
Hřib: Máme hodně úspěchů, ale nezajímali jsme voliče. O kmotrech v ODS mluvil už Topolánek

Piráti musí přestat řešit vnitřní spory a vrátit se k tomu, co voliče nejvíc zajímá, říká nový předseda strany Zdeněk Hřib v prvním rozhovoru po zvolení v podcastu Padni komu padni. Nejdůležitější je dle něj zlepšit kampaně, aby pirátští voliči přišli k volbám. Bez nich by dle Hřiba ze sněmovny zmizel liberální hlas.


Strach, hnus a nahota v Aktech X: Projděte si vítězné snímky na téma HALLOWEEN. Který je váš oblíbený?

Říjnové kolo soutěže Reflexu Akty X přináší jedinečnou kombinaci krásy a hrůzy – téma Halloween. Fotografové dostali příležitost propojit aktovou fotografii s prvky tajemna a horroru, což vyústilo ve fascinující galerii plnou odlišných přístupů jednotlivých umělců. Snímky říjnového kola odhalují škálu temných vizuálů, kde se krása lidského těla snoubí s ponurou atmosférou Halloweenu.


Startuje nový newsletter a web Výběr těch nejpodstatnějších trendů a událostí pro rozhodování. Vede ho Lenka Zlámalová

Svět je zahlcený informacemi. Skutečná výzva je výběr těch nejpodstatnějších, které opravdu ovlivňují rozhodování. Ukazují trendy a směr. A jejich jasné, stručné, analytické podání. Přesně to vám chceme v novém newsletteru a webu 11am nabídnout. Startujeme dnes, 11. 11. 2024 přesně v 11 hodin. Na za předplatné 1 111 korun měsíčně.


Penzijní reforma je nevyhnutelná. Opozice nabízí jen destrukci, populismus a ztrátu paměti

Vláda si může připsat úspěch, když ve sněmovně prosadila důchodovou reformu. Zatímco odborná sféra ji považuje za důležitý krok ke stabilizaci veřejných financí, opoziční strany křičí, že ji zruší. Řídí se heslem po nás potopa.


Ve věku 76 let zemřela bývalá ministryně spravedlnosti Marie Benešová

Ve věku 76 let zemřela bývalá ministryně spravedlnosti a místopředsedkyně sociální demokracie Marie Benešová. České televizi to potvrdila někdejší ústecká hejtmanka Jana Vaňhová, o úmrtí advokátky na síti X informoval také předseda Rady ČTK David Soukup. Benešová se ministryní spravedlnosti stala ve vládě Jiřího Rusnoka od července 2013 do ledna 2014, a potom znovu ve vládě Andreje Babiše od dubna 2019 do prosince 2021, tehdy už ale jako nestranička za hnutí ANO.


Charles Manson: Krvavý kejklíř a psychopat, který svými zločiny navždy změnil tvář Ameriky

"Každý Američan má svůj názor na Mansonovy zločiny ... Od Billa Clintona až po posledního z obyčejných. Charles Manson (12. listopadu 1934 – 19. listopadu 2017) je již dnes nedílnou součástí amerického folklóru. Není proto vyloučeno, že za nějakých sto let bude Manson stejně legendární postavou jako Butch Cassidy nebo Billy The Kid." (Jim Van Berber, režisér filmu Charlie's Family)


Masakr v My Lai, obchod s otroky a vražedné pesticidy aneb Reportáže, které změnily svět

Před 55 lety zveřejnila nezávislá tisková agentura Dispatch News Service reportáž o vyšetřování incidentu v jihovietnamském městě My Lai. Díky práci reportéra Seymoura Hershe se celý svět dozvěděl o zločinu jednotek US Army, které pod vedením poručíka Williama L. Calleyho zavraždily během průzkumné akce stovky civilních obyvatel. Reportáž znamenala obrat ve vedení vietnamské války, v jejím vnímání americkou i světovou veřejností. Hersh se tak zařadil mezi elitní novináře, jejichž práce změnila světové dějiny.


