
Tectonic significance of the Virgin River shear zone of the Canadian Shield and implications for the origin of the Snowbird tectonic zone of Laurentia

Card, C D; Bethune, K M; Rayner, N; Ashton, K E. Precambrian Research vol. 361, 106241, 2021 p. 1-22,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Precambrian Research vol. 361, 106241, 2021 p. 1-22," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Multidisciplinary modeling of mantle lithosphere structure within the Superior Craton, North America

Snyder, D B; Savard, G; Kjarsgaard, B A; Vaillancourt, A; Thurston, P; Ayer, J A; Roots, E. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) vol. 22, issue 4, e2020GC009566, 2021 p. 1-20,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) vol. 22, issue 4, e2020GC009566, 2021 p. 1-20," height="150" border="1" /></a>


A reappraisal of the Nonacho Basin (Northwest Territories, Canada): record of post-orogenic collapse and marine flooding in the Palaeoproterozoic of the Rae Craton

Ielpi, A; Martel, E; Fischer, B; Pehrsson, S J; Tullio, M; Neil, B J C. Precambrian Research vol. 358, 106140, 2021 p. 1-22,


U-Pb geochronology of volcanic and plutonic rocks from the White Hills Lake to Meadowbank River area, Rae Province, Nunavut, Canada

Davis, W J; Zaleski, E; Emon, Q. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8766, 2021, 11 pages,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8766, 2021, 11 pages," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Post-1.9 Ga evolution of the South Rae craton (Northwest Territories, Canada): A Paleoproterozoic 'modern-style' orogenic collapse system

Regis, D; Pehrsson, S; Martel, E; Thiessen, E; Peterson, T; Kellett, D. Precambrian Research vol. 355, 106105, 2021 p. 1-29,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Precambrian Research vol. 355, 106105, 2021 p. 1-29," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Timing and provenance of Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks in the central Thelon tectonic zone, Canada: implications for the tectonic evolution of western Laurentia from ca. 2.1 to 1.9 Ga

Davis, W J; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Berman, R G; Pehrsson, S. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 58, issue 4, 2021 p. 378-395,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 58, issue 4, 2021 p. 378-395," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Cordilleran magmatism in Yukon and northern British Columbia: characteristics, temporal variations, and significance for the tectonic evolution of the northern Cordillera

Zagorevski, A; van Staal, C R. Northern Cordillera geology: a synthesis of research from the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program, British Columbia and Yukon; by Ryan, J J (ed.); Zagorevski, A (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 610, 2021 p. 95-122,


Architecture of pericratonic Yukon-Tanana terrane in the northern Cordillera

Ryan, J J; Zagorevski, A; Cleven, N R; Parsons, A J; Joyce, N L. Northern Cordillera geology: a synthesis of research from the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program, British Columbia and Yukon; by Ryan, J J (ed.); Zagorevski, A (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 610, 2021 p. 67-93,


Overview of Cordilleran oceanic terranes and their significance for the tectonic evolution of the northern Cordillera

Zagorevski, A; van Staal, C R; Bédard, J H; Bogatu, A; Canil, D; Coleman, M; Golding, M; Joyce, N L; Lawley, C; McGoldrick, S; Mihalynuk, M G; Milidragovic, D; Parsons, A; Schiarizza, P. Northern Cordillera geology: a synthesis of research from the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals program, British Columbia and Yukon; by Ryan, J J (ed.); Zagorevski, A (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 610, 2021 p. 21-65,


Eagle Foreland Basin tectono-sedimentary element, Yukon Territory, northwest Canada

Lane, L S; Hannigan, P K; Bell, K M; Jackson, K W; McNeil, D H. Geological Society Memoir vol. 57, M57-2016-32, 2021 p. 1-12,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Society Memoir vol. 57, M57-2016-32, 2021 p. 1-12," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Ogilvie Platform composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element

Morrow, D W. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-22,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-22," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Mackenzie-Peel Platform and Ellesmerian Foreland Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, northwestern Canada

Fallas, K M; MacNaughton, R B; Hannigan, P K; MacLean, B C. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 2021 p. 1-13,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 2021 p. 1-13," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Cordilleran Foreland Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Canadian northern Interior Plains

Fallas, K M; Dixon, J; Hannigan, P K; MacLean, B C; MacNaughton, R B. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-11,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-11," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Foxe Platform and Basin Tectono-Sedimentary Element, northeast Canada

Lavoie, D; Pinet, N; Zhang, S. Sedimentary successions of the Arctic region and their hydrocarbon prospectivity; by Drachev, S S (ed.); Brekke, H (ed.); Henriksen, E (ed.); Moore, T (ed.); Geological Society Memoir 57, 2021 p. 1-6,


Deformation history and tectonic significance of the Sanagak Lake shear zone, Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut

Drayson, D; Camacho, A; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Regis, D; Larson, K; Osinchuk, A; DuFrane, S A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 2022 p. 1-22,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 2022 p. 1-22," height="150" border="1" /></a>


