
Groundwater extraction for agriculture increases salt levels in Spanish coastal wetland

Around 20% of all species found in a Spanish coastal wetland could be affected by increasingly salty water as seawater intrudes into the groundwater system as a result of groundwater being withdrawn to irrigate crops. This is the conclusion of a recent study which used a Life Cycle Impact Assessment approach to characterise the ecological damage in the wetland as a result of changes in groundwater consumption.


Water management and spatial planning's resilience to climate change: key proposals

Eight key features for increasing the climate change resilience of water management and spatial planning projects are presented by new Dutch research. These include: focusing on the long term, integrating the projects with other sustainability measures and encouraging stakeholder participation.


Spanish farmers would pay more for guaranteed water supply

Farmers in one of Europe’s most water-stressed regions would be willing to pay double the current amount for irrigation water in order to ensure a reliable supply, new research from Spain suggests. The study also shows that they appear unsupportive of new policies proposed by the researchers, such as water markets and tighter controls on groundwater pumping, which could help enable a guaranteed supply of water.


Urban self-sufficiency: how rooftops could contribute to cities’ energy, food and water demands, Spain

A recent study helps city planners find the greenest and most effective way of producing renewable energy, crops and water on rooftops. The researchers developed a method for analysing the performance and environmental impacts of different combinations of rooftop rainwater-harvesting-, energy- and food systems. It could aid efforts to promote urban self-sufficiency and a sustainable circular economy, they suggest.


Fake ransom seeking email scam prowling in Indian cyberspace

The Computer Emergency Response Team of India (CERT-In), in a latest advisory, has said while there is "nothing to worry" about such emails, users should update or change their passwords, used to login any of their social media or other online platforms, if they find them compromised.


Fake ransom seeking email scam prowling in Indian cyberspace

The Computer Emergency Response Team of India (CERT-In), in a latest advisory, has said while there is "nothing to worry" about such emails, users should update or change their passwords, used to login any of their social media or other online platforms, if they find them compromised.


Warehousing, logistics space in the limelight as e-tail steps up

Changing user consumption patterns and rapid adoption of omni-channel models drive demand.


Hybrid clouds span the edge of the universe

While workloads are increasingly moving from traditional to cloud data centers - both private and public, hybridization has allowed mission-critical workloads to stay on-premise. Multi-cloud adoption is also being driven by the evolution of new orchestration and management services that are helping to define and run cloud processes and create competitive solutions.


Planning green space networks for urban biodiversity

Sustainable urban planning recognises the importance of green space networks to conserve biodiversity. A recent study in China has assessed whether a development plan for Jinan City improves the city's urban green networks.


Green space management benefits from public participation

The success of policy to maintain urban green areas depends on an adequate level of public participation, according to new research. The study compared two twinned European cities with different styles of green space management and found that public involvement may help maintain urban biodiversity.


Natura 2000 sites well connected across borders in Germany, Italy and Spain

Connectivity between protected areas is vital for safeguarding many animals and plants. New research has shown that Natura 2000 sites are well connected across provincial borders in Germany, Italy and Spain. This is the result of strong coordination from central governments combined with good regional cooperation, the study???s authors conclude.


Expansion of greenhouse horticulture in Spain seen to compromise conservation and the revitalisation of rural areas

Land-use changes in the arid south-eastern Iberian Peninsula impact on the supply of various ecosystem services that support human well-being. Research into perceptions of the rapid expansion of greenhouse horticulture and the abandonment of rural and mountainous areas has highlighted trade-offs between conservation efforts and economic development.


Unmanaged expansion of woody plant cover may threaten alpine flora, fauna and farmers, Spanish Pyrenees

Increases in woody plant and shrub cover render alpine livestock less efficient at using their landscape, finds a new study of the eastern Spanish Pyrenees. Changes in land use and climate will affect not only flora and fauna but also the futures of alpine farmers, says the study, placing them at a growing economic risk both throughout Europe and worldwide.


Cantabrian brown-bear population: how climate change may endanger its long-term conservation, Spain

The impacts of climate changes can force animal- and, over a longer time period, plant species to shift their range. Forests in temperate regions, such as north-western Spain, will be increasingly exposed to drought over the next few decades, which is likely to cause geographical changes in their distribution and make-up1. New patterns of plant occupancy or plant extinction have a bottom-up effect on animal species dependent on them, which can significantly impact on isolated or endangered populations of animals. This study sought to assess the potential impact of climate change on the brown-bear (Ursus arctos) population in the Cantabrian Mountains.


Sparrowhawk study suggests why PBDE contaminant levels vary

Sparrowhawks and their eggs are used to assess environmental concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), chemicals that were used until relatively recently as flame retardants. Recent research may help explain why different studies report different PBDE levels in sparrowhawks for the same countries and time periods. It appears nutrition may play an important role in determining PBDE concentrations in birds.


Low toxic heavy metal risk for the average Spanish consumer of seafood

A new study assessing the levels, and potential health risk, of toxic heavy metals in market-bought fish and shellfish in Spain has found that they are generally below European Commission regulatory limits, and that these products are therefore safe to eat for the average consumer in Spain. However, for high level consumers of specific fish species, toxic element levels could pose a risk to health.


Spatial assessment and ranking of relevant environmental contaminants

A risk-based tool built using multi-criteria decision analysis has been developed to rank environmental contaminants, giving each a level of concern. It can be used by decision makers to prioritise areas for further assessments, based on expected human health impacts.


