oni Multi-sample mass spectrometry-based approach for discovering injury markers in chronic kidney disease By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2020-12-20 Ji Eun KimDec 20, 2020; 0:RA120.002159v1-mcp.RA120.002159Research Full Article
oni Pluripotency of embryonic stem cells lacking clathrin-mediated endocytosis cannot be rescued by restoring cellular stiffness [Molecular Biophysics] By www.jbc.org Published On :: 2020-12-04T00:06:06-08:00 Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) display unique mechanical properties, including low cellular stiffness in contrast to differentiated cells, which are stiffer. We have previously shown that mESCs lacking the clathrin heavy chain (Cltc), an essential component for clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME), display a loss of pluripotency and an enhanced expression of differentiation markers. However, it is not known whether physical properties such as cellular stiffness also change upon loss of Cltc, similar to what is seen in differentiated cells, and if so, how these altered properties specifically impact pluripotency. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), we demonstrate that mESCs lacking Cltc display higher Young's modulus, indicative of greater cellular stiffness, compared with WT mESCs. The increase in stiffness was accompanied by the presence of actin stress fibers and accumulation of the inactive, phosphorylated, actin-binding protein cofilin. Treatment of Cltc knockdown mESCs with actin polymerization inhibitors resulted in a decrease in the Young's modulus to values similar to those obtained with WT mESCs. However, a rescue in the expression profile of pluripotency factors was not obtained. Additionally, whereas WT mouse embryonic fibroblasts could be reprogrammed to a state of pluripotency, this was inhibited in the absence of Cltc. This indicates that the presence of active CME is essential for the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells. Additionally, whereas physical properties may serve as a simple readout of the cellular state, they may not always faithfully recapitulate the underlying molecular fate. Full Article
oni Agonist-activated glucagon receptors are deubiquitinated at early endosomes by two distinct deubiquitinases to facilitate Rab4a-dependent recycling [Signal Transduction] By www.jbc.org Published On :: 2020-12-04T00:06:05-08:00 The glucagon receptor (GCGR) activated by the peptide hormone glucagon is a seven-transmembrane G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) that regulates blood glucose levels. Ubiquitination influences trafficking and signaling of many GPCRs, but its characterization for the GCGR is lacking. Using endocytic colocalization and ubiquitination assays, we have identified a correlation between the ubiquitination profile and recycling of the GCGR. Our experiments revealed that GCGRs are constitutively ubiquitinated at the cell surface. Glucagon stimulation not only promoted GCGR endocytic trafficking through Rab5a early endosomes and Rab4a recycling endosomes, but also induced rapid deubiquitination of GCGRs. Inhibiting GCGR internalization or disrupting endocytic trafficking prevented agonist-induced deubiquitination of the GCGR. Furthermore, a Rab4a dominant negative (DN) that blocks trafficking at recycling endosomes enabled GCGR deubiquitination, whereas a Rab5a DN that blocks trafficking at early endosomes eliminated agonist-induced GCGR deubiquitination. By down-regulating candidate deubiquitinases that are either linked with GPCR trafficking or localized on endosomes, we identified signal-transducing adaptor molecule–binding protein (STAMBP) and ubiquitin-specific protease 33 (USP33) as cognate deubiquitinases for the GCGR. Our data suggest that USP33 constitutively deubiquitinates the GCGR, whereas both STAMBP and USP33 deubiquitinate agonist-activated GCGRs at early endosomes. A mutant GCGR with all five intracellular lysines altered to arginines remains deubiquitinated and shows augmented trafficking to Rab4a recycling endosomes compared with the WT, thus affirming the role of deubiquitination in GCGR recycling. We conclude that the GCGRs are rapidly deubiquitinated after agonist-activation to facilitate Rab4a-dependent recycling and that USP33 and STAMBP activities are critical for the endocytic recycling of the GCGR. Full Article
oni Wildtype {sigma}1 receptor and the receptor agonist improve ALS-associated mutation-induced insolubility and toxicity [Neurobiology] By www.jbc.org Published On :: 2020-12-18T00:06:18-08:00 Genetic mutations related to ALS, a progressive neurological disease, have been discovered in the gene encoding σ-1 receptor (σ1R). We previously reported that σ1RE102Q elicits toxicity in cells. The σ1R forms oligomeric states that are regulated by ligands. Nevertheless, little is known about the effect of ALS-related mutations on oligomer formation. Here, we transfected NSC-34 cells, a motor neuronal cell line, and HEK293T cells with σ1R-mCherry (mCh), σ1RE102Q-mCh, or nontagged forms to investigate detergent solubility and subcellular distribution using immunocytochemistry and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. The oligomeric state was determined using crosslinking procedure. σ1Rs were soluble to detergents, whereas the mutants accumulated in the insoluble fraction. Within the soluble fraction, peak distribution of mutants appeared in higher sucrose density fractions. Mutants formed intracellular aggregates that were co-stained with p62, ubiquitin, and phosphorylated pancreatic eukaryotic translation initiation factor-2-α kinase in NSC-34 cells but not in HEK293T cells. The aggregates had significantly lower recovery in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Acute treatment with σ1R agonist SA4503 failed to improve recovery, whereas prolonged treatment for 48 h significantly decreased σ1RE102Q-mCh insolubility and inhibited apoptosis. Whereas σ1R-mCh formed monomers and dimers, σ1RE102Q-mCh also formed trimers and tetramers. SA4503 reduced accumulation of the four types in the insoluble fraction and increased monomers in the soluble fraction. The σ1RE102Q insolubility was diminished by σ1R-mCh co-expression. These results suggest that the agonist and WT σ1R modify the detergent insolubility, toxicity, and oligomeric state of σ1RE102Q, which may lead to promising new treatments for σ1R-related ALS. Full Article
