
Las luces y las sombras de la reforma pensional según Fedesarrollo

Luis Fernando Mejía, director ejecutivo de la Fundación para la Educación Superior y el Desarrollo (Fedesarrollo) compartió en 6AM cuáles son los puntos destacables y los que se deberían cambiar frente al proyecto de reforma


Federación de Cafeteros: “declaraciones de la ministra son desafortunadas e irresponsables”

Germán Bahamón, gerente de la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC) desmintió en 6AM a la ministra de Agricultura, Jhenifer Mojica, quien aseguró que la FNC viene con una “situación financiera muy compleja”


Reforma pensional: ¿Pensionados tendrán que pagar impuesto de renta?

En Caracol Radio estuvo Lisandro Junco, ex director de la Dian, conversando sobre los impuestos y las reforma.


Gobierno Petro insiste en presentar un proyecto de reforma a la salud ¿En qué consiste?

El ministro del Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, se refirió en 6AM al nuevo intento del Gobierno nacional de impulsar un proyecto de reforma mediante un mensaje de urgencia y con el aval de las EPS


María José Pizarro sobre formulación de cargos del CNE: “Se está violando el fuero presidencial”

La congresista el Pacto Histórico se refirió a la ponencia que pide formular cargos contra la campaña del presidente Gustavo Petro por supuesta violación de cargos


Gobernador de Caquetá: “Los grupos armados se están fortaleciendo, gracias al cese al fuego”

Luis Francisco Ruíz se refirió en 6AM a los recientes combates entre las disidencias de las FARC en zona rural del departamento amazónico en el que disputan las rutas y rentas ilegales 


Reforma pensional tendría sobrecostos, como cuatro reformas tributarias adicionales: Exministro

En Caracol Radio estuvo el exministro de Hacienda José Manuel Restrepo


A Fondo con Juan Carlos Echeverry: ¿En qué consiste la inversión forzosa? y ¿se acabarán los préstamos de bancos en Colombia?

El gobierno Petro propone fomentar la inversión forzosa para reactivar economía, pero ¿qué pasará con los créditos de los bancos?


Al punto con Alejandro Santos: ¿Cuáles pueden ser las reformas que salvarían la legislatura?

Se trata de dos reformas que dan luz verde a algunas problemáticas que se presentan con el gobierno Petro


Millonarios ya tiene lista una oferta formal para Falcao: conozca todos los detalles

Millonarios, luego analizar detalladamente sus alternativas, ya tiene lista una oferta formal por Falcao García, así lo informó Juan Felipe Cadavid, periodista de Caracol Radio. El equipo se pondrá en contacto con el jugador en las próximas horas.


Fiscalía entregó información que demostraría la presencia de Disidencias en Barranquilla

General, Herbert Benavidez, comandante de la Policía de Barranquilla, se refiere a las alertas por presunta presencia de las disidencias de las FARC en la capital del Atlántico.


Reforma pensional: preguntas y respuestas para aclarar dudas sobre la iniciativa

Iván Daniel Jaramillo, viceministro de Empleo y Pensiones, explicó en 6AM la manera en la que funcionará este sistema de pilares, en qué consiste la prestación anticipada y más


La reforma pensional, que tenía mayorías, corre el riesgo de ser hundida: Jennifer Pedraza

En Caracol Radio estuvo Jennifer Pedraza, representante a la Cámara


¿Cuáles son las inconsistencias que advierte la Procuraduría sobre el proceso de compra de tierras de la reforma Agraria?

Un informe preventivo de la Procuraduría sobre la compra de predios para la reforma rural tiene conclusiones muy serias sobre presuntas irregularidades en el proceso.


Alejandro Santos al punto: Lo bueno y lo malo de la reforma pensional

¿Qué es lo que tanto disgusta del paso de la reforma pensional del gobierno Petro?


