
Serum non-esterified fatty acids have utility as dietary biomarkers of fat intake from fish, fish oil and dairy in women

Sandi M. Azab
Mar 31, 2020; 0:jlr.D120000630v1-jlr.D120000630


Serum non-esterified fatty acids have utility as dietary biomarkers of fat intake from fish, fish oil and dairy in women [Methods]

Nutritional studies rely on various biological specimens for fatty acid (FA) determination, yet it is unclear how levels of serum non-esterified FA (NEFAs) correlate with other circulating lipid pools. Here, we used a high throughput method (< 4 min/sample) based on multisegment injection-non-aqueous-capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (MSI-NACE-MS) to investigate whether specific serum NEFAs have utility as biomarkers of dietary fat intake in women. We first  identified circulating NEFAs correlated with long-term/habitual food intake among pregnant women with contrasting dietary patterns (n=50). Acute changes in serum NEFA trajectories were also studied in non-pregnant women (n=18) following high-dose (5 g/day) fish oil (FO) supplementation or isoenergetic sunflower oil placebo over 56 days. In the cross-sectional study, serum omega-3 (-3) FA correlated with self-reported total -3 daily intake, notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as its NEFA (r=0.46; p=0.001), whereas pentadecanoic acid was associated with full-fat dairy intake (r=0.43; p=0.002), outcomes consistent with results from  total FA serum hydrolysates. In the intervention cohort, serum -3 NEFAs increased 2.5-fold from baseline within 28 days following FO supplementation, and this increase was most pronounced for EPA (p=0.0004). Unlike for docosahexaenoic acid, circulating EPA as its NEFA also strongly correlated to EPA concentrations measured from erythrocyte phospholipid hydrolysates (r=0.66; p=4.6 x 10-10), and was better suited to detect dietary non-adherence. We conclude that MSI-NACE-MS offers a rapid method to quantify serum NEFAs and objectively monitor dietary fat intake in women that is complementary to diet records or food frequency questionnaires.


Russia and the Economic Crisis: No Safe Haven

1 November 2008 , Number 4

Russia is caught in the global crisis and cannot escape its impact. The crucial question is how the Dmitri Medvedev-Vladimir Putin leadership will respond. Putin has presided over a steadily strengthening economy; he now appears ill-equipped to handle crisis and contraction. The signs are not encouraging. Trust and confidence, two essential ingredients vital to resolving any financial crisis, are in short supply. The public could pay a heavy price for the hubris and schadenfreude of their leaders, still ‘dizzy with success’ from years of economic revival and what they perceive as a successful reaffirmation of the country’s great power status.

Julian Cooper,

Professor, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham


US adults are more likely to have poor health than those in 10 similar countries, survey finds


Democrats Have Set Themselves Up to Fail in November's Election

21 February 2020

Dr Lindsay Newman

Senior Research Fellow, US and the Americas Programme
Debates and caucuses are proving that the party took the wrong lesson from the midterms. They're now applying that lesson to 2020 with potentially disastrous results.


2020 Democratic presidential candidates at the debate in Las Vegas on 19 February. Photo: Getty Images.

The Democratic Party’s struggle for its future policy direction is evident this election season. The primary results in Iowa and New Hampshire, narrow first- and second-place finishes for Senator Bernie Sanders (a progressive) and former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg (a moderate), were just two indicators. During Wednesday night’s debate in Las Vegas, the split became even more obvious.

The six candidates onstage clashed on ideology (socialism and capitalism, progressivism and centrism) as well as policy (healthcare, climate change, fossil fuels, criminal justice, China). Buttigieg made plain the stakes for Democrats, saying, 'We’ve got to wake up as a party.'

If a Democratic candidate is elected to be the United States’ 46th president on 3 November, it will be despite this unresolved intra-party struggle.

One lesson the Democratic Party has taken from the 2018 midterm elections is that running candidates across the ideological spectrum is a winning formula.

It is easy to see how they came to this conclusion following the 2016 presidential and 2018 Congressional election experiences. In 2016, the favoured candidate status of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton deterred other aspirants from entering the Democratic primary ahead of a general election she went on to lose to Republican Donald Trump. In 2018, progressive and moderate centrist candidates, both first-timers and incumbents, ran and Democrats retook leadership in the House of Representatives with a 235-seat majority.

But what if this conclusion was noise and not the signal?

