
Grand Canyon National Park Fire Managers Planning for Two Prescribed Burns

National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, anticipate initiating a prescribed fire treatment this fall as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow near the boundary line between the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab NF and the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.


Eastwood’s ‘torrid affair’ with local at Movie World launch

THE star in the car was Clint Eastwood who came to town, not on a horse,


Banksy Drops Off Superhero Nurse Artwork at Hospital in UK With a Thank You Note

Banksy droped off an art piece that is inspiring the world with its superhero nurse theme, in gratitude to NHS Southampton General Hospital in England.

The post Banksy Drops Off Superhero Nurse Artwork at Hospital in UK With a Thank You Note appeared first on Good News Network.


Two maternity hubs open in Surrey so women have same midwife through antenatal and birth

There are two new sites, one in Cranleigh and the other in Farnham


Interagency strategy for the Pacific Northwest Natural Areas Network.

Over the past 30 years, the Pacific Northwest Interagency Natural Areas Committee has promoted the establishment and management of natural areas in Oregon and Washington--protected areas devoted to research, education, and conservation of biodiversity.


A Dropline, Dropdown and two level Flyout menu

A version 2 of the dropline, dropdown and flyout hybrid menu.


CSS3 Social Network Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a social network circle of icons.


CSS3 3D Social Network Ring

Using CSS3 to produce a Rotating set of Social Network Icons - for Safari ONLY at the moment.


CSS play responsive 'swipe' slideshow version two

A second minimal jQuery and css3 responsive 'swipe' action full screen slideshows.


CSS play responsive inline 'swipe' slideshow version two

An update to the Swipe Me Inline slideshow to add extra fuctions and simplify usage.


M25 crash: Air ambulance called to serious collision near Reigate involving two lorries and car

A driver of a car collided with a bridge barrier and two lorries


House log drying rates in southeast Alaska for covered and uncovered softwood logs

Log moisture content has an important impact on many aspects of log home construction, including log processing, transportation costs, and dimensional stability in use. Air-drying times for house logs from freshly harvested trees can depend on numerous factors including initial moisture content, log diameter, bark condition, and environmental conditions during drying. In this study, we evaluated air-drying properties of young-growth Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr) and of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) from logs harvested in southeast Alaska.


Divi Meetup Network Community Update: April 2020

Hello to our lovely Divi community! We’re well into Q2 and also quarantining. ???? Remote life is not too uncommon for our community but this global pandemic is not without significant challenges. However, we’ve had some nice positives come out of this trial our world is experiencing. Virtual events are how our Divi communities are […]

The post Divi Meetup Network Community Update: April 2020 appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.


A tale of two cedars – International symposium on western redcedar and yellow-cedar

From May 24-28, 2010, an international symposium on western redcedar (Thuja plicata) and yellowcedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis [syn., Chamaecyparis nootkatensis]) was held at the University of Victoria on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The symposium was entitled "A Tale of Two Cedars" and brought together local, regional, national, and international experts to present cultural, biological, management and economic information on the two species. Although some papers or posters focused on just one of the cedars, many of the presenters covered both species and discussed the similarities and differences between them. This proceedings includes abstracts or short papers from all of the formal presentations or posters presented at the symposium.


User's guide to SNAP for ArcGIS® ArcGIS interface for scheduling and network analysis program.

This document introduces a computer software named SNAP for ArcGIS®, which has been developed to streamline scheduling and transportation planning for timber harvest areas. Using modern optimization techniques, it can be used to spatially schedule timber harvest with consideration of harvesting costs, multiple products, alternative destinations, and transportation systems. SNAP for ArcGIS attempts either to maximize a net present value or minimize discounted costs of harvesting and transportation over the planning horizon while meeting given harvest volume and acreage constraints. SNAP for ArcGIS works in the ArcGIS environment and provides an easy-to-use analytical tool for sophisticated spatial planning of timber harvest.


Case study comparison of two pellet heating facilities in southeastern Alaska

Over the past decade, wood-energy use in Alaska has grown dramatically.


