
Structure following roof mounted photovoltaic system

An adjustable photovoltaic panel mounting system that allows for variations in roofs and roof elements, while still maintaining a rigid and secure assembly. The specific location for supporting feet and structural elements of the mounting system may be varied to allow for variations in roof features and different panel configurations. The mounting mechanisms are adjustable in both a North/South and a East/West direction to provide for maximum layout flexibility.


Heavyocity NOVO Essentials orchestral strings on sale for $59 USD

Plugin Boutique has announced an exclusive sale on NOVO Essentials by Heavyocity, offering 50% off on the curated selection of core orchestral strings content from NOVO: Modern Strings. Featuring deeply-sampled organic strings recorded at the famous Eastwood Scoring Stage at Warner Bros. Studios, NOVO ESSENTIALS contains the same three-engine functionality of the full NOVO instrument […]

The post Heavyocity NOVO Essentials orchestral strings on sale for $59 USD appeared first on rekkerd.org.


Guitar Recital: Park, Ji Hyung - ALBÉNIZ, I. / BROUWER, L. / CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, M. / SCARLATTI, D. / TAKEMITSU, Toru / THIELEMANS, T. (8.574140)

Ji Hyung Park has won numerous prestigious competitions, with the 7th Changsha International Guitar Competition in 2018 his most recent triumph. The diverse selection of music performed in this programme features three virtuoso sonatas by Scarlatti, the world premiere recording of Leo Brouwer’s evocation of ancient Greek culture Las Cíclades arcaicas, Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Sonata ‘Omaggio a Boccherini’ in its original, pre-Segovia manuscript form, Takemitsu’s final work In the Woods and rare selections from Albéniz’s masterpiece Iberia. The programme ends with a colourful arrangement of Toots Thielemans’ gorgeous Bluesette.


Gripping and provoking: Frankenstein comes to Wollongong

Ensemble Theatre's nationally touring production of 'Frankenstein' has opened in Wollongong to remind us of a timeless gothic masterpiece.


Disability royal commission chair's remarks attacked as 'provocative, intemperate and inappropriate'

Disability royal commission chair Ronald Sackville said commentators were discouraging people from telling their stories to the commission, but critics say the real discouragement is the absence of appropriate supports.


'Trolls World Tour' has history-making digital debut with nearly $100 million, provoking ire of theater owners

After bypassing theaters, Universal's animated sequel shattered on-demand records. AMC vows to stop running the studio's films.


Kenya Moore Slams NeNe For Saying She Provoked Her To Fight

No class,” Kenya said about her castmate.


The Black 'OVO' Air Jordan Xs Are Coming in 2016

Leave it to Drake to give the people what they want.

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  • Drake
  • Celebrity fashion and beauty news


Dress Like a Baller With Drake's OVO Toronto Raptors Swag

Drizzy represents for his hometown team.


Did Drake Hint at the Next OVO x Jordan Collaboration?

Drizzy’s new kicks won NBA All-Star Weekend.


Právnička Klára Sovová: Trestání firem? Méně je někdy více

Mgr. Klára Sovová je nejvýše postavená právnička v České republice. Nikoliv funkcí, ale svou kanceláří. Kromě té pražské na Letné úřaduje i na Luční boudě v Krkonoších ve výšce 1410 m.n.m, kterou před mnoha lety koupila a mnoho let ji opravuje a zvelebuje. Dá se tedy seriozně říct, že má nadhled. Oslovil jsem ji proto, aby se jako špičková juristka vyjádřila k několika zdánlivě nepodstatným právním otázkám, které ale mají celospolečenský dopad. V tomto rozhovoru se zaměříme na trestní odpovědnost právnických osob – dá se vůbec trestat někdo, kdo vlastně fyzicky neexistuje?


Tip na letošní dovolenou: Když ve slově moře vyměníte 2 písmena a jedno přidáte, vyjde vám řepka

Bojíte se, že letos nebudete zatlačovat slzu u zlatavých nekonečných obzorů? Ale budete. A mnozí alergici na řepku slzy zatlačují už teď. Rajčata stojí sice 170kč za kilo, květák je už také kaviárem českých domácností, ale heslo "řídit stát jako zemědělství" nám zajistilo širé moře zlaté barvy. Sice se z řepky nenajíme (teda až na ty, co z pěstování rýžují zlaté dotace), ale že jsou to panorámata, co? 


