
How many modes can a constrained Gaussian mixture have?. (arXiv:2005.01580v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

We show, by an explicit construction, that a mixture of univariate Gaussians with variance 1 and means in $[-A,A]$ can have $Omega(A^2)$ modes. This disproves a recent conjecture of Dytso, Yagli, Poor and Shamai [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Apr. 2020], who showed that such a mixture can have at most $O(A^2)$ modes and surmised that the upper bound could be improved to $O(A)$. Our result holds even if an additional variance constraint is imposed on the mixing distribution. Extending the result to higher dimensions, we exhibit a mixture of Gaussians in $mathbb{R}^d$, with identity covariances and means inside $[-A,A]^d$, that has $Omega(A^{2d})$ modes.


The Thomson family : fisherman in Buckhaven, retailers in Kapunda / compiled by Elizabeth Anne Howell.

Thomson (Family)


These are the most dangerous jobs you can have in the age of coronavirus

For millions of Americans, working at home isn't an option. NBC News identified seven occupations in which employees are at especially high risk of COVID-19.


Chaffetz: I don't understand why Adam Schiff continues to have a security clearance

Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz and Andy McCarthy react to House Intelligence transcripts on Russia probe.


Almost 12,000 meatpacking and food plant workers have reportedly contracted COVID-19. At least 48 have died.

The infections and deaths are spread across roughly two farms and 189 meat and processed food factories.


6 incredible plants you might not have heard of

All over the world local varieties of fruit, vegetables and grain are grown. Many are seemingly forgotten or are underutilized despite having outstanding nutritional or taste qualities. Some have good commercial potential and could be an excellent cash crop for a smallscale or family farmers, aimed at the local, regional or international market. Here are six traditional crops and six facts [...]


Have you ever wondered how #hunger is measured?

In the year 2000, the UN Member States set the eight Millennium Development Goals. One of the most ambitious was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. As part of this goal, the United Nations General Assembly set a target to halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015.  But have you ever wondered how hunger is measured in [...]


7 #UNFAO ebooks you should have in your e-library

Feeding the world’s growing population, which is expected to go beyond 9 billion by 2050, is one of the world’s biggest challenges. Some of the highest rates of population growth are predicted to occur in areas that are highly dependent on the agriculture sector (i.e. crops, livestock, forests and fisheries). Sustainable agricultural growth is one of the most effective means [...]


Quiz – do you have a taste for pulses?

Pulses have been consumed for at least 10 000 years and are among the most extensively used foods in the world. They provide protein and fibre, and are a great source of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc and magnesium. You probably already eat more pulses than you realize but can you put your finger on these facts on pulses? [...]


#UNFAO publications you should have at your fingertips

FAO plays an important and unique role as a neutral forum, offering unbiased, high-quality information across all areas related to food, agriculture and sustainable natural resources management. With over 500 new publications a year, FAO provides robust technical knowledge and global statistics. By broadly disseminating timely, accurate and compelling information, FAO informs the work of practitioners, researchers and policy-makers, while raising [...]


7 secrets that forests have been keeping from you

Where would you find the world’s largest recreation center and the most natural supermarket? Forests wouldn’t have been your first answer, would it? That’s the thing about forests. They keep secrets.


The Green Hornet  2011 ☚ ☚  Wishes it were different, but doesn't have the balls or brains


07.05.11: Sometimes I have so much fun I forget about everthing.


Ants Have Algorithms


A Buffer Zone Around Saturn May Have Kept It From Swallowing Its Biggest Moon

A new simulation points to a previously untold chapter in Titan’s history


GPS Study Shows Outdoor Cats Have Oversized Effect on Neighborhood Wildlife

The cats also cross the road an average of 4.5 times in six days, putting themselves in danger


Mercury’s Messy Surface May Have Once Had Crucial Ingredients for Life

A new theory suggests the hot, harsh planet’s interior could have contained volatiles like water


More Evidence That Pluto Might Have a Subsurface Ocean

The impact that created Pluto’s 'heart' may have rippled through its ocean and damaged its rear


Newly Discovered Portrait Depicts Woman Who May Have Inspired Jane Austen Character

Mary Pearson, who was briefly engaged to the writer's brother, may be the real-life counterpart of Lydia Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice"


Ornately Decorated Eggs Have Been Traded Worldwide for Thousands of Years

A new analysis of ancient ostrich eggs at the British Museum underscores the interconnectedness of the ancient world


Wild Dolphins Seem to Have a Range of Personalities

From shy to bold with shades in between, dolphin personalities are surprisingly similar to ours


The Far Side of the Moon May Someday Have Its Own Telescope, Thanks to NASA Funding

The project hasn’t yet been greenlit, but a proposal just got major funding to explore the potential for the lunar observatory


'Disappearing' Exoplanet Might Not Have Been a Planet After All

Study suggests alleged exoplanet may have been a cloud of asteroid debris



Edward Aczel reluctantly presents his shambles of a show, 'Do I Really Have To Communicate With You?'. Winner of the Malcolm Hardee Award for [...]


