to win their trust just by being nice and personable. The point of the experiment was to illustrate that the vast majority of financial clients do ... Read more

  • Austin Real Estate


İsrail Filistin Sorunu – Zalime Okunacak Kunut Duaları

Peygamber efendimiz (s.a.v.) Müslümanlar zulüme maruz kaldığı zaman, hanefi mezhebine göre sadece sabah namazının farzında, diğer bazı mezheplere göre ise vakit namazlarının farzının son rekatında “rabbenâvelekelhamd” denileceği zaman yani rükudan […]

The post İsrail Filistin Sorunu – Zalime Okunacak Kunut Duaları first appeared on Amerikada Birgün.

  • İsrail Filistin Sorunu


Opencart – Gereksiz Kargo ve Ödeme Metodlarının Silinmesi

Uzun süredir ilk defa teknik bir konu paylaşıyorum. Yakın zamanda Opencart ile ilgilenmeye başladım. Sıfır kurulum Opencart’ta Türkiye ile uzaktan yakından alakası olmayan bir sürü modül ve eklenti geliyor. Eğer […]

The post Opencart – Gereksiz Kargo ve Ödeme Metodlarının Silinmesi first appeared on Amerikada Birgün.


An Unexpected Benefit of Online Casinos in Brazil: Supporting the Energy Sector

In a surprising turn of events, the Brazilian government has found a new ally in its fight against inflation and energy challenges: online casinos and crash games, like Aviator operators. By introducing additional taxes on these rapidly growing sectors, the government aims to channel the revenue into critical areas of the economy, including the burgeoning green energy sector. This strategy not only addresses economic stability but also aligns with Brazil's long-term commitment to sustainable development.


2018 Kawasaki Vulcan 750 from United States of America



2017 BRP Can-Am Spyder F3 SE6 from United States of America

A blast to ride


2009 Honda CBX250 from South Africa

A bike really to enjoy and have fun with


1992 Suzuki GSX1100G from United States of America

Wish Suzuki still made UJM styled shaft drive bikes; not everyone wants a Harley


2009 Kawasaki KLX250SM from United States of America

Would buy again!


1996 Kawasaki ZX-11 from Canada

Scary fast and a major thrill ride


1998 Kawasaki ZX-11 from United States of America

What an amazing machine


2008 Baja Motorsports SC50 from United States of America

Great if the weather is pleasant


1995 Suzuki DR650SE from United States of America

Good bike for women or men


2017 Kawasaki Z900 from United States of America

More than an absolute beginner should get, but so well designed that only an idiot can mess it up


2002 Harley-Davidson FLHPI Road King (Police) from United States of America

My choice


1995 Honda CB750 Nighthawk from United States of America

A true UJM - this bike is a jack of all trades, allowing for many riding styles


Help me localize my widgets!

Are you bilinqual? Are you interested in helping me localize my widgets by translating some text? Email me! Your reward will be a mention and link on my widgets web page.


Help me improve IP Locator!

I have posted a "super-short" survey regarding the next release of IP Locator. Please take 5 minutes to help me make it the best geolocation widget out there. Thanks!


The Obfuscator 1.0.1

Studies say 97% of spam (no, not Spam) happens because you posted your email address to a web page somewhere...The Obfuscator to the rescue! The Obfuscator converts your email address into an encoded string that spambots can't read, but web browsers and email programs can! For convenience, your obfuscated string is automagically copied to the clipboard.

New in Version 1.0.1:

- Fixed trailing newline issue when copying data to the clipboard (thanks Ben Kazez!)


Sundial: Basecamp Time Tracking Made Simple

I am excited to announce easily my most sophisticated widget ever, Sundial. In the past I have sort of hacked my widgets together. This project was for work, so I was really thorough and did things according to the Apple guidelines (imagine that!). What is Sundial, you ask? Sundial makes it easy to track time on projects through Basecamp. Check it out!


Widget Localization Tutorial

Over at, I have posted the first in a series of blog entries about What Sundial Taught Me. The first one is on Widget Localization. It’s a pretty thorough overview, if I do say so myself. If you’re a widget developer who wants to get started with localization, it’s worth a look!


