
How Can I Really Market One of These Platinum YourNetBiz Opportunity Packages?

So you now have a YourNetBiz Opportunity. You have invested your money and you have setup your website. Now what? Well the good news is you are in the right place my friend. This article will explain how you can focus your efforts and market the right way.


Buzzirk Mobile and Global Verge Compensation Plan - Can You Really Make Some Money?

A close look at the Buzzirk Mobile and Global Verge Compensation Plan. Also a chance to see if this business can really deliver the goods and make you money.


What is the Correct Social Marketing Theory? Learn 2 Tips to Capitalize on It!

I am going to explain what, in my opinion, is the correct social marketing theory. Not just that, I am also going to explain 2 ways to make good use of it in your business.


Backlinks - Search Engine Optimization Guide That Will Make Your Traffic Go Crazy!

Do you understand the power of backlinks? No, do you truly understand? Well I have a search engine optimization guide here for you that will show you how to get crazy traffic to your website. Make sure that read this entire article to learn all the dirty tricks!



vrozené vlastnosti organismů omezující délku jejich života podobně jako kazítka ve výrobcích Příklad: A: „Štvou mě biokazítka. Bez nich bych se dočkal prvního člověka na Marsu.“ B: „Tys nečetl Věc Makropulos?“

Příspěvek biokazítko pochází z Čeština 2.0



zkouška uskupení (hudebního, divadelního apod.), které ovšem většinu času věnuje pokuřování cigaret nebo marihuany Příklad: „Dnes máme s kapelou zkouřku.”

Příspěvek zkouřka pochází z Čeština 2.0



zmrd o to zákeřnější, že vždy útočí ze zálohy Příklad: „Vladěno, tamten chlápek je pořádný přizdizmrd, bacha na něho!”

Příspěvek přizdizmrd pochází z Čeština 2.0


I’m a photographer and aspiring photo archivist. I was asked to digitize photos that were on display...

I’m a photographer and aspiring photo archivist. I was asked to digitize photos that were on display at a funeral/viewing. There were 65 photos.

Me: Sure, I could have this done pretty soon, no problem!

Client: Great! I didn’t have tape and didn’t want to use glue, so (with pride in their voice) guess what I used?

Me: (with pronounced fear in my voice) Uh… what?

Client: Toothpaste!

What was going to be an hour and a half project turned into two days of scraping and cleaning photos.


Why there are NO clients from Hell: Rachel Gertz and managing people!

At her company Louder Than Ten, Rachel Gertz teaches people how to manage projects; that means getting people on board, on task, and on message in a hurry. She firmly believes that there is no such thing as a client from hell for one very simple and surprising reason she shares in the episode! 

Looking for a lift? Rachel is endlessly upbeat and positive and has some winning strategies that will make you better at dealing with clients AND yourself! 

Today’s links: 

Want to support the show?

This episode is brought to you by Easel.ly, an infographic design service that transforms raw data into clear, interesting images. You can see their work on Clients From Hell

Think you’d be a great fit for the show? Let me know at twitter.com/KCarCFH

Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or recommend us to a friend. It helps immensely.

Download here!


How to find your "Helen": Alison Knott and recognizing your ideal client

The key to success in freelancing is realizing how to find the right clients - the people who are not only great to work with, but actually have money to pay you

Alison Knott is a web consultant who mentors creatives, and she knows all the mistakes that freelancers make: targeting the wrong clients, the wrong platforms, the wrong rewards. In this episode, she shares the decisions you have to make right now to start making money! 

Today’s links: 

Want to support the show?

Order a custom infographic from Easel.ly! Use this link (https://www.easel.ly/infographicdesign/) for a great price! 

Think you’d be a great fit for the show? Let me know at twitter.com/KCarCFH

Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or recommend us to a friend. It helps immensely.

Download here!


It’s time for Seder, which is Zeder, in our modern-day-plague ravaged Passover

Last week I received a very long email with instructions for Zeder. This year millions of Jews around the world will log into Zoom, and try to continue a 2000-year tradition of not changing the tradition. We will recall plagues of past like infestation of locusts and raining frogs and we’ll silently scoff that Egypt […]

The post It’s time for Seder, which is Zeder, in our modern-day-plague ravaged Passover appeared first on Penelope Trunk Careers.


Japan’s tastiest fizzy drink

No real surprises with the most popular, but the second, third and fourth are in this list of what the Japanese rate as the tastiest carbonated drinks. Pictured is a special limited-time flavour of the number two drink. Oronamin C Drink and others with medicinal-sounding names are indeed that; vitamin-laden foul-tasting drinks that might or […]


Angriff gegen „heute-show“-Team, Teures Armutszeugnis, Irr-Lichtern

1. „Mit Totschlägern auf das Team los“ (zdf.de) Am vergangenen Freitag wurde ein Kamerateam der ZDF-Satiresendung „heute-show“ bei Dreharbeiten in Berlin-Mitte von Unbekannten angegriffen. Mehrere Teammitglieder, darunter auch drei Security-Mitarbeiter, mussten ins Krankenhaus, wurden jedoch nach der Behandlung am selben Abend wieder entlassen. Die Motive der Täter seien noch unklar, so die Berliner Polizeipräsidentin Barbara […]