oni Progression of chronic kidney disease in familial LCAT deficiency: a follow-up of the Italian cohort By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-12-01 Chiara PavanelloDec 1, 2020; 61:1784-1788Patient-Oriented and Epidemiological Research Full Article
oni Chronic insomnia: diagnosis and non-pharmacological management By www.bmj.com Published On :: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 10:46 Full Article
oni Distinctive sphingolipid patterns in chronic multiple sclerosis lesions [Research Articles] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a CNS disease characterized by immune-mediated demyelination and progressive axonal loss. MS-related CNS damage and its clinical course have two main phases: active and inactive/progressive. Reliable biomarkers are being sought to allow identification of MS pathomechanisms and prediction of its course. The purpose of this study was to identify sphingolipid (SL) species as candidate biomarkers of inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes underlying MS pathology. We performed sphingolipidomic analysis by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry to determine the lipid profiles in post mortem specimens from the normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) of the normal CNS (nCNS) from subjects with chronic MS (active and inactive lesions) as well as from patients with other neurological diseases. Distinctive SL modification patterns occurred in specimens from MS patients with chronic inactive plaques with respect to NAWM from the nCNS and active MS (Ac-MS) lesions. Chronic inactive MS (In-MS) lesions were characterized by decreased levels of dihydroceramide (dhCer), ceramide (Cer), and SM subspecies, whereas levels of hexosylceramide and Cer 1-phosphate (C1P) subspecies were significantly increased in comparison to NAWM of the nCNS as well as Ac-MS plaques. In contrast, Ac-MS lesions were characterized by a significant increase of major dhCer subspecies in comparison to NAWM of the nCNS. These results suggest the existence of different SL metabolic pathways in the active versus inactive phase within progressive stages of MS. Moreover, they suggest that C1P could be a new biomarker of the In-MS progressive phase, and its detection may help to develop future prognostic and therapeutic strategies for the disease. Full Article
oni Harmonized procedures lead to comparable quantification of total oxylipins across laboratories [Research Articles] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Oxylipins are potent lipid mediators involved in a variety of physiological processes. Their profiling has the potential to provide a wealth of information regarding human health and disease and is a promising technology for translation into clinical applications. However, results generated by independent groups are rarely comparable, which increases the need for the implementation of internationally agreed upon protocols. We performed an interlaboratory comparison for the MS-based quantitative analysis of total oxylipins. Five independent laboratories assessed the technical variability and comparability of 133 oxylipins using a harmonized and standardized protocol, common biological materials (i.e., seven quality control plasmas), standard calibration series, and analytical methods. The quantitative analysis was based on a standard calibration series with isotopically labeled internal standards. Using the standardized protocol, the technical variance was within ±15% for 73% of oxylipins; however, most epoxy fatty acids were identified as critical analytes due to high variabilities in concentrations. The comparability of concentrations determined by the laboratories was examined using consensus value estimates and unsupervised/supervised multivariate analysis (i.e., principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis). Interlaboratory variability was limited and did not interfere with our ability to distinguish the different plasmas. Moreover, all laboratories were able to identify similar differences between plasmas. In summary, we show that by using a standardized protocol for sample preparation, low technical variability can be achieved. Harmonization of all oxylipin extraction and analysis steps led to reliable, reproducible, and comparable oxylipin concentrations in independent laboratories, allowing the generation of biologically meaningful oxylipin patterns. Full Article
oni Progression of chronic kidney disease in familial LCAT deficiency: a follow-up of the Italian cohort [Patient-Oriented and Epidemiological Research] By www.jlr.org Published On :: 2020-12-01T00:05:39-08:00 Familial LCAT deficiency (FLD) is a rare genetic disorder of HDL metabolism, caused by loss-of-function mutations in the LCAT gene and characterized by a variety of symptoms including corneal opacities and kidney failure. Renal disease represents the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in FLD cases. However, the prognosis is not known and the rate of deterioration of kidney function is variable and unpredictable from patient to patient. In this article, we present data from a follow-up of the large Italian cohort of FLD patients, who have been followed for an average of 12 years. We show that renal failure occurs at the median age of 46 years, with a median time to a second recurrence of 10 years. Additionally, we identify high plasma unesterified cholesterol level as a predicting factor for rapid deterioration of kidney function. In conclusion, this study highlights the severe consequences of FLD, underlines the need of correct early diagnosis and referral of patients to specialized centers, and highlights the urgency for effective treatments to prevent or slow renal disease in patients with LCAT deficiency. Full Article
