ev Heavy Pot Use Linked to Mental Problems, Even After Quitting By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Fri, 1 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Heavy Pot Use Linked to Mental Problems, Even After QuittingCategory: Health NewsCreated: 4/30/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 5/1/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev High Testosterone Levels Have Different Health Impact for Men and Women By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: High Testosterone Levels Have Different Health Impact for Men and WomenCategory: Health NewsCreated: 2/10/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 2/11/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Cuddling Brings Two Minds Together, MRI Study Reveals By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Mon, 4 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Cuddling Brings Two Minds Together, MRI Study RevealsCategory: Health NewsCreated: 5/4/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 5/4/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Health Tip: Relieving Hot Flashes By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Fri, 4 Oct 2019 00:00:00 PDT Title: Health Tip: Relieving Hot FlashesCategory: Health NewsCreated: 10/4/2019 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 10/4/2019 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Many Car Crash Deaths Involve Alcohol Levels Below Legal Limit: Study By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Many Car Crash Deaths Involve Alcohol Levels Below Legal Limit: StudyCategory: Health NewsCreated: 3/16/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 3/17/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Magnetic Brain 'Zap' Shows Promise Against Severe Depression By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Magnetic Brain 'Zap' Shows Promise Against Severe DepressionCategory: Health NewsCreated: 4/7/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 4/8/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Shun the Sun to Prevent Skin Cancer By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Mon, 4 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: Shun the Sun to Prevent Skin CancerCategory: Health NewsCreated: 5/2/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 5/4/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Dengue Fever By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Fri, 26 Jul 2019 00:00:00 PDT Title: Dengue FeverCategory: Diseases and ConditionsCreated: 5/31/1998 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 7/26/2019 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Typhoid Fever By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 00:00:00 PDT Title: Typhoid FeverCategory: Diseases and ConditionsCreated: 12/31/1997 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 10/28/2019 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev First Good Evidence That Brain Hits 'Replay' While You Sleep By www.medicinenet.com Published On :: Wed, 6 May 2020 00:00:00 PDT Title: First Good Evidence That Brain Hits 'Replay' While You SleepCategory: Health NewsCreated: 5/5/2020 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 5/6/2020 12:00:00 AM Full Article
ev Erratum for 'The Chalk Group (Upper Cretaceous) of the Northern Province, eastern England - a review, Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 62, 153-177 By pygs.lyellcollection.org Published On :: 2019-11-22T06:43:26-08:00 Full Article
ev Two previously unrecorded xiphosurid trace fossils, Selenichnites rossendalensis and Crescentichnus tesiltus, from the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire, UK By pygs.lyellcollection.org Published On :: 2019-11-22T06:43:26-08:00 The invertebrate trace fossils Selenichnites rossendalensis and Crescentichnus tesiltus are recorded and described from the Middle Jurassic Gristhorpe Member of the Cloughton Formation of the Cleveland Basin. This is the first record of these ichnospecies from the basin and now completes the occurrence of these and other traces assumed to have been made by limulids from all three non-marine formations of the Ravenscar Group. Full Article
ev Age of the Acadian deformation and Devonian granites in northern England: a review By pygs.lyellcollection.org Published On :: 2019-11-22T06:43:26-08:00 Field evidence shows that emplacement of Devonian granites in northern England overlaps in space and time with the end of the supposed Acadian deformation in their country rocks. The age of this Acadian event in England and Wales is in need of review because of revised Rb-Sr and K-Ar decay constants and recently acquired radiometric ages on the granites. Published K-Ar and Ar-Ar cleavage ages recalculated to the new decay constants range from 404 to 394 Ma (Emsian, Early Devonian). Emplacement of the Skiddaw and Weardale granites at 398.8 ± 0.4 and 399.3 ± 0.7 Ma respectively is indicated by U-Pb zircon ages, and is compatible with the field evidence. However, emplacement of the Shap Granite at a Re-Os molybdenite age of 405.2 ± 1.8 Ma and at the youngest U-Pb zircon age of 403 ± 8 Ma matches the field evidence less well. The apparent paradox in these ages is resolved if the K-Ar ages record only the end of millions of years of cleavage formation. An earlier cluster of K-Ar and Ar-Ar cleavage ages at 426–420 Ma (Ludlow to Přídolí, late Silurian) dates a pre-Acadian resetting event soon after Iapetus closure, an event of uncertain significance. Ion microprobe U-Pb zircon ages for the Shap Granite have a mean of 415.6 ± 1.4 Ma but a range of 428–403 Ma, compatible with a long magmatic history. Thermal considerations suggest that this history was not at the upper crustal emplacement site but in a mid-crustal mush zone, now preserved at about 10 km depth as a component of the Lake District and North Pennine batholiths. Full Article
ev Emplacement of oil in the Devonian Weardale Granite of northern England By pygs.lyellcollection.org Published On :: 2019-11-22T06:43:26-08:00 Oil residues occur as solid bitumen in mineralized zones within the Devonian Weardale Granite of the northern Pennines, northern England. Comparable residues are present in the overlying Mississippian rocks and were probably derived from a Carboniferous source, i.e. during later mineralization of the granite. The bitumen was already solidified during fluorite mineralization, which does not contain oil inclusions. The residues do not show the high thermal maturity of organic matter in the region altered by the earliest Permian Whin Sill. Like the sulphide-fluorite mineralization, oil emplacement post-dated intrusion of the sill. Pyrite associated with the oil residues is enriched in trace elements including lead, silver, gold, selenium and tellurium, which suggests that mineralizing fluids at least shared pathways with migrating hydrocarbons and possibly also suggests undiscovered valuable metal resources. Full Article
ev Peer Education: Reviews of the Literature (PERLs) By www.jdentaled.org Published On :: 2019-12-01T06:00:19-08:00 Full Article
ev Development of a Dental School Strategic Plan to Inform Interprofessional Education By www.jdentaled.org Published On :: 2019-12-01T06:00:18-08:00 Changes in U.S. health care delivery systems and Commission on Dental Accreditation standards provide impetus for interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice, but roadmaps for engaging dental and dental hygiene faculty to incorporate IPE in a systematic manner are limited. The purpose of this report is to describe the process for creating a strategy and gathering a variety of baseline data to use for determining objectives and metrics and the subsequent development of an IPE strategic plan at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry (SOD). SOD IPE committee members included representation from the UNC Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Business. A three-phase framework was developed. Phase 1 (IPE assessment) was an internal environmental scan including a 2017 faculty survey, departmental mapping of IPE activities, comparison of UNC with national results on the IPE component of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) survey of dental school seniors (2016 graduating class), identification of faculty joint/adjunct appointments at other UNC schools, and a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis. Phase 2 (visioning) consisted of development of IPE mission, vision, and priorities. In Phase 3 (implementation), priorities were developed. Data-gathering led to a strategic plan with three objectives: 1) increase faculty engagement and recognition, 2) develop predoctoral dentistry and dental hygiene IPE curricula, and 3) develop an infrastructure that supports IPE. Specific initiatives and activities, supporting metrics, and estimated costs were developed for each objective. The framework guided a systematic, transparent, and organized process for collecting and monitoring the evidence and directing activities. A three-year strategic plan for IPE was developed in 2017, and implementation is ongoing. Full Article
ev Learning and Teaching Together to Advance Evidence-Based Clinical Education: A Faculty Learning Community By www.jdentaled.org Published On :: 2019-12-01T06:00:18-08:00 Clinical teaching is a cornerstone of health sciences education; it is also the most challenging aspect. The University of Pittsburgh Schools of Dental Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy developed a new evidence-based interprofessional course framed as a faculty learning community (FLC) around the principles of learning in a clinical environment. The aim of this study was to assess the overall effectiveness of this two-semester FLC at four health professions schools in academic year 2014-15. The assessment included anonymous participant surveys in each session and an anonymous end-of-course survey. Thirty-five faculty members from dental, health and rehabilitation sciences, nursing, and pharmacy enrolled in the FLC, with six to 32 enrollees attending each session. All attendees at each session completed the session evaluation surveys, but the attendance rate at each session ranged from 17.1% to 91.4%. Sixteen participants (46%) completed the end-of-course survey. The results showed overall positive responses to the FLC and changes in the participants’ self-reported knowledge. Session surveys showed that the participants found the FLC topics helpful and appreciated the opportunity to learn from each other and the interprofessional nature of the FLC. Responses to the end-of-course survey were in alignment with the individual session surveys and cited specific benefits as being the content, teaching materials, and structured discussions. In additional feedback, participants reported interest to continue as a cohort and to extend the peer-support system beyond the FLC. This outcomes assessment of the first round of the FLC confirmed that this cohort-based faculty development in an interprofessional setting was well received by its participants. Their feedback provided valuable insights for changes to future offerings. Full Article
ev Evaluation of Faculty Mentoring Practices in Seven U.S. Dental Schools By www.jdentaled.org Published On :: 2019-12-01T06:00:18-08:00 The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the faculty mentoring practices in seven dental schools in the U.S. A 34-item survey was administered electronically to dental faculty members of all ranks, tracks, and job categories in seven dental schools using faculty listservs. Survey questions addressed current mentoring practices in which the faculty members were involved; their perceptions of those mentoring practices; their perceived characteristics of an ideal mentoring program, mentor, and mentee; perceived best practices; and respondents’ demographics. The survey was conducted from October 2017 to February 2018. A total of 154 surveys were completed (response rate 22%). Over 58% (90/154) of the respondents reported receiving no mentoring; 31.9% (49/154) said they received informal mentoring; and 9.7% (15/154) received formal mentoring. Of the 64 respondents who received mentoring, both formal and informal, 92.2% (59/64) were full-time faculty, and 7.8% (5/64) were part-time faculty (p=0.001). Approximately 39% of the respondents indicated that their mentoring program was not overseen by anyone and that participation was voluntary. The top three perceived benefits of mentoring were increased overall professional development, development of a career plan, and increased professional networks. The three most important characteristics of an ideal mentoring program for the respondents were a program based on the needs of the mentee, a mentor who has the desire to help the mentee, and a mentee who is eager to learn. The results of this study showed a very low level of formal or informal faculty mentoring programs in the dental schools surveyed. Future studies are needed to determine best practices and strategies to expand and enhance mentoring of faculty members. Full Article
ev Entrustable Professional Activities in Oral Health for Primary Care Providers Based on a Scoping Review By www.jdentaled.org Published On :: 2019-12-01T06:00:18-08:00 Despite advances in oral health care, inequalities in oral health outcomes persist due to problems in access. With proper training, primary care providers can mitigate this inequality by providing oral health education, screening, and referral to advanced dental treatment. Diverging sets of oral health competencies and guidelines have been released or endorsed by multiple primary care disciplines. The aim of this study was to transform multiple sets of competencies into Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for oral health integration into primary care training. A scoping review of the literature between January 2000 and December 2016 was conducted according to PRISMA methodology to identify all existing sets of competencies. The following primary care disciplines were included in the search: allopathic/osteopathic medical schools and residency programs in family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics; physician assistant programs; and nurse practitioner programs. Competencies were compared using the Health Resources and Services Administration Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice competencies as the foundational set and translated into EPAs. The resulting EPAs were tested with a reactor panel. The scoping review produced 1,466 references, of which 114 were selected for full text review. Fourteen competencies were identified as being central to the integration of oral health into primary care. These were converted to seven EPAs for oral health integration into primary care and were mapped onto Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education residency competency domains as well to the Association of American Medical Colleges EPAs for graduating medical students. The resulting EPAs delineate the essential, observable work required of primary care providers to ensure that oral health is treated as a critical determinant of overall health. Full Article
ev Evaluation of an Automated Digital Scoring System of Dental Plaque By jdh.adha.org Published On :: 2020-04-30T12:39:03-07:00 Purpose: Measurement of dental plaque is frequently used as an indicator of overall oral health. The purpose of this study was to compare a manual (visual) plaque scoring system (University of Mississippi Oral Hygiene Index, UM-OHI) with an innovative automated digital scoring system.Methods: Mechanically ventilated, intensive care unit (ICU) patients (n=79) were the study population. Informed consent was given by the subject's legally authorized representative. Digital images of dental plaque were taken using an intraoral camera; and the quantity of dental plaque was scored using the UM-OHI and with a digitized automated scoring system. Distributions of dental plaque scores from both methods were plotted. Pearson correlation coefficients and intra-class coefficients were calculated between the two methods.Results: Participant mean age was 57.3 years; respiratory failure was the most prevalent admission diagnosis (55.7%). The mean percentage of dental plaque calculated by the manual method was found to be remarkably higher (67.3% ± 18.7%) than the percentage of dental plaque calculated by the automated scoring method (23.7% ± 15.2%) (p<0.0001). Despite remarkably different distributions of plaque scores, both the automated and manual scoring systems demostrated relatively high correlation (r=0.62) and good reliability (ICC=0.63).Conclusion: The automated digital scoring system resulted in a significantly lower overall percentage of total dental plaque as compared to the UM-OHI manual scoring system. While the automated digital scoring system may be more precise than a manual (visual) scoring system, its use should be weighed against the added effort, cost, and expertise required for the method. Further study is needed to determine whether an automated digital scoring system can be commercialized and is warranted for use outside of research settings. Full Article
ev Vitamin E does not prevent Western diet-induced NASH progression and increases metabolic flux dysregulation in mice [Research Articles] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Fatty liver involves ectopic lipid accumulation and dysregulated hepatic oxidative metabolism, which can progress to a state of elevated inflammation and fibrosis referred to as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The factors that control progression from simple steatosis to NASH are not fully known. Here, we tested the hypothesis that dietary vitamin E (VitE) supplementation would prevent NASH progression and associated metabolic alterations induced by a Western diet (WD). Hyperphagic melanocortin-4 receptor-deficient (MC4R–/–) mice were fed chow, chow+VitE, WD, or WD+VitE starting at 8 or 20 weeks of age. All groups exhibited extensive hepatic steatosis by the end of the study (28 weeks of age). WD feeding exacerbated liver disease severity without inducing proportional changes in liver triglycerides. Eight weeks of WD accelerated liver pyruvate cycling, and 20 weeks of WD extensively upregulated liver glucose and oxidative metabolism assessed by 2H/13C flux analysis. VitE supplementation failed to reduce the histological features of NASH. Rather, WD+VitE increased the abundance and saturation of liver ceramides and accelerated metabolic flux dysregulation compared with 8 weeks of WD alone. In summary, VitE did not limit NASH pathogenesis in genetically obese mice, but instead increased some indicators of metabolic dysfunction. Full Article
