
„Muss davon ausgehen, dass man einen sehr aktuellen Corona-Test mitbringen muss“

Im Interview mit WELT verteidigt Außenminister Heiko Maas die Entscheidung für eine Verlängerung der weltweiten Reisewarnung bis 14. Juni. Auch wenn eine Reisewarnung kein Reiseverbot sei, werde die Bundesregierung weitere Rückholaktionen im Sommer nicht wiederholen, so Maas.


Eine Reise durch die eigene Wohnung

Wer wegen der Corona-Krise seit Wochen kaum das Haus verlässt, erblickt nur noch wenig Neues. Was aber sieht man wirklich noch? Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, sein Reich in den eigenen vier Wänden neu zu entdecken.


Eine abenteuerliche Odyssee in der Ägäis

Die Haare im Wind, salzige Luft in der Nase, immer nah am Wasser: Eine Segelkreuzfahrt durch die Inselwelt der Kykladen ist ein Erlebnis. Zur echten Herausforderung wird sie, wenn der Meltemi in Sturmstärke bläst.


„Fotografie ist eine einsame Kunst“

Der Dokumentarfotograf Steve McCurry reist seit mehr als 40 Jahren durch die Welt. Jeder kennt sein „afghanisches Mädchen“. Nun gewährt eine visuelle Biografie den bislang persönlichsten Einblick in sein Schaffen.


Backstein, Rum und Pinguine – auf in den Norden

Als Reiseziel wird Deutschland dieses Jahr so gefragt sein wie nie. Interessant sind gerade dann Orte, die noch nicht überlaufen sind. Im ersten Teil unserer neuen Serie stellen wir fünf Städte im Norden des Landes vor.


Eine Liebeserklärung an das Fischbrötchen

Fischbrötchen sind ein Stück nordische Lebensart. Erst mit dem Genuss eines solchen beginnt der Urlaub an Nord- oder Ostsee wirklich. Was ein gutes Fischbrötchen ausmacht, ist aber Geschmackssache.


Classic Gear Spotlight: Roland TB-303 Bass Line

Synth guru Ross Kelly investigates the history of Roland's legendary TB-303 Bass Line Synth in this spotlight series exploring classic vintage gear.


The post Classic Gear Spotlight: Roland TB-303 Bass Line appeared first on Dubspot Blog.


NI Maschine 2.6 Software Update

Native Instruments releases Maschine 2.6 update packed with some impressive new functions and improvements loyal users will appreciate.


The post NI Maschine 2.6 Software Update appeared first on Dubspot Blog.


By Going To Maine in "Nature is Healing" on MeFi

Well, somebody didn't click through before commenting... Great job, 100%


By atrazine in "So how's that work from home working out for you at home?" on MeFi

I think a lot of managers don't know how to manage. When you're in an office, they can perform all sorts of work theater. When they're not, they have to find substitutes to prove they're doing something.

Bing - fuckin' - o

One of the things I do professionally is to help organisations move to flexible and remote working (yes, business is great right now) and the hardest thing is always the cultural and performance management aspects. Many/most managers have never had any training in - nor done any serious thinking about - management. They're like newborns with no object permanence, when things are not in their field of view, they don't exist. When you ask them to evaluate their staff, they give vague answers not backed up by evidence or linked to specific objectives.

It's not that hard. Assign people tasks, check that they have completed them correctly, give feedback. I don't care how much time my team spends wanking, watching prestige television, or reading during the day as long as they deliver me the stuff I've asked for when I've asked for it. I'm genuinely curious what kind of jobs even exist that can be done remotely but are not amenable to an output based way of working. Seriously, name one!

This kind of stuff makes me want to start putting people against the wall.


Author Amy Jo Burns On Her Debut Novel 'Shiner'

NPR's Scott Simon speaks with author Amy Jo Burns about her debut novel, "Shiner," set in the West Virginia mountains.


Coesfeld verschiebt Lockerungen um eine Woche

Nach dem Ausbruch des Coronavirus in einer Fleischfabrik in Coesfeld werden die Lockerungen teilweise verschoben. Mit mehr als 50 Infizierten pro 100.000 Einwohner gilt der Kreis als Risikogebiet.