oni Molecular Dynamics Simulation-assisted Ionic Liquid Screening for Deep Coverage Proteome Analysis [Technological Innovation and Resources] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:25-07:00 In-depth coverage of proteomic analysis could enhance our understanding to the mechanism of the protein functions. Unfortunately, many highly hydrophobic proteins and low-abundance proteins, which play critical roles in signaling networks, are easily lost during sample preparation, mainly attributed to the fact that very few extractants can simultaneously satisfy the requirements on strong solubilizing ability to membrane proteins and good enzyme compatibility. Thus, it is urgent to screen out ideal extractant from the huge compound libraries in a fast and effective way. Herein, by investigating the interior mechanism of extractants on the membrane proteins solubilization and trypsin compatibility, a molecular dynamics simulation system was established as complement to the experimental procedure to narrow down the scope of candidates for proteomics analysis. The simulation data shows that the van der Waals interaction between cation group of ionic liquid and membrane protein is the dominant factor in determining protein solubilization. In combination with the experimental data, 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (C12Im-Cl) is on the shortlist for the suitable candidates from comprehensive aspects. Inspired by the advantages of C12Im-Cl, an ionic liquid-based filter-aided sample preparation (i-FASP) method was developed. Using this strategy, over 3,300 proteins were confidently identified from 103 HeLa cells (~100 ng proteins) in a single run, an improvement of 53% over the conventional FASP method. Then the i-FASP method was further successfully applied to the label-free relative quantitation of human liver cancer and para-carcinoma tissues with obviously improved accuracy, reproducibility and coverage than the commonly used urea-based FASP method. The above results demonstrated that the i-FASP method could be performed as a versatile tool for the in-depth coverage proteomic analysis of biological samples. Full Article
oni Molecular Profiling of Innate Immune Response Mechanisms in Ventilator-associated Pneumonia [Research] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:25-07:00 Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common hospital-acquired infection, leading to high morbidity and mortality. Currently, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is used in hospitals for VAP diagnosis and guiding treatment options. Although BAL collection procedures are invasive, alternatives such as endotracheal aspirates (ETA) may be of diagnostic value, however, their use has not been thoroughly explored. Longitudinal ETA and BAL were collected from 16 intubated patients up to 15 days, of which 11 developed VAP. We conducted a comprehensive LC–MS/MS based proteome and metabolome characterization of longitudinal ETA and BAL to detect host and pathogen responses to VAP infection. We discovered a diverse ETA proteome of the upper airways reflective of a rich and dynamic host-microbe interface. Prior to VAP diagnosis by microbial cultures from BAL, patient ETA presented characteristic signatures of reactive oxygen species and neutrophil degranulation, indicative of neutrophil mediated pathogen processing as a key host response to the VAP infection. Along with an increase in amino acids, this is suggestive of extracellular membrane degradation resulting from proteolytic activity of neutrophil proteases. The metaproteome approach successfully allowed simultaneous detection of pathogen peptides in patients' ETA, which may have potential use in diagnosis. Our findings suggest that ETA may facilitate early mechanistic insights into host-pathogen interactions associated with VAP infection and therefore provide its diagnosis and treatment. Full Article
oni Agonists of Orally Expressed TRP Channels Stimulate Salivary Secretion and Modify the Salivary Proteome [Research] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2020-10-01T00:05:25-07:00 Natural compounds that can stimulate salivary secretion are of interest in developing treatments for xerostomia, the perception of a dry mouth, that affects between 10 and 30% of the adult and elderly population. Chemesthetic transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are expressed in the surface of the oral mucosa. The TRPV1 agonists capsaicin and piperine have been shown to increase salivary flow when introduced into the oral cavity but the sialogogic properties of other TRP channel agonists have not been investigated. In this study we have determined the influence of different TRP channel agonists on the flow and protein composition of saliva. Mouth rinsing with the TRPV1 agonist nonivamide or menthol, a TRPM8 agonist, increased whole mouth saliva (WMS) flow and total protein secretion compared with unstimulated saliva, the vehicle control mouth rinse or cinnamaldehyde, a TRPA1 agonist. Nonivamide also increased the flow of labial minor gland saliva but parotid saliva flow rate was not increased. The influence of TRP channel agonists on the composition and function of the salivary proteome was investigated using a multi-batch quantitative MS method novel to salivary proteomics. Inter-personal and inter-mouth rinse variation was observed in the secreted proteomes and, using a novel bioinformatics method, inter-day variation was identified with some of the mouth rinses. Significant changes in specific salivary proteins were identified after all mouth rinses. In the case of nonivamide, these changes were attributed to functional shifts in the WMS secreted, primarily the over representation of salivary and nonsalivary cystatins which was confirmed by immunoassay. This study provides new evidence of the impact of TRP channel agonists on the salivary proteome and the stimulation of salivary secretion by a TRPM8 channel agonist, which suggests that TRP channel agonists are potential candidates for developing treatments for sufferers of xerostomia. Full Article
