
Strange lines on Venus may be folded stacks of lava eroded by wind

Venus’s surface is covered in strange wiggling lines that may form when colossal stacks of lava are carved by gentle winds over hundreds of millions of years


Venus may have an underground magma ocean spanning the whole planet

When Earth and Venus formed, they both had global magma oceans deep underground. Earth’s has turned solid by now, but Venus’s may still remain hidden


Supermassive stars may have formed by repeatedly eating their siblings

Some black holes are way bigger than we can explain, and they may have come from supermassive stars that formed by devouring the other stars around them


An asteroid strike may have popped the surface of Mars

An unusually round and symmetrical deposit on Mars may be the result of an impact that popped the surface of the planet, causing a volcanic eruption less than 200,000 years ago


We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time

Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down


Vast worlds called brown dwarfs have extraordinarily powerful winds

Brown dwarfs, which are halfway between huge planets and small stars, have extremely powerful winds whipping around them at speeds of about 650 metres per second


Astronomers have spotted the most powerful supernova ever

An explosion 4.6 billion light years away has released 10 times more energy than the sun will put out in its lifetime, making it the most extreme supernova ever found


Asteroid Arrokoth may have broken its neck in 6400 km per hour impact

Arrokoth, a strange two-lobed space rock, was hit by another rock at some point – the collision may have snapped Arrokoth’s narrow neck before it reformed again


A giant raft of rock may once have floated across Mars’s ancient ocean

Mars could have had an ancient ocean in its northern hemisphere, and a large raft of volcanic rock may have floated across it to settle into mounds we can see today


Our nearest star system may have a planet with a colossal set of rings

We know that there is at least one planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to our solar system, and now astronomers may have taken the first picture of a second world


We may have found 19 more interstellar asteroids in our solar system

A bunch of asteroids near Jupiter and Neptune with orbits perpendicular to the plane of the solar system may have come here from a different star system


An ancient river on Mars may have flowed for 100,000 years

We’ve found a 200-metre cliff in Mars's Hellas basin, the first evidence of a river that flowed on the planet for more than 100,000 years


A large chunk of Mercury may have been blown away by the sun

Mercury is much denser than the other rocky planets in the solar system, and that may be because a collision vaporised its surface and the debris was blown away by the sun


Travesty of Justice Finally Ends for Michael Flynn


Coronavirus news: संक्रमण फैलाने वाले कानपुर के 9 तब्लीगी जमातियों को थाने से मिली जमानत

कानपुर में पकड़े गए तब्लीगी जमातियों पर पुलिस की कार्रवाई जारी है। पुलिस ने शहर के नौ जमातियों को गिरफ्तार किया। शुक्रवार को थाने से सभी को जमानत दे दी गई।


Coronavirus in kanpur: हैलट अस्पताल में तीन और कोरोना संदिग्ध रोगियों की मौत

हैलट अस्पताल के कोविड अस्पताल में 24 घंटे के अंदर तीन और कोरोना संदिग्ध रोगियों की मौत हो गई। उनके नमूने जांच के लिए लैब भेजे गए हैं। शवों को बॉडी बैग में सील कर दिया गया है। रिपोर्ट आने के बाद कोरोना गाइडलाइन के तहत अंतिम संस्कार कराया जाएगा।


Coronavirus in UP: कन्नौज में एक और कोरोना पॉजिटिव मिला, संक्रमितों की संख्या आठ हुई

कोरोना वायरस देश भर में तेजी से पांव पसार रहा है। कोरोना मरीजों की संख्या लगातार बढ़ती ही जा रही है। कन्नौज जिले में शनिवार को एक और पॉजिटिव केस सामने आया है।


Coronavirus in UP: जालौन में एक दिन में बढ़े 18 कोरोना के मरीज, एक पुलिसकर्मी भी शामिल, संक्रमितों की संख्या 30 हुई

कोरोना वायरस देश भर में तेजी से पांव पसार रहा है। कोरोना मरीजों की संख्या लगातार बढ़ती ही जा रही है। शनिवार को जालौन जिले एक साथ 12 कोरोना मरीज बढ़ गए। इसमें एक पुलिसकर्मी भी संक्रमित है। 


Coronavirus in UP: हमीरपुर में पहला कोरोना पॉजिटिव केस सामने आया, मचा हड़कंप

ग्रीन जोन में चल रहे हमीरपुर जिले को झटका लगा है। यहां कोरोना ने दस्तक दे दी है।मुस्करा ब्लॉक क्षेत्र के चिल्ली गांव में एक युवक कोरोना पॉजिटिव निकला। युवक किडनी का इलाज कराने उरई मेडिकल कॉलेज जाता रहा है।


