
Financial institutions, instruments & markets / Christopher Viney, Peter Phillips

Viney, Christopher, author


Global political economy : evolution & dynamics / Robert O'Brien & Marc Williams

O'Brien, Robert, 1963- author


Invisible labor : hidden work in the contemporary world / edited by Marion G. Crain, Winifred R. Poster, Miriam A. Cherry


Informality Revisited: Latin American Perspectives on Housing, the State and the Market


Informality Revisited offers an overview of recent debates about Latin American government programmes for the formalisation of informal settlements and housing provision in a neo-liberal context. Contributions from Latin American researchers analyse the contradictions in government actions and evaluate the consequences for urban poverty.



Asymmetric synthesis of primary amines catalyzed by thermotolerant fungal reductive aminases

Chem. Sci., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC02253E, Edge Article
Open Access
Juan Mangas-Sanchez, Mahima Sharma, Sebastian C. Cosgrove, Jeremy I. Ramsden, James R. Marshall, Thomas W. Thorpe, Ryan B. Palmer, Gideon Grogan, Nicholas J. Turner
Fungal reductive aminases as effective biocatalysts for the preparation of chiral primary amines.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


General and selective synthesis of primary amines using Ni-based homogeneous catalysts

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,4332-4339
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01084G, Edge Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Kathiravan Murugesan, Zhihong Wei, Vishwas G. Chandrashekhar, Haijun Jiao, Matthias Beller, Rajenahally V. Jagadeesh
A Ni-triphos based homogeneous catalyst enabled the synthesis of all kinds of primary amines by reductive amination of carbonyl compounds with ammonia and hydrogenation of nitroarenes.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A pH ratiometrically responsive surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering probe for tumor acidic margin delineation and image-guided surgery

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,4397-4402
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC00844C, Edge Article
Open Access
Wenjia Duan, Qi Yue, Ying Liu, Yunfei Zhang, Qinghua Guo, Cong Wang, Shujie Yin, Dandan Fan, Wenjing Xu, Jiexian Zhuang, Jiachao Gong, Xinwei Li, Ruimin Huang, Liang Chen, Silvio Aime, Zhongliang Wang, Jianfeng Feng, Ying Mao, Xiao-Yong Zhang, Cong Li
A novel pH ratiometrically responsive surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) probe was developed for tumor acidic margin delineation and image-guided surgery.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


YES Bank okays board reconstitution; Prashant Kumar to be new MD & CEO

The other board members will be Sunil Mehta, former non-executive chairman of Punjab National Bank, as the non executive chairman of YES Bank


09/22:00 CST Marine Wind Warning Summary for South Australia


We are buying in this market on a daily basis, says LIC MD Vipin Anand

The IPO is a time-consuming thing, which is going to be there, says Vipin Anand.


Academic culture : a student's guide to studying at university / Jean Brick, Maria Herke, Deanna Wong ; editor: Laura Davies

Brick, Jean, author


Thinking through new literacies for primary and early years / Jayne Metcalfe [and three others] ; edited by Dr Eileen Honan

Metcalfe, Jayne, author


Situation models and children's reading comprehension : what role does visual imagery play? / by Maroulia Katsipis

Katsipis, Maroulia, author


Teaching thinking skills in the primary years : a whole school approach / by Michael Pohl

Pohl, Michael


Record of oral language : observing changes in the acquisition of language structures : a guide for teaching / Marie M. Clay, Malcolm Gill, Ted Glynn, Tony McNaughton, Keith Salmon

Clay, Marie M. (Marie Mildred), author


Handbook of research on collaborative teaching practice in virtual learning environments / Gianni Panconesi (Esplica, Italy), Maria Guida (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation, and Educational Research, Italy), [editors]


Teaching the arts : early childhood and primary education / David Roy, William Baker, Amy Hamilton

Roy, David M. S., author


Primary English for trainee teachers / [edited by] David Waugh, Wendy Jolliffe and Kate Allott


Developing the curriculum : improved outcomes through systems approaches / William R. Gordon II, Ed.D. (Chief Operations Officer, Retired, Florida virtual School, Orlando, Florida), Rosemarye T. Taylor, Ph.D. (Professor, Educational Leadership, University

Gordon, William, II, author


The early years of schooling. Defining and clarifying intentional teaching, guided play and child-directed play and learning / Western Australian Primary Principals' Association


The early years of schooling. Early years writing assessment (K - Year 2) / Western Australian Primary Principals' Association