oni Sialylation of Asparagine 612 Inhibits Aconitase Activity during Mouse Sperm Capacitation; a Possible Mechanism for the Switch from Oxidative Phosphorylation to Glycolysis [Research] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:37-07:00 After ejaculation, mammalian spermatozoa must undergo a process known as capacitation in order to successfully fertilize the oocyte. Several post-translational modifications occur during capacitation, including sialylation, which despite being limited to a few proteins, seems to be essential for proper sperm-oocyte interaction. Regardless of its importance, to date, no single study has ever identified nor quantified which glycoproteins bearing terminal sialic acid (Sia) are altered during capacitation. Here we characterize sialylation during mouse sperm capacitation. Using tandem MS coupled with liquid chromatography (LC–MS/MS), we found 142 nonreductant peptides, with 9 of them showing potential modifications on their sialylated oligosaccharides during capacitation. As such, N-linked sialoglycopeptides from C4b-binding protein, endothelial lipase (EL), serine proteases 39 and 52, testis-expressed protein 101 and zonadhesin were reduced following capacitation. In contrast, mitochondrial aconitate hydratase (aconitase; ACO2), a TCA cycle enzyme, was the only protein to show an increase in Sia content during capacitation. Interestingly, although the loss of Sia within EL (N62) was accompanied by a reduction in its phospholipase A1 activity, a decrease in the activity of ACO2 (i.e. stereospecific isomerization of citrate to isocitrate) occurred when sialylation increased (N612). The latter was confirmed by N612D recombinant protein tagged with both His and GFP. The replacement of Sia for the negatively charged Aspartic acid in the N612D mutant caused complete loss of aconitase activity compared with the WT. Computer modeling show that N612 sits atop the catalytic site of ACO2. The introduction of Sia causes a large conformational change in the alpha helix, essentially, distorting the active site, leading to complete loss of function. These findings suggest that the switch from oxidative phosphorylation, over to glycolysis that occurs during capacitation may come about through sialylation of ACO2. Full Article
oni WITHDRAWN: Extraordinary apolipoprotein oxidation in chronic hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis [13. Other] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2007-09-05T09:37:40-07:00 Withdrawn by Author. Full Article
oni Principles of electrospray ionization [Biophysical Methods] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2011-05-19T14:15:35-07:00 Electrospray ionization is today the most widely used ionization technique in chemical and bio-chemical analysis. Interfaced with a mass spectrometer it allows to investigate the molecular composition of liquid samples. With electrospray a large variety of chemical substances can be ionized. There is no limitation in mass which enables even the investigation of large non-covalent protein complexes. Its high ionization efficiency profoundly changed bio-molecular sciences because proteins can be identified and quantified on trace amounts in a high throughput fashion. This review article focusses mainly on the exploration of the underlying ionization mechanism. Some ionization characteristics are discussed which are related to this mechanism. Typical spectra of peptides, proteins and non-covalent complexes are shown and the quantitative character of spectra is highlighted. Finally the possibilities and limitations in measuring the association constant of bivalent non-covalent complexes are described. Full Article
oni Quantitative profiling of protein tyrosine kinases in human cancer cell lines by multiplexed parallel reaction monitoring assays [Technology] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2015-09-25T14:31:13-07:00 Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) play key roles in cellular signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, cell division, and cell differentiation. Dysregulation of PTK-activated pathways, often by receptor overexpression, gene amplification, or genetic mutation, is a causal factor underlying numerous cancers. In this study, we have developed a parallel reaction monitoring (PRM)-based assay for quantitative profiling of 83 PTKs. The assay detects 308 proteotypic peptides from 54 receptor tyrosine kinases and 29 nonreceptor tyrosine kinases in a single run. Quantitative comparisons were based on the labeled reference peptide method. We implemented the assay in four cell models: 1) a comparison of proliferating versus epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated A431 cells, 2) a comparison of SW480Null (mutant APC) and SW480APC (APC restored) colon tumor cell lines, and 3) a comparison of 10 colorectal cancer cell lines with different genomic abnormalities, and 4) lung cancer cell lines with either susceptibility (11-18) or acquired resistance (11-18R) to the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib. We observed distinct PTK expression changes that were induced by stimuli, genomic features or drug resistance, which were consistent with previous reports. However, most of the measured expression differences were novel observations. For example, acquired resistance to erlotinib in the 11-18 cell model was associated not only with previously reported upregulation of MET, but also with upregulation of FLK2 and downregulation of LYN and PTK7. Immunoblot analyses and shotgun proteomics data were highly consistent with PRM data. Multiplexed PRM assays provide a targeted, systems-level profiling approach to evaluate cancer-related proteotypes and adaptations. Data are available through Proteome eXchange Accession PXD002706. Full Article