  • 6 vor 9


Pochers Attacken, Mausgezeichnete Einschaltquoten, Lisa Eckhart

1. Täter hatten vor Übergriff wohl Streit mit „heute-show“-Team (tagesspiegel.de, Alexander Fröhlich) Der genaue Hintergrund des Angriffs auf ein Team der „heute-show“ (ZDF) ist nach wie vor unklar. Laut „Tagesspiegel“-Informationen soll es jedoch vor der Attacke Streit zwischen dem TV-Team und den Angreifern gegeben haben. Für die Staatsanwaltschaft seien alle Verdächtigen „dem linken Spektrum zuzurechnen“. […]

  • 6 vor 9


Wie die „Bild“-Redaktion mit schmutzigen Tricks versucht, Christian Drosten zu zerlegen

Am vergangenen Donnerstag schoben sie sogar die Kanzlerin vor: Seit Wochen schon versucht die „Bild“-Redaktion, den Virologen der Berliner Charité Christian Drosten schlecht dastehen zu lassen. Sie bemüht sich, Drostens Autorität als Wissenschaftler zu untergraben, arbeitet genüsslich frühere Fehleinschätzungen heraus, stellt ihn als Einflüsterer dar, macht ihn zum Kollegenschwein. Damit dieses negative Bild irgendwie passt, […]


Journalismus als Videokonferenz, „Welt“-Experten, Corona-Talkshows

1. Kommentar: Die Kritik an Rezo und dem Nannen-Preis zeigt ein Grundproblem des alten Journalismus (meedia.de, Tobias Singer) Als der Youtuber Rezo mit dem Nannen-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, gab es nicht nur Glückwünsche, sondern auch Kritik. An manchen Stellen hieß es, die Wahl der Jury sei ein Fehler gewesen. Der Hauptvorwurf: Rezo sei kein Journalist und […]

  • 6 vor 9


Riesen-Zweifel an „Bild“-Artikel

Es geht um den Begriff „Ausgangsbeschränkungen“. Und wer jetzt befürchtet, es wird hier allzu wortklauberisch, der oder die sei beruhigt: Es geht um deutlich mehr. Es geht darum, wie die „Bild“-Redaktion ein Urteil eines Verfassungsgerichts falsch wiedergibt und so die eigene Agenda in der Corona-Krise vorantreibt. „Bild“-Redakteur Filipp Piatov schrieb vergangene Woche über einen Beschluss […]


Gates noch, Ken?, RKI beendet Pressekonferenzen, Overblocking

1. Das ist dran an Ken Jebsens großer Gates-Verschwörung (t-online.de, Jonas Mueller-Töwe) Ken Jebsen hat auf seinem Youtube-Kanal „KenFM“ einen halbstündigen Monolog veröffentlicht, der innerhalb von wenigen Tagen rund drei Millionen Mal angeklickt wurde. Das Opus heißt „Gates kapert Deutschland“ und gibt damit bereits die Marschrichtung vor. Jonas Mueller-Töwe hat sich die Mühe gemacht, das […]

  • 6 vor 9


Zum Würfeln: Kunstkritiken

Zeitknappheit, Personalmangel, begrenzte Ressourcen … Wir kennen die Probleme der Redaktionen nur allzu gut und haben dafür die Lösung: Mit unserem Würfelspiel „Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss“ lassen sich, jawoll, auch kurz vor Redaktionsschluss auf die Schnelle druckreife Teaser, kurze Artikel und Besprechungen ganzer Kunstausstellungen erstellen. Folge 9 unserer 16-teiligen Serie: Kunstkritiken. Hier gibt es ein größeres […]

  • Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss


Schlagzeile zur Umfrage auf Rekordtief

Seit Wochen schon fährt die „Bild“-Redaktion einen Kurs gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen von Angela Merkel. Nur: So richtig fruchten will das offenbar nicht — die Umfragewerte der Bundeskanzlerin sind so gut wie lange nicht mehr. So auch in einer aktuellen Befragung, die Bild.de heute präsentiert. Das Meinungsforschungsinstitut Insa sollte „in einer exklusiven Umfrage für BILD“ herausfinden, […]


Book Recommendation: DIANA: PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS by Shannon & Dean Hale, Victoria Ying (DC Zoom)

Happy launch day to DIANA: PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS, the newest in the DC Zoom line of graphic novels for middle graders. Written by Shannon & Dean Hale and illustrated by Victoria Ying. Thanks to Michele Wells at DC Kids for sending me a copy!

For more of my book collages, feel free to browse my BookADay Padlet as well as my BookADay and Book Recommendation archives. I read a lot more books than I have time to post, especially now that I've joined the Goodreads 2020 Reading Challenge!


community accountability zine call for submissions

I am so glad someone is doing this zine! I have been trying to find time to try and put together this exact thing!
Please submit!!!
It's Down to This

For info and submissions contact: responsezine@gmail.com

“It’s Down to This” is a new zine compilation that aims to give space to step back, take a deep breath and reflect on where we’re at.

Reflecting on our experiences with community accountability processes, survivor support, or general efforts to cultivate community response to sexual violence- this is a space to talk about our experiences with this work, what we have learned, where we want to go from here, what we feel, what we want others to be able to hear, see, think about, engage with.

