
A review of respite / short break provision for adult carers of adults in the Highland Partnership area

As part of the implementation of the Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) Highland Carer’s Strategy 2014-2017 it was agreed to undertake a review of respite for Adult Carers of Adults (aged 16+). Independent consultants were commissioned by NHS Highland through Connecting Carers to undertake this work. There are four groups of people – totalling an estimated 200 people - with whom conversations have taken place during the review: Carers and staff from carer support organisations – more than 75 carers have given their views; Health and social care workforce – we have met with just over 50 people who have given their views and shared our initial findings with more than 60 others; Respite providers – we have met with staff from 15 organisations that are providers of respite Those staff responsible for overseeing the commissioning, planning and administration of respite.


Short break support is failing family carers: reviewing progress 10 years on from Mencap’s first Breaking Point report

In 2006 Mencap produced a comprehensive review of short break provision. Now, 10 years on, they are revisiting the support available for family carers to see whether recent policy initiatives and investment have delivered the much-needed change. A total of 264 family carers responded to their survey on short breaks provision and experiences of caring. They also sent Freedom of Information requests to all 152 local authorities in England that provide social care services. This report looks at short breaks provision in a climate of cuts to central and local government budgets. It examines the extent to which these cuts have impacted on the lives of people with a learning disability and their family carers. It also looks at the state of affairs for family carers of children and young people across the full spectrum of learning disability; from people with mild and moderate learning disabilities, to people with severe and profound disabilities.


#219: Potter Park Preview!

Potter Park Preview! Melissa was recently given an early preview of the Wizarding Work of Harry Potter in Orlando and brought back lots of pics, video and stories - we share them here in Episode 219.


Episode 219 — Potter Park Preview!

Find the latest episode and explore PotterCast interviews, discussions and more at

Visit for the latest and greatest from Harry Potter's Wizard World.


#229: Deathly Hallows Part 1 Review

Hey everyone! Melissa John and Frankie had a chance to see the movie and sit down together to talk about what they loved and what they loved to nit pick about here on Episode 229! Enjoy! This episode was edited by Andrew Garner, Thanks Andrew!


Episode 229 — Deathly Hallows Part 1 Review

Find the latest episode and explore PotterCast interviews, discussions and more at

Visit for the latest and greatest from Harry Potter's Wizard World.


#231: Harry Potter Year In Review 2010!

Join us and reminisce about the many events that occurred this year in Potter. Happy New Year!


Episode 231 — Harry Potter Year In Review 2010!

Find the latest episode and explore PotterCast interviews, discussions and more at

Visit for the latest and greatest from Harry Potter's Wizard World.


Final Fantasy V Review

Комментарии к прохождению:
мир 1
мир 2
мир 3

фф5 всегда была такой белой вороной среди финалок: её редко вспоминают из-за того, что она и не особо сюжетная, и на Западе долго не выходила. Единственный повод её упомянуть - это система профессий, которая потом получила развитие в ффт и фф10-2. Перепройдя фф5, я могу лишь признать, что её забвение заслужено.

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Final Fantasy III Review

Третья финалка была последней из старья, получившей официальную локализацию. Мы мало что теряли без неё: она как фф5, лишь ступенька на пути к чему-то толковому, только ступенька куда более низкая.

Комментарии по прохождению (максимально бестолковые):

Первые пять финалок чередовались: чётные шли с заметным упором на сюжет, нечётные делали ставку на геймплей. В те времена, конечно же, ни хорошего сюжета, ни хорошего геймплея не было нигде - фф5 была к этому достаточно близка, но и только. Если же смотреть её предшественниц по геймплейной ветке, то фф1 - это просто стыдное неработающее недоразумение, а фф3 - зачатки чего-то вменяемого, тоже подавленные ужасными решениями. 

Собственно, в ней есть система профессий. У каждой свои особенности, экипировка и умения. Их можно менять. Боёвка работает более сносно, чем в фф1. На этом, в общем-то, и всё, список достоинств фф3 заканчивается.