Nueva ministra de Justicia descarta una reforma total: “Hay que utilizar lo que tenemos”

Ángela María Buitrago entregó detalles en 6AM de los que considera los grandes retos que tendrá que afrontar en la jefatura de la cartera de Justicia, donde remplazará a Néstor Osuna


ANT responde a campesinos por la entrega de tierra: “Este es el inicio de la reforma agraria”

Felipe Harman, director de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras, aclaró en 6AM que se deberá ajustar las pretenciones de las organizaciones campesinas respecto a la entrega de tierras con el fin de evitar descontentos


Director de la Asociación Nacional de campesinos denuncia que informe de la ANT es errado

El director Nilson Antonio Liz, estuvo invitado en el programa 6AM de Caracol radio, para hablar sobre cuáles son los incumplimientos de este y los otros gobiernos con los campesinos del país


MinDefensa: En Gobierno Petro han salido 23.000 uniformados, pero con Duque salieron más

Alexandra González, secretaria de Gabinete de la cartera de Defensa, explicó en 6AM que las cifras de retiro de uniformados del Ejército y la Policía son equivalentes a las de Gobiernos pasados, incluso menores


Será un Acuerdo Nacional para no seguir mamando gallo a reformas y sin reelección: Cristo

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Juan Fernando Cristo, ministro del Interior, para hablar sobre el acuerdo nacional del que habló hace algunas semanas para llevar a cabo una constituyente.


Reforma Pensional: ¿Qué cambia con el proyecto del Gobierno Petro?

Mauricio Olivera, expresidente de Colpensiones, se refirió a la reforma que será sancionada este martes por el presidente Gustavo Petro 


Alejandro Santos al punto: ¿Cómo están las cargas en el gobierno para el paso de las reformas?

Con la nueva elección de los presidentes de la Cámara y el Senado, cuál es el panorama para las reformas del gobierno Petro 


Alejandro Santos al Punto: Observaciones y fortalezas del discurso de Kamala Harris

Un discurso clave para la recta final de las elecciones en Estados Unidos


A Fondo con Juan Carlos Echeverry: ¿Cuáles son las incoherencias de la reforma tributaria del gobierno Petro?

Colombia sigue a la espera de una concertación para una reforma tributaria que tiene varias incoherencias en su proceso


En Colombia buscan 111,640 víctimas del conflicto armado: Luz Forero, directora de UBPD

En el programa 6AM, estuvo Luz janeth Forero, directora de la Unidad de Búsqueda de Personas dadas por Desaparecidas, e hizo hincapié en las cifras de desaparecidos por el conflicto armado


La aprobación de la reforma tributaria es peligrosa y causaría recesión: Bruce Mac Master

El presidente de la ANDI, estuvo en los micrófonos de 6AM Hoy por Hoy, para discutir las implicaciones de una nueva reforma tributaria.


La plata para el adulto mayor está garantizada si no se cae la reforma pensional: Bolívar

Gustavo Bolívar 6AM


En el congreso no vamos a aprobar reformas a ciegas: Efraín Cepeda, senador

Efraín Cepeda sobre reforma tributaria 


Alejandro Santos al punto: ABC de la reforma tributaria

Todo lo que debe saber sobre la ley de financiamiento 


Qué información tienen sobre los perpetradores del asesinato del ganadero, Esteban Urueta, y de dos de los trabajadores de una de las fincas

Qué información tienen sobre los perpetradores del asesinato del ganadero, Esteban Urueta, y de dos de los trabajadores de una de las fincas del comerciante.


Ejército reforzó Sumapaz ante grafitis alusivos a Segunda Marquetalia: secr. de seguridad

César Restrepo, secretario de Seguridad en Bogotá, advirtió sobre como esta la seguridad en esta zona.


“Se han corregido aspectos de la reforma laboral, pero no lo importante”: Bruce Mac Master

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo el presidente de la ANDI, Bruce Mac Master, para hablar sobre lo que piensa el gremio de empresarios sobre los incumplimientos del Gobierno con el diálogo tripartito de la reforma laboral.


