
Agricultural Labor Relations Bd. v. Superior Court

(California Court of Appeal) - In an administrative law action challenging the trial court's order that communications between the Agricultural Labor Relations Board and its general counsel, concerning whether to seek injunctive relief against Gerawan Farming, Inc. over complaints of unfair labor practices, must be disclosed under the Public Records Act, Government Code section 6251, the order is reversed where the Board's internal communications concerning its prosecution of Gerawan Farming are protected by attorney-client privilege.


SolarCity Corp. v. Salt River Agricultural Improvement and Power Dist.

(United States Ninth Circuit) - In an antitrust lawsuit alleging a power district had attempted to entrench its monopoly by setting prices that disfavored solar-power providers, defendant's appeal of the district court order denying its motion to dismiss the suit based on the state-action immunity doctrine, is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction where the collateral order doctrine does not allow an immediate appeal of an order denying a dismissal motion based on state-action immunity.


Towards an Outcome-Oriented Food and Agricultural Aid and Development System

Invitation Only Research Event

21 May 2019 - 9:00am to 24 May 2019 - 5:00pm

The Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Center, Italy

Chatham House, in partnership with the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), convened leading experts and key stakeholders to consider how the system of global institutions that provide aid and finance, global public goods and technical assistance to low-income countries can be better aligned to support the realization of SDG 2 in the context of those countries’ own efforts with a focus on SDGs 2.3 and 2.4.

This meeting aimed to contribute to an outcome-oriented food and agricultural aid development system; create greater understanding of the comparative advantages of key institutions, areas of duplication or inefficiency and gaps; identify topics for further research and analysis; and identify key near-term political moments to focus the community and catalyze steps towards change.

Event attributes

Chatham House Rule


Alexandra Squires McCarthy

Programme Coordinator, Global Health Programme
+44 (0)207 314 2789


CBD News: Statement by Mr Ahmed Djoghlaf,Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the 39th International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) World Farmers' Congress,21 May 2010,Algiers, Algeria.


CBD News: Montreal/Nairobi, 3 June 2016 - Biodiversity and ecosystem services are at the heart of many solutions to sustainable increase in agricultural productivity. They not only deliver better outcomes for food and nutrition security but also reduce n


On Trial: Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa

21 July 2014

Rob Bailey

Former Research Director, Energy, Environment and Resources

Robin Willoughby
David Grzywacz 

Increasing agricultural productivity and adapting farming to climate change are central to Africa’s development prospects. There are important opportunities to enhance yields and increase resilience through the adoption of improved crop varieties. In some cases, biotechnology, and in particular genetic modification (GM), offers advantages over conventional plant-breeding approaches. Accordingly there are a various projects under way to develop new GM varieties for African farmers, ranging from drought-resistant maize to varieties of cassava, banana, sorghum, cowpea and sweet potato with resistance to pests and disease.

In addition to government funds, these projects have also attracted the support of influential donor agencies and philanthropic foundations. However, despite the expenditure of considerable resources, the potential of GM in Africa is not being realized. So far no GM trait developed for African farmers has been put to use.

Multiple barriers inhibit the development and adoption of pro-poor GM varieties in Africa. On the demand side, farmers may be reluctant to adopt GM varieties owing to a lack of export opportunities and distrust of the technology among local consumers. Farmers may also be concerned about exploitation by transnational seed companies (despite the fact that development of new GM technologies in Africa is dominated by the public sector). On the supply side, donor funding struggles to match the long timescales of research and development, while incentives among research scientists may be poorly aligned with farmer outcomes. Non-existent, poorly functioning or overly punitive regulatory regimes discourage investment.

The most important barriers – such as regulatory constraints, consumer distrust and weak farmer demand – must be understood in the context of wider social and political dynamics surrounding GM, typified by misinformation, polarized public discourse, and dysfunctional and opportunistic politics. The result is most GM projects becoming ‘stuck’ at the field trial stage without ever progressing to release. This ‘convenient deadlock’ of continual field trials allows governments to manage political risks by effectively balancing the demands of pro-GM and anti-GM lobbies – proponents of GM have a pipeline of technologies, while opponents are appeased by the failure of any to gain approval. The disabling socio-political environment for GM development in Africa greatly reduces the efficacy of investment in this technology.

This has two important implications. First, technology development needs to be located within a wider project of transformation that engages key actors – most notably politicians, policy-makers and farmers – as stakeholders from the outset, and includes strategies to address multiple demand- and supply-side barriers. Second, successful adoption is more likely in countries with less disabling political conditions, characterized by lower levels of consumer distrust and opposition, genuine farmer demand and demonstrable commitment from government. Focusing efforts and resources on a small number of ‘best bet’ countries will also allow donors and technology providers to support more ambitious, transformational projects led by national governments.


Valuing Vital Resources in India: Potential for Integrated Approaches to Water, Energy and Agricultural Sustainability

Invitation Only Research Event

16 January 2015 - 9:00am to 2:00pm

The India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India

Event participants

Dr Ashwini Swain, Fellow, CUTS Institute for Regulation and Competition
Glada Lahn, Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Chatham House
Dr Gareth Price, Senior Research Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House

As part of the international dialogue on Valuing Vital Resources, this seminar will convene policy-makers, scholars, technical practitioners, NGOs, multilateral agencies and the media to discuss recommendations for new policy approaches in India to reorient energy and water use in agriculture. The aim is to gain input to practical policy proposals and identify the work now needed to make them robust. 

Attendance is by invitation only. Please note this event is held in New Delhi, all times are local. 

This event is organized together with the CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC).

Event attributes

External event

Glada Lahn

Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Chatham House


Transatlantic Dialogue on Reducing Deforestation in Supply Chains of Agricultural Commodities

Invitation Only Research Event

23 October 2014 - 9:00am to 24 October 2014 - 5:00pm

Pew Charitable Trust Center, Washington DC

This transatlantic dialogue will bring together a number of stakeholders, focused on options for reducing deforestation in agricultural supply chains. Key questions will be asked such as: What are the current and projected patterns of supply and demand for key commodities, and their impacts on forests? Who are the key producers and what is their relative impact on forests? How are these patterns likely to change in the future? What are the key points of leverage in these supply chains? What is the scope of potential action by the US, the EU, and its member states?

The current status and future trends in the global production and trade in major agricultural commodities will also be examined, along with the key leverage points for influence. Global forest footprint of major agricultural commodities and deforestation hotspots will be discussed and key drivers of deforestation will be examined. Finally, the potential roles of government in reducing commodity-driven deforestation will be analysed to gain a better understanding of the potential for state action in the EU and the US contexts.

Attendance at this event is by invitation only.

Event attributes

External event


Reducing Deforestation in Agricultural Commodity Supply Chains: Using Public Procurement Policy

2 September 2015

This paper explores the potential of using public procurement policy to promote the uptake of sustainable food products in order to reduce imports of agricultural products associated with deforestation.


Duncan Brack

Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme


Workers sort cocoa fruits near the Mendoa Chocolates plant in the state of Bahia near Ilheus, Brazil. Photo: Getty Images.


  • Procurement policy has been used effectively to exclude illegal and unsustainable timber from consumer-country markets.
  • As the public sector is a major purchaser of food and catering services for schools, nurseries, hospitals, care homes, canteens, prisons and the military, public procurement policies in this area clearly have the potential to promote the uptake of sustainable products not associated with deforestation.
  • Many public authorities, particularly at local and regional level, already have a procurement policy for food; in principle, criteria for sustainable production could be incorporated relatively easily.
  • Some products – particularly palm oil, cocoa, coffee and tea – are better suited than others to this approach; for all these products, voluntary certification initiatives currently under way could provide identification mechanisms on which procurement policies could rest.
  • Other commodities may not be as suited to procurement policy, and it may be more effective to use other regulations; this applies particularly to soy, for which biofuel regulations are likely to have a bigger impact.
  • In cases in which private-sector initiatives are under way to achieve 100 per cent sustainable imports (such a target has been set for palm oil in several countries), procurement policy may be unnecessary. In other cases, the adoption of a new procurement policy could serve as the spur to a private-sector initiative. 


Agricultural Commodity Supply Chains: Trade, Consumption and Deforestation

28 January 2016

Private-sector commitments and government policies, a loss of support for biofuels, and health concerns over the consumption of palm oil and beef, are factors that may help to restrict the further expansion of agricultural land into forest areas.

Duncan Brack

Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme

Laura Wellesley

Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme

Adelaide Glover, Project Coordinator, Forest Governance and Natural Resources


An employee arranges packages of instant ramen noodles a store in Seoul, South Korea. Photo via Getty Images.
  • Clearance of forests for agriculture is a major cause of deforestation worldwide; the three most significant commodities in this regard are palm oil, soy and beef, which between them accounted for an estimated 76 per cent of the deforestation associated with agriculture in 1990–2008. International markets are an important driver of demand, particularly for palm oil and soy.
  • Global production of palm oil has grown strongly for several decades, more than doubling over the period 2000–13. Indonesia and Malaysia between them account for more than 80 per cent of palm oil production, and are likely to continue to dominate world exports. The European Union (EU), India and China are the main consumers, importing almost 60 per cent of the market; EU demand is driven significantly by biofuel policy, while India and China use palm oil mainly as a cooking oil and in processed foods.
  • Global production of soybeans has roughly doubled since 2000, and the expansion of output has been particularly rapid in South America; Brazil and Argentina accounted for almost 50 per cent of global production in 2013. Overwhelmingly the main importer is China (which took 43 per cent of all soy imports in 2014), mainly for animal feed for its growing meat industry. The EU is the second largest importer, using soy for animal feed and biofuel.
  • In contrast, consumption and production of beef has grown only slowly. Major producers are the US, Brazil, the EU and China; principal exporters are Brazil, India, Australia and the US. The US and the EU are still major consumers, although – as in most developed countries – consumption is falling slightly; other significant consumers include Brazil, India, Pakistan and China. Russia and Japan are also significant importers.
  • Three main factors underlie the growth in both consumption and production of palm oil and soy: population growth; changing dietary preferences; and policy support for biofuels. The first two are just as relevant to beef. Continued growth in world population and the expansion of the global middle class, with accompanying higher consumption levels of processed food and meat, will continue to drive demand upwards – strongly for palm oil and soy, more weakly for beef. Given the difficulty of increasing yields, particularly in developing countries, the further expansion of agricultural land into forest areas is inevitable. None the less, three other factors may restrict this growth: the private-sector commitments and government policies that are being developed with the aim of decoupling agricultural production from deforestation; a loss of support for biofuels, most notably in the EU; and health concerns, particularly over the consumption of palm oil and beef.



The EU’s Un-Common Agricultural Policy

Invitation Only Research Event

21 October 2019 - 8:30am to 10:00am

Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE

Event participants

Ian Mitchell, Co-Director, Development Cooperation in Europe; Senior Policy Fellow and Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Department, Chatham House
Chair: Ana Yang, Head of Land Use and Food Systems, Hoffmann Centre for Sustainable Resource Economy, Chatham House

Despite its name, the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides support to the agricultural sector that varies widely between the 27 member states. The OECD calculates the extent of this support at the EU level but members have blocked the organization calculating support levels for individual EU members. Overall, the EU’s producer support is equivalent to 20 per cent of farm income which is well-above the levels seen in the US at 12.2 per cent and China at 14.3 per cent.
This roundtable will discuss the first estimates of support levels by EU countries produced by Ian Mitchell from the Center for Global Development. It will look at both direct subsidies under the CAP and those that inflate market prices. The discussion will consider the implications for EU finance, for the potential role of EU subsidy reform and for the UK’s options after Brexit.
Attendance at this event is by invitation only. 

Event attributes

Chatham House Rule

Chloé Prendleloup


What's New in Farm Labor? Immigration and the Agricultural Sector

An expert discussion on the findings of the National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) related to immigrants, along with an overview of farm labor in 2015 and discussion on how current and possible future immigration policies might impact immigrant workers in the agricultural sector.


What's New in Farm Labor? Immigration and the Agricultural Sector

An expert discussion on the findings of the National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) related to immigrants, along with an overview of farm labor in 2015 and discussion on how current and possible future immigration policies might impact immigrant workers in the agricultural sector.


Economic entomology for the farmer and fruit-grower : and for use as a text-book in agricultural schools and colleges / by John B. Smith.

Philadelphia, Pa. : Lippincott, 1896.


Elementary lectures on veterinary science for agricultural students, farmers, and stock keepers / by Henry Thompson.

Whitehaven : T. Brakenridge, 1895.


Drying atlas : drying kinetics and quality of agricultural products

Mühlbauer, Werner, author
9780128181638 (electronic bk.)


Producing Official County-Level Agricultural Estimates in the United States: Needs and Challenges

Nathan B. Cruze, Andreea L. Erciulescu, Balgobin Nandram, Wendy J. Barboza, Linda J. Young.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 34, Number 2, 301--316.

In the United States, county-level estimates of crop yield, production, and acreage published by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS) play an important role in determining the value of payments allotted to farmers and ranchers enrolled in several federal programs. Given the importance of these official county-level crop estimates, NASS continually strives to improve its crops county estimates program in terms of accuracy, reliability and coverage. In 2015, NASS engaged a panel of experts convened under the auspices of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) for guidance on implementing models that may synthesize multiple sources of information into a single estimate, provide defensible measures of uncertainty, and potentially increase the number of publishable county estimates. The final report titled Improving Crop Estimates by Integrating Multiple Data Sources was released in 2017. This paper discusses several needs and requirements for NASS county-level crop estimates that were illuminated during the activities of the CNSTAT panel. A motivating example of planted acreage estimation in Illinois illustrates several challenges that NASS faces as it considers adopting any explicit model for official crops county estimates.


Ethiopia's youth find hope in agricultural entrepreneurship

27-year-old Amiat Ahmed and her two-year-old son live with Amiat’s parents in the South Wollo Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Like many other young people in her region, Amiat used to feel that there were limited opportunities to earn income in her village, which led to her decision to migrate to Saudi Arabia.  


Pope Francis speaks up for ‘harshly exploited’ agricultural workers

Vatican City, May 6, 2020 / 05:30 am (CNA).- The coronavirus crisis can be an opportunity to recenter work on the dignity of each person, Pope Francis said in an appeal at the end of his general audience broadcast on Wednesday. 

“On May 1, I received several messages about the world of work and its problems. I was particularly struck by that of the agricultural workers, among them many migrants, who work in the Italian countryside. Unfortunately, many are very harshly exploited,” Pope Francis said May 6.

“It is true that the current crisis affects everyone, but people's dignity must always be respected. That is why I add my voice to the appeal of these workers and of all exploited workers. May the crisis give us the opportunity to make the dignity of the person and of work the center of our concern,” he said. 

Amid fears of a food shortage, the Italian government is currently discussing whether to legalize some undocumented migrant workers. These workers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation with illegal contracts that can pay less than half of Italy’s minimum wage for the agricultural sector.

May 1 is recognized as Labor Day in Italy and many countries throughout Europe, however it is not an official holiday in the Vatican, which instead celebrates the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, established by Pope Pius XII in 1955.

On the feast day, the pope asked St. Joseph to help Catholics fight for dignified work. He prayed that “no one might be without work and all might be paid a just wage.”

Pope Francis said in his Wednesday audience that prayer is “a cry that comes for the heart of those who believe and entrust themselves to God.” The pope began a new cycle of weekly catechesis on May 6 focused on prayer. 

“Not only do Christians pray, they share the cry of prayer with all men and women. But the horizon can still be widened. Paul says that the whole creation ‘groans and suffers the pains of childbirth,’” he said, quoting St. Paul’s letter to the Romans.

“The Catechism states that ‘humility is the foundation of prayer,’” the pope said. “Prayer … comes from our precarious state, from our continuous thirst for God.”

Pope Francis focused his catechesis on the Gospel account of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar from Jericho.

Bartimaeus “uses the only weapon in his possession: his voice. He starts shouting: ‘Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me,’” the pope explained.

“And Jesus listens to his cry. Bartimaeus' prayer touches his heart, the heart of God, and the doors of salvation are opened for him,” he said. “He recognizes in that poor, helpless, despised man, all the power of his faith, which attracts the mercy and power of God.”

“Stronger than any argument, there is a voice in the human heart that calls out. We all have this voice inside. A voice that comes out spontaneously, without anyone commanding it, a voice that questions the meaning of our journey down here, especially when we are in the dark: ‘Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, have mercy on me!’ This is a beautiful prayer,” Pope Francis said.


Incidence and Cost of Injury Among Youth in Agricultural Settings, United States, 2001-2006

Several studies have analyzed fatal or nonfatal youth injury incidence in US agricultural settings, but none have combined those estimates to form an overall picture. The only detailed study of costs related to such injuries is restricted to nonfatal injury.

This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the annual incidence and cost of agricultural youth injuries in the United States. It analyzes them from different perspectives: fatal versus nonfatal, at work versus not at work, and requiring hospitalization versus not requiring hospitalization. (Read the full article)


SB 12-02 Agricultural Holdings (Amendment)(Scotland) Bill

9 January 2012This briefing details the development of the Agricultural Holdings (Amendment)(Scotland) Bill and the changes proposed by the Bill.


College of Agricultural Sciences stays connected with alumni during pandemic

Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences is staying connected to alumni during the COVID-19 pandemic by moving its monthly Alumni Society board meetings and other alumni activities online.


Committee calls for ‘sunset clause’ in Common Agricultural Policy transition legislation

A Holyrood committee has called on the Scottish Government to include a “sunset clause” in legislation that will enable the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to continue to operate during a post-Brexit transition period


College of Agricultural Sciences supports food banks, families in need

With thousands of people out of work due to the COVID-19 crisis — and food banks working tirelessly to feed an ever-growing number of hungry families — Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences is doing its part to fill empty shelves and refrigerators.


Tickets available for Agricultural Industry Dinner

Tickets are now available for the 43rd annual Agricultural Industry Dinner on Jan. 23 at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino. An early-bird discount is available for registrations received by Dec. 31.

  • Department of Agriculture


Delaware agricultural production at record $1.2 billion, Census shows

Delaware farmers produced a record $1.2 billion worth of crops and livestock in 2012, according to Census of Agriculture data released Thursday, showing how First State agriculture is thriving and succeeding despite economic challenges, state leaders said.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017)
  • News
  • Office of the Governor


Delaware remains first in key agricultural categories, Census shows

Delaware farmers are among the most productive and efficient in the nation, with the First State remaining first in the nation in the value of agricultural products sold per acre, according to U.S. Census of Agriculture data released Friday.


Agricultural scavenger hunt new this year at Delaware State Fair

HARRINGTON — Visitors to the Delaware State Fair can learn about farming, explore the fair and win prizes this year with the Delaware Department of Agriculture’s new Fair Scavenger Hunt. Families can search for answers in the fair’s animal barns, on equipment row, and in the DDA buildings, gaining a deeper understanding of the importance […]


Growing First State agricultural opportunity celebrated at Delaware State Fair

Delaware Governor Jack Markell, Perdue Farms Chairman & CEO Jim Perdue, and DuPont Pioneer representatives celebrated a venture today that is increasing economic opportunity for Delaware farmers and creating healthier foods for consumers. In remarks at the Delaware Department of Agriculture's Education Building, officials and company executives shared the successes and plans for future growth of DuPont Pioneer's Plenish brand high-oleic soybean oil, a soy-based trans fat-free alternative for food companies and for foodservice operators.

  • Department of Agriculture


Tickets available for Delaware Agricultural Industry Dinner

DOVER — Tickets are now available for the 44th annual Agricultural Industry Dinner on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015, at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino. An early-bird discount is available for registrations received by December 31. Sponsored by the Delaware Council of Farm Organizations, the event began in 1971 as a way to celebrate Delaware farmers […]

  • Department of Agriculture


Governor’s Weekly Message: Celebrating Ongoing Agricultural Efforts at the Delaware State Fair

Governor Markell shares his highlights from Governor’s Day at the 2015 Delaware State Fair.


Tickets for Delaware Agricultural Industry Dinner on sale

Tickets and sponsorships for the 46th Annual Delaware Agricultural Industry Dinner on Jan. 19 are now available.

  • Department of Agriculture


Deadline extension for agricultural preservation districts puts Delaware closer to preserving 381,000 acres of farmland

The Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation Foundation voted to extended district enrollment until December 31, 2018 to any agricultural landowners who want to preserve their farms and still have the opportunity to submit an application for the upcoming round. Farms must be enrolled in a preservation district before the landowner can sell an easement.


Celebrating Delaware’s agricultural diversity, linking producers to consumers

Delaware Grown Week – a campaign highlighting the fruits, vegetables, and value-added agricultural products produced in The First State – officially launched with a kick-off event at the Rehoboth Beach Farmers’ Market including Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse, state legislators, and other officials.


Mortgage of agricultural land in kartnataka



Asian investors cultivate northern Australia’s agricultural region

A 200-hectare commercial wet-season cotton crop has been planted in Western Australia’s Ord Irrigation Scheme.


Contractual Advantage: New Rules of Agricultural and Food Product Trade

The Act of 15 December 2016 on Counteracting Unfair Use of Contractual Advantage in Trade of Agricultural and Food Products came into force and effect on 12 July 2017. The law confers additional powers on the President of the Office of Competition a...


Optimizing Rhizobium-legume symbioses by simultaneous measurement of rhizobial competitiveness and N2 fixation in nodules [Agricultural Sciences]

Legumes tend to be nodulated by competitive rhizobia that do not maximize nitrogen (N2) fixation, resulting in suboptimal yields. Rhizobial nodulation competitiveness and effectiveness at N2 fixation are independent traits, making their measurement extremely time-consuming with low experimental throughput. To transform the experimental assessment of rhizobial competitiveness and effectiveness, we...


How the EU and Turkey can promote self-reliance for Syrian refugees through agricultural trade

Executive Summary The Syrian crisis is approaching its ninth year. The conflict has taken the lives of over 500,000 people and forced over 7 million more to flee the country. Of those displaced abroad, more than 3.6 million have sought refuge in Turkey, which now hosts more refugees than any other country in the world.…



The TPP and Japan's agricultural policy changes

Event Information

February 24, 2016
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM EST

Somers Room
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

Earlier this month, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement was signed by its 12 member states in New Zealand, bringing the trade deal one step closer to fruition. The member states must now work on resolving their respective domestic issues tied to TPP. For Japan, one of the major issue areas involving TPP is agriculture.

On February 24, the Center for East Asia Policy Studies hosted Kazuhito Yamashita for a presentation in which he discussed the impact of Japan’s market access commitment on agriculture, the TPP countermeasures that the Japanese government announced for agriculture, and the types of agricultural policy reform that are being considered in Japan.


Event Materials



US Missing Out On Agricultural Millions Because The DEA Can't Distinguish Hemp From Pot

In case you missed it (and you certainly may have in the midst of other current world affairs) it's Hemp History Week. The second annual one in fact. I imagine most TreeHugger readers don't need much convincing that


Hemp Bound: A playbook for the next US agricultural revolution

Doug Fine, author and solar-powered goat herder, takes us behind the scenes of what could be America's next billion dollar industry: the hemp economy.


Sea otters may help combat harmful agricultural run-off in California

As a keystone species, the importance of the sea otter on the health of coastal ecosystems can't be understated. A new study shows that they may even play a key role in helping coastlines cope with agricultural run-off.


Community water management and agricultural extension services: effects, impacts and perceptions in the coastal zone of Bangladesh

The coastal region of Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters and these events are expected to worsen as a result of climate change.


Policy Paper: Reforming agricultural subsidies to support biodiversity in Switzerland - Country Study

This paper analyses the reform of Switzerland’s agricultural policy framework, which reoriented subsidies to better target policy objectives, including for biodiversity; and outlines the process involved in designing and implementing the reform as well as its environmental and socio-economic impacts. The country study draws on the 2017 OECD report The Political Economy of Biodiversity Policy Reform.


Improving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems: OECD Conference Proceedings

How can government policies move towards increasing agricultural innovation and improving productivity? This OECD conference shared case studies and ideas from Europe, China, United States, India, Africa, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.


Russian Federation - Medium-term prospects for major agricultural commodities 2018-2027

These graphs offer a brief summary of the commodity trade situation in the country.


Improving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems: OECD Conference Proceedings

How can government policies move towards increasing agricultural innovation and improving productivity? This OECD conference shared case studies and ideas from Europe, China, United States, India, Africa, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.


A Californian enigma: Record-high agricultural revenues during the most severe drought in history

Drought in California has been in the headlines frequently these last three years, with startling pictures of empty reservoirs, rivers and canals, wildfires, disappearing snowpack and dry earth. Yet these dramatic effects have not stopped the agricultural sector from growing.