Остаются недостатки. Формулы расчёта урона не просто непрозрачные, но и не особо вменяемые. Герои по-прежнему наносят по 100500 ударов... или меньше, как повезёт. Магия может внезапно оказаться бесполезной. Многие профессии не дают игроку больший тактический простор, а просто заменяют собой старые, поскольку они оказываются лучшими во всём. Финальный набор профессий - это как апргрейд класса в фф1: нет ни малейшего резона его не ставить и тем самым не выкидывать на помойку всё то, что у тебя было целую игру до этого.

Но стоп, этот кусок про профессии относится к классической версии фф3. Там вообще всё очень смешно придумали: классы можно менять когда угодно, но на это тратятся очки capacity, которые зарабатываются в каждом бою. Иными словами, ограничение смехотворное: учитывая, сколько тут рандомных битв и как часто классы надо менять (спойлер: очень редко), герои просто ходят с максимальными 255 капасити всю игру. Ещё одна неработающая механика из несовских финалок, ничего необычного.

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Final Fantasy XIV Review | 2020 ver.

У игр-сервисов, помимо очевидных минусов, есть и очень заметный плюс: со временем они (как правило) становятся лишь лучше и богаче на контент. Минусы исправляются, новые плюсы появляются. То, что начиналось как проба пера, может вырасти в магнум опус.
Final Fantasy XIV – как раз такой случай.

Я написал по ней два обзора: один – в 2013-м, сразу после её выхода, где довольно сильно её раскритиковал. Второй – в 2015-м, после выхода дополнения Heavensward, когда я оказался ей вполне доволен.

С тех пор прошло ещё четыре с половиной года, на протяжении которых я писал в бложик очень мало, потому что я играл в фф14. Для меня это главная игра всего десятилетия. Сейчас, в 2020 году, в ней уже столько всего, что я и не знаю, о чем говорить. Почти всё хорошо, если не отлично. На сей раз – и в сценарии тоже.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Review

Перво-наперво, если вы сейчас задаётесь вопросом, покупать или нет, ответ простой: покупать.

Если вы удивлены этой рекомендацией, начитавшись спойлеров по концовке, то, во-первых, её обсуждение идёт в отдельном посте, а тут мы говорим про остальную игру. А во-вторых, несмотря на то, что последняя глава игры, - полное говно, остальное перевешивает. Я бы сказал, что пропорции хорошего или нормального к плохому в FF7R - примерно 80 к 20. Это очень достойный результат, особенно если вы вспомните, как давно мы видели финалку похожего качества (если не считать фф14, то правильный ответ - Crystal Bearers, десять лет назад).

Комментариев по прохождению пока делать не буду, потому что мне не очень понятно, в каком виде их делать и зачем они нужны, кроме как чтобы подмечать каждый момент, когда ремейк или остаётся верным оригиналу, или делает всё лучше. Потому что по большей части он состоит именно из этого - из улучшений. Оригинальная фф7 была полна мелких глупостей и недоразумений, и ремейк от них практически ничего не оставил. Я буквально могу открыть моё прохождение фф7 с десятками доёбок до происходящего и вычеркнуть все.

И это охуенно.

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Review 2020

В конце 2015-го я заглянул в Final Fantasy Record Keeper – поглядеть, что это за мобильная финалка такая. Ей тогда было полгода всего, сейчас же – пять лет, и всякая игра-как-сервис за это время растёт. Не стала исключением и Record Keeper – так что пора бы в ней вернуться ещё раз.

Во многом я хочу это сделать потому, что с 2015-го я не переставал в неё играть. На то есть целый ряд причин. Во-первых, она (почти) бессюжетная, аутентичная и посвященная знакомым боям из знакомых финалок – она не городит что-то своё, а ремикширует знакомое и хорошее. Во-вторых, она очень мало требует от игрока в плане инвестиций времени/денег: я стабильно каждый день выигрывал там три боя за десять минут, и этого мне хватало, чтобы тащить почти весь актуальный контент и даже не задумываться о том, чтобы занести разработчикам бабла. Я до сих пор не заплатил ни копейки и всем доволен. В-третьих, в ней такие длинные лоадинги, что играть на ночь идеально – за десять минут усыпляет. Ну и в-четвёртых, она продолжала постоянно обновляться. С обновлениями не только появлялись новые испытания, но и расширялись возможности бойцов, и менялась мета.
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ASRock Z490 PG Velocita Motherboard Technical Preview

Today we will be taking a look at the ASRock Z490 PG Velocita Motherboard. While we are not allowed to tell you about performance of these parts, we are able to give you a technical preview.