Ve Škodě Auto pracovali nakažení koronavirem, obnovený provoz se nezastaví

U dvou zaměstnanců mladoboleslavské automobilky Škoda Auto byla zjištěna nákaza covid-19. Podle zjištění Práva to však nebude mít vliv na nedávno obnovený provoz závodu.

  • Praha - Praha - zprávy


Škoda Auto rozšíří provoz ve dvou závodech, od pondělí přibude třetí směna

Zaměstnanci Škody Auto od pondělí začnou pracovat na tři směny, a to v závodech v Mladé Boleslavi a Kvasinách. Ve Vrchlabí zatím zůstává dvousměnný provoz, oznámil vedoucí komunikace podniku Tomáš Kotera. Automobilka obnovila výrobu 27. dubna ve všech třech českých závodech, ale jen na dvě směny. Obnovení výroby doprovází více než 80 hygienických opatření.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Dovolená v Alpách i na Jadranu se přece jen rýsuje, levnější nebude

Koronavirová pandemie srazila návštěvnost v turistických destinacích po celém světě na minima. Po rozvolnění pravidel by se však cestovatelé měli do rekreačních oblastí vrátit. Jde o to, zdali a jak se podaří letní dovolenou u moře i v Alpách zachránit.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


O podporu v nezaměstnanosti stále můžete žádat dálkovou cestou

Ještě minulý týden byly úřední hodiny kontaktních pracovišť Úřadu práce ČR velmi omezené. Pobočky sice v pondělí otevřely, ani dnes ale na úřad nemusíte osobně, většinu záležitostí vyřídíte online. Poradíme jak na to a shrneme, kdy a v jaké výši máte nárok na podporu v nezaměstnanosti.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Zaplatili jste letos dovolenou? Možná budete dotovat cestovní kancelář

Možnost cestování je silně omezená a nic zatím nenasvědčuje tomu, že by lidé v letošní letní sezoně mohli vyrazit na zahraniční dovolenou. Zároveň ale nikdo dnes ještě neví, zda se nějaká možnost přece jen neobjeví. Pokud jste si koupili dovolenkový zájezd, jste asi momentálně jako na trní. Pojedete? Vrátí vám peníze?

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Vyrábějí z vlastního ovoce. Perou se s přírodou, ale daří se jim i bez dotací

Sbírají jedno ocenění za druhým. Nejvíce si ale váží ocenění zákazníků. Své mošty a přesnídávky rodinná firma vyrábí v Bílých Karpatech, v místě, kde je příroda takřka nedotčená a čistá. Takové chtějí i své produkty.

  • Finance - Práce a podnikání


Veliko Tarnovo

I'd arrived in Veliko Tarnovo quite late the night before. The minibus driver had been kind enough to drop us near the centre of town instead of the West Bus Station which is about 5 kilometres out of town. It dramatically shortened the walk to my hostel.


Sintomas do coronavírus: quais os novos sinais de covid-19 que as autoridades americanas acrescentaram à lista

Ao longo da pandemia e com rápida propagação do vírus, que já atingiu mais de 3 milhões de pessoas, tem surgido diversos outros sinais associados à enfermidade, como tremores e calafrios persistentes.


Coronavírus: Brasil registra novo recorde diário com 751 mortes

Estado de São Paulo concentra maioria dos casos e óbitos registrados oficialmente, seguido pelo Rio de Janeiro.


Timeline: Kosovo

A chronology of key events


Regions and territories: Kosovo

An overview of Kosovo including key facts, leaders and notes on the media


The Grim Reaper shows up often in pandemic cartoons — whether to provoke or provide dark humor

Some cartoonists try to deliver a political shock. Others want to deliver levity in this trying time.


AT#336 - Travel to Serbia and Kosovo

The Amateur Traveler talks to Shawn Farris about his trip to Serbia and Kosovo. Shawn either visited two countries (or one) in this contested area of the Balkans.