Hemos encontrado muy buena respuesta para construir una reforma política: Mininterior

En Caracol Radio estuvo Juan Fernando Cristo, ministro del Interior, y se refirió a la reforma política y a la perspectiva del Gobierno sobre el Consejo Nacional Electoral


Así es imposible tener una discusión seria: Representante sobre cambios de voto en reforma

El Representante Hernán Cadavid estuvo en el programa 6AM hablando sobre la coacción de ciertos ministerios para que cambien su intención de voto ante las reformas que se están tramitando. 


Domiciliarios de plataformas tendrán seguridad social con la reforma laboral: Alianza in

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo José Daniel López, director ejecutivo de Alianza in, para hablar sobre el tipo de contratación que regiría para los domiciliarios por la reforma laboral.


Seguridad de la COP16 está preparada, hay que reforzar Jamundí: Gobernadora del Valle

Dilian Francisca Toro estuvo en 6AM para hablar sobre la preparación del Valle para el inicio de este evento.


Campesinos no tendrán garantías con la reforma laboral: director de la ANT

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Felipe Harman, Director de la ANT, para hablar sobre cuáles son los artículos eliminados de la reforma laboral que afectarían a los trabajadores rurales del país.


De Iván Márquez no tenemos información precisa y concreta: jefe negociador del Gobierno

Armando Novoa, jefe del equipo negociador del Gobierno nacional con la Segunda Marquetalia de ‘Iván Márquez’, estuvo en 6AM para abordar las especulaciones sobre la muerte del guerrillero disidente.


“No tiene costo fiscal”: economista sobre propuesta que acompañaría reforma al SPG

El economista Daniel Castellanos, estuvo en 6AM para abordar la propuesta que acompañaría la reforma al Sistema General de Participaciones.


No va a entrar en vigencia sin Ley de Competencias: senador Ávila sobre reforma a SGP

El senador Ariel Ávila, estuvo en 6AM, para abordar cómo será la transición y en qué consisten los 7 acuerdos que destaparon el camino para la reforma al Sistema General de Participaciones.


Reforma de justicia: Abre la posibilidad de reparar más rapido a las victimas

Ángela María Buitrago, ministra de Justicia habló en 6 AM, sobre cuáles son los cambios y los principales aspectos del proyecto de la Reforma a la Justicia


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Medieval Radiance And Incarnate Jazz: Light Gathering in NYC on November 8th

In the universe, every element, every star, every atom is constantly sending out waves of light—some visible, most hidden. From gamma rays, to the brilliance of sunlight, to the subtle glow of infrared, everything in existence shines. In this concert, we gather that light, pulling from the vast spectrum, where ancient harmonies meet the rhythms of the modern world...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Announcing SMOKE Jazz Club’s December Line-up Featuring The 12th Annual Coltrane Festival With Ravi Coltrane’s Smoke Debut, A Spectacular New Year’s Eve Celebration, Catherine Russell and Sean Mason, And More

Entering its second quarter century as committed as ever to pure jazz (All About Jazz),” SMOKE Jazz Club continues its 25th anniversary season with an exciting line-up in December. The holiday season kickstarts with “A Nat King Cole Christmas” featuring singer Allan Harris (Dec 4). SMOKE is thrilled to welcome acclaimed vocalist Catherine Russell in her club debut in a thrilling duo with pianist Sean Mason (Dec 5-8) performing repertoire off their latest album My Ideal...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Aaron Parnell Brown and The Riverside Gang Come To Black Squirrel Club In Philadelphia On Saturday November 23, 2024

Come see and hear one of Philly's most extraordinary artists in Jazz, Soul, and Blues—Aaron Parnell Brown and The Riverside Gang! Coming to the Black Squirrel Club on Saturday November 23rd! Saturday, November 23, 2024...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Rick Bogart Releases 5th Album 'Rick Bogart Sings Mr. Paganini' - Debut Performance at Backstage Tavern on Friday, November 8

Acclaimed jazz clarinetist and vocalist Rick Bogart is thrilled to announce the release of his highly anticipated new album as a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald, Rick Bogart Sings Mr. Paganini, now available on all streaming platforms...