The post ASRock Z490 PG Velocita Motherboard Technical Preview appeared first on


Review: Linguistics: why it matters by Geoffrey Pullum

It's National Writing Day (for another 48 minutes) and I've reali{s/z}ed that I haven't written anything but emails and tweets today. So a blog post is needed. But a short one. Luckily, I have a very short book to review.

The book is the linguistic installation of Polity Press's 'why it matters' series, and it's by the exceptionally clear Geoff Pullum. Here come the full disclosures: I know Geoff and I got this book for free. But I wouldn't say nice things about the book if I didn't mean them. (I'd just save myself the trouble of writing a blog post about it.)

So, since it's by the exceptionally clear Geoff Pullum, this is an exceptionally clear book. It's just 120-something pages, divided into five themed chapters on why linguistics matters: for what it tells us about what makes us human, about how sentences work, how meaning, thought and language intertwine, how it uncovers social relations, and how it might help machines understand humans. I particularly admire Geoff's ability to write short sentences about complex topics. (That's lesson 1 in making things exceptionally clear—complex topics aren't helped by grammatically complex sentences!) The real value of the book is in the examples that show how linguistics does matter—for expanding human understanding, for uncovering and undoing prejudices, and in applications that can help people.

Here's the bit that I most enthusiastically underlined:
[T]o a large extent the importance of linguistics has turned out to lie not so much in the results it has achieved (those evolve over time and are often overturned or contradicted) but in the change in the general view of what's important enough to study. It lies in our moral evolution of our perception of what we should be looking at and what we should value. 
That leads into a discussion of the shift from thinking of signed languages as gesticulations to their recognition as complex languages that are as languagey as any other human languages. But I think it could have introduced many of the sections. I do believe that linguistics has done a lot of good in the world in the past 50 or so years, and a lot of that is about valuing people and their languages. Though the book is only long enough for a few examples of that, they're great examples.

The ideal audience for this book? I think it would make an excellent present from any students studying (or planning to study) linguistics to their parents. When your parents' friends ask them "What's your kid up to?" and they say "Studying Linguistics", the conversation usually DIES. Give them the gift of knowing how to talk up your fascinating studies! It'd also be great for anyone considering studying linguistics, or who just thinks: "That sounds like an interesting subject, but I don't quite know what it's for." (It's mostly not about translation or language teaching, by the way.)

Geoff blogged about writing the book, which you can read here.
Here's a link to the publisher's site. It's only giving me the UK buying links, but I hope that if you approach it from another country you'll get the appropriate page!


Research Foundation to Host FREE Webinar: “Review of Audible Alarm Signal Waking Effectiveness” - Wednesday, February 5, 12:30-2pm EST

  At-risk populations such as the elderly, school-age children, those who are hard of hearing or alcohol-impaired do not fully benefit from conventional smoke alarm alerts, particularly during sleeping hours. Research has been conducted to develop


Cato SDP: Cloud-Scale and Global Remote Access Solution Review

The Scouts acknowledged the necessity to "Be Prepared" over 100 years (!) ago; the industry should have, as well. Yet COVID-19 took businesses – more like the entire world – by surprise. Very few were prepared for the explosion of remote access, and the challenge of instantly shifting an entire organization to work from anywhere. Cato Networks shared its increase in remote access usage post


Review: The Rise of Skywalker is a wobbly but enjoyable conclusion to the saga

It's not perfect but I did enjoy it!