oni Multi-sample mass spectrometry-based approach for discovering injury markers in chronic kidney disease [Research] By www.mcponline.org Published On :: 2020-12-20T09:35:16-08:00 Urinary proteomics studies have primarily focused on identifying markers of chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. Here, we aimed to determine urinary markers of CKD renal parenchymal injury through proteomics analysis in animal kidney tissues and cells and in the urine of patients with CKD. Label-free quantitative proteomics analysis based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was performed on urine samples obtained from 6 normal controls and 9, 11, and 10 patients with CKD stages 1, 3, and 5, respectively, and on kidney tissue samples from a rat CKD model by 5/6 nephrectomy. Tandem mass tag-based quantitative proteomics analysis was performed for primary cultured glomerular endothelial cells (GECs) and proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTECs) before and after inducing 24-h hypoxia injury. Upon hierarchical clustering, out of 858 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in the urine of CKD patients, the levels of 416 decreased and 403 increased sequentially according to the disease stage, respectively. Among 2965 DEPs across 5/6 nephrectomized and sham-operated rat kidney tissues, 86 DEPs showed same expression patterns in the urine and kidney tissue. After cross-validation with two external animal proteome datasets, 38 DEPs were organized; only 10 DEPs, including serotransferrin, gelsolin, poly ADP-ribose polymerase 1, neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK, microtubule-associated protein 4, galectin-1, protein S, thymosin beta-4, myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate, and vimentin were finalized by screening human GECs and PTECs data. Among these ten potential candidates for universal CKD marker, validation analyses for protein S and galectin-1 were conducted. Galectin-1 was observed to have a significant inverse correlation with renal function as well as higher expression in glomerulus with chronic injury than protein S. This constitutes the first multi-sample proteomics study for identifying key renal-expressed proteins associated with CKD progression. The discovered proteins represent potential markers of chronic renal cell and tissue damage and candidate contributors to CKD pathophysiology. Full Article
oni Tectonic Politics: Global Political Risk in an Age of Transformation By www.chathamhouse.org Published On :: Tue, 07 May 2019 15:28:16 +0000 Tectonic Politics: Global Political Risk in an Age of Transformation Book sysadmin 7 May 2019 Political risk now affects more markets and countries than ever before and that risk will continue to rise. But traditional methods of managing political risk are no longer legitimate or effective. In Tectonic Politics, Nigel Gould-Davies explores the complex, shifting landscape of political risk and how to navigate it. He analyses trends in each form of political risk: the power to destroy, seize, regulate, and tax. He shows how each of these forms reflects a deeper transformation of the global political economy that is reordering the relationship between power, wealth, and values. In a world where everything is political, the craft of engagement is as important as the science of production and the art of the deal. The successful company must integrate that craft—the engager’s way of seeing and doing—into strategy and culture. Drawing on a career in academia, business, and diplomacy, Gould-Davies provides corporate leaders, scholars, and engaged citizens with a groundbreaking study of the fastest-rising political risk today. ‘As tectonic plates shape the earth,’ he writes, ‘so tectonic politics forges its governance.’ The book is published as part of the Insights series. Praise for Tectonic Politics All economic activity involves political risks, but few economic actors know how to analyze or address them. Nigel Gould-Davies demonstrates the central importance of politics to national and international business, and provides a guide to analyzing political risk. Business people, journalists, policymakers, and scholars will all learn from reading Tectonic Politics. Jeffry Frieden, Stanfield Professor of International Peace, Harvard University About the author Nigel Gould-Davies was an associate fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House. Purchase UK (via Amazon) Rest of world (via Brookings Institution Press) Students (via Browns Books) Full Article
oni Manny? Harper? Klentak satisfied but monitoring By mlb.mlb.com Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 15:13:21 EDT General Manager Matt Klentak discussed the Phillies' offseason in a press conference on Thursday in Clearwater, Fla. The Phillies remain in contact with the agents for Bryce Harper and Manny Machado. The belief is that the front office still prefers Machado over Harper because of Machado's combination of offense and defense. Full Article
oni NICE recommends implantable monitor to identify atrial fibrillation after stroke By www.bmj.com Published On :: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 - 00:30 Full Article
oni GLP-1 receptor agonists: European drug regulator asks makers for evidence of self-harm By www.bmj.com Published On :: Friday, December 8, 2023 - 10:06 Full Article
oni GLP-1 agonist shortage will last until end of 2024, government warns By www.bmj.com Published On :: Friday, January 5, 2024 - 14:51 Full Article
oni FDA approves first over-the-counter blood glucose monitor for diabetes By www.bmj.com Published On :: Monday, March 11, 2024 - 14:36 Full Article
oni C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 4-Directed Scintigraphy Using [99mTc]Tc-Pentixatec in Primary Aldosteronism: A Proof-of-Concept Study By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2024-10-01T04:08:08-07:00 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4)–directed imaging has gained clinical interest in aiding clinical diagnostics in primary aldosteronism (PA). We retrospectively evaluated the feasibility of CXCR4-directed scintigraphy using the novel CXCR-4 ligand [99mTc]Tc-pentixatec in patients with PA. Methods: Six patients (mean age ± SD, 49 ± 15 y) underwent CXCR4-directed scintigraphy (including planar imaging and SPECT/CT) 30, 120, and 240 min after injection of 435 ± 50 MBq of [99mTc]Tc-pentixatec. Adrenal CXCR4 expression was analyzed by calculating lesion-to-contralateral ratios (LCRs). Imaging results were correlated to clinical information. Histopathology and clinical follow-up served as the standard of reference. Results: Three subjects showed lateralization of adrenal tracer accumulation, with a mean maximum lesion-to-contralateral ratio of 1.65 (range, 1.52–1.70), which correlated with morphologic findings on CT. One individual underwent adrenalectomy and presented with complete biochemical and clinical remission at follow-up. Histopathologic workup confirmed unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma. Conclusion: [99mTc]Tc-pentixatec scintigraphy with SPECT in patients with PA is feasible and might offer a valuable alternative to CXCR4-directed imaging with [68Ga]Ga-pentixafor PET. Full Article