Clamping down on illegal poisoning: Spain’s VENENO project

Poisoned bait is a major threat to endangered bird species in Europe. The LIFE+ VENENO project was set up to tackle this problem in Spain, developing an action plan for eradication of the illegal use of poison and protocols for law enforcement. As well as improving the prosecution of illegal poisoning in Spain, LIFE+ VENENO provides a useful model for other European countries.


High lead exposure for griffon vultures in Spain correlates with soil lead and ammunition from game hunting

Maps of the risk of griffon vultures’ exposure to lead in north-eastern Spain have been produced in a new study. High-risk places are mountainous areas where there are high levels of bioavailable sources of lead in the soil, but also where game hunting is prevalent, and carcasses scavenged by the birds may contain lead ammunition.


Seven UV filters with potential endocrine-disrupting properties found at low levels in eggs of seven wild bird species, national park, Spain

Personal Care Products (PCPs) are of increasing global concern, as thousands of tonnes enter the environment every year. Similar to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), some substances used in PCPs are toxic, persist in the environment and accumulate in the bodies of organisms that take them in. This study focused on the presence of ultraviolet filters (UV-Fs) (used in PCPs such as sunscreens and cosmetics) in the unhatched eggs of wild birds.


Sparrows could be used to monitor air pollution

House sparrows have the potential to become indicators of air quality, according to a recent Spanish study. The researchers demonstrated that small blood samples taken from the sparrows varied significantly depending on pollution levels in the birds’ habitat.


Using revenues from congestion charging to expand green spaces increases public acceptance

Congestion charges are an effective means of reducing road traffic, but are often strongly opposed by the public. This study combined quantitative and qualitative methods to explore attitudes towards congestion charging in Spain, finding that opposition is reduced when revenues are spent on environmental improvements.


Green spaces linked to improved cognitive development in schoolchildren

Exposure of primary schoolchildren to outdoor green spaces is linked to an improvement in their cognitive development, finds a new study, which is the first of its kind. The association may be partly explained by reductions in traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) near green areas.


Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: first nationwide survey in Spain

The BIOAMBIENT.ES project is the first human biomonitoring programme to estimate levels of environmental pollutants at national level in Spain. This study reports its findings on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chemicals that are ubiquitous in the environment. The results will help to establish reference values, identify highly exposed populations and evaluate effectiveness of policies.


Space to stretch your legs

A LARGE home that will comfortably accommodate even a big brood, this Lauderdale property has a lot going for it.


VillaSpa Gift Cards are the Perfect Gift for Mom


Our verdict on Sopwell House's new £14million spa in St Albans

The moment you step through the door, Cottonmill Spa sprawls before you like the promise of paradise. Not for nothing are guests given maps to help them find their way around. You could easily get lost here, but oh what a place to get lost in.


SPONSORED: Always something new to learn at Celtic Manor spa

CELTIC Manor spa trainer Samantha Boyes has been moving quickly up the ranks in the year she has spent working at the five star resort.


Space Station commander Chris Hadfield tweets with William Shatner

Move over Scotty, Captain Kirk has a new favorite engineer.


Yahoo's work-from-home ban sparks recruitment frenzy

Many companies are using Twitter to send out an invitation to Yahoo employees affected by Marissa Mayer's decision to take away remote-working privileges.


'Valentine rose' nebula blooms in deep space

This image from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory may look like a space flower, but it's actually a planetary nebula.


Europe's sets the bar high for its 2013 space goals

The ESA hopes to fly a spacecraft close to Phobos, orbit the lower Venusian atmosphere and draw up a map of Mars' hydrous areas in 2013.


Ever-changing Venusian superstorm sparks interest

A giant, constantly evolving cyclone that has ravaged Venus' south pole for years has recently come under the telescope.


Scientists detect a massive thermonuclear explosion from outer space

A star from a distant galaxy produced the most intense X-ray blast ever.


Support of religious groups may bolster space journeys

To broaden support for space exploration, advocates should consider approaching religious groups.


Astronauts to grow lettuce in space with NASA 'Veggie' farm

The mini-farm isn't just for tasty food — the Veg-01 experiment will test how well lettuce and other large plants grow in orbit.


Oregon looks to map GMO crops for better transparency

Southern Oregon voted to ban genetically modified crops completely, but the rest of the state may end up mapping GMO crops for better regulation.


Earless rabbit born in Japan sparks fears about radiation

An earless rabbit allegedly born near Japan's severely damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has become the latest poster child for the side effects of radiation expo


Outdoor living meets the sharing economy at UK's first 'on-demand' garden space

Will bookable-by-the-hour private garden spaces encourage more cooped up urbanites to step outside?

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Enjoy a healthier night's sleep in this totally transparent house

Just try not to think about who — or what — might be watching as you settle in for the night.


Residents to enjoy a bike space per bedroom at new London development

Foster + Partners's 930-unit high-rise development will have enough on-site bike parking to go around and then some.

  • Remodeling & Design


Historic London gasometer reborn as public green space

Once used for gas storage, the skeleton of the Victorian structure now frames a circular park.

  • Arts & Culture


Whole Foods' latest whoops? Asparagus water

When a California Whole Foods store put three stalks of asparagus in a bottle of water and sold it for $5.99, the Internet called them on it.


Unexplained 'space music' heard by astronauts on far side of the moon

Newly unclassified recordings reveal eerie radio sounds heard during an Apollo mission that weren't coming from Earth.


'A Star-Spangled Story' about a flag, a song and a war

Smithsonian Channel special celebrates the surprising history behind the flag that inspired our national anthem more than 200 years ago.

  • Arts & Culture