EVENT: Sol Roots Trio Perform At The Room At Cedar Grove on November 9, 2024

On Saturday November 9, world class guitarist and vocalist Sol Roots brings a trio to perform at the intimate concert hall and supper club, The Room at Cedar Grove, which is located on Delaware's scenic coast. Sol Roots performs an award-winning blend of New Orleans influenced funk, deep blues, heartfelt jazz and soul, and energetic rock...


AWARD / GRANT: Donald Vega Earns Grammy Nomination For 'As I Travel' - Best Latin Jazz Album

Celebrated pianist and composer Donald Vega receives a GRAMMY nomination in the category of Best Latin Jazz Album for his 2023 recording of As I Travel, an autobiographical suite of compositions inspired by his journey to the United States from his native Nicaragua, and the people and experiences that shaped him along the way....


Real Housewives of Nairobi reveals new faces for Season 2

New cast members include lawyer and professional bodybuilder Farah Esmail, beauty entrepreneur Zena Nyambu and Reja Keji Ladu


Easy for You

To Teach, One Must Learn

One of the benefits of writing is it forces you to structure your thoughts.

If you are doing something to pass a test rote memorization can work, but if you are trying to teach someone else and care it forces you to know with certainty what you are teaching.

When I was in nuclear power school one guy was about to flunk out and I did not want to let him so I taught him stuff for days. He passed that test and as a side effect I got my highest score I ever got on one of those tests. He eventually did flunk out, but he knew other people were rooting for him and tried to help him.

Market Your Work or Become Redundant

Going forward as more work becomes remote it is going to be easier to hire and fire people. The people who are great at sharing their work and leaving a public record of it will likely be swimming in great opportunities, whereas some equally talented people who haven't built up a bit of personal brand equity will repeatedly get fired in spite of being amazingly talented, simply because there was a turn in the economy and management is far removed from the talent. As bad as petty office politics can be, it will likely become more arbitrary when everyone is taking credit for the work of others & people are not sitting side by side to see who actually did the work.

Uber recently announced they were laying off thousands of employees while looking to move a lot of their core infrastructure work overseas where labor is cheaper. Lots of people will be made redundant as unicorn workers in a recession suddenly enjoy the job stability and all the perks of the gig working economy.


We have a great graphic designer who is deeply passionate about his work. He can hand draw amazing art or comics and is also great at understanding illustration software, web design, web usability, etc. I have no idea why he was fired from his prior employer but am thankful he was as he has been a joy to work with.

Before COVID-19 killed office work I sat right next to our lead graphic designer and when I would watch him use Adobe Illustrator I was both in awe of him and annoyed at how easy he would make things look. He is so good at it that and endless array of features are second nature to him. When I would ask him how to do something I just saw him do frequently it would be harder for him to explain how he does it than doing it.


Our graphics designer is also a quite solid HTML designer, though strictly front end design. One day when I took an early lunch with my wife I asked him to create a Wordpress theme off his HTML design and when I got back he was like ... ummm. :)

We are all wizards at some things and horrible at others. When I use Adobe Illustrator for even the most basic tasks I feel like a guy going to a breakdancing party with no cardboard and 2 left shoes.

There are a number of things that are great about programming

  • it is largely logic-based
  • people drawn toward it tend to be smart
  • people who can organize code also tend to use language directly (making finding solutions via search rather easy)

Though over time programming languages change features & some changes are not backward compatible. And as some free & open source projects accumulate dependencies they end up promoting the use of managers. Some of these may not be easy to install & configure on a remote shared server (with user permission issues) from a Windows computer. So then you install another package on your local computer and then have to research how it came with a deprecated php track_errors setting. And on and on.