Workaround for IP Locator and Safari 3 beta

Safari 3 beta breaks widgets that use the search history feature of search input field types. I have put together a version of IP Locator with that feature disabled for anyone who wants to continue using it with the broken version of Safari. You can download it here. A bug has been filed with Apple and I suspect this will be a fairly high priority fix considering how many Dashboard widgets are affected.


IP Locator Status

A few of you, loyal IP Locator users, have written to let me know that the widget is not working. IP Locator gets its geolocation information from It appears that has moved to a subscription model for most of its services. I have written to R. Scott Perry, the owner of the site and asked him what is to become of IP Locator in light of this change. Scott and I have enjoyed a good working relationship since I approached him 2 years ago and asked if he would like to collaborate on the widget. I will post an update here as soon as I know more. Thanks for your understanding. –Andrew


IP Locator 1.6.2

Ever check your web logs and wonder where in the world is (Answer: Vienna, Austria) How about (Answer: Kerikeri, New Zealand) Wonder no more! Through the magic of geolocation, IP Locator takes that mysterious IP address and tells you where that hit to your web site (or intruder on your network!) resides.

New in Version 1.6.2:

- Fixed a bug where latitude and longitude were sent to Google Maps in the wrong order for HostIP requests
- Added as a geolocation provider


Closure Caller 1.0

I threw together a widget for testing out Google's Closure JavaScript minifier. It's pretty crude (e.g., it's big and doesn't resize), but I thought I'd throw it out there in case someone finds it helpful.

New in Version 1.0:

- Initial public release


The John McCain Spin

Well, well, well......the politicos are rolling and as usual, the people take back seat. Fred and Rudy have withdrawn and John McCain seems to be the Republican frontrunner. John McCain, the alcohol industry's best friend and avoider of anything resembling a Vietnam Vet is trying to convince us he is the man!!!

Those of us in Arizona realize McCain came to this state as a carpetbagger merely to be elected to the House of Representatives. He quickly became best friends with Charles Keating Jr., CEO, American Continental Corporation, until he was convicted of fraud,, and then John backtracked very fast; discounting all those free vacations, et. al. Much effort was exerted sanitizing McCain from the Keating Five affair, but there were more serious issues.

McCain ignored Vietnam Veterans and their numerous plights to a degree many VietVets came to wonder what he was frightened of. Speaking from my own experience, the erstwhile now Senator almost preferred to steer clear of Vietnam Veteran issues as much as he did Vietnam Vets themselves. It was not uncommon to enter his Tucson office, find no one to greet us and even if so, end up waiting awhile to see a staff member. Forget about seeing McCain himself as broken appointments were his mainstay. He liked the hero mantle, but living up to it was difficult indeed since many of us saw through it; and came to openly question his sincerity and honesty. The conclusion was arrived that John McCain had been given things too easily as a result of his Silver Spoon status and was terrified of questioning Vietnam Vets destroying his self conceived legend. Symbolic of McCain was his Tucson Office Veterans Rep attending a community homeless meeting and openly discussing which country club had the better golf course. So much for caring about your brother and sister....I was there when it occurred. By the way, McCain has voted against Veterans bills 27 times indicating he is no friend much less advocate for those who serve.

John McCain's father was a Navy Admiral and of course, John enjoyed the privileges commensurate with being the offspring. In fact, he crashed aircraft during Navy flight training (2) who normally meant being hacked (cut) from the program. He wasn't (surprise!!) and even after being taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese, still enjoyed privileges. John was injured and while other Americans suffered, accepted a surgeon flown in from Moscow to operate on him and him alone. His operation and recuperation was in a Hanoi Officers Hospital....not the run of the mill enlisted shack. Never mind about the obvious violation of the Code of Conduct and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Apparently, he is afraid of those instances of him volunteering for propaganda radio broadcasts to the south (copies are available on the web) and narrating similar movies. Major, major violations of conduct, but he was an Admiral's son. There are other stories emanating from Hanoi Hilton inmates about McCain, but John avoids discussion. He is definitely afraid some of those former Prisoners of War may open up and sink the legend in his own mind war saga. In fact, he even went so far as to introduce a bill signed into law forbidding public access into prisoner of war records. By the way, McCain admits in his autobiography to giving the enemy military information, but no investigation much less an indictment followed.