UN-Sicherheitsrat steht in der Pandemie vor einer „Schande“

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat findet angesichts der größten Bedrohung der Gegenwart keine gemeinsame Haltung. Ein ausgehandelter Kompromiss droht am Streit zwischen den USA und China zu scheitern. Die USA stoßen sich im Entwurf der Corona-Resolution an einer Erwähnung.


Diese Risiken gehen Sie mit einem falschen Attest ein

Wer eine Reise nicht antreten will, hofft, dass sein Geld von der Rücktrittsversicherung zurückerstattet wird. Doch die zahlt nur bei nachgewiesener Krankheit – und nicht bei Pandemien wie dem Coronavirus. Vor allem ein Vorgehen ist riskant.


Noch immer misstrauen viele Deutsche dem Onlinebanking

In vielen Staaten vor allem Skandinaviens nutzt fast die gesamte Bevölkerung eine digitale Bankverbindung. In Deutschland sind es 86 Prozent. Vor allem Jüngere aber nutzen lieber das Smartphone als den Bankschalter


So verhilft Ihnen Ihr Chef zu einem E-Bike oder Rennrad

Wer in Corona-Zeiten lieber zur Arbeit radelt, sollte seinen Arbeitgeber ruhig nach einem Dienstfahrrad fragen. Weil sich das für beide Seiten lohnt, haben Sie gute Argumente, um Ihren Chef zu überzeugen. Diese Regeln sollten Sie kennen.


As Governors Urge Businesses To Reopen, Workers May Be Pushed Off Unemployment

There's a call Laura Jean Truman is dreading, and she's convinced it's just a matter of time before it comes. Truman, who's a server at Manuel's Tavern in Atlanta, says the source of her angst is the fear that sometime in the next few weeks her boss is going to call and say it's time to go back to work, putting her in the position of having to make a choice between her safety and being able to pay the bills that continue to arrive despite the coronavirus. "Right now, everyone who is not working at restaurants is able to be on unemployment," she told NPR. "But once restaurants decide to open, and if we decide that we don't feel safe going back into those restaurants, we then are no longer eligible for unemployment because then we have a job opportunity that we're turning down," Truman explained. "It's a tremendously scary thing to have to think about," she said. The predicament is one in which millions of people receiving state unemployment benefits along with federal dollars from the


Die vielen Fallen einer Fernbeziehung

Fernbeziehungen stellen Pärchen auf eine harte Probe: Zu wenig Zeit für Zweisamkeit ist anstrengend – überall lauern Fallstricke. Doch auch mehr Nähe heißt nicht automatisch mehr Glück.


Wie sage ich meinem Partner, dass er zu viel trinkt?

Hier ein Gläschen, dort ein Fläschchen: Alkohol kann bald zur Sucht werden. Doch wie spricht man einen Partner, einen Freund oder Verwandten auf seinen übermäßigen Konsum an?


Eine neue Liebe muss her – und zwar sofort!

Freunde und Psychologen sehen es kritisch, wenn Menschen auf eine gescheiterte Beziehung gleich eine neue folgen lassen. Doch wer schnell einen neuen Partner findet, gewinnt in jeder Hinsicht.


„Wir haben einen starken Hang zur Selbstüberschätzung“

Selbsterkenntnis, das klingt gut – nur sind wir schlecht darin. Wir halten uns ständig für besser, klüger und lustiger als wir sind. Schlimm? Nein, sagt Psychologe Steve Ayan. Er glaubt: Unser falsches Selbstbild tut uns gut.


Eine geheime Liebe macht obsessiv

Eine Beziehung, die – aus welchem Grund auch immer – geheim bleiben muss, macht den Partner attraktiver. Dafür leidet diese Art Partnerschaft allerdings unter anderen Problemen.


Pop songs needed for Genuine Music Group artist: J Grace

Looking for Latin-leaning pop songs for new debut 19 year old female recording artist J Grace. Prefer produced tracks in line with the genre we are requesting. Please review her video at:
- J Grace - Love Me feat. Frankie J

Genuine Music Group's producer/songwriter clients have been featured on sales of more than 140 million records. Over 70 RIAA Gold and Platinum awards have been earned by the company for it’s work on numerous contemporary artists including Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Jay Z, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Dr Dre, Robin Thicke, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Jennifer Lopez, Faith Hill, LeAnn Rimes, Trey Songz and more…

- Michael "Mav" Mavrolas / Genuine Music Group

Deal Type: Song Placement
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $501 - $1,000
Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: Tinashe "Superlove"


Positive tracks needed for Online Video & Advertising use up to £1,000 per use

Seeking positive music for use in online video & advertising campaigns!