AT#524 - Hiking the Peaks of the Balkans (Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro)

Hear about hiking the Peaks of the Balkans trail in Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro as the Amateur Traveler talks to Dan and Audrey from uncorneredmarket.com about this off the beaten track route in Europe.


Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue: The Future of Peace and Security in the Western Balkans


De Novo Mutations in EIF2B1 Affecting eIF2 Signaling Cause Neonatal/Early-Onset Diabetes and Transient Hepatic Dysfunction

Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM) is caused by reduced β-cell number or impaired β-cell function. Understanding of the genetic basis of this disorder highlights fundamental β-cell mechanisms. We performed trio genome sequencing for 44 patients with PNDM and their unaffected parents to identify causative de novo variants. Replication studies were performed in 188 patients diagnosed with diabetes before 2 years of age without a genetic diagnosis. EIF2B1 (encoding the eIF2B complex α subunit) was the only gene with novel de novo variants (all missense) in at least three patients. Replication studies identified two further patients with de novo EIF2B1 variants. In addition to having diabetes, four of five patients had hepatitis-like episodes in childhood. The EIF2B1 de novo mutations were found to map to the same protein surface. We propose that these variants render the eIF2B complex insensitive to eIF2 phosphorylation, which occurs under stress conditions and triggers expression of stress response genes. Failure of eIF2B to sense eIF2 phosphorylation likely leads to unregulated unfolded protein response and cell death. Our results establish de novo EIF2B1 mutations as a novel cause of permanent diabetes and liver dysfunction. These findings confirm the importance of cell stress regulation for β-cells and highlight EIF2B1’s fundamental role within this pathway.


Lipokine 5-PAHSA Is Regulated by Adipose Triglyceride Lipase and Primes Adipocytes for De Novo Lipogenesis in Mice

Branched esters of palmitic acid and hydroxystearic acid (PAHSA) are anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic lipokines that connect glucose and lipid metabolism. We aimed to characterize involvement of the 5-PAHSA regioisomer in the adaptive metabolic response of white adipose tissue (WAT) to cold exposure (CE) in mice, exploring the cross talk between glucose utilization and lipid metabolism. CE promoted local production of 5- and 9-PAHSAs in WAT. Metabolic labeling of de novo lipogenesis (DNL) using 2H2O revealed that 5-PAHSA potentiated the effects of CE and stimulated triacylglycerol (TAG)/fatty acid (FA) cycling in WAT through impacting lipogenesis and lipolysis. Adipocyte lipolytic products were altered by 5-PAHSA through selective FA re-esterification. The impaired lipolysis in global adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) knockout mice reduced free PAHSA levels and uncovered a metabolite reservoir of TAG-bound PAHSAs (TAG estolides) in WAT. Utilization of 13C isotope tracers and dynamic metabolomics documented that 5-PAHSA primes adipocytes for glucose metabolism in a different way from insulin, promoting DNL and impeding TAG synthesis. In summary, our data reveal new cellular and physiological mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of 5-PAHSA and its relation to insulin action in adipocytes and independently confirm a PAHSA metabolite reservoir linked to ATGL-mediated lipolysis.


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ADA Member Advantage-endorsed company, Lenovo, offers remote work and school solutions

Given recent school cancellations and state orders to shelter in place, some households may be experiencing the strain of sharing family computers. ADA Member Advantage states that members are eligible for savings of up to 46% on select items from their endorsed technology provider, Lenovo, during a special sale on computers.


Die aeussere Nase : eine anatomisch-anthropologische Studie / von Oskar Hovorka, edl. von Zderas.

Wien : A. Holder, 1893.


Esperienze e riflessioni sopra la carie de'denti umani, coll'aggiunta di un nuovo saggio su la riproduzione dei denti negli animali rosicanti / di Francesco Lavagna.

Genova : G. Bonaudo, 1812.


Fehmi Mehmeti: The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo has taken steps to protect the economy from Covid-19 damages

Speech by Mr Fehmi Mehmeti, Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, at the press conference where the details of the measures taken by the CBK for maintaining health in the economy were given, Pristina, 3 April 2020.