McCain zealously denies the existence of any living prisoners of war following the end of hostilities. Again, he went so far as to attack POW advocates including being publicly rude and abrasive to Eleanor Apodaca, sister of a MIA-POW, during her testimony to a senate hearing in which he wasn't even invited. He went to Hanoi several times espousing the No POW line and the only memorable moment was hugging his former North Vietnamese captor.

John divorced one wife while she was ill and married the Beer King of Phoenix's daughter, Cindy Hensley. All his talk about not adhering to PACs seems rather transparent when one examines his record with the alcohol industry. Meanwhile, Cindy became addicted to prescription narcotics while head of a nonprofit, The American Voluntary Medical Team, which supplied these meds to needy children. She ended up in dire trouble with the law for not only pilfering narcotics out of the AVMT's coffers, but also for forging prescriptions in her employees' names. John soft-soaped the entire issue knowing very few would probably remember it in the future. A deal was made with the US Attorney to limit punishment to financial restitution and drug rehab entry. Meanwhile, those less fortunate would have been chastised and then served jail time. By the way, there is no evidence Cyndy ever went to rehab. It pays to be the Son of An Admiral's spouse.

What better example of McCain flip-flopping than the trashing he took during the 2000 South Carolina primaries by George W. Bush and Turdblossom. Instead of standing up to those leveling accusations about his military career and adopted daughter, McCain caved in. He learned to love his President and hoped everyone would be charmed by his outward show of affection. John McCain is not tough minded; he is confused.

John McCain is captivated by his demons and has earned the discomfort of Arizona voters by forsaking his senatorial duties during the recent presidential bid. His voting record is atrocious due to absences and flip-flopping seems to be his notoriety. Undoubtedly, he wants to be president to avoid the possibility of being voted out of office this next election. Its that serious!!

Should he be President? Judge the record for yourself, but demand full accountability for his past actions. Scrutinize his personal and professional life carefully.....beneath that veneer is another spoiled silver spoon boy whose father resurrected him continually after career demise....sound familiar?


Contrived Hero Myth-John McCain

Objective analysis points to a simple fact: John McCain is not a hero. A close examination of his history indicates a parallel to George W. Bush Jr. and not in a flattering manner. Both had fathers who continually bailed them out from trouble and these sons took ready advantage of their fathers’ reputations to achieve unearned status.

*McCain earned an extraordinary amount of demerits at the Naval Academy, but was allowed to graduate 5th from the bottom of his class.

*He crashed an aircraft in Naval flight training which mandated expulsion, but McCain was allowed to complete the course.

*McCain ran into power lines on the Iberian Peninsula while deployed to the Mediterranean causing a second crash without repercussion.

*Oddly enough, he was made an Instructor Pilot upon return to Pensacola, Florida, and proceeded to lose another aircraft while flying to the Army-Navy football game. The Navy rewarded him by assigning to the carrier, USS Forrestal.

*McCain lost his fourth jet on July 29, 1967, when a rocket slammed into his fully loaded jet killing 134 sailors. He escaped injury, according to some by immediately going below while others battled the flames. Oddly enough, McCain took it upon himself to simply leave the Forrestal without notifying his superiors to party in Tokyo. The Benevolent Navy took no action against him and transferred the erring pilot to the USS Oriskany.

*He lost his fifth jet after being shot down over North Vietnam and captured on October 26, 1967.

*According to an article written by him for the U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973, ...”After being periodically slapped around for “three or four days” by his captors who wanted military information from him, McCain called for an officer on his fourth day of captivity. He told the officer, “O.K., I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.” Not only was this a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Code of Conduct, but can be viewed as collaboration with the enemy.

A surgeon was flown in from Moscow and McCain accepted preferential medical treatment at a hospital near Gia Lam airport reserved for Vietnamese officers. No other POW received the same which again violated the UCMJ and Code of Conduct.