Nováčková: Červený Michigan je výkladní skříň chyb Kamaly Harris. Republikáni tam nevyhráli skoro 40 let

Žije v něm podobný počet lidí jako v České republice, rozlohou je třikrát větší a kulturně mnohem rozmanitější. Michigan, stát nacházející se na severovýchodě USA, má možná to nejlepší za sebou, přesto patří k nejdůležitějším státům v zemi. Až do roku 2016 byl Michigan sice nejistým státem, ale zato jasně tíhnoucím k demokratům. Donald Trump ukázal, že to není pravda, a navýšil svůj náskok o 70 tisíc hlasů oproti volbám před osmi lety. Bývalému prezidentovi se povedlo voliče mobilizovat, Kamale Harris naopak demobilizovat. Pohoření demokratů v Michiganu ukazuje chyby, které je stály volitele napříč celou Amerikou.


What Passes for Optimism at MacArthur Park

Beside the concrete pond, small children fish for nothing. This is all it costs to wish: a yard of yarn, a crooked stick. They cast their paper cups as if they might outlast hunger, as if a minnow might appear from muck and shoes and empty cans of beer. We watch them scoop up all …

The post What Passes for Optimism at MacArthur Park first appeared on Timothy Green.


Poem from Dark Matter

First light through the limbs of the trees. And then the trees. Each morning the hum of traffic through the freeway wall. And then the traffic we’re bottled in. Each thing first betrayed by the shapes around it. As if shadows held all our weight. Like the empty space that props each fiery nest of …

The post Poem from Dark Matter first appeared on Timothy Green.


The Real Magic of Poetry

Originally published in the Press-Enterprise, July 2014 If you ask a roomful of poets what poetry actually is, you’ll hear a lot of grandiloquent hemming and hawing. Poets talk about poetry like the old parable of the blind men describing an elephant: “It’s long and slender like a snake!” “No, it’s thick and sturdy like …

The post The Real Magic of Poetry first appeared on Timothy Green.


Something Different Tonight, Pizza made with a Cauliflower Crust.

Make something special for dinner with this pizza made using cauliflower as the crust. Yes, cauliflower the vegetable.  Cauliflower and Mozzarella cheese are blended, then pre-baked into a crust. Then top with your favorite pizza toppings and bake. This pizza turns out very well and if no-one was watching you, they might not know that they were …


Jamaican Jerk Seasoned Chicken Wings

While Buffalo Wings are the standard fare when cooking chicken wings, sometimes we get the feel for the islands. This Jamaican Jerk Seasoned Chicken Wing dinner fulfills that Island desire. Plus there is minimal preparation and it’s baked in the oven so it’s not a time demanding meal. What You Need 4lbs chicken wingettes 1/4 …


Homemade Sloppy Joes Recipe

Sloppy Joes are a go to meal around our home when we are looking for a simple, fast meal. You can take a cheat and use a product like Manwich … But that’s not really saving you all that much work as this is a simple dish. So, here is our recipe for a simple …


RunningRAT Malware

What kind of malware is RunningRAT?

RunningRAT is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that was known for stealing sensitive information from victims. Now, cybercriminals are using it to distribute cryptocurrency miners. RunningRAT is likely to lead to higher electricity costs and hardware damage for victims. Thus, it should be removed from infected systems as soon as possible.


Email Password Time Running Out Scam

What is "Email Password Time Running Out"?

We have analysed this email and found that it is a scam email designed to appear like a notification from an email service provider. This email contains a link to a phishing website designed to steal personal information. Recipients should ignore such emails and know how to recognize them.


UnicornSpy Malware

What kind of malware is UnicornSpy?

UnicornSpy is malware used to steal sensitive information. Cybercriminals have been observed using UnicornSpy to target energy companies, factories, and suppliers (and developers) of electronic components. The channel used for the distribution of this malware is email. However, threat actors may also deliver UnicornSpy using other methods.


Payroll Report Status Email Scam

What is "Payroll Report Status"?

We have inspected this email and learned that its purpose is to extract personal information from recipients. Emails of this type are classified as phishing emails. This particular email is disguised as a letter regarding a change in the payroll report status to appear legitimate and lure recipients into opening a deceptive website.