Truth gift-wrapped - Kosovo

Two villages. 207 New Testaments. Countless steps. The Transform team walk from home to home, sustained by prayer.


Unprovoked Status Epilepticus: The Prognosis for Otherwise Normal Children With Focal Epilepsy

The outcome of status epilepticus in children depends on the etiology. In otherwise normal children who have ≥1 episodes of unprovoked status epilepticus as part of the evolution of their epilepsy, the seizure and intellectual outcome is unclear.

Based on population-based data and 20 to 30 years’ follow-up of normal children with focal epilepsy, one-third with status epilepticus had recurrence of status. Reassuringly, intelligence, seizure control, and rate of remission were not altered compared with those without status epilepticus. (Read the full article)


Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Intracranial Abnormalities in Unprovoked Seizures

Weak recommendations exist to guide emergent neuroimaging decisions in children with first, unprovoked seizures. The prevalence of and risk factors associated with clinically relevant abnormalities on neuroimaging have not been well defined in prospective studies.

Clinically relevant intracranial abnormalities on neuroimaging occur in 11% of children with first, unprovoked seizures. Emergent/urgent abnormalities, however, occur in <1%, suggesting that most of these children do not require emergent neuroimaging. Specific clinical findings identify patients at higher risk. (Read the full article)





Deals: Lenovo Flex 14, Dell Gaming Monitor, New Nintendo Switch

Today you can save $120 on the Lenovo Flex 14 2-in-1 laptop. Also, the 24-inch Dell S2419HGF 1080p monitor dropped is now just $149.99. Finally, the new Nintendo Switch, featuring improved battery life, is now available.


Lenovo ThinkCentre M90n Nano IoT

Thanks to its compact, fanless design, the Lenovo ThinkCentre M90n Nano IoT is a tiny and silent mini PC with enough power for basic office and media-streaming tasks, as well as vertical-market and digital-signage use.


Lenovo IdeaCentre 510A

Lenovo's IdeaCentre 510A is an unassuming budget desktop in every sense. It'll perform basic tasks without hurting your wallet, but some alternatives do it better at this price point.


Provost shares guidance following latest statewide action

Following a March 19 announcement by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf to end physical operations at many businesses statewide, Penn State Executive Vice President and Provost Nicholas P. Jones shared the following message with the University community.


Provost provides update on University's coronavirus actions

Penn State Executive Vice President and Provost Nicholas P. Jones has shared a message updating the University community on steps being taken to monitor the evolving worldwide coronavirus outbreak and prepare for the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors.


Lenovo Expands Smart Home Lineup With 10-Inch Smart Tab M10

The Smart Tab M10 switches between a tablet and a smart display, while the Smart Frame looks to better display your photos with ambient sensors.


Lenovo Yoga C740 (14-Inch)

Not even Lenovo would call the Yoga C740 the world's greatest 14-inch convertible (it might say that about the Yoga C940), but this economy model has a lot to offer.


Lenovo ThinkPad P1 Gen 2 OLED

The mobile workstation version of Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Extreme, the P1 lacks the sheer might of the company's ThinkPad P53, but it is considerably easier to carry. It's a winner for traveling design pros or content creators.


Love the dynamic of smartphone industry: Prashanth Mani, country head, Lenovo’s mobile business group and MD, Motorola Mobility

The Job I love how dynamic the smartphone industry is and that there's something new to learn every single day - be it with respect to business or product innovation or the waves of changes in retail and e-commerce. It always keeps you on your toes. I am definitely a bit of a geek at […]


University of Delaware Provost Dr. Robin Morgan honored for service to agriculture

Dr. Robin Morgan was recognized Thursday evening at the 48th Delaware Agricultural Industry Dinner with the Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service to Delaware Agriculture for her commitment to agriculture through education, research, and encouraging the next generation of agriculturalists.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • News
  • Delaware Department of Agriculture
  • Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse
  • Dr. Robin Morgan
  • Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service to Delaware Agriculture
  • University of Delaware


Leaked screenshots of Lenovo Legion Gaming Phone shows a new take on the pop-up camera design


Leaked screenshots of Lenovo Legion Gaming Phone shows a new take on the pop-up camera design