It is an attempt to further give voice to our efforts and experiences in doing this work, to give space and voice to silence. To know and hear how we have survived in this work, how we have sustained this work, or why we burned out. To further document our attempts at figuring out what community accountability looks like, or what it even is. To be able to reflect and grow from our mistakes and epiphanies.

SEEKING: stories, essays, interviews, comics, artwork and thoughts reflecting on working around accountability and community response to sexual violence:

What has it looked like? What has it entailed? What could it look like? Who does it involve? In what ways? How is a community responsible? How is a community involved? What can an accountability process look like? What has it looked like? What works? What doesn’t? What were the fuck-ups, the successes?

*These questions are asked with the assumption that confidentiality will be respected and that stories will not be shared if they are not yours to share.

*The word ‘community’ is used with the awareness that it is often used problematically.

Looking for submissions that:

- explore the importance of accountability and support work as an act of community building and collective liberation, that express the importance of this work within social justice movements.

-reflect on the support, empowerment, recovery and growth that have come out of this work

-reflect on the pain, trauma and frustration of this work or which is inherent in this work.

-develop ideas and methods of sustainability around this work

-look at the social and political contexts in which community accountability and response to sexual violence and partner abuse grows and exists.

-share our stories

Anonymity and confidentiality will be respected.

DEADLINE: October 22nd, 2010

For info and submissions contact: responsezine@gmail.com

Feel free to send in ideas/proposals and ask for feedback!


Polyamory and Patriarchy Zine Questionnaire

This is a zine an amazing aquaintance of mine is putting together.
Please send your stories to: polypatriarchyzine@gmail.com, or mail them to 4951 Catharine St., Philadelphia, PA 19143.

Polyamory and Patriarchy Zine Questionnaire

These questions are for a zine I’m writing about polyamory and patriarchy. So often, people feel either that polyamory is the only revolutionary way to be intimate, or the worst way. I’d like to hear what you’ve learned from polyamory – ways it felt liberatory, and ways it may have felt like familiar oppressive gender roles dressed up in revolutionary language. My agenda isn’t to discredit polyamory, but to identify how much we have to learn about truly liberatory relationships.
These questions are fairly personal and ask you to revisit some painful memories, so please take your time, answer only what you feel comfortable answering, and let me know how you want your anonymity protected. Please use pseudonyms! Do give me contact info, though, if you want to review how I use your material before the zine is published.

1. Let’s start with gender. What gender roles did you learn from your family of origin? From the media? From your chosen community? How do you express gender now – is it different than how you were socialized to express gender?

2. What were your reasons for first trying polyamory? Was it your idea or a partner’s? Did you have any models in your community for successful polyamorous relationships?

3. What was the most empowering experience you’ve had in polyamory?

4. What was the hardest situation to handle in a polyamorous relationship? Looking back, what would you have done differently, if anything?

5. What kinds of insecurities did polyamory raise? Did they concern your gender or body image? How did you handle these insecurities?

6. How have you felt most empowered in polyamory? How has it felt expansive, liberatory, or healing?

7. Do you have a different kind of intimacy with lovers than with friends? Who are you more likely to turn to for emotional support?

8. How do your expectations change based on what kind of relationship you’re in? Do you have different standards of behavior for partners and lovers?

9. Has polyamory ever made you feel silenced, or unable to ask for what you needed?
What have your relationships with your lover’s other lovers been like? How have you handled feelings of jealousy and competition? How have you handled your partner’s jealousy?

10. Tell me a little about your best relationship, polyamorous or otherwise, and what made it work so well.

11. Today, what is your ideal relationship?

12. Do you want to see the zine before it’s published? Do you want a copy mailed to you? If so, let me know how to reach you.

Please send your stories to: polypatriarchyzine@gmail.com, or mail them to 4951 Catharine St., Philadelphia, PA 19143.

I also welcome your analysis and thoughts about sexual politics, polyamory, and this project – thanks!


new books + zines for the distro!

I have a bunch of new zines and some new books for the distro! at riot grrrr distro
Including SCAM! The First 4 Issues!

Also, I just looked at Mimi Distro, and it is so great! Check it out at mimizinedistro.wordpress.com


new zines to the cataloge

new zines to my distro!

Keep Track: Pocket Calender
This is my little calender. It should be out by Dec 15! Fits in your pocket! You write in the dates. There are two pages for each month, then four pages for notes between months. Perfect for if the Slingshot calender has too much space for you.

All I Want is Everything #1
Well written, articulate personal/feminist zine. The first article is about getting out of a long-term abusive relationship. There are articles about victim blaming, refusing to live in the past, pop culture, and much more. It's really good!

Love Letters to Monsters #3 / Alabama Grrrl #9 split
I haven't even finished this yet, but it is my favorite loveletters zine so far, and I'm so excited about Alabama Grrrl too!
Ciara's side is more memoir like than usual, still political, but not as much indignation. The first story is partially about her mom. I have a number of friends who's mom's are homeless or close to homeless, kind of crazy or really crazy, and there is something so confusing about mothers needing care, and when to draw the line. I struggled with it a lot with my mom, and felt so alone. I am always really grateful when people get the courage to write about their complicated relationships like this.
She writes about community and how overused that word is, and wanting laughter. writing, mental and physical health, running a distro. It's like a long story. It's good.

Alabama Grrrl is about being queer and punk in the late 90's in Pittsburgh, "Things I wished I would've known before going to grad school," a love-letter breakup letter to the violent/misogynistic scene that is happening in her town, hoping it will energize new kids to create a safer place.