AT Mahmud's 94th Birthday

Date: October 3, 2024

Location: Indonesia



German Unity Day 2024

Date: October 3, 2024

Location: Germany



Celebrating Maureen Watson

Date: November 9, 2024

Location: Australia



Samsung готовит складывающийся втрое смартфон - конкурент Huawei Mate XT получил одобрение патентного бюро США

Samsung получила одобрение патента на смартфон, складывающийся втрое. Этот шаг приближает компанию к выпуску смартфона, который может стать конкурентом Huawei Mate XT.


Honor Magic7 RSR Porsche Design может получить 6,8" изогнутый OLED, Snapdragon 8 Elite, 50 МП камеру и 100 Вт зарядку

Honor готовится выпустить новую модель смартфона Magic7 RSR Porsche Design, которая снова будет привлекать внимание своим дизайном, напоминающим стиль автомобилей Porsche.






To whom it may concern


Slutmas in September




Get Yourself The Best WoW Boost Experience -- Here Is a Guide on How to Make It!

When it comes to World of Warcraft, the grind for gear, levels, and achievements can sometimes feel overwhelming. That's where boosting services come in, offering a shortcut to success while allowing you to skip the tedious parts and focus on... Tagged as:


Geekvape and Porsche Absolute Racing Join Forces for the Macau Grand Prix

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Распаковали MacBook Pro c процессором M4 Pro и нанотекстурой. Первые впечатления и тест яркости экрана

Здесь хочется написать что-то вроде «новые MacBook Pro уже приехали в Россию». Но волей удивительных событий они в России были задолго до официального анонса. Тем не менее, теперь их можно купить в Москве. Мы взяли такой на тестирование в продвинутой кастомной конфигурации: M4 Pro, 48 ГБ памяти, 20 видеоядер и 2 ТБ накопителя. Цвет «новый»,...


Apple объяснила, почему кнопка включения в Mac mini с M4 находится снизу

На китайском канале Film and TV Hurricane на Bilibili (аналог YouTube) вышел обзор Mac mini с M4, в съемках которого приняли участие старший вице-президент по международному маркетингу Apple Грег Джосвиак и старший вице-президент Apple по разработке аппаратного обеспечения Джон Тернус. Они рассказали, почему кнопка включения в новом Mac mini находится снизу. Очевидно, это не самое...


10 полезных штук на AliExpress с распродажи 11.11. Например, аналог Mac mini на Windows

На AliExpress есть почти всё, что только можно пожелать — и особенно приятно, что к распродаже 11.11 многие товары доступны с внушительными скидками.


Amazon готовит умные очки для курьеров. Они показывают маршрут до квартиры в дополненной реальности

Reuters, ссылаясь на собственные источники, сообщает, что Amazon готовит продвинутые очки для курьеров. Фишка в том, что устройство сможет показывать пошаговый маршрут к дому или квартире клиента. При этом будет отображаться и информация о возможных преградах, вроде запертых дверей или ворот. Когда выйдут эти очки, неизвестно. Пока компания пытается решить проблему с аккумуляторами, которых должно...


iFixit разобрали Mac mini с процессором M4 и похвалили за ремонтопригодность

Мастера iFixit добрались до новейшего Mac mini с процессором M4. Они сразу же отметили, что компьютер очень легко разобрать, несмотря на существенно уменьшившийся корпус. Нижняя панель удерживается зажимами, которые можно отсоединить без каких-либо повреждений. Первое, что пользователи увидят после снятия этой панели, — CMOS-батарею, которую можно быстро заменить, просто выкрутив два винта. Затем, открутив ещё...


Kuo: Apple Planning Smart Home Camera and New AirPods With More Health Features

In a blog post today, Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo revealed two new products that Apple apparently plans to release in a few years from now, including a smart home camera and updated AirPods with more health management features.

Kuo said mass production of Apple's smart home camera is scheduled to begin in 2026, and the company apparently aims to sell tens of millions of them over the long term. He said the camera will have wireless connectivity, and deep integration with Apple Intelligence and Siri, but he did not mention any other specific features.