Coronavirus update: फर्रुखाबाद में मिला पहला कोरोना पॉजिटिव, मुंबई से आया था युवक

फर्रुखाबाद जिले में पहला कोरोना पॉजिटिव मामला सामने आया है। शमसाबाद कस्बा के मोहल्ला मीरादरवाजा निवासी युवक मुम्बई में एक शॉपिंग स्टोर में काम करता था। वह 7 मई को टेंपो से वापस आया था।


Coronavirus: चित्रकूट में तीन कोरोना पॉजिटिव मिलने से मचा हड़कंप, देर शाम अधिकारियों ने की पुष्टि

चित्रकूट जिले में कई चरणों में कोरोना सैंपल की रिपोर्ट निगेटिव आने के बाद शनिवार देर शाम तीन मरीजों की रिपोर्ट कोरोना पॉजिटिव आने से प्रशासन और स्वास्थ्य विभाग में हड़कंप मच गया। चित्रकूट में भी कोरोना ने अपने पांव पसारने शुरु कर दिए हैं।


Video Friday: This Robotic Thread Could One Day Travel Inside Your Brain

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos


Construction Robots Learn to Excavate by Mimicking Humans

Human movements can teach robots the skills they need to dig holes and—maybe someday—build the first colonies on Mars


How Much AI Expertise Do Thought Leaders and Companies Really Have?

Consultancy firm Certified Artificial, which is offering to certify AI companies, has demonstrated its prowess by rating the expertise of Elon Musk and Henry Kissinger

  • robotics
  • robotics/artificial-intelligence


Video Friday: DJI's Mavic Mini Is a $400 Palm-Sized Foldable Drone

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos


Video Friday: Robotic Endoscope Travels Through the Colon

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos


Map: Confirmed coronavirus cases, worldwide

More than 3.9 million people have been sickened and more than 270,000 killed by the coronavirus around the world. This map is updated daily.


CoronaVirus in Jharkhand: बोकारो में कोरोना संक्रमण का एक और मामला, राज्य में कुल संक्रमितों की संख्या 14 हुई 

झारखंड के बोकारो जिले में चंद्रपुरा प्रखंड के तेलो गांव में कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के एक और मामले की पुष्टि हुई है


Coronavirus in Jharkhand: कोरोना के संक्रमण में आया दो दिन का बच्चा, रिम्स के आइसोलेशन वार्ड में भर्ती

रांची प्रशासन ने कहा कि सदर अस्पताल के कर्मचारी जिन्होंने महिला को अटेंड किया था उनका अब परीक्षण किया जाएगा।


Coronavirus: झारखंड के सीएम हेमंत सोरेन ने साधा केंद्र पर निशाना, बोले- देश में कोरोना पैदल चलकर नहीं हवाई जहाज से आया

झारखंड के मुख्यमंत्री हेमंत सोरेन ने देश में लॉकडाउन लगाने के मामले में केंद्र सरकार पर निशाना साधा है। उन्होंने कहा कि लॉकडाउन लगाने से पहले केंद्र ने राज्यों को भरोसे में नहीं लिया और उनसे कोई बातचीत नहीं की।


Sure, Why Not?: A Lid For Dripping Melting Butter On Microwave Popcorn As It Pops

This is the Popcorn Popping Lid with Butter Vents available from Uncommon Goods ($11). You just fill a microwave-safe 10-inch bowl with your choice of popping corn, set the lid on top, add a pat of butter to each of the lid's butter vents, and let the microwaving begin! Of course if you're anything like me you'll balance as much butter as you can atop each of those vents because, I don't know if you knew this about me, but I love butter. I don't really like it cold but *microwave beeping* sometimes when I'm really feeling down I'll just melt two sticks and drink it. Keep going for a couple more shots because they exist.


Fortnite Party Royale Event Skin 'Nightlife' available from Epic Games Item Shop

The new Nightlife reactive skin is now live ahead of the Fortnite Party Royale event which starts later today.


RPGCast – Episode 342: “It’s Not Available Digitally”

Final Fantasy XI announces its plans for its golden years. Fossil Fighters still exists. Then Phil either recommends or doesn’t recommend Avernum. I’m still not...


RPGCast – Episode 381: “Shoreleave in the Rift”

Alex and Anna had to rescue Chris from the Rift to do this week’s show. After their daring efforts, Alex tells about his deep love...