Cometbus #51 The Lonliness of the Electric Menorah
A story about two bookstores in Berkeley that were started in the underground in the 60's, and we were forever trying to get our zines into. Why didn't they support us? It was strange.
This zine is almost like a fable, and is about a lot more than just these two bookstores. It's about how partnerships come together and how they get subverted. Based on long interviews with a zillion people.

Cometbus #52 The Spirit of St Louis
a story of a group of punks, how they try to make or unmake a life and scene. It's second title is "How to Break Your Own Heart, a tragedy in 24 parts.

Kerbloom 85These little pretty zines have been coming out forever, every two months. They are done on letterpress, which is the kind of printing press where you have to put each letter in one at a time.
This is my favorite one in awhile. "I would say that each of us is a star, that we form constellations, and that these constellations change."


new zines in the distro! and music!

at my distro click here for distro

the ovens. CDR
Featured band of the season! The Ovens! Two peice feminist band from Chicago! Check it out by clicking here!listen to This Disaster Was Brought To You By Heterosexuality

Keep Track: Pocket Calender
This is my little calender and pocket organizer! Cute drawings! Fits in your pocket! There are two pages for each month, with four blank pages with little drawings for taking notes and making lists.
The calender part has blank spots for you to fill in the dates, so that you can start at any time, but if you want me to fill it in, I will.

When the Crash Meets Something Solid Issue #002: Hewers of Water
stories, essays, and poetry about drug addiction; sex work - which she did at first by choice, and then how it got twisted; abuse, and survival
powerful and good

The Worst: A Compilation Zine on Grief and Loss: Issue 2
A new issue of this beautiful zine, thick and full of stories and articles about grief and dealing with death.
I read it a month ago, and I can't remember for sure, but it seemed like this one had more stories from people who were a little older and had more time/distance from the deaths they were writing about, where as the first issue seemed more immediate. Both are so useful! Both have a wide variety of stories.

Truckface #14
Excellent zine! about her second year of teaching high-school. very funny, extremely tragic, inspiring, depressing, politics, comics, everything you could ask for. I love this zine!
It also has stories about life outside of school - starting a feminist band (the Ovens), bad roommates, and more!
Every new teacher and everyone thinking of becoming a teacher should read this, plus everyone else should too!

Truckface #13
Thick little zine about LB's first (hellish) year of teaching highschool. In which she gets named "The Nose" by her students. Deals with a class of 8 bad apples - and how to teach, how to stay sane. Almost decided to not continue teaching. Deals with the religious right protesting at the school (for having a Gay-Straight Alliance), this zine is great and has a million funny/sad stories.
I wish all my friends who were going into their first year of teaching could read this zine! and everyone else too!

Truckface #12
"How do you become an authority figure when you yourself are anti-authoritarian? Questions that should have been asked prior to enrolling in teaching school."

student teaching in Chicago - dealing with bitter, assimilationist teachers; desperation and violence among students (24 students murdered this school year... and school authorities decided that tucking in shirts is the solution); dancing in class with the students, students talking about racism and discrimination, immigration, bravery.

When Lanugage Runs Dry #3:A Zine for People with Chronic Pain and Their Allies
another issue of this great zine. Issue #3 has a beautifully written peice about brain injury; an article about parenting with chronic pain; a comic/theory about Fibromyalgia and invisible illness; a conversation/interview between a step-mother and daughtor about what it was like to have a step-mother who was experiencing chronic pain; and an article about the workbook Living Beyond Your Pain: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Ease Chronic Pain


do you know any stores that carry zines?

I'm working on doing more selling zines direct to stores, and since I haven't been traveling around much lately, I need your help! Let me know if you know of any stores that carry zines! I already sell directly to some - like Woodenshoe, Red Emmas, City Lights, Powells, Bound Together, Needles and Pens, Downtown Books and News, Quimbys... but I know there are a lot more stores out there that I don't know about.


new zines

New zines! at click here for distro

Filling the Void: interviews about quitting drinking and using
Super inspiring! A great resource for people trying to quit. Not spiritual or straight-edge. 8 interviews with people who have quit drinking and/or using. Frank discussions and stories about the positive and negative roles drinking/using had in their lives, why they decided to quit, what they struggled with and how they managed to do it.
interviewees include Erick Lyle (Scam zine), Artnoose (Ker-bloom zine), Cindy (Doris zine), and John Geek (The Fleshies). Interviews conducted by and edited by Cindy and Caty Crabb

Protective Playing Cards
the most beautiful, coolest work of art I have ever seen. A real deck of cards, each card has a different amazingly beautiful drawing of protection.
you can play cards with them, keep them by your bed and look at one a day, page through them whenever you need to remember that you are not alone.

When the Crash Meets Something Solid #003
vinettes about addiction, Goddard College, pills to heroin, being in an abusive master/slave relationship with the owner of the massage place she worked - and getting away.