Previous rumors have indicated that Apple is planning to release a smart home display, but that device is expected to launch as early as 2025, so it seems like the 2026 camera that Kuo has mentioned here is a different product.

As for the AirPods, Kuo simply said that future models of the earbuds will have "more health management features" like the Apple Watch, and that Chinese manufacturer Goertek will serve as the primary supplier of a 2026 AirPods model. The new smart home camera will also be assembled by Goertek, according to the analyst.

We previously reported that Apple's upcoming Powerbeats Pro 2 will offer heart rate monitoring during workouts, and perhaps that feature will extend to AirPods in the future. In addition, health-focused sensors that could allow for features like body temperature measuring have been rumored for AirPods in the past.

Related Roundup: AirPods 4
Buyer's Guide: AirPods (Buy Now)
Related Forum: AirPods

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iPhone SE 4 Camera Modules to Enter Mass Production Next Month

Apple's camera module supplier for the upcoming iPhone SE 4 is set to begin mass production of the components in December, according to a new report coming out of Korea.

Economic newspaper Ajunews reports that LG Innotek will supply the front camera module for the budget-friendly fourth-generation device. Final tests are now said to be underway, with mass production of the module following next month.

The outlet reports that LG Innotek usually supplies camera modules around three months before the launch of new smartphones, which tallies with rumors of an iPhone SE 4 launch in March or April 2025. Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo estimates that Apple suppliers will produce around 8.6 million iPhone SE 4 units through the first quarter of next year.

The sub-$500 device is expected to feature a design similar to the base iPhone 14. Rumored specifications include a 6.1-inch OLED display, Face ID, a newer A-series chip, a USB-C port, a single 48-megapixel rear camera, 8GB of RAM to support Apple Intelligence, and Apple's first in-house 5G modem. Apple released the existing iPhone SE in March 2022.

Related Roundup: iPhone SE
Buyer's Guide: iPhone SE (Don't Buy)
Related Forum: iPhone

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Nuki Unveils Smart Lock Ultra With Faster Operation, Compact Design

Austrian smart lock maker Nuki has announced its new Smart Lock Ultra, featuring a smaller design and claiming significantly faster operation than its predecessor.

The Smart Lock Ultra is one-third the size of previous Nuki models. This has been achieved through a new built-in battery design that eliminates the need for a bulky battery compartment, according to the company. The lock features a new brushless motor, similar to those used in electric vehicles, enabling it to unlock in under 1.5 seconds, which could make it one of the fastest smart locks available.

Built-in Wi-Fi eliminates the need for a separate bridge, while Matter-over-Thread and Bluetooth connectivity options are also included. The lock supports all major smart home platforms including Apple Home, Amazon Alexa, and Google Home. Battery life is rated at six months per charge, with charging handled via an included two-meter magnetic cable.

The European version requires replacing the entire lock cylinder and comes with three physical keys, while an upcoming US model will work as a retrofit solution similar to August smart locks. The lock can be controlled through multiple methods, including geofencing, via the smartphone app, or compatible smart home platforms, and it works with Nuki's existing accessories like key fobs and keypads.

The fifth-generation Nuki Smart Lock Ultra will be available in Europe this December for €349, with the US version planned for the second quarter of 2025.

Tags: HomeKit, Nuki

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OWC's Upcoming Thunderbolt 5 Hub Adds Three More Thunderbolt 5 Ports to Latest Macs

OWC today announced its new Thunderbolt 5 Hub, one of the first accessories to support Intel's latest Thunderbolt standard, and offering Thunderbolt 5 compatibility with Apple's new Mac mini and MacBook Pro Models with M4 Pro and M4 Max chips.

The hub converts a single Thunderbolt port into three Thunderbolt 5 ports and one USB-A port, and delivers up to 80Gb/s bi-directional data transfer speeds. It can achieve speeds up to twice as fast as Thunderbolt 4, with bandwidth up to 120Gb/s available for display connections, and supports connecting up to three 8K displays at 60Hz with Display Stream Compression, making it suitable for demanding visual workflows.