oni Development of 18F-Fluoromisonidazole Hypoxia PET/CT Diagnostic Interpretation Criteria and Validation of Interreader Reliability, Reproducibility, and Performance By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2024-10-01T04:08:08-07:00 Tumor hypoxia, an integral biomarker to guide radiotherapy, can be imaged with 18F-fluoromisonidazole (18F-FMISO) hypoxia PET. One major obstacle to its broader application is the lack of standardized interpretation criteria. We sought to develop and validate practical interpretation criteria and a dedicated training protocol for nuclear medicine physicians to interpret 18F-FMISO hypoxia PET. Methods: We randomly selected 123 patients with human papillomavirus–positive oropharyngeal cancer enrolled in a phase II trial who underwent 123 18F-FDG PET/CT and 134 18F-FMISO PET/CT scans. Four independent nuclear medicine physicians with no 18F-FMISO experience read the scans. Interpretation by a fifth nuclear medicine physician with over 2 decades of 18F-FMISO experience was the reference standard. Performance was evaluated after initial instruction and subsequent dedicated training. Scans were considered positive for hypoxia by visual assessment if 18F-FMISO uptake was greater than floor-of-mouth uptake. Additionally, SUVmax was determined to evaluate whether quantitative assessment using tumor-to-background ratios could be helpful to define hypoxia positivity. Results: Visual assessment produced a mean sensitivity and specificity of 77.3% and 80.9%, with fair interreader agreement ( = 0.34), after initial instruction. After dedicated training, mean sensitivity and specificity improved to 97.6% and 86.9%, with almost perfect agreement ( = 0.86). Quantitative assessment with an estimated best SUVmax ratio threshold of more than 1.2 to define hypoxia positivity produced a mean sensitivity and specificity of 56.8% and 95.9%, respectively, with substantial interreader agreement ( = 0.66), after initial instruction. After dedicated training, mean sensitivity improved to 89.6% whereas mean specificity remained high at 95.3%, with near-perfect interreader agreement ( = 0.86). Conclusion: Nuclear medicine physicians without 18F-FMISO hypoxia PET reading experience demonstrate much improved interreader agreement with dedicated training using specific interpretation criteria. Full Article
oni Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille fired by transitional council By www.upi.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 02:55:50 -0500 Haiti's ruling transitional council has fired Prime Minister Garry Conille, six months after the doctor and former UNICEF Latin America head was appointed to lead the troubled nation. Full Article
oni TSMC Collaborates with Ansys and Microsoft to Accelerate Photonic Simulations By www.hpcwire.com Published On :: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 13:08:23 +0000 PITTSBURGH, Sept. 24, 2024 — Ansys and TSMC today announced a successful pilot with Microsoft that significantly speeds-up the simulation and analysis of silicon photonic components. Together, the companies achieved […] The post TSMC Collaborates with Ansys and Microsoft to Accelerate Photonic Simulations appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
oni Celestial AI Acquires Rockley Photonics Patent Portfolio, Strengthening Photonic Fabric IP By www.hpcwire.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:45:58 +0000 SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 22, 2024 — Celestial AI today announced the acquisition of silicon photonics intellectual property from Rockley Photonics, including worldwide issued and pending patents. The combination of Celestial […] The post Celestial AI Acquires Rockley Photonics Patent Portfolio, Strengthening Photonic Fabric IP appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
oni Malfunctioning B-2 bomber damaged during landing at Missouri Air Force base By www.upi.com Published On :: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 15:23:16 -0400 A B-2 Spirit stealth bomber made an emergency landing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri earlier this week after the high-tech aircraft malfunctioned during a training flight. Full Article
oni IonQ and NKT Photonics Collaborate on Next-Gen Laser Tech for Quantum Data Centers By www.hpcwire.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 04:55:27 +0000 COLLEGE PARK, Md., Nov. 8, 2024 — IonQ, a leader in the quantum computing industry, has announced a partnership with NKT Photonics, a subsidiary of Hamamatsu Photonics, to procure next-generation laser […] The post IonQ and NKT Photonics Collaborate on Next-Gen Laser Tech for Quantum Data Centers appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
oni IonQ Partners with imec to Advance Quantum Computers with Photonic Integrated Circuits By www.hpcwire.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 13:40:59 +0000 COLLEGE PARK, Md., Nov. 11, 2024 — IonQ, a leader in the quantum computing industry, has announced that it is developing photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and chip-scale ion trap technology for […] The post IonQ Partners with imec to Advance Quantum Computers with Photonic Integrated Circuits appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
oni CDC confirms onions caused McDonald’s E. coli outbreak By www.upi.com Published On :: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 20:05:33 -0400 Slivered onions served on McDonald's Quarter Pounders and other menu items caused a recent E. coli outbreak, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Wednesday. Full Article