The Jurassic Laberge Group in the Whitehorse Trough of the Canadian Cordillera: using detrital mineral geochronology and thermochronology to investigate tectonic evolution

Kellett, D A; Zagorevski, A. Geoscience Canada vol. 49, 1, 2022 p. 7-27,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geoscience Canada vol. 49, 1, 2022 p. 7-27," height="150" border="1" /></a>


An overview of the geology and tectonic evolution of the Labrador-Baffin Seaway and onshore regions

Bingham-Koslowski, N; Dafoe, L T; St-Onge, M R; Turner, E C; Haggart, J W; Gregersen, U; Keen, C E; Bent, A L; Harrison, J C. International Conference on Arctic Margins 9 (ICAM-9), abstracts; 2022 p. 1
<a href=""><img src="" title="International Conference on Arctic Margins 9 (ICAM-9), abstracts; 2022 p. 1" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Magnetic and gravity characteristics of the Thelon and Taltson orogens, northern Canada: tectonic implications

Thomas, M D. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 618, 2022, 33 pages,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 618, 2022, 33 pages," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Biostratigraphic evidence for incremental tectonic development of Early Cambrian deep-water environments in the Misty Creek Embayment (Selwyn Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada)

Scott, W R; Turner, E C; MacNaughton, R B; Fallas, K M. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 2022 p. 1-16,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 2022 p. 1-16," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Magnetic and gravity models, northern half of the Taltson Magmatic Zone, Rae Craton, Northwest Territories: insights into upper crustal structure

Thomas, M D. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research (Online) 2022-1, 2022, 22 pages,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research (Online) 2022-1, 2022, 22 pages," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Mineral and carving-stone resources of Baffin Island

Harrison, J C; Saumur, B M; Skipton, D R. Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway; by Dafoe, L T (ed.); Bingham-Koslowski, N (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 608, 2022 p. 389-407,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological synthesis of Baffin Island (Nunavut) and the Labrador-Baffin Seaway; by Dafoe, L T (ed.); Bingham-Koslowski, N (ed.); Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 608, 2022 p. 389-407," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Surficial geology, Cape Weynton, Nunavut, NTS 56-P/9, 10

Geological Survey of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 394, surficial data model v.2.3.14 conversion, 2022, 1 sheet,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 394, surficial data model v.2.3.14 conversion, 2022, 1 sheet," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Surficial geology, Pennington Lake, Nunavut, NTS 56-F

Geological Survey of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 381, surficial data model v.2.3.14 conversion, 2022, 1 sheet,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 381, surficial data model v.2.3.14 conversion, 2022, 1 sheet," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Geochemical characterization of plutonic rocks and U-Pb ages of dykes, Boothia Peninsula-Somerset Island, Nunavut

Sanborn-Barrie, M; Regis, D. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8972, 2023, 22 pages,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8972, 2023, 22 pages," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Discovery of a giant 3.3-3.1 Ga terrane in the Rae craton, Canada: Implications for the timing and extent of ancient continental growth

Neil, B J C; Tersmette, D B; Chacko, T; Heaman, L M; Kjarsgaard, B A; Martel, E; Creaser, R A; Pearson, D G; Stern, R A; Dufrane, S A; Luo, Y. Geology vol. 51, no. 6, 2023 p. 597-601,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Geology vol. 51, no. 6, 2023 p. 597-601," height="150" border="1" /></a>


The tectonic evolution of Laurentia and the North American continent: new datasets, insights, and models

Whitmeyer, S J; Kellett, D A; Tikoff, B; Williams, M L. Laurentia: turning points in the evolution of a continent; Geological Society of America, Memoir vol. 220, 2023 p. 7-16,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Laurentia: turning points in the evolution of a continent; Geological Society of America, Memoir vol. 220, 2023 p. 7-16," height="150" border="1" /></a>


The corrugated hills continental flood basalt: a c. 2.17 Ga flood basalt province related to breakup of the Superior craton

Van Rooyen, D; Sappin, A -A; Corrigan, D; Rayner, N; Houlé, M G. Special Publication of the Geological Society of London vol. 542, 2023 p. 1-35,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Special Publication of the Geological Society of London vol. 542, 2023 p. 1-35," height="150" border="1" /></a>


The tectonic evolution of Thelon tectonic zone, Canada: a new model based on petrological modeling linked with Lu-Hf garnet and U-Pb accessory mineral geochronology

Berman, R G; Cutts, J; Davis, W J; Camacho, A; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Smit, M A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 60, no. 5, 2023 p. 1-33,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 60, no. 5, 2023 p. 1-33," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Overview of the lithotectonic framework of the Core Zone, southeastern Churchill Province, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador

Corrigan, D. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 335-337,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 335-337," height="150" border="1" /></a>


An overview of Archean and Proterozoic history of the Tehery Lake-Wager Bay area, central Rae Craton, Nunavut

