
Diet Diary: Malnutrition in younger years marker of disorders later


Interview: Jemar Tisby Confronts His Collaborators

Can people of color work in white spaces without getting pushed out, burned out, or sold out?


[ASAP] Development of Multivalent Metal-Ion-Fabricated Fumaric Acid-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks for Defluoridation of Water

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.0c00005



Mme-Marie-de-Tocqueville - The Wife of Alexis de Tocqueville





The Euroschool on Exotic Beams - Vol. 5 edited by Christoph Scheidenberger, Marek Pfützner

Online Resource


Benchmark analysis of EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests.

Online Resource


The telescope in the ice: inventing a new astronomy at the South Pole / Mark Bowen

Hayden Library - QC793.5.N42 B69 2017


Lepton flavor violation from low scale seesaw neutrinos with masses reachable at the LHC /: Xabier Marcano.

Online Resource


Spin-polarized two-electron spectroscopy of surfaces / Sergey Samarin, Oleg Artamonov, Jim Williams

Online Resource


Search for new heavy charged bosons and measurement of high-mass Drell-Yan production in proton-proton collisions / Markus Zinser

Online Resource


Alternate fractionation in radiotherapy: paradigm change / Mark Trombetta, Jean-Philippe Pignol, Paolo Montemaggi, Luther W. Brady, editors

Online Resource


Strong fermion interactions in fractional quantum hall states: correlation functions / Shashikant Mulay, John J. Quinn, Mark Shattuck

Online Resource


Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP4): conference date, 13-18 May 2018: location, Texas, USA / editors, Marina Barbui [and three others]

Online Resource


A microscopic theory of fission dynamics based on the generator coordinate method / Walid Younes, Daniel Marc Gogny, Jean-François Berger

Online Resource


An introduction to radiation protection / by Alan Martin, Sam Harbison, Karen Beach and Peter Cole

Hayden Library - RA569.I587 2019


Basic concepts in nuclear physics: theory, experiments and applications: 2018 La Rábida International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics / José-Enrique García-Ramos, María V. Andrés, José A. Lay Valera, Antonio M. Moro, Fr

Online Resource


Quantum collisions and confinement of atomic and molecular species, and photons: select proceedings of the 7th Topical Conference of ISAMP 2018 / P. C. Deshmukh, E. Krishnakumar, Stephan Fritzsche, M. Krishnamurthy, Sonjoy Majumder, editors

Online Resource


Reactor dosimetry: 16th international symposium / editors, Mary Helen Sparks, K. Russell DePriest, David W. Vehar

Barker Library - TK9185.A1 I578 2017


Symmetries and order: algebraic methods in many body systems: a symposium in celebration of the career of Professor Francesco Iachello: conference date, 5-6 October 2018: location, Connecticut, USA / editors, Reina Maruyama

Online Resource


Herencia Digital Transcribe-a-thon TOMORROW! March 19th 8AM EST-5PM PST

Anyone can participate in writing word for word transcriptions that will ultimately enrich our catalog records and make the historical content in this collection of Spanish documents more accessible.

To participate, please register via Eventbrite

About the virtual transcribe-a-thon

You can join in as an individual or organize a transcribe-a-thon event wherever you are.

  1. Register through Eventbrite so we can get a full count of contributing volunteers!
  2. Follow the day's progress via hourly updates here in History Huband shared on our twitter (@Crowd_LOC)
    • We’ll share live updates on campaign activity so be sure to let us know how it’s going wherever you are! We hope you’ll share your event details and let us know what you’re finding in this rich collection.
  3. Let us know what you’re up to!We’re always here to answer your questions, but we’ll have some extra opportunities for you to connect with Community Managers and collection experts.
    • Twitter chats:  11am and 2pm EST
      • Follow the conversation for tips and tricks!  Community managers and collection experts will also share more about this amazing collection and answer your questions!
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Financial institutions + markets / Ben Hunt + Chris Terry

Hunt, Ben, author


Investments / Zvi Bodie, Boston University, Alex Kane, University of California, San Diego, Alan J. Marcus, Boston College

Bodie, Zvi, author


Hard-hatted women : stories of struggle and success in the trades / edited by Molly Martin


Value relevance of accounting information in capital markets / [edited by] Marianne Ojo (George Mason University, USA), Jeanette Van Akkeren (QUT School of Accountancy, Australia)


Australia's dairy industry : rebuilding trust and a fair market for farmers / The Senate, Economics References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Economics References Committee, author, issuing body


Effect of market consolidation on the red meat processing sector / The Senate, Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, author, issuing body


Gender and labour in new times / edited by Lisa Adkins and Maryanne Dever


The value of everything : making and taking in the global economy / Mariana Mazzucato

Mazzucato, Mariana, 1968- author


Report / The Senate, Select Committee on Lending to Primary Production Customers

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on Lending to Primary Production Customers


Women workers as decision-makers : Josip Kraš - chocolate, candy and biscuit industry, Zagreb / editor-in-chief Radmila Čačić ; material collected and text prepared by Mijo Batinić and [five others] ; English translation, Marija Maruŝić


Attack of the 50 foot blockchain : bitcoin, blockchain, etherium and smart contracts / David Gerard

Gerard, David, author


Monetary Policy and Financial Stability in a World of Low Interest Rates : proceedings of a conference held in Sydney on 16-17 March 2017 / editors: Jonathan Hambur, John Simon

Monetary Policy and Financial Stability in a World of Low Interest Rates Conference (2017 : Sydney, N.S.W.)


Girls can do it : interviews with thirty women in non-traditional occupations / Lucy Callaghan ; foreword by Helen Garner ; illustrations by Mary Leunig ; photographs by Ian Wright

Callaghan, Lucy


Jobs for the girls / Marjorie Johnston

Johnston, Marjorie, author


Why Australia : benchmark report 2018


Mobile app marketing and monetization / by Alex Genadinik

Genadinik, Alex, author


Globalization and food sovereignty : global and local change in the new politics of food / edited by Peter Andrée, Jeffrey Ayres, Michael J. Bosia, and Marie-Josée Massicotte


Creative industries and entrepreneurship : paradigms in transition from a global perspective / edited by Luciana Lazzeretti (Department of Business and Econmics, University of Florence, Italy), Marilena Vecco (CEREN, EA 7477, Burgundy School of Business,


Fundamentals of futures and options markets / John C. Hull

Hull, John, 1946- author


Student's solutions manual & study guide for Fundamentals of futures and options markets / John C. Hull

Hull, John, 1946-


The political economy of emerging markets : varieties of BRICS in the age of global crises and austerity / edited by Richard Westra


The business with the environment : a (different) reader / Martin Brueckner

Brueckner, Martin


Marx's inferno : the political theory of Capital / William Clare Roberts

Roberts, William Clare, 1974- author


Thatcherism : scope and limits, 1983-1987 / Martin Holmes

Holmes, Martin, 1954 April 26-


The Financial times guide to investing : the definitive companion to investment and the financial markets / Glen Arnold

Arnold, Glen


International trade : theory & policy / Paul R. Krugman (Princeton University), Maurice Obstfeld (University of California, Berkeley), Marc J. Melitz (Harvard University)

Krugman, Paul R., author


Employment relations : theory and practice / Mark Bray, Peter Waring, Rae Cooper, Johanna Macneil

Bray, Mark, author


Financial markets and institutions / Frederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins

Mishkin, Frederic S., author


Karl Marx, capitalist / by June Grem

Grem, June