oni Have chronic low back pain? Try virtual yoga, study suggests By www.upi.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 14:33:48 -0400 Virtual yoga can be a successful and accessible way to manage chronic low back pain -- a common ailment with major consequences, a new study suggests. Full Article
oni Watch: In 'Final Reckoning' teaser, Tom Cruise dangles from small plane By www.upi.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 11:16:49 -0500 Paramount Pictures is teasing "Mission: Impossible -- The Final Reckoning," starring Tom Cruise. Full Article
oni NASA runs first engine tests on supersonic X-59 research aircraft By www.upi.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 16:04:00 -0500 NASA engineers fired the engines on the X-59 research aircraft in advance of planned test flights to determine if the aircraft can reduce sonic booms and make supersonic flight over land quieter. Full Article
oni This Technique Allows Chronic Worriers To Think More Clearly By www.spring.org.uk Published On :: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 16:00:59 +0000 A simple 8-minute exercise can free up your brain and make you more efficient under stress. Full Article Boost Brain Power
oni A sonic journey through the universe | Felipe Sánchez Luna By www.ted.com Published On :: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 14:53:12 +0000 In an astounding sonic experience, creative director Felipe Sánchez Luna takes you on a journey through the universe as told in sound. Take a deep breath, listen closely and discover the power of sound to provide you with a new emotional understanding of the world. Full Article Higher Education
oni Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model of Perfectionism By www.aliceboyes.com Published On :: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 09:17:40 +0000 Are you a clinician looking to master CBT for Perfectionism? Or, learn more about the CBT model of perfectionism below. CBT Model of Perfectionism Perfectionism is not the same thing as conscientiousness. For example, in a recent study of older adults, perfectionism was both associated with increased risk of mortality whereas conscientiousness was associated with […] The post Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model of Perfectionism appeared first on Dr Alice Boyes. Full Article Uncategorized 21 Days of Tips about Willpower Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Perfectionism
oni NC audit questions monitoring of virus funds for education By www.edweek.org Published On :: 2020-12-03T08:23:03-05:00 Full Article Education
oni Idaho Seeks to Block Electronic-Signature Gathering for Education Ballot Measure By blogs.edweek.org Published On :: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Idaho officials asked a U.S. Supreme Court justice to block an injunction that allows a group backing an education ballot initiative to collect electronic signatures because of COVID-19. Full Article Idaho
oni High Court Blocks Electronic-Signature Gathering for Idaho Education Initiative By blogs.edweek.org Published On :: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The U.S. Supreme Court blocked an injunction that had allowed a group backing an Idaho education spending measure to collect electronic signatures because of the coronavirus pandemic. Full Article Idaho
oni Alaska Reporter Will Study Rural Education as 2nd Chronister Fellowship Recipient By blogs.edweek.org Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Victoria Petersen, of the Peninsula Clarion on the Kenai Peninsula, will report on the challenges of rural education, especially in a state as vast as Alaska. Full Article Alaska
oni Ohio State records 40-plus point win vs Charlotte despite apparent Jaloni Cambridge injury By sports.yahoo.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 01:31:12 GMT Early in the second half, Ohio State freshman Jaloni Cambridge went down with an apparent lower-back injury. Full Article article Sports
oni Multiscale Computer Model of the Spinal Dorsal Horn Reveals Changes in Network Processing Associated with Chronic Pain By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2022-04-13 Laura MedlockApr 13, 2022; 42:3133-3149Systems/Circuits Full Article
oni The Motor Basis for Misophonia By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2021-06-30 Sukhbinder KumarJun 30, 2021; 41:5762-5770Neurobiology of Disease Full Article
oni Striatal Serotonin Release Signals Reward Value By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2024-10-09 Mitchell G. SpringOct 9, 2024; 44:e0602242024-e0602242024BehavioralSystemsCognitive Full Article
oni Striatal Serotonin Release Signals Reward Value By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2024-10-09T09:30:20-07:00 Serotonin modulates diverse phenotypes and functions including depressive, aggressive, impulsive, and feeding behaviors, all of which have reward-related components. To date, research has focused on understanding these effects by measuring and manipulating dorsal raphe serotonin neurons and using single-receptor approaches. These studies have led to a better understanding of the heterogeneity of serotonin actions on behavior; however, they leave open many questions about the timing and location of serotonin's actions modulating the neural circuits that drive these behaviors. Recent advances in genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors, including the GPCR activation-based sensor for serotonin (GRAB-5-HT), enable the measurement of serotonin release in mice on a timescale compatible with a single rewarding event without corelease confounds. Given substantial evidence from slice electrophysiology experiments showing that serotonin influences neural activity of the striatal circuitry, and the known role of the dorsal medial striatal (DMS) in reward-directed behavior, we focused on understanding the parameters and timing that govern serotonin release in the DMS in the context of reward consumption, external reward value, internal state, and cued reward. Overall, we found that serotonin release is associated with each of these and encodes reward anticipation, value, approach, and consumption in the DMS. Full Article