Music must be good vibes, positive and upbeat. All genres considered ie, Dance, Rock, Jazz, Electronica, Pop, R&B, Hip Hop, Classical, Orchestral, Ambient... etc.

Music must be high-quality, mixed and mastered. Instrumental tracks preferred, but great vocal tracks accepted too and if you can supply instrumentals even better!

All music will be listened to, reviewed and feedback given. Artists must own all rights to their music and there must be no copyright infringement.

Selected tracks will be licensed on a non-exclusive basis (so you maintain all rights to your music), simply go 50-50 on deals we get for you and you keep 100% of all publishing rights.

Clients are professional video production companies and advertising agencies that make high-quality online video content. Including JD Sports, The North Face, Asics, Addidas, Pringles, to name a few!

Artist's receive between £50-£1,000 per track depending on use, and there’s no limit the number of times a track can be licensed. So, if you have any positive music really love to hear from you!

Any questions please feel free to ask and look forward to working with you :)

All the best,

- Giles Gale - Music supervisor, sync & Licensing Manager - Resonant Music Licensing Ps, Due to the number of submissions either myself or my colleague Liam at Resonant will respond to the submissions, thank you.


Beats needed for TV & Online Advertising Campaigns in South Korea ($500-$14,000 per use)

Currently seeking “beats” for use in TV & Online advertising campaigns in South Korea!
,br> When I say “beats”, I mean any tracks that are driven by a breakbeat, as one, if not the most dominant part of the track. Ie, Drum & Bass, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, Electronica, Edm, Trap, Grime, Experimental etc.

All tracks must be upbeat and have a “Phat Beat”, “Killer Beat”, “Sick Beats”, “Dope Beat” or whatever your preferred description would be.

Music must be well produced, high-quality, mixed and mastered. Instrumental tracks preferred please, but great vocal tracks can be accepted too (if you can supply instrumental versions even better) and all tempos considered.

Artists must own all rights to their music 100% on both sides and there must be no copyright infringement. All music will be listened to, reviewed and feedback given.

The average cost of TV advertising commercial in Korea is $800 to $1,500 per track, and for worldwide rights up to $14,000.

The average cost of Online & YouTube advertising in Korea is $500-$2500 (geo restricted for single country of Korea), and worldwide use for $3000-$5000.

Selected tracks be sent to clients in South Korea and music licensed on a non-exclusive basis (so you maintain all rights to your music), we simply go 50-50 on deals we get and you're paid quarterly.

The South Korean market is built on a unique structure, which is not the same as any foreign market structure around the world. Because of this Korea has a higher advertising music fee than most other countries. This may be due to systemic limitations that the performing royalties cannot be collected, but also because there is no subsequent secondary payment after the initial payment of music fees. The total amount paid in Korea is 100% mechanical payout.

Clients who will be using music in South Korea; Korea's major advertising agencies including the CHEIL and INOCEAN and brands such as; Samsung, LG, Hyundai and SK to name a few.

If you make “beats’ I really look forward to hearing from you !

All the best,

- Giles Gale - Music supervisor, sync & Licensing Manager - Resonant Music Licensing


948- John Pizzarelli Trio, Catherine Russell, Devotchka, Kate Vargas, Bob Thompson Unit

John Pizzarelli Trio, Catherine Russell, Devotchka, Kate Vargas and Bob Thompson Unit all in live performance. Support provided by Adventures on the Gorge.


For Prominent Women Discrimination Often Doesn't Stop At The Grave

Today on “Two Way Street” we’re discussing The New York Times obituary project “ Overlooked ” with its co-creator Jessica Bennett . From Ida B. Wells to Emily Warren Roebling , “Overlooked” features the retroactive obituaries of prominent women whose stories initially failed to make it into the Times obit section. Jessica, the Times’ newly appointed gender editor, joins us to discuss her work on “Overlooked” with the digital editor of the obituary desk Amisha Padnani . And since no conversation about obituary writing is complete here in Georgia without including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s longtime obit editor, we asked Kay Powell to join us, too. Kay served as obituary editor of the AJC from 1996 to 2009. “Overlooked” began after an exhaustive search of the Times’ obituary archives struck Jessica and Amisha with this epiphany: white men had historically dominated the newspaper’s obituaries. The two editors responded by writing obituaries for some of the women who had been