Car Seat Headrest Review: Teens of Denial

  In a year where politicians are promising to make things great again, the same could possibly be said about rock music. Like America, rock may no longer be the center of attention, rock critics constantly looking for a savior to bring rock back into the mainstream. While rock has been great all this time (with great … Continue reading "Car Seat Headrest Review: Teens of Denial"


Episode 537 - Season Preview 1 with Ken Early

As is tradition, it's time for the first of our season preview podcasts with Ken Early of Second Captains. We chat about subscriptions, the new rules coming into the Premier League this season – in particular VAR and wonder about the impact it will have on things. Then there's discussion of each of the top five, including Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal, before Ken reminds me we forgot Sp*rs. There's loads here, including worries about Arsenal's defence – all before we heard about the David Luiz news, so we'll cover that on the next show.

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Episode 538 - Season preview 2: Deadline day defenders

Arsenal added to their backline at last, but left it late, bringing in David Luiz from Chelsea and Kieran Tierney from Celtic just before the close of the transfer window. I'm joined by Andrew Allen and Tayo Popoola to chat about the signings, and the transfer window as a whole, before we get a Celtic point of view on the new left back. Kevin Graham is a Celtic fan who has watched Tierney establish himself in the team, so we get some insight into what kind of a player he is, and what he can bring to the club. Then there's a chat with James about our deadline day business, the departure of Alex Iwobi to Everton, and Eddie Nketiah's loan move to Leeds. It's a bumper episode, enjoy.

Follow: @AAllenSport@DJTayo@anorthernprose of @ACSOMPOD


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YourNetBiz, Scam Or Money Maker? - A Brutally Honest YourNetBiz Review

Over the last few weeks and months there has been a lot of hype and buzz around the new opportunity called YourNetBiz. This article is a no nonsense YourNetBiz Review, and a way to establish an answer to the question: YourNetBiz, scam or money maker?


Success University, Scam Or a Good Income Stream? - The Uncensored Success University Review

Today I am focusing on a question in many peoples minds - Success University, Scam or great income stream? I will be getting under the bonnet of this business and providing a brutal Success University review.


What is All the Fuss About GDI? Global Domains International Review

I have heard a lot of talk about GDI so I have decided to write a Global Domains International Review to explain exactly what this opportunity is all about. This will help you evaluate this business and make an informed decision.


Xango - Scam Or Real Money Maker? The Mother of All Xango Reviews?

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3 Secret Ways to Generate Free Traffic For Global Domains International - Review and Be Amazed!

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Jonathan Budd (MLM Mentor) Review - What Does He Really Do For the Network Marketing Industry?

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David Wood Review - A Close Look at a True New Rising Star

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Sick of the Usual Advocare Reviews? Learn 2 Simple Tricks to Explode Your Down-Line!

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book reviews - activism

A number of people recently have talked to me about feeling like my (and previous) generation hasn’t passed down the lessons we’ve learned from our own experience and activism. Here are few books that are full of great essays.

That’s Revolting! : Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation, edited by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore

I’m reading this right now and it is so excellent! A really wide range of essays. Stories from the 60’s to today, all of them really relevant. This should be on everyone’s reading list. It’s a great introduction to radical queer politics, and a great reinvigorator for those of us who have gotten comfortable in our own lives and taken a break from dealing with the world. There’s so many great essays in here, it’s hard to pick out a few to highlight, but I did really appreciate the two on Gay Marriage, one by Carol Queen. “Certainly, oppression in any context is wrong. Naturally, queer folk are irritated when straight people get benefits denied to same-sex partners … pissed off queers making a point can cause the culture to shift.” She argues that instead of trying to “squeeze our asses onto the park bench of Normalcy” it would better serve the world and ourselves if we celebrated and fought for our wonderful diversity – for more choices rather than fewer.
Another great essay is a conversation between Marlon Bailey, Priya Kandaswamy, and Mattie Udora Richardson called Is Gay Marriage Racist. They discuss all kinds of questions people pose in support of gay marriage (questions I’ve had myself) and provide alternative ways of looking at these questions.
There are so many other topics covered in this book. Rural queer teens, activism from the 60’s and today. Performance Art, Protests, Pipe bombs, Sex, Films, Queer Radio, more and more and more.