In terms of charging output, the hub provides up to 140W power delivery, which is enough for a 16-inch MacBook Pro, while the aluminum enclosure features passive cooling for silent operation.

OWC is keen to emphasize backward compatibility with Thunderbolt 3/4 and USB-C devices, allowing users to connect both newer and legacy peripherals. The hub also enables the creation of three separate device daisy chains that can operate independently.

The OWC Thunderbolt 5 Hub opens a new world of workflow possibilities and performance with compact perfection. By turning a single cable connection into three Thunderbolt 5 ports and one USB-A port, the OWC Thunderbolt 5 Hub breaks the connectivity handcuffs of host machines not offering enough Thunderbolt 5 ports. With up to 80Gb/s of bi-directional data speed – up to 2x faster than Thunderbolt 4 and USB4 – and up to 120Gb/s for higher display bandwidth needs, the OWC Thunderbolt 5 Hub redefines productivity. Connect portable SSDs exceeding 6000MB/s, up to three 8K displays @ 60Hz with DSC, today's USB-C connector compatible devices, and yesterday's USB-A desktop accessories. All while keeping modern notebooks powered and charged up for mobile use with 140 watts.

The OWC Thunderbolt 5 Hub is available for pre-order at $189.99 from the company's website and will begin shipping in December. OWC announced a new Thunderbolt 5 external SSD earlier this month.
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Apple Seeds Second Public Betas of iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2 and macOS Sequoia 15.2 With New Apple Intelligence Features

Apple today seeded the second public betas of upcoming iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and macOS Sequoia 15.2 updates, allowing the public to continue testing new features ahead of when the software launches. The public betas come a day after Apple provided developers with new betas.

Public beta testers can download the updates from the Settings app on each device after opting into the beta through Apple's public beta testing website. Note that Apple has also released public betas for watchOS 11.2, tvOS 18.2, and the latest HomePod software.

iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and ‌macOS Sequoia‌ introduce the next Apple Intelligence features, including the first image generation capabilities.

The update adds Image Playground, a new app for creating images based on text descriptions. You can enter anything you want, though Apple will suggest costumes, locations, items, and more to add to an image. There are options to create characters that resemble your friends and family, and you can choose a photo for ‌Image Playground‌ to use as inspiration to create a related image. Elements added to ‌Image Playground‌ creations are previewed, and there is a preview history so you can undo a change and go back to a prior version.

While ‌Image Playground‌ is a standalone app, it is also integrated into Messages, Notes, Freeform, and more. ‌Image Playground‌ does not make photorealistic images and is instead limited to animation or illustration styles.

The update also adds Genmoji, which are customizable emoji characters that you can create based on descriptions and phrases. Like ‌Image Playground‌ creations, you can base them on your friends and family, with the data pulled from the People album in Photos. You can also make characters using basic elements, and you'll get multiple ‌Genmoji‌ suggestions to choose from. You can create ‌Genmoji‌ using the emoji keyboard.

‌Genmoji‌ are limited to iOS 18.2 and iPadOS 18.2 right now, and will be coming to ‌macOS Sequoia‌ later.

Siri in iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and ‌macOS Sequoia‌ 15.2 has ChatGPT integration. If ‌Siri‌ is unable to provide an answer to a question, ‌Siri‌ will hand the request over to ChatGPT, though ‌Siri‌ will need user permission first. ChatGPT will answer the question and relay the information back through ‌Siri‌.

ChatGPT can be used to create content from scratch, including text and images. No account is required to use ChatGPT integration, and Apple and OpenAI do not store requests.

If you have an iPhone 16, there's a Visual Intelligence feature in iOS 18.2 that provides information about what's around you. Open up the camera and point it at a restaurant to get reviews, or point it at an item to search Google for it.

Some other Visual Intelligence capabilities include reading text out loud, detecting phone numbers and addresses to add them to Contacts, copying text, and summarizing text.

Apple added Writing Tools in iOS 18.1, but in iOS 18.2, you can more freely describe the tone or content change that you want to make, such as adding more action words, or turning an email into a poem.

‌Apple Intelligence‌ now supports localized English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, and the UK in addition to U.S. English.

Wait List

If you've already been testing ‌Apple Intelligence‌ and are opted in, you will have access to Writing Tools, ChatGPT integration, and Visual Intelligence automatically.

There is a secondary waiting list for early access to use ‌Genmoji‌, ‌Image Playground‌, and Image Wand. You can sign up to get access in ‌Image Playground‌ or in the areas where you access ‌Genmoji‌ or Image Wand.

When you request access, you are added to a wait list for all three capabilities and you'll get a notification when the features are available for you to use. Apple will roll out access over time.

Availability and Compatibility

The public betas are available on all devices, but the ‌Apple Intelligence‌ features require a device capable of ‌Apple Intelligence‌.

Apple is still working on refining the new ‌Apple Intelligence‌ tools, and the company warns that ‌Genmoji‌, Image Wand, and ‌Image Playground‌ can sometimes give you results you weren't expecting. Apple is collecting feedback on these experiences and will refine them over time.

Release Date

Apple is expected to release the iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, ‌macOS Sequoia‌ 15.2, watchOS 11.2, tvOS 18.2, and visionOS 2.2 updates in early December.
Related Roundups: iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia
Related Forums: iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia

This article, "Apple Seeds Second Public Betas of iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2 and macOS Sequoia 15.2 With New Apple Intelligence Features" first appeared on

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Apple Seeds Second Beta of visionOS 2.2 to Developers With Ultrawide Mac Virtual Display

Apple today seeded the second beta of an upcoming visionOS 2.2 update to developers for testing purposes, with the beta coming a little over a week after the first visionOS 2.2 beta.

visionOS 2.2 can be installed by going to the Software Update section of the Settings app on the Vision Pro and opting into Beta Updates.

The visionOS 2.2 update adds a new feature for the Mac Virtual Display option, allowing it to be set to Wide and Ultrawide. The Ultrawide setting is equivalent to two 4K displays side-by-side, and it is a notable improvement over the current Mac Virtual Display that's available in visionOS 2.1.

The Mac Virtual Display allows the Vision Pro to be connected to a Mac with the Vision Pro serving as the display for the machine. The virtual Mac desktop works just like a standard desktop with an external display, but Vision Pro does not support multiple displays. As a solution, Apple has added the option for a wider display to maximize space.

Related Roundup: visionOS 2
Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro

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iFixit Shares M4 Mac Mini Teardown

Popular repair site iFixit today disassembled one of Apple's new M4 Mac mini machines for a teardown video that gives us a more complete look at the inside of the device.

Compared to the prior version of the Mac mini, the M4 model is densely packed with little space between components, which is how Apple slimmed down the size so much. The ‌M4 Mac mini‌ measures in at 5x5 inches, down from 7.5x7.5 inches, a size reduction that makes a major difference.

The power supply module is a board that extends across the top of the case, a design that Apple has previously used for the HomePod. The power supply normally takes up a lot of space, so that's how Apple shrunk it down without compromising performance.

In the middle of the ‌Mac mini‌, there's a fan that works with the redesigned thermal management system of the machine to pull in air from the environment, circulate it through each level of the ‌Mac mini‌, and then vent it out through the bottom. Because the M4 Pro versions of the ‌Mac mini‌ need more cooling power, Apple equipped them with a larger copper heatsink than the heatsink in the standard ‌M4 Mac mini‌ models.

iFixit is a little late to the ‌Mac mini‌ teardown, which means we have seen prior videos that provided some insight into the machine's internal components. We've already learned that the ‌Mac mini‌ has modular storage that can technically be upgraded after purchase, and iFixit confirmed that. iFixit swapped a 512GB SSD from one ‌M4 Mac mini‌ to another ‌M4 Mac mini‌ that had a 256GB SSD, and the swap was successful.

The M4 and M4 Pro ‌Mac mini‌ models use different NAND modules that aren't physically interchangeable, and iFixit was not able to use an M4 SSD in an M4 Pro ‌Mac mini‌, so users who plan to swap out their own storage will need to make sure to get the correct SSD for their device.

RAM for the ‌Mac mini‌ is tightly integrated into the M4 chip inside and is not upgradeable after purchase, and the ports are also soldered, which can make replacement difficult.

iFixit found other components in the ‌Mac mini‌ are simple to swap out, and the site gave the ‌Mac mini‌ a repairability score of 7 out of 10 thanks to the easy to remove components, swappable SSD, and the detailed repair manuals that Apple made available. iFixit says users could get at least a decade of use out of the ‌M4 Mac mini‌.
Related Roundup: Mac mini
Tag: iFixit
Buyer's Guide: Mac Mini (Buy Now)
Related Forum: Mac mini

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Apple to Launch AI-Powered Home 'Command Center' as Soon as March 2025

Apple is planning to launch an AI-powered smart home display as soon as March 2025, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. The display will measure in at approximately six inches, and while it is similar to an iPad, it is square rather than rectangular and it has thick bezels around the edges. There is a camera at the top front so that it can be used for FaceTime, plus there are internal speakers for playing music and a built-in rechargeable battery.

Apple will offer the hub in silver and black, and it will use a touch-based interface. The operating system will look like a mix of the iPhone's StandBy mode and watchOS, though it will primarily be controlled by voice. Apple plans to integrate Apple Intelligence for accessing apps and controlling smart home products, and it was designed around App Intents, a Siri system that will be able to control apps and tasks.

Apple designed a customizable home screen with widgets that can be used to show things like the weather and upcoming appointments, a photo slideshow, or important home controls. A software-based dock will be available for launching apps, and multiple systems in different rooms will work as intercoms. Apple plans to focus on security as well, providing alerts and camera footage from connected smart home cameras.

Built-in sensors will be able to determine how close a person is standing to the device, and it can adjust features from there. When no one is nearby, for example, it might show the temperature, but as someone approaches, it can switch to an interface for adjusting the thermostat, much like Nest thermostats. It could also detect how many people are nearby using external sensors that plug into outlets throughout the home, but Apple may or may not manufacture these extra sensors.

In addition to offering smart home controls and FaceTiming features, the device will include several Apple apps like Safari, Apple News, Apple Music, Notes, Calendar, and Photos, but there will not be a dedicated App Store. Apple is designing different attachments, such as a plate for attaching it to the wall and a base with additional speakers for using it in a central location in the home.

Apple plans to position the smart display as a "command center," with the aim of furthering Apple's position in the smart home market. The smart home hub has been in development for more than three years, and Apple CEO Tim Cook has been pushing the engineering and design teams to prioritize the device. It will be a standalone device, but it is meant to work in concert with other Apple products and will require an ‌iPhone‌ for setup.

With the smart home hub, Apple is looking to compete with Amazon and Google, who have similar devices. Amazon has the Echo Hub, and Google offers the Nest Hub Max. Apple will likely need to price the device similarly to these products, and the Echo Hub costs $150, while the Nest Hub Max costs $230.

While Apple has considered creating its own line of smart home accessories like an indoor security camera, it is not yet clear if the company will do so. Apple could get into accessories if the smart home display is a success. Earlier this week, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that Apple was working on a smart home camera with wireless connectivity and deep integration with ‌Apple Intelligence‌, with Apple planning to launch the device in 2026.

In the future, Apple plans to release a robotic version of the smart home hub that can move the screen around, Gurman reports.

This article, "Apple to Launch AI-Powered Home 'Command Center' as Soon as March 2025" first appeared on

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Apple Might Make Smart Home Products Like Cameras

Apple has considered building its own line of smart home accessories, reports Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. Apple could manufacture smart home cameras and other devices that would connect to its HomeKit smart home platform and that would tie in with a planned smart home "command center" that could come out as soon as next year.

As one example, Gurman suggests Apple could create an indoor security camera that could also be used as a baby monitor, which is in line with a report we heard from Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo yesterday.

