
E Waybill regarding

Good Evening.Invoice Billing From Telangana To Gujarat But Delivery Address Andhra Pradesh. In This Transaction E waybill & E Invoice is Mandatory From Gujarath Party. What Precautions Will Take From Each Parties


Application of GST registration cancellation cannot be rejected based on scrutiny proceeding against Assessee for determining tax liability of past period

The Hon'ble Delhi High Court in the case of M/s Sanjay Sales India v. Principal Commissioner of Department of Trade and Taxes, Government of NCT, Delhi [Writ Petition (Civil) No. 10234 of 2024 dated July 26, 2024] held that the application for the cancellation of the GST registration cannot be denie


RCM for paying rent to unregistered landlord

We are manufactured exporting company. We acquire godown , quareters from unregistered landlord on rent. Is this type of rent come under the applicability of RCM ?


Where to show the RCM on Rent paid to unregistered landlord

Dear Experts,

In GSTR 1, under which table should we show the RCM amount on rent paid to an
unregistered Landlord.

Pls. advice.


Sec 43 b with regard to MSME

We are not able to track the payments whether made within the dates specified under MSME ACT with regard to the newly inserted section.So how we can disclose the same in the tax audit report for the year





Regarding Service Tax Payment.

We have taken registration number in central excise and want to pay service tax demand , however the code for that service is not available on the site then whether other duties code can be used or new registration is required??


CPC Processing IT Return for AY 2023-24 without recognizing the Taxation Option under New Regime

My ITR3 for AY 2023-24 has been processed by CPC under OLD REGIME without recognizing the Taxation Option exercised undersection 115BAC for NEW REGIME by filing FORM 10IE during AY 2022-23 on 01-Jun-2022, which has been CONTINUED for AY 2023-24, as EVIDENT in the ITR3 filed for this Assessment Year. I have also Registered my grievance in this regard in the e-portal of the IT Department and have sought RECTIFICATION FIVE TIMES under Section 154 but have got the same RECTIFICATION ORDER repeating the same MISTAKE with processing done under OLD REGIME with TAX DEMAND of Rs.87,000. (Similar thing had happened in AY 2022-23 but it was corrected by RECTIFICATION). I am in continuous correspondence through email and written communication several times with the Department, including grievances raised on E-PORTAL, but the issue remains UNRESOLVED. I have also registered my grievance in this regard in CPGRAMS Portal of GOI which is pending.
I request advice on further course of action to resolve the issue including as to whether i can file an Appeal under Section 264 .
G S Prakash


Regarding applicability of head

If assessee had agriculture income in inheritance, then such agriculture land converted into non-agriculture land i.e. commercial land and make his sub plots and sale to others, so what is treatment of such income arise on sale whether capital gain applicable in such case or consider in PGBP, if considered in PGBP, then how to provide effect in that i.e. Treat as direct income under Trading account or treat as indirect income in P&L Account?


GSTN Issues Advisory regarding IMS during initial phase of its implementation

Invoice Management System (IMS) is an optional facility introduced from October 2024 on GST Portal, on which the invoices/records saved/furnished by the supplier in GSTR-1/1A/IFF...


How Did an Aquarium Stingray Get Pregnant without a Mate?

Charlotte, a stingray in a small North Carolina aquarium, is taking a DIY approach to reproduction


We are a long way from pregnancy being safe on Mars

Dangerous radiation reaches Mars at levels we aren't exposed to on Earth, which makes the Red Planet a particularly dangerous place to be during pregnancy


Showering Regret

Live long enough It’s a good bet  You’re gonna accumulate regret.  With me, youthful mistakes Manifest in the shower Bursting unmasked, clarity’s power.  How was I so stupid?  Yelping with chagrin Aged missteps alive again.  Despite water and suds I cannot wash them away Dunce cap moments here to stay.  Chattering whispers Turns right instead […]

The post Showering Regret appeared first on Waiter Rant.


Smart Bitches After Dark is Open for Registration!

It’s time! Smart Bitches After Dark is open to everyone for registration! You can register now! Come on in, the mayhem is delightful! You might have seen our first After Dark posts go up the past two Sundays, with a link to register, but this is the Official Announcement. Mostly because I used Capital Letters. We already have over 100 members of the community registered, and it’s going to be a LOT of fun. You can … Continue reading Smart Bitches After Dark is Open for Registration!


reggae robot

Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: reggae robot

This RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see!


Prying Karen criticizes a baby-faced 20-year-old mom at the store and lectures her about 'teen pregnancy,' the mom snaps and teaches her a lesson of her own: ‘I made her regret it’

Moms are usually an infinite pit of mercy, grace, and patience, but when a new mom is just released from the hospital post-birth and some old bat at the store decides to give her a hard time about her precious tiny human, the gloves might come off a little.

Perhaps a mother's grace is earned throughout their child's life. Untrained in the ways of well-grounded motherhood, this 20-year-old mom, u/Feathers137 the original poster (OP) of this story, was in the grocery store trying to buy some formula for her newborn when an older woman came over to her. Expecting the older lady to coo over her new baby–as many older folks do–she smiled and allowed her to approach, but what this uncouth Karen said in return shocked everyone standing in Aisle 18. 

Quite frankly, if anyone said this sort of comment to me (unprompted) in public, I think I'd need to be escorted out of the premises by security to avoid some sort of physical altercation. But maybe that's because I don't possess that uber-top-secret mom patience potion yet… So when OP encountered the rudest, most shamelessly abrasive woman in the world who was fixated on forcing her beliefs on a new mom in the dairy section, she dropped an epic comeback that made this Karen cry over spilled milk.


Sue Gray will not take up new nations and regions role

The senior official was initially appointed to the role after departing as the PM's chief of staff.

reg EU Refers Netherlands To ECJ Over Beneficial Ownership Registry

The European Commission is taking action against the Netherlands for failing to fully implement the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive in respect of the availability of information on entities' beneficial owners.

reg Malta To Continue To Apply EUR20,000 VAT Registration Threshold

Malta has received approval from EU authorities to extend its heightened value-added tax registration threshold for certain suppliers of services.

reg Malta Amends VAT Registration Thresholds

Malta has published The Value Added Tax Act (Amendment of Sixth Schedule) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations, 2020, which makes changes to the thresholds for VAT registration as a small undertaking.

reg Australia To Shutter 'Harmful' Offshore Banking Unit Regime

The Australian Government has confirmed that it will amend its offshore banking unit regime after it was designated a harmful tax regime by the OECD and the European Union.

reg Switzerland Eyeing Tax Regime Improvements

A group of experts assessing the Swiss tax regime has drawn up an action plan on improving Switzerland's international tax competitiveness.


Delhi Registers 489 Dengue Cases So Far This Year

Delhi has registered only 489 dengue cases so far this year with no deaths from the mosquito-borne tropical disease. Sharing the figure, the

reg Bill Would Exclude US Territories, Possessions From GILTI Regime

On May 4, 2020, a bill was introduced in the United States House of Representatives to limit the impact of the Global Intangible Low Tax Income regime on businesses based in US territories and possessions.

reg EU Refers Netherlands To ECJ Over Beneficial Ownership Registry

The European Commission is taking action against the Netherlands for failing to fully implement the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive in respect of the availability of information on entities' beneficial owners.

reg Belgium Taken To Task For Three Tax Regime Features

The European Commission is undertaking infringement proceedings against Belgium regarding the taxation of shares held by life insurance companies, the taxation of income from savings deposits, and the deductibility of alimony payments.

reg Digital VAT Regimes Vital To Buoy Countries' Tax Takes: Report

The OECD has released its annual Consumption Tax Trends report, which highlights that with VAT rates at an all-time high, governments should ensure they have effective VAT frameworks in place to tax e-commerce.

reg Digital VAT Regimes Vital To Buoy Countries' Tax Takes: Report

The OECD has released its annual Consumption Tax Trends report, which highlights that with VAT rates at an all-time high, governments should ensure they have effective VAT frameworks in place to tax e-commerce.

reg Bermuda Consults Industry On New Conduct Of Business Regime

The Bermuda Monetary Authority on December 15, 2020, released a new consultation paper on its proposal for a conduct of business regulatory regime to better protect retail investors.