One software program I installed on about a half-dozen sites many moons ago launched a new version recently & the typical quick 5 minute install turned into a half day of nothing. The experience felt a bit like a "choose your own adventure" book, where almost every choice you make leads to: start again at the beginning.

At that point a lot of the advice one keeps running into sort of presumes one has the exact same computer set up they do, so search again, solve that problem, turn on error messaging, and find the next problem to ... once again start at the beginning.

That sort of experience is more than a bit humbling & very easy to run into when one goes outside their own sphere of expertise.

Losing the Beginner's Mindset

If you do anything for an extended period of time it is easy to take many things for granted as you lose the beginner's mindset.

One of the reasons it is important to go outside your field of expertise is to remind yourself of what that experience feels like.

Anyone who has been in SEO for a decade likely does the same thing when communicating about search by presuming the same level of domain expertise and talking past people. Some aspects of programming are hard because they are complex. But when you are doing simple and small jobs then if things absolutely do not work you often get the answer right away. Whereas with SEO you can be unsure of the results of a large capital and labor investment until the next time a core algorithm update happens a quarter year from now. That uncertainty acts as the barrier to entry & blocker of institutional investments which allow for sustained above average profit margins for those who make the cut, but it also means a long lag time and requiring a high level of certainty to make a big investment.

The hard part about losing the beginners mindset with SEO is sometimes the algorithms do change dramatically and you have to absolutely reinvent yourself while throwing out what you know (use keyword rich anchor text aggressively, build tons of links, exact match domains beat out brands, repeat keyword in bold on page, etc.) and start afresh as the algorithms reshuffle the playing field.

The Web Keeps Changing

While the core algorithms are shifting so too is how people use the web. Any user behaviors are shifting as search results add more features and people search on mobile devices or search using their voice. Now that user engagement is a big part of ranking, anything which impacts brand perception or user experience also impacts SEO. Social distancing will have major impacts on how people engage with search. We have already seen a rapid rise of e-commerce at the expense of offline sales & some colleges are planning on holding next year entirely online. The University of California will have roughly a half-million students attending school online next year unless students opt for something cheaper.

What Resolution?

I am horrible with Adobe Illustrator. But one of the things I have learned with that and Photoshop is that if you edit in a rather high resolution you can have many of your errors disappear to the naked eye when it is viewed at a normal resolution. The same analogy holds true for web design but in the opposite direction ... if your usability is solid on a mobile device & the design looks good on a mobile device then it will probably be decent on desktop as well.

Some people also make a resolution mistake with SEO.

  • If nobody knows about a site or brand or company having perfect valid HTML, supporting progressive web apps, supporting AMP, using microformats, etc. ... does not matter.
  • On the flip side, if a site is well known it can get away with doing many things sub-optimally & can perhaps improve a lot by emulating sites which are growing over time in spite of having weaker brand strength.

Free, so Good Enough?

Many open source software programs do not do usability testing or track the efforts of a somewhat average user or new user in their ability to download and install software because they figure it is free so oh well people should figure it out. That thinking is a mistake though, because each successive increase in barrier to entry limits your potential market size & eventually some old users leave for one reason or another.

Any free software project which accumulates attention and influence can be monetized in other ways (through consulting, parallel SaaS offerings, affiliate ad integration, partnering with Hot Nacho to feature some great content in a hidden div using poetic code, etc.). But if they lack reach, see slowing growth, and then increase the barrier to entry they are likely to die.

When you ask someone to pay for something you'll know if they like it and where they think it can be improved. Relying on the free price point hides many problems and allows them to accumulate.

The ability to make things easy for absolute beginners is a big part of why Wordpress is worth many multiples of what Acquia sold for. And Wordpress has their VIP hosting service, Akismet, and a bunch of other revenue streams while Acquia is now owned by a private equity company.

The ability to be 0.0000001% as successful as Wordpress has been without losing the beginner mindset is hard.



A rainforest in Africa tries to reverse the damage form years of conflict and neglect

How a unique wilderness in the Democratic Republic of Congo is being revived and preserved for future generations.