*According to sources and McCain in his autobiography, specific military information was given such as the carrier he flew from, number of pilots lost, specific flight information and rescue units currently available. Apparently, he did this to gain medical attention.

*Retired Army Colonel Earl Hopper states McCain told his captors "highly classified information, the most important of which was the package routes, which were routes used to bomb North Vietnam. He gave in detail the altitude they were flying, the direction, if they made a turn...he gave them what primary targets the United States was interested in." Hopper further contends this information allowed the North Vietnamese to adjust their air defenses and subsequently the US lost sixty percent more aircraft resulting in the curtailment of North Vietnam bombing. All this was due, Hopper states, because of the information McCain divulged.

*McCain participated in propaganda films and radio broadcasts aimed at American troops. According to the Saigon UPI, June 4, 1969: “Reds say POW Songbird is Pilot Son of Admiral...Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of United States Commander in the Pacific Adm. John McCain purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner.” He had earned the nickname “Songbird” from his captors.

*He talks often of torture, but did not transfer to the Hanoi Hilton until December, 1969. According to the Phoenix New Times, March 25, 1999, Two former POWs, Air Force Colonels Ted Guy and George “Swede” Larson, said in a feature article they could not guarantee that McCain was not physically harmed, (but) they doubted it. Both Guy and Larson were senior ranking officers (SROs) in McCain’s POW camp at a time he claims he was in solitary confinement and being tortured.

*Larson told the New Times, “Between the two of us, it’s our belief, and to the best of our knowledge, that no prisoner was beaten or harmed physically in that camp (known as ‘The Plantation’). My only contention the the McCain deal is that while he was at the Plantation, to the best of my knowledge and Ted’s knowledge, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp. It was the camp that people were released from.”

*McCain bases his hero myth on the contention he refused to be released unless everyone was. Sources state this was not a big deal since McCain was ordered by Senior Officers to state this. Secondly, former Rep. Bob Dornan (CA) states transcripts exist from former POWs reacting to McCain’s collaboration negatively. According to Dornan, McCain has always been afraid these transcripts would turn up particularly during a presidential campaign. Dornan offered another reason why McCain refused release by the North Vietnamese. He said those released first were collaborators, which McCain was one, and this would have ended not only his military career and hurt the Navy, but would impact his father also.

*McCain has actively opposed the efforts of MIA/POW activists and according to witnesses, physically attacked at least one. He has rudely interrupted hearings to berate MIA/POW family members and has worked religiously to curtail any POW information being released either from the government, any POWs or their family members. It seems rather odd he would take these positions, but he has been no friend of Veterans as well. McCain voted against 27 Veterans bills indicated by his record, but falsely states support for Veterans. He simply does not consider Veterans a priority much less MIA/POWs, but brags of his support.

*He returned from captivity to his wife, Carol, who was in a wheel chair from a car accident. He desired a coveted Admiral slot and the Navy assisted by reinstating him to flight duty in lieu of his disabilities. McCain assumed an Executive Officer, Replacement Air Group 174 position, which trained pilots and crews for deployment. While Executive Officer and later Commander, McCain authorized flights allowing him to mingle with subordinates and engage in extra-marital affairs again violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice regarding adultery and fraternizing with subordinates. The Navy, however, continued the tradition of excusing McCain from penalties and he got away with it.

*Robert Timbert, author of The Nightingale’s Song, wrote: “Off duty, usually on routine cross-country flights to Yuma and El Centro, John (McCain) started carousing and running around with women. To make matters worse, some of the women with whom he was linked by rumor were subordinates...At the time the rumors were so widespread that, true or not, they became part of McCain’s persona, impossible not to take note of.” The Navy overlooked his behavior and excused him from any discipline.

It seems apparent John McCain has contrived his own history and should be viewed as lacking sufficient character to hold the office of the Presidency or the Senate. His POW and Naval records need to be scrutinized for collaboration and other accountable acts. The truth needs to be ascertained prior to this man ascending to any higher office for to do otherwise would be looking the other way. This is exactly what caused the current problems with John McCain.


