
Dimayor respondió al pedido de la Alcaldía de Bogotá: Esto dijo


Carlos Darwin Quintero le respondió a quienes lo consideran el mejor jugador de la liga


Nuevo director de la Policía propondrá a la Dimayor que pague su propia seguridad

El nuevo director de la Policía Nacional, el General William Salamanca, aseguró en 6AM que le propondrá al Ministerio de Defensa y a la Dimayor que los Policías no tengan que asumir responsabilidades en eventos deportivos y de otro índole público, tales como conciertos. En diálogo con 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio, Salamanca añadió que se propondrá a los equipos del fútbol colombiano que sean ellos quienes paguen su propia seguridad.


¿José Luis Chunga llega al Deportivo Cali? Miembro de la junta directiva responde


¿Colombia - Venezuela es un clásico? Luis Manuel Seijas responde


Washington Ortega le respondió a los que dicen que La Equidad quema tiempo


Yimmi Chará le responde a sus críticos: “Nadie trabaja para comerse los goles”


Jermein Peña le responde a la prensa chilena: esto dijo sobre el partido con Colo-Colo


ACEMI responde a informe de Contraloría sobre EPS: “No hay consistencia en los números”


¿Cómo enfrentará Cundinamarca una posible escasez de agua? Esto responde la CAR

Alfred Ignacio Ballesteros, director general de la CAR Cundinamarca, habló en 6AM sobre la reducción de los embalses


Carrillo debe responder por acusaciones sin pruebas: Sneyder Pinilla, exsubdirector UNGRD

En 6AM, habló por primera desde su salida de la Unidad de Gestión del Riesgo en medio del escándalo por la corrupción que enreda la compra de carrotanques de La Guajira, y acusó a Carlos Carrillo de hacer incriminaciones sin pruebas.


¿Qué respondió Sebastián Betancourt y el abogado Muñoz sobre el supuesto aporte de Daily Cop a la campaña Petro presidente?

¿Tiene relación Daily Cop con la campaña Petro Presidente?


Subsidios taxistas: ¿Cuáles son los requisitos y quiénes lo reciben? Director DPS responde

En Caracol Radio estuvo Gustavo Bolívar, director del Departamento de Prosperidad Social


¿Son válidos los argumentos que se interpondrán para lograr revivir el partido En Marcha?

Ximena Echavarría, abogada experta en derecho electoral y quien interpuso la demanda de nulidad contra el Partido En Marcha, explicó en 6AM los argumentos que la llevaron a adoptar esta decisión frente a este y otros tres partidos políticos 


¿Por qué las fallas en la APP de Bancolombia y hasta cuándo? Presidente del banco responde

Juan Carlos Mora, presidente de Bancolombia, respondió las dudas que miles de usuarios en el paístienen sobre las recientes fallas en los canales digitales de la entidad bancaria.


¿Qué implica la ‘Ley Bases’ de Javier Milei en Argentina?: Federico Zapata responde

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, Federico Zapata, politólogo y analista, explica en detalle la controvertida ‘Ley Bases’ propuesta por Javier Milei en Argentina, que ha generado intensas protestas en el país.


¿Cuáles son las medidas necesarias para recuperar el control en Valle del Cauca? Gobernadora responde

En Caracol Radio estuvo Dilian Francisca Toro, gobernadora del Valle del Cauca


ANT responde a campesinos por la entrega de tierra: “Este es el inicio de la reforma agraria”

Felipe Harman, director de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras, aclaró en 6AM que se deberá ajustar las pretenciones de las organizaciones campesinas respecto a la entrega de tierras con el fin de evitar descontentos


¿Qué viene para Salvatore Mancuso tras la orden de libertad? Abogado responde

Nelson Menjura, abogado del exjefe paramilitar, compartió en 6AM algunos detalles de los compromisos que deberá asumir Mancuso tras haber quedado en libertad


¿Cuál es la realidad de los médicos en el país? Presidenta de la ANIR responde

Según la Dra. Cindy Rodríguez, presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Internos y Residentes (ANIR), abordó la preocupante realidad que enfrentan los médicos internistas y residentes de Colombia 


“Impondré una denuncia por calumnia a la senadora Andrea Pandilla”: Esmeralda Hernández

En el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, la senadora Esmeralda Hernández  responde ante las acusaciones de Andrea Padilla, quien asegura que buscaron votos a través de acuerdos con otros ministros para la elección de la Comisión. Por lo anterior, anunció que denunciará a la senadora por calumnia. 


¿Cómo hacer el cambio de nombre de propietario de predio?: directora de Catastro responde

En el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, Olga Lucía López, directora de Catastro Bogotá, hizo hincapié en la posibilidad de alterar el nombre del propietario de un terreno de manera virtual. 


¿Quién va a elaborar los pasaportes en el país?: gerente de imprenta nacional responde

En el programa 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio, habló Viviana León, gerente de la Imprenta Nacional sobre la ealboración de pasaportes después del 3 de octubre. 