ev Lipid rafts as a therapeutic target [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Lipid rafts regulate the initiation of cellular metabolic and signaling pathways by organizing the pathway components in ordered microdomains on the cell surface. Cellular responses regulated by lipid rafts range from physiological to pathological, and the success of a therapeutic approach targeting "pathological" lipid rafts depends on the ability of a remedial agent to recognize them and disrupt pathological lipid rafts without affecting normal raft-dependent cellular functions. In this article, concluding the Thematic Review Series on Biology of Lipid Rafts, we review current experimental therapies targeting pathological lipid rafts, including examples of inflammarafts and clusters of apoptotic signaling molecule-enriched rafts. The corrective approaches include regulation of cholesterol and sphingolipid metabolism and membrane trafficking by using HDL and its mimetics, LXR agonists, ABCA1 overexpression, and cyclodextrins, as well as a more targeted intervention with apoA-I binding protein. Among others, we highlight the design of antagonists that target inflammatory receptors only in their activated form of homo- or heterodimers, when receptor dimerization occurs in pathological lipid rafts. Other therapies aim to promote raft-dependent physiological functions, such as augmenting caveolae-dependent tissue repair. The overview of this highly dynamic field will provide readers with a view on the emerging concept of targeting lipid rafts as a therapeutic strategy. Full Article
ev The ins and outs of lipid rafts: functions in intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, microparticles, and cell membranes [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Cellular membranes are not homogenous mixtures of proteins; rather, they are segregated into microdomains on the basis of preferential association between specific lipids and proteins. These microdomains, called lipid rafts, are well known for their role in receptor signaling on the plasma membrane (PM) and are essential to such cellular functions as signal transduction and spatial organization of the PM. A number of disease states, including atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disorders, may be caused by dysfunctional maintenance of lipid rafts. Lipid rafts do not occur only in the PM but also have been found in intracellular membranes and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Here, we focus on discussing newly discovered functions of lipid rafts and microdomains in intracellular membranes, including lipid and protein trafficking from the ER, Golgi bodies, and endosomes to the PM, and we examine lipid raft involvement in the production and composition of EVs. Because lipid rafts are small and transient, visualization remains challenging. Future work with advanced techniques will continue to expand our knowledge about the roles of lipid rafts in cellular functioning. Full Article
ev Hematopoiesis is regulated by cholesterol efflux pathways and lipid rafts: connections with cardiovascular diseases [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Lipid rafts are highly ordered regions of the plasma membrane that are enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids and play important roles in many cells. In hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs), lipid rafts house receptors critical for normal hematopoiesis. Lipid rafts also can bind and sequester kinases that induce negative feedback pathways to limit proliferative cytokine receptor cycling back to the cell membrane. Modulation of lipid rafts occurs through an array of mechanisms, with optimal cholesterol efflux one of the major regulators. As such, cholesterol homeostasis also regulates hematopoiesis. Increased lipid raft content, which occurs in response to changes in cholesterol efflux in the membrane, can result in prolonged receptor occupancy in the cell membrane and enhanced signaling. In addition, certain diseases, like diabetes, may contribute to lipid raft formation and affect cholesterol retention in rafts. In this review, we explore the role of lipid raft-related mechanisms in hematopoiesis and CVD (specifically, atherosclerosis) and discuss how defective cholesterol efflux pathways in HSPCs contribute to expansion of lipid rafts, thereby promoting myelopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. We also discuss the utility of cholesterol acceptors in contributing to lipid raft regulation and disruption, and highlight the potential to manipulate these pathways for therapeutic gain in CVD as well as other disorders with aberrant hematopoiesis. Full Article
ev Lipid rafts in glial cells: role in neuroinflammation and pain processing [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Activation of microglia and astrocytes secondary to inflammatory processes contributes to the development and perpetuation of pain with a neuropathic phenotype. This pain state presents as a chronic debilitating condition and affects a large population of patients with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, or after surgery, trauma, or chemotherapy. Here, we review the regulation of lipid rafts in glial cells and the role they play as a key component of neuroinflammatory sensitization of central pain signaling pathways. In this context, we introduce the concept of an inflammaraft (i-raft), enlarged lipid rafts harboring activated receptors and adaptor molecules and serving as an organizing platform to initiate inflammatory signaling and the cellular response. Characteristics of the inflammaraft include increased relative abundance of lipid rafts in inflammatory cells, increased content of cholesterol per raft, and increased levels of inflammatory receptors, such as toll-like receptor (TLR)4, adaptor molecules, ion channels, and enzymes in lipid rafts. This inflammaraft motif serves an important role in the membrane assembly of protein complexes, for example, TLR4 dimerization. Operating within this framework, we demonstrate the involvement of inflammatory receptors, redox molecules, and ion channels in the inflammaraft formation and the regulation of cholesterol and sphingolipid metabolism in the inflammaraft maintenance and disruption. Strategies for targeting inflammarafts, without affecting the integrity of lipid rafts in noninflammatory cells, may lead to developing novel therapies for neuropathic pain states and other neuroinflammatory conditions. Full Article
ev Lipid rafts and neurodegeneration: structural and functional roles in physiologic aging and neurodegenerative diseases [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Lipid rafts are small, dynamic membrane areas characterized by the clustering of selected membrane lipids as the result of the spontaneous separation of glycolipids, sphingolipids, and cholesterol in a liquid-ordered phase. The exact dynamics underlying phase separation of membrane lipids in the complex biological membranes are still not fully understood. Nevertheless, alterations in the membrane lipid composition affect the lateral organization of molecules belonging to lipid rafts. Neural lipid rafts are found in brain cells, including neurons, astrocytes, and microglia, and are characterized by a high enrichment of specific lipids depending on the cell type. These lipid rafts seem to organize and determine the function of multiprotein complexes involved in several aspects of signal transduction, thus regulating the homeostasis of the brain. The progressive decline of brain performance along with physiological aging is at least in part associated with alterations in the composition and structure of neural lipid rafts. In addition, neurodegenerative conditions, such as lysosomal storage disorders, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s diseases, are frequently characterized by dysregulated lipid metabolism, which in turn affects the structure of lipid rafts. Several events underlying the pathogenesis of these diseases appear to depend on the altered composition of lipid rafts. Thus, the structure and function of lipid rafts play a central role in the pathogenesis of many common neurodegenerative diseases. Full Article
ev Lipid rafts as signaling hubs in cancer cell survival/death and invasion: implications in tumor progression and therapy [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Cholesterol/sphingolipid-rich membrane domains, known as lipid rafts or membrane rafts, play a critical role in the compartmentalization of signaling pathways. Physical segregation of proteins in lipid rafts may modulate the accessibility of proteins to regulatory or effector molecules. Thus, lipid rafts serve as sorting platforms and hubs for signal transduction proteins. Cancer cells contain higher levels of intracellular cholesterol and lipid rafts than their normal non-tumorigenic counterparts. Many signal transduction processes involved in cancer development (insulin-like growth factor system and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-AKT) and metastasis [cluster of differentiation (CD)44] are dependent on or modulated by lipid rafts. Additional proteins playing an important role in several malignant cancers (e.g., transmembrane glycoprotein mucin 1) are also being detected in association with lipid rafts, suggesting a major role of lipid rafts in tumor progression. Conversely, lipid rafts also serve as scaffolds for the recruitment and clustering of Fas/CD95 death receptors and downstream signaling molecules leading to cell death-promoting raft platforms. The partition of death receptors and downstream signaling molecules in aggregated lipid rafts has led to the formation of the so-called cluster of apoptotic signaling molecule-enriched rafts, or CASMER, which leads to apoptosis amplification and can be pharmacologically modulated. These death-promoting rafts can be viewed as a linchpin from which apoptotic signals are launched. In this review, we discuss the involvement of lipid rafts in major signaling processes in cancer cells, including cell survival, cell death, and metastasis, and we consider the potential of lipid raft modulation as a promising target in cancer therapy. Full Article
ev Lipid rafts and pathogens: the art of deception and exploitation [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Lipid rafts, solid regions of the plasma membrane enriched in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids, are essential parts of a cell. Functionally, lipid rafts present a platform that facilitates interaction of cells with the outside world. However, the unique properties of lipid rafts required to fulfill this function at the same time make them susceptible to exploitation by pathogens. Many steps of pathogen interaction with host cells, and sometimes all steps within the entire lifecycle of various pathogens, rely on host lipid rafts. Such steps as binding of pathogens to the host cells, invasion of intracellular parasites into the cell, the intracellular dwelling of parasites, microbial assembly and exit from the host cell, and microbe transfer from one cell to another all involve lipid rafts. Interaction also includes modification of lipid rafts in host cells, inflicted by pathogens from both inside and outside the cell, through contact or remotely, to advance pathogen replication, to utilize cellular resources, and/or to mitigate immune response. Here, we provide a systematic overview of how and why pathogens interact with and exploit host lipid rafts, as well as the consequences of this interaction for the host, locally and systemically, and for the microbe. We also raise the possibility of modulation of lipid rafts as a therapeutic approach against a variety of infectious agents. Full Article
ev Biology of Lipid Rafts: Introduction to the Thematic Review Series [Thematic Reviews] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Lipid rafts are organized plasma membrane microdomains, which provide a distinct level of regulation of cellular metabolism and response to extracellular stimuli, affecting a diverse range of physiologic and pathologic processes. This Thematic Review Series focuses on Biology of Lipid Rafts rather than on their composition or structure. The aim is to provide an overview of ideas on how lipid rafts are involved in regulation of different pathways and how they interact with other layers of metabolic regulation. Articles in the series will review the involvement of lipid rafts in regulation of hematopoiesis, production of extracellular vesicles, host interaction with infection, and the development and progression of cancer, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration, as well as the current outlook on therapeutic targeting of lipid rafts. Full Article
ev Modulation of Monocyte-Driven Myositis in Alphavirus Infection Reveals a Role for CX3CR1+ Macrophages in Tissue Repair By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-03T01:30:27-08:00 ABSTRACT Arthritogenic alphaviruses such as Ross River and Chikungunya viruses cause debilitating muscle and joint pain and pose significant challenges in the light of recent outbreaks. How host immune responses are orchestrated after alphaviral infections and lead to musculoskeletal inflammation remains poorly understood. Here, we show that myositis induced by Ross River virus (RRV) infection is driven by CD11bhi Ly6Chi inflammatory monocytes and followed by the establishment of a CD11bhi Ly6Clo CX3CR1+ macrophage population in the muscle upon recovery. Selective modulation of CD11bhi Ly6Chi monocyte migration to infected muscle using immune-modifying microparticles (IMP) reduced disease score, tissue damage, and inflammation and promoted the accumulation of CX3CR1+ macrophages, enhancing recovery and resolution. Here, we detail the role of immune pathology, describing a poorly characterized muscle macrophage subset as part of the dynamics of alphavirus-induced myositis and tissue recovery and identify IMP as an effective immunomodulatory approach. Given the lack of specific treatments available for alphavirus-induced pathologies, this study highlights a therapeutic potential for simple immune modulation by IMP in infected individuals in the event of large alphavirus outbreaks. IMPORTANCE Arthritogenic alphaviruses cause debilitating inflammatory disease, and current therapies are restricted to palliative approaches. Here, we show that following monocyte-driven muscle inflammation, tissue recovery is associated with the accumulation of CX3CR1+ macrophages in the muscle. Modulating inflammatory monocyte infiltration using immune-modifying microparticles (IMP) reduced tissue damage and inflammation and enhanced the formation of tissue repair-associated CX3CR1+ macrophages in the muscle. This shows that modulating key effectors of viral inflammation using microparticles can alter the outcome of disease by facilitating the accumulation of macrophage subsets associated with tissue repair. Full Article
ev Repurposed Drugs That Block the Gonococcus-Complement Receptor 3 Interaction Can Prevent and Cure Gonococcal Infection of Primary Human Cervical Epithelial Cells By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-03T01:30:27-08:00 ABSTRACT In the absence of a vaccine, multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae has emerged as a major human health threat, and new approaches to treat gonorrhea are urgently needed. N. gonorrhoeae pili are posttranslationally modified by a glycan that terminates in a galactose. The terminal galactose is critical for initial contact with the human cervical mucosa via an interaction with the I-domain of complement receptor 3 (CR3). We have now identified the I-domain galactose-binding epitope and characterized its galactose-specific lectin activity. Using surface plasmon resonance and cellular infection assays, we found that a peptide mimic of this galactose-binding region competitively inhibited the N. gonorrhoeae-CR3 interaction. A compound library was screened for potential drugs that could similarly prohibit the N. gonorrhoeae-CR3 interaction and be repurposed as novel host-targeted therapeutics for multidrug-resistant gonococcal infections in women. Two drugs, methyldopa and carbamazepine, prevented and cured cervical cell infection by multidrug-resistant gonococci by blocking the gonococcal-CR3 I-domain interaction. IMPORTANCE Novel therapies that avert the problem of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with acquired antibiotic resistance are urgently needed. Gonococcal infection of the human cervix is initiated by an interaction between a galactose modification made to its surface appendages, pili, and the I-domain region of (host) complement receptor 3 (CR3). By targeting this crucial gonococcal–I-domain interaction, it may be possible to prevent cervical infection in females. To this end, we identified the I-domain galactose-binding epitope of CR3 and characterized its galactose lectin activity. Moreover, we identified two drugs, carbamazepine and methyldopa, as effective host-targeted therapies for gonorrhea treatment. At doses below those currently used for their respective existing indications, both carbamazepine and methyldopa were more effective than ceftriaxone in curing cervical infection ex vivo. This host-targeted approach would not be subject to N. gonorrhoeae drug resistance mechanisms. Thus, our data suggest a long-term solution to the growing problem of multidrug-resistant N. gonorrhoeae infections. Full Article
ev Bacterial Transformation Buffers Environmental Fluctuations through the Reversible Integration of Mobile Genetic Elements By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-03T01:30:27-08:00 ABSTRACT Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) promotes the spread of genes within bacterial communities. Among the HGT mechanisms, natural transformation stands out as being encoded by the bacterial core genome. Natural transformation is often viewed as a way to acquire new genes and to generate genetic mixing within bacterial populations. Another recently proposed function is the curing of bacterial genomes of their infectious parasitic mobile genetic elements (MGEs). Here, we propose that these seemingly opposing theoretical points of view can be unified. Although costly for bacterial cells, MGEs can carry functions that are at points in time beneficial to bacteria under stressful conditions (e.g., antibiotic resistance genes). Using computational modeling, we show that, in stochastic environments, an intermediate transformation rate maximizes bacterial fitness by allowing the reversible integration of MGEs carrying resistance genes, although these MGEs are costly for host cell replication. Based on this dual function (MGE acquisition and removal), transformation would be a key mechanism for stabilizing the bacterial genome in the long term, and this would explain its striking conservation. IMPORTANCE Natural transformation is the acquisition, controlled by bacteria, of extracellular DNA and is one of the most common mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer, promoting the spread of resistance genes. However, its evolutionary function remains elusive, and two main roles have been proposed: (i) the new gene acquisition and genetic mixing within bacterial populations and (ii) the removal of infectious parasitic mobile genetic elements (MGEs). While the first one promotes genetic diversification, the other one promotes the removal of foreign DNA and thus genome stability, making these two functions apparently antagonistic. Using a computational model, we show that intermediate transformation rates, commonly observed in bacteria, allow the acquisition then removal of MGEs. The transient acquisition of costly MGEs with resistance genes maximizes bacterial fitness in environments with stochastic stress exposure. Thus, transformation would ensure both a strong dynamic of the bacterial genome in the short term and its long-term stabilization. Full Article
ev In Vivo Assay Reveals Microbial OleA Thiolases Initiating Hydrocarbon and {beta}-Lactone Biosynthesis By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-10T01:30:41-07:00 ABSTRACT OleA, a member of the thiolase superfamily, is known to catalyze the Claisen condensation of long-chain acyl coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) substrates, initiating metabolic pathways in bacteria for the production of membrane lipids and β-lactone natural products. OleA homologs are found in diverse bacterial phyla, but to date, only one homodimeric OleA has been successfully purified to homogeneity and characterized in vitro. A major impediment for the identification of new OleA enzymes has been protein instability and time-consuming in vitro assays. Here, we developed a bioinformatic pipeline to identify OleA homologs and a new rapid assay to screen OleA enzyme activity in vivo and map their taxonomic diversity. The screen is based on the discovery that OleA displayed surprisingly high rates of p-nitrophenyl ester hydrolysis, an activity not shared by other thiolases, including FabH. The high rates allowed activity to be determined in vitro and with heterologously expressed OleA in vivo via the release of the yellow p-nitrophenol product. Seventy-four putative oleA genes identified in the genomes of diverse bacteria were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, and 25 showed activity with p-nitrophenyl esters. The OleA proteins tested were encoded in variable genomic contexts from seven different phyla and are predicted to function in distinct membrane lipid and β-lactone natural product metabolic pathways. This study highlights the diversity of unstudied OleA proteins and presents a rapid method for their identification and characterization. IMPORTANCE Microbially produced β-lactones are found in antibiotic, antitumor, and antiobesity drugs. Long-chain olefinic membrane hydrocarbons have potential utility as fuels and specialty chemicals. The metabolic pathway to both end products share bacterial enzymes denoted as OleA, OleC, and OleD that transform acyl-CoA cellular intermediates into β-lactones. Bacteria producing membrane hydrocarbons via the Ole pathway additionally express a β-lactone decarboxylase, OleB. Both β-lactone and olefin biosynthesis pathways are initiated by OleA enzymes that define the overall structure of the final product. There is currently very limited information on OleA enzymes apart from the single representative from Xanthomonas campestris. In this study, bioinformatic analysis identified hundreds of new, putative OleA proteins, 74 proteins were screened via a rapid whole-cell method, leading to the identification of 25 stably expressed OleA proteins representing seven bacteria phyla. Full Article
ev Pyocin S5 Import into Pseudomonas aeruginosa Reveals a Generic Mode of Bacteriocin Transport By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-10T01:30:42-07:00 ABSTRACT Pyocin S5 (PyoS5) is a potent protein bacteriocin that eradicates the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in animal infection models, but its import mechanism is poorly understood. Here, using crystallography, biophysical and biochemical analyses, and live-cell imaging, we define the entry process of PyoS5 and reveal links to the transport mechanisms of other bacteriocins. In addition to its C-terminal pore-forming domain, elongated PyoS5 comprises two novel tandemly repeated kinked 3-helix bundle domains that structure-based alignments identify as key import domains in other pyocins. The central domain binds the lipid-bound common polysaccharide antigen, allowing the pyocin to accumulate on the cell surface. The N-terminal domain binds the ferric pyochelin transporter FptA while its associated disordered region binds the inner membrane protein TonB1, which together drive import of the bacteriocin across the outer membrane. Finally, we identify the minimal requirements for sensitizing Escherichia coli toward PyoS5, as well as other pyocins, and suggest that a generic pathway likely underpins the import of all TonB-dependent bacteriocins across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. IMPORTANCE Bacteriocins are toxic polypeptides made by bacteria to kill their competitors, making them interesting as potential antibiotics. Here, we reveal unsuspected commonalities in bacteriocin uptake pathways, through molecular and cellular dissection of the import pathway for the pore-forming bacteriocin pyocin S5 (PyoS5), which targets Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition to its C-terminal pore-forming domain, PyoS5 is composed of two tandemly repeated helical domains that we also identify in other pyocins. Functional analyses demonstrate that they have distinct roles in the import process. One recognizes conserved sugars projected from the surface, while the other recognizes a specific outer membrane siderophore transporter, FptA, in the case of PyoS5. Through engineering of Escherichia coli cells, we show that pyocins can be readily repurposed to kill other species. This suggests basic ground rules for the outer membrane translocation step that likely apply to many bacteriocins targeting Gram-negative bacteria. Full Article
ev Evolution of Host Specificity by Malaria Parasites through Altered Mechanisms Controlling Genome Maintenance By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-17T01:30:15-07:00 ABSTRACT The protozoan parasites that cause malaria infect a wide variety of vertebrate hosts, including birds, reptiles, and mammals, and the evolutionary pressures inherent to the host-parasite relationship have profoundly shaped the genomes of both host and parasite. Here, we report that these selective pressures have resulted in unexpected alterations to one of the most basic aspects of eukaryotic biology, the maintenance of genome integrity through DNA repair. Malaria parasites that infect humans continuously generate genetic diversity within their antigen-encoding gene families through frequent ectopic recombination between gene family members, a process that is a crucial feature of the persistence of malaria globally. The continuous generation of antigen diversity ensures that different parasite isolates are antigenically distinct, thus preventing extensive cross-reactive immunity and enabling parasites to maintain stable transmission within human populations. However, the molecular basis of the recombination between gene family members is not well understood. Through computational analyses of the antigen-encoding, multicopy gene families of different Plasmodium species, we report the unexpected observation that malaria parasites that infect rodents do not display the same degree of antigen diversity as observed in Plasmodium falciparum and appear to undergo significantly less ectopic recombination. Using comparative genomics, we also identify key molecular components of the diversification process, thus shedding new light on how malaria parasites balance the maintenance of genome integrity with the requirement for continuous genetic diversification. IMPORTANCE Malaria remains one of the most prevalent and deadly infectious diseases of the developing world, causing approximately 228 million clinical cases and nearly half a million deaths annually. The disease is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium, and of the five species capable of infecting humans, infections with P. falciparum are the most severe. In addition to the parasites that infect people, there are hundreds of additional species that infect birds, reptiles, and other mammals, each exquisitely evolved to meet the specific challenges inherent to survival within their respective hosts. By comparing the unique strategies that each species has evolved, key insights into host-parasite interactions can be gained, including discoveries regarding the pathogenesis of human disease. Here, we describe the surprising observation that closely related parasites with different hosts have evolved remarkably different methods for repairing their genomes. This observation has important implications for the ability of parasites to maintain chronic infections and for the development of host immunity. Full Article
ev Hiding in Plain Sight: an Approach to Treating Patients with Severe COVID-19 Infection By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-20T08:59:31-07:00 ABSTRACT Patients with COVID-19 infection are at risk of acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS) and death. The tissue receptor for COVID-19 is ACE2, and higher levels of ACE2 can protect against ARDS. Angiotensin receptor blockers and statins upregulate ACE2. Clinical trials are needed to determine whether this drug combination might be used to treat patients with severe COVID-19 infection. Full Article
ev Glycemic Variability in Diabetes Increases the Severity of Influenza By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-24T01:31:01-07:00 ABSTRACT People with diabetes are two times more likely to die from influenza than people with no underlying medical condition. The mechanisms underlying this susceptibility are poorly understood. In healthy individuals, small and short-lived postprandial peaks in blood glucose levels occur. In diabetes mellitus, these fluctuations become greater and more frequent. This glycemic variability is associated with oxidative stress and hyperinflammation. However, the contribution of glycemic variability to the pathogenesis of influenza A virus (IAV) has not been explored. Here, we used an in vitro model of the pulmonary epithelial-endothelial barrier and novel murine models to investigate the role of glycemic variability in influenza severity. In vitro, a history of glycemic variability significantly increased influenza-driven cell death and destruction of the epithelial-endothelial barrier. In vivo, influenza virus-infected mice with a history of glycemic variability lost significantly more body weight than mice with constant blood glucose levels. This increased disease severity was associated with markers of oxidative stress and hyperinflammation both in vitro and in vivo. Together, these results provide the first indication that glycemic variability may help drive the increased risk of severe influenza in people with diabetes mellitus. IMPORTANCE Every winter, people with diabetes are at increased risk of severe influenza. At present, the mechanisms that cause this increased susceptibility are unclear. Here, we show that the fluctuations in blood glucose levels common in people with diabetes are associated with severe influenza. These data suggest that glycemic stability could become a greater clinical priority for patients with diabetes during outbreaks of influenza. Full Article
ev Acknowledgment of Reviewers By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-24T01:31:01-07:00 Full Article
ev Divergent Evolution of Legionella RCC1 Repeat Effectors Defines the Range of Ran GTPase Cycle Targets By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-24T01:31:01-07:00 ABSTRACT Legionella pneumophila governs its interactions with host cells by secreting >300 different "effector" proteins. Some of these effectors contain eukaryotic domains such as the RCC1 (regulator of chromosome condensation 1) repeats promoting the activation of the small GTPase Ran. In this report, we reveal a conserved pattern of L. pneumophila RCC1 repeat genes, which are distributed in two main clusters of strains. Accordingly, strain Philadelphia-1 contains two RCC1 genes implicated in bacterial virulence, legG1 (Legionella eukaryotic gene 1), and ppgA, while strain Paris contains only one, pieG. The RCC1 repeat effectors localize to different cellular compartments and bind distinct components of the Ran GTPase cycle, including Ran modulators and the small GTPase itself, and yet they all promote the activation of Ran. The pieG gene spans the corresponding open reading frames of legG1 and a separate adjacent upstream gene, lpg1975. legG1 and lpg1975 are fused upon addition of a single nucleotide to encode a protein that adopts the binding specificity of PieG. Thus, a point mutation in pieG splits the gene, altering the effector target. These results indicate that divergent evolution of RCC1 repeat effectors defines the Ran GTPase cycle targets and that modulation of different components of the cycle might fine-tune Ran activation during Legionella infection. IMPORTANCE Legionella pneumophila is a ubiquitous environmental bacterium which, upon inhalation, causes a life-threatening pneumonia termed Legionnaires’ disease. The opportunistic pathogen grows in amoebae and macrophages by employing a "type IV" secretion system, which secretes more than 300 different "effector" proteins into the host cell, where they subvert pivotal processes. The function of many of these effector proteins is unknown, and their evolution has not been studied. L. pneumophila RCC1 repeat effectors target the small GTPase Ran, a molecular switch implicated in different cellular processes such as nucleocytoplasmic transport and microtubule cytoskeleton dynamics. We provide evidence that one or more RCC1 repeat genes are distributed in two main clusters of L. pneumophila strains and have divergently evolved to target different components of the Ran GTPase activation cycle at different subcellular sites. Thus, L. pneumophila employs a sophisticated strategy to subvert host cell Ran GTPase during infection. Full Article
ev Characterization of the Efflux Capability and Substrate Specificity of Aspergillus fumigatus PDR5-like ABC Transporters Expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-03-24T01:31:01-07:00 ABSTRACT This research analyzed six Aspergillus fumigatus genes encoding putative efflux proteins for their roles as transporters. The A. fumigatus genes abcA, abcC, abcF, abcG, abcH, and abcI were cloned into plasmids and overexpressed in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in which the highly active endogenous ABC transporter gene PDR5 was deleted. The activity of each transporter was measured by efflux of rhodamine 6G and accumulation of alanine β-naphthylamide. The transporters AbcA, AbcC, and AbcF had the strongest efflux activities of these compounds. All of the strains with plasmid-expressed transporters had more efflux activity than did the PDR5-deleted background strain. We performed broth microdilution drug susceptibility testing and agar spot assays using an array of compounds and antifungal drugs to determine the transporter specificity and drug susceptibility of the strains. The transporters AbcC and AbcF showed the broadest range of substrate specificity, while AbcG and AbcH had the narrowest range of substrates. Strains expressing the AbcA, AbcC, AbcF, or AbcI transporter were more resistant to fluconazole than was the PDR5-deleted background strain. Strains expressing AbcC and AbcF were additionally more resistant to clotrimazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, and posaconazole than was the background strain. Finally, we analyzed the expression levels of the genes by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) in triazole-susceptible and -resistant A. fumigatus clinical isolates. All of these transporters are expressed at a measurable level, and transporter expression varied significantly between strains, demonstrating the high degree of phenotypic variation, plasticity, and divergence of which this species is capable. IMPORTANCE One mechanism behind drug resistance is altered export out of the cell. This work is a multifaceted analysis of membrane efflux transporters in the human fungal pathogen A. fumigatus. Bioinformatics evidence infers that there is a relatively large number of genes in A. fumigatus that encode ABC efflux transporters. However, very few of these transporters have been directly characterized and analyzed for their potential role in drug resistance. Our objective was to determine if these undercharacterized proteins function as efflux transporters and then to better define whether their efflux substrates include antifungal drugs used to treat fungal infections. We chose six A. fumigatus potential plasma membrane ABC transporter genes for analysis and found that all six genes produced functional transporter proteins. We used two fungal systems to look for correlations between transporter function and drug resistance. These transporters have the potential to produce drug-resistant phenotypes in A. fumigatus. Continued characterization of these and other transporters may assist in the development of efflux inhibitor drugs. Full Article
ev Adaptive Evolution of Geobacter sulfurreducens in Coculture with Pseudomonas aeruginosa By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-07T01:31:16-07:00 ABSTRACT Interactions between microorganisms in mixed communities are highly complex, being either syntrophic, neutral, predatory, or competitive. Evolutionary changes can occur in the interaction dynamics between community members as they adapt to coexistence. Here, we report that the syntrophic interaction between Geobacter sulfurreducens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa coculture change in their dynamics over evolutionary time. Specifically, Geobacter sp. dominance increases with adaptation within the cocultures, as determined through quantitative PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This suggests a transition from syntrophy to competition and demonstrates the rapid adaptive capacity of Geobacter spp. to dominate in cocultures with P. aeruginosa. Early in coculture establishment, two single-nucleotide variants in the G. sulfurreducens fabI and tetR genes emerged that were strongly selected for throughout coculture evolution with P. aeruginosa phenazine wild-type and phenazine-deficient mutants. Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical spectra-mass spectrometry (SWATH-MS) proteomics revealed that the tetR variant cooccurred with the upregulation of an adenylate cyclase transporter, CyaE, and a resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux pump notably known for antibiotic efflux. To determine whether antibiotic production was driving the increased expression of the multidrug efflux pump, we tested Pseudomonas-derived phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PHZ-1-CA) for its potential to inhibit Geobacter growth and drive selection of the tetR and fabI genetic variants. Despite its inhibitory properties, PHZ-1-CA did not drive variant selection, indicating that other antibiotics may drive overexpression of the efflux pump and CyaE or that a novel role exists for these proteins in the context of this interaction. IMPORTANCE Geobacter and Pseudomonas spp. cohabit many of the same environments, where Geobacter spp. often dominate. Both bacteria are capable of extracellular electron transfer (EET) and play important roles in biogeochemical cycling. Although they recently in 2017 were demonstrated to undergo direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) with one another, the genetic evolution of this syntrophic interaction has not been examined. Here, we use whole-genome sequencing of the cocultures before and after adaptive evolution to determine whether genetic selection is occurring. We also probe their interaction on a temporal level and determine whether their interaction dynamics change over the course of adaptive evolution. This study brings to light the multifaceted nature of interactions between just two microorganisms within a controlled environment and will aid in improving metabolic models of microbial communities comprising these two bacteria. Full Article
ev A Chimeric Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Protects against Lethal Yellow Fever Virus Infection without Inducing Neutralizing Antibodies By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-07T01:31:16-07:00 ABSTRACT Recent outbreaks of yellow fever virus (YFV) in West Africa and Brazil resulted in rapid depletion of global vaccine emergency stockpiles and raised concerns about being unprepared against future YFV epidemics. Here we report that a live attenuated virus similar to the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) vaccine JE-CVax/Imojev that consists of YFV-17D vaccine from which the structural (prM/E) genes have been replaced with those of the JEV SA14-14-2 vaccine strain confers full protection in mice against lethal YFV challenge. In contrast to the YFV-17D-mediated protection against YFV, this protection is not mediated by neutralizing antibodies but correlates with YFV-specific nonneutralizing antibodies and T cell responses against cell-associated YFV NS1 and other YFV nonstructural (NS) proteins. Our findings reveal the potential of YFV NS proteins to mediate protection and demonstrate that chimeric flavivirus vaccines, such as Imojev, could confer protection against two flaviviruses. This dual protection may have implications for the possible off-label use of JE-CVax in case of emergency and vaccine shortage during YFV outbreaks. In addition, populations in Asia that have been vaccinated with Imojev may already be protected against YFV should outbreaks ever occur on that continent, as several countries/regions in the Asia-Pacific are vulnerable to international spread of the YFV. IMPORTANCE Efficient and safe vaccines against yellow fever (e.g., YFV-17D) that provide long-lasting protection by rapidly inducing neutralizing antibody responses exist. However, the vaccine supply cannot cope with an increasing demand posed by urban outbreaks in recent years. Here we report that JE-CVax/Imojev, a YFV-17D-based chimeric Japanese encephalitis vaccine, also efficiently protects against YFV infection in mice. In case of shortage of the YFV vaccine during yellow fever outbreaks, (off-label) use of JE-CVax/Imojev may be considered. Moreover, wider use of JE-CVax/Imojev in Asia may lower the risk of the much-feared YFV spillover to the continent. More generally, chimeric vaccines that combine surface antigens and replication machineries of two distinct flaviviruses may be considered dual vaccines for the latter pathogen without induction of surface-specific antibodies. Following this rationale, novel flavivirus vaccines that do not hold a risk for antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of infection (inherent to current dengue vaccines and dengue vaccine candidates) could be designed. Full Article
ev YejM Modulates Activity of the YciM/FtsH Protease Complex To Prevent Lethal Accumulation of Lipopolysaccharide By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-14T01:31:22-07:00 ABSTRACT Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an essential glycolipid present in the outer membrane (OM) of many Gram-negative bacteria. Balanced biosynthesis of LPS is critical for cell viability; too little LPS weakens the OM, while too much LPS is lethal. In Escherichia coli, this balance is maintained by the YciM/FtsH protease complex, which adjusts LPS levels by degrading the LPS biosynthesis enzyme LpxC. Here, we provide evidence that activity of the YciM/FtsH protease complex is inhibited by the essential protein YejM. Using strains in which LpxC activity is reduced, we show that yciM is epistatic to yejM, demonstrating that YejM acts upstream of YciM to prevent toxic overproduction of LPS. Previous studies have shown that this toxicity can be suppressed by deleting lpp, which codes for a highly abundant OM lipoprotein. It was assumed that deletion of lpp restores lipid balance by increasing the number of acyl chains available for glycerophospholipid biosynthesis. We show that this is not the case. Rather, our data suggest that preventing attachment of lpp to the peptidoglycan sacculus allows excess LPS to be shed in vesicles. We propose that this loss of OM material allows continued transport of LPS to the OM, thus preventing lethal accumulation of LPS within the inner membrane. Overall, our data justify the commitment of three essential inner membrane proteins to avoid toxic over- or underproduction of LPS. IMPORTANCE Gram-negative bacteria are encapsulated by an outer membrane (OM) that is impermeable to large and hydrophobic molecules. As such, these bacteria are intrinsically resistant to several clinically relevant antibiotics. To better understand how the OM is established or maintained, we sought to clarify the function of the essential protein YejM in Escherichia coli. Here, we show that YejM inhibits activity of the YciM/FtsH protease complex, which regulates synthesis of the essential OM glycolipid lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Our data suggest that disrupting proper communication between LPS synthesis and transport to the OM leads to accumulation of LPS within the inner membrane (IM). The lethality associated with this event can be suppressed by increasing OM vesiculation. Our research has identified a completely novel signaling pathway that we propose coordinates LPS synthesis and transport. Full Article
ev A Sensitive Yellow Fever Virus Entry Reporter Identifies Valosin-Containing Protein (VCP/p97) as an Essential Host Factor for Flavivirus Uncoating By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-14T01:31:22-07:00 ABSTRACT While the basic mechanisms of flavivirus entry and fusion are understood, little is known about the postfusion events that precede RNA replication, such as nucleocapsid disassembly. We describe here a sensitive, conditionally replication-defective yellow fever virus (YFV) entry reporter, YFVSK/Nluc, to quantitively monitor the translation of incoming, virus particle-delivered genomes. We validated that YFVSK/Nluc gene expression can be neutralized by YFV-specific antisera and requires known flavivirus entry pathways and cellular factors, including clathrin- and dynamin-mediated endocytosis, endosomal acidification, YFV E glycoprotein-mediated fusion, and cellular LY6E and RPLP1 expression. The initial round of YFV translation was shown to require cellular ubiquitylation, consistent with recent findings that dengue virus capsid protein must be ubiquitylated in order for nucleocapsid uncoating to occur. Importantly, translation of incoming YFV genomes also required valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97, a cellular ATPase that unfolds and extracts ubiquitylated client proteins from large complexes. RNA transfection and washout experiments showed that VCP/p97 functions at a postfusion, pretranslation step in YFV entry. Finally, VCP/p97 activity was required by other flaviviruses in mammalian cells and by YFV in mosquito cells. Together, these data support a critical role for VCP/p97 in the disassembly of incoming flavivirus nucleocapsids during a postfusion step in virus entry. IMPORTANCE Flaviviruses are an important group of RNA viruses that cause significant human disease. The mechanisms by which flavivirus nucleocapsids are disassembled during virus entry remain unclear. Here, we used a yellow fever virus entry reporter, which expresses a sensitive reporter enzyme but does not replicate, to show that nucleocapsid disassembly requires the cellular protein-disaggregating enzyme valosin-containing protein, also known as p97. Full Article
ev Erratum for Teymournejad et al., "Isolation and Molecular Analysis of a Novel Neorickettsia Species That Causes Potomac Horse Fever" By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-21T01:31:26-07:00 Full Article
ev Tracing the Evolutionary History and Global Expansion of Candida auris Using Population Genomic Analyses By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-28T01:30:42-07:00 ABSTRACT Candida auris has emerged globally as a multidrug-resistant yeast that can spread via nosocomial transmission. An initial phylogenetic study of isolates from Japan, India, Pakistan, South Africa, and Venezuela revealed four populations (clades I, II, III, and IV) corresponding to these geographic regions. Since this description, C. auris has been reported in more than 30 additional countries. To trace this global emergence, we compared the genomes of 304 C. auris isolates from 19 countries on six continents. We found that four predominant clades persist across wide geographic locations. We observed phylogeographic mixing in most clades; clade IV, with isolates mainly from South America, demonstrated the strongest phylogeographic substructure. C. auris isolates from two clades with opposite mating types were detected contemporaneously in a single health care facility in Kenya. We estimated a Bayesian molecular clock phylogeny and dated the origin of each clade within the last 360 years; outbreak-causing clusters from clades I, III, and IV originated 36 to 38 years ago. We observed high rates of antifungal resistance in clade I, including four isolates resistant to all three major classes of antifungals. Mutations that contribute to resistance varied between the clades, with Y132F in ERG11 as the most widespread mutation associated with azole resistance and S639P in FKS1 for echinocandin resistance. Copy number variants in ERG11 predominantly appeared in clade III and were associated with fluconazole resistance. These results provide a global context for the phylogeography, population structure, and mechanisms associated with antifungal resistance in C. auris. IMPORTANCE In less than a decade, C. auris has emerged in health care settings worldwide; this species is capable of colonizing skin and causing outbreaks of invasive candidiasis. In contrast to other Candida species, C. auris is unique in its ability to spread via nosocomial transmission and its high rates of drug resistance. As part of the public health response, whole-genome sequencing has played a major role in characterizing transmission dynamics and detecting new C. auris introductions. Through a global collaboration, we assessed genome evolution of isolates of C. auris from 19 countries. Here, we described estimated timing of the expansion of each C. auris clade and of fluconazole resistance, characterized discrete phylogeographic population structure of each clade, and compared genome data to sensitivity measurements to describe how antifungal resistance mechanisms vary across the population. These efforts are critical for a sustained, robust public health response that effectively utilizes molecular epidemiology. Full Article