Malformation of Intellectual Capacity

That esteemed pseudo journalist, Bill O'Reilly, again expressed outrage over a judge ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act. O'Reilly, known primarily for a sexual harassment episode and draft avoidance, compared same sex marriage as "like being married to a duck."

The question to be asked is simple. Bill, what do you have against ducks? Duck eggs are tasty in baking recipes; the birds eat numerous insects and are good friends to humans. Methinks Bill has a bird fetish he is denying and will avoid as he does discussing the $15 million settlement with Andrea Macklin, the woman he sexually harassed. Obviously, O'Reilly is no fan of Donald Duck nor Daffy. Someone needs to pull Bill aside and besides checking his citizenship, request his sexual orientation. In the meantime, ducks beware.


Our lovable airhead, Sarah Palin, was a guest on the O'Reilly MisFactor, and Bill actually got upset with her lack of concrete answers. Palin really didn't possess any facsimile of knowledge concerning immigration, border problems, etc.; but was willing to discuss moose breeding habits along the Alaska-Canadian border. Sarah has considerable background of shopping with Republican party funds and could have filled Bulbous Bill in on many helpful points. Alas, she seemed intellectually departed and needs a recharge in her home probably built free by Bridge To NoWhere contractors. Sometimes, honor, credibility and knowledge are hard to obtain.


Our esteemed Arizona Guv, Jan Brewer, has made some wonderful statements befitting only the classier fear mongers. Arizona Senator Russell Pearce and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio have run fast and easy with the Arizona National Socialist Party (Nazi) attending rallies and extolling virtues. The Guv was confronted with this during a press conference and stated her father had died battling the Nazis.

Reality check: her father died in 1955; not during World War II, but its the thought that counts. Right, Jan.

Also, digging very deep to defend SB1070, the notorious immigration enforcement law, the Guv stated: a) most coming over the border were lugging drugs (mules); and later, border crossers were beheading many victims. Both were adamantly denied by the Border Patrol and even John McCain, back from a soma holiday, denied the mule fantasy. Fact is, and don't tell the Guv this, crime along the border is down considerably and JanBrew has to make up stories to justify the new Arizona law. Sighhhhhh, it becomes addictive...lets call it the Palin Syndrome....out of state Republican candidates are flocking to Brewer for endorsements, but she has to figure out where they are from first. Bring maps, candidates, and beware of the trip down to Fantasy Island...da plane, da plane, boss, da plane.


It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress which exceeds all expectations. One cannot imagine all the perks Congress possesses and would be shocked to the extent luxury replaces accountability. Personally, the idea of barracks housing for single members and government housing for married couples has an appeal. Yearly classes should be offered in ethics, the Road Kill book, interpersonal relationships, and psychological testing to detect the mentally challenged. Space, the final frontier, should not be allowed in Congress; only massive perks and pocket lining. Ask J.D. Hayworth; he knows and appreciates Abramoff as does Senator John Kyl.

News sources the media should squelch:
1. Britney Spears...still alive, dating her bodyguard, and wanting all the money

2. The, American culture has really advanced to the point where sex videos on the net makes one rich.

3. Speaking of which, Danielle Staub, the New Jersey Reality Housewife witch, has promised us her sex video will be even better. Introduce her to Bill O'Reilly's duck, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

4. Lindsay Lohan......please, stop it. Cannot compute, Cannot Compute. Just let her go to jail, serve the time, come out, screw up, go back, come out, screw up, go back, come out, screw up. Repetitious, isn't it? Just like Lindsay's life....being accountable isn't a movie, but reality.

5. Snookie, the New Jersey shore item. Who, where, how, when, did she become an American icon. No more comment.

6. Mel Gibson....used to like him and his movies, but where has his head moved into? Mel, go to Alice Springs, absorb the Australian sun, relax, and rebuild your career. Don't take Snookie with you; she doesn't where Australia is.

7. Glenn Beck...this guy was a Phoenix disk jockey who got up tight around ratings time. In fact, he called the wife of a dj competitor on the air and chastised her for having a miscarriage. Hey, he needs serious psychiatric intervention and preferably a hot lead enema to straighten him out.

Enough....ranted and it out of my system...still haven't got over the Nixon deal, but that's another blog subject.