Journalists at two Belfast newspapers threatened by loyalists

Both newspapers are owned by Independent News and Media (INM)


Check out Cadbury's two new flavoured chocolate bars and an old favourite

You could previously only buy the two chocolate bars in Australia.


Dropkick Murphys' Ken Casey Narrates NHL Network Documentary On 1970 Boston Bruins Stanley Cup Championship

An NHL NETWORK documentary on the 50th anniversary of the BOSTON BRUINS' 1970 STANLEY CUP championship is narrated by DROPKICK MURPHYS founder KEN CASEY. "THE 1970 BRUINS: BIG, BAD … more


Westwood One Parts Ways With Remaining Members Of 'The Ty Bentli Show'

CUMULUS MEDIA/WESTWOOD ONE ended its nationally-syndicated “THE TY BENTLI SHOW” effective FRIDAY, MAY 1. While the show’s namesake, TY BENTLI, departed the radio business … more


First New Syndicated Show From Westwood One Nashville Is Morning Koffy

CUMULUS MEDIA’s WESTWOOD ONE has launched MORNING KOFFY, a new, national Country radio morning show airing MONDAY-FRIDAY from 6 to 10a (ET) featuring PAUL KOFFY, and JASMINE SADRY as … more


Sony/ATV Adds Two Executives In Nashville

SONY/ATV NASHVILLE has hired two new executives. CAM CALDWELL joins as VP/Business Affairs and COURTNEY PENDER comes aboard as VP/Human Resources. CALDWELL previously spent 10 years in … more


Westwood One Nashville Offers Memorial Day Weekend Special With Dustin Lynch

CUMULUS MEDIA’s WESTWOOD ONE NASHVILLE will celebrate the start of Summer and salute service men and women with its annual “Summer Kickoff with DUSTIN LYNCH” Memorial Day … more


Tim Hortons plans to open two of its NI locations next week

The Canadian restaurant chain has laid down plans for the gradual reopening of some of its franchises


Network Rail

Network Rail owns and operates the entire railway infrastructure in the United Kingdom, managing 18 of the largest stations in England, Scotland and Wales. Network Rail delivers 4.5 million journeys a day for its customers, managing rail timetabling by working...


Two new AHA statements focus on heart failure: How social determinants can affect outcomes; impact on caregivers

Statements Highlights: Adverse social factors, such as insurance status, food insecurity, lack of funds for medication and others, may lead to worse heart failure outcomes. Caregiving by family and friends of people with heart failure is increasingly...


Spanish Beisbol Network

A little taste of Phillies baseball on the Spanish Beisbol Network


Risk of Repeat Concussion Among Patients Diagnosed at a Pediatric Care Network

Concussion is a common childhood injury that may lead to long-term physical, behavioral, and neurocognitive effects, affecting learning and school performance. There is increasing concern about the potential for repeat concussions among professional and high school athletes, with specific attention focused on understanding how sustaining a concussion alters future concussion risk. Addressing repeat concussion risk among youth has substantial implications for clinical practice in terms of managing exposure — particularly regarding youth sports participation — and long-term health and development.


Stunning Photos Of The Installation Process For 5G Network Equipment On The Mount Everest

AsiaWire China Mobile Hong Kong and Huawei have jointly taken 5G connectivity to the highest-altitude base station to the north...


Revolution Two: Album theme

Benefits include the Album theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our list of recommended designers.

The post Revolution Two: Album theme appeared first on WPCult.


Revolution Two: Agent Theme

Benefits include the Agent theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our list of recommended designers.

The post Revolution Two: Agent Theme appeared first on WPCult.


Revolution Two: Black Canvas

Benefits include the Black Canvas theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our list of recommended designers.

The post Revolution Two: Black Canvas appeared first on WPCult.


Revolution Two: Chrome Theme

Benefits include the Chrome theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our list of recommended designers.

The post Revolution Two: Chrome Theme appeared first on WPCult.


Revolution Two: Church Theme

Benefits include the Church theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our list of recommended designers.

The post Revolution Two: Church Theme appeared first on WPCult.


Revolution Two: TV Theme

Benefits include the TV theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our list of recommended designers.

The post Revolution Two: TV Theme appeared first on WPCult.