RPGCast – Episode 455: “That’s Not How Time Travel Works”

We return from the depths of kidney despair to bring you a fresh show. Chris’s FFXI obsession has passed (for now). Kelley learns to Musou....


RPGCast – Episode 469: “DoesHeHaveaScarf.com”

This show marked the beginning of the Donut Wars. Why they began, historians disagree. All that is known is that the destruction left in their...


RPGCast – Episode 512: “I Gave Hubert A Teddy Bear And He Burned It”

While Fire Emblem: Three Houses seems to finally be put aside by most folks, a few are still learning the dangerous pitfalls of gift giving. As usual, cats and Robin Williams are discussed. Then someone pre-orders Pantsu Hunter and someone else tries to shove CDs into an iPhone to get monsters.

  • News
  • Podcasts
  • RPG Cast
  • Alundra
  • Cat Quest II
  • Crystar
  • Dragon Quest Builders 2
  • Dragon Quest XI
  • Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
  • Final Fantasy IV
  • Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  • Judge Eyes / Judgment
  • Lapis x Labyrinth
  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw


RPG Cast – Episode 526: “Slightly Smaller Than Your Average Spoon or Fork”

We're back and better* than ever! On this special episode of the RPGCast we do a deeper dive into what we've been playing and discuss our holiday hauls. *Note: RPG Cast 526 may not actually be better than any other previous RPG Cast.


Coronavirus in Scotland: Testing strategy to be reviewed amid care worker reports

THE SCOTTISH Government is reviewing its Covid-19 testing strategy after the Deputy First Minster has been left “frustrated” by reports home care workers have been told to travel to the other side of Scotland for tests.


Coronavirus: Scottish Government given 'insufficient time' to consider Westminster proposals

SCOTLAND’S Economy Secretary has penned a letter to the UK Government venting her frustration at being given “insufficient time” to consider workplace safety proposals.


Coronavirus Live: Scottish death toll hits 1811 and FM says lockdown must stay in place

Keep up to date with all the latest coronavirus news from Glasgow, Scotland and beyond - LIVE


Coronavirus in Scotland: People could be isolated before knowing if they are positive

PEOPLE who are not positive for Covid-19 could be told to isolate from their families before test results are issued as a precaution, Scotland’s national clinical director has warned.


Greenock and Stockbridge: A tale of two Scotlands under coronavirus

ON one of those Greenock afternoons when rain and sun fight for the day’s naming rights a statistic becomes flesh and blood. At the side of a four-lane highway bearing the weight of the town’s rush-hour traffic a young wheelchair-user approaches.


Coronavirus in Delhi: 338 नए मामले आए सामने, कुल संक्रमितों की संख्या बढ़कर 6318 हुई

दिल्ली समेत पूरे देश में आज लॉकडाउन के तीसरे चरण का पांंचवां दिन है। हालांकि दिल्ली में अब भी यह मामले कम होने का नाम नहीं ले रहे हैं। यहां पढ़ें दिनभर के अपडेट्स....


Coronavirus in Delhi Live: 224 नए मामले आए सामने, कुल 6542 संक्रमित, अबतक 68 की मौत

दिल्ली में कोरोना वायरस के चलते हुए लॉकडाउन के तीसरे चरण का आज छठा दिन है। हालांकि अब भी दिल्ली में पॉजिटिव केसों की संख्या कम नहीं हो रही है।


Locks down: buzzcuts become the coronavirus craze du jour

With barbers closed, actors and footballers have resorted to shaving off their hair - but experts warn it isn’t for everyone

With salons closed due to physical distancing guidelines, many men have resorted to cutting their hair at home. And instead of opting for a short back and sides, male celebrities have decided to just shave all their hair off.

Riz Ahmed, the Rogue One and Four Lions actor, has labelled it the #stayathome haircut, and Line of Duty actor Stephen Graham posted footage of his son clipping off his hair with the caption “lockdown locks!”

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New computational method unravels single-cell data from multiple people

A new computational method for assigning the donor in single cell RNA sequencing experiments provides an accurate way to unravel data from a mixture of people. The Souporcell method could help study how genetic variants in different people affect which genes are expressed during infection or response to drugs, and help research into transplants, personalized medicine and malaria.


Bat 'super immunity' may explain how bats carry coronaviruses, study finds

Researchers have uncovered how bats can carry the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus without getting sick -- research that could shed light on how coronaviruses make the jump to humans and other animals.


Coronavirus forces Russia to hold slimmed down Victory Day in blow to Putin