Over and Out....oh, support Dave Rabbit....Google that name.


Equivocators Abound!

     Returning to common sense is often difficult for those who enjoy illusionary remarks and fantasy world ideas.  What struck this writer other than the 47 Senators who endorsed the Iranian letter was those who criticized the President for not loving America.

      Rudy Giuiliani is an interesting case resembling more Marvin the Martian or perhaps Foghorn Leghorn's little guy. Giuliano's background includes being married 3 times, parading his mistress in front of his then wife and children and best of all avoiding the draft through 5 deferments.  One must question if he was raised this way or just decided to go over to the gray side on a few occasions.  Regardless, the question must be posed whether he loves America or not.

      Rush Limbaugh is one whom an entire book could be published based on his fantasy rantings and outright equivocations.  Limbaugh came of draft age during the height of the Vietnam War in 1969.  He immediately enrolled at Southeast Missouri State University, but flunked out. Selective Service System records show that Limbaugh was classified as 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of [declared] war or national emergency) on 24 November 1970, which effectively ended his draft eligibility and ensured that he would not be called for service. He comes from an influential Missouri family which includes federal judges and prosecutors. Limbaugh's grandfather was a member of the Missouri House of Representatives, and the Federal Courthouse in Limbaugh's hometown, Cape Girardeau, is named after him.  Putting family influence rapidly into play developed into a quick visit to his physician.  The doctor found an inoperable pilonidal cyst and issued a letter which Rush ran to his draft board with.  Interestingly enough, Rush's father possessed the same malady, but served honorably during WWII.  The board hurriedly reclassified Limbaugh to 1-Y and the Chicken Hawk was relieved. Later Rush claimed he had both a pilonidal cyst and a "football knee" as disqualifying factors for service, but his high school stated Limbaugh only played 1 year with no injuries recalled.  The larger point is Rush did not have a physical examination by a physician at the Armed Forces Entry and Examination Service (AFEES) which is mandatory prior to reclassification from his 1-A.  Limbaugh appears to have used family influence to avoid this juncture and let the Selective Service Board accept his doctor statement as the gospel.  The draft was notorious for accepting minor and middle physical and psychological problems in many of their inductees.  Undoubtedly, Rush would have been inducted if he had followed lawful AFEES mandating a complete physical examination where he could have presented the letter to a military/contract doctor.  Undoubtedly, he would be declared fully eligible for the military and then his draft board would be notified. Limbaugh took the influential way out, but there is another question.

      The booking photos of "Jeff Christie", Limbaugh's pseudonym while working in Pittsburgh, show Limbaugh was arrested in 1974 for soliciting an undercover police officer posing as a transvestite for sexual favors, pandering,  No, it isn't just an "unfounded rumor," but actually happened.  Later in 2009, Limbaugh was again arrested on numerous drug and doctor shopping charges.  He was given one year probation on these indictments and immediately flew to the Dominican Republic for relaxation which is unusual for felony arrests.

      Limbaugh has been married four times and his former spouses testify they lived separately from him. Regardless, one must ask if he was raised this way or just decided to cave in to often offensive remarks to gain more listeners.  His abrasive style cost him over 2700 sponsors when activist group began campaigns to get consumers to notify various companies of Limbaugh's offensive remarks.  One must pose the question whether he loves America or just the color of green.

      Bill O'Reilly is another marvelous case of bluster and outright equivocation.  He talks of his blue collar upbringing, but again this is pure fantasy.  His father was a certified public accountant with CalTex, an oil company and mother a physical therapist; both well paying positions.  O'Reilly never lived in Levittown, but in a upper middle class neighborhood, Westbury, Long Island.  He often mentions his father's salary topping off at $35,000 which is $92,000 in today's economy.  This placed him in the top 10% of 1980 wage earners meaning O'Reilly was hardly a proletarian struggling to make it.  Young O'Reilly went off to Marist College after registering for the draft in 1968, but then scampered away to Oxford in England for two years.  He returned to Marist, graduated, and found himself classified 1-A, ready for induction, lottery number 71.  All of a sudden, there was a job offer teaching in Florida and automatic draft exemption.