¿Cómo celebrará “Suso” los 15 años de su programa The Susos Show?: el comediante responde

El comediante Dany Hoyos, conocido como “Suso”, habló en el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, de cuales seran los detalles para la celebración de su programa.


Ningún particular nos va a responder por muerte de usuarios: dir. Seguridad Transmilenio

Natalia Tinjacá, directora técnica de Transmilenio, habló sobre cómo afectó la movilidad de Transmilenio en bloqueo de vendedores ambulantes 


¿Cómo podría afectar a Colombia la gobernabilidad de Trump? Ariel Ávila responde

Ariel Ávila, senador, habló sobre en qué ámbitos podría la gobernabilidad de Donald Trump afectaría a Colombia


Alcalde dice que salí a ganar reproducciones para no responder: afectada en Cartagena

Decire Díaz, mujer que asegura que le cobraron 100 mil pesos en taxi en Cartagena, habló sobre por qué la señalan de una acusación falsa 


Flipora Spam - iyaloo27@gmail.com is waiting for your reply. Respond?

We have a friend from Flipora, which we did not know we had... Oh sorry our mistake, iyaloo27@gmail.com is not our friend, he/she is a spammer and spammers are our enemy.


eBay Phishing Scam - Question about Item #622356725421 - Respond Now

An eBay phishing scammer trying to pique your curiosity.


CKY's CHAD I GINSBURG Responds To ALIEN ANT FARM's DRYDEN MITCHELL: "Nothing Wrong With Defending Yourself From A Bad Guy"

"I felt a physical threat and had I not tried to avoid the attack, I would have been assaulted."


Commissioner Corbishley Responds To Report

Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley has responded to a report about rape statistics in Bermuda. “A recent report shared on Facebook suggested that Bermuda sits 5th in the world in relation to offences of rape,” Commissioner Corbishley said. “The BPS and many other partner agencies in Bermuda are there to support victims of rape and […]


Video: Fishing Industry Responds To Govt

The Fishermen’s Association Bermuda has released a video to further respond to the Government, stating that the Steering Committee mostly consists of Government departments and said the Government has “inserted tokenism” to “give the impression that the fishing industry is fairly involved in the consultation and voting process.” Screenshot from the video statement released A […]


Fishermen’s Association Respond To BOPP Plan

The Fishermen’s Association Bermuda [FAB] has responded to the latest statement from the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme [BOPP] saying BOPP’s plan shows that it is “less about functional management and more about flashy PR statements and check-the-box style public consultation.” A spokesperson said, “BOPP might consider their plan holistic because it touches on multiple aspects […]


Photos: BFRS Respond To Fire In Crawl Hill Area

Firefighters responded to a brush fire in the Crawl Hill, Hamilton Parish area today [Jan 12]. A spokesperson said, “At 9:38am on Wednesday January 12, 2022 BFRS dispatch received a report of a brush fire Crawl Hill, Hamilton Parish. BFRS responded with three appliances from the Hamilton and Clearwater Stations with a total of eight firefighters.  […]


BPSU Responds To 2024 Throne Speech

The Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] says that it expresses its “support for several ambitious initiatives outlined in the recent Throne Speech” and added that “urgent action is needed to stem the tide of rising healthcare costs” and also noted that pension reform is “another growing concern.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Public Services Union […]


News Corp Responds to the Market for “Free”

The newspaper industry has faced a mighty challenge over the last few years. There is so much “free” content to complete with them. Newspaper revenue continues to plummet. Internet users are reluctant to pay for content. All the free content, supported by advertising revenue, has decimated the newspaper industry. The industry’s cousin, the magazine industry, is not far behind.

This trend can’t continue forever. Already, many people are asking themselves how much they can trust the information on the internet. The need for Reliability drives the demand for Snopes.com. How many “free” web sites can earn enough from advertising to pay all their bills? An effective industry answer to “free” may be forthcoming in the News Corp online newspaper called “The Daily.” The Daily will cover general news, sports, arts and opinion in a format dedicated to the Apple iPad. In addition to the written content, the product will carry high definition video and 360 degree photos. The same product will be available in a few months for the Android-based tablet computers.

The Daily will sell for $.99 a week, or $39.99 a year, a very low price compared to newspapers. With this model, the product receives revenues both from the subscribers and from advertisers. Subscribers have the Reliability benefit of knowing that the content producer cares about facts, accuracy and readable writing style. Advertisers pay for eyeballs that follow a Reliable product.

The Daily is what we call a Next Leader product. This is a product that offers much better than industry standard performance for a low price to a specific subset of industry customers. The Next Leader can offer the very low price because it has a much lower cost structure than is typical in the industry. There are two basic types of Next Leaders. The first are Reformer products. This type of Next Leader product reduces the benefits for the user (usually Function benefits) while increasing the benefits for the buyer (usually Reliability and Convenience benefits) compared to the industry Standard Leader product. The second of the two types of Next Leader products are Transformer products. These products increase the benefits of the user but offer, at least initially, fewer benefits to the buyer than the Standard Leader product offers. The Daily is a Reformer product. It offers the Convenience of formatting fit for a tablet computer so it provides easier access for a segment of the industry’s customers. Its low cost structure results from its elimination of printing presses and distribution costs.