Quality Lapse in Generic Drugs: Alerts Issued by Regulatory Agency

More than 15 generic medications, including injectables and tablets, have been debarred since January by Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation (TNMSC).


CDSCO Meets WHO Standards for Vaccine Regulations

India's Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has achieved a significant milestone by meeting the World Health Organization's (WHO) stringent


New Drug Rules and Regulations Boost Research to Global Standards

India's updated drug regulations have fostered a research environment that aligns with international standards, ensuring both scientific rigor and ethical considerations.


TRIUMEQ-PD: The First Dispersible Single Tablet Regimen For Children With HIV

Highlights: TRIUMEQ is a fixed dose combination of Abacavir, Dolutegravir and Lamivudine for the treatment of ped


A Nutrient-Rich Ally - Discover the Best Milk for Your Pregnancy!

Highlights: A unique journey of pregnancy demands nourishing choices Exploring the essence of various types of m


Adverse Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medicines on Pregnant Women and Fetus

Highlights: The study evaluated effects of Antirheumatic drugs on pregnant women diagnosed with rheumatoid arthriti


Is Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Safe for Children?

Highlights: Acetaminophen taken during pregnancy has potential risk of neurological disorders in children Pregna

reg Norway Issues VAT Regulation In Response To Brexit

Norway intends to provide value-added tax administrative relief measures to UK businesses in response to Brexit.

reg Belgium Taken To Task For Three Tax Regime Features

The European Commission is undertaking infringement proceedings against Belgium regarding the taxation of shares held by life insurance companies, the taxation of income from savings deposits, and the deductibility of alimony payments.

reg Cayman Tables Law For Digital Asset Business Regime

The Government of the Cayman Islands has published legislation in its Official Gazette to introduce a regulatory regime for virtual asset service providers (VASPs).


Health Benefits of Oregano: A Must-Add to Your Diet

Highlights: Oregano has natural antibacterial agents that fight infections Rich in antioxidants, oregano strengt

reg Singapore Targets A More Progressive Tax Regime In 2022 Budget

Singapore has announced personal income tax hikes and higher wealth taxes on the territory's wealthiest individuals, as well as plans to ramp up the territory's carbon tax, in its newly released Budget.


Hepatitis B Prevention: Kolkata Municipal Corporation Screens Pregnant Women

Highlights: Kolkata Municipal Corporation screens pregnant women for hepatitis B to prevent transmission to th


Launch of National Medical Register Portal

Highlights: The National Medical Register provides detailed records of MBBS doctors, including qualifications and c


Forced Fatherhood - Men's Rights Differ Regarding Parenthood

The inconsistencies in the law regarding the rights of men in claiming parenthood with frozen embryos and developing embryo situations in pregnancies


New project brings five African countries together to jointly manage region’s groundwater

The five Partner States of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) have joined forces with IWMI to manage groundwater resources spanning an area larger than Austria and Germany.

The post New project brings five African countries together to jointly manage region’s groundwater first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Early Pregnancy Hypothyroidism: 4x Risk of Reduced Thyroid Function in 5 Years

Women diagnosed with medlinksubclinical hypothyroidism/medlink before 21 weeks of pregnancy are four times more likely to develop full-blown medlinkthyroid


Every Cigarette a Risk: The Dangers of Smoking During Pregnancy

Smoking as little as 1-2 medlinkcigarettes/medlink per day, either before or during pregnancy, is strongly associated with serious health risks for the fetus (!--ref1--).


Smoking While Pregnant: A Detrimental Impact on Child's Education

medlinkSmoking/medlink damages nearly every part of your body, and if you smoke during pregnancy, the harmful chemicals in medlinktobacco/medlink can also affect your unborn baby.


Pregnancy After Tubal Sterilization: Is It Possible?

Tubal sterilization, as known as tubal ligation or female sterilization, is surgical procedure to prevent medlinkpregnancy/medlink. Although the possibility