Teaching primary science constructively / edited by Keith Skamp, Christine Preston


Program planning for infants and toddlers : in search of relationships / Margaret Sims, Teresa Hutchins

Sims, Margaret, 1955- author


Better chances for girls : a handbook of equal opportunity strategies for use in schools / by Clarice Ballenden, Maryellen Davidson, Fran Newell

Ballenden, Clarice, 1944-


Global creation : space, mobility, and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy / Simon Marginson, Peter Murphy and Michael A. Peters

Marginson, Simon


Technologies education for the primary years / Peter Albion, Coral Campbell and Wendy Jobling

Albion, Peter, author


Planning your PhD : all the tools and advice you need to finish your PhD in three years / authors: Hugh Kearns & Maria Gardiner

Kearns, Hugh, author


Early childhood curriculum : planning, assessment and implementation / Claire McLachlan, Marilyn Fleer, Susan Edwards

McLachlan, Claire, author


Student workbook Mathematics explained for primary teachers / Derek Haylock

Haylock, Derek, author


Literacy for the 21st century : a balanced approach / [Gail] Tompkins, [Carol Margaret] Smith, [Rod] Campbell, [David] Green

Tompkins, Gail E, author


Mathematics explained for primary teachers / Derek Haylock with Ralph Manning

Haylock, Derek


The Student Guide to Freire's Pedagogy of the oppressed / Antonia Darder ; with a preface by Donaldo Macedo ; and an interview with Ana Maria Araújo Freire

Darder, Antonia, author


Technologies for children / Marilyn Fleer

Fleer, Marilyn, author


International student engagement in higher education : transforming practices, pedagogies and participation / Margaret Kettle

Kettle, Margaret, author


Literacy : reading, writing and children's literature / Gordon Winch, Rosemary Ross Johnston, Paul March, Lesley Ljungdahl, Marcelle Holliday

Winch, Gordon, 1930- author


The Testaments, Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood's dystopian masterpiece, The Handmaid's Tale, has become a modern classic-and now she brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion in this riveting sequel.


Thermal properties of bio-based polymers / Maria Laura Di Lorenzo, René Androsch, editors ; with contributions by R. Androsch [and 12 others]

Online Resource


Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory: ICRAPAM 2018, New Delhi, India, October 23-25 / Naokant Deo, Vijay Gupta, Ana Maria Acu, P. N. Agrawal, editors

Online Resource


Game theory and fisheries management: theory and applications / Lone Grønbæk, Marko Lindroos, Gordon Munro, Pedro Pintassilgo

Online Resource


Requirements engineering: 26th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2020, Pisa, Italy, March 24-27, 2020, Proceedings / Nazim Madhavji, Liliana Pasquale (eds.)

Online Resource


Probabilistic mapping of spatial motion patterns for mobile robots Tomasz Piotr Kucner, Achim J. Lilienthal, Martin Magnusson, Luigi Palmieri, Chittaranjan Srinivas Swaminathan

Online Resource


Improved classification rates for localized algorithms under margin conditions / Ingrid Karin Blaschzyk

Online Resource


Social networking and computational intelligence: proceedings of SCI-2018 / Rajesh Kumar Shukla, Jitendra Agrawal, Sanjeev Sharma, Narendra S. Chaudhari, K.K. Shukla, editors

Online Resource


AI ethics / Mark Cockelbergh

Online Resource


Society with Future: Smart and Liveable Cities: First EAI International Conference, SC4Life 2019, Braga, Portugal, December 4-6, 2019, Proceedings / edited by Paulo Pereira, Rita Ribeiro, Ivo Oliveira, Paulo Novais

Online Resource


Mathematical approach to climate change and its impacts: MAC2I / Piermarco Cannarsa, Daniela Mansutti, Antonello Provenzale, editors

Online Resource


The wild within: histories of a landmark British zoo / Andrew Flack

Hayden Library - QL76.5.G7 F53 2018


Cyber security in india: education, research and training / Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Manindra Agrawal, editors

Online Resource


Mathematical analysis and applications in modeling: ICMAAM 2018, Kolkata, India, January 9-12 / Priti Kumar Roy, Xianbing Cao, Xue-Zhi Lu, Pratulananda Das, Satya Deo, editors

Online Resource


Digital forensics and watermarking: 18th International Workshop, IWDW 2019, Chengdu, China, November 2-4, 2019, revised selected papers / Hongxia Wang, Xianfeng Zhao, Yunqing Shi, Hyoung Joong Kim, Alessandro Piva (eds.)

Online Resource