
For the first time in 360 years, some compasses will actually be right

In the U.K., magnetic north and true north are about to be in perfect alignment.

  • Climate & Weather


Hats are back. Here are 9 you can actually wear

There's no reason to be intimidated by the idea of wearing a hat, especially not these classic styles.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


You won't believe these insane Easter bonnets that people actually wear

At an annual parade in New York City, men and women don hats packed with everything from Peeps to plastic flying pigs.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


Can thermal spring water really help your skin?

People are paying big bucks for bottled thermal spring water, and for once science is backing up the benefit claims.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


Hat made from real woolly mammoth hair goes on sale for $10,000

It's unpleasant to wear, but it's also one of a kind.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


Sustainability: What does it really mean?

More than just green ideas, "sustainability" also refers to the economy and social justice. But is the word being used to death?


Bill O'Reilly producer ambushes Al Gore

Video: Bill O'Reilly doesn't take no for an answer. Al Gore learned this the hard way, as a Fox News producer ambushed the former vice president during a lunch

  • Climate & Weather


Analysis: Why police are re-opening Molly Hagerty's sex-assault case against Gore

Video: Police are reinvestigating allegations from a masseuse that she was sexually assaulted by former Vice President Al Gore. A legal scholar weighs in.

  • Arts & Culture


Al Gore finally drops meat, goes vegan

Former vice president reportedly made the healthy shift several months ago.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Scientists taught rats how to play hide-and-seek and they really got into it

Rats played hide-and-seek with scientists for no other reward than strokes and tickles.

  • Research & Innovations


Why we're so fixated on bringing back the woolly mammoth

Scientists have been working to resurrect the woolly mammoth for years now. How close are we, and should we even be doing it?


Canyon de Chelly National Monument: A user's guide

This northeast Arizona park boasts three major canyons and because it lies on Navajo tribal land, you'll need a Navajo guide or ranger to get a better look at t

  • Wilderness & Resources


Does tapping the side of a beer can actually reduce the fizz?

New research finds the traditional beer can flick does nothing at all for fizz.


12 astonishing facts about jellyfish

Jellyfish have outlived the dinosaurs by hundreds of millions of years, some might be capable of living forever, and they've even been to space.


We finally solved the mystery of why this 'boring' bird has such colorful chicks

The American coot is not as boring as it looks. These ducks are hiding some rather mischievous behavior under that boring veneer.


Scientists accidentally discover new type of immune cell that kills most cancers

Until now, no one believed this kind of broad-spectrum cure for cancer was possible.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Red pandas are actually 2 separate species

Genetic study finds endangered red pandas are actually 2 distinct species.


What we know about the mysterious 'Tully Monster'

It looks like nothing else ever seen on Earth, but the bizarre 'Tully Monster' is still waiting on a definitive classification.


You're busy. Here's how to (really) make time for friendships

It might take a little more effort than when you were younger, but it's worth it to keep your friends close.


Big fashion companies finally join consumers to stop the massive clothing waste problem

There are smart, innovative alternatives to incinerating and landfilling apparel.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


How often do you really need to shower?

Most people think showering once a day is the norm, but here's why it might be healthier to skip a day or two.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Introducing moose poop art and the delightfully practical woman who creates it

Mary Winchen, the creator of Tirdy Works, speaks about her moose turd art with just the right combination of seriousness and puns.

  • Arts & Culture


Is algae oil really a clean fuel?

There is a lot of hype around algae-based biofuel but is it that much better than petroleum? Or is it even possible without petroleum? UVA Study.

  • Research & Innovations


Do diamonds really come from coal?

Nope, Superman can't crush a piece of coal into a diamond. And neither can ordinary humans. We bust the common myth.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Can this plant really help us live forever (or at least a lot longer)?

Here's what you need to know about a Japanese plant called ashtabi known for anti-aging properties. We even tell you how to grow it.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


How to get rid of roaches naturally

Banishing roaches from your home without toxic chemicals can be time-consuming, but the results will be well worth the effort.


FCA admits "mistake" after it accidentally shared private complainant data

The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of certain FCA complainants were publicly available between November 2019 and February 2020.


Guy Carpenter boss fired over sexually suggestive email - reports

As well as this employment change two of the VP’s colleagues have faced severe internal penalties.


Applied Systems implements remote working globally

Software house has also introduced measures to enable its clients to follow suit.


Philly puts the brakes on electric scooter rollout

A delight to some and a nuisance to others, trendy e-scooters face a legal roadblock in the City of Brotherly Love.