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) set the rules for the 2020 election based on the theory that by allowing an inclusive field (more than two dozen candidates entered the presidential race) the campaign processes, including debates, caucuses and primaries, would ultimately identify the most robust, representative candidate to go up against Donald Trump. Perhaps, and somewhat ironically, the 2016 Republican primary process, which involved a wide field culled by Trump’s unexpected success, informed the DNC’s reforms. And while very nice as a hypothesis of Bayesian updating, what has unfolded instead is a scattershot four-way — at times even five-way — race.

In the midst of this party divide, whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee will likely not represent the views of some meaningful proportion of the Democratic base. While healthcare remains the top issue across the Democratic electorate, there are those (candidates and voters) who want a single-payer option for all without a private insurance option and those who want to expand healthcare access while maintaining private insurers. Likewise, on foreign policy, there are those who link US trade policy with protecting American workers and who would therefore continue to use tariffs as a key trade policy, as well as those critical of Trump’s reliance on tariffs.

Compare that with the current state of the Republican Party. Trump’s approval with Republicans is in the high 80s, sometimes even low 90s, and after all but one Republican senator voted to acquit him in the Senate impeachment trial, the party is undeniably Trump’s. A sure sign is the historic turnout for Trump in his essentially uncontested Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

Their own divisions pose a number of risks, then, for Democrats heading into November’s general election. The first one relates to vulnerabilities arising out of the primary process itself. If the fractures emerging from Iowa and New Hampshire persist, the likelihood of a quick wrap-up of the Democratic primary by April reduces, and the possibility of a contested Democratic convention in July increases (even if from a low base). While exciting television and Twitter fodder, a lengthy primary positions Democrats to go into the fall facing questions of party disunity behind the eventual nominee.

Although complicated to demonstrate empirically, some work has been done to understand whether the protracted 2016 Democratic primary and Sanders’ slow support for Democratic nominee Clinton in 2016 played a part in her defeat and Trump’s electoral success. A delayed general election campaign for the eventual Democratic nominee in 2020 almost certainly advantages President Trump’s money machine, which reportedly has more than twice as much on hand as then-president Barack Obama had going into his 2012 re-election. Further, unlike 2016, which was an open-seat election for the presidency, in 2020 Trump will have a demonstrated incumbent advantage.

The Democratic Party’s succession battle also raises risks around general election turnout. If Sanders is the party’s nominee, Biden or Buttigieg’s constituency may not come out to vote for him. More worrisome for Democrats, if Sanders is the party’s nominee then centrist voters, including those representing the finance industry, may peel off and vote for Trump, who has overseen economic expansion and record unemployment rates following the 2017 tax overhaul and various deregulations.

Alternatively, if Biden, Buttigieg or former mayor Michael Bloomberg become the nominee, Sanders’ many loyal supporters are likely to feel their policy priorities are not represented. And if those voters stay home because the Democratic nominee is not promising a political revolution, evidence suggests that depressed turnout levels may favour Republicans.

A third political peril relates to the business of legislating after the election. If despite the potential pitfalls a Democratic candidate manoeuvres and manages to build a winning coalition on 3 November, they will face the reality of legislative politics, which over the last 10 years have been defined by policy gridlock. Obama managed to get Obamacare through both Democratic-majority congressional chambers, but presided over divided chambers for the remainder of his term. Similarly, Trump’s major legislative accomplishment — the 2017 tax overhaul — was a result of Republican control in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

A Democratic president will have to make progress on his or her agenda given not only the typical Republican-Democrat divide in Congress, but also facing potential raw divisions within the Democratic Party itself. In such a scenario, a Democratic administration may be tempted to take an expansive view of the president’s authority as we have seen under Trump, including relying on executive actions (tariffs and sanctions) on foreign policy.

The Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, beginning 13 July, and the party platform crafted over those four days present an essential opportunity to resolve the party’s divisions before November. If left unchecked, the party might find that its ex ante strategy for the 2020 Democratic primary ends in Trump’s re-election.

This article was originally published in the Independent.


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Dietary Sugar and Body Weight: Have We Reached a Crisis in the Epidemic of Obesity and Diabetes?: Health Be Damned! Pour on the Sugar

George A. Bray
Apr 1, 2014; 37:950-956
Current Concepts of Type 2 Diabetes Prevention


Dietary Sugar and Body Weight: Have We Reached a Crisis in the Epidemic of Obesity and Diabetes?: Health Be Damned! Pour on the Sugar

George A. Bray
Apr 1, 2014; 37:950-956
Current Concepts of Type 2 Diabetes Prevention


Do I Have to Sign?