So, You're Not Talking Much In Quarantine. Here's How To Keep Your Voice Healthy

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit


U.K. Airlines, Airports Fear 'Devastating Impact' Of Possible Quarantine Rules

Airlines and airport operators in the United Kingdom are not waiting for the British government to publicly confirm their fears. Already, the groups representing major players in the U.K.'s air travel industry are pushing back on a proposal that would require travelers to quarantine after arriving from outside the country. A spokesperson for Airlines UK — a trade body with British Airways, EasyJet and Ryanair as members — says the group understands from government officials that plans for a quarantine are in the works, but that details remain scarce at the moment. "We need to see the detail of what they are proposing. Public health must of course be the priority and we will continue to be guided by Sage advice," the group said in a statement emailed to NPR, noting that support measures will be necessary to ensure "that we still have a UK aviation sector once the quarantine period is lifted." "We will be asking for assurances that this decision has been led by the science and that


Medical Minute: Better Therapies For Uterine Cancer

In this week’s Medical Minute, Dr. Joseph Hobbs, chairman of the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, discusses a push to study a group of genes that may hold the key to finding better therapies for women with a rare, aggressive uterine cancer. The Medical Minute airs at 8:18 a.m., 1:20 p.m. and 5:18 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday on the 17 GPB radio stations across Georgia. For more Medical Minute episodes, visit the Medical Minute 2020 SoundCloud page.


Friday Five: Jazzy Jeff’s Peter Piper Routine Played On Magnetic Tape

It’s Friday again, and that means a round-up of all that’s going on in the world of DJing, as reported by other websites and outlets. Enjoy this list of stuff we’ve been enjoying this week… The 100 Greatest UK Number Ones, 100-61 – Part 1 of this countdown, from the Guardian. Great for ideas to … Continued The post Friday Five: Jazzy Jeff’s Peter Piper...



U.K. Airlines, Airports Fear 'Devastating Impact' Of Possible Quarantine Rules

Airlines and airport operators in the United Kingdom are not waiting for the British government to publicly confirm their fears. Already, the groups representing major players in the U.K.'s air travel industry are pushing back on a proposal that would require travelers to quarantine after arriving from outside the country. A spokesperson for Airlines UK — a trade body with British Airways, EasyJet and Ryanair as members — says the group understands from government officials that plans for a quarantine are in the works, but that details remain scarce at the moment. "We need to see the detail of what they are proposing. Public health must of course be the priority and we will continue to be guided by Sage advice," the group said in a statement emailed to NPR, noting that support measures will be necessary to ensure "that we still have a UK aviation sector once the quarantine period is lifted." "We will be asking for assurances that this decision has been led by the science and that


VBA Outlook Macro (Online)

Looking for someone to write a VBA macro for Outlook involving searching for text within a table and deleting the table if that match is found within it; also detecting if it's being run a received message (as opposed to an open composition window) and, if so, triggering 'edit message' beforehand.


Data Engineer, Enterprise Partnerships (Remote)

This is a direct hire to my team, which is the client-facing arm of Superconductive. We're a really great company - a distributed team of kind, smart, interesting people who treat each other like human beings. Full job description is below - feel free to reach out with questions!

Our mission

Superconductive’s mission is to revolutionize the speed and integrity of data collaboration. We are the team behind Great Expectations, the leading open source tool for defeating pipeline debt through data testing, documentation, and profiling. Data teams all over the world use Great Expectations to boost the confidence, integrity, and speed of their work.

About the role

As a Data Engineer on Superconductive’s Enterprise Partnerships team, you will directly contribute to the success of our partnerships with enterprise clients. You will be responsible for owning the end-to-end process of designing, building, and deploying data pipelines, using Great Expectations for data validation and testing. As part of this, you will be exposed to a wide variety of clients, industries, and types of data infrastructure.

You will be expected to:

Develop a deep understanding of client needs and goals, as well as their existing data infrastructure
Design, build, and deploy different pieces of data pipeline infrastructure, such as tools for ETL, data warehousing, and workflow orchestration
Train our clients in best practices for building, maintaining, and validating their data pipelines
Synthesize learnings from client work and identify high value product improvements to feed back into Great Expectations

As part of Superconductive, you will also have opportunities to evangelize Great Expectations through conference talks, workshops, and blog posts, if you choose to do so.

Why join Superconductive?

Glad you asked!

We offer…

A world class team, with deep roots in open source, cutting-edge software and data development. We are actively cultivating a new cultural blend of excellent data engineering and AI-enabled technical workflows.

A fast-growing company with lots of opportunity for learning and personal growth.

A front-row seat to the rapid evolution of data science and engineering. Data work is going through a renaissance, and—as the leading provider of a key piece in the new technology ecosystem—Superconductive is right in the middle of it.

A kind, curious, and open-minded company culture. We are always seeking ways to improve ourselves and our processes; we keep these conversations open to the whole team. We prioritize empowering our team members rather than a command and control hierarchy.

A distributed team with lots of flexibility around timing and individual work preferences. We currently have teammates in the San Francisco Bay Area, Salt Lake City, New York, Michigan, North Carolina, and other places. We’d love to add your town.

And of course, competitive compensation (base salary + equity package) with available Medical, Dental, Vision & 401K.

Job requirements

Minimum two years of work experience as a data engineer or in a role with responsibilities including:
Design, implementation, and maintenance/management of data pipelines
Implementation and management of SQL databases

Proficiency in SQL and Python

Proficiency in engineering tools and best practices, such as version control and testing

Experience with data analytics and relevant tooling (e.g. Python data stack, R)

An excitement for interacting with clients and digging deep into new (to you) technologies and domains

Strong candidates for this role will most likely come from backgrounds in either data engineering or data science. We are looking for people with substantial experience building data pipelines, or experience developing software with a close affinity to data and analytics.

Great engineering is more than just technical proficiency. Our team is set up to support and build the following cultural skills. We don’t expect black-belt virtuosity. We do expect everyone to bring good ideas and habits, so that they can contribute to a collective culture of best practices.

Have data in your blood - the more curiosity you have about a wide variety of data from all walks of life, the better.

Communicate well—in writing, in person, and on Slack.

Be good at time management (e.g. estimating timelines, prioritizing tasks, avoiding rabbit holes, speaking up when you need help).

Possess keen antennae for the lived experience of technical work. We constantly seek out opportunities for delightful refactors to tools, workflows, and collaboration, gathering ideas from all team members.

Commit to a culture of transparency, cooperation, and mutual support in an entirely distributed team.

Play nice with others. Assholes need not apply.

Nice to haves

Experience in a client-facing role, e.g. sales engineering, implementations, forward deployed engineering

Project management experience

Experience with domain-specific data in multiple industries (e.g. healthcare, ad-tech, e-commerce)

Advanced skills in data analytics, statistics, or machine learning

Devops and data infrastructure skills are a plus (e.g. workflow orchestration tools, containerization)

Experience with software engineering, and possibly contributions to open source projects

Superconductive Health, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with Federal law and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 22.1800, the selected candidate will be required to provide documentation that will verify their identity and eligibility to work in the United States.


Move a WordPress blog to a new host (online)

I have a HostGator-hosted WordPress blog that is on an increasingly outdated version of PHP and WP. I would like to transfer it to a new host, ideally one that is cheaper and that lets me stop worrying about details like the PHP version. Setting up HTTPS would be good, too. The blog itself is a pretty standard WP installation without much in the way of plugins and with no custom code or complex theming, so hopefully the transfer will be simple.

I'm open to an hourly rate or a flat fee.


Mit einem „Stützsystem“ motivieren Sie Ihr Kind in der Pubertät

Während der Pubertät ist das Gehirn eine Großbaustelle. Schule ist bei vielen Jugendlichen nicht mehr die erste Priorität. Mit einfachen Regeln können Eltern ihr Kind trotzdem noch motivieren. Zwei Fehler sollten Sie jedoch tunlichst vermeiden.


Großbritanniens Elite-Schulen vor einer Pleitewelle

In Großbritannien sind seit Wochen die Schulen geschlossen, auch private Einrichtungen wie das berühmte Eton College. Für einige von ihnen wird es jetzt finanziell eng – auch weil nicht klar ist, ob überhaupt alle Schüler wieder kommen.


Erboste Lehrer, frustrierte Eltern – dieser Streit offenbart eine tiefe Kluft

Das Echo auf die Wutrede zweier WELT-Autoren gegen die Lehrer war riesig. Während andere Eltern die harsche und subjektive Kritik fast ausnahmslos bestätigen, wehren sich die Lehrer vehement. Der Streit ist unerbittlich, hat aber eine wichtige Wirkung.


Liebe Eltern, nach dieser Geschichte haben Ihre Lehrer keine Ausreden mehr

Mit einer Wutrede haben zwei WELT-Autoren den Zorn der Lehrer auf sich gezogen. Doch eine Recherche hat offenbart, dass schlechter Fernunterricht kein Naturgesetz ist. Reden Sie mit den Lehrern Ihrer Kinder über diese sechs Fälle – dann muss die Schule reagieren.


„Eine gläserne Decke – wie aus Titan“

Gemeinsam gegen Mini-Me: Victoria Wagner will mit einem hochkarätig besetzten Netzwerk Deutschlands allzu homogene Wirtschaftselite aufmischen. Warum ein kultureller Wandel nicht nur in den Chefetagen nötig ist, erklärt die Agenturchefin im Interview.


Ausgerechnet die Generation Y hat keine Lust, Chef zu sein

Großes Büro, stolzes Gehalt, Dienstwagen: Chef sein galt lange als ultimatives Karriereziel. Doch Umfragen zeigen, dass immer weniger Deutsche diesen Job übernehmen wollen. Ausgerechnet bei der dafür vorgesehenen Altersgruppe schwindet der Wunsch nach Führung.


Beim neuen Fahrrad machen Käufer oft einen typischen Fehler

Trekkingrad, Gravel-Bike oder Lastenrad? Das Angebot an Fahrrädern ist so vielfältig wie nie. Doch wie findet man das passende Modell? Käufer machen bei der Auswahl oft eine Sache falsch.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Dieser OLED-Fernseher sorgt für einen Farbenrausch

Mit dem OLED GX ist LG ein echter Hingucker gelungen. Im Test beeindruckte vor allem das Design des nur daumendicken Fernsehers. Auch die Bildschirmtechnik spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Wie aus einem Nerd-Projekt eine beliebte Programmiersprache wurde

Guido van Rossum hat die Programmiersprache Python Ende der 80er-Jahre entwickelt. Auch heute ist sie noch bei Netflix, Instagram und Co. im Einsatz. Für die weite Verbreitung gibt es einige Gründe.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Diese Walkie-Talkies eignen sich für kleine bis große Abenteurer

Egal ob für Rollenspiele, Camping oder andere Outdoor-Aktivitäten: Walkie-Talkies für Kinder bieten den Kleinen jede Menge Spielspaß.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Die ING-Kreditkarte hat einen entscheidenden Haken

Die Direktbank ING bietet eine kostenlose Kreditkarte an. Im Test überzeugte die Visa-Karte mit guten Konditionen und fairen Bedingungen. Wegen einer Änderung landete sie aber trotzdem nur im Mittelfeld.

  • Webwelt & Technik


Diese Online-Kurse machen Sie fit für den Umgang mit Geld

Keine Ahnung von Finanzen? Online-Kurse helfen Nutzern dabei, besser mit ihrem Geld umzugehen. Oft sind die Angebote sogar kostenlos. Die Teilnahme kann sich gerade in der Krisenzeiten lohnen.

  • Webwelt & Technik


So bekommen Sie für Ihr Haus eine lebenslange Rente – und wohnen weiter darin

Wer sein Haus nicht vererben möchte, kann es in eine lebenslange Rente umwandeln – ohne ausziehen zu müssen. Die Angebote dazu sind allerdings schwer vergleichbar. Drei Varianten können sich für unterschiedliche Eigentümer lohnen.


Dieser Online-Supermarkt bricht das Sonntags-Tabu

Der Online-Supermarkt Picnic bricht die Regeln und fordert damit auch Kirchen und Gewerkschaften heraus. Erstmals werden Kunden am Sonntag mit Lebensmitteln beliefert. Der Neuling will mit dem Vorstoß auch ein peinliches Problem lösen.


Union legt deutlich zu – Grüne nur noch in einer Altersgruppe vor CDU/CSU

Die Corona-Krise scheint das Zutrauen in die Unionsparteien zu steigern: In einer neuen Umfrage kommen CDU und CSU erstmals seit Jahren wieder auf 40 Prozent. Die SPD hingegen verliert deutlich. Die Grünen liegen nur noch in einer Altersgruppe vor der Union.