See How Artists Have Turned Farm Silos Into Stunning Giant Murals

The projects are helping Australia's drought-stricken rural towns find new life as outdoor art galleries


Crowdsourcing Project Aims to Document the Many U.S. Places Where Women Have Made History

The National Trust for Historic Preservation is looking for 1,000 places tied to women's history, and to share the stories of the figures behind them


The First Job Bees Have in Spring Is Grim

As spring begins, the surviving bees in the hive pick up their first task of the new year: dumping the corpses of the bees that died over winter.


Saskatchewan to have higher than normal fire conditions this summer: Natural Resources Canada

Fire scientist say that Saskatchewan say Canadian Forest Service is updating their interactive maps every month from May to September this year so people can check the fire map in their region. Saskatchewan is one of the highest chances of fire this year.

  • News/Canada/Saskatchewan


Neha Bhasin: The lockdown has made me realise how privileged we are; I have seen the state of people in the streets and it’s not pretty

"So there are days when I feel down and out, but I remember the gratitude bit in the back of my head (sic)."

  • IMC News Feed


Have to learn to live with Covid-19: Govt – Times of India

Have to learn to live with Covid-19: Govt  Times of IndiaHealth ministry says learn to live with coronavirus as India's COVID-19 count crosses 56,000  LivemintPeople must learn to live with the virus, follow prevention guidelines: G...

  • IMC News Feed


Haven of hope in Syria - Near East

OM partner finds young men on the street and offers them jobs and a place to study the Bible.


Former provincial lab on Huron Church Road could have tested for COVID-19

Located on Huron Church Road, the lab was one of 12 such facilities run by the Ontario government, and processed tests for diseases like tuberculosis and West Nile virus. But it was demolished to make way for the Herb Gray Parkway.

  • News/Canada/Windsor


Couple shaves their eyebrows as motivation to stay home during COVID-19 pandemic

Justin Young and Justine Manuel in Kamloops, B.C., shaved off their eyebrows as extra incentive to stay home and avoid socializing.


Worries about food shortages have people scratching for information on backyard chickens

Mary Ellen Dalgleish, a poultry expert at Purity Feeds in Kamloops, B.C., believes the increased interest in backyard chickens follows concerns about food security when consumers saw grocery store shelves cleared out early in the COVID-19 pandemic in B.C.

  • News/Canada/British Columbia


Some communities around Hamilton haven't had a new COVID-19 case in 3 days

Flattening the curve has been so successful and two areas around Hamilton — Brant and Haldimand-Norfolk — haven't had a new case of COVID-19 in three days, and Burlington has only had two.

  • News/Canada/Hamilton


Ontario landlords, businesses don't have to disclose COVID-19 cases. But should they?

The province says no one has to tell others if they get COVID-19. The same goes for businesses or landlords, should employees or tenants get sick. But should you tell?

  • News/Canada/Hamilton


You can walk and bike some trails starting Saturday but still have to keep physical distance

Hamilton Conservation Authority is re-opening the Hamilton-to-Branford Rail Trail, while the city announced the reopening of the Hamilton Waterfront Trail, between Confederation Park and the Burlington Lift Bridge.

  • News/Canada/Hamilton


Let's have a tea party!

A short-term team help OMers in Montenegro spread God's love by hosting a tea party for forgotten residents of a care home.


As you have done onto them...

The smiles of children are a great motivation to keep on working for the team members of OM Guatemala.


Have you seen?

The people of Chisopi never imagined a school would be established in their village. Today, their children are receiving an education.


Participants have a plan but rely on God to act

OM Ireland's biggest outreach of the year teaches participants to commit their ways to Him and trust Him to act.


A voice for those who have none

“The climb has taken me far beyond the mountain,” says Canadian Freedom Climber Denise Heppner, who knows that helping even one person makes a difference.


‘I still have goose bumps’

No challenge is too big for God: “His provision gave me goose bumps,” shared Audrey, from Switzerland, about her journey to OM Panama’s Mission Extreme.


Let's have lifetime bans for gobby cinema and theatre goers

"I'M hungry."


Have you ever seen the beautiful Georgian script?

OM EAST responds to the need for Christian books in the Georgian language.


"I have come from a faraway country"

Thirteen participants in a weeklong outreach recently interacted with refugees, supporting OM’s refugee work in Linz.


'Finally we have found a place'

“It is wonderful and we are very grateful to God that we can live here,” Javid said. “Finally we have found a place where we can live our faith in Jesus in peace."


Life on ice: How Glasgow Clan have rallied to prepare for post-shutdown

MAY is normally a busy month behind the scenes for Gareth Chalmers and the ongoing uncertainty around sport hasn’t changed that a huge amount.


Drastic decline in passenger numbers at Tegel and Schönefeld in March 2020 / Impacts of the corona pandemic have become dramatically worse

Berlin’s airports are recording a drastic slump in passenger numbers. In March, a decline in passengers of 64.7 percent was recorded at Tegel and Schönefeld for the whole month. However, the number of passengers has continued to fall significantly over ...


Joanna Blythman: The many exciting food initiatives that have emerged through the Coronavirus crisis

The ingenuity of Scotland’s independent food sector, and its determination to keep feeding us in these testing circumstances, is remarkable. Restaurants and cafés have gone down the takeaway route, small artisan suppliers who lost overnight all their catering customers have rapidly reconfigured their business around home delivery. Farmers who previously struggled to attract supermarket shoppers have never been so busy. Farmer’s markets have adapted to sell delivered or collected vegetable b