We Shut the City Down: Six former Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM) members reflect on the mass direct actions against the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.
On August 1, 2000, thousands of activists from the global justice movement took the streets of Philadelphia for direct action against police brutality and the prison industrial complex during the Republican National Convention. Hundreds were arrested, and many were held for several weeks. While helping to plan the protests, members of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM), a multiracial radical activist group based in the City University of New York (CUNY), argued for the focus on police and prisons, issues vital to communities of color in the U.S. The interviews in this zine, with 6 people of color who participated as SLAM members, were conducted in July 2010. They reflect a range of perspectives on direct action, strategy and tactics, racism in the movement, reaching beyond activist scenes, and direct democracy.


more new zines

There's a ton of new zines in the distro! doris distro

if you want a story that will make you suspicious of every teenager you meet!" This is the best written zine I've read in awhile. It's Mia's first zine. She wrote it when she was 15. I'm not sure if it's truth or fiction, but it's really good, disturbing, bitter. sex, drugs, getting locked up, the hypocrisy and blindness of adults, and of herself. Not for the light-of-heart or the easily offended.

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself:a series of rants

another great zine by Mia (of Fifteen zine). This one is about being mixed race. Articles about hair, and the lack of representation in the media, dealing with racism and stereotypes, and more. Really good!

Brainscan #26:so what's the deal with you and Microcosm

If you've been wondering what the problems with Microcosm Publishing are, this zine lays out Joe Beils abusive behaviors, failed attempts to hold him accountable, and what can be done about it.

Cometbus #54: in China with Green Day

Aaron goes on tour with Green Day to China! Epic. More than a travel zine. The part I liked best was talking about how selling out is judged, but people just giving up their creative lives and doing nothing really worthwhile is not judged.

Adorn #21

very intense and brave zine about rape, abusive relationships and drug abuse, and becoming sober. There are sweet lists of good things in her life between the painful recollections and despair.

No Better Than Apples #7

really pretty zine, beautiful drawings and layout. I've been missing this kind of zine. a fragmented journey into her life that leaves you wanting to know more. love and tour and unresolved family demons. The helpless feeling of trying to take care of a sick mother. I know this feeling, and how alone I felt in it, how much of a secret it seemed. There is a story in here about visiting one of my all time favorite authors, Kate Millett! There's just so much in this thick little zine.

All Things Ordinary #4

A sweet zine, mostly of letters to people in his family telling them how much they mean to him. It's so nice. I wish we all did this kind of thing more often.

The Apple Pickers Union #2: Tow Chain: A monologue about my Experiences at Camp Trans 2010

Pissed off, funny and intense zine written by Curious Jane, who was an organizer of Camp Trans (outside the Michigans Women's Fest, which is/was a "women born women" space - I think they might have a don't ask don't tell policy now, I can't remember for sure.)
This zine kicks ass! It is partially about a situation that happened at the camp, where a tow truck driver threatened the Camp Trans people with a Tow Chain. I mean scary threatening, and the security at Mich.Fest defended the Tow Truck dude. This zine is a scathing critique of Patriarchy, Second Wave Feminism, and "community".


shows + more new zines!

Snarlas will be playing May 24 in Columbus at the 15th street house, and May 30 in Athens OH at the Smiling Skull. Also, there's a Girls Rock Camp benefit show May 27 at Subama Women's Land, near Athens. It's women only trans inclusive. We'll be in Chattanooga TN for Do You Hear We Fest, June 3-5!

More new zines in the distro doris distro

!!!!!!!!!!Featured Music of the Season!!!!!!!!!!
Wild Miners CDR
singer/songwriter, sultry, beautiful singing. She's in a band called Octopus and Owl now, which should be on tour this summer, so check it out. click here
listen to wild miners

Shotgun Seamstress #5
A zine by and for black punks, queers, feminists, artists, musicians. Articles about bands Death and ESG, interviews with DJ Soul Sister, Aye Naico and Kicktease. plus a critique of corporate sponsored Afro-punk

Rad Girlz: my struggles with sexism, racism and violence
looking personally and critically about how sexism and violence have shaped her life. what it means that all white people are racist, what it mean politically and in her life. She talks about being queer, trying to reclaim her sexuality, dealing with eating disorders and cutting.

When the Crash Meets Something Solid #6: organs of voice and respiration
deals with time spent in the sex industry, drug addiction and recovery and being a mother. Poems and stories and journal entries.

The "T" Word: pass the mission
a zine made by Tranzmission about all kinds of stuff - How to be a good ally, language definitions, poems, personal stories, flyers from events, questioning DIY ethics in the Trans Liberation Movement, transexual prisoners, and reading recommendations. Procededs go to Transmission Prison Books Project

When the Crash Meets Something Solid #007: Widowmaker
continuation of the story of sexindustry and addiction. This one has a section on an abusive relationship she got out of in 2009.


Street fight gets communities attention when a citizen steps up to help guide young men


2020 Ultraportable with 9 hours of life with great performance – Asus Zenbook


Nietzsche’s PC…

Photo courtesy of Glenn T.


Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2017 Q&A


いよいよ6月2日よりKazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2017が開催されます。下記、注意事項や物販などをご確認ください。

◇■◇■Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2017のQ&A◇■◇■


・6/2 新横浜 16:00~18:00予定
・6/3 柏 15:00~17:00予定
・6/6 お台場 15:00~17:30予定
・6/7 名古屋 15:00~17:30予定
・6/9 大阪 15:00~17:30予定
・6/10 神戸 15:00~17:00予定


◇Tシャツ(カラー:黒/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円


◇Tシャツ(カラー:水色/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円


◇タオルマフラー 2100円(ジャガード織・今治産)


◇スニーカーソックス(2足入り) 1600円



◇モバイルバッテリー 1700円



◇スマホリング 1500円


◇メタルチャーム 1500円




◇ステンレスボトル 2300円


◇折りたたみ傘 3500円



◇シューズ~着替えまで入るマルチケース (大小コンビ 2000円)



◇ブランケット(夏のクーラーのひざ掛けに!) 2000円

◇ライブバック(ライブから普段の買い物まで使えます!カラー:黒/赤) 3500円


◇トートバック (ランチバック付・カラー 赤/カーキ) 4200円


◇PEACHポーチ 1800円


◇PEACHご当地ストラップ(東京・大阪・名古屋) 900円


<その他 ①>

◇梅雨をぶっとばぜ!会場限定ポストカード 1000円

※加藤和樹&THE Drasticが梅雨をぶっとばせ!雨ガエルになってポストカードで登場!会場限定数量なくなり次第終了となります。お一人様1回につき1セット購入できます。


<その他 ②>
◇初登場!「GACHA★みくじ」 1口 600円 ※1度で5回まで引くことができます。


大吉 おすわりPEACHストラップ

吉   でらうまタオル(絵柄は全3種)

中吉 A5&A4サイズクリアファイルセット

小吉 PEACH&KAZUKIアクリルキーホルダー(柄は全8種)
























また、プレゼントをいただいて 本人に渡すまでに日数がかかりますので食べ物系などはお断りさせていただきます。 


Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2017 Q&A(追記事項有)






いよいよ6月2日よりKazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2017が開催されます。下記、注意事項や物販などをご確認ください。

◇■◇■Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2017のQ&A◇■◇■





・6/2 新横浜 16:00~18:00予定
・6/3 柏 15:00~17:00予定
・6/6 お台場 15:00~17:30予定
・6/7 名古屋 15:00~17:30予定
・6/9 大阪 15:00~17:30予定
・6/10 神戸 15:00~17:00予定


◇Tシャツ(カラー:黒/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円


◇Tシャツ(カラー:水色/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円


◇タオルマフラー 2100円(ジャガード織・今治産)


◇スニーカーソックス(2足入り) 1600円



◇モバイルバッテリー 1700円



◇スマホリング 1500円


◇メタルチャーム 1500円




◇ステンレスボトル 2300円


◇折りたたみ傘 3500円



◇シューズ~着替えまで入るマルチケース (大小コンビ 2000円)



◇ブランケット(夏のクーラーのひざ掛けに!) 2000円

◇ライブバック(ライブから普段の買い物まで使えます!カラー:黒/赤) 3500円


◇トートバック (ランチバック付・カラー 赤/カーキ) 4200円


◇PEACHポーチ 1800円


◇PEACHご当地ストラップ(東京・大阪・名古屋) 900円


<その他 ①>

◇梅雨をぶっとばぜ!会場限定ポストカード 1000円

※加藤和樹&THE Drasticが梅雨をぶっとばせ!雨ガエルになってポストカードで登場!会場限定数量なくなり次第終了となります。お一人様1回につき1セット購入できます。


<その他 ②>
◇初登場!「GACHA★みくじ」 1口 600円 ※1度で5回まで引くことができます。


大吉 おすわりPEACHストラップ

吉   でらうまタオル(絵柄は全3種)

中吉 A5&A4サイズクリアファイルセット

小吉 PEACH&KAZUKIアクリルキーホルダー(柄は全8種)

























また、プレゼントをいただいて 本人に渡すまでに日数がかかりますので食べ物系などはお断りさせていただきます


Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2018 Q&A




いよいよ8月3日よりKazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2018が開催されます。下記、注意事項や物販などをご確認ください。

◇■◇■Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2018のQ&A◇■◇■






・8/3(金) 大阪 Zepp Namba 15:00~17:30(予定)

・8/5(日) 岡山 CRAZYMAMA KINGDOM 14:30~16:30(予定)

・8/7(火) 東京 Zepp DiverCity TOKYO 15:00~17:30(予定)

・8/8(水) 東京 Zepp DiverCity TOKYO 15:00~17:30(予定)

・8/10(金) 名古屋 ダイアモンドホール 15:00~17:30(予定)

・8/13(月) 仙台 Rensa 15:30~17:30(予定)



◇Tシャツ(カラー:ターコイズ・グレー/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円


◇レディスドルマンTシャツ(カラー:チャコール/サイズ:フリー) 3500円


◇タオルマフラー 2100円(ジャガード織・今治産)







◇和はんかち<夏>(ひまわり・金魚・花火) 800円



◇B5版パンフレット 1500円






◇和はんかち<春> (うめ・さくら各2色) 800円



◇ストール(ネイビー・グレー) 2300円



◇Pinky Ring (月・星各2色) 700円



◇チケットファイル(2種1セット) 2000円


◇TeamKモイスチャー・アルガンオイル 3000円

◇TeamKモイスチャー・クリームEX 3200円

◇TeamKモイスチャー・マスク(2枚入り・500円/4枚入り 1000円)




◇ライブでおなじみ!「GACHA★みくじ」 1口 500円 ※1度で6回まで引くことができます。


大大吉 今回のTOURLIVE写真をパネルに入れて後日郵送!