ev Optimization of an Experimental Vaccine To Prevent Escherichia coli Urinary Tract Infection By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-28T01:30:42-07:00 ABSTRACT Urinary tract infections (UTI) affect half of all women at least once during their lifetime. The rise in the numbers of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing strains and the potential for carbapenem resistance within uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), the most common causative agent of UTI, create an urgent need for vaccine development. Intranasal immunization of mice with UPEC outer membrane iron receptors FyuA, Hma, IreA, and IutA, conjugated to cholera toxin, provides protection in the bladder or kidneys under conditions of challenge with UPEC strain CFT073 or strain 536. On the basis of these data, we sought to optimize the vaccination route (intramuscular, intranasal, or subcutaneous) in combination with adjuvants suitable for human use, including aluminum hydroxide gel (alum), monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA), unmethylated CpG synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG), polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (polyIC), and mutated heat-labile E. coli enterotoxin (dmLT). Mice intranasally vaccinated with dmLT-IutA and dmLT-Hma displayed significant reductions in bladder colonization (86-fold and 32-fold, respectively), with 40% to 42% of mice having no detectable CFU. Intranasal vaccination of mice with CpG-IutA and polyIC-IutA significantly reduced kidney colonization (131-fold) and urine CFU (22-fold), respectively. dmLT generated the most consistently robust antibody response in intranasally immunized mice, while MPLA and alum produced greater concentrations of antigen-specific serum IgG with intramuscular immunization. On the basis of these results, we conclude that intranasal administration of Hma or IutA formulated with dmLT adjuvant provides the greatest protection from UPEC UTI. This report advances our progress toward a vaccine against uncomplicated UTI, which will significantly improve the quality of life for women burdened by recurrent UTI and enable better antibiotic stewardship. IMPORTANCE Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most common bacterial infection in humans, affecting half of all women at least once during their lifetimes. The rise in antibiotic resistance and health care costs emphasizes the need to develop a vaccine against the most common UTI pathogen, Escherichia coli. Vaccinating mice intranasally with a detoxified heat-labile enterotoxin and two surface-exposed receptors, Hma or IutA, significantly reduced bacterial burden in the bladder. This work highlights progress in the development of a UTI vaccine formulated with adjuvants suitable for human use and antigens that encode outer membrane iron receptors required for infection in the iron-limited urinary tract. Full Article
ev The Cellular Response to Lanthanum Is Substrate Specific and Reveals a Novel Route for Glycerol Metabolism in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-28T01:30:42-07:00 ABSTRACT Ever since the discovery of the first rare earth element (REE)-dependent enzyme, the physiological role of lanthanides has become an emerging field of research due to the environmental implications and biotechnological opportunities. In Pseudomonas putida KT2440, the two pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases (PQQ-ADHs) PedE and PedH are inversely regulated in response to REE availability. This transcriptional switch is orchestrated by a complex regulatory network that includes the PedR2/PedS2 two-component system and is important for efficient growth on several alcoholic volatiles. To study whether cellular responses beyond the REE switch exist, the differential proteomic responses that occur during growth on various model carbon sources were analyzed. Apart from the Ca2+-dependent enzyme PedE, the differential abundances of most identified proteins were conditional. During growth on glycerol—and concomitant with the proteomic changes—lanthanum (La3+) availability affected different growth parameters, including the onset of logarithmic growth and final optical densities. Studies with mutant strains revealed a novel metabolic route for glycerol utilization, initiated by PedE and/or PedH activity. Upon oxidation to glycerate via glyceraldehyde, phosphorylation by the glycerate kinase GarK most likely yields glycerate-2-phosphate, which is eventually channeled into the central metabolism of the cell. This new route functions in parallel with the main degradation pathway encoded by the glpFKRD operon and provides a growth advantage to the cells by allowing an earlier onset of growth with glycerol as the sole source of carbon and energy. IMPORTANCE The biological role of REEs has long been underestimated, and research has mainly focused on methanotrophic and methylotrophic bacteria. We have recently demonstrated that P. putida, a plant growth-promoting bacterium that thrives in the rhizosphere of various food crops, possesses a REE-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (PedH), but knowledge about REE-specific effects on physiological traits in nonmethylotrophic bacteria is still scarce. This study demonstrates that the cellular response of P. putida to lanthanum (La3+) is mostly substrate specific and that La3+ availability highly affects the growth of cells on glycerol. Further, a novel route for glycerol metabolism is identified, which is initiated by PedE and/or PedH activity and provides a growth advantage to this biotechnologically relevant organism by allowing a faster onset of growth. Overall, these findings demonstrate that lanthanides can affect physiological traits in nonmethylotrophic bacteria and might influence their competitiveness in various environmental niches. Full Article
ev Complete Structure of the Enterococcal Polysaccharide Antigen (EPA) of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis V583 Reveals that EPA Decorations Are Teichoic Acids Covalently Linked to a Rhamnopolysaccharide Backbone By mbio.asm.org Published On :: 2020-04-28T01:30:42-07:00 ABSTRACT All enterococci produce a complex polysaccharide called the enterococcal polysaccharide antigen (EPA). This polymer is required for normal cell growth and division and for resistance to cephalosporins and plays a critical role in host-pathogen interaction. The EPA contributes to host colonization and is essential for virulence, conferring resistance to phagocytosis during the infection. Recent studies revealed that the "decorations" of the EPA polymer, encoded by genetic loci that are variable between isolates, underpin the biological activity of this surface polysaccharide. In this work, we investigated the structure of the EPA polymer produced by the high-risk enterococcal clonal complex Enterococcus faecalis V583. We analyzed purified EPA from the wild-type strain and a mutant lacking decorations and elucidated the structure of the EPA backbone and decorations. We showed that the rhamnan backbone of EPA is composed of a hexasaccharide repeat unit of C2- and C3-linked rhamnan chains, partially substituted in the C3 position by α-glucose (α-Glc) and in the C2 position by β-N-acetylglucosamine (β-GlcNAc). The so-called "EPA decorations" consist of phosphopolysaccharide chains corresponding to teichoic acids covalently bound to the rhamnan backbone. The elucidation of the complete EPA structure allowed us to propose a biosynthetic pathway, a first essential step toward the design of antimicrobials targeting the synthesis of this virulence factor. IMPORTANCE Enterococci are opportunistic pathogens responsible for hospital- and community-acquired infections. All enterococci produce a surface polysaccharide called EPA (enterococcal polysaccharide antigen) required for biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, and pathogenesis. Despite the critical role of EPA in cell growth and division and as a major virulence factor, no information is available on its structure. Here, we report the complete structure of the EPA polymer produced by the model strain E. faecalis V583. We describe the structure of the EPA backbone, made of a rhamnan hexasaccharide substituted by Glc and GlcNAc residues, and show that teichoic acids are covalently bound to this rhamnan chain, forming the so-called "EPA decorations" essential for host colonization and pathogenesis. This report represents a key step in efforts to identify the structural properties of EPA that are essential for its biological activity and to identify novel targets to develop preventive and therapeutic approaches against enterococci. Full Article
ev Federal funding for gun violence prevention research sparks hopes: Priorities, direction being explored By thenationshealth.aphapublications.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T05:00:17-07:00 After more than 20 years of minimal funding, the U.S. is opening its purse strings to research on gun violence prevention. Full Article