
Jesus' Preparation For Ministry Pt1: From Obscurity To Prominence

There is much of Jesus' early life we don't know about. We know He didn't begin His earthly ministry until around the age of 30. What did He do in those preceding years? Those years in obscurity were a vital part of 'Jesus' Preparation For Ministry'. What lessons can we learn from such obscurity and silent years? Follow Him 'From Obscurity To Prominence', as we consider this question and also the importance of Christ's baptism, holiness, obedience and His empowerment by the Spirit. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Jesus' Preparation For Ministry Pt2: Learning To Minister From Identity

Many of us have been conditioned by life and culture to serve to obtain identity rather than ministering from our identity in Christ. Jesus knew who He was and what the Father thought of Him; this impacted how He served God. However, many of us behave as orphans in ministry, which often ends in our own hurt and that of others. In this message on 'Learning To Minister From Identity', David teaches us to minister from identity as children of God rather than ministering from identity like orphans. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Jesus' Preparation For Ministry Pt3: The School Of Suffering

The Bible tells us that Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered. Even for the perfect Son of God, there was 'The School Of Suffering' that prepared Him for ministry. As His disciples, we are called to take up our cross and suffer for Christ. We will experience the test of the wilderness and face the enemy's taunts attacking our belovedness to God. Suffering cannot be avoided as Christians. Discernment is needed to know what can be resisted and what is part of God's plan for us. One thing is sure: if we are to inherit as God's sons and daughters, we must suffer for His name. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Le vice-Premier ministre chinois appelle au cours de la COP29 � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous

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Finanzminister Kukies im Haushaltsausschuss

Der neue Finanzminister Kukies wird heute im Haushaltsausschuss erklären müssen, wofür noch Geld da ist und wie es weitergeht. Was sind die größten Baustellen? Von Nicole Kohnert.


TV-Moderator Hegseth soll Trumps Verteidigungsminister werden

Tag für Tag werden neue Namen der künftigen Trump-Regierung bekannt: Für Aufsehen sorgt jetzt, dass der rechte TV-Moderator Pete Hegseth das Verteidigungsministerium übernehmen soll. Auch Tech-Milliardär Musk bekommt einen Posten.




Jesus Is My Happiness Mini Button

This Mini Button can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


I'm Not Old, I'm Retro Mini Button

With this Mini Button, you can declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool, youthful and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". - I am not old! I am Retro! Do you think you are old? Have you ever felt old? Just remember, you are only as old as you feel, you are only old if you let yourself feel old. Nowadays, with retro styles, retro attitudes and all things of the past being very hip, cool and popular, it is even easier not to feel old and not be old. Now is your chance to declare to yourself and to the world that you are not old. Declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". After all, you are not old, you are retro!


Legalize Freedom Mini Poster Print

Show your support for freedom of thoughts and actions with the Mini Poster Print - Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't seem to matter much any more. They all are trying to pass more laws one way or another to dictate how we think, how we live, restricting how they think we should think and how they think we should live. It doesn't matter anymore if you agree with conservative or liberal ideals. Having different ideas, thoughts and attitudes is what use to make the United States terrific. We didn't use to have the politicians shoving their personal beliefs down our throats. We use to be able think and act for ourselves. We use to be able to be responsible for our own lives and our own decisions. Freedom use to be legal. Freedom of choice use to mean something. The freedom to choose anything is almost non-existent anymore. Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't matter any more, all of their beliefs that they try passing laws on telling us how to think, breath and live will only lead to one thing eventually... socialism and communism... UNLESS it is stopped before it is too late. Legalize Freedom! Enough is enough already!! Stop restricting us! Stop telling us how you say we should think! Stop telling us how we should live! Stop trying to protect us from us! Let us think for ourselves! Let us act for ourselves! Let us be responsible for our own lives! Let us be responsible for our own decisions! LEGALIZE FREEDOM!!


Martial Arts Therapy Mini Poster Print

This Mini Poster will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


Approach With Caution Mini Poster Print

WARNING: Approach With Caution Mini Poster Print - Let other people know that you need to be approached with caution with the "WARNING: Approach With Caution" 3D Industrial Metal Looking Sign Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Makes an excellent gift for those that are slighty tempermental too!


Frage nach den Anschlägen in Paris: Wurde der Premierminister gewarnt?

Frankreichs Innenminister Manuel Valls soll vor den Anschlägen in Paris Informationen aus Syrien bekommen haben. Angeblich wurden ihm Fahndungslisten verdächtiger Terroristen angeboten, und er soll diese abgelehnt haben - das behauptet der Journalist Yves de Kerdrel nach einem Interview mit dem ehemaligen französischen Geheimdienstcheft Bernard Squarcini. Manuel Valls erklärte am 16. ...


US Administration Purchases 4.65 Million Barrels of Crude Oil for Strategic Petroleum Reserve

In July 2024, the Biden-Harris administration made a significant move to bolster the United States’ energy security by purchasing 4.65 million barrels of crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). This acquisition is part of a broader effort to replenish the SPR, which had been significantly drawn down in response to the global energy crisis triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) confirmed that this latest purchase brings the total amount of crude oil secured for the SPR to over 40 million barrels since the administration began its replenishment efforts. The DOE has been able to procure this oil at an average price of $77 per barrel, which is nearly $20 less per barrel than the average sales price during the emergency releases in 2022. This strategic purchasing not only ensures a good deal for American taxpayers but also maintains the operational readiness of the SPR. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm emphasized the administration’s commitment to safeguarding the nation’s energy security while securing favorable terms for taxpayers. She noted that the DOE has successfully accelerated the return of nearly 5.5 million barrels initially slated for later in the year, further maximizing the...


L15A in Classic Mini Feasibility

Looking for some info on an engine swap using the L15A engine and MT trans from a GE8. I have searched the forms but no one seems to be talking about using the fit L15A engine, rather replacing it....


Human Versus Machine Japanese Translation Mini Battle

The manga tech start up Orange Inc recently raised over 19 million USD in funding for machine translated manga. We were quite intrigued beca...


[82% Discount] Mine passive bitcoin with this A.I.-powered mining app

Crypto, soaring once again, could reach $100,000. As it becomes more expensive, you could afford to buy in less quantity or get into mining as an alternative option, which is what Opal is about today. Opal, as the world’s first A.I.-powered crypto-mining app, could get you up to $29 in bitcoin every 4 hours! For […]


Aluminium China 2025: Celebrating 20 Years of Collective Achievements and Embracing a New Chapter

The 20th ALUMINIUM CHINA will take place from July 9-11, 2025, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Organized by RX China, the event will feature over 600 diverse exhibitors showcasing the entire aluminium industry chain. With the theme "Aspirational·Limitless·Unique: 20 Years of Excellence," next year's exhibition will span over 60,000 square meters and expects to bring together []


Minimum wage increase by other means

The employer mandate provision included in the House Democrats' bill requires employers to either provide health insurance (with upto 72.5% of the premiums) to all employees or pay an additional payroll tax. Based on the average employer-based family plans cost...


Domini Games Criminal Archives - Murder in the Pages

Can an author claim copyright if a story he wrote is then used as a plan for an actual murder?


Join the Empowering Conversation: The Rise of Global Feminism

In an era of progress and transformation, the global feminist movement has emerged as a powerful force, transcending geographical boundaries and uniting women from diverse backgrounds in a shared pursuit of equality. This article delves into the heart of this empowering conversation, exploring the multifaceted aspects of global feminism, its impact on women’s lifestyles, and […]

The post Join the Empowering Conversation: The Rise of Global Feminism appeared first on Lifestyle Web Log.


Master in "Diritto amministrativo e scienze dell'amministrazione" (Roma, gennaio - ...

La Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell'Università degli studi "Roma Tre" organizza un Master in diritto amministrativo e scienze dell'amministrazione. Il Master si rivolge a giovani laureati, dirigenti e funzionari delle P.A. dei diversi livelli istituzionali, con l'obiettivo di fornire loro competenze applicate sui temi della governance pubblica. Il Master si realizza tra in un anno, tra gennaio e dicembre 2007.


Mini-IRCap v2.4 [Win 7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Chat:Utilidades:IRC
Este cliente de IRC para Windows está pensado especialmente para los nostálgicos de los antiguos chats.


Condominium Gym Exercise Workouts

How to get at great workout in your condo gym plus exercises video.


Mac Mini and MacWise

MacWise users will find the Mac Mini a compelling reason to put that old Wyse or DEC terminal into storage and replace it with a Mac Mini running MacWise. The Mini has everything you need to connect to your host.


How To Start A Forum - Get Our FREE Mini Course

Discover the little-known secrets of creating and running a powerful and successful discussion forum! Find out how to avoid the critical mistakes that most forums before they even get off the ground!. It's a FREE gift for a limited time only.


Is Sri Lanka a cybercrime hub? Foreign Minister warns of impact on fragile economy

These scams, which target victims through emotional manipulation and false promises of romance or investment opportunities...


Die neuen Affenpocken und Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach

Dr. Alexander von Paleske ---- 18.8. 2024 ---- In der vergangenen Woche hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) wegen der Affenpockenepidemie (Mpox) eine Gesundheitliche Notlage von internationaler Reichweite (PHEIC) ausgerufen.Es ist nicht das erste Mal im Zusammenhang mit Affenpocken.. . Bei dieser viralen Infektionskrankheit handelte es sich um eine – bisher - weniger gefährliche Verwandte der schwarzen Pocken, die dank Massenimpfungen vor 45 Jahren ausgerottet wurden. Das Affenpocken-Virus...


„Revolutionärer“ Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach, ein krankes Gesundheitswesen,...

Dr. Alexander von Paleske --- 10.10.2024 Gesundheitsminister Professor Karl Lauterbach bezeichnet seine Pläne zur Reform im Gesundheitswesen als eine „Revolution“ (stationäre Behandlung in Krankenhäusern) oder zumindest als „grosse Reform“ die bald kommen soll (bei der Pflegeversicherung). Tatsache ist, das der Gesundheitsmiinister Lauterbach durch die mit der damaligen SPD Gesundheitsministerin Ulla Schmidt (SPD) ausgeheckte Krankenhausreform - mit der Einführung von Fallpauschalen statt...


The Ministry of Lost Things Takes PostCurious in an Episodic Direction

I have a confession to make: I misplace things all the time. That copy of Ship of Theseus I bought that I was saving for a rainy day? Gone. The transparent lock I used for lockpicking practice? Haven’t seen it in years. My Flynn Lives pin, from the Tron Legacy ARG? Fell off my lanyard […]

The post The Ministry of Lost Things Takes PostCurious in an Episodic Direction first appeared on ARGNet: Alternate Reality Gaming Network.


Room Thirteen Editorial - Jan - March 2018 Mini Rundown

Various Artists


Kenya: Steeplechase World Record Holder Chepkoech Reminisces On Decade Track Career

[Capital FM] Nairobi -- Ten years into her track career, Women's 3000m Steeplechase World Record Holder Beatrice Chepkoech looks back at what has been a golden chance well utilized by the once little girl, who used to run to and fro school across the large tea plantations deep in the heart of Kericho County.


Kenya: Health Ministry Reports 83% Drop in New HIV Infection in a Decade

[Capital FM] Health Cabinet Secretary Deborah Barasa announced on Wednesday that Kenya recorded 16,752 new HIV infections in 2023, a significant drop from 101,560 in 2013.


Southern Africa: SADC to Hold Joint Meeting of Ministers of Health and Ministers Responsible for HIV & Aids

[SADC] The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will hold a Joint meeting of the SADC Ministers of Health and Ministers responsible for HIV & AIDS on 7th November 2024 in Harare, the Republic of Zimbabwe.


Gambia: Hon Fatou Kinteh Attends OIC High Level Ministerial Donors' Conference in Jeddah PS Kah With Hon. Fatou Kinteh

[The Point] Honorable Fatou S. Kinteh, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Welfare attended the OIC High Level Ministerial Donors' Conference in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, to support the displaced and refugees in the Sahel and Lake Chad Region. The event was held on 26 October 2024.


Lesotho: Health Ministry Urges Safe Medicine Use

[Lesotho Times] THE Ministry of Health, through its Department of Pharmaceuticals, has urged the public to use medicines safely and to report any side effects that they may feel after taking medications.


Ghana: Health Ministry Launches National Strategy for Sickle Cell Disease, Vaccine Policy

[GhanaToday] To advance the treatment of sickle cell disease in the country, the Ministry of Health has launched the National Sickle Cell Disease Strategy for 2024 to 2028, along with a National Vaccine Policy in Accra.


Credit Card Minimum Payments to Double Over the Next Twelve Months

September 15, 2005 - If you are one of the 35 million Americans who only make minimum payments on your credit cards, you are going to be in for a rude surprise over the next year. The amount that you are going to be required to pay is going to double due to a little publicized federal lending rule that is about to go into effect. Unfortunately, most lenders don’t want you to know about the payment increases until after October 15th. That’s the date that new federal bankruptcy laws go into effect.


Time to rein in minimum-payment loans

December 13, 2005 - The Washington Post reported that federal financial regulators are on the verge of reining in what is considered ''affordability'' mortgages. These loans provide for a 1 percent or 2 percent mortgage payment, rather than the normal 8 to 10 percent.


Le wokisme a encore frappé : un personnage féminin dans la saison 1 d’Arena Breakout: Infinite

On ne va pas passer par quatre chemins, le compte officiel X d’Arena Breakout: Infinite a publié un post mercredi dernier pour annoncer une idée saugrenue qu’est l’intégration de personnages féminins dans le jeu. Déjà qu’EA Games et Patrick Söderlund avec son fameux « If you don’t like it, don’t buy it » avaient tenté […]


Indo-Palestine Solidarity Network writes an open letter to Indian Foreign Minister

Urges Mr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to get relevant countries to work collectively under coordination from India to impress upon Israel to give up its illegal occupation, surrender its settler-colonial policies, work towards a one-state solution.


Mini Jet Lag from Daylight Saving Time: 3 Rules to Follow

Switching to daylight saving time affects everyone differently. Some barely notice the change, others experience a sort of jet lag. These tips can help you adjust.


MTS Belarus, Unicef, Ministry of Education cooperate on educational tools

(Telecompaper) MTS Belarus, in cooperation with the Belarusian Ministry of Education and Unicef, has started a project to develop recommendations for schools...


Google says Gems are ‘one of the most used Gemini Advanced features,’ adds file upload - 9to5Google

  1. Google says Gems are ‘one of the most used Gemini Advanced features,’ adds file upload  9to5Google
  2. Gemini Live is getting ready to chat with you about your files (APK teardown)  Android Authority
  3. Google thinks attachments could be the perfect conversation starter for Gemini Live  Android Police
  4. Google's Gemini AI may soon allow users to edit files using voice commands  The Times of India
  5. Gemini Live could soon start messing around with your files  Android Central


2024 Mini Cooper S review: Legacy of fun

The car you see in these pictures needs no introduction. An icon of the Mr Bean series and The Italian Job movies, the Mini Cooper is perhaps more famous than the characters behind its wheel. It has been the benchmark for fun, fast, small hatchbacks, and this new Cooper S is the last to be petrol-powered, as from here on, it will be an EV-only model. So, let’s see if it lives up to its legacy.

2024 Mini Cooper S: design

The new triangular tail-lamps get individual configurable LED elements.

The easiest way to tell that this is the latest Cooper S is to look at the rear end. The Mini Cooper now gets triangular tail-lamps with individual LED elements that can be configured to display three different animations, including the famed Union Jack pattern. Similarly, the iconic round headlights are bezel-less, and they, too, have custom animations. The octagonal front grille is larger and features a blanked-off trim in the centre. In keeping with its sporty theme, there are no chrome elements on the outside; instead, you get a generous dose of gloss black surrounding the grille, the mirrors, the roof and the tailgate. There’s also some cladding around the wheel arches and stylish 17-inch alloys.

17-inch alloy wheels with run-flat tyres are standard.

A special mention must go to this Sunny Side Yellow paint on our test car, which grabs many eyeballs. Notably, this new Cooper S forgoes the air intakes in the bumpers and, more controversially, visible exhaust tips.

2024 Mini Cooper S: interior, features

In the pursuit of minimalism, Mini has forgone the instrument cluster, giving the dashboard a clean look. The 9.4-inch OLED centre touchscreen doubles up as the instrument cluster, showing relevant driving information, depending on which mode you’re in. This Android-based screen is the cabin’s highlight, and it controls most functions, too.

The crisp 9.4-inch OLED touchscreen doubles up as an instrument panel.

The screen is high in resolution, and the touch is slick. However, the multiple menus and sub-menus mean that you need time to get accustomed to it. Mini has used sustainable materials on the dashboard, door cards and seats, which look nice and rather unconventional but will be challenging to keep clean. The steering is nice to look at, with its two-spoke design, and the tensioned fabric piece that acts like the third spoke is a cool touch. However, the steering’s rim is too thick, much like those of several M Sport BMWs. The front seats are accommodating; they hold you well in place around corners and offer good adjustability, but electrical adjustment is part of an optional pack. Entry to the rear seat is tight, and it isn’t particularly spacious, but adults can fit here for shorter journeys. What does help matters is the dual-pane sunroof, which opens up the feeling of space in the cabin.

The rear seat is comfy enough for adults on short trips.

As for features, the Cooper S packs in quite a bit of standard equipment, and our test car was also fitted with an optional Classic pack worth Rs 5.85 lakh, which brought in a couple of feel-good bits. Chief among them are the superb-sounding Harman Kardon sound system and the head-up display, which shows you the necessary information, such as speed, gear and tachometer. Uniquely, it also brings in an inside camera for taking photos or videos while you’re out on a drive. Standard features include auto climate control, LED lights, a rear camera, a large wireless charging pad in the centre console, ambient lighting and cruise control. 

HUD (optional) replaces the traditional instrument cluster.

2024 Mini Cooper S: powertrain, performance

Underpinning the new Mini Cooper S is a heavily updated version of the outgoing Mini’s platform. The engine is also the same 2.0-litre, four-cylinder turbo-petrol but uprated for this latest version. Output stands at 204hp and 300Nm, up from the older car’s 178hp and 280Nm, and it continues to send power to the front wheels.

The 2.0L 4-pot unit has been uprated to 204hp.

Twist the toggle switch in the centre console, and the four-pot burbles to life. This simple twist switch makes you feel like you’re operating an aircraft and adds to the cool factor. The exhaust, while not particularly loud, does have a nice raspy tone to it. And like most modern, sporty cars, the Cooper S also pipes an artificial exhaust sound into the cabin through the speakers. While some might say this is sacrilege, I actually think it enhances the experience. The BMW-sourced motor is a highlight of this car as power is plentiful, and its rev-happy nature just eggs you on to drive harder. It leaps off the line, and the instant power delivery never leaves you wanting more.

Cooper S leaps off the line, and the instant power delivery never leaves you wanting more.

The engine is paired with an 8-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox that is quick and responsive, and depending on which drive mode you’re in, it’ll either upshift at the earliest to conserve fuel or hold on to lower gears longer for maximum performance. One of the biggest misses with this new Cooper S, though, is that it lacks any form of manual control for the gearbox: no paddles, no Tiptronic function and not even a proper gear lever, with only a toggle switch to select drive direction. The only way to get it to downshift is by pressing the accelerator hard and then waiting for the gearbox to kick down. For a hot hatch like the Mini Cooper S, this is a big letdown. Another miss is a handbrake lever, so there’s no scope for fun manoeuvres such as handbrake turns and J-turns. 

The Cooper S is sprightliest in the Go-Kart mode, where it feels quite literally like a go-kart.

On the move, the Cooper S feels energetic and quick despite its 1,360kg kerb weight. And that’s backed up by the performance figures. Mini claims a 0-100kph time of 6.6 seconds, but we managed to time it a shade quicker at 6.48 seconds in Go-Kart mode. And despite having no manual control, the gearbox is quick enough to kick down, which enables you to dart in between the gaps in slow-moving traffic. In-gear acceleration, then, is strong, too, taking 3.62 seconds for the 20-80kph sprint and 4.56 seconds for 40-100kph.

Ambient light colour and pattern depend on the drive mode.

The new Cooper S offers seven modes, each with unique ambient lighting and screen graphics, with the Classic pack. However, only three of them – Core, Go-Kart and Efficient – actually alter the driving experience. Core is the standard mode, offering the best balance between performance and efficiency. Efficient, as the name suggests, is the eco mode, which dulls throttle response in the interest of efficiency. 

The Cooper S is sprightliest in the Go-Kart mode, where it feels quite literally like a go-kart. It’s in this mode where the engine, gearbox and throttle are the most responsive, and the car feels like it shrinks around you. The other four modes only alter the ambient lighting and graphics and play an audio track.

2024 Mini Cooper S: ride, handling

The brakes are sharp, with a strong initial bite followed by progressive stopping power. In our test, it took 25.76 metres to come to a halt from 80kph. On Mumbai’s less-than-perfect streets, the Cooper S felt stiffly sprung, and the larger bumps were jarring. There’s no scope for adjustability, as it doesn’t get adaptive dampers. The run-flat tyres don’t help either. The optional 18-inch alloys will have even slimmer side walls, which will further hamper the ride quality. But drive it on a perfectly paved road like the new coastal road in Mumbai, and it is just super.

On Mumbai’s less-than-perfect streets, the Cooper S felt stiffly sprung, and the larger bumps were jarring.

The stiff ride means that it feels tight and agile around the bends, with absolutely no body roll. The steering is also sharp, and the Cooper S is quick to turn into corners, making it feel like it shrinks around you. There’s barely any slack at the centre position, and you’ll like the fact that it is communicative, too. You’ll also notice torque steer when driving flat-out, but it’s nothing that’s not manageable; here, it is actually fun and adds to the drama. Like Coopers of the past, this new one remains a hoot to drive. Then, there’s also the fact that Mini is saving its best for the full-blown John Cooper Works (JCW) version, which is expected to arrive at a later date, and that should dial things up further.

2024 Mini Cooper S: price, verdict

The Mini Cooper S is a car you clearly buy with your heart rather than your head, especially considering it costs Rs 44.90 lakh (ex-showroom), before options. Then, there’s the lack of manual control for the gearbox, and it’s a stiff ride to contend with. Beyond that, though, it is simply a hoot and remains as charming as ever. It’s packed with more tech than before and has a superb engine. Moreover, you won’t be able to buy this petrol-powered hot hatch after a couple of years. That might be reason enough to get the Mini now. 

Also see:

2024 Mini Cooper S video review

New Mini Convertible revealed

Electric Mini Cooper JCW gets 258hp


Mini Countryman Electric review: E-motional buy

Contrary to the Mini in its name, the Countryman is a large, four-door, spacious crossover squarely aimed at family buyers. Now in its third generation, it has undergone some revolutionary changes, and for the first time ever, it’ll be sold with an electric heart, along with the ICE versions. For India, though, Mini has only introduced the Countryman EV as an import, which, due to its single-motor, front-wheel drive setup, is priced rather competitively at Rs 55 lakh. 

But India’s entry-level luxury EV segment is quite populated, by electric car standards at least. It includes the BYD Seal and Hyundai Ioniq 5 at one end – priced sub-Rs 50 lakh – and the Mercedes-Benz EQA (Rs 66 lakh) and BMW iX1 (Rs 67 lakh) on the other end. So, how does the new Mini Countryman EV stack up?

2024 Mini Countryman: design

With dimensions larger than a Jeep Compass, this new Countryman can be termed as anything but small.

Think Mini, and you’d visualise a compact hatchback. However, with dimensions larger than a Jeep Compass, this new Countryman can be termed as anything but small. Despite its size, a curvy design language and smooth body lines devoid of cuts or creases make it appear chic and urbane rather than brawny and intimidating. Executed with undeniable panache is the matte champagne-coloured garnishing around its closed-off front grille and on the C-Pillar and the front, side and rear skid plates. Even the Mini logos and the Countryman badge are finished in this shade.

Cool-looking 19-inch alloys are a part of the optional Favoured Pack.

Our test car was fitted with optional 19-inch alloys sporting the champagne scheme, although 17-inch alloys come as standard. A wraparound glass area and a blackened roof mask the Countryman EV’s height well, lending it a wagon-like silhouette. Adding to its feel-good factor are the (optional) LED DRL eyebrows and matrix LED tail-lamps that have a customisable light show upon locking or unlocking.

2024 Mini Countryman: interior, features

Like Minis of yore, its cabin is minimalistic with a circular theme.

Like yesteryear Minis, the Countryman EV’s cabin has a minimalistic theme with circular elements. The centre of attraction is a 9.4-inch circular OLED touchscreen, which is exceptional in terms of its usability and responsiveness, and its clarity is second to none. Furthermore, fun themes, funky animations and musical notifications will most certainly make you smile while operating it. This screen also doubles up as the speedometer and driver display, which is inconvenient to read on the move. You could consider opting for the Favoured Pack, which gets you a head-up display (HUD) bundled with several other extras, for an additional Rs 4.60 lakh. And while the HUD does make it convenient to read the speed, the unit is simply too basic, especially when compared to the ones available in hatchbacks at a fraction of this Mini’s cost.

Albeit basic, its useful HUD is an option worth considering.

The dashboard is replete with fabric made out of recycled materials. However, its open-pore texture might not be ideal for our dusty conditions. It is finished in blue and neatly fades into a shade of brown towards the rear half of the car; the seats are also brown. The champagne-coloured theme is carried over on the inside and is the most prominent around the air vents and on the vertical door handles.

Optional JCW driver’s seat is too sculpted and firm for comfort.

The optional JCW Sport driver’s seat on our test car is too sculpted and firm for comfort; hence, it is an option we recommend you uncheck. It has a seat massaging function, though. Things are a bit better at the rear. Space is adequate, the backrest reclines, and even though the floor height is raised and you’re seated in a knees-up position, it is still quite comfortable. Also, accommodating a third passenger is possible due to a flat floor and a broad seat.

Seating position is a bit knees-up at rear, but overall, seat is comfy.

Being the more practical Mini, the Countryman has an abundance of storage areas; the central console shelf and door pockets are huge, and even its 460-litre boot is large. Sadly, it isn’t equipped with a spare tyre beneath the floor.

Fantastic OLED touchscreen is among the best out there.

As far as its equipment goes, the Mini gets the aforementioned OLED touchscreen, LED lights, 17-inch alloys, rear-view camera and panoramic sunroof, among others. Customisable LED lights, electrically operable boot and drive modes are some of the optional extras bundled in the Classic Trim, which costs Rs 2 lakh more. In addition, buyers who want a head-up display, JCW Sport seats, 19-inch alloys and a Harman Kardon sound system will need to opt for the earlier-mentioned Favoured Pack. However, this Mini still misses ventilated seats, a 360-degree camera, side and curtain airbags, and adjustable regen via steering-mounted paddle shifters.

2024 Mini Countryman: powertrain, performance

The talking point of this EV is its 66.45kWh (gross capacity) battery, which it shares with its platform-mate, the BMW iX1. But unlike its BMW cousin, which uses a twin-motor setup, the Mini makes do with a single-motor, front-wheel-drive setup. And while its motor makes 204hp, its 250Nm torque output doesn’t impress, especially when compared to turbo-petrol cars available at half its price.

There’s no storage area beneath its bonnet.

But then factor in the instantaneous responsiveness of its motor, and you never yearn for more pep while ambling around town or when driving in a leisurely manner, which is how most owners would drive their Countryman EV.

Demand more out of it, though, and its torque curve flattens quickly. The Countryman’s outright performance is lacklustre, and it doesn’t feel as effortless as its rivals. To put its acceleration into perspective, the Mini will sprint from 0-100kph in 8.6 seconds (claimed), slower than a similarly priced Volvo XC40 Recharge front-wheel drive’s 7.3 seconds or a Hyundai Ioniq 5’s 7.5 seconds.

Although adequate, its performance feels muted compared to its rivals.

Interestingly, the Mini features ‘Iconic Sounds’, which gives drivers the option to play synthesised motor sounds via the speakers. These sounds are loudest in the Go-Kart mode, wherein it’ll also emit its own version of ‘pops and bangs’ when you lift off the accelerator pedal. These certainly liven up the drive experience and add a degree of fun to the otherwise quiet and drama-free EV experience.

2024 Mini Countryman: ride, handling

Its Mini-ness is evident when you find yourself on a winding section of a road.

The Mini-ness of the Countryman EV becomes evident when you find yourself on a winding section of a road. Its sharp steering and pointy front end make it feel very agile, and despite its size, it still handles in a ‘go-kart-like’ manner. Ride quality isn’t harsh or jarring per se, but you hear each and every ‘thud’ and ‘thwack’ while driving on our less-than-perfect roads on account of a noisy suspension that’s further exacerbated by its upsized, optional 19-inch wheels. The suspension noise seriously hampers the driving experience, coaxing you to drive with more caution than what the Countryman EV can actually handle.

2024 Mini Countryman: verdict

It’s hard not to be enamoured by the charming new Mini Countryman. Besides oozing character, it carries forward the traditional go-kart-like driving mannerisms associated with Minis, all while being spacious and practical. But the Countryman EV’s proposition isn’t complete – rivals are more comfortable, offer better performance and provide more equipment. So, like other Minis, even this ‘practical’ Countryman is purely an emotional purchase, and if you decide to take the plunge, be rest assured that it’s a car that’ll make you smile every time you’re behind the wheel.

Also see:

2024 Mini Countryman video review

Mini Countryman Electric launched at Rs 54.90 lakh

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