Wodicka, N; Steenkamp, H M; Peterson, T; Therriault, I; Whalen, J B; Tschirhart, V; Lawley, C J M; Guilmette, C; Kellett, D A; Weller, O M; Garrison, W; Kendrick, J; Davis, W J. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 289-293,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 289-293," height="150" border="1" /></a>


New crustal subdivision and architecture of the south Rae Craton, Northwest Territories: a synthesis

Pehrsson, S J. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 283-287,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 283-287," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Crustal architecture and evolution of the central Thelon tectonic zone, Nunavut: insights from Sm-Nd and O isotope analysis, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and targeted bedrock mapping

Berman, R G; Taylor, B E; Davis, W J; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Whalen, J B. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 115-158,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 115-158," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Competitions Commission on GXO/Wincanton: we’re concerned that this merger could reduce competition

Following a Phase 1 investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority has found that GXO Logistics’ completed purchase of Wincanton PLC could reduce competition in the supply of mainstream contract logistics services in the UK.


Autonomous delivery pilot launched in Helsinki

A new smart logistics centre in Helsinki is trialling zero emission deliveries using a combination of robots and electric vehicles.


BVA To Send Teams To Nike Boston Festival

The Bermuda Volleyball Association [BVA] announced teams will participate in the Nike Boston Volleyball Festival. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Volleyball Association is pleased to announce that we have eight teams travelling to Boston, Massachusetts for the Nike Boston Volleyball Festival. The tournament takes place over two weekends and will take place at the Boston […]


Volleyballers Begin Competing In Boston

The Nike Boston Volleyball Festival got underway in Boston, with Bermuda teams taking part. Paradise Hitters Under 12s finished the morning session 1 and 2. They fell 25-7, 25-6 to Smash and 25-11, 25-6 to GVC 12 Angie before defeating Mass Power 25-9, 25-12. The Paradise Hitters Under 14 team also finished the morning session […]


Nike Boston Volleyball Festival Continues

The Nike Boston Volleyball Festival continued in Boston with Bermuda teams taking part. The Paradise Hitters Under 14 team are now 3 & 3 overall, after going 2 & 1 on Day Two. They began the day defeating Seaway 25-9, 25-11, they would then fall 25-27, 25-18, 15-9 to Cal White, before picking up a […]


Volleyball Teams Finish Tournament In Boston

Bermuda’s Paradise Hitters volleyball teams competed on the final day of the Nike Boston Volleyball Festival. A spokesperson said, “The last day of the tournament is playoff time for all teams.” Paradise Hitters U12 “The team had an 8:15 match this morning after a late evening of playing last night. They played a very strong […]


Volleyball Teams Continue In Boston Festival

The second week of competition in the Nike Boston Volleyball Festival got underway with three Bermuda teams taking part. The Paradise Hitters Under 18 team ended day one with a record of 1 7 2, they would go down 25-19, 25-12 to Creole Big Apple in their opener, but they bounced back to defeat Mill […]


Nike Boston Volleyball Festival Continues

The second week of competition in the Nike Boston Volleyball Festival continued with three Bermuda teams taking part. On day two, the Paradise Hitters Under 18 team won all three matches to move to 4 & 2. They defeated the Gators Green 25-10, 25-17, they then defeated Mass Premier 25-19, 25-19, before closing out with […]


Nike Boston Volleyball Festival Concludes

Competition in the Nike Boston Volleyball Festival continued with playoff matches closing out the event. Paradise Hitters U18 A spokesperson said, “The team played their final match versus Fusion Power. This was a very tight match with long rallies. Unfortunately, the team lost the match 1-2 games [20-25, 25-22, 9-15]. Even though they didn’t win […]


Raise the Roof: How to Reduce Badminton Birdie Drift

The airflow from an indoor badminton court's HVAC system and cross ventilation can affect the path of a birdie and have a significant role in play, but research published in Physics of Fluids proposes that different roof configurations could help mitigate wind drift. The authors recommend that important badminton games be played on courts with a barrel roof and a ventilation opening. The team modeled the airflow in a barrel roof stadium with different ventilation opening directions and tested this against a simulation of a flat roof to understand the roof effects.


Innovative Sutton Project Supports Socially and Environmentally Responsible Densification

An architectural project in Sutton aims to tackle the housing crisis while promoting sustainable development and social inclusion.


A New Milestone in the Study of Octopus Arms

Newly published research by Grainger Engineers in Mechanical Science and Engineering describes an unprecedented computational model that captures the intricate muscular architecture of an octopus arm.


Hear from the Man Who Fought a Bear('s Tongue) and Lived to Tell the Tale


Tony is Running Exclusively on a Pizza-Based Platform


Apple Defends Mac Mini Power Button Relocation

Apple executives have defended the relocation of the power button to the bottom of its new M4 Mac mini, citing the computer's significantly reduced size as the driving factor behind the design change. In a Bilibili video interview, Apple's Greg Joswiak and John Ternus explained that the Mac mini's form factor, now half the size of its predecessor, necessitated finding a new position for the power button. The executives said that the bottom placement allows for convenient access despite initial user criticism.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.