
How to Display Color Swatches

When working on the "Color Image Processing" chapter of DIPUM3E, I found myself often wanting to display square blocks (or swatches) of color, like this:... read more >>


Curling Game Update: App Designer and Stateflow

Someone recently challenged me to convert the curling simulator we published a few years ago (See this post and this post) to take advantage of new features not available at that time: App Designer and Stateflow for MATLAB.... read more >>


Nitrous oxide is now top ozone-layer damaging emission

According to new research, emissions of anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) are now causing more damage to the ozone layer than those of any controlled ozone depleting substance and this is projected to remain the case for the rest of this century. The study suggests that limiting N2O emissions could help both the recovery of the ozone layer and tackle climate change.


Distributed power generation may be better for air quality

A recent study has compared the impact of future power generated from large, central stations with power generated from smaller distributed generators (DG) in California on air quality. It concluded that although DG produces more emissions, its impact on air quality is likely to be smaller than central power stations due to complex interactions between air chemistry and transport.


How climate change could affect European ozone pollution

A study by Swedish scientists provides new insights into how climate change could affect future ozone concentrations in European countries. The findings of this study suggest that average ozone concentrations will increase more in Southern Europe than in more Northern and mountainous regions under the influence of climate change in the 21st century.


Low emission zones may need complementary local traffic policies

Low emission zones (LEZs) that restrict old vehicles in city centres may need implementation in combination with other traffic policies to have greater impacts on air quality, according to new research. A study that measured emission levels before and after the introduction of LEZs in five Dutch cities indicated that air pollution concentrations were reduced but not to a statistically significant level.


Harmful traffic pollution falls within Munich low emission zone

Low emissions zones (LEZs) can substantially reduce local levels of traffic-based air pollution, a new study has shown. Monitoring air pollution in Munich, Germany, researchers found that particulate matter from traffic sources dropped by 60% after implementation of an LEZ.


Five years on: changes to vehicle fleets and air quality in London’s low emission zone

Low emission zones (LEZs), which restrict access for high emission vehicles, have proven to be a successful way to improve air quality in line with EU regulations. An analysis of London’s LEZ has revealed discernible reductions in air pollution levels five years after implementation.


Up-to-date knowledge must be used to assess policy objectives

The most up-to-date knowledge and data must be used to assess policy objectives, new research confirms. Studying air pollution environmental quality targets set by the National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive1, a new study has shown that if 2001 data are used to assess progress, most such targets appear to have been met. However, more recent and accurate current data show that this may not be the case.


Sparrows could be used to monitor air pollution

House sparrows have the potential to become indicators of air quality, according to a recent Spanish study. The researchers demonstrated that small blood samples taken from the sparrows varied significantly depending on pollution levels in the birds’ habitat.


Should critical levels of plant ozone exposure be lower?

‘Critical levels’ of ozone exposure for plants, above which significant adverse effects may occur, are currently calculated by examining ozone’s impacts on only a small number of species. However, researchers have now compared this measure with a new approach which examines all species in a group, and defines the critical levels as the concentration at which 5% of species are affected. These critical levels, which may be more suitable for semi-natural ecosystems, are stricter than current standards.


Wood burning in London undermines low traffic emissions' gains

Particulate matter (PM) emissions from domestic wood burning in London are higher than the PM reductions achieved through London’s Low Emission Zone, finds a new study. The research suggests that increases in wood burning could risk undermining policies aimed at meeting EU PM10 targets.


Protest votes: why will some people not tell how much they are willing to pay for clean air?

What is the value of clean air? Answering such a question may be achieved by asking citizens how much they are willing to pay. However, some individuals give 'protest vote' responses to such questions. Recent research in EU countries found that the main reasons for this were because they felt that the polluters themselves or the government should be responsible for such costs.


Individual power stations' emissions can be identified from a distance

Air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from a coal-fired power station have been correctly identified 12 km away, researchers report in a new US study. Their monitoring method paves the way for a space-based satellite system which can check emissions reported by individual power stations against actual emissions.


Air pollution and the brain: potential neurological risk shown in Parkinson’s study

Elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease are at greater risk of emergency hospitalisation, as well as premature death, following short periods of increased air pollution by fine particles, finds a US study. The researchers believe that these findings support the theory that fine particles may affect the brain. They also found possible links between pollution and hospitalisation rates for diabetes patients.


Deadly effects of particulate matter pollution shown in French study

Particulate matter (PM) pollution has a significant effect on death rates in French cities, a new study shows. The research confirms the short-term impacts of PM10, but also sheds new light on the effects of smaller particulates: PM2.5 and PM10-2.5. Its results could help inform public health advice, the authors propose.


Travelling slower reduces fuel consumption and nitrogen oxides emissions of ships

Ships that reduce their speed use less fuel, which lowers costs for shipping companies. The slow steaming practice also cuts nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. A study found that ships travelling on four European routes lowered their NOx emissions by 12% during the economic crisis of 2008/2009. Shipping continues to be a major way of transporting goods, however, and as the global economy recovers the researchers and civil society call for additional measures to reduce NOx emissions from shipping and improve air quality in Europe.


Methane emissions from LNG-powered ships higher than current marine fuel oils

Due to regulation on sulphur emissions, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has increased in use as a maritime fuel. This study measured exhaust gases from a ship with dual-fuel engines running on LNG and marine gas oil (MGO). Although NOX and CO2 emissions were lower for LNG compared to MGO, hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions were higher. The authors say future work should reconsider the climate impact of LNG.


Environmentally persistent free radicals: what do we know about this newly recognised class of pollutants?

The most important findings from over a decade of research into environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs), a new class of environmental pollutants, are presented in a recent review. These toxic particles could be partly responsible for some of the health problems, such as asthma, associated with particulate matter (PM) exposure. The researchers issue a warning that some engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) could increase levels of EPFRs in the environment.


How to control and mitigate the effects of pollution on public health: Six Lancet Commission recommendations

Pollution is the world’s largest environmental cause of disease and premature death. The Lancet Commission on pollution and health brought together leaders, researchers and practitioners from the fields of pollution management, environmental health and sustainable development to elucidate the full health and economic costs of air, water, chemical and soil pollution worldwide. By analysing existing and emerging data, the Commission reveals that pollution makes a significant and underreported contribution to the global burden of disease, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The Commission also provides six recommendations to policymakers and other stakeholders looking for efficient, cost-effective and actionable approaches to pollution mitigation and prevention.


Soil NOx emissions can now be tracked with chemical-signature method

A recent study demonstrates, for the first time, a method for tracking nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and applies it specifically to soils. The ‘chemical fingerprinting’ method allows soil NOx to be distinguished from other sources of NOx, such as vehicles and power plants. It, therefore, paves the way for a more precise understanding of agriculture’s contribution particularly to air pollution, climate change, ecosystems and environmental damage.


Tree rings help reveal how humans are affecting drought patterns

A recent analysis of tree-ring data spanning the past millennium reveals drought patterns that largely align with climate model projections for the same period. This adds credibility to climate models, which project that human influences on drought patterns will become stronger over the next century.


Microalgae: a low-cost, sustainable solution to plastic production?

Scientists have discovered a novel way to produce bioplastic, which could be more cost-effective on a commercial scale than current techniques. The new technique, which uses microscopic algae to synthesise a widely used polyester, has the potential to revolutionise plastic production, say the researchers.


Fungi show strong potential to control crane fly pests

Crane fly larvae cause considerable damage to agricultural crops and young trees throughout Europe. New research has demonstrated that certain strains of fungi have significant potential to control crane fly infestations, thus reducing the use of chemical insecticides and enabling more environmentally-friendly strategies for pest control.


How can ‘omics’ technologies – which enable large-scale, speedy biological data analysis – improve environmental risk assessment and management?

High-throughput ‘omics’ technologies, which allow exact and synchronised study of thousands of DNA, RNA, proteins and other molecules, are rapidly becoming more advanced and affordable. As these technologies develop, it is becoming quicker, easier and more affordable to generate unprecedented amounts of biological data, much of which could usefully inform environmental management. So far, however, the application of omics information in environmental management has failed to keep pace with the rapid development of omics-based research, meaning there is untapped potential. A recent study highlights the value of bringing omics information into environmental management and outlines practical ways in which omics can contribute to the risk assessment and management of chemicals.


How to choose a public cloud storage provider

A recent Gartner study offers some useful guidelines on how to choose an enterprise-level cloud storage provider. But don’t forget that providers need to work together effectively too.


How CIOs are using the cloud to take on shadow IT

There’s a growing phenomenon in CIOs’ lives, and it’s called Shadow IT: other departments like finance and marketing bypassing the IT department and buying their own technology.


How we connect you for a better future

At BT Global Services connections are our business. We are trusted by thousands of enterprises around the world, combining our global strength in networks, IT and innovation with local presence, expertise and delivery. Watch this video to find out how we can help you connect for a better future.


Show as well as tell

Desktop sharing features put everyone in the picture


Cortex 63: Flower Garden

Grey has an iMac Pro, Myke has thoughts about vlogging, and they both have Yearly Theme updates.


Zillow Unveils Smarter, More Accurate Zestimate That 'Sees' Unique Home Features, Incorporates Greater Real-Time Data

Cutting edge neural network and artificial intelligence technologies, combined with the imaginative work of the $1 million Zillow Prize winners, creates most accurate Zestimate ever


Durkan and Constantine Launch Zillow-Powered Search Tool to Help Solve Affordable Housing Disconnect

New tool helps Housing Connector place individuals and families experiencing homelessness into privately owned homes and apartments quickly and efficiently


New Option for Homeowners Looking to Sell

NBC Dallas


The Housing Market Needs More Than Low Mortgage Rates

New York Times


Powered by Foswiki, The Free and Open Source Wiki.System


The Woodlands Township awards winners of Water-Wise Village Challenge


Wooden Cow Ride-On for Toddlers


2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited - Low Miles


105 E Amberglow Circle


12 Riva Row


Tippi Reinhardt Brownstone Woodlands #2702


Home Sales Show First Positive Signs After Dramatic Slowdown in March

The median list price of homes on the market in the U.S. is slightly higher than a year ago


Zillow Launches New Technology to Help Renters Move During COVID-19

Lease uploader and online signing tools round out digital suite of services like 3D Home Tours, unlimited applications for one low fee and rent payment portal to support online rental transaction


Zillow Forecasts a Dip in Home Prices, Rebounding By Next Year

Transactions will fall by up to 60% this spring then steadily tick back up, with a rebound by the end of 2021, according to most likely scenario forecast by Zillow


How an old brick cottage has been cleverly renovated

When James Antonas and partner Kirilie Blythman bought their 1940s clinker-brick cottage in Coburg North in 2009, it was with their heads rather than their hearts.


Famine to feast: State’s farmers thrown cash lifeline

Farmers have been thrown a lifeline – but this time it’s to help them cash in on what could be one of their best years.


The Redbud Group to Represent Zillow as it Buys and Sells Homes in Charlotte

Zillow will also be partnering with RE/MAX Executive, Century 21 Vanguard, Stephen Cooley Real Estate Group - Keller Williams and IDEAL Realty when Zillow Offers launches in Charlotte this year


Zillow Announces Nine New Canadian Listing Partners


Zillow Now Has More Than 100 Canadian Listing Partners