大吉  おすわりPEACHストラップ

吉    UltraWorker限定巾着

中吉  A5&A4サイズクリアファイルセット

小吉  PEACH&KAZUKIアクリルキーホルダー(全12種)




























また、プレゼントをいただいて 本人に渡すまでに日数がかかりますので食べ物系などはお断りさせていただきます。







Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2018 Q&A


いよいよ10月27日よりKazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2018後半戦が開催されます。


◇■◇■Kazuki Kato Live"GIG"TOUR2018のQ&A◇■◇■






・10/27(土) 金沢 AZ  14:30~16:30(予定)

・10/28(日) 名古屋 ダイアモンドホール 14:30~16:30(予定)

・10/30(火) 京都 MUSE  15:30~17:30(予定)

・10/31(水) 神戸 VARIT.  15:30~17:30(予定)

・11/02(金) 広島 CLUB QUATTRO  15:30~17:30(予定)

・11/04(日) 福岡 DRUM LOGOS  14:30~16:30(予定)

・11/06(火) 新横浜 NEW SIDE BEACH  15:00~17:30(予定)

・11/09(金) 大阪 Zepp Namba  15:00~17:30(予定)

・11/11(日) 豊洲 PIT  14:00~16:30(予定)



◇Tシャツ(カラー:ターコイズ・グレー/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円


◆<NEW>Tシャツ(カラー:カーキ/サイズ:S.M.L) 3200円

◆<NEW>レディスドルマンTシャツ(カラー:ブラック/サイズ:フリー) 3500円


◇タオルマフラー 2100円(ジャガード織・今治産)

◆<NEW>タオルマフラー 2100円(ジャガード織・今治産)


◆<NEW>ヘアカフ 1000円(カラー:ハートパープル・ハートブラウン/スクエアブルー・スクエアブラウン)

◆<NEW>肩掛けキャンパスバック 1800円

◆<NEW>肘掛トートバック 1800円


◆<NEW>和はんかち<秋>(コスモス・トンボ) 800円







◇和はんかち<夏>(ひまわり・金魚・花火) 800円



◇B5版パンフレット 1500円(夏バージョン)




◆B5版パンフレット 1500円(秋バージョンはライブの話)

秋TOURはライブ構成を担当したローディーの望月氏やメンバー座談会との対談入りのパンフレット。広げると加藤和樹&THE Drasticsの2019年版B2カレンダー付


◆<NEW>卓上カレンダー 2100円



◇Peachブランケット 2000円




◇和はんかち<春> (うめ・さくら各2色) 800円


◇ストール(ネイビー・グレー) 2300円



◇Pinky Ring (月・星各2色) 700円




◇チケットファイル(2種1セット) 2000円


◇TeamKモイスチャー・アルガンオイル 3000円

◇TeamKモイスチャー・クリームEX 3200円

◇TeamKモイスチャー・マスク(2枚入り・500円/4枚入り 1000円)





◇「KAZU△くじ」 1口 500円 ※1度で6回まで引くことができます。




特賞 加藤和樹&THE Drastics直筆サイン入り写真(2Lサイズ・台紙入)

A賞  おすわりPEACHストラップ

B賞  ステージ使用の和樹とお揃いブレスレット(全6種)

C賞  加藤和樹&THE DrasticsのクランチBOX(ホノグラム仕様のLIVEフォトカード入/全6種)

D賞  和はんかち(冬)2種

E賞  ツアー限定巾着

F賞  PEACH&KAZUKIアクリルキーホルダー(全12種)

参加賞  Peachクリアファイル(A4/A5版2種入)






























A Philosopher’s Blog 2016 free on Amazon (12/31/2016-1/4/2017)

This book contains essays from the 2016 postings of A Philosopher’s Blog. Subjects range from the metaphysics of guardian angels to the complicated ethics of guns. There are numerous journeys into the realm of political philosophy and some forays into …


Mazes of Power

Labeled as a thoughtful work of sociological science fiction, Juliette Wade's debut novel scared me a little. Indeed, this is usually the sort of book that appeals to critics but puts the bulk of SFF fans to sleep. Advance blurbs mentioned that Mazes of Power featured phenomenal worldbuilding, so I finally decided to give it a shot.

And what a mistake it turned out to be. Mazes of Power is one of the most boring novels I have ever read. I wanted to quit early on, that goes without saying. But I had already announced that I was reading the book on Goodreads, so I elected to persevere, hoping that it would get better. Alas, it didn't. . .

Here's the blurb:

This debut work of sociological science fiction follows a deadly battle for succession, where brother is pitted against brother in a singular chance to win power and influence for their family.

The cavern city of Pelismara has stood for a thousand years. The Great Families of the nobility cling to the myths of their golden age while the city’s technology wanes.

When a fever strikes, and the Eminence dies, seventeen-year-old Tagaret is pushed to represent his Family in the competition for Heir to the Throne. To win would give him the power to rescue his mother from his abusive father, and marry the girl he loves.

But the struggle for power distorts everything in this highly stratified society, and the fever is still loose among the inbred, susceptible nobles. Tagaret’s sociopathic younger brother, Nekantor, is obsessed with their family’s success. Nekantor is willing to exploit Tagaret, his mother, and her new servant Aloran to defeat their opponents.

Can he be stopped? Should he be stopped? And will they recognize themselves after the struggle has changed them?