oni Neuritin Controls Axonal Branching in Serotonin Neurons: A Possible Mediator Involved in the Regulation of Depressive and Anxiety Behaviors via FGF Signaling By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2024-10-09T09:30:20-07:00 Abnormal neuronal morphological features, such as dendrite branching, axonal branching, and spine density, are thought to contribute to the symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, the role and molecular mechanisms of aberrant neuronal morphology in the regulation of mood disorders remain poorly characterized. Here, we show that neuritin, an activity-dependent protein, regulates the axonal morphology of serotonin neurons. Male neuritin knock-out (KO) mice harbored impaired axonal branches of serotonin neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and basolateral region of the amygdala (BLA), and male neuritin KO mice exhibited depressive and anxiety-like behaviors. We also observed that the expression of neuritin was decreased by unpredictable chronic stress in the male mouse brain and that decreased expression of neuritin was associated with reduced axonal branching of serotonin neurons in the brain and with depressive and anxiety behaviors in mice. Furthermore, the stress-mediated impairments in axonal branching and depressive behaviors were reversed by the overexpression of neuritin in the BLA. The ability of neuritin to increase axonal branching in serotonin neurons involves fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling, and neuritin contributes to FGF-2-mediated axonal branching regulation in vitro. Finally, the oral administration of an FGF inhibitor reduced the axonal branching of serotonin neurons in the brain and caused depressive and anxiety behaviors in male mice. Our results support the involvement of neuritin in models of stress-induced depression and suggest that neuronal morphological plasticity may play a role in controlling animal behavior. Full Article
oni Differential Encoding of Two-Tone Harmonics in the Male and Female Mouse Auditory Cortex By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2024-10-30T09:30:22-07:00 Harmonics are an integral part of music, speech, and vocalizations of animals. Since the rest of the auditory environment is primarily made up of nonharmonic sounds, the auditory system needs to perceptually separate the above two kinds of sounds. In mice, harmonics, generally with two-tone components (two-tone harmonic complexes, TTHCs), form an important component of vocal communication. Communication by pups during isolation from the mother and by adult males during courtship elicits typical behaviors in female mice—dams and adult courting females, respectively. Our study shows that the processing of TTHC is specialized in mice providing neural basis for perceptual differences between tones and TTHCs and also nonharmonic sounds. Investigation of responses in the primary auditory cortex (Au1) from in vivo extracellular recordings and two-photon Ca2+ imaging of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to TTHCs exhibit enhancement, suppression, or no-effect with respect to tones. Irrespective of neuron type, harmonic enhancement is maximized, and suppression is minimized when the fundamental frequencies (F0) match the neuron's best fundamental frequency (BF0). Sex-specific processing of TTHC is evident from differences in the distributions of neurons’ best frequency (BF) and best fundamental frequency (BF0) in single units, differences in harmonic suppressed cases re-BF0, independent of neuron types, and from pairwise noise correlations among excitatory and parvalbumin inhibitory interneurons. Furthermore, TTHCs elicit a higher response compared with two-tone nonharmonics in females, but not in males. Thus, our study shows specialized neural processing of TTHCs over tones and nonharmonics, highlighting local network specialization among different neuronal types. Full Article
oni The Effect of Congruent versus Incongruent Distractor Positioning on Electrophysiological Signals during Perceptual Decision-Making By www.jneurosci.org Published On :: 2024-11-06T09:30:07-08:00 Key event-related potentials (ERPs) of perceptual decision-making such as centroparietal positivity (CPP) elucidate how evidence is accumulated toward a given choice. Furthermore, this accumulation can be impacted by visual target selection signals such as the N2 contralateral (N2c). How these underlying neural mechanisms of perceptual decision-making are influenced by the spatial congruence of distractors relative to target stimuli remains unclear. Here, we used electroencephalography (EEG) in humans of both sexes to investigate the effect of distractor spatial congruency (same vs different hemifield relative to targets) on perceptual decision-making. We confirmed that responses for perceptual decisions were slower for spatially incongruent versus congruent distractors of high salience. Similarly, markers of target selection (N2c peak amplitude) and evidence accumulation (CPP slope) were found to be lower when distractors were spatially incongruent versus congruent. To evaluate the effects of congruency further, we applied drift diffusion modeling to participant responses, which showed that larger amplitudes of both ERPs were correlated with shorter nondecision times when considering the effect of congruency. The modeling also suggested that congruency's effect on behavior occurred prior to and during evidence accumulation when considering the effects of the N2c peak and CPP slope. These findings point to spatially incongruent distractors, relative to congruent distractors, influencing decisions as early as the initial sensory processing phase and then continuing to exert an effect as evidence is accumulated throughout the decision-making process. Overall, our findings highlight how key electrophysiological signals of perceptual decision-making are influenced by the spatial congruence of target and distractor. Full Article