
Ecollywood: Arianna Huffington and Nancy O'Dell

Video: Get green tips from Arianna Huffington and Nancy O'Dell.

  • Arts & Culture


Ecollywood: Look who's talking about MNN

Video: From Jeff Goldblum to Tricia Helfer to Arianna Huffington — see who is talking about the Mother Nature Network.

  • Arts & Culture


Ecollywood: Niecy Nash and Peter Fonda

Video: Niecy Nash and Peter Fonda share what? Their smart eco-tips.

  • Arts & Culture


Ecollywood: Tia Carrere and Wilmer Valderrama

Video: Get eco-tips from Tia and Wilmer. Get eco-tips from Tia Carrere and Wilmer Valderrama. (Video by Gerri Miller)

  • Arts & Culture


Ecollywood: Greg Grunberg & Wendy Davis

Video: Greg Grunberg & Wendy Davis offer their eco-tips.

  • Arts & Culture


How much energy do individuals actually use?

Some number crunching based on the new 2009 Lawrence Livermore Labs analysis of U.S. energy use reveals that individuals (versus businesses) are responsible for

  • Research & Innovations


When this smelly corpse flower bloomed, did it make gardening history?

A hybrid that would be cold-hardy and suitable for outdoor planting may be available for home landscapes in a few years.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Plants really don't like to be touched

A new study has found that most plants are extremely sensitive to touch, and even a light touch can significantly stunt their growth.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Are your glass bottles really getting recycled?

In some cities, glass recyclables aren't being recycled at all.


7 unrecyclable items that really can be recycled

Breathe new life into hard-to-recycle junk with these innovative solutions.


The best way to solve a problem really may be to sleep on it

We may be able to hack our brains to solve problems while we sleep.

  • Research & Innovations


Putting on a 'game face' may actually boost your performance

A new study suggests a serious expression could go a long way toward getting some serious work done.

  • Research & Innovations


Dressing for success actually works

Dressing sharp can make you more productive, but it can make you think bigger too.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


Blondes might actually be smarter than those with other hair colors

A new study turns the tables on the old "dumb blonde" stereotype.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Researchers identify the secret ingredient that makes royal jelly so effective at healing wounds

The ability of royal jelly to help heal wounds is yet another great reason to love (and save) the bees.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Four politically incorrect predictions about Hurricane Irene

When crisis hits, the jokesters come out of the woodwork. Here is what to expect.


U.S. to curb fracking emissions ... eventually

The EPA decided this week to limit cancer-causing emissions from hydraulic fracturing, aka 'fracking,' but its new rules won't take effect until 2015.


Yes, your cat really is ignoring you

Studies reveal what cat owners have suspected all along: Your cat hears you when you call — he just chooses not to respond.


App serves as 'eyes' for the visually impaired

Four students have developed Google Glass image-recognition app called ThirdEye that verbally identifies objects for visually impaired people.


What's the most environmentally sound way to care for my lawn?

You don't have to use toxic chemicals and pesticides to have a beautiful, lush yard. But first, stop fixing on having much of a lawn at all.


10 ways babies are really weird

They don't shed tears and won't remember having mustaches!

  • Babies & Pregnancy


Bone meal and blood meal enrich soil naturally in organic gardens

Organic gardening brings benefits to both you and the plant

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


2020 may be the year that young people finally decide who wins elections

The demographics are shifting in favor of Generation Z as these young people head to the polls.


Skating on fresh ice is a treat, especially when life gets complicated

Video shows two people skating on freshly frozen ice in Alaska, and one of them has a special reason to savor the adventure.


4 things teens really need from their parents

Teens can be distressed without being depressed. Here's how parents can help them navigate their feelings and tell the difference between angst and depression.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Development of bomb-sniffing cyborg locusts officially underway

The Office of Naval Research hopes to harness locusts' powerful sense of smell to protect soldiers on the battlefield.

  • Research & Innovations


Does an empty baseball field really need outdoor lighting all night?

The International Dark-Sky Association has a few ideas to reduce light pollution from sports facilities.


Will children really grow horns from too much phone use?

A study about phones giving kids horns stirs some good old-fashioned moral panic.


Iceland and Hollywood: An unfolding love story

The island nation is using its natural and cultural resources to attract filmmakers from around the world.

  • Arts & Culture


From fat to fuel: Genetically modified bacteria could convert waste into energy

Plant waste has been seen as a possible source of sustainable biofuels, now modified E. coli would convert plant waste into fatty acids, and then into fuel.


BioLite CampStove beautifully burns through biomass

Your next camping trip should include this camp stove, which is capable of efficiently burning biomass materials like pine needles, small twigs and wood chips.


7 Christmas movies you've never heard of (that are actually quite good)

Sure, you've seen classics like 'A Christmas Story' and 'Miracle on 34th Street.' But have you heard of 'Holiday in Handcuffs'? We didn't think so.

  • Arts & Culture


Reindeer herding is really a job (in Finland)

Santa's not the only one who gets to hang out with these interesting animals.


Scientists identify world's first fully warm-blooded fish

The beautiful, predatory moonfish can warm its own body, just like mammals and birds.


This 'flock of sheep' was actually an unprecedented gathering of polar bears

Zoom in on this supposed image of sheep on a hillside and you'll be in for quite the surprise.


'Psychedelic' jellyfish dominates the deep-sea dance floor

Nicknamed the 'psychedelic Medusa,' this fascinating jellyfish was spotted during a NOAA research mission.


Women work a month more than men annually

There are slow gains in equality of pay and power. Frustrated women are working on it.


What those beautiful glass prisms in the sidewalk are really for

Vault lights in the sidewalks were useful ways to light the rooms down below.

  • Arts & Culture


A centuries-old riddle in stone has finally been solved

A contest to reveal the truth behind the mysterious inscription on a boulder in France produces two winners.

  • Arts & Culture


Jellyfish blooms that shut down power plants linked to offshore construction

Swarms of jellyfish are clogging water intakes at power plants around the world, and a new study explains why jellyfish populations are on the rise.


Street artists literally paint the town at Upfest

Hundreds of street artists from 30 countries descend on Bristol, England, to showcase their talents at Upfest 2017, an annual urban paint festival.

  • Arts & Culture


10 restaurants that are literally underground

Foodies talk about underground restaurants, but these beautiful eateries around the world are literally located in caves and caverns below ground.


11 colorful fungi that look like they came from Willy Wonka

The 11 mushrooms and other fungi here are a far cry from the typical white-or-brown palette of criminis and portobellos.


These comedy wildlife photo winners will make you belly laugh

The 2017 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards winners have been announced, and this year's crop doesn't disappoint in the humor department.


Do you really need probiotics?

Probiotics, whether in supplement or food form, are a booming industry, but the science behind the health benefit claims is still catching up.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Why some cats hate belly rubs

The science behind why some cats hate belly rubs, plus what it means when a cat rolls over and shows you its belly.


Dogs really are 'the best people,' and we have the photos to prove it

Belinda Richards captures pet personalities and turns them into art.


17 dogs that really, really love sticks

Whether they chase them, chew them or hunt for them, sticks make these dogs very happy.


It took a pandemic for this old dog to finally find a home

An old dog named Toretto who waited years at the shelter finds the perfect family.


What happened to those delightfully cool summer nights?

Climate change is to blame for the loss of cool summer evenings.

  • Climate & Weather