     Lets get something straight:  Bill O'Reilly was never in combat for this is a legend in his own mind.    His scandalous past equivocations have been dissected in the media much to Bill's chagrin.  However, the episode of El Salvadorian massacre by American trained El Salvador Army troops at El Mezote has not been examined.  Their is some speculation O'Reilly used his reporting to coverup the El Mezote episode which is a greater issue.  Regardless, Bill always seems to blow up his past to garner attention and sympathy; the hell with journalistic standards.  The Great Bloviator is protected by Faux News who argue he is an entertainer, not a news person.  Bollocks!  He needs to be harshly disciplined for his harmful antics. 

       Let us not forget Billy's two legal antics....the Great Bloviator was accused in a sexual harassment suit and paid out nearly $15 million. Read it here: Billy  initially screamed he was being shook down, but quickly changed his mind when Andrea Macklin produced some tapes of him.  In addition, Bill was accused four years ago of allegedly bribing a Long Island police department to fire a detective dating his spouse then separated.  It got ugly just like his divorce and you can read about it here:  Now Bill's 16 year old daughter is accusing him of abusing her Mother.  It never ends with the Great Bloviator!! Check it out here: he-dragged-her-mom-down-a-staircase-by-the-neck-video/.  One must question whether he loves America or just the legends he spins to be important.

     Sarah Palin is another who created her own myth.  She writes of family values and all that entails.  Her son was arrested for vandalizing FORTY-TWO (42) school buses and Sarah hurried went to his defense.  Palin convinced the prosecutor and court to let him enlist in lieu of indictment and probably conviction.  Bristol's story is well known except for fact she had sex with the guy for over four years before becoming pregnant. To her credit, she stated the Bush Administration's emphasis on curtailing sex education in public schools in lieu of teaching NO SEX at all was wrong.  Then Bristol did a 360 degree turn advocating sexual abstinence and eradicating evil sex ed courses.  Willow has had numerous run-ins with law enforcement with a trail of traffic tickets and speculation of drug involvement.  Both she and Bristol were notorious for a Facebook clash with a guy they both labeled publicly as a "Fag," and other disparaging names.  The family has been involved in bar fights, shouting matches and other incidents which hardly reflect family values and Christian leanings advocated by Sarah.  In fact, Sarah's predilection towards money and more wealth is hardly an admired value.  Again, one must question whether she loves America or justthe crisp sound of US currency being plopped down. 

     Wake up America!  These are only a few of those echoing simplistic, and at times stupid, solutions to very complex problems America faces.  We are at a crossroads where there is either a plunge into right wing fantasy, another war, social net destruction, etc. or a turn towards common sense re-instituting a true democracy. Extreme right wing philosophy and right wing pseudo-Christian dominionism is wracking upon our nation thus creating a rise in racism, antisemitism, sexism and downright deviation away from tolerance and respect. Its time to point these people to the door and reestablish sanity before more violence such as Ferguson, Missouri, occurs.  Its our choice whether to go into the breach again with darkness or return to a more progressive sunlight.



Introducing Monster’s Award Winners: SEOPress, WP Weekly, and WP Academy

In the vast realm of digital innovation, where every click and keystroke shapes the landscape, three remarkable individuals stand as beacons of excellence, each wielding their expertise to redefine the boundaries of possibility. We are honored to be able to sit down with the visionaries behind SEOPress, WP Weekly, and WP Academy, Monster's Award Winners, […]

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Your friends can make you fat.

The Framing Heart Study is a cardiovascular study based in Framingham, Massachusetts. The study began in 1948 with 5,209 adult subjects from Framingham, and is now on its third generation of participants.

The New England Journal of Medicine have recently published an article based on results of this study, which says that:

A person's chances of becoming obese increased by 57% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6 to 123) if he or she had a friend who became obese in a given interval.

It also mentions the influence of siblings and spouses on your chances of becoming obese. For more analysis, read this article.



Rocana dasa lays out his view of fundamentals required for ISKCON reform.


Politically Correct Handbaskets

.Understanding spiritual truth that sometimes appears contradictory from a material viewpoint.