Parents are asked to sign paperwork when services begin, when changes are made, and if services end. Let's not stop there. Parents must sign before any assessments begin. Parents must sign that they attended meetings. Parents sign that they received a copy of special education rights. The reasoning is to protect everyone involved. It gives documentation to show who attended the meetings, shows parental consent for what is outlined in the plan, and documents what has occurred at the meeting.

Should I sign if I don't agree?
You do not have to sign what you do not agree with. That being said- if you attended the meeting, please sign where it says to sign that you attended the meeting. If you received paperwork, please sign that you received it. If you do not agree with the findings or do not agree with the services offered, then do not sign where it asks if you are in agreement. There may also be an area to sign that you do not agree with the findings and you may have an opportunity to write a dissenting opinion.

What will happen if I don't sign?
In general, the answer is nothing. Literally nothing will happen if you don't sign. Services can not begin until the parent signs. Changes can not take place until the parents sign. Services can not end (in most states) until the parent signs. In most cases if the parent refuses to sign, everything will remain basically the same. Laws vary between states on this issue, so make sure to check your own state laws.

Is it okay to think about it overnight before signing?
Absolutely. If you aren't sure, take some time to think things over or check in with an advocate. However, please do so in a timely manner, for the sake of everyone involved.

What if we do not come to an agreement?
There are times when parents and the school system do not agree. Usually, when all parties stop and listen to each other, an agreement can be made that is in the best interest of the child. Remember that schools have very strict guidelines that must be followed and there are restrictions to what a school can do.

Think about exactly what it is you disagree with. If you do not agree with the guidelines the school is following, then there is not much that can be done unless you are willing to go through an expensive and drawn out process in court that will still likely amount to no changes. In this case, it would be my best advice to work with the school to determine what can be done for your child within the guidelines.

If you disagree because you feel the school is not following state or federal guidelines, there are steps you can take. Start by discussing the area you feel is not being followed with the school or the special education administrator. Usually a resolution can be made by providing a second opinion at the cost of the school system or through the use of a mediator.

What is Erin's advice?
Try to reach an agreement, where you can feel comfortable signing as quickly as possible. You don't want to leave this open. If you need time to take it in to discuss it and then suggest some changes, that is within your right. However, I do not suggest refusing to sign for long periods of time. Those battles rarely end well for parents, the school, or the child.

  • IEP
  • Special Education Law


Unlike 'Jurassic Park,' real raptors may not have hunted in packs

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USS Montgomery, USNS Cesar Chavez enter South China Sea to support drill ship

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[ Politics ] Open Question : Is Trump going to have to invade California?

The state leads the nation in poverty and homelessness while it's socialist elites live in absolute luxury. It's like some third world nation the US is obligated to invade on the basis of humanitarianism.


[ Politics ] Open Question : IF Cons rewrote the Constitution of the United States would it have less laws, more liberty, & move power from DC to the State Capitals?

Oh would that 'less laws/more liberty/more state capital power' look anything like Mike Pence's Religious Freedom Restoration Act or in other words the 'we Conservative Republican Christians are such oppressed persecuted victims WAAAAA WAAAA' Bill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIikqPmbgvI 


Iraq War Naysayers May Have Hindsight Bias

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Have You Reached Out to or Heard From an Ex During the Pandemic? You're Not Alone

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Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed

A collection of short news stories from this week.


Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed

A collection of short news stories from this week.


N.Y. Private Schools Didn't Have to Report Abuse to Police. A New Law Changes That.

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Tennessee Teachers Have Warmed to Evaluation System, But Not State Tests

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Never run out : we all have a roll to play! / Lou Papier.

"A light-hearted take on the Australian toilet paper shortage. With a lot of worry and fear in the world today (2020), it is important to be informed and make good decisions based on the facts at hand. Panic buying caused supply shortages for some products. In Australia, one of the bizarre products to fall to panic buying was toilet roll. This little book, produced as a light-hearted response, offers a reminder that there is always an alternative. Contained in this book are sixteen "sheets". It may be single ply, but we are sure you will agree the 70lb paper has plenty of bulk" -- from the introduction.


101 marvellous movies you may have missed / David Stratton.

Motion pictures -- Reviews.


Die Fortschritte der Nierenpathologie / von R. Lepine ; Deutsch bearbeitet von W. Havelburg ; mit einleitendem Vorwort von H. Senator.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1884.


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Madras : printed by C. Foster, 1876.


Betsy DeVos Gave a State Charter School Grants. Lawmakers Have Said No Thanks, Twice

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Health hazards of nitrite inhalants / editors, Harry W. Haverkos, John A. Dougherty.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1988.


Have your say on the Highway 404 Employment Corridor Secondary Plan