Mystery of the solar-powered ghost ship that washed ashore 3 years ago finally solved

Ship with no crew drifted over 2,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.


Which lifestyle changes really make a dent in your environmental impact?

In a world where almost everything we do has an impact, it's hard to know where to even start.


This critically endangered skink is getting its own tropical island

The blue-tailed skink of Christmas Island may be extinct in the wild, but scientists have a plan to bring it back.


Overfishing: Are there really plenty of fish in the sea?

Overfishing sent many U.S. fisheries into free fall last century. Can a new focus on sustainability save fish and fishermen from going extinct?

  • Translating Uncle Sam


How To Lose 20 Pounds Really, Really Fast

This is the easiest, surest, most effective way I know to slash 20 pounds off your body fast!


Lose Weight by Eating More -- Food that is Virtually Impossible to Store as Body Fat

Certain foods are extremely difficult for the human body to convert into body fat - not impossible but damned near impossible. By consuming calories derived from these foods, the anabolic margin of error is extended dramatically, which means it will be easier to lose fat and gain muscle, if you choose.


How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates...


Refinancing Online - Can You Really Save Time And Money?

With easy online forms, this takes a few minutes instead of hours without the hassle of talking to several high pressure loan brokers. There is no commitment until you are comfortable and have shopped around to find yourself the best deal for refinancing your home mortgage.


Christmas Goes Hollywood

There's nothing like a good Christmas movie to put you in the holiday spirit. You probably have a favorite or two. Do you agree with our top holiday movie picks?


The Benefits of Buying and Selling Locally

Shop at a flea market in Oaxaca, Mexico. Trade with a vendor in London, England. Or sport your wares to collectors in Geneva, Switzerland. You can virtually do just that when you shop or sell goods at an online auction site. You know those global auction Web sites, the ones that allow you to bid on thousands of items against millions of other competitors. Sure, they allow you to expand your world and uncover cool knickknacks from around the world. But these very same sites also open the door to you getting ripped off by someone four thousand miles away. More than 8 billion dollars were spent on auction sites in the last three months of last year, but how many dollars were lost along the way?


How Tarot Cards Can Help You... Really!

We've all seen the late-night commercials about psychic networks, open and available for callers just like you. Some of us have called, and some of us have scoffed. The tarot is an ancient tool, used long before Christ was born. Could tarot cards really help man in today's high-tech world? You bet they can.


Controlling Intestinal Gas Naturally

Intestinal gas, flatulence, farting or breaking wind is a natural part of the digestive process. This odorless gas, although at times embarrassing, is the result of good digestion. Every day, our body produces one to three pints of gas that is ultimately passed. For some, gas is an ongoing problem. Discover alternative and natural healing methods in which you can reduce or eliminate the awkwardness of intestinal gas.


Bollywood on Your Phone

The Bollywood craze has swept around the world, as fans of "Hindi Cinema" have fallen in love with the kietschy high-pitched songs.


Timesharing - Finally Time To Buy?

Timesharing's bad image of past decades is finally changing for the better. Timesharing's bad image of past decades is finally changing for the better.


Do Good Luck Symbols, Charms, Talismans & Amulets Really Work?

Every single Culture and Country of our Earth has spawned Good Luck Symbols, Charms, Talismans and Amulets. Volumes have been written about them. But do they really work and yield results? If no, Why? And if Yes, How? Read on for some critical facts not revealed earlier.


What Does Your Man REALLY Want?

If there is one question for which every woman wants an answer is what men want. This question crops up in the mind of every woman be it be a teenager going on her first date;


What Does Your Woman REALLY Want?

The behavior of women is as much of a mystery to men as that of men is to women. However, one thing is certain.


How to trade successfully in the Forex Market

Next we have a short lesson on compounding and how you can get rich on just 20 pips profit per day. Compounding is the only way to make serious money in the forex market so you won't want to miss this. See you then!


Strategic Negotiation - What Do They Really Teach you

Having come originally from Egypt where bargaining attitude is a way of life and where every thing is negotiable, you will be eaten alive if you try to use any of these negotiating tactics you learned at a course when you negotiate with these people.


E=mc2 is Wrong - Einstein's Special Relativity Fundamentally Flawed

In 1905, Albert Einstein published 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' now known as Special Relativity; this theory revolutionized geometry, math, physics, science and the classical perspective of the universe as understood since Newton's time. However, were there intrinsic errors in this theory?