
Das sind Deutschlands Corona-Hotspots

Während deutschlandweit Corona-Beschränkungen gelockert werden, müssen drei Landkreise auf die Notbremse treten. Besonders hoch sind die Infektionszahlen in einer Fleischfabrik - die Kritik an den dortigen Arbeitsbedingungen wird lauter.


Trump und Corona – ist das wie Bush und Irak?

Der US-Außenminister behauptet, China habe das Corona-Virus aus einem Forschungslabor in Wuhan entweichen lassen. Dafür gebe es „enorme Beweise“. Doch die könnten auf einer ebenso plumpen Fälschung beruhen wie die „Beweise“, die 2003 den Irak-Krieg gerechtfertigt haben.


Sheltering Homeless Residents / Coronavirus Measures In Europe / Religious Services Go Virtual

We'll hear from San Francisco supervisors on the challenges the city is facing moving some unhoused residents into hotels to shelter from the pandemic. Then, we go to Europe and get the latest on the coronavirus situation there. And, religious communities can’t gather in person, but they’re still meeting up online.


Coronavirus Measures In Uganda / Quarantine Diaries

An update on the coronavirus pandemic from Uganda . Then, as part of our ongoing Quarantine Diaries series, we’ll hear from people all around the Bay Area about daily life during the coronavirus epidemic.


Coronavirus Pandemic Throws A Harsh Spotlight On U.S.-China Relations

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit NOEL KING, HOST: The U.S. and China have a complicated relationship - nothing new there. But during the coronavirus, it's getting worse and may even be at its lowest point since the Tiananmen Square crackdown more than 30 years ago. NPR's Michele Kelemen tells us what the diplomats have been saying, and it is not that diplomatic. MICHELE KELEMEN, BYLINE: U.S. and Chinese officials have been trading barbs on Twitter. And when China's ambassador wrote an op-ed accusing the U.S. of playing the blame game, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came back with this. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) MIKE POMPEO: And I can't wait for my daily column in the China Daily news. KELEMEN: Beyond this tit for tat, relations seem to be deteriorating at all levels. The FBI, for example, has been warning universities about the dangers of working with China, especially in the scientific field. That was going on well before the pandemic, says Georgetown University's James


Pence Spokeswoman Katie Miller Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Updated at 4:02 p.m. ET The White House on Friday confirmed a second case of coronavirus this week, now in Vice President Pence's office, as both the president and his No. 2 have recently begun traveling again. Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller tested positive for the virus on Friday, after having tested negative Thursday. President Trump told reporters Friday that Miller hasn't come into contact with him but has "spent some time" with the vice president. "She is a wonderful young woman, Katie," he said. "She tested very good for a long period of time. And then all of a sudden today she tested positive." "So, she tested positive out of the blue," he continued. "This is why the whole concept of tests aren't necessarily, right, the tests are perfect but something can happen between a test where it's good and then something happens and then all of a sudden, she was tested very recently and tested negative." The discovery caused Pence's departure to Iowa on Friday morning to be delayed by


Coronavirus Update: The U.S. Health Care Industry Is Challenged By The Pandemic

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Nurses and doctors have been at the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. And yet even as health care workers fight back against the virus, the health care industry is crumbling around them. Today we learned that of the more than 20 million jobs that vanished last month, nearly 1 1/2 million were in health care. AILSA CHANG, HOST: And despite this dismal news for American workers, we heard a more optimistic message from the president today, who spoke about his belief that the country may soon turn an economic corner. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: So we're looking at the transition to greatness, and I think it's starting right now. CHANG: Meanwhile, the virus is inching closer and closer to the president, with another White House aide testing positive today for COVID-19. All right. To talk more about all of this, we're joined now by NPR chief economics correspondent Scott Horsley, science


Civilian Coronavirus Corps Aims To Get Pennsylvania Back To Work

Pennsylvania's governor wants to attempt a New Deal-inspired solution for getting the state's more than 1.7 million unemployed residents back to some semblance of regular work. This week, Democrat Tom Wolf announced a still-vague plan for a "Commonwealth Civilian Coronavirus Corps" which, he said, would ideally be a broad program to train workers to test for COVID-19 and conduct contact tracing to monitor infection rates, while simultaneously reducing unemployment. Wolf's spokeswoman, Lyndsay Kensinger, said it's no accident that the proposed program's name is reminiscent of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Great Depression-era Civilian Conservation Corps , which focused on the preservation of state parks and forests. "The governor will announce more details in the coming weeks, but the corps would be a 21st-century approach to historic programs like those in the New Deal," Kensinger said. Still unknown: When exactly the program would start, how many people the state might hire and


Attorneys: Watchdog Wants Coronavirus Scientist Reinstated Amid Probe

Attorneys for Rick Bright, the government scientist who said he had been reassigned and subsequently filed a whistleblower complaint , say a government watchdog agrees that he should be reinstated to his post. Bright was serving as director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, which is working on a vaccine to combat the coronavirus. He said he was ousted from the position last month because he wanted to spend money on safe and vetted treatments for COVID-19 — not on ones without "scientific merit," such as hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that President Trump and others had been touting. Trump on Wednesday called Bright "a disgruntled employee who's trying to help the Democrats win an election." Bright's attorneys say that the Office of Special Counsel, which hears whistleblower cases, determined there were "reasonable grounds" to believe that his removal was retaliatory and therefore prohibited. Bright's attorneys say OSC plans to contact the


How One Georgia Farmer Turned The Coronavirus Crisis Into An Opportunity For Service

The closure of schools, restaurants and hotels has wreaked havoc on the nation’s food supply. Dairy farmers are pouring out milk, hog prices are plummeting, and unhatched eggs are being crushed. Jon Jackson is executive director of StagVets and founder of Comfort Farms in Milledgeville. He relies on veterans to help raise heritage breeds of animals and produce — specialty items that were once in big demand from some of Georgia’s top restaurants. Now, Jackson is making them available to hungry families through a virtual farmers market.


How Coronavirus Is Threatening The Arts And Culture Ecosystem — And May Usher In A New Period Of Art

Artists and arts organizations were quick to adapt to quarantine and coronavirus. Museum tours, operas, Broadway shows, author talks, home concerts and classes for kids sprung up online shortly after closures were announced. But as the dust begins to settle on our new normal, many worry about the long-term economic impact and outlook for the artists, performers and independent organizations essential to the cultural ecosystem.


Has Coronavirus Changed How You Dream? Leave Us A Voicemail At 404-500-9457

Some dream researchers have seen a 35% uptick in dream recall since the start of the pandemic. And when people process traumatic events — like a terrorist attack, or widespread health crisis — scientists have noticed that people's dreams start to follow similar themes and patterns. We want to know: How have your dreams changed since the start of the pandemic? Call and leave us a voicemail at 404-500-9457 with your wildest, craziest COVID-19 dreams, and share your reflections on how dreaming as a whole may have shifted for you during the pandemic.


What’s Coming After Coronavirus?

The current state of our world appears to sync up with last-day Bible prophecy. How do we prepare for what is coming?


Religious Excess During Coronavirus Pandemic

Defying government restrictions—and sometimes proven laws of health—religious adherents are taking risks during the global coronavirus pandemic.


Federal Watchdog Says Coronavirus Whistle-Blower Should Be Reinstated as It Investigates

The Office of Special Counsel has found “reasonable grounds” to investigate whether Dr. Rick Bright was ousted from a senior science post for questioning Trump administration actions.


Two White House Coronavirus Cases Raise Question of if Anyone Is Really Safe

If it is so hard to maintain a healthy environment at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, then how can businesses across the country establish a safe space for their workers?


Whistle-Blower Exposes Infighting and Animus in Trump’s Coronavirus Response

The allegations suggest personal clashes influenced how the administration responded to the pandemic.


White House Rejects C.D.C.’s Coronavirus Reopening Plan

Detailed guidelines for reopening drafted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were blocked from publication after Trump administration officials labeled them “overly prescriptive.”


AWARD / GRANT: Artist Relief - Coronavirus - Americans For The Arts

To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States. Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the ...


SN87-UKGS: Canada is flattening the coronavirus curve. That’… archive of created on 2020-05-08 16:31:54+00:00..

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“El coronavirus cambió todos los conceptos de vida”: Alcalde Medellín


Corona: US-Arbeitslosenquote auf historischem Höchststand

Die Arbeitslosenquote in den USA ist im April auf 14,7 Prozent gestiegen - der höchste Wert seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die tatsächlichen Zahlen könnten sogar noch höher liegen.


Corona-Notstand in der brasilianischen Urwaldmetropole Manaus

Brasilien wird zum neuen Corona-Hotspot. Derzeit sterben jeden Tag mehr als 600 Menschen. In Rio und São Paulo droht das Gesundheitswesen zu kollabieren. In der Urwaldmetropole Manaus ist das schon passiert. Von Ivo Marusczyk und Matthias Ebert.


Coronavirus: Wie sinnvoll sind Obergrenze und Tests?

Fast täglich gibt es neue Erkenntnisse zum Coronavirus. Wie sinnvoll ist die 50er-Obergrenze der Lockerungsmaßnahmen? Wie funktionieren Antikörpertests? Wann kommt die Tracing-App? Ein Überblick von Dominik Lauck.


Chronik zu Corona: Ein Virus verändert die gesamte Welt

Die Folgen der Corona-Pandemie sind dramatisch - nicht nur gesundheitlich, sondern auch wirtschaftlich und politisch. Tausende Menschen sterben. In großen Teilen der Welt kommt das öffentliche Leben im März 2020 zum Erliegen.


Deutschland- und Weltkarte mit Coronavirus-Fällen

Wie viele bestätigte Coronavirus-Fälle gibt es? Die interaktiven Karten geben einen aktuellen Überblick für Deutschland und die Welt. Sie zeigen auch an, wie viele Menschen gestorben und wie viele genesen sind.


Corona in Frankreich: Virus-Angst, Wut auf die Regierung

Freude über die Lockerung der Ausgangssperre? In Frankreich haben viele eher Angst davor. Und anders als in anderen Ländern wächst in der Krise auch das Vertrauen in die politisch Verantwortlichen nicht. Warum ist das so? Von Martin Bohne.


Corona: In zwölf Landkreisen mehr als 25 Neuinfektionen

Wenn es mehr als 50 Corona-Neuinfektionen je 100.000 Einwohner gibt, muss ein Landkreis reagieren. In drei Kreisen - Greiz, Coesfeld und Steinburg - ist das derzeit der Fall. Doch es gibt noch weitere Regionen, die nur knapp unter der Marke liegen.


Corona in Schlachthöfen: Kritik an Sammelunterkünften

Nachdem bei Hunderten Schlachthof-Mitarbeitern das Coronavirus nachgewiesen wurde, fordern mehrere Politiker Konsequenzen. Sie kritisieren vor allem die beengten Wohnverhältnisse der meist osteuropäischen Arbeiter.


Corona-Maßnahmen: Bischöfe verbreiten Verschwörungstheorien

Mehrere katholische Bischöfe kritisieren die Corona-Maßnahmen und greifen dabei auf weitverbreitete Verschwörungstheorien zurück. Sie sehen den "Auftakt einer Weltregierung". Die Deutsche Bischofskonferenz übt scharfe Kritik.


Tausende Teilnehmer bei Protesten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen

Tausende Menschen haben in mehreren deutschen Städten gegen die Einschränkungen zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie demonstriert. Einer der Schwerpunkte war Stuttgart. Auch in Berlin, München und Frankfurt gab es Proteste.


WSU receiver Renard Bell’s family survives frightening bout with the novel coronavirus

Anyone who stumbled on the tweet sent out by Renard Bell at 2:41 p.m. Friday would understand why the Washington State wide receiver is smiling again. “My grandma is fully recovered from COVID-19,” Bell posted with two emojis – the first depicting a set of hands praying and the second of a heart. My grandma […]


Washington Huskies cancel all sports competitions through March 29 amid coronavirus concerns

The University of Washington will suspend athletic-related activities and events through March 29 due to concerns regarding the novel coronavirus. “The University of Washington athletic department has announced it will suspend all athletic-related activities and events, including workouts, training and practices, through the end of the winter quarter and spring break (March 29) for all […]


In roughly 24 hours coronavirus makes sports, a longtime sanctuary in times of crisis, disappear

Sports has always been the escape during times of crisis and collective stress. But now the very act of conducting sports threatens to add exponentially to perpetuating the coronavirus pandemic and growing the stress.


Due to coronavirus, NCAA grants extra year of eligibility to spring athletes, considers same for winter athletes

After the cancellation of the spring and winter championships tournaments stemming from concerns over the novel coronavirus pandemic, the NCAA will grant an extra year of eligibility to athletes who participate in spring sports, the organization announced Friday.


Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott discusses conference’s financial hit and ‘concern and anxiety’ over athletes because of coronavirus

The Pac-12 is facing a revenue hit of at least $1 million per school from the cancellation of its men’s basketball tournament and March Madness, although the full extent of the damage won’t be known for weeks.


Spain’s army predicts 2 more waves of coronavirus

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Spain’s army expects there to be two more outbreaks of the new coronavirus, according to an internal report seen by The Associated Press. The army report predicts “two more waves of the epidemic” and that Spain will take “between a year and a year-and-a-half to return to normality.” The document was […]


A top aide to Vice President Pence tests positive for coronavirus

WASHINGTON — A top aide to Vice President Mike Pence tested positive for coronavirus on Friday, making her the second known person working at the White House to contract the illness in the past two days, according to several sources familiar with the situation. Katie Miller, the vice president’s press secretary, was notified Friday about […]


Child in New York dies; syndrome tied to coronavirus is suspected

NEW YORK — A child died in a Manhattan hospital on Thursday from what appeared to be a rare syndrome linked to the coronavirus that causes life-threatening inflammation in critical organs and blood vessels of children, the hospital said. If confirmed, it would be the first known death in New York related to the mysterious […]


Hidden toll: Mexico ignores wave of coronavirus deaths in capital

MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government is not reporting hundreds, possibly thousands, of deaths from the coronavirus in Mexico City, dismissing anxious officials who have tallied more than three times as many fatalities in the capital than the government publicly acknowledges, according to officials and confidential data. The tensions have come to a head in […]


Two White House coronavirus cases raise question of if anyone is really safe

WASHINGTON — In his eagerness to reopen the country, President Donald Trump faces the challenge of convincing Americans that it would be safe to go back to the workplace. But the past few days have demonstrated that even his own workplace may not be safe from the coronavirus. Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary tested […]


Coronavirus takes a toll in Sweden’s immigrant community

STOCKHOLM (AP) — The flight from Italy was one of the last arrivals that day at the Stockholm airport. A Swedish couple in their 50s walked up and loaded their skis into Razzak Khalaf’s taxi. It was early March and concerns over the coronavirus were already present, but the couple, both coughing for the entire […]


How to clean your face mask to help prevent getting and spreading the coronavirus

PHILADELPHIA — Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pennsylvania Department of Health now recommend we all wear face masks when going about essential tasks in public, as part of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Those types of masks have become a hot topic online during the ongoing outbreak, and are […]


Having pandemic-related food and body anxieties amid the coronavirus pandemic? You’re not alone.

Living through a pandemic will inevitably take a toll on our minds and bodies. Here are some tips for treating your mind and body well under quarantine.


Here’s a mental health tip to get you through coronavirus quarantine: Find tranquility in nature

Since humans are such social animals, this time of confinement and isolation makes it more crucial than ever to connect — with friends and family, but also with nature. Here’s why being around nature can help your mental health during this stressful time.


Coronavirus pushed spin, barre, yoga and other fitness classes online. Here’s how Seattle-area fitness studios have adapted

In these coronavirus pandemic times, online yoga has become as ubiquitous as online dating. But for some other kinds of fitness classes, the switch to virtual instruction has been more challenging.


Technology’s had us ‘social distancing’ for years. Can our digital ‘lifeline’ get us through the coronavirus pandemic?

In some ways, we’ve been social distancing for years as more aspects of our social lives go digital. So now, we may be uniquely equipped (if not conditioned) to adapt our lives to stay-at-home orders.


Coronavirus pandemic triggers a wave of self-sufficiency around Seattle: Vegetable gardens, urban chickens are in-demand

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many local plant nurseries say there’s been a run on seeds as people all over Seattle take to gardening to grow food and provide solace during an uncertain time.


Poison center calls spike during coronavirus pandemic as more people are exposed to cleaning and disinfecting agents

Be cautious handling — and mixing — cleaning supplies, read labels and follow directions. Many of the accidental, and potentially dangerous, recent exposures reported to the Washington Poison Center have been from ordinary household cleaning supplies or the combination of them.