Controlling AirPort Network Access with Time Limits

If you own an AirPort base station, you can use the Timed Access feature to control the days and times when users access the Internet. This could come in handy in a variety of situations. For example, if you own a cafe and provide free wi-fi access, you can configure the AirPort to block all access to the Internet when your business is closed. And if you have children, you can set time limits for specific devices in your home.

There are two ways to use the timed access feature. You can create a default allow policy to allow all devices to access the Internet at any time, and then specify custom schedules for specific devices. Or you can create a default deny policy to prevent all devices from accessing the Internet according the schedule you specify, and then exempt specific devices by creating custom schedules.

Here's how to control AirPort network access with time limits:

  1. Open the AirPort Utility application. (It's in Applications → Utilities.) The window shown below appears.

  2. Click the AirPort Extreme's icon. The status pop-up window appears.

  3. Click Edit. The settings window appears.

  4. Select the Network tab. The window shown below appears.

  5. Select the Enable Access Control checkbox.

  6. Click Timed Access Control. The window shown below appears.

  7. Select the Unlimited (default) option. By default, this allows all of the devices connected to your AirPort to access the Internet all day, every day, but you can change this to block Internet access for all devices (except the ones you specify later) during the times you set.

  8. If you'd like to limit the days and times that a specific device can access the Internet, click the + button under the Wireless Clients field. The window shown below appears.

  9. Enter a name for the device in the Description field.

  10. Enter the device's MAC address in the MAC Address field. You can use the following tutorials to find the device's MAC address.

  11. Use the + button under the Wireless Access Times field to create a schedule for this device's Internet access.

  12. Once you've added all of your devices and customized the schedules, click Save.

  13. Click Update. The AirPort will restart to apply the changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully set time limits for the devices connecting to your AirPort network. The schedule you created is effective immediately.

Meet Your Macinstructor

Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at:


Tell Your iPhone to Forget a Wireless Network

When you connect an iPhone to a wi-fi network, the iPhone remembers that network and will automatically attempt to connect to it in the future. This is a great feature for wi-fi networks you trust and use frequently. But mistakes happen. If you connect to the wrong network at a coffee shop, your iPhone will automatically attempt to join that network every time you visit the coffee shop in the future. And if the password for a known network changes, your iPhone might have trouble connecting to it.

What's the solution? Telling your iPhone to forget the wi-fi network. Forgetting a network will remove the network's password and prevent your iPhone from joining it automatically in the future.

Here's how to tell your iPhone to forget a wireless network:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Wi-Fi. The window shown below appears.

  3. Locate the wireless network you want the iPhone to forget, and then tap the blue arrow next to the network name. The window shown below appears.

  4. Tap Forget this Network. The iPhone will forget the wireless network.

You have successfully told your iPhone to forget the wi-fi network. The iPhone will not attempt to connect to the network in the future. And if the network required a password, that password has been forgotten.

Related Articles

Meet Your Macinstructor

Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at:


Make Your iPhone Ask to Join Wi-Fi Networks

By default, your iPhone automatically connects to known wi-fi networks. (To stop an iPhone from automatically connecting, you can tell your iPhone to forget a wi-fi network.) But what happens if you take your iPhone to a new location? You'll need to manually connect your iPhone to a wi-fi network.

That's a hassle. But if you have the foresight and inclination, you can save yourself time in the future by making your iPhone ask to join wi-fi networks when no known networks are available. Instead of having to open settings to join a network, you'll be able to easily select a network from an on-screen prompt.

Here's how to make your iPhone ask to join wi-fi networks:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Wi-Fi. The window shown below appears.

  3. Move the Ask to Join Networks slider to the On position.

  4. The next time you're in a location with no known networks, your iPhone will prompt you to connect to an available wi-fi network, as shown below.

In the future, this prompt will be displayed when no known networks are available. (To actually see the prompt, you'll need to do something that requires network access, like try to check your email or open a webpage.) To connect to a wi-fi network, select a network and enter a password, if one is required.

Related Articles

Meet Your Macinstructor

Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at:


How to Connect an iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network

If you're a new iPhone owner, one of the first things you'll want to learn how to do is connect your iPhone to a wireless network. That's because there are certain times when your cellular data connection just won't cut it, even if you're lucky enough to have an unlimited data plan. Using Facetime, downloading content from iTunes, and even surfing the web can be painfully slow without a wi-fi connection.

Fortunately, it's a relatively simple process to connect an iPhone to a wi-fi network. Just be sure to commit this process to memory, because it's something you'll need to do over and over again, unless you set your iPhone to automatically detect and prompt you to connect to wi-fi networks.

Here's how to connect an iPhone to a wi-fi network:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Wi-Fi. The window shown below appears.

  3. Verify that the Wi-Fi slider is in the On position. This allows your iPhone to detect and connect to wireless networks.

  4. Tap the wireless network you want to join. If the network is not password protected, the iPhone will connect immediately.

  5. If the wireless network you selected is protected with a password, you will be prompted to enter a password, as shown below. Enter the password and then click Join to connect to the network.

  6. If the wireless network you selected is protected with a captive portal, you will be prompted to enter a password, or a username and password combination. These are increasingly common in hotels, airports, and on college campuses.

Congratulations! Your iPhone is now connected to the wi-fi network. From now on, the iPhone will automatically connect to this network when it is in range. If you accidentally selected the wrong wi-fi network, you can tell your iPhone to forget it.

How to Tell if Your iPhone is Connected to a Wi-Fi Network

There are several indicators you can use to verify that your iPhone is connected to a wi-fi network. The easiest way to visually check to the status bar in the upper-left corner of the iPhone's screen. The wi-fi symbol is displayed when you are connected to a network, as shown below.

If you're curious about which wi-fi network the iPhone is connected to, open the Wi-Fi settings. The network name is displayed in the sidebar, and a checkmark is also displayed next to the connected network, as shown above.

Related Articles

Meet Your Macinstructor

Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at:


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Approximate Two-Sphere One-Cylinder Inequality in Parabolic Periodic Homogenization. (arXiv:2005.00989v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)

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Topology Identification of Heterogeneous Networks: Identifiability and Reconstruction. (arXiv:1909.11054v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

This paper addresses the problem of identifying the graph structure of a dynamical network using measured input/output data. This problem is known as topology identification and has received considerable attention in recent literature. Most existing literature focuses on topology identification for networks with node dynamics modeled by single integrators or single-input single-output (SISO) systems. The goal of the current paper is to identify the topology of a more general class of heterogeneous networks, in which the dynamics of the nodes are modeled by general (possibly distinct) linear systems. Our two main contributions are the following. First, we establish conditions for topological identifiability, i.e., conditions under which the network topology can be uniquely reconstructed from measured data. We also specialize our results to homogeneous networks of SISO systems and we will see that such networks have quite particular identifiability properties. Secondly, we develop a topology identification method that reconstructs the network topology from input/output data. The solution of a generalized Sylvester equation will play an important role in our identification scheme.


On boundedness, gradient estimate, blow-up and convergence in a two-species and two-stimuli chemotaxis system with/without loop. (arXiv:1909.04587v4 [math.AP] UPDATED)

In this work, we study dynamic properties of classical solutions to a homogenous Neumann initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) for a two-species and two-stimuli chemotaxis model with/without chemical signalling loop in a 2D bounded and smooth domain. We successfully detect the product of two species masses as a feature to determine boundedness, gradient estimates, blow-up and $W^{j,infty}(1leq jleq 3)$-exponential convergence of classical solutions for the corresponding IBVP. More specifically, we first show generally a smallness on the product of both species masses, thus allowing one species mass to be suitably large, is sufficient to guarantee global boundedness, higher order gradient estimates and $W^{j,infty}$-convergence with rates of convergence to constant equilibria; and then, in a special case, we detect a straight line of masses on which blow-up occurs for large product of masses. Our findings provide new understandings about the underlying model, and thus, improve and extend greatly the existing knowledge relevant to this model.


A theory of stacks with twisted fields and resolution of moduli of genus two stable maps. (arXiv:2005.03384v1 [math.AG])

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