Kuo claimed that Apple is designing a smart home camera that will be manufactured starting in 2026, with Apple planning to sell "tens of millions" of the devices over the long term. Kuo says that the cameras that Apple is working on will have wireless connectivity and deep integration with Apple Intelligence and Siri.

Gurman does not seem as sure that Apple will follow through on plans to create its own smart home products. He says that it's something Apple is "exploring" that could be prioritized should its upcoming smart home hub device turn out to be a success.

Apple would likely emphasize privacy with its smart home cameras, providing an alternative to cameras from companies like Amazon's Ring and Google's Nest. Ring has been derided for its privacy policies over the years, primarily because it had a "Request for Assistance" tool that allowed law enforcement officials to request video footage from Ring customers. Ring has provided police officers with Ring camera footage without notifying users, and reserves the right to do so in emergency situations. Google's Nest brand also says that it will provide police with smart home camera footage in emergency situations without a warrant.

Apple is known for having strong privacy protections, and it is possible that customers would trust a smart home camera from Apple more than a smart home camera from a company like Ring. Apple already designed a ‌HomeKit‌ protocol for cameras called HomeKit Secure Video, which is end-to-end encrypted.

Prior to coming out with any smart home accessories, Apple plans to release an iPad-like smart home display that will serve as a home hub. The smart home device, which is set to come out as soon as March 2025, will run apps and will control ‌HomeKit‌ and Matter-based accessories.

This article, "Apple Might Make Smart Home Products Like Cameras" first appeared on

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Llama and Sheep 1

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Complete List of Animalities in Mortal Kombat

Animalities have returned to Mortal Kombat. Players of the infamous fighting game series can finish a defeated opponent off by transforming into an animal and brutally mauling them death for the first time since 1995's Mortal Kombat 3 with the "Khaos Reigns" update to Mortal Kombat 1.

So, what follows is a list of every Mortal Kombatant's fursonas, basically, from Mortal Kombat 1. Two warnings: In explaining different characters roles, there may be spoilers for the games, and also, extreme, over the top violence and gore is the point of Animalities.

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Every Furry & Animal Game in Steam's Next Fest - October 2024

We have another GIANT list of games this season for the Fall 2024 Steam Next Fest! We're looking forward to a ton of these, and have compiled as many as we could find with animals and/or anthropomorphic characters featured in them! Be sure to let us know of any others you find by commenting below!

We'll be playing some of these demos this week and next, and hopefully providing some previews and progress updates throughout development! Additionally, we have an actively updated Furry & Animal Games List over at @GamingFurever that you can follow and get updates for lots of indie titles with TONS of lovely furry characters!

If you're a developer of any of these games, feel free to hit us up on email over on our Contact Us page!

We're sure everyone will find at least a couple games that strike their fancy during this Next Fest!

Check out the full October list here!


Book Reviews: 'The Red Hourglass' and 'The Book of Deadly Animals'

"It's a brutal world for all of us, really, and some aspects of it are not comfortable for the sentimental or the squeamish. Somehow that's never dimmed my love for all animals. I celebrate their beauty, even the darker side of it." (Introduction, The Book of Deadly Animals)

"The predators far outnumbered the vegetarians."
(last words, The Red Hourglass: Lives of the Predators)

It's October, the "spooky" month with Halloween at the end of it; I sometimes take advantage of that to bring to light something a bit more horror themed than the usual Flayrah fare.

This year, I'd like to share the non-fiction books of Gordon Grice, which are about animals and their sometimes very tense relationship with man, because they are some of the scariest things I've ever read, and so appropriate enough under the "it's about animals and it's spooky" month to stretch the boundaries of what a furry publication can cover. Furthermore, from a personal angle, Grice spent much of his life where I'm originally from, the Oklahoma Panhandle (we share a birth town), and I occasionally like to shine a light on what would be to me local authors.

"The Red Hourglass: Lives of the Predators", Delacourte Press, 1998, 259 pages, Kindle $5.99, hardcover $19.32, paperback $17.10
"The Book of Deadly Animals", Penguin Books Ltd., 2010, xxvii + 383 pages, Kindle $4.99, paperback $24.00, illustrated, originally published as Deadly Kingdom

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