
Furnish your flat with flatpack for under a grand with Greycork

A new furniture line is designed to be affordable to buy and fast to assemble.


RIP Gillis Lundgren, father of the modern flatpack and the Billy Bookcase

The bookcase was designed on a napkin because "Ideas are perishable"


Beach audit reveals which brands are worst offenders for plastic waste

Knowing where trash comes from is the first step in figuring out better, more sustainable solutions.


How modern, minimalist design (and washing your hands) can fight disease

The modern movement started as a way of dealing with tuberculosis. The same rules apply today.


The 20th anniversary of the environmental justice executive order

On February 11, 1994, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order designed to bring about environmental justice.


Another environmental activist, Nelson García, is murdered in Honduras

Mere days after the murder of celebrity activist Berta Cáceres, a fellow member of her group was shot and killed for his participation in the same environmental group.


Study finds that e-bike riders get as much exercise as riders of regular bikes

E-bikers use their bikes more, go longer distances, and often substitute it for driving or transit.


Modern house in Mumbai is collaged with recycled doors & windows

This contemporary urban home mixes reclaimed materials from local demolition sites with a modern design.


Plant-derived food additive touted as replacement for overuse of antibiotics

Is this carrot-based animal feed additive something worth crowing about?


This Newfoundlander wants kale, not cod

Jackson McLean is the face of a new vegan food movement on this remote Canadian island that's long been defined by fishing.


So, what does White Castle's plant-based 'Impossible Slider' taste like?

A few intrepid film makers went to check it out. Their responses were not exactly uniform.


Pizza Hut promises antibiotic-free wings and side orders by 2022

The fast food chain has taken last year's promise to eliminate antibiotics from pizza a step further.


Lovely Zig Zag Shaped Magazine Holder Doubles As Shelve And Clothes Hanger

Also spotted at the recent edition of the Feria Puro Diseno, Buenos Aires biggest design show, this simple yet interesting wooden home accessory goes in line with some of our favorite concepts: multi-purpose objects and small


Wunder Capital offers 6% return for solar investors

A new platform aims to remove the barriers between would-be investors and solar developers, increasing the adoption of renewables in the process.


Best of Green Readers' Choice: Energy

Who are the best ambassadors for clean energy, energy industry innovators, activists, and more? Vote here.


Scottish architect's Design-Build company MAKAR is doing wonders with wood

MAKAR is doing the kind of work that puts North American architects and builders to shame.


Ship noise makes it harder for crabs to eat, easier for them to be eaten

Researchers have discovered that the problem of ocean noise pollution extends all the way up to the shoreline. And shore crabs face a double-edged sword from too much noise from ships.


Efforts underway in one of most extensive US river restorations ever

The world's largest dam removal project is nearing completion on Elwha River on Washington state’s Olympic Peninsula. Now it's time to enter the next phase of work on one of the greatest salmon rivers in the nation: the restoration of an entire watershed.


Rethinking death to better understand the effects of chemicals

Thought experiments worked for Einstein. Can they help protect the environment too?


What if all the spiders disappeared?

Although some may wish it so, a world without spiders would be a miserable place.


Scientists just discovered billions of organisms underneath the land and sea

Not in the ocean. Below it.


Forest cabin enlarged into small birdhouse-like wilderness retreat

An existing storage shed in the forest is transformed into a small modern home with a striking form.


Sakura is a luxurious modern tiny house for cold climates (Video)

Built on a gooseneck trailer, this big tiny home features a lot of clever small-space design ideas.


Well-crafted 28' tiny house is a beautiful modern home

Lots of luxurious details in this solar-powered, off-grid tiny house.


Tiny solar cells placed under the skin could power pacemakers and other implants

A typical pacemaker could be powered by solar cells as small as 3.6 square centimeters, which could be implanted under the skin, thereby avoiding the need for periodic battery replacements.


Pedestrians will have to be "lawful and considerate" in a world of self-driving cars

It may be decades before AVs are good enough, so in the meantime everyone will have to keep out of their way.


Is It Time to Consider 'Energy Sprawl' When Discussing Future Energy & Climate Policy?

A new article published in the online journal PLoS ONE takes on the issue of energy sprawl -- namely how much land is required to produce energy from different sources -- under different potential US energy and climate policies in 2030.


Corn Ethanol Back in the Game Under New EPA Renewable Fuel Standard Rules

New Environmental Protection Agency requirements for its Renewable Fuel Standards program have been released which raise an issue which has sat dormant for a little while: How to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of a


Summer hail storm buries Guadalajara under six feet of ice

Climate crisis? What climate crisis?


Are e-Readers Really Green?

This analysis looking at the real footprint of e-readers slaps us with a shocking reality check.


Should you "neither a borrower nor a lender be"? (Survey)

That was the advice of Shakespeare's Polonius, but then there is the sharing economy. Which is it?


Federal Food Aid Recipients Double Their Money at Local Farmers' Markets

The evaluation report three years after Double Up Food Bucks started giving incentives to SNAP (formerly food stamp) recipients


10 beautiful underwater views from Google Street View

Take a virtual tour of these amazing spots.


Converted minimalist work cabin comes with secret telescoping ladder

All work and no play? Here's a work space with some playful humor built in.


Montreal considering separate traffic laws for cyclists

The age of vehicular cycling is coming to an end; cyclists want equity, not equality


Coming soon: weird but maybe wonderful alternative electric vehicles

BRB introduces a bunch of concept vehicles that look like a lot of fun without fossil fuels


Foodies vs. food crusaders

Tom Laskawy warns we shouldn't confuse the two.


Quick fix: 10 things you can repair in under 10 minutes

From broken zippers to damaged USB cables, embrace your inner handyman with these quick DIY repairs.


Stimulus Dollars In Motion: Maryland Orders 100 Hybrid Buses

Taking advantage of the Federal stimulus package, Maryland's Governor O'Malley announced the State's intention to purchase hybrid 100 hybrid diesel/electric buses for $62 million.


Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed Has Planted 13,849 Trees

Chances are that you've never heard of Gene DeSantis, but his story seems one destined for legend. In fact, he's already being likened to a modern-day Johnny Appleseed. For almost three decades, DeSantis has made it his mission


A spiralling green roof tops off a kindergarden in Vietnam

Designboom shows another example of how green roofs are changing architecture.


Green roofs are changing architecture: Here's a whole school built under an undulating green roof

Jean-Philippe Pargade designs a school where the green roof IS the building, defining its whole look and feel


Historical courtyard residence converted into modern workspace in Beijing

A traditional dwelling has been preserved by renovating it to include a new office, library, kitchen and guest room.


Entire Swiss village to be repurposed as a wonderful hotel

A fading fairytale village will become Switzerland's first 'scattered hotel' thanks to a foundation committed to saving it.


Bright apartment renovation modernizes a 1920s attic

This former pigeon roost is transformed into a light-filled family home.


Divestment is now considered a 'material risk' by fossil fuel industries

And we thought it was all about symbolism...


What's wrong with modern buildings? Everything, including Upfront Carbon Emissions

Finally, people are beginning to take this issue seriously.


Hurricanes Common even in Colder Times

While global warming naysayers seem content to continue flouting the overwhelming scientific consensus in favor of this anthropogenic phenomenon, they seem to have gotten one point largely right: hurricanes didn't suddenly begin massing over the past


Asking how to save coral reefs leads to better understanding carbon sequestration

Carbon sequestration, the technology taking carbon dioxide out of fossil fuel emissions, just got a boost


Why 'South Park' doesn't understand climate change

The show gets a lot right about climate change, Al Gore and Manbearpig, but it misses something major about human nature.