If this new tablet-based product offers a quality read, it will hasten the day when virtually every newspaper and magazine is offered first online and only secondarily in hard copy. The online versions will come at a fraction of the cost of the hard copy versions. Readership is certain to grow.


NFPA offers free 1st Responder Connection App

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has released a free 1st Responder Connection App offering firefighters, EMS, command staff, public educators, wildland fire personnel, and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) convenient, digital access to best practices, safety tips, and emergency response content.


Understanding and Responding to the Needs of Carers of People with Dementia in the UK, US and Beyond

This research compares the different approaches to supporting carers of people with dementia across the UK, US and beyond.  Carried out by the University of Birmingham, this work explores the role and experience of carers in different national contexts, highlighting good practice examples and making policy and practice recommendations. Unsurprisingly perhaps, the report highlights just how much we have in common with other countries in trying to make available effective, personalised supports against a backdrop of increased demand and diminishing resource.  Interestingly, the report explores the language of ‘respite’ which it suggests has ‘negative overtones’ and proposes a more creative approache to service provision is needed.


Who should have a garden pond in their backyard?

Garden ponds are increasingly becoming popular among homeowners. The scramble for ponds can be attributed to their aesthetics, growing appreciation for wildlife and environmental awareness. As homeowners increasingly become aware of the need to maintain a sustainable ecosystem, they are more willing to adopt unique ideas such as keeping garden ponds. But are garden ponds really sustainable?[...]


Democratic Politician Crashes Her Car While Allegedly Drunk, Hurls Vile Insults at Responding Officer: Police Report

A Chicago-area Democrat hurled an insult at police Sunday after being charged with drunken driving, according to local news reports. Samantha Steele represents the Second District on the Cook County […]

The post Democratic Politician Crashes Her Car While Allegedly Drunk, Hurls Vile Insults at Responding Officer: Police Report appeared first on The Western Journal.


Humanitarian Responders in Syria: The White Helmets


Re: Decompression alone or with fusion for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis (Nordsten-DS): five year follow-up of a randomised, multicentre, non-inferiority trial


Detection of multiple autoantibodies in patients with ankylosing spondylitis using nucleic acid programmable protein arrays [11. Microarrays/Combinatorics/Display Technology]

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a common, inflammatory rheumatic disease, which primarily affects the axial skeleton and is associated with sacroiliitis, uveitis and enthesitis. Unlike other autoimmune rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus, autoantibodies have not yet been reported to be a feature of AS. We therefore wished to determine if plasma from patients with AS contained autoantibodies and if so, characterize and quantify this response in comparison to patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and healthy controls. Two high-density nucleic acid programmable protein arrays expressing a total of 3498 proteins were screened with plasma from 25 patients with AS, 17 with RA and 25 healthy controls. Autoantigens identified were subjected to Ingenuity Pathway Analysis in order to determine patterns of signalling cascades or tissue origin. 44% of patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis demonstrated a broad autoantibody response, as compared to 33% of patients with RA and only 8% of healthy controls. Individuals with AS demonstrated autoantibody responses to shared autoantigens, and 60% of autoantigens identified in the AS cohort were restricted to that group. The AS patients autoantibody responses were targeted towards connective, skeletal and muscular tissue, unlike those of RA patients or healthy controls. Thus, patients with AS show evidence of systemic humoral autoimmunity and multispecific autoantibody production. Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Arrays constitute a powerful tool to study autoimmune diseases.


Why do some bodies respond differently to disease? | Erika Moore

TED Fellow and equity bioengineer Erika Moore investigates how cells controlling inflammation behave differently depending on a patient's background. By focusing on the "who" behind the disease, Moore is uncovering why certain diseases disproportionately affect certain ethnicities, paving the way for more inclusive and effective health care.


Are Schools Prepared to Respond to Sex Abuse? Latest Probe Reveals Shortcomings

A federal investigation of Chicago's failures to respond to sexual violence in schools raises troubling questions for school districts nationwide.


The Salience Network: A Neural System for Perceiving and Responding to Homeostatic Demands

William W. Seeley
Dec 11, 2019; 39:9878-9882


Saudi Arabia helps FAO respond to the dire state of food security in Iraq

Bagdad/Rome - FAO is scaling-up critical food and agriculture assistance to highly vulnerable rural households in Iraq thanks to a generous $14.7 million grant from Saudi Arabia. The donation is [...]


In Focus: FAO responds to the Ukraine crisis

FAO’s responses to the crisis in Ukraine and its impacts on global food security: data analyses, policy recommendations, and actions on the ground.