Uses of a Whirlwind: Movements and Contemporary Radical Currents in the United States, edited by Team Colors Collective

I’ve heard the Team Colors has a pretty theoretical and hard to understand website, and this book does start out with a pretty inaccessible introduction and first essay, but after that, it is really useful. The essay A Look at Resistance to Interstate 69 by Earth First, discusses lessons learned about positive and problematic roles activists play when they come into a community they are not from to organize and do direct action – lessons I’ve seen activists have to learn over and over, so I’m grateful someone has written about it! Another essay I really liked was Harvesting Solidarity: Farmworkers, Allies and the Fight for Fair Food, which talks about a successful campaign for Florida tomato workers against Burger King and Taco Bell. It discusses tactics and how the coalition between farmworkers and students worked.
There’s an essay about queer activism (an autobiographical essay about why the Human Rights Campaign sucks and why pushing for hate crime legislation is not the answer), and an essay about current art activism. There’s a section on theoretical analysis. This book is a little disjointed and has more theory than I generally am drawn to, there are some essays that seemed like they were written for an audience that doesn't know much of anything about alternative culture, but I would hate to see it lost to the theory heads, because there is a lot of great info in here that I think would be particularly useful to younger or new activists. Also important for seasoned activists to get us thinking of how to think about and articulate our experiences and what can be learned from them.

From Act Up to the WTO
I must have leant this out, because I can’t find it. I’ve leant it out so much and everyone loves it. It is a history of Queer activism from mainly the 80’s and 90’s. So much of our history, even our current history, gets disappeared, and this book helps


The Cure 40 Live previews

Disintegration from Curaetion-25

Friday I'm in Love from Anniversary.

The Cure 40 Live: Curaetion-25 & Anniversary will be released on Oct. 18th in multiple formats. For more info and to pre-order, go here.


Review: Struman Optics Cinematic Lenses for Smartphones

The post Review: Struman Optics Cinematic Lenses for Smartphones appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Lee Herbet.

The argument of whether smartphones can take good photos or not has been settled – they can! In this article, we are going to have a look at a set of lenses for smartphones from an Australian company, Struman Optics. While there are many lenses for smartphones on the market, I found a manufacturer that […]

The post Review: Struman Optics Cinematic Lenses for Smartphones appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Lee Herbet.


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Funeral Kings (2012)

VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Funeral Kings (2012) Claire: 3.8/5 stars, 8/10. Carolyn: 3/5 stars, 6.6/10. Jesse: 3.4/5 stars, 7/10 (I think). Native ratings: 4.1/5 stars Netflix, 6.1/10 IMDB. SLEEPER ALERT: This movie isn’t well-known at all, so I’d like to point out this might be the only time you see it mentioned. “Two altar boys decide […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: CARTOONS: REVIEW: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013)

VIDEO: MOVIES: CARTOONS: REVIEW: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) Claire: 4/5 stars, 8/10. Carolyn: 5/5 stars, 8.6/10. “I am a chick and I like cartoons, so I am allowed to love My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.” (Notice how she leaves me in the lurch there?) Jesse: 3/5 stars, 7/10. “OK, I actually enjoyed […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls 2: Rainbow Rocks (2014)

[IMDB link] RATINGS: Claire: Netflix: 5/5 stars. IMDB: 8/10. Carolyn: Netflix: 5/5 stars. IMDB: 8/10. The native public rating for this movie is: IMDB: 7.4/10. Netflix strangely doesn’t have this. CAROLYN’S THOUGHTS: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic had a sequel movie for Equestria Girls where Twilight Sparkle becomes a human in a parallel pony […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls 3: Friendship Games (2015)

[IMDB link] RATINGS: Claire: Netflix: 4/5 stars. IMDB: 7/10. Carolyn: Netflix: 4/5 stars. IMDB: 7/10. The native public rating for this movie is: Netflix: N/A/5 stars, IMDB: 7.5/10. CAROLYN’S THOUGHTS: This one seemed lackluster compared to the other two. It doesn’t have the same “oompf” as the previous two movies. Different writer might explain some […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Junior (1994)

VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Junior (1994) Claire: 2.8/5 stars, 6/10. Carolyn: 3/5 stars, 6/10. Native ratings: 3.4/5 stars Netflix, 4.4/10 IMDB. Skylar from Breaking Bad? Larry from the Newhart Show? Tony Soprano’s sister from The Sopranos? Chris from Oz? We decided to get this after watching Kindergarten Cop.  This was about on par with Kindergarten Cop, […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Oblivion (2013)

VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Oblivion (2013) Claire: 4.6/5 stars, 8.8/10. Carolyn: 5/5 stars, 8.6/10. Native rating: 7.1/10 IMDB. Don’t see this on Netflix for some reason. This had a little bit of everything – mankind moving off planet because the planet is inhabitable, Matrixy aspects, “Go out into the radiation zone to find out the truth”, […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: It’s Complicated (2009)

VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: It’s Complicated (2009) Claire: 4.2/5 stars, 8.2/10. Carolyn: 4/5 stars, 7.6/10. Native ratings: 3.7/5 stars Netflix, 6.5/10 IMDB. A romantic comedy, but in this case the emphasis is on the romance: It’s a Romance-Comedy not a Comedy-Romance. And yet, for some reason I could stand it. It was done very well. Streep […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: The Colony (2013)

VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: The Colony (2013) Claire: 3/5 stars, 7/10. Carolyn: 3/5 stars, 7/10. Evan: 3/5 stars, 6.5/10. Native ratings: 5.2/10 IMDB. Not available on Netflix. This was OK, but it could have been better. It started off really strong, and then had a tipping point where you realized it was Just Another Movie(tm). The […]


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Rapture-Palooza (2013)

Rapture-Palooza (2013) Claire: 4.6/5 stars, 8.8/10. Carolyn: 4.4/5 stars, 8.4/10. “Underrated. Funny. Original. Dark yet humorous.” Native ratings: 2.8/5 stars Netflix, 5.1/10 IMDB. I found this movie to be very original. It had dark, dark, messed up black humor, but also had a lot of standard humor as well.  Events in the movie were disturbing […]


‘Solar Opposites,’ From ‘Rick And Morty’ Co-Creator Justin Roiland, Lands On Hulu To Warm Reviews

Four aliens crash-land into suburban America. They can't agree on whether Earth is awful or awesome.

The post ‘Solar Opposites,’ From ‘Rick And Morty’ Co-Creator Justin Roiland, Lands On Hulu To Warm Reviews appeared first on Cartoon Brew.


Aer Lingus to hold review after packed flight concerns

Passenger claims there was no social distancing on London service


Review: Giro's New Manifest Helmet

The Manifest is Giro's brand new high-end trail helmet.
( Photos: 8, Comments: 164 )


Review: Lezyne Super Pro GPS Computer

Lezyne's Super Pro GPS computer is packed full of functions, but do they matter on the trail?
( Photos: 7, Comments: 57 )


Playoff preview? Clippers vs. Lakers offers possible look at postseason

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Review: HBO Sports' 'Women of Troy' shows how Cheryl Miller-led USC basketball helped ignite the sport

If you're looking to watch a basketball story of empowerment or want to start off March Madness right, then HBO Sports' upcoming 'Women of Troy' is a must see.


2020 Genesis G90 review: A worthy luxury sedan at a reasonable price

We drove the 2020 Genesis G90, the latest flagship from Hyundai's luxury arm: It's rich on details and sophisticated systems and discounted on price.


Review: Saint Laurent's Anthony Vaccarello made an unexpected move. He put color in the spotlight

Paris Fashion Week: For fall and winter 2020, Anthony Vaccarello also explored the fabrics — and the "bourgeois elegance" of 1990s-era YSL.


Review: Doomsday chic? Here's how Marine Serre, Kenzo see you dressing for fall

At Paris Fashion Week, utility belts, quilting and protection from the elements offer sure-bet chic for uncertain times.


Review: Rick Owens' puffer capes will have you hoping for a cold snap

Paris Fashion Week: Repurposed duvets, recycled plastics and curve-hugging cashmere add up to a stellar collection.


Review: Balmain banks on bourgeois with a twist for fall

Olivier Rousteing references his Bordelaise upbringing with equestrian motifs, luxe leather and a cadre of capes.