tia Basic Christian: (2010-2012) blog History Study - The 8 Kingdoms of the World - Christian Church History - Complete (RSS) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Nimrod, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, [Revised Rome - NWO] Antichrist, Millennial (1,000 year) Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ and the complete Christian Church History. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study Christian Church History Study
tia Basic Christian: blog Bible Study - New Testament (RSS) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Basic Christian: Through the Bible - New Testament - blog Bible Study in RSS feed. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Basic Christian: blog Bible Study - Old Testament (RSS) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Basic Christian: Through the Bible - Old Testament - blog Bible Study in RSS feed. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Basic Christian: (2009-2010) blog Bible Study - Genesis - Revelation (RSS) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: The complete Basic Christian: Through the Bible blog Bible Study in RSS feed. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia The Basic Christian: 2009-2010 'blog Bible Study' complete in 10 segments By basicchristian.org Published On :: The Basic Christian: blog Bible Study in 10 segments: 1. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua 2. Matthew, James, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews 3. Judges, Ruth, 1st Samuel, 2nd Samuel, 1st Kings, 2nd Kings 4. Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum {Early period Prophets - Assyrian activity, attack on Jerusalem thwarted} 5. Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Obadiah, Daniel, Ezekiel {Middle period Prophets - destruction of Jerusalem, Solomon's Temple destroyed and the Babylonian captivity} 6. Luke, Acts, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians 7. Mark, 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon, 1st Peter, 2nd Peter 8. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations 9. 1st Chronicles, 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, Joel, Malachi {Later period Prophets - The return from Babylon, awaiting the coming Messiah} 10. John, 1st John, 2nd John, 3rd John, Jude, Revelation Full Article
tia The Pierre Statement on Biblical Doctrines by confessing Christians - As the Christian Church there are areas where we can all Agree to Agree! (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Over the years the Christian Church has virtually been defined by its vast ability to disagree. In fact the quote "let's agree to disagree" can almost be the new banner of Christianity. Some people readily point out and wonder if there really is a Christian truth because the Church itself agrees on very few Christian tenants. But this is not really an accurate reflection because the Church does agree on many things and is united on many beliefs. This is a discussion list where we as Christians can "Agree to Agree" and then the next time someone says "the Church doesn't even agree" well here are some areas of agreement. - These topics are starting beyond the already given basics of Christianity in that Jesus Christ is God born of the Virgin Mary, Himself a Godly encounter physically among humans yet remaining consistent with the Triune nature of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is Divine and without sin. He was rejected by mankind crucified and died. His death is the Full Payment for all of the sins of the world. His resurrection is of Everlasting Life and provided to those who personally receive Him as God and their Savior. Jesus is the rightful and righteous Ruler of the world and He will physically return to righteously reign, rule and judge His creation that we call the universe. -- "1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures" - All the best, God bless everyone ~ David Anson Brown Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Basic Christian: Select Mp3s List (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Basic Christian: Select Mp3s List (PDF) Full Article Christian Study Christian Study
tia Free Christian Select Mp3 Downloads (RSS) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: **To download each file: "Right Click" and select "Save Target AS..." Full Article RSS Christian Study
tia Basic Christian: Video - DVD List (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Basic Christian: Video - DVD List (PDF) Full Article Christian Study Christian Study
tia Basic Christian: Mp3 List (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Basic Christian: Mp3 List (PDF) Full Article Christian Study Christian Study
tia Remnant X Radio: Thugonomics - An Introduction to Shiloh - A Christian Commune P4 (Mp3) By www.blogtalkradio.com Published On :: On this episode of Remnant X Radio we continue our Thugonomic series with An Introduction to Shiloh - "A Christian Commune - The Tale of Jeanie Murphy" Shiloh is a very important piece to the Thugonomic puzzle as we study the behaviors that manifested themselves there. We will gain a glimpse into the mind of one of the most dangerous men in the American Church....John Higgins! Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
tia (F4F) P1 Fighting for the Faith: Do Muslims & Christians Believe in the Same God? - OC Register Story Claims that Folks at Saddleback [Rick Warren] Believe Muslims & Christians Believe in the Same God By www.fightingforthefaith.com Published On :: OC Register Story Claims that Folks at Saddleback Believe Muslims & Christians Believe in the Same God. Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
tia StandUpForTheTruth.com: P2 Christian apologist and talk show host Chris Rosebrough (Fighting For The Faith) was recently the featured guest on Stand Up For The Truth radio show - Via: SolaSisters blog (Mp3) By solasisters.blogspot.com Published On :: Christian apologist and talk show host Chris Rosebrough (Fighting For The Faith) was recently the featured guest on Stand Up For The Truth radio show. From the Stand Up For The Truth website: "We know that the God of the Bible is not the same god of the Qur'an. Yahweh of the Bible became flesh 2,000 years ago to be that perfect lamb, the Son, the atonement for our sins. The Jesus we believe in is God. But Allah of the Qur'an did not have a son. There was no atonement, no hope of a Messiah, and no grace for sinners. The Christian God and the Muslim Allah cannot be one and the same. And yet there are a growing number of Christians and Muslims who are combining the faith-syncretizing the two into one. That's called Chrislam, and it is heresy. -- This week the Orange County Register reported in an article that leadership of Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church believe that Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Is the article accurate? Is that truly what these leaders believe? Our guest today has communicated with Rick Warren twice in the past few days, and it's as close as anyone has gotten to America's Pastor to hear in his own words what is going on. -- Chris Rosebrough is host of a daily two-hour internet radio program, Fighting For The Faith, heard around the world on Pirate Christian Radio, a broadcast group he started in his hometown of Indianapolis. Chris is at the forefront of those contending for the truth of God's Word." Full Article Christian Mp3's FREE Christian Study
tia Westcott and Hort's Magic Marker Binge - Would you take a magic marker to your Bible and cross out words from passages? - The chart below illustrates what was done when the text used by Christianity for 1800 years was replaced with a text assembled by By av1611.com Published On :: Critics commonly charge that the traditional Bible text used by believers for 1800 years adds material, and that we should be thankful for Westcott and Hort who came along in the 19th century to restore the text of the New Testament that had been corrupt for 1800 years and during the entire reformation. This charge is of course made against evidence to the contrary, as you will find if you research the text lines (read other articles on this website). Further, it is interesting to note that one of these verses is this: Romans 13:9: For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The phrase "thou shalt not bear false witness" is missing from the modern critical text (and therefor most modern versions). Now I ask you: is it reasonable to assume that a scribe added a self-incriminating phrase to the passage? Isn't it more likely that "those who corrupt the word of God" (2 Cor. 2:17, KJV) removed the phrase which indicted them? Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study End Times Summit 2012
tia Jesus Walk 2012 -- Betrayal Tuesday: March 11, 2012: Pat Robertson [Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), The 700 Club, Regent University] advocates [the Bush family drug trade] legalizing (marijuana) pot - [Wiki.com: Marion Gordon "Pat" Roberts By brainerddispatch.com Published On :: Former Republican presidential candidate and TV evangelist Pat Robertson's has flipped on his stand on legalizing marijuana. The straight-laced preacher's mind-blowing comments were made last Wednesday to the New York Times. It was merely an echo - and amplifying - of previous statements he's made about how the war on drugs has been unsuccessful. "Marijuana," he said, "should be treated legally like alcohol; offenders are wrongly locked up with violent criminals." ... Opponents to Robertson's proposal might argue that marijuana is an entry drug and by legalizing it, legal use of the drug might lead users to more powerful drugs. Scientific evidence would support such an argument. So, is Robertson right? That depends on whether taxpayers are willing to continue to pay for the imprisonment of pot users and dealers at such an extreme price. Further, the war on drugs has failed in that marijuana is more widely used today than when the "war on drugs" fired its first political shot. Well-known evangelical blogger Brett McCracken, managing editor of Biola Magazine at Biola University, said young evangelicals "laugh at Robertson, as a caricature of an evangelist and wouldn't see him as a role model, even if their cohort would be expected to be more open to legalizing drugs. That harsh assessment of the evangelist might just derail his efforts of legalize pot." Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Jesus Walk 2012 -- Betrayal Tuesday: March 07, 2012: Why has Liberty University [LU] (the same Liberty University of the Ergun and Emir Caner fraud) agreed to bring Mark Driscoll to teach on sex? - There's a new form of Christianity sweeping the U.S. By christianresearchnetwork.com Published On :: There's a new form of Christianity sweeping the U.S. Its main focus: sex. Don't be surprised. We already have a Christian denomination catering to every other worldview, comfort zone and obsession, so why not sex? As I said in "The Marketing of Evil": No matter what kind of person you are, a form of Christianity has evolved just for you. There's a politically liberal Christianity and a politically conservative Christianity. There's an acutely activist Christianity and an utterly apolitical Christianity, a Christianity that holds up a high standard of ethical behavior and service, and a Christianity for which both personal ethics and good works are irrelevant. There's a raucous, intensely emotional Christianity drenched in high-voltage music, and there's a quiet, contemplative Christianity. There's a loving Christianity and a hateful, racist Christianity, a Christianity that honors Jews as God's chosen people and a Christianity that maligns Jews as Satan's children. So, it was just a matter of time before we got a version of Christianity for people obsessed with sex. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Jesus Walk 2012 -- Betrayal Tuesday: December 22, 2008: Focus on the Family Promotes Mormon Glenn Beck at CitizenLink - However, to promote a Mormon as a Christian is not helpful to the cause of Jesus Christ - For Christians to influence society, Christia By christianresearchnetwork.com Published On :: MADISON, Wisc., Dec. 22 /Christian Newswire/ - Focus on the Family has a story on Glenn Beck, a Mormon, on their CitizenLink Website. Glenn Beck was a CNN host and will move to Fox News in January. Beck is currently promoting his book, "The Christmas Sweater." The CitizenLink story focuses on Beck's faith and why he wrote "The Christmas Sweater." ... Through the years, Focus on the Family has done great things to help the family and has brought attention to the many social ills that are attacking the family. However, to promote a Mormon as a Christian is not helpful to the cause of Jesus Christ. For Christians to influence society, Christians should be promoting the central issues of the faith properly without opening the door to false religions. Some of the false doctrines of Mormonism include polytheism, an attack on the trinity, that Jesus was the spirit-brother of Lucifer, that God the Father is married to Mother God, temple baptisms for the dead, the Bible has missing parts and many errors. Christians are to stand up against the social ills of society, however, we are to put Christ first and His essential biblical truths. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Jesus Walk 2012 -- Shepherds Heart Bible Study: What does Easter Really Mean? Discover what Easter really means to Christians - Don't let the secular world "steal" this holiest of holidays from you! Grow closer to Your Lord by Giving Easter By shepherds-heart-bible-study.com Published On :: In today's secular world, Easter earns millions of dollars for marketing companies - some of which are Christian companies. (Think Lifeway!) Pastel colored eggs, candies, and baskets scream "Buy Me!" from the supermarket shelves. The all-important "Easter Bunny" springs forth seducing kids and parents into a market-driven frenzy of eggs, chocolate, and giving gifts. What's missing? The real meaning of the Christian Easter Holiday! Where's Jesus in all of this? -- Before I became a Christian, Easter was just another holiday. I knew it was about Jesus, but I didn't really care. I often skipped church on Easter, preferring to stay home. After all, if I didn't love God during the rest of the year, why "fake it" by showing up in a suit one day out of the year - hoping the pastor would count me as one of the redeemed? But . AFTER I became a Christian, Easter took on a whole new meaning. Why shouldn't it? I mean, I LOVE Jesus. He lives within me. Easter became a special day of celebrating Jesus' victory over hell, death, and the grave. -- If I love Jesus and worship Him, then Easter becomes such a special day! Yet why do I see such apathy in other Christians when it come to celebrating the resurrection of our Lord? -- Why? I think it has to do with our culture, and how over-marketed we are. Everywhere we turn we're bombarded with messages to buy something. Every holiday has it's own theme, and Easter is no exception. Pastel colors bombard the eyes. Decorations are sold in most major department stores. I've even seen people put up "Easter trees" ... Just like a Christmas tree, but with eggs for ornaments. Why do Christians even fall for this? I mean, shouldn't we be "in the world, and not OF the world?" This is an important question, and I think the reason why most Christians give short shrift to Easter is because they don't want to face up to 3 basic truths of Christianity. -- As a pastor, I have heard the critique of my ministry that I spend too much time in the New Testament, and not enough time in the old. Fair enough. I do spend time in the New Testament. Part of that has to do with the fact that when I took a good hard look at Berean Baptist Church where I'm the shepherd, I came to the conclusion that as a church, we needed a fresh vision of who Jesus was. But just as a jeweler sets a diamond against a black velvet cloth to show it's luster, Christ makes the most sense to us when we see him in the grand perspective of our need of a savior. What are these 3 spiritual truths that we must embrace as Christians? ... Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Final 2012 Version!! Basic Christian: Jesus Walk - Holy Week 2012 - The 12th Annual 10 Day Jesus Walk Easter Timeline Devotion - Starting Friday March 30th, 2012 and going until ---> Easter Sunday April 8th, 2012 (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: We are going to begin to look at some of the aspects of Holy Week regarding what actually happened during the final Amazing events of Jesus Christ while He was physically here on earth. We will be considering what His events accomplished and how His completed events affect us today both personally and individually as Christians and as a whole in the Christian Church. - God bless you ~ David Anson Brown Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia The Holiness Movement by Gary Gilley -- The Holiness Movement actually traces its roots to John Wesley (June 28, 1703 - March 2, 1791) in the eighteenth-century, who taught sort of a two-tiered salvation - The first tier [John 20:22, Luke 24:45 - initial By www.svchapel.org Published On :: Revivalists, in the early 1800s, such as Asa Mahan (president of Oberlin College) and evangelist Charles Finney advanced Wesley's theology. They taught "that sinners had the natural ability to believe, and that evangelistic methods could overcome their 'moral' inability through the persuasive power of the Gospel." "Finney and Mahan applied this same understanding to the Christian's growth toward spiritual maturity. To be sanctified, they insisted, required only the same kind of simple, instantaneous faith one exercised to be converted." In 1836 both men experienced what they called "baptisms of the Holy Ghost" which they believed not only freed them from committing sin but also removed their tendency toward sin. Contributing to the spread of this "Holiness" doctrine were the popular camp meeting revivals of the first half of the 1800s, the ministry of Phoebe Palmer (1807-1874) (who taught that sanctification could be reached instantaneously by an act of faith) and the "Prayer Revival" of 1857-1858 (sometimes called the Third Great Awakening). There was also much unrest in Methodist circles as many felt the denomination had lost its fervor. The Wesleyan Methodist (in 1843) and the Free Methodist (in 1860) left the denomination to form the first Holiness denominations. Until the 1890s the Holiness Movement was largely a Methodist phenomenon, but as the Methodists settled more into mainstream Christianity tensions escalated into a schism which resulted in new, non-Methodist, Holiness denominations. These included the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana (1880), Church of the Nazarene (1908) and Pilgrim Holiness Church (1897). The Holiness adherents saw themselves as the true descendents of the Wesleys and practiced strict moral ethics, abstinence from worldly pleasures and amusements and a strong belief in entire sanctification (also known as the "second blessing" and the baptism of the Holy Spirit). More importantly "Holiness teaching offered 19th-century evangelicals a means of overcoming their sectarian conflicts. Doctrine might divide, but the experience of a pure heart would unite all true believers against the threats posed by religious formalism, atheism, and Roman Catholicism." This Holiness emphasis would continue to be spread throughout the 19th century by individuals and groups as diverse as the Salvation Army, Quakers, D. L. Moody, Hannah Whitall Smith, the Y.M.C.A., the Keswick Movement and Oswald Chambers. A brief explanation concerning some of those might prove helpful. ... Maturity in Christ is expected of every believer; freedom from spiritual battle with the world, the flesh and the devil is attained only in the next life. At the same time, we must be careful that we do not over react to Holiness philosophy and believe that godliness is attained through our own self-determined efforts of obedience. We are certainly called to obedience, but it is not a self-energized, self-motivated or self-obtaining obedience. It is an obedience made possible only because of the power of God in our lives. This is the consistent teaching of the New Testament, but we will direct our attention to Romans 8:12-13. So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh-for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Peterson, once again, summarizes things well, "Holiness of life is not simply attained by moral effort nor even by striving to keep the law of God. It is not even a matter of 'letting go and letting God.' Practical holiness involves 'putting to death' in our lives what God has already sentenced to death on the cross ('mortification') and living out the new life given to us by the indwelling Christ. Human effort is required, but not apart from, nor distinct from the activity of God's Spirit, who subdues the flesh as we mortify it in His power, and as we set our minds upon the things of the Spirit." -- Holiness of life should be the heart-felt desire of every Christian. But that holiness is not found in either short-cuts or self effort. **It is found as we pursue righteousness (2 Timothy 2:22) laying aside the deeds of the flesh (Colossians 3:5-10) through the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16) and as we behold the glory of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Holiness Movement was in many ways a reaction to the dead orthodoxy and lifeless spirituality that infiltrated so much of Christianity during the nineteenth-century. However, its [explicit] remedy, a second blessing [based more on human ability] resulting in the eradication of sinful tendencies and a higher life not available to the unbaptized, went beyond the teaching of Scripture. As is often the case in reactionary movements, the cure [i.e. a cultural salvation, human based rules salvation] may be as bad as the [original sin] disease. Full Article
tia Update 04-10-2012 -- The Basic Christian: blog Postings have Concluded - It has been my blessing, honor and privilege to be able to serve and share with the Church the body of Jesus Christ ~ God bless you, David Anson Brown By basicchristian.org Published On :: Psalms 70:4 Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee: and let such as love Thy Salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. -- Holy Bible Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Basic Christian Adobe AIR (Version 4.52) -- FREE Download - Note: The 'Adobe Air' document [BasicChristian.air] can be downloaded to any desktop computer (PC or Mac) and also on some of the newer phones (To download and install - Right click this By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: The program provides excellent anytime devotions and is perfect as a gift for others. Most importantly the end user can create their own comments list, add links to other websites, blogs, RSS feeds, references and documents that once combined create an inclusive individual 'Platform' for Christian research, devotionals and study projects. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study Technology
tia Basic Christian Wiki: The Basic Christian Research Wiki 'Common Christian Faith' By basicchristian.org Published On :: The Basic Christian Research Wiki 'Common Christian Faith' wiki website. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Basic Christian: blog History Study - Christian Church History - The 8 Kingdoms of the World (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: Nimrod, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, [Revised Rome - NWO] Antichrist, Millennial (1,000 year) Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ and the complete Christian Church History. Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study Christian Church History Study
tia Basic Christian: blog Bible Study - Genesis to Revelation - The blog Bible Study is dedicated in the name of Jesus, Christ, God, Son, and Savior (PDF) By www.basicchristian.org Published On :: The Bible study is dedicated in the name of Jesus, Christ, God, Son, and Savior. May the Lord Jesus Christ be honored by our devotions, our study and in our fellowship. May all the people be blessed and grow in the grace and knowledge of the love and presence of God our creator and our savior. Amen! Full Article - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Updated: 08-01-2012 Basic Christian (3275 Pages) - The BasicChristian.org Website Articles (PDF) By www.basicchristian.info Published On :: Basic Christian Full Content PDF Version. The BasicChristian.org most complete resource. Full Article Christian PDF's - Basic Christian Christian Study
tia Unlocking Your Potential - Part 1 By thinkblade.typepad.com Published On :: 2007-04-15T21:38:51-04:00 Are you frustrated by an inability to unleash your full personal power of self to make a difference in your own life for success and happiness? Is your motivation lagging and are you just dealing with life as it comes at you? Listen, you do not have to lead each day frustrated by the lack of productive action in your life any longer. There are many people just drifting through life for one reason or another. The result however, is that these individuals are not using their abilities to effectively create the life they long for or the life they... Full Article
tia Unlocking Your Potential Part 2 - How To Recover Your Dreams By thinkblade.typepad.com Published On :: 2008-05-04T16:23:43-04:00 So here's how our acronym breaks out: F-O-R-G-E F = "Forget the Past" 0 = "Opportunity Abounds" R = "Refocus Your Efforts and Energy" G = "Getting Starts with Getting it Going" E = "Experience Renewal of Mind, Body and Spirit" Here's our acronym as a statement we can repeat to ourselves to help us refocus our thoughts and take positive actions each day: I " Forget The Past " because " Opportunity Abounds " anew each day. Therefore, I " Refocus My Efforts and My Energy " towards "G etting It Going " and " Experiencing Renewal in Mind, Body and Spirit " Final Thoughts For You One of my favorite success and motivation coaches once said "You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going" . Full Article
tia My Mac OS X essentials By tumanov.com Published On :: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 05:06:24 +0000 I’ve recently had to copy my development environment over to a new MacBook due to the fact that my old one developed severe wear and “shut down at random times by prompting me and assuming I said Yes to the shutdown prompt with any keystroke”-disorder. Yes, sad, but I do put my laptops through a [...] Full Article Software mac os x productivity tools utilities
tia Honouring Persecuted Middle East Christians, Pope Adds Assyrian Saint to Martyrology By www.aina.org Published On :: 11/09/2024 The Holy Father announced on Saturday that St. Isaac of Nineveh, a seventh-century Assyrian bishop venerated across Christian traditions, will be added to the Roman Martyrology. Full Article
tia The Church Under the Tang Dynasty: A Forgotten Outpost of Christianity By www.aina.org Published On :: 11/10/2024 When we talk about the history of Christianity in China, most people tend to think about the Jesuit missionaries from the Early Modern Era. However, almost a thousand years before them, the Christian community thrived in medieval China during the rule of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). Full Article
tia Leftchannel Digital Arts Studio Creates Experiential Art Piece at the Renovated Sheraton Dallas Hotel By www.prleap.com Published On :: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 00:00:00 PDT Columbus, Ohio-based leftchannel Content Design Studio was enlisted to design a modern digital art display under the creative direction of Alberto Scirocco for the iconic Sheraton Dallas Hotel. Full Article
tia Press Conference Regarding the Unjustified Shooting of Raymond Mattia by Customs and Border Protection By www.prleap.com Published On :: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 00:00:00 PST Mr. Mattia's death is a tragedy that harmed his family and community greatly, and his family plans to hold CBP accountable for the outrageous killing of their beloved family member. Full Article
tia The Fourth World Intelligence Congress kicked off online in Tianjin By www.prleap.com Published On :: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 05:00:00 PDT On the afternoon of June 23, the Fourth World Intelligence Congress kicked off in Media Theater, Tianjin. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), attended the online opening ceremony. CPC Tianjin Committee Secretary Li Hongzhong addressed the congress. Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), congratulated the congress through video. Full Article
tia New transatlantic business initiative Sun&Wind Belt launched successfully By www.prleap.com Published On :: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 11:04:00 PDT Sun&Wind Belt is the new transatlantic business initiative on green transformation driven forward by companies. Sun&Wind Belt brings together businesses on both sides of the Atlantic whose aim is to support politics with plans to ensure decarbonization. Full Article
tia The Essentials of Blogging for Small Business By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 29 May 2015 09:00:00 -0400 Why you should you blog? Through posting simple things such as helpful tips, special discounts or the latest industry news you can effectively maintain your customer relationships and give people a reason to visit to your website. More recently blogging and content marketing has been widely used to enhance SEO strategy. Writing articles around the keywords that you are targeting will help to improve rankings in search engines. Furthermore, if you write unique and valuable articles, other websites will link to your content and as a result; this will increase your website's back-links. complete article Full Article
tia 5 Essential Basics of a Small Business Domain Name Strategy By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 29 May 2015 09:00:00 -0400 What is a Domain Name Strategy? The purpose of a domain name strategy is to proactively protect your brand online by reducing the chance for others to use your brand name in their online activities, specifically, in their website URLs. complete article Full Article
tia 3 Essential Skills For Successful Small Business Owners By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:00:46 -0400 Put a hundred small business owners in a room and you are likely to hear a hundred different stories of how they became successful. You will find people as different as night and day. People from all walks of life and with varying strengths and skills. But look closer and you’ll begin to see commonalities. While their stories will differ, there are also common talents among those who are successful. Take a look and see if you recognize yourself. complete article Full Article
tia Uberfying: How to Run a Traditional Business in the Digitial Age By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0400 Over the last few years, a new generation of digital apps such as Uber and Just Eat have been available to download to our smartphones and tablets. They are designed to make it easier to find a taxi or order a meal, but have received as much criticism as they have praise for the way they have taken control of traditional markets and damaged business models. We spoke to two businesses – one in the takeaway industry and the other in the private minicab industry – about the challenges these disruptive companies pose, what they are doing to combat them and how other small businesses can follow suit. complete article Full Article
tia The Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 09:00:00 -0500 The best sorts of business plans tell a clear story of what the company plans to do and how it will do it. Given the high failure rate of startups in their first year, a business plan is also an ideal opportunity to safely test out the feasibility of a business and spot flaws, set aside unrealistic projections and identify and analyze the competition. complete article Full Article
tia 11 Ways to Negotiate By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 09:00:00 -0400 Very few people actually like to negotiate. That's why so few people are good at negotiating; it's a task to be avoided or completed as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, negotiating is a fact of life--especially business life. Fortunately, negotiating has less to do with competition than simply communicating: explaining the logic and benefits of a position, convincing others that an idea or premise makes sense, showing people how a decision will generate a desired return, helping people understand the benefits of change... In essence, negotiation skills are communication skills. complete article Full Article
tia How to make your small business ready for a potential cyber attack By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 09:00:16 -0400 In a technology climate riddled with ransomware and other threats, there’s no room for complacency. complete article Full Article
tia 5 Highly Effective Negotiation Tactics Anyone Can Use By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 16 May 2018 09:08:11 -0400 Want to be a better negotiator? Here are some simple tips. 1. Listen more than you talk. It is easy to go into a negotiation focused only on what you'll say, especially when you are nervous. The goal of a negotiation is not just to get what you want, but also to help the other side get what they want. (Otherwise, how will you ever strike a deal?) To do that, you need to actually know what the other side wants -- which means you have to listen. Finding common ground means knowing common ground exists. complete article Full Article
tia The 5 Most Important Negotiation Skills You Must Master By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 09:23:27 -0400 Intimidated by negotiations? Focus on these five simple negotiation skills first and get much better. Think of all the times in your business week you negotiate: with new hires and existing employees; with sales prospects and long-term clients; with vendors and suppliers. If you're a business owner or leader, you need to know how to negotiate. This is non-negotiable. Here are the five most important negotiation skills you should focus on first. Each of these skills has proved to be worth millions to my clients and to me over the past 25 years. This all recently came to a head when I had 35 of my top business coaching clients join me for a day-and-a-half program on negotiation in my hometown of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. These were 35 of the most successful entrepreneurs and business owners in the United States. complete article Full Article
tia The Keys to Building an Influential Personal Brand By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 09:21:41 -0400 There is something incredibly important in life that I do not hear enough people talking about. It is called your personal brand and it goes far beyond your career. I started learning about personal branding over 10 years ago when I got into the entrepreneurial world. I noticed a big difference between some peoples brands and others. So I started taking notes. complete article Full Article
tia CEO Insights: 5 Essential Bits of Advice for Every Entrepreneur By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:03:36 -0500 How did life lead you to entrepreneurship? I have been in the technology industry for 25 years. I am a business-facing technologist, which basically means I have a background in finance and business. However, I stumbled into being a software engineer early on in my career. This resulted in a passion for data and solution creativity.After hitting the 20-year mark of working for enterprise-size organizations, I decided I needed a change. I experienced some life-threatening health challenges--all while taking care of my two sons with their own unique needs. A culmination of it all really made me stop and reflect on what I really wanted to do on a daily basis and the people I do it with. complete article Full Article
tia Essential Business Survival Guide for the Covid-19 Crisis By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Fri, 1 May 2020 12:47:52 -0400 Expert advice on handling panicked customers, interrupted supply chains, webinars, Zoom meetings, hyper kids, and a work environment that changes by the hour. complete article Full Article
tia ***** Jet Airways' Insolvency: Potential Buyer Of Aircraft Gets Relief From ... (rank 13) By www.gigaalert.com Published On :: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 23:30:30 +0100 The National Company Law Tribunal on Tuesday granted relief to Ace Aviation Ltd., the potential buyer for Jet Airways Ltd.'s grounded aircraft. The court has allowed an application that allows them to purchase the debt-ridden airlines' aircraft, based on an agreement reached between Ace and the monitoring committee of Jet Airways. Full Article
tia 2002 Renault Laguna Hatchback - Expression from Croatia By www.carsurvey.org Published On :: Avoid Full Article
tia EssentialPIM Pro 12.1 (Trial) By www.snapfiles.com Published On :: EssentialPIM Pro is a visual appointment and information manager for a multi-user environment, that allows you to organize your daily, weekly or monthly schedule, assign tasks to other users and more.... Full Article