When I think about complex and phenomenal worldbuilding, names of science fiction authors such as Peter F. Hamilton, N. K. Jemisin, James S. A. Corey, Kameron Hurley, and Alastair Reynolds come to mind. Understandably, given the advance praise, I was expecting something more than a society living underground with a technological level that often appears to be straight out of the 80s. In addition, nothing is truly elaborated on. Why are they living in cavern cities? Why is their society so highly stratified? Why is their technological level so low? Why is there such a weird battle for succession? Yada yada yada. This is not cool worldbuilding. This is not convoluted political intrigue. It's just an author offering basically no information to answer any of the questions raised by the concepts and ideas she came up with.

Another odd thing was the homosexual tendencies of a number of male characters. Nothing wrong with that, of course. I wondered if this was a world in which same-sex relationships were an accepted norm, only to find out that it's a big taboo. This left me quite confused at times, especially given the fact that the main protagonist is hopelessly in love with a girl. Once again, no light was shed by the author regarding this aspect of the tale. The emancipation of women in a decidedly patriarchal society appears to be one of the themes Juliette Wade wanted to explore in this series. And yet, for some reason, all the POV characters are male and we never get a female perspective.

There is no way to sugarcoat this, I'm afraid. The characterization is absolutely awful. The main protagonist, Tagaret, is thoroughly emo and extremely boring. To see events unfold through his eyes was pure torture at times. His younger brother, Nekantor, is the antagonist of the story. Ambitious and dealing with a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, he's the opposite of his sibling. Not as well-drawn as Tagaret, it often feels as though he's a caricature of sorts. Along with his father, some kind of hybrid between a calculating politician, an alcoholic dad from the 60s, and a Neanderthal, both characters actually growl in pretty much all of their scenes. I kid you not. Aloran was probably the most interesting protagonist of the bunch. But like Tagaret, he was way too emo to be believable. I would have liked to discover more about the Imbati culture and why they accept their role as servants without rebelling. Tamelera, the boys' mother, had the makings of a compelling character, yet the author did not see fit to give her a point of view. In addition, I would have liked to learn more about Della and her family, what with the fact that she is Tagaret's love interest. But again, we are left with more questions and few answers.

Juliette Wade is evidently one of those writers who are loath to use profanities in their stories. Nothing wrong with that. But if you decide to replace common obscenities with made-up ones, you should at least endeavor to make them good. In Mazes of Power, Wade replaced the f-word with gnash. Gnash it. Gnash this. Gnash him. Gnash that. And so on and so forth. I mean, this is worse than Brandon Sanderson! Why the author didn't go for safe and acceptable oaths instead of making up such a lame one, I'll never know. But it made me grit my teeth every time someone swore in the novel.

The pace can be quite uneven. At times the rhythm is fluid, yet there are some portions in which the pacing was decidedly slow-moving. My main gripe is that very little actually happens throughout the book. There are a few interesting bits from time to time, but overall the plotlines and the characters totally failed to capture my imagination and pull me in. This is the first volume in The Broken Trust series, which means that there will be sequels. However, can't for the life of me see myself considering reading the next installment. Going through Mazes of Power was a chore from the very beginning and it took me about a month to finish. I'm not going through such an ordeal again.

It's obvious that Juliette Wade's sociological science fiction is not for me.

The final verdict: 3/10

For more info about this title, check out these Amazon Associate links: Canada, USA, Europe.


VIDEO: MOVIES: REVIEW: Rapture-Palooza (2013)

Rapture-Palooza (2013) Claire: 4.6/5 stars, 8.8/10. Carolyn: 4.4/5 stars, 8.4/10. “Underrated. Funny. Original. Dark yet humorous.” Native ratings: 2.8/5 stars Netflix, 5.1/10 IMDB. I found this movie to be very original. It had dark, dark, messed up black humor, but also had a lot of standard humor as well.  Events in the movie were disturbing […]


IKEA free backgrounds for more stylish zoom calls

Give your “home office” a virtual makeover with these free zoom backgrounds from IKEA. Just a few months ago, few of us imagined having a home office, let alone working from home full-time. But here we are. We’ve all probably sat in way too many zoom meetings … always tidying up before the call. Quickly, […]

The post IKEA free backgrounds for more stylish zoom calls appeared first on IKEA Hackers.


Re: Visualization shows droplets from one cough on an airplane


Risk of Misinterpreting Hydrogen Peroxide Indicator Colors for Vapor Sterilization: Letter to Health Care Providers


Marconi Prize honors Andrea Goldsmith as pioneer in wireless communications

Andrea Goldsmith, a global leader in the development of wireless systems, has been awarded the Marconi Prize, the highest honor in telecommunications research. She is the first woman to win the prize, now in its 45th year.


Of ants and men: Ant behavior might mirror political polarization, say Princeton researchers

A team of Princeton biologists found that division of labor and political polarization — two social phenomena not typically considered together — may be driven by the same processes in ant societies.


Princeton scientist solves air quality puzzle: Why is ozone pollution persisting in Europe despite environmental laws banning it?

As global climate change leads to more hot and dry weather, the resulting droughts are stressing plants, making them less able to remove ozone — which at ground level is a dangerous pollutant — from the air.


R0001033 Osaka Nakazakichou